- published: 12 Dec 2011
- views: 223563
Alexander Selkirk (1676 – 13 December 1721), also known as Alexander Selcraig, was a Scottish sailor who spent more than four years as a castaway after being marooned on an uninhabited island in the South Pacific Ocean, also known as the South Sea.
Selkirk was an unruly youth, and joined buccaneering expeditions to the South Sea. One such expedition was aboard Cinque Ports, commanded by William Dampier. The ship called in for provisions at the Juan Fernández Islands off Chile, and Selkirk judged correctly that his craft was unseaworthy and asked to be left there.
By the time that he was rescued, he had become adept at hunting and making use of the resources that he found on the island. His story of survival was widely publicised when he returned home and became a probable source of inspiration for writer Daniel Defoe's fictional character Robinson Crusoe.
Alexander Selkirk was the son of a shoemaker and tanner in Lower Largo, Fife, Scotland, born in 1676. In his youth, he displayed a quarrelsome and unruly disposition. He was summoned before the Kirk Session in August 1693 for his "indecent conduct in church", but he "did not appear, being gone to sea." He was back at Largo in 1701, when he again came to the attention of church authorities for beating up his brothers.
Alexander Selkirk - the Real Robinson Crusoe adventure story extreme
The Life and Adventures of Alexander Selkirk, by John Howell
Top 5 Real Life Castaways
Weir's Way - Alexander Selkirk Part 1
Weir's Way - Alexander Selkirk Part 2
Alexander Selkirk - Le véritable Robinson Crusoé
Alexander Selkirk - Video Learning - WizScience.com
The Solitude of Alexander Selkirk, by William Cowper
Robinson Crusoe Island
Weir's Way - Alexander Selkirk
Actors: Marvin Miller (actor), Howard Jackson (composer), Jackson Winter (director), Roberto Barff (actor),
Genres: Drama, Short,True story of survival and isolation. Inspiration for the novel by Daniel Defoe.
LibriVox recording of The Life and Adventures of Alexander Selkirk, by John Howell. Read by James K. White. This work was the true story of Alexander Selkirk (1676 to December 13, 1721), a Scottish sailor who was employed in a number of different trades during his early life. As a young man, Selkirk learned the skills of tanning and shoemaking, and later became a buccaneer (a government-sanctioned pirate) on the Cinque Ports, working his way up to the position of ship's sailing master or navigator. But in the case of Selkirk, his experiences would eventually help him to survive his isolation on a deserted island in the Juan Fernández archipelago, off the coast of Chile, where he spent 52 months before being rescued. The Life and Adventures of Alexander Selkirk is a real-life “survivor ma...
Top 5 Real Life Castaways. Everyone knows about Robinson Crusoe and Cast Away with Tom Hanks. This list contains 5 interesting cast away stories that really happened! 5. José Salvador Alvarenga José Salvador Alvarenga is a Salvadoran man who was found on 30 January 2014, aged 37, in the Marshall Islands, and claimed to have spent 13 months adrift in a fishing boat in the Pacific Ocean. He is reported to have survived on a diet of raw fish, turtles, small birds, sharks, and rainwater. He swam to shore at Ebon Atoll on January 30. Two locals, Amy Libokmeto and Russell Laikedrik, found him naked, clutching a knife and shouting in Spanish. On February 3 he was treated in a hospital in Majuro before flying to his family home in El Salvador on February 10. 4. Joseph Rangel Rangel and Lorenzo...
Tom visits Largo, home to the celebrated Scottish Admiral Sir Andrew Wood and the 'real life Robinson Crusoe' Alexander Selkirk.
Tom visits Largo, home to the celebrated Scottish Admiral Sir Andrew Wood and the 'real life Robinson Crusoe' Alexander Selkirk.
Si tout le monde connait les aventures de Robinson Crusoé, peut d'entre nous peuvent prétendre savoir d'où ce personnage tient sont inspiration. Aventurier Ecossais du XVIII ème siècle, Alexander Selkirk se retrouve exilé plusieurs année sur une île déserte avant de pouvoir raconter son histoire. L'écrivain Daniel Defoe y trouvera une source d'inspiration pour son roman à succès. Musique : Chee Zee Jungle - Primal Drive par Kevin MacLeod est distribué sous la licence Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source : http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100684 Artiste : http://incompetech.com/
"Alexander Selkirk" , also known as "Alexander Selcraig", was a Scottish sailor who spent more than four years as a castaway after being marooned on an uninhabited island in the South Pacific Ocean . An unruly youth, Selkirk joined buccaneering expeditions to the South Sea, including one commanded by William Dampier, which called in for provisions at the Juan Fernández Islands off Chile. Selkirk judged correctly that his craft, the "Cinque Ports", was unseaworthy, and asked to be left there. By the time he was rescued, he had become adept at hunting and making use of the resources he found on the island. His story of survival was widely publicised when he returned home and became a likely source of inspiration for the writer Daniel Defoe's fictional character Robinson Crusoe. Th...
