Survival Day / Share the Spirit – 26 January

This wasn’t really a protest action, though perhaps there was a kind of reproach implicit in the contrast between this relaxed and gentle get-together and the media-biased events laid on by the the State to mark the day – celebrations that apparently required a display of machines made for killing people… There is a brief account of the proceedings on Melbourne Indymedia, with some pictures and links to the sites of some of the people involved. Here are a few more views-

The 3KND stall was draped in a huge banner outlining the long history of Australia from an Indigenous point of view:

History banner draped on 3knd stall

Little girl at microphone on stage

This young lady was keen to take part in the karaoke but was struck by last-minute stage fright

Stage, with Share the Spirit backdrop

The stage itself, with the theme of the event

Stalls of Infoshop and 3CR

Infoshop and 3CR had adjacent stalls

The scene at about 3.30pm

About 3.30pm

Man sitting on ground with dog

One of many very well-behaved dogs present