
Don't mark his face: Hull prison riot, 1976

HMP Hull

Pamphlet about the Hull prison riot of 1976 including an introduction and a personal account by former Angry Brigade member Jake Prescott.

Debs: The Last Presidential Candidate Worth Voting For

Bernie Sanders’ attempts to appeal to the legacy of a true class militant like Eugene Debs are laughable and pathetic, writes Anton Johannsen.

Weekend at Bernie’s

However fed up they may claim to be, a certain portion of the Left in the United States remains sympathetic if not outright loyal to the Democratic Party: Jurassic Marx's takedown of Berniemania.

To Hell With Democracy?

Rather than blanket rejection or blind leftist worship, communists should aim for a more nuanced position on democracy that recognizes its importance in working class organizations as well as its limitations.

Abolição do trabalho e a questão do circuito produtivo global no comunismo

Traduzimos alguns trechos extraídos da intervenção de Libcom no debate "Parecon or libertarian communism?" ("Economia participativa ou comunismo libertário?"):

Socialist faces in high places: Syriza's fall from grace and the elusive electoral road - Enrique Guerrero-López and Adam Weaver

An article by Enrique Guerrero-López and Adam Weaver on the dead-end road of parliamentary socialism.

Confronting vigilante responses in accountability work: the need for accountability in everything we do - Romina Akemi

An article by Romina Akemi about accountability processes and some of the ways they can be badly handled.

Prehistory of The Idea: Part One

Gabriel Charavay

A revised chapter on a projected book ,The Idea: Anarchist Communism Past, Present and Future

Against borders and capital: an interview with Eduardo Romero

A 2013 interview with an anti-capitalist and anti-borders activist based in Asturias in Spain, published here for its relevance to ongoing struggles against borders and to facilitate the sharing of experiences and practices across Europe. Translated from the ‘Qué Hacemos’ section of, 21/09/2013.

Lines of Work: Stories of Jobs and Resistance (review)

By Scott Nikolas Nappalos, ed. (Alberta, Canada: Black Cat Press, 2013). Review by Jared Davidson, first published in LHP Bulletin 64.