a scene from the movie "The Message" ) According to Arabic sources, Aṣḥama ibn Abjar was Emperor or al-Najashi (Arabic: النجاشي al-Najāshī) of Aksum at the ...
Ethopian Christian King saves Muslim Captives
Ethopian Christian King saves Muslim Captives
Ethopian Christian King saves Muslim Captives
According to Arabic sources, Aṣḥama ibn Abjar was Emperor or al-Najashi (Arabic: النجاشي al-Najāshī) of Aksum at the time of Muhammad, and gave refuge to sev...
Life of Muhammad(SAW) Part 16: First & Second Migration of Muslim to Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
Life of Muhammad(SAW) Part 16: First & Second Migration of Muslim to Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
Life of Muhammad(SAW) Part 16: First & Second Migration of Muslim to Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
5th years of Dawah month of Rajab i.e 7 B.H(before Hijra).15 people 11 men & 4 women migrated.Usman ibn Affar(RA:) & his wife Rukaiya(RA:) ,Usman ibn Maduun(RA:),Abdul ibn Auf(RA:) Zubair ibn Awwam(RA:),Abu Salama & Umme Salema,Musaad ibn Umair(RA:),Amir ibn Rabiya(RA:) & Laila(RA:) & many other.Unlike 2nd migration,1st migration was public.Amir ibn Rabiya(RA:) & Laila(RA:).Laila(RA:) was loading her camel & Umar(RA:) asking where you travelling to?When he came out to know that the matter become so worst Umar(RA:) said may Allah(SWT) be with you.Umma Salema(RA:) said we begun to live in a peaceful land where no one bother us or disrupt us to
a scene from the movie "The Message" ) According to Arabic sources, Aṣḥama ibn Abjar was Emperor or al-Najashi (Arabic: النجاشي al-Najāshī) of Aksum at the ...
Ethopian Christian King saves Muslim Captives
Ethopian Christian King saves Muslim Captives
Ethopian Christian King saves Muslim Captives
According to Arabic sources, Aṣḥama ibn Abjar was Emperor or al-Najashi (Arabic: النجاشي al-Najāshī) of Aksum at the time of Muhammad, and gave refuge to sev...
Life of Muhammad(SAW) Part 16: First & Second Migration of Muslim to Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
Life of Muhammad(SAW) Part 16: First & Second Migration of Muslim to Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
Life of Muhammad(SAW) Part 16: First & Second Migration of Muslim to Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
5th years of Dawah month of Rajab i.e 7 B.H(before Hijra).15 people 11 men & 4 women migrated.Usman ibn Affar(RA:) & his wife Rukaiya(RA:) ,Usman ibn Maduun(RA:),Abdul ibn Auf(RA:) Zubair ibn Awwam(RA:),Abu Salama & Umme Salema,Musaad ibn Umair(RA:),Amir ibn Rabiya(RA:) & Laila(RA:) & many other.Unlike 2nd migration,1st migration was public.Amir ibn Rabiya(RA:) & Laila(RA:).Laila(RA:) was loading her camel & Umar(RA:) asking where you travelling to?When he came out to know that the matter become so worst Umar(RA:) said may Allah(SWT) be with you.Umma Salema(RA:) said we begun to live in a peaceful land where no one bother us or disrupt us to
a scene from the movie "The Message" ) According to Arabic sources, Aṣḥama ibn Abjar was Emperor or al-Najashi (Arabic: النجاشي al-Najāshī) of Aksum at the ...
a scene from the movie "The Message" ) According to Arabic sources, Aṣḥama ibn Abjar was Emperor or al-Najashi (Arabic: النجاشي al-Najāshī) of Aksum at the ...
According to Arabic sources, Aṣḥama ibn Abjar was Emperor or al-Najashi (Arabic: النجاشي al-Najāshī) of Aksum at the time of Muhammad, and gave refuge to sev...
According to Arabic sources, Aṣḥama ibn Abjar was Emperor or al-Najashi (Arabic: النجاشي al-Najāshī) of Aksum at the time of Muhammad, and gave refuge to sev...
