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Civil Liberties Watch | Elections | Food & Health | Chew on this: Why do we accept poverty in a nation as rich as Canada? | Oct 17 2015 | Joe Gunn, Leilani Farha | When did Canada decide that 4.9 million people living in poverty was something that we consent to as a nation?
Elections | Media Matters | Bent on dissent: on the strange phenomenon of Editorial Political Endorsements | Oct 17 2015 | Matthew Hays | A few thoughts on the strange phenomenon of Editorial Political Endorsements -- and memories of the time the Globe and Mail gave one of its writers a chance to pen a dissenting editorial.
Photo: pmwebphotos/flickr
Anti-Racism | Elections | Feminism | From Marois to Harper, niqab debate plays with xenophobic fire | Oct 16 2015 | Monia Mazigh | When we were children, we were told that if we played with matches, we risked being burned. Playing with the fire of Islamophobia, Stephen Harper would do well to heed that warning.
Anti-Racism | Elections | Who should Arabs and Muslims vote for this election? | Oct 16 2015 | Ehab Lotayef | The NDP's response, was clear, direct and straight forward. It addressed most of the issues we raised with clear commitments of action.
Civil Liberties Watch | Elections | Food & Health | No real improvement on poverty in Canada | Oct 16 2015 | Darlene O'Leary | "On the Margins" shows the far-reaching impact of poverty, hitting communities across Canada. Remember that when you go and vote.
Photo: pmwebphotos/flickr
Elections | Politics in Canada | Highlights and fears from election 2015 | Oct 16 2015 | Rick Salutin | Many moments stand out from one of Canada's longest election campaigns. Rick Salutin looks back at a few and ponders the possibility of a worst-case scenario after the election.
Photo: Sally T. Buck/flickr
Elections | NDP | Politics in Canada | Progressives' post-election task: Organizing for change | Oct 16 2015 | Murray Dobbin | Post-election, creating change will be the critical task of all progressives -- take what we know is possible and use it to rebuild community, reclaim the commons and build a broad social movement.
Elections | Has this been the truthiest election in Canadian history? Just maybe. | Oct 16 2015 | Nora Loreto | What have we learned about politics after a 10-week campaign where the truth is as elusive as polling data?
Stephen Harper
Elections | Brothels? Neighbourhood injection sites? Have the Cons jumped the shark? Or is the nightmare just beginning? | Oct 16 2015 | David J. Climenhaga | If we have reached the moment when the vaunted Conservative election machine is producing nothing but loud guffaws, more Laurel and Hardy than Kafka, then maybe the nightmare really is over.
Elections | Politics in Canada | Votes count here: Leadnow backs NDP in contested Vancouver Granville riding | Oct 16 2015 | Tyson Kelsall | Leadnow's strategic voting campaign to get rid of Harper has sparked controversy after endorsing NDP candidate Mira Oreck over Liberal Jody Wilson-Raybould.
Elections | Politics in Canada | Harper is a serial abuser of power. Here are 70 facts to prove it. | Oct 16 2015 | rabble staff | Stephen Harper is a serial abuser of power. How do we know? Because the Tyee compiled a 70-item list.
Image: Flickr/Anirudh Koul
Elections | Finally. 'Fertile ground' for a national child-care program | Oct 16 2015 | Martha Friendly | There seems to be fertile ground for the long-awaited national child care program to become a reality.
Image: Flickr/pmwebphotos
Elections | Five ways the Harper Government changed Canada | Oct 16 2015 | Stuart Trew | Yes, it's clickbait. But it's the damnedest clickbait you'll ever read.
Elizabeth May
Elections | Exclusive: Elizabeth May on political reform, climate change and democracy | Oct 16 2015 | Christopher Majka | Green Party leader Elizabeth May is an environmental dynamo on a mission to shake-up Canadian politics. I talk with her about climate change, political reform, foreign trade, deficits, and democracy.
Elections | Food & Health | Why my dad and I will vote for health | Oct 16 2015 | Vanessa Brcic | As a family physician, the most important way I can help (and not harm) my patients, is to vote for health care in this election.