British fighter jets were scrambled to intercept three Russian planes that committed an “act of aggression,” the U.K.'s defence secretary said. RAF Typhoons left their base in Estonia to obstruct the planes which were approaching Baltic countries...Try Newsweek. Subscription offers....
Article by Correspondent DallasDarling. Slavery and segregation is inherently violent, and so was the urban race riots and black militants of the 1960’s; the beating of the black man Rodney King by Los Angeles police in 1992, and uprising that followed the acquittal of the police officers who beat King; the attacks on Sept ... And yet, deliberate nonviolent civil disobedience was embodied by one of the greatest activists. Dr....
(CNN)Capable of hitting targets 3,400 miles away, China's "Guam killer" missile is raising new fears of a growing Chinese threat to major U.S. military installations and stability in the Pacific Rim. A congressional panel has issued a report warning of the dangers of the missile, during a week in which U.S.-China tensions flared anew with a U.S. Navy destroyer sailing close to a Chinese-claimed island in the South China Sea... Read More ... ....
1, 2014, a population of immigrants that the Obama administration has identified as priorities for deportation, according to Homeland Security spokeswoman Marsha Catron."We must enforce the law." – Marsha CatronShe added that federal agents will only target individuals who have already been issued a deportation order by an immigration court....
"KMRKawasaki were also running JeremyMcWilliams, Danny Webb and Darren James in the class and the team have made a joint decision today that all three riders will be on the grid for Saturday’s four-lap race." ... The first four riders to complete lap three were Lintin, Hillier, Farquhar's team mate Jeremy McWilliams and Martin Jessopp....
Ryan Farquhar is seriously ill in hospital following a crash with fellow racer Dan Cooper at the North West 200...Share Go To ... The first four riders to complete lap three were Lintin, Hillier, Farquhar's team mate JeremyMcWilliams and Martin Jessopp ... Farquhar had announced his retirement from racing in 2012, but returned to win the opening Supertwin race last year and finish runner-up in the second behind McWilliams ... RelatedContent....
Ryan Farquhar is seriously ill in hospital following a crash with fellow racer Dan Cooper at the North West 200...Share Go To ... The first four riders to complete lap three were Lintin, Hillier, Farquhar's team mate JeremyMcWilliams and Martin Jessopp ... Farquhar had announced his retirement from racing in 2012, but returned to win the opening Supertwin race last year and finish runner-up in the second behind McWilliams ... RelatedContent....
Record-breaker Alastair Seeley laid down a marker in sensational final qualifying ahead of tomorrow’s VauxhallInternationalNorth West 200 by taking pole position in all three major classes — Superbike, Superstock and Supersport. The Wee Wizard, who had been tied on a record 15 NW200 wins with the late Robert Dunlop before moving ahead last night with victory in the opening Supersport race, said ... Seeley said ... 1 A ... A ... McWilliams 106.554....
On board the Mar-Train Yamaha, JeremyMcWilliams — deputising for the injured Dan Kneen — was a respectable 11th fastest at 118.060mph on his first serious outing on the machine ...William Dunlop, Ryan Farquhar and McWilliams finished in 10th, 12th and 14th positions respectively ... Lintin and Farquhar both flew through the speed trap at 158.8 mph while McWilliams was 14th at 153mph ... McWilliams 105.902....
U.S.District JudgeTerrenceBerg is continuing his testimony Wednesday in the trial of the man accused of shooting him outside his Detroithome last year ... “He had a gun ... “I fell on my right side ... Call 911.’ ” ... Under cross-examination by Smith’s attorney, JohnMcWilliams, Berg admitted he could not positively identify the man who shot him, although he said Smith’s eyes were distinctive and that he remembered how the shooter’s eyes looked....
(Source. Wittenberg University). Springfield, Ohio - Wittenberg University's 166th Commencement exercises will take place Saturday, May 14, in picturesque CommencementHollow, where members of the university community will celebrate scholarship with 357 degree candidates slated to cross the stage ... Guests should be seated at either venue no later than 11 a.m ... Thomas B ... SarahHagenMcWilliams, will be accepting the award on her behalf....
Recent alleged terror plots reveal deeply troubling patterns in the FBI's practices. Since 9/11, the FBI and NYPD have solved dozens of terror plots that its own agents and assets manufactured, including some against synagogues ... Manipulation ... In 2011, I interviewed AliciaMcWilliams, the aunt of one of the Newburgh Four defendants ... McWilliams continued, “Then I met with him this past July, and I asked him how it would feel to be used....
(Source. Wittenberg University). Springfield, Ohio - As anticipation grows for the more than 357 students set to graduate during Wittenberg's 166 Commencement exercises on Saturday, May 14, other distinguished guests will be recognized along with the class of 2016 ... Her husband, Mr. Thomas B. Hagen, and daughter, Ms. Sarah Hagen McWilliams, will be accepting the award on her behalf ... and will deliver the keynote address ... About Wittenberg....