A number is a mathematical object used to count and measure. In mathematics, the definition of number has been extended over the years to include such numbers as zero, negative numbers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, and complex numbers.
Mathematical operations are certain procedures that take one or more numbers as input and produce a number as output. Unary operations take a single input number and produce a single output number. For example, the successor operation adds one to an integer, thus the successor of 4 is 5. Binary operations take two input numbers and produce a single output number. Examples of binary operations include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponentiation. The study of numerical operations is called arithmetic.
A notational symbol that represents a number is called a numeral. In addition to their use in counting and measuring, numerals are often used for labels (telephone numbers), for ordering (serial numbers), and for codes (e.g., ISBNs).
Numbers Song Compilation | 29 Minutes Collection of Learning 123s Videos from LittleBabyBum
Number Rhymes Collection For Children | Popular Numbers Songs & Nursery Rhymes by ChuChuTV
The Numbers Song - Learn To Count from 1 to 10 - Number Rhymes For Children
Learn Numbers with Max the Train & Bill the Monster Truck – TOYS (Numbers and Toys)
The Big Numbers Song
"Numbers Counting to 10 Collection Vol. 1" - Kids Learