
  Sign on to the Uranium Free Charter Western Australia
WA has never had a commercial uranium mine; we’ve had state wide bans on uranium mining and federal restrictions on uranium mining and a long history of public opposition.
It's time we stand up for WA's Outback. The rugged, beautiful landscapes and remarkable people of our Outback help make WA a special place. But our Outback is at risk from wildlife extinctions, the loss of healthy soils, feral animals and government neglect. Right now, the WA Government is deciding on historic reforms which could turn this around to create a brighter future for both nature and people.
In 2012 Australia created the world’s largest network of marine sanctuaries, protecting our marine life and way of life. But the Abbott Government has suspended our national network of sanctuaries, despite ten years of science and overwhelming community support (including from the majority of fishers). National icons like the Kimberley, Geographe Bay, Perth Canyon, the Coral Sea, Lord Howe Island and the Great Australian Bight are all at risk.
Hydraulic Fracturing (‘Fracking’) for gas or oil involves pumping a cocktail of highly carcinogenic and toxic chemicals deep underground at extreme pressure in order to fracture rocks and release natural gas. Where this has occurred elsewhere in the world it has resulted in the permanent contamination of groundwater aquifers. Here in WA, the fracking industry is currently active and unregulated. The Conservation Council is, with partners, campaigning to stop this dangerous process. Check out the Clean Water Healthy Land campaign site. Tell your MP, the Environment Minister and the Premier that you care - use the handy 'Find Your MP' function on our online action here. Check out the amazing advertisment that we've had made about the risks of shale gas fracking here.
Our beautiful South West forests are under threat from shocking new plans to increase karri and jarrah logging! Western Australia has forests that are globally significant biodiversity hotspots, containing a unique diversity of plant and animal species found nowhere else in the world. Forests are natural carbon stores, water filters and rain makers, but above all else are vital for a healthy eco-system and community.
Western Australians are among the biggest consumers of resources in the world and one of the biggest factors contributing to this unsustainable consumption is the lack of recycling activity here in WA. Just about everything we throw away can potentially be recycled, but in WA we send thousands of tonnes of packaging, building materials and other valuable resources to rubbish dumps around the state every year.
Are you empowered for a cleaner energy future? Empower WA is a collection of local community sector groups who believe that as West Australians we can reduce our bills, create jobs and fight climate change through positive policies and initiatives. We are working together to create a better future for our children. A vision for WA As West Australians, we are in a prime position to take advantage of green technology and new ways of doing things.