Imam Muhammad L. Touray, the president of The Gambia supreme Islamic Council (GSIC), Adama and Awa Ndure and Jammeh, twin sisters Artist has written to the Gambian leader, His Excellency Sheikh Professor Alhaji Yahya AJJ Jammeh Babili Mansa congratulating him on the occasion of the Eid-ul Adha (Tobaski).
The messages read:
Congratulation And Appreciation
On the above subject matter, we wish to send our heartfelt congratulations and prayers to you and the First Family for the Eid-ul Adha (Tobaski), for your relentless and unflinching service to the nation. We further take that opportunity to wish and pray for the Imams, Muslim leaders, the cabinet and the entire government for the Eidul Adha (Tobaski).
We pray that Allah the Almighty accept it for everyone, continue to guide you in your leadership, save you and the entire government from the evil plans of those within and outside our borders, also we pray that Allah grant you abundant success in all your endeavours.
We wish you all the best.
Sincerely your
Imam Muhammad L. Touray
President, Gambia supreme Islamic Council
Dear Dad,
We have the pleasure to wish you and the presidential household best wishing you happy Tobaski.
We pray Allah the Almighty to remember you dad more and more, and shower his abundant reward and inundate you with all the blessings associated with the Tobaski. Once again we are thanking you that Allah the Almighty that whatever you wished for the country come through.
We twin sisters your daughters Adama and Awa Ndure Jammeh and Yahya Jammeh Colley are praying for you that Allah the Almighty always guide and protect you, long life, good health and prosperity.
Once again we the twin sisters and your namesake Baby Yahya Jammeh Colley are wishing you happy Tobaski to you family.
May God the Almighty Allah give you the enablement to enjoy this year Tobaski with your family and the presidential household.
Your daughters,
Adama and Awa Ndure Jammeh
Twin sisters Artist.