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For the Abolition of Police

August 5, 2015 / 1 comment

A police force, where there are no crimes to discover and delinquents to arrest, will provoke or invent crimes… — Malatesta People involved in law enforcement are agents of the powerful against the weak, who readily mobilize and deploy arbitrary and unpredictable violence and destruction. The hateful and demented pro-police comments made in mass and…

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The Stone Age Revisited

August 4, 2015 / 0 comments

By M. Annette Jaimes, AJODA #35, 1993 An Indigenist View of Primitivism, Industrialism and the Labor Process “Those damned lazy Mexicans. You can’t get ‘em to work. Always takin’ siestas during the best part of th’ day. It’s no wonder they end up livin’ like dogs, th’ way they lay around doin’ nothin’. But that’s…

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Preparations for the Next Riot

August 4, 2015 / 0 comments

By Adam Bregman, AJODA #35, 1993 For a moment there during the L.A. Riots there was jubilation as people showed they could take the streets back from the police, if only for a night or two. Poor people were able to attain things they could otherwise never afford. Capitalism’s excess products that forever waste away…

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Loose Cannons: Love, Relationships, Jealousy, Rejection and Liberation

August 4, 2015 / 0 comments

By Adam Bregman, AJODA #35, 1993 Love should be free. Nothing has the potential to be more liberating. Here we have the power to take more control of our lives and not be as tied down by clocks and bosses. Yet most of the people I know have relationships that are more disabling, confining and…

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Life in Revolutionary Barcelona

August 4, 2015 / 0 comments

By Manolo Gonzalez, AJODA #35 & #36, 1993 Part One: The libertarian idea in a modern city Our house in Barcelona, in the Ramblas, conveniently close to the Rialto Cinema, was an ancient, respectable building. It was reconstructed in the late 1800s, on the site of a dwelling that we like to believe was originally…

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An Anarchist Defense of Pornography

August 4, 2015 / 0 comments

By Boston Anarchist Drinking Brigade, AJODA #35, 1993 Pornography continues to be a controversial issue, including among anarchists, whom one might expect to be among the strongest supporters of free sexual expression. However, many anarchists have criticized pornography and some have supported and or participated in the antipornography movement, the members of which not infrequently…

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Anarchist Aesthetics: A Few Notes Towards a Libertarian View of the Arts

August 4, 2015 / 0 comments

By Kingsley Widmer, AJODA #35, 1993 There can’t be, of course, an “anarchist aesthetic” in the sense of a doctrine of authoritative rules, a hierarchy of manners and forms and genres, or any orthodoxy of elitist proprieties and subjects or demanded styles and responses. Those impositions unto repression belong with the usual pieties, not with…

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Against Amnesia

August 4, 2015 / 0 comments

By (d)anger, AJODA #35, 1993 There are moments when life seems entirely impossible. All the crazy dreams of rebellion disappear. The desire to revolt against the society of the civilized is lost to futility, the open but empty hand. All of the late-night laughter filled conversations, the meanderings and wanderings of those intoxicated with thoughts…

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Postcards from Prison

August 4, 2015 / 0 comments

By Nick DiSpoldo, 1992, AJODA #34 Pages from a jailhouse journal The Southern Desert Correctional Center (SDCC) is located in open, arid desert, forty miles north of Las Vegas and just twenty-eight miles south of the U.S. nuclear test site at Mercury, Nev. Inmates joke that it will require but one significant mathematical mistake and…

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Howls from the Hole

August 4, 2015 / 0 comments

By Ann Howe, 1992, AJODA #34 Sensory Deprivation is the reduction of sensory stimulation to a minimum. It is depriving human beings of all normal contact with their environment through sight, hearing and movement. Folsom prison, in California, confines inmates to special cells with only necessary facilities and enough food to keep them alive. They…

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