Confucius (551–479 BC) was a Chinese teacher, editor, politician, and philosopher of the Spring and Autumn Period of Chinese history.
The philosophy of Confucius emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice, and sincerity. His followers competed successfully with many other schools during the Hundred Schools of Thought era only to be suppressed in favor of the Legalists during the Qin Dynasty. Following the victory of Han over Chu after the collapse of Qin, Confucius's thoughts received official sanction and were further developed into a system known as Confucianism.
Confucius is traditionally credited with having authored or edited many of the Chinese classic texts including all of the Five Classics, but modern scholars are cautious of attributing specific assertions to Confucius himself. Aphorisms concerning his teachings were compiled in the Analects, but only many years after his death.
Confucius's principles had a basis in common Chinese tradition and belief. He championed strong family loyalty, ancestor worship, respect of elders by their children (and in traditional interpretations of husbands by their wives), and family as a basis for ideal government. He espoused the well-known principle "Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself", an early version of the Golden Rule.
Story of Confucius
Genius of the Ancient World 3 Confucius BBC Documentary 2015
Confucius/Kung Tze _ Motion Picture In Full HD.flv
THE SAYINGS OF CONFUCIUS - FULL AudioBook | Greatest Audio Books | Eastern Philosophy
10 Life Lessons From Confucius We Should All Follow
Confucius - Master of Philosophy and Fortune Cookies! l HISTORY OF CHINA
2,000 Years of Chinese History! The Mandate of Heaven and Confucius: World History #7
The Life of Confucius animation.divx
Nightmare Fuel #11 - Confucius Family Liquor
Confucius Quotes and Sayings - Top 10
Confucius & Confucianism
Confucius Biography
Confucius film complet en francais
The world of our distant future is a veritable utopia, thanks to the lyrics of two simple-minded 20th Century rock and rollers, Bill S. Preston, Esq. and Ted "Theodore" Logan. However, a would-be conquerer threatens to throw history off-track by sending "most non-non-heinous" evil robot Bill and Teds back to kill their good counterparts. Finding themselves dead, the boys must outwit the Grim Reaper and traverse Heaven and Hell to return to the land of the living, rescue their "babes" and have a "most triumphant" concert at the all-important Battle of the Bands.
Keywords: 27th-century, actor-playing-multiple-roles, afterlife, altering-history, alternate-history, android, back-from-the-dead, battle-of-the-bands, bill-and-ted, character-appears-in-newspaper
Hell Hath No Pizza
Once... they made history. Now... they are history.
Bill & Ted party on!
It's a trip.
Whoa dude! Pressed hams!"
Grim Reaper: Don't overlook *my* butt, I work out all the time. And reaping burns a lot of calories.
Ted: I can't believe Missy divorced your Dad, and married mine.::Bill: Shut up, Ted.
Rufus: And very important, *do not* do your homework without wearing headphones. Repeat...
[Evil Bill & Ted are holding the real Bill & Ted over a cliff]::Bill: Ted, we gotta do something!::Ted: Dudes, even though you're doing this, we... we...::Bill: We love you!::Ted: We love you!::Evil Bill, Evil Ted: Fags!
Evil Ted: Aim for the cat, dude! Aim for the cat!
Evil Ted: I got a full-on robot chubby.
[Evil Robot Bill and Evil Robot Ted arrive at 1988]::Evil Bill: Not bad...::Evil Ted: Yeah. Let's make it bad.
[Dead Bill S. Preston almost falls down when climbing around in Hell]::Dead Bill: Ted.::Dead Ted: Yeah?::Dead Bill: If I die, you can have my Megadeth collection.::Dead Ted: But, dude, we're already dead.::Dead Bill: Oh. Well then they're yours, dude.
Heaven's Gatekeeper: [to the Grim Reaper] Don't I know you?
Grim Reaper: I believe Colonel Mustard did it in the study with the candlestick.::Dead Bill: Sorry, Death, you lose! It was Professor Plum!::Grim Reaper: I said Plum!::Dead Ted: No way! You said Mustard! Can we go back now?::Grim Reaper: Uh, best three out of five!::Dead Ted: I don't believe this guy!
Barrymore lampoons himself. A famous actor, given to drink, nearly destroys the show, but his leading lady returns to save it. Meanwhile a young girl tries to reform him.
Keywords: acrobat, actor, actress, chicago-illinois, debt, divorce, drunkenness, engagement, financial-crisis, fired-from-the-job
A young intellectual, J. Powers, loses his faith in God after the untimely death of his wife. He devotes his great talents to writing a shockingly blasphemous book, debunking all religion, and then embarks on a trip to Jerusalem. Far from reconciling him to God, the sight of all the different sects worshipping in that ancient city only serves to embitter him and deepen his unbelief. One day, wandering in the country, he loses his way and stops to ask directions at a small house. The inhabitants are a poor but devout family whose daughter, Ruth, revives his broken heart. At the risk of losing her, he confesses to her his loss of faith, and she gently declares that meditation on the Gospels will heal him. He sorrowfully tells her that he wishes he could believe as she does, but it is impossible. Exhausted by the discussion, Powers falls asleep and in a dream witnesses the entire panorama of the Old Testament, from the Garden of Eden through the prophets and the kings. In his dream, he repents; he then awakes, his faith restored. In the morning, he asks Ruth to marry him.
Story of Confucius
Genius of the Ancient World 3 Confucius BBC Documentary 2015
Confucius/Kung Tze _ Motion Picture In Full HD.flv
THE SAYINGS OF CONFUCIUS - FULL AudioBook | Greatest Audio Books | Eastern Philosophy
10 Life Lessons From Confucius We Should All Follow
Confucius - Master of Philosophy and Fortune Cookies! l HISTORY OF CHINA
2,000 Years of Chinese History! The Mandate of Heaven and Confucius: World History #7
The Life of Confucius animation.divx
Nightmare Fuel #11 - Confucius Family Liquor
Confucius Quotes and Sayings - Top 10
Confucius & Confucianism
Confucius Biography
Confucius film complet en francais
Discovering China - Confucius
BBC Genius Of The Ancient World Part 3 - Confucius - National Documentary
The Analects of Confucius - Audiobook
Confucius (feat. Soaky Siren) [Official Audio]
Confucius Say...
Les plus belles citations de Confucius
Confucius & Lao Tzu
Confucius - In Our Time BBC Radio 4
Confucius - Words of Wisdom 1 of 5
Confucius - Words of Wisdom 2 of 5
Confucius - Words of Wisdom 3 of 5
Confucius - Words of Wisdom 4 of 5
Confucius - Words of Wisdom 5 of 5
Cornfucius Say - Homer and Jethro (Cornfucius Say)
Doin' My Homework (While I Watch TV) - Homer and Jethro (Cornfucius Say)
Cousin John and Cousin Mabel - Homer and Jethro (Cornfucius Say)
Doctor Foo Man Choo - Homer and Jethro (Cornfucius Say)
Mother Goose Is Chicken - Homer and Jethro (Cornfucius Say)
A Slow Boat To China - Homer and Jethro (Cornfucius Say)
Gonna Send 'Em Home - Homer and Jethro (Cornfucius Say)
Oh Golly, Cornfucius - Homer and Jethro (Cornfucius Say)
Darlin' You Look So Good To Me - Homer and Jethro (Cornfucius Say)
Chow Hound's Lament - Homer and Jethro (Cornfucius Say)
My Boss - Homer and Jethro (Cornfucius Say)
Monsters of the World, Unite! - Homer and Jethro (Cornfucius Say)
4th Global Table: Interview with Shen Wei, Director, Confucius Institute at Lancaster University
BBC News 22 December 2014 How open is China's global Confucius Institute programme
World Religions: Confucianism
Interview with Confucius
Professor Jane Hu Youzhen Interview. (Confucius Institute Spring Festival 2015)
An Interview With Confucius
Confucius: An Overview of his Teachings ~ Expedient Means EMS2108
Chinese Competition Confucius Institute - Semi Finals 第六届汉语之星 - JongMay
3D Dialogue: Revival of Confucianism in China
Famous Dead People-Confucius & Socrates
Kantipur Aaja-Confucius Institute(KU),Nepal (August 01, 2012)
Confucius Institute "Kicked Out" from University of Chicago
The Confucius Institute at Bryant University
Guqin Concert Music of Confucius - Chinese Cultural Heritage 古琴北美琴社
The UCLA Confucius Institute: Connecting With China Through Language and the Arts
China, Confucianism and Christianity !
Chinese Regime Cancels Confucius Peace Prize
Confucianism as a World Religion
A World of Ideas with Bill Moyers - Tu Wei-ming A Confucian Life in America part 1 of 3 Harvard
Confucius - Words of Wisdom part 3 of 5 Du Weiming Wei-ming Tu Harvard University
Will Smith's Wisdom
Interview of 6/21/2009 Guqin Concert 高山流水覓知音 (Part 1 of 3)
If you don't give a fuck
You don't get a fuck
Give a fuck
Message from Confucius:
If you don't give a fuck
You don't get a fuck
Don't get a fuck
Don't get a fuck
If you don't give a fuck
You don't get a fuck
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck