Stop Logging Victoria’s Native Forests – Bourke Street Mall 20 December 2013

Another chanced-upon protest, this time organised by The Wilderness Society Victoria and designed to catch the lunchtime bedlam outside the old GPO in the Bourke Street Mall:

Shoppers and others attracted by banner- Stop Logging etc

A leaflet handed to shoppers and other passers-by gave the background under the heading ” Logging Victoria’s Native Forests Doesn’t Make Cents”:

The leaflet
(Click on image to enlarge.)

Especially catching attention were representatives of two of the species most threatened by logging:

Protesters in owl and possum costume

Protesters in owl and possum costumes

The protest action had been advertised on the Wilderness Society Facebook page

Melbourne Pig Save – 15 December 2013

Woman with placard in front of 'pig' in cage, protesters in background - "Why Love One but Eat the Other?

We chanced on this and fortunately happened to have a pocket camera. Facebook followers would no doubt have known about it in advance … Here is a closeup of the ‘pig’:

'Pig' in cage with various posters

The Facebook page is here, and the website here.

Other sites of relevance:

ALV – Animal Liberation Victoria

Make it Possible

Edgar’s Mission

Among the leaflets being handed out, some designed to shock*, Edgar’s Mission offered their ‘Guide to a Kind Christmas’, which included some very delicious-sounding recipes, available for download here.

See also Vegan Easy, and the Vegan society of Australia.

* For example: ‘A Recipe for Tortured Christmas Pork and Ham’, for which the ingredients listed were:
1 pregnant pig
1 small metal cage (sow stall)(2.2m x 0.6m)
1 metal birthing cage (farrowing crate) (2.0m x 0.5m)
1 life of misery and deprivation
1 pair of clippers:

Part of 'recipe'

(Images on leaflet not reproduced here)

No Coal Exports Rally – 10 December 2013

View of protest from top of Bourke Street

Environment Victoria called a rally to protest at plans to extend Victoria’s highly polluting brown coal industry:

WHAT: Rally to say no to a polluting new coal export industry for Victoria

WHEN: 1:00-1:45pm, Tuesday, 10 December

WHERE: Steps of Parliament House, cnr Bourke and Spring Sts

WHY: The Victorian government is on the verge of allocating billions of tonnes of brown coal to the coal industry to kick-start a polluting new coal export industry.

Instead of squeezing the last drops out of a polluting resource, we want clean, safe energy, for a clean, safe climate. So let’s tell the government we don’t want to be part of the problem.

Join us with Friends of the Earth Australia, Quit Coal, Australian Youth Climate Coalition, Australia on the steps of Parliament House, Tuesday 10 December to say no to brown coal allocations and brown coal exports.

Confusion surrounding train timetables meant we missed the first half hour of the forty-five minute rally, but we were able at least to catch the moment when the “no” slogan on the placards lining the steps of Parliament House was switched to the “yes” one for renewables:

Placards spelling "No Coal Allocation"


Placards spelling "Yes to Renewable"

There is more background to the issue on the Protect Victoria page of the Environment Victoria website:


The Victorian and Federal governments have each committed half of a $90 million pool of money to support new coal projects in Victoria. It’s called the Advanced Lignite Demonstration Program (ALDP), and already coal companies are lining up around the block to get their hands on it. From what has been reported in the media , it’s clear that the companies putting up their hand for taxpayer subsidies are all interested in coal exports.

At the same time, the Napthine Government is considering allocating another 13 billion tonnes of coal to prospective miners in the Latrobe Valley . This would be bad news for our environment, the community and the diversity of the Latrobe Valley economy. We’ve successfully delayed the allocation twice, but the government has announced that they will make a decision on whether to proceed or not by the end of the year.

Previous government allocations have promised the earth in jobs and investment but delivered nothing. And yet the Victorian Government now wants to do it all over again.

If it goes ahead, the impact on our state will be devastating.

Up to 33 billion tonnes of brown coal could be handed over to coal companies to be dug up, hauled by trucks and trains across the state, and shipped from new ports in protected marine zones to China and India where it would ultimately be burnt.


More photos from the rally:

More on (NO) McDonald’s in Tecoma – 30 November 2013

November 30th was the day of the End of the Line festival in Belgrave, and also the day chosen for the concrete pour at the site of the ‘controversial’ (read: unwelcome) McDonald’s outlet in Tecoma (see earlier posts here and here, and the local campaign Facebook page. There was ‘No to McDonald’s in Tecoma’ stall at the market in Belgrave, and we also took time out to have a look at the site…

Campaign stall with protest gnomes

The stall at Belgrave

Stall with campaign t-shirts

Quite a few of the t-shirts were being worn on the day

Various views of the site as of 30 November:

The ‘highway’:

See also