William Cowper's poem, told in the voice of the shipwrecked Alexander Selkirk, on whom Daniel Defoe based his Robinson Crusoe.
Traveler and Lonely Planet author Carolyn McCarthy travels to Chile's remote Robinson Crusoe Island. Known as a pirate pit stop and the shelter for castaway Alexander Selkirk, the island is now home to 600 Chileans, most of them lobstering families. McCarthy explores the challenge of just arriving to this forgotten outpost, goes fishing with artisan lobstermen, hikes to Selkirk's lookout and gets a taste of a life dependent of monthly shipments from the mainland.
Series following climber, author and broadcaster Tom Weir as he travels around Scotland exploring its landscape, natural history and meeting its people. In each programme Tom delves into social history, physical geography and the life and times of people in the area - past and present, with a charm and civility that Tom has become known for. In this episode the history of Alexander Selkirk is featured.
Please watch: "A Sea of Troubles by P. G. Wodehouse | Short Stories | Audiobook" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XmmLfcF7Jk -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Life and Adventures of Alexander Selkirk | John Howell | Biography & Autobiography | Audiobook full unabridged | English Content of the video and Sections beginning time (clickable) - Chapters of the audiobook: please see First comments under this video. This work was the true story of Alexander Selkirk (1676 to December 13, 1721), a Scottish sailor who was employed in a number of different trades during his early life. As a young man, Selkirk learned the skills of tanning and shoemaking, and later became a buccaneer (a government-sanctioned pirate) on the Cinque Ports, working his way up to the position of ship's sailing master or navigator. But ...
►►Help Us Reach 100k Subscribers! - http://bit.ly/listz10 From a man who had to cut off his own arm to escape certain death to a woman who survived a plane crash by sitting on the tail of the plane. We count down 10 crazy Stories of People that survived the impossible! ►Help Us Reach 100k Subscribers! - http://bit.ly/listz10 Countdown List 10 - The 47-Day Raft Ride from Hell 9 - Alexander Selkirk, a Scottish Troublemaker 8 - Man and dog survived snow-buried SUV for 3 days 7 - 9 days in the Sahara Desert 6 - Amputated lower right Arm to Survive the Mountains 5 - Struck by Lightning 7 Times 4 - Andes Survivors Stranded for 72days 3 - Frane Selak 2 - The Stewardess who survived a terrorist attack 1 - The Impossible Real-Life Survivor Legality Agreement Background music copyright ...
Kevin Janiak talks to Selkirk chairman Craig Douglas, manager Fraser Lothian and captain John Waldie after their 3-1 victory at Victoria Park
http://www.whyilovethisbook.com – BOEKENTIPS IN 1 MINUUT – "Ik lees enorm graag obscure boeken, zo ook de biografie van Alexander Selkirk, een zestiende-eeuwse zeeman." – Andy Fierens, 39, dichter, auteur, Antwerpen.
A short TV interview for the Adventure Travel Film Festival where Between Home will be screening on the 14th-16th of Feb, 2014
WeAreChange recently got the opportunity to meet and Interview Joe Lozito, the selfless hero who put his life on the line to stop a serial killer. The story is only magnified when Joe finds out, that while being stabbed by the serial killer, the NYPD was standing by watching everything unfold from the safety of the conductors door. Currently in a legal suit, the NYPD and City of NY is arguing that the NYPD has NO duty to protect its own citizens. If you want to learn more about Joe and be updated about his court case follow him on https://twitter.com/joe_lozito Joe is petitioning Judge Margaret A. Chan to get his day in court against the NYPD. Please sign and share! https://www.change.org/petitions/honorable-judge-margaret-a-chan-i-want-judge-chan-to-grant-me-my-day-in-court-against-th...
In the 18th century, Thomas Douglas, fifth Earl of Selkirk, became the unexpected support for displaced families who were evicted from their homes in Scotland during the period known as "The Highland Clearances." Through his determination and their courage, the evicted moved west to Manitoba taking refuge on the prairie.
10. Alexander Selkirk 1704-1709 İskoçyalı denizci 4 yıldan fazla süredir bir adada mahsur kaldı. Zamanını İncil okuyarak geçiren denizci İngiliz gemileri tarafından bulundu. 9. Joe Simpson 1985 Dağcı Simpson, Siula Grande Dağı'na tırmanırken bacağını kırdı. Arkadaşı tarafından ölüme terkedilen Simpson, 3 gün boyunca 5 mil sürünerek kurtulmayı başarır. 8. Douglas Mawson 1912-1913 Antartika kaşifi Mawson, keşif sırasında arkadaşlarını ve keşif köpeklerini kaybeder. 30 gün boyunca mücadele ederek 100 mil kat eder ve keşif kurtarma ekipleriyle karşılaşır. 7. Commerce Gemisinin Mürettebatı 1815-1817 Bedeviler tarafından esir tutulan Amerikan askerleri kaçarak, Sahra Çölü'nü geçer. Kurtarılmadan önce biri kendi kolunu yemeye çalışır bir diğeri deve sidiği içer. 6. Poon Lim 1942-1943 Gemisi t...
Ein englischer Seemann und seine Geschichte wurden unter dem Namen Robinson Crusoe weltberühmt: 1704 wurde Alexander Selkirk wegen Meuterei im Südpazifik ausgesetzt. Er sollte vier Jahre und vier Monate ganz allein dort bleiben. Der Name und die Position der Insel war lange nur Eingeweihten bekannt: Más a Tierra, 400 Seemeilen westlich von Santiago de Chile.
►iPhone 5 im Wert von 899,- gewinnen: http://bit.ly/1jpcni2 ►Die besten Dokus in HD 25% RABATT: http://amzn.to/1cchmxv Terra X - Die Schatzinsel des Robinson Crusoe - Doku/Dokumentation Ein englischer Seemann und seine Geschichte wurden unter dem Namen Robinson Crusoe weltberühmt: 1704 wurde Alexander Selkirk wegen Meuterei im Südpazifik ausgesetzt. Er sollte vier Jahre und vier Monate ganz allein dort bleiben. Der Name und die Position der Insel war lange nur Eingeweihten bekannt: Más a Tierra, 400 Seemeilen westlich von Santiago de Chile. Robinson Crusoe, der Schiffbrüchige, der auf einer einsamen Insel zum Überlebenskünstler wurde, ist als Romanfigur weltbekannt. Wahrscheinlich inspirierte den Schriftsteller Daniel Defoe das Schicksal des englischen Seemanns Alexander Selkirk, der ...
17 april 1993 - Aflevering 7: Isla Robinson Crusoe Verslag van een wereldreis van Boudewijn Büch waarin hij zoekt naar sporen van het verleden en deze keer Isla Robinson Crusoe voor de Chileense kust bezoekt. Boudewijn B¸ch vertrekt per vliegtuigje uit Santiago de Chile en daarna per boot naar Isla Robinson Crusoe (Islas Juan Fernandez) waar hij de plaatsen BahÌa el Padre, Mirador en Puerto Ingles bezoekt, onder andere per muilezel, waar Alexander Selkirk, die model stond voor de romanfiguur Robinson Crusoe, ooit ruim vier jaar doorbracht. SHOTS: begraafplaats int. grot waar Alexander Selkirk woonde.
The islanders at Juan Fernandez entertained with Yankee doughnuts -- The beauties of Robinson Crusoe's realm -- The mountain monument to Alexander Selkirk -- Robinson Crusoe's cave -- A stroll with the children of the island -- Westward ho! with a friendly gale -- A month's free sailing with the Southern Cross and the sun for guides -- Sighting the Marquesas -- Experience in reckoning.
Robinson Crusoe Daniel DEFOE (c.1660 - 1731) Daniel Defoe’s The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner (1719) is considered by many the first English novel. Based on the real-life experiences of the castaway Alexander Selkirk, the book has had a perrenial appeal among readers of all ages-–especially the young adult reading public–-who continue to find inspiration in the inventive resourcefulness of its hero, sole survivor of a shipwreck who is marooned on an uninhabited island. Especially poignant, after more than two decades of unbroken solitude, is the affection that Robinson develops for Friday, another survivor fleeing certain death at the hands of enemy tribesmen from the South American continent. (Summary by Denny Sayers) Genre(s): Action & Adventu...
Genre: Report: Dokumentation Weitere Informationen Produktion: Wahrscheinlich inspirierte den Schriftsteller Daniel Defoe das Schicksal des englischen Seemanns Alexander Selkirk, als er sein berühmtes Buch "Robinson Crusoe" schrieb. Selkirk wurde 1704 wegen Meuterei auf der Insel Más a Tierra im Südpazifik ausgesetzt. Ein verschollener, legendärer Piratenschatz soll auf der kleinen Insel verborgen sein, den ein Forscherteam bergen will. Lange Zeit nur Eingeweihten bekannt, war die strategische Bedeutung des 700 Kilometer vor der chilenischen Küste gelegenen Archipels für das Spanische Weltreich durchaus groß. Englische Freibeuter versuchten von dort aus, die Vorherrschaft der Spanier vor den Küsten Südamerikas zu brechen, indem sie spanische Gold-Galeonen auf ihrem Weg nach Panama kaperte...
Daniel Defoe's The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner (1719) is considered by many the first English novel. Based on the real-life experiences of the castaway Alexander Selkirk, the book has had a perrenial appeal among readers of all ages---especially the young adult reading public---who continue to find inspiration in the inventive resourcefulness of its hero, sole survivor of a shipwreck who is marooned on an uninhabited island. Especially poignant, after more than two decades of unbroken solitude, is the affection that Robinson develops for Friday, another survivor fleeing certain death at the hands of enemy tribesmen from the South American continent. (Summary by Denny Sayers) Subscribe https://www.youtube.com/user/eigoda1 登録のお願い 英語を浴びる https:...