Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET)

Red de Solidaridad con los Pueblos Latinoamericanos

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LASNET in Solidarity with the Indigenous Peoples of Australia

From Black GST & Camp Sovereignty

The Howard Settler Governments invasion of the Northern territory is land-grabbing racism nothing more. This invasion is part of the neo liberal structural adjustment programme of Intuitions such as the World, Bank, the IMF & APEC to diminish and extinguish Indigenous rights forever.

Latin America Four Blocks

Latin America - Four Competing Blocks of Power

In reality there are four competing blocs of nations in Latin America, contrary to the highly simplistic dualism portrayed by the White House and most of the Left.
By James Petras

Protest/Rally for Colombia & Honduras, March 20

Thank you to all the comrades who came to the demonstration in support of the Latin American people, Honduras, Haiti and Chile. More than 50 people attended the demonstration on March 20th in Federation Square, Melbourne to protest the presence of US in Latin America and against the 7 military bases in Colombia and a strategic base in Honduras.

Our demonstration was also a protest against the regime of President Uribe because of its innumerable human rights violations through the forced displacements,the criminalisation of social movements, the jailing of peasents and indigenous people and the persecution of the people of Colombia by its anti-terrorist policies.

What is more our demonstration was also in support of the workers and union leaders who are suffering daily persecution for defending their rights. We send them fraternal greetings from Australia to the workers of the Coca Cola multinational in Colombia who are fighting for workers rights and their own survival.

We were also protesting the criminalisation of international solidarity, because the solidarity that we represent supports marginalised people and the original inhabitants of Latin America.

Thanks again to all the organisations and unions who gave their support for Sinaltrainal and the social organisations of Colombia on their behalf we send a big thank you.


Not to military bases in Latin America, September 11, 12:30pm

09/11/2009 - 12:30
09/11/2009 - 14:00

Different organisations and individuals are calling for a united protest to oppose the military Yankee presence in Latin America.

In Manta - Ecuador they said to them No, however now Alvaro Uribe the Colombian President Narco-trafficker said YES to SEVEN AMERICAN MILITARY BASES IN COLOMBIA, (information below)

... Unity is more than necessary today to oppose the neo-colonial attempts of the well known Yankee Empire, and the CAPITALIST
