Rally in support of Martin Kingham – 6 February

On Thursday 6 February, thousands of construction workers and supporters from other unions and the public rallied at Trades Hall before marching to the Melbourne Magistrates Court in support of CFMEU State Secretary Martin Kingham. A similar rally and march last October, when he first appeared in the court to answer charges of contempt arising from the royal commission into the building industry, also saw a huge turnout of supporters. Added spice was lent on this occasion by the granting of an injunction overnight to construction company Grocon aimed at preventing that company’s workers from attending. As Martin Kingham pointed out in a rousing speech, they came anyway…

The hearing was adjourned again, this time until April…

Banners of TCFUA

Many other unions were represented apart from the CFMEU, notably a contingent from textile, clothing and footwear workers

As the Trades Hall contingent arrived at the court, a solid mass of unionists from the south of the city was marching up William Street to meet them:

Second contingent march up William Street

The meeting of the two marches outside the court was a great sight for a unionist’s eyes :

Meeting of the two marches

Massed unionists - touch one, touch all

Touch One – Touch All!

Martin Kingham speaking from the steps outside the court

Outside the court

A guard of honour had escorted him into the court building …

Guard of honour through the massed unionists

Pushing through the police line

Brushing aside the police