NLR cover image


  1. Tom Nairn: Labour Imperialism
  2. Agnes Heller: Shakespeare and History
  3. Igor Caruso: Psychoanalysis and Society
  4. R. F.: Producing the News
  5. Quintin Hoare: Education: Programmes and Men
  6. New Left Review: Introduction to Gramsci
  7. Antonio Gramsci: In Search of an Educational Principle
  8. Lee Russell: Budd Boetticher
  9. Michael Parsons: Luigi Nono
  10. Alan Beckett: The New Wave in Jazz: The Older Avant-Garde


  1. Roger Murray: The Ghanaian Road
  2. James Hinton: The Labour Aristocracy
  3. Henrietta Roberts: 'English for the Rejected'; 'Visions of Life'
  4. R. F.: 'Signor Roy'
  5. M. R.: 'Soviet Scientist in China'
  6. M. R.: 'The Challenor Case'
  7. Brian Darling: 'Contraception and Holiness'
  8. Fern Rich: 'Lawd Today'
  9. R. F.: 'Europe After the Rain'