New Left Review I/212, July-August 1995

Merryn Williams

The Prophet of Kelmscott

‘Grim tatty cities full of spivs, snobs and vandals’: that is a visitor’s verdict on England, a century after William Morris (1834–96). Obviously, he would have been disappointed, having hoped that an ideal society would begin to take shape some time in the 1950s. Obviously, too, people are better fed and housed and have more leisure than in the England Morris knew. Yet we plainly have not achieved what he hoped for, and not just because it was an impossible dream. [*] Fiona MacCarthy, William Morris: A Life For Our Times, Faber and Faber, London 1995, £25.

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Merryn Williams, ‘The Prophet of Kelmscott’, NLR I/212: £3

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