Body Bags protest – 22 December

On Sunday 22 December, the Medical Association for the Prevention of War and Federation of Community Legal Centres organised a vivid protest outside the British Consulate-General Offices in Collins Street, and later in the Bourke Street Mall. About 15 volunteers lay on the ground in body bags while notice boards showed the numbers of deaths in 1991 and the estimated numbers of people that will be killed in an attack on Iraq.

placards outside the Consulate

“Credible estimates of the total possible deaths on all sides during the conflict and the following three months range from 48,000 to over 260,000. Civil war within Iraq could add another 20,000 deaths. Additional later
deaths from post-war adverse health effects could reach 200,000. If nuclear weapons were used the death toll could reach 3,900,000. In all scenarios the majority of casualties will be civilians.”

During the event it was announced that two US warships were due to arrive in Melbourne on Boxing Day, one of them apparently nuclear capable and armed with Weapons of Mass Destruction – the very same alleged pretext for a US-led war on Iraq …

Body bags outside the British Consulate

Body bags outside the British Consulate

Body bags outside the Body Shop

Body bags outside the Body Shop

Another view in the Mall

Another view in the Mall

Protester holding handwritten placard on Women and War

Women and War