Solidarity with Sydney Anti-APEC protests – 7 September

Melbourne Alliance for Civil Disobedience Co-ordination (AC/DC)held a speakout at the APEC Finance Centre in Collins Street in solidarity with anti-APEC protesters in Sydney … There were speeches, poems, a song, police horses in training – and George W. was reported to the terror hotline …
Video from this protest is available on EngageMedia, but a link to Indymedia NZ for full texts of the main addresses, along with the text of “Police” and the AC/DC statement of “Reasons why we are protesting …”, is unfortunately no longer valid – There is, however, a round up of the anti-APEC protests on the website of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) – including one photo taken from the present post: See also this on Scoop –

Banner outside APEC office - To APEC and Bush, Australia  says NO

Another view of same

Protesters raise fists while statement is read

Robbie Thorpe with clenched fist

Placard - Who's the Tyrant, Howard?Mounted police, seen from behind