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  • 'Objectives of New Australia, December 1892', New Australia (Wagga Wagga), vol. 1, no. 2, 17 December 1892. Transcript HTML Transcript PDF Details
  • 'Objectives of New Australia, November 1892', New Australia (Wagga Wagga), vol. 1, no. 1, 19 November 1892. Transcript HTML Transcript PDF Details
  • O'Brien, M, East of Suez, Australian Railways Union, Sydney, April 1966. Image PDF Details
  • Occupy Melbourne, Images: Day 1, 2011, http://occupymelbourne.org/media/images/. Details
  • Occupy Melbourne, OM Digest, OM Digest. Link courtesy of Wil Wallace, 2012, https://www.youtube.com/omdigest. Details
  • Occupy Melbourne (ed.), I Occupy Because:, Occupy Melbourne, 2012. Also available at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.317105334996734.77297.262356017138333&type;=3. Details
  • Occupy Melbourne, Occupy Melbourne Reflects: Workshop Document I, First of three documents, Occupy Melbourne Reflects, Melbourne, 27 June 2012. PDF Details
  • Occupy Melbourne, Occupy Melbourne Reflects: Workshop Document II, Second of three documents, Occupy Melbourne Reflects, Melbourne, 27 June 2012. PDF Details
  • Occupy Melbourne Facilitation Working Group, Occupy Melbourne Guide to the People's Assembly, Second process document produced by the Occupy Melbourne facilitation working group, [This copy courtesy of Beth Muldoon], Melbourne. PDF Details
  • Occupy Melbourne Facilitation Working Group, Proposal Form, [This copy courtesy of Beth Muldoon], Melbourne, 2011. PDF Details
  • Occupy Melbourne Facilitation Working Group, Model introduction for general assembly, [This copy courtesy of Beth Muldoon], Melbourne. PDF Details
  • Occupy Melbourne Facilitation Working Group, Occupy Melbourne Guide to the General Assembly, [This copy courtesy of Beth Muldoon], Melbourne, 2011. PDF Details
  • Occupy Melbourne Facilitation Working Group, New Occupy Melbourne Guide to the General Assembly, [This copy courtesy of Beth Muldoon], Melbourne, 2012. PDF Details
  • Occupy Melbourne Media Team, Occupy Melbourne Calls for Treaty with the First Nations of Australia, [This copy courtesy of Beth Muldoon], Melbourne, 2011, 1 pp. PDF Details
  • Occupy Melbourne Media Team, ABC Questions, Notes for an Occupy Melbourne activist in preparation for an interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) on 25 October 2011., [This copy courtesy of Beth Muldoon], Melbourne, 25 October 2011. PDF Details
  • Charts for "Occupy Melbourne Reflects", Occupy Melbourne Reflects, Melbourne, 2012. PDF Details
  • Occupy Melbourne Reflects: Workshop Document III, Third of three documents, Occupy Melbourne Reflects, Melbourne, 27 June, 2012. PDF Details
  • O'Connor V.G, 'Art and Fascism', Australian new writing, vol. 2, Current Book Distributors, Sydney, March 1944, pp. 47-52. PDF Details
  • O'Connor, Vic, 'A criticism of Adelaide's "Angry Penguins"', Communist Review, August, Central Committee Communist Party of Australia, Sydney, 1944, pp. 302-3. Image PDF Details
  • O'Dowd, Bernard, Poetry militant, T. C. Lothian, Melbourne, 1909, 29 pp. PDF Details
  • O'Dowd, Bernard, 'The value of literature to a young nation (An address delievered to the Free Religious Fellowship.)', Fellowship: a monthly magazine of undogmatic religion and social and literary criticism (Melbourne), vol. 5, no. 5, September 1918. Image PDF Details
  • O'Dowd, Bernard, 'Young democracy', The poems of Bernard O'Dowd, Lothian, Melbourne, 1941, pp. 59-61. PDF Details
  • O'Dowd, Bernard, 'Proletaria', The poems of Bernard O'Dowd, Lothian, Melbourne, 1941, pp. 47-57. PDF Details
  • O'Dowd, Bernard, 'Dawnward?', The poems of Bernard O'Dowd, Lothian, Melbourne, 1944. PDF Details
  • Official Monash University letter sent by the Academic Registrar J. D. Butchart to Mr A. Langer, August 1969. images PDF Details
  • The Old Mole: Special Supplement, no. 8, Haydn Thompson, Sydney, 8 March, 3 pp. images PDF Details
  • O'Lincoln, Tom, Into the mainstream: the decline of Australian Communism, Stained Wattle Press, Sydney, 1985. Image PDF Details
  • On the Road, no. 6, [This scan courtesy of Viola Wilkins], Sydney, July-Sept, 32 pp. images PDF Details
  • On the Road, no. 7, [This scan courtesy of Viola Wilkins], Sydney, Oct-Dec, 36 pp. images pdf Details
  • 'On the work of CPA locality branches; Political Program for Queensland;; Committees; Party Organisers', in CPA: The Party of Australian Democratic Socialism (Queensland State Conference November 1980), Brisbane, November 1980. Image PDF Details
  • One Big Union, 8th edn, Industrial Workers of the World, Philadelphia, 2001. Image PDF Details
  • 'One man, one vote', Beacon (Melbourne), vol. 1, no. 6, 1 October 1893. Image PDF Details
  • Open Letter to PND General Meeting (October 31, 1982), 31 October. Image PDF Details
  • An open-letter to women, Melbourne, 1917. Image PDF Details
  • Oppose supplies for Japanese militarism’s war preparations., Challenge Press [This scan courtesy of State Library of Victoria], Coburg, 1971. Image PDF Details
  • Oppression in Society - Freedom Day: July 4, Association for International Co-operation and Disarmament (AICD), Sydney, June 1970. Image PDF Details
  • Orams, Wendy and Stuart McQuire, Rainforest: Recognise your Connections, Melbourne Rainforest Action Group, August 1990. Image PDF Details
  • O'Reilly, Ciaron, Let's Not Get Carried Away: Poems from Queensland, Ciaron O'Reilly [This scan courtesy of Viola Wilkins], Brisbane, 1986, 15 pp. images PDF Details
  • Organizations to contact concerning anti-war activity, information, or advice, Melbourne, 1968. Image PDF Details
  • Orr, W and Nelson, C, Coal; the struggle of the mineworkers, Central Council Miners' Federation, 1930s?. Image PDF Details
  • 'Our Programme', The Pioneer (Adelaide), 2 May 1891, p. 1. Image PDF Transcript HTML Transcript PDF Details
  • 'Our wasted resources', The Worker [Queensland] (Brisbane), 26 October 1895. Image PDF Details
  • Outline of Decisions made at Bakery Conference January 1970, Monash Labour Club, Melbourne, January 1970. images PDF Details
  • Ovaries Forever: IWW Sister Workers Newsletter 1999-2000, Industrial Workers of the World, 1999. Image PDF Details