Our Aim

Equal Love is a nationwide campaign for marriage equality in Australia. Through taking a stand and taking to the streets, we aim to put pressure on the government to legislate for equal marriage rights so it no longer discriminates against LGBTI people.

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Sunday, 9 October 2011


A conference of the Victorian ALP today renewed its support for marriage equality, and called on the Gillard government to legalise same sex marriage.

Equal Love convenor Ali Hogg:
“It’s great that the Victorian ALP continues to support equal rights. What really matters now is the ALP’s national conference in December.

The opponents of equality at the conference today- who refused to publicly justify their bigoted stance- have said they are saving their arguments for the national conference. Our message to them is: so are we.

Equal Love is mobilising as many supporters as possible to protest at the ALP conference in Sydney this December.

We are demanding that the ALP listen to the community, including those within their own party, and commit to binding policy in support of full marriage equality at the national conference.

This is the key moment to see the current discriminatory ban abolished. Almost every state ALP branch is behind us, the majority of the Australian public is behind us, and the moral imperative is with us. Our message to Julia Gillard: continue to discriminate at your government’s own peril!”

ALP conference protest details: 12 noon, Saturday 4 December, Hyde Park, Sydney. Marching to the conference at Darling Harbour.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

‎Ali, Anthony and Tash from Equal Love tell us why they are heading to Sydney this December for RALLY FOR MARRIAGE EQUALITY AT ALP CONFERENCE. So why are you joining the fight for Marriage Equality? Share your video message with us, email them to equalloveaustralia@gmail.com

Wednesday, 28 September 2011


Nearly 200 protesters gathered outside Melbourne’s Park Hyatt hotel at an Equal Love protest to call for an end to Julia Gillard’s discriminatory continuation on the ban on marriage equality, joining forces with the Refugee Action Collective to also protest against her party’s treatment towards refugees.

Equal Love Convener Ali Hogg states:

“Equal Love were very pleased that so many people braved the rain in Melbourne to give Gillard a piece of our minds. We sent a message loud and clear today that we must see an end to discrimination in Australian law”

Carl Katter, openly gay half brother of homophobic federal MP Bob Katter, came out to throw his support behind the campaign for marriage equality giving a rousing speech:

“We actually have the majority of Australians behind us and that's something that we've really got to press. If the majority of Australians want to see marriage equality, then why isn't it happening?” Katter asked crowds.

Katter concluded his speech encouraging supporters of marriage equality to attend the National protest in Sydney on December 3rd outside the ALP National Conference.

NATIONAL CONFERENCE RALLY DETAILS: 12pm, Saturday December 3 at Hyde Park North (Sydney, NSW)

Monday, 26 September 2011

Carl Katter to Join Equal Love Protest at Gillard Melbourne Visit.

This Wednesday 28th of September Julia Gillard will be attending a lunch at the Park Hyatt . Equal Love and the Refugee Action Collective have joined forces to protest against Julia Gillard’s discriminatory continuation on the ban on marriage equality and her party’s treatment towards refugees.

With the ALP National conference only three months away, Equal Love call on all supporters of marriage equality to join us on this spring morning to maintain the pressure for marriage equality.

Equal Love Convener Ali Hogg states:

“With the recent motion in Tasmania supporting marriage equality, It’s super important to maintain the growing pressure on Gillard and others in the ALP, so we’re inviting all supporters to come out and show their support for equal rights. The majority of Australians support marriage equality and it’s about time the ALP took a stand on this issue and got rid of discrimination.”

Equal Love are very excited to have Carl Katter, brother of renowned homophobe Bob Katter, coming out to throw his support behind the campaign for marriage equality.

“It’s so fantastic that Carl Katter is speaking at the rally. I think he has proven to be an inspiration to many, having the bravery to come out publicly in the face of conservative brother , MP and head of the Australian Party, Bob Katter, who says the idea of same-sex marriage deserved to be ridiculed” Hogg concluded.

In response to speaking at the rally tomorrow Carl Katter states:
“I am the first to acknowledge the hard work the Labour Party has done in regards to Human Rights...but you can't progress half way...we either have equality or we don't. Marriage equality has to happen so that the hard work they have done is not diminished simply because they are pandering to the christian right!” Katter said.

GILLARD RALLY DETAILS: 11:30 am, Wed September 28 at Park Hyatt Hotel (1 Parliament Square), Melbourne.

NATIONAL CONFERENCE RALLY DETAILS: 12pm, Saturday December 3 at Hyde Park North (Sydney, NSW)

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

HISTORIC MOTION: Tasmanian Parliament First in Australia to vote for Marriage Equality

In a historical vote today we saw the Tasmanian Parliament be the first in Australia to vote for Marriage Equality.

The motion put by the Greens leader Nick McKim and was supported by Premier Lara Giddings and got overwhelming support by politicians with only 2 speaking against the motion in the debate.

The vote was passed 13votes for 9against to support marriage equality and called on the Federal Government to reform the marriage laws.

Australian Marriage Equality national convener, Alex Greenwich, said the vote will send a powerful message to the rest of the nation.

"Today's vote sends a compelling message to the Federal Government that it's time for all Australian couples to have legal equality", Mr Greenwich said.

Ali Hogg Convener of Equal Love Victoria was thrilled by the result:

“This is a historic day for marriage equality! A big congratulations to Tasmania!!”

“The Tasmanian motion is a great start if we want to see full marriage equality in Australia. It is a massive step forward and shows if we keep up the pressure we can actually win this campaign”

“It is vital that we keep up the pressure on the ALP so hopefully their members follow suit with their Tasmanian colleagues and support marriage equality at their National Conference in December” Ms Hogg concluded.

Equal Love invite all supporters of marriage equality across Australia to head to Sydney to protest outside the ALP National Conference this December.

NATIONAL CONFERENCE RALLY DETAILS: 12pm, Saturday December 3 at Hyde Park North (Sydney, NSW)

Monday, 12 September 2011

Equal Love Promo Video for Rally at the ALP National Conference in Sydney

Equal Love groups all around the country will converge in Sydney on December 3rd 2011 and combine forces to demand Marriage Equality. Marching to the National ALP Conference where the matter of Same Sex Marriage will be debated. With unquestionable national support for reform to allow a fairer more equal marriage act it is vital that the ALP walk out of the conference with an amended Marriage Act Policy. To be EQUAL you must be EQUAL. Love is Love. Join supporters from around the country in Hyde Park on December 3rd for the countries biggest rally for Marriage Equality.....to date.