5th years of Dawah month of Rajab i.e 7 B.H(before Hijra).15 people 11 men & 4 women migrated.Usman ibn Affar(RA:) & his wife Rukaiya(RA:) ,Usman ibn Maduun(RA:),Abdul ibn Auf(RA:) Zubair ibn Awwam(RA:),Abu Salama & Umme Salema,Musaad ibn Umair(RA:),Amir ibn Rabiya(RA:) & Laila(RA:) & many other.Unlike 2nd migration,1st migration was public.Amir ibn Rabiya(RA:) & Laila(RA:).Laila(RA:) was loading her camel & Umar(RA:) asking where you travelling to?When he came out to know that the matter become so worst Umar(RA:) said may Allah(SWT) be with you.Umma Salema(RA:) said we begun to live in a peaceful land where no one bother us or disrupt us to follow our religion.The king during that time in Abbasynia was Asshuma & Muhammad(SAW) said about him that he s a just king because he allow people to follow their religion.
More then 80 muslim went to the second migration lead by Jafar ibn Abu Talib(RA:),from the 1st migration Usman ibn Affan(RA:) & his & in Shahih Bukhari by Umm Salima(RA:)when we landed in Abbssynia negus treated us well hospitality,we even didn't heard any one redicule against us. & his wife Rukaya(RA:),Umma Salema(RA:) & Abu Salema(RA:) & Mussad ibn Umayr(RA:) .After that Muslim lived in Abbsynia for 10 years until Muslim able to defeat all enemies of Islam. Their was civil war between Negus force vs his family member.Jubair ibn Awwan(RA:) focus on the battle.On the meantime Muslim prayed of Negus & his force.Ummar ibn Ass(RA:) The migration known as the first Hijarat was made in two groups totalling more than a hundred persons. According to Islamic tradition, eleven male and five female Sahabah, the Muslims who originally converged in Mecca, sought refuge from Quraysh persecution in the Kingdom of Aksum in the seventh Islamic month (Rajab) of 7 BH (614–615 CE) in the first batch. This act is known as the first migration to Abyssinia; Abyssinia in this incident because of the Arabic word Al-Habasha, whence "Abyssinia" is derived. They returned after three months to Arabia due to misinformation, only to find that the persecution had not halted. "The hardships and sufferings borne by the Muslims were ever on the increase. Muhammad at last permitted them to emigrate to some other place. Abyssinia at that time was ruled by a Christian King, Aṣḥama ibn Abjar, (who according to Muslim tradition, later embraced Islam), famous for his mercy and equity. In Rajab of the fifth year of the mission, the first group immigrated to Axum. The group comprised about eleven men and four women. The Qureysh pursued them to the port to capture them, but their vessels had left the shore. When the group reached Axum, they heard the rumour that the whole tribe of the Qureysh had accepted Islam. They were naturally very much pleased at the news and returned to their country. On approaching Mecca, they learnt that the rumour was false and the persecutions were going on unabated. Some of them decided to return to Axum and the rest entered Mecca, seeking the protection of a few influential people. This is known as the first migration to Axum. Later on, a bigger group of eighty-three men and eighteen women immigrated to Axum (separately). This is called the second immigration to that country. Some Sahabah took part in both the migrationsFirst migration[edit]
In seventh Islamic month (Rajab) of 7 BH (614–615 CE),[4] eleven men and four women undertook the first migration.[5] The group was headed by a companion called Uthman bin Maz'oon.
They snuck out of Mecca on a dark night and headed for the sea where two boats happened to be sailing for their destination, Axum. News of their intended departure reached Quraish, so some men were despatched in their pursuit, but the Muslims had already left Shuaibah Port towards their secure haven where they were received warmly and accorded hospitality by the Negus, Aṣḥama ibn Abjar, also called al-Najashi, (Arabic: النجاشي). Among these emigrants were Uthman and Ruqayyah The second migration consisted of 79 men and 9 women. According to some reports the number is 83 men and 18 women (The number differs largely). This group was headed by Ja'far ibn Abī Tālib, who was also the only person from the Banu Hashim clan who migrated to Axum.
5th years of Dawah month of Rajab i.e 7 B.H(before Hijra).15 people 11 men & 4 women migrated.Usman ibn Affar(RA:) & his wife Rukaiya(RA:) ,Usman ibn Maduun(RA:),Abdul ibn Auf(RA:) Zubair ibn Awwam(RA:),Abu Salama & Umme Salema,Musaad ibn Umair(RA:),Amir ibn Rabiya(RA:) & Laila(RA:) & many other.Unlike 2nd migration,1st migration was public.Amir ibn Rabiya(RA:) & Laila(RA:).Laila(RA:) was loading her camel & Umar(RA:) asking where you travelling to?When he came out to know that the matter become so worst Umar(RA:) said may Allah(SWT) be with you.Umma Salema(RA:) said we begun to live in a peaceful land where no one bother us or disrupt us to follow our religion.The king during that time in Abbasynia was Asshuma & Muhammad(SAW) said about him that he s a just king because he allow people to follow their religion.
More then 80 muslim went to the second migration lead by Jafar ibn Abu Talib(RA:),from the 1st migration Usman ibn Affan(RA:) & his & in Shahih Bukhari by Umm Salima(RA:)when we landed in Abbssynia negus treated us well hospitality,we even didn't heard any one redicule against us. & his wife Rukaya(RA:),Umma Salema(RA:) & Abu Salema(RA:) & Mussad ibn Umayr(RA:) .After that Muslim lived in Abbsynia for 10 years until Muslim able to defeat all enemies of Islam. Their was civil war between Negus force vs his family member.Jubair ibn Awwan(RA:) focus on the battle.On the meantime Muslim prayed of Negus & his force.Ummar ibn Ass(RA:) The migration known as the first Hijarat was made in two groups totalling more than a hundred persons. According to Islamic tradition, eleven male and five female Sahabah, the Muslims who originally converged in Mecca, sought refuge from Quraysh persecution in the Kingdom of Aksum in the seventh Islamic month (Rajab) of 7 BH (614–615 CE) in the first batch. This act is known as the first migration to Abyssinia; Abyssinia in this incident because of the Arabic word Al-Habasha, whence "Abyssinia" is derived. They returned after three months to Arabia due to misinformation, only to find that the persecution had not halted. "The hardships and sufferings borne by the Muslims were ever on the increase. Muhammad at last permitted them to emigrate to some other place. Abyssinia at that time was ruled by a Christian King, Aṣḥama ibn Abjar, (who according to Muslim tradition, later embraced Islam), famous for his mercy and equity. In Rajab of the fifth year of the mission, the first group immigrated to Axum. The group comprised about eleven men and four women. The Qureysh pursued them to the port to capture them, but their vessels had left the shore. When the group reached Axum, they heard the rumour that the whole tribe of the Qureysh had accepted Islam. They were naturally very much pleased at the news and returned to their country. On approaching Mecca, they learnt that the rumour was false and the persecutions were going on unabated. Some of them decided to return to Axum and the rest entered Mecca, seeking the protection of a few influential people. This is known as the first migration to Axum. Later on, a bigger group of eighty-three men and eighteen women immigrated to Axum (separately). This is called the second immigration to that country. Some Sahabah took part in both the migrationsFirst migration[edit]
In seventh Islamic month (Rajab) of 7 BH (614–615 CE),[4] eleven men and four women undertook the first migration.[5] The group was headed by a companion called Uthman bin Maz'oon.
They snuck out of Mecca on a dark night and headed for the sea where two boats happened to be sailing for their destination, Axum. News of their intended departure reached Quraish, so some men were despatched in their pursuit, but the Muslims had already left Shuaibah Port towards their secure haven where they were received warmly and accorded hospitality by the Negus, Aṣḥama ibn Abjar, also called al-Najashi, (Arabic: النجاشي). Among these emigrants were Uthman and Ruqayyah The second migration consisted of 79 men and 9 women. According to some reports the number is 83 men and 18 women (The number differs largely). This group was headed by Ja'far ibn Abī Tālib, who was also the only person from the Banu Hashim clan who migrated to Axum.
a scene from the movie "The Message" ) According to Arabic sources, Aṣḥama ibn Abjar was Emperor or al-Najashi (Arabic: النجاشي al-Najāshī) of Aksum at the ...
Ethopian Christian King saves Muslim Captives
According to Arabic sources, Aṣḥama ibn Abjar was Emperor or al-Najashi (Arabic: النجاشي a...
According to Arabic sources, Aṣḥama ibn Abjar was Emperor or al-Najashi (Arabic: النجاشي al-Najāshī) of Aksum at the time of Muhammad, and gave refuge to sev...
Life of Muhammad(SAW) Part 16: First & Second Migration of Muslim to Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
5th years of Dawah month of Rajab i.e 7 B.H(before Hijra).15 people 11 men & 4 women migra...
published:10 Sep 2014
Life of Muhammad(SAW) Part 16: First & Second Migration of Muslim to Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
Life of Muhammad(SAW) Part 16: First & Second Migration of Muslim to Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
published:10 Sep 2014
5th years of Dawah month of Rajab i.e 7 B.H(before Hijra).15 people 11 men & 4 women migrated.Usman ibn Affar(RA:) & his wife Rukaiya(RA:) ,Usman ibn Maduun(RA:),Abdul ibn Auf(RA:) Zubair ibn Awwam(RA:),Abu Salama & Umme Salema,Musaad ibn Umair(RA:),Amir ibn Rabiya(RA:) & Laila(RA:) & many other.Unlike 2nd migration,1st migration was public.Amir ibn Rabiya(RA:) & Laila(RA:).Laila(RA:) was loading her camel & Umar(RA:) asking where you travelling to?When he came out to know that the matter become so worst Umar(RA:) said may Allah(SWT) be with you.Umma Salema(RA:) said we begun to live in a peaceful land where no one bother us or disrupt us to follow our religion.The king during that time in Abbasynia was Asshuma & Muhammad(SAW) said about him that he s a just king because he allow people to follow their religion.
More then 80 muslim went to the second migration lead by Jafar ibn Abu Talib(RA:),from the 1st migration Usman ibn Affan(RA:) & his & in Shahih Bukhari by Umm Salima(RA:)when we landed in Abbssynia negus treated us well hospitality,we even didn't heard any one redicule against us. & his wife Rukaya(RA:),Umma Salema(RA:) & Abu Salema(RA:) & Mussad ibn Umayr(RA:) .After that Muslim lived in Abbsynia for 10 years until Muslim able to defeat all enemies of Islam. Their was civil war between Negus force vs his family member.Jubair ibn Awwan(RA:) focus on the battle.On the meantime Muslim prayed of Negus & his force.Ummar ibn Ass(RA:) The migration known as the first Hijarat was made in two groups totalling more than a hundred persons. According to Islamic tradition, eleven male and five female Sahabah, the Muslims who originally converged in Mecca, sought refuge from Quraysh persecution in the Kingdom of Aksum in the seventh Islamic month (Rajab) of 7 BH (614–615 CE) in the first batch. This act is known as the first migration to Abyssinia; Abyssinia in this incident because of the Arabic word Al-Habasha, whence "Abyssinia" is derived. They returned after three months to Arabia due to misinformation, only to find that the persecution had not halted. "The hardships and sufferings borne by the Muslims were ever on the increase. Muhammad at last permitted them to emigrate to some other place. Abyssinia at that time was ruled by a Christian King, Aṣḥama ibn Abjar, (who according to Muslim tradition, later embraced Islam), famous for his mercy and equity. In Rajab of the fifth year of the mission, the first group immigrated to Axum. The group comprised about eleven men and four women. The Qureysh pursued them to the port to capture them, but their vessels had left the shore. When the group reached Axum, they heard the rumour that the whole tribe of the Qureysh had accepted Islam. They were naturally very much pleased at the news and returned to their country. On approaching Mecca, they learnt that the rumour was false and the persecutions were going on unabated. Some of them decided to return to Axum and the rest entered Mecca, seeking the protection of a few influential people. This is known as the first migration to Axum. Later on, a bigger group of eighty-three men and eighteen women immigrated to Axum (separately). This is called the second immigration to that country. Some Sahabah took part in both the migrationsFirst migration[edit]
In seventh Islamic month (Rajab) of 7 BH (614–615 CE),[4] eleven men and four women undertook the first migration.[5] The group was headed by a companion called Uthman bin Maz'oon.
They snuck out of Mecca on a dark night and headed for the sea where two boats happened to be sailing for their destination, Axum. News of their intended departure reached Quraish, so some men were despatched in their pursuit, but the Muslims had already left Shuaibah Port towards their secure haven where they were received warmly and accorded hospitality by the Negus, Aṣḥama ibn Abjar, also called al-Najashi, (Arabic: النجاشي). Among these emigrants were Uthman and Ruqayyah The second migration consisted of 79 men and 9 women. According to some reports the number is 83 men and 18 women (The number differs largely). This group was headed by Ja'far ibn Abī Tālib, who was also the only person from the Banu Hashim clan who migrated to Axum.
A babysitter who had sex with an 11-year-old boy she was looking after has been defended by the child's father ... The offence took place during one of those occasions. HannahSquire, prosecuting, told the court....
A simple childish spat over a puppy led an 11-year-old boy to shoot and kill his eight-year-old neighbour in the US state of Tennessee, the girl's grieving mother said. Latasha Dyer said her daughter was playing outside when the boy asked to see her puppy. Little McKayla said “no”, and shortly after was shot in the chest ... “He was making fun of her, calling her names, just being mean to her ... “I want her back in my arms, this is not fair ... ....
Observers say UK and US are seeking to water down agreement so that any weapons deployed before talks conclude will be beyond reach of ban. The United Nations has been warned that its protracted negotiations over the future of lethal autonomous weapons – or “killer robots” – are moving too slowly to stop robot wars becoming a reality ... “A lot of money is going into development and people will want a return on their investment,” he said....
Scientists publish a second batch of papers on Homo naledi, the creature whose remains were sensationally found deep inside a South African cave ... ....
Article by WN.com Correspondent DallasDarling. Socrates knew too well how the death penalty was not only the most severe punishment ever imposed by the state, but that it was also irreversible. Yet despite being a lover of wisdom and truth he was still sentenced to death, killed by a misinformed and retributive democracy ... She was only a conspirator, her lover being the one who stabbed her husband to death ... (1) Ciment, James ... 270-276 ... 274....
This year, 2015, marks the 1,000th anniversary of the Kitab al-Manazir (The Book of Optics), a seven-volume treatise written by the Iraqi scientist Ibn al-Haytham - a pioneering thinker who's views have been crucial to our understanding of how the universe came into existence. Shaping our understanding of vision, optics and light, Ibn al-Haytham ......
The first leg takes him to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan at the invitation of King Abdullah-II IbnAl Hussein, during which he is scheduled to deliver a speech at the University of Jordan and meet the Indian community, besides holding bilateral discussions with the leadership there ... ....
KARACHI. The red algal bloom that occurred along the Sindh-Balochistan coast in the months of August and September killed a number of marine species, a World Wide Fund for Nature-Pakistan (WWF-P) expert said on Monday ...First reported red tide ... According to him, the first record of red tide in Pakistan was reported by IbnMajid, an Omani who was considered as a great navigator of the Indian Ocean ... Published in Dawn, October 6th , 2015 ... ....
Saturday's DubaiDewhurst Stakes at Newmarket could determine the year's leading juvenile and reveal a true champion, writes Ian Ogg. It's inevitable that not every winner can be a great winner but we always go into the autumn Group One juvenile contests in the hope of discovering a champion ...Sign up for our FREE video form and watch Emotionless! ... "Bear in mind that the runner-up, Ibn Malik, pulled seven lengths clear of the third ... ....
Moreover, he has said officers from British intelligence knew about his torture at the notorious US prison in Bagram, north of Kabul...Related ... Aamer also describes in his statement how he witnessed the torture in Afghanistan of a fellow prisoner, Ibn al-Sheikh al-Libi, who later claimed that Saddam Hussein had chemical and biological weapons and had supplied them to al-Qaida ... Related. What happened to Ibn al-Sheikh al-Libi? ... ....
(Source...Global Bioenergies continues to improve the performances of its process, operates its industrial pilot, has begun the construction of its demo plant in Germany, and prepares the first full-scale plant through a Joint-Venture with CristalUnion, named IBN-One The company also replicated its achievement to propylene and butadiene, two members of the gaseous olefins family, key molecules at the heart of petrochemical industry....
Recently, two Gibraltarian fishing boats were out at sea catching and then tagging tuna for scientific research. The sun was shining. The water was blue ... One fisherman recorded the incident on camera, and it is clear from the video that the Spanish behaved recklessly and irresponsibly ... Tariq ibn Ziyad was the Syrian-born leader who led the first Umayyad Caliphate invasion of the Iberian Peninsula in the year 711 ... RELATED ... RELATED ... Source ... ....
The evidence of Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi, which was later disproven, was used by George W Bush in 2002 during a hawkish speech calling for the removal of Saddam......
New Delhi, Oct 3 (IANS) As history has it, no city in the country would have witnessed the power struggles and bloodshed that Delhi had under its many dynasties ...There is also love in the middle of the political chaos. The play is very relevant to our time too ... The play opens with the visit of famous traveler and writer from Morocco, IbnBattuta, to Delhi during Mohammad Bin Tughlak's time ... "It was challenging,....