Obama, Hillary, and All-Important 2076 Election


Looking ahead, yes, we’ll face some minor bumps in the road (e.g. economic, social, and environmental collapse) but I’m totally confident we’ll soon have America’s first female president — Hillary Clinton — and she’ll be in office until 2024. Hooray!!!!! What a proud moment for the world’s greatest nation. Equality is ours!!! Patriarchy is history!!!

The stoic, step-by-step march towards 2076 continues…

handpointRTig Please click here to read my full article! 

Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, & Our Culture of Violence


Press TV asked me for some comments pertaining to the military-related “debating” between the top two Democratic presidential candidates.

handpointRTig Please click here to listen to what I said!

Interview with Radical Feminist Alicen Grey (Fifth Column)


Q. What are the issues you focus on?

Grey: My primary concern is male supremacy. I believe that it’s the root cause of virtually all the violence in the world. I also educate people about psychological abuse, as I am a survivor of a one-on-one cult. It’s especially important for activists to understand how psychological abuse works, because cults prey on highly intelligent, driven and deeply empathetic people — and activists tend to fit that description.

handpointRTig Read the full interview here!

Patriarchy, Black Listing, and the Language of Birth


When radical feminist mother, midwife, and nurse-practitioner Mary Lou Singleton applied to have a $500 table with WoLF (Women’s Liberation Front) at the Midwives Alliance of North America (MANA) convention in Albuquerque, NM, she was denied.

“After a long and horrible series of emails, the VP of MANA actually stated that she believes patriarchy hurts men more than women and that women who believe there is a global brutal system of male supremacy oppressing female people are ‘dysfunctional’ and coming from a victim mindset,” Singleton explained. “I was told that the presence of WoLF in the exhibit hall would make people ‘feel unsafe.’”

Why, you might wonder, would someone who has served on the boards of directors of MANA and the National Association of Certified Professional Midwives and currently serves on the advisory board of the Stop Patriarchy Abortion Rights Freedom Ride and is the chair of the WoLF’s Reproductive Autonomy task force make people at a midwifery convention feel “unsafe”?

handpointRTig Please click here to read my full interview!

(Vegan) Food for (Healthy) Thought?


What we reflexively call “science” is more likely to be male-created, male-dominated phallo-technocracy. All those definitive (sic) studies we cite in posts, memes, blogs, and articles are typically funded by someone and that someone typically has an agenda — or else the study typically doesn’t happen. Not all agendas are nefarious, of course, but living within the constricting confines of a corporate culture makes it virtually impossible to discern intent when there’s a profit to be made.

All this brings me to a study that allegedly found: “Vegetarians displayed elevated prevalence rates for depressive disorders, anxiety disorders and somatoform disorders.”

When “research” like this is brought to the attention of vegans, some respond by sharing a study that allegedly found a plant-based diet to be beneficial to mental health. Spend a little quality with your search engine and you too will discover that “research” often “proves” the veracity of diametrically opposed results.

handpointRTig Please click here to read my full article!

Gore Vidal: Pedo/Rape Apologist


Gore Vidal, according to Wikipedia, was “an American writer (of novels, essays, screenplays, and stage plays) and a public intellectual known for his patrician manner, epigrammatic wit, and polished style of writing.” A little further down, his “polished, erudite style” is noted.

Hmm…what could they mean? Perhaps they were referring to that time (in 2009) when The Atlantic asked the patrician writer for his intellectual take on director Roman Polanski being arrested in Switzerland for leaving the U.S. in 1978 before being sentenced to prison for raping a 13-year-old girl at Jack Nicholson’s house in Hollywood.

The polished and witty Vidal replied: “I really don’t give a fuck. Look, am I going to sit and weep every time a young hooker feels as though she’s been taken advantage of?”

Vidal, yet another counterculture Left icon, went on to mock the “idea that this girl was in her communion dress, a little angel all in white, being raped by this awful Jew.”

(Note: The long list of Hollywood pedo/rape apologists who lined up in to sign a petition, asking for the release of Roman Polanski included: Woody Allen, Pedro Almodovar, Wes Anderson, Darren Aronofsky, Stephen Frears, Buck Henry, Wong Kar Waï, Harmony Korine, John Landis, David Lynch, Michael Mann, Julian Schnabel, Barbet Schroeder, Martin Scorcese, and Wim Wenders.)

Whether or not the self-described “pansexual” limited his depravity to being a loud apologist for sexual abuse and child rape is uncertain but some of Vidal’s family members have gone public on the topic.

If you scroll down far enough his Wiki page, you’ll find a section called “postmortem hearsay” in which we learn that Vidal’s nephew, Burr Steers, told the New York Times“I know (William) Buckley had a file on him that Gore feared. It would make sense if that material was about him having underage sex. Gore spent a lot of time in Bangkok, after all. Gore also had a very weird take on the abuse perpetrated by Catholic priests. He would say that the young guys involved were hustlers who were sending signals.”

Vidal’s half-sister Nina Straight has corroborated Steers’ story, comparing Vidal’s behavior to “Jerry Sandusky acts” – while Buckley’s son verifies that some kind of file once existed.

Perhaps some enterprising soul will move this information up towards the top of his Wiki page and add in Vidal’s epigrammatic comments related to the crimes of his comrade, Roman Polanski. You never know…

In the meantime, to discuss Vidal as a polished and erudite commentator on corruption and decadence without mentioning his status as (at least) an apologist for sexual predators is to support and sustain the rampant, ever increasing pedophile culture.


Jimmy Page: Whole Lotta Pedophile


The Beastie Boys once sang (sic): “If I played guitar I’d be Jimmy Page/The girlies I like are underage.” As far as I know, they’ve gotten a free pass for such a debased endorsement but there’s no question as to their lyrical veracity.

According to Wikipedia, James Patrick “Jimmy” Page, Jr. is “an English musician, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and record producer who achieved international success as the guitarist and founder of the rock band Led Zeppelin” who is “widely considered to be one of the greatest and most influential guitarists of all time.” 

While Wiki neglects to mention Page and his band’s notorious plagiarism, the far more egregious omission involves abduction, kidnapping, and pedophilia.

Here are the basic detailsIn 1972, at a nightclub in LA, Page met 14-year-old Lori Maddox.  In the unauthorized biography of Led Zeppelin, Hammer of the Gods, Maddox explains that Page “told his tour manager, Richard Cole, to ‘kidnap’ her and take her to the West Hollywood hotel the band was staying in. Maddox admits to being kept under lock-and-key, presumably to keep 29-year-old Page from being imprisoned for child sexual abuse.”

Of course, this is but one of many similar “rock star” stories.

Perhaps some enterprising soul will set the record straight by adding this missing information to Jimmy Page’s Wiki page. You never know…

In the meantime, to discuss Page’s musical reputation without mentioning his status as kidnapper and child rapist is to support and sustain the rampant, ever increasing pedophile culture.