Stop Killer Coke rally – 22 July

“Colombia is the most dangerous place on earth to be a trade unionist. And if you work for one of the Coca Cola bottlers, the risk is even higher…”

View of rally, Sue Bolton speaking

Around 100 unionists, students and others gathered at Federation Square at 10.30 am in solidarity with workers in Colombia, for whom joining a union can often mean a death sentence.

Extracts from a flyer from the Colombia Demands Justice Campaign, who organised the rally:

July 22 is International Stop Killer Coke day. An international campaign has been working for the last year to raise awareness and put pressure on Coke to stop the abuses in Colombia and in the many other countries where their bottlers and distributors ignore basic union rights to organise. Here in Australia important unions like the ETU and CFMEU in Victora have thrown their weight behind the campaign.

In the last 12 years nine trade unionists have been directly killed for the role they have played in organising in Coca Cola’s Colombian factories…”

;Workers at Coca Cola bottling plants have been kidnapped, tortured and murdered. Demand Justice for Colombian Coca-Cola Workers!”

Contact – Phone – 9481 2273 – 9384 6960 – 0401 558 373.
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Liz addressing the rally

Liz, who compered the rally

Speaker from 'Revolution'

Speaker from ‘Revolution’

Union speaker

Union speaker

Back of jacket with Eureka oath


Sue Bolton from Socialist Alliance

Sue Bolton from Socialist Alliance

Lucho announcing a Colombian solidarity dinner

Lucho announcing a Colombian solidarity dinner