Palm Sunday Peace Rally – 13 April

In spite of a weather forecast of strong winds, thunderstorms and heavy rain – all of which came true – thousands turned out for the combined rally/ecumenical service in Melbourne, this year’s version of the traditional Palm Sunday peace march.

Marchers assembled in the Treasury Gardens before setting off down Flinders Street to collect those who had chosen to attend an ecumenical service at Federation Square. The march then continued through the city before returning to its starting point in the gardens – this was when the subtropical-style downpour began, effectively ending proceedings, although many chose to brave it out.

The march was led by children – appropriately, given the high number of child victims of US bombing – many portrayed on placards :

No War On Iraq banner held by children leads march

Women for Palestine were in the vanguard with images of bombing victims:Women for Palestine with images of war victims

There was no counting the number of different groups represented from all over Melbourne :

Greek and Cypriot Australians and Boroondara Peace group

Not sure if this happened by chance – Muslims for Peace and Jews for a Just Peace marching together:

Banners of Jews and Muslims for Peace

The Refugee Action Collective was there to make the connection between war and refugees – if there are still some who can’t see it:

Refugee Action Collective placards

And a bloodstained Uncle Sam with his collection of broken bodies:

Uncle Sam on stilts with bodies on a string

At Federation Square – inset the screen with texts for the day – “Blessed are the peacemakers…” :

Ecumenical service at Federation   Square

Some more banners:

Architects for Peace

'War is such bad fashion' - Queers for Peace

Friends of the Earth

Medical Association for Prevention of War