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Copasetics – S/T CDEP

I was kindly sent this 4-track introduction to Copasetics by the band, and I’m glad they thought of me. For a group that’s only been around for a year or so, it’s a great first release that holds promise of more good things to come.

Taking their influence from real old-school swing-flavoured ska right through […]

Socialism For The Masses

I’ve come to realise that there are actually some benefits to be had by being part of this social network thing. So if you now take a look in the left sidebar, you’ll see an image that links to my facebook profile. For day-to-day tittle-tattle from yours truly, this is the place to go. I’ve […]

D&V – Inspiration LP / Nearest Door EP

Artist: D&V Ripped: Ernest Embryo Bitrate: FLAC or 320kbps

Release Details: The Nearest Door EP (1983 on Crass Records) Track Listing A1. Jekyll And Hyde A2. Wake Up A3. High Above A4. Today’s Conclusion B1. Step Inside B2. Dignity B3. S21RN

Release Details: Inspiration Gave Them The Motivation To Move On Out Of Their Isolation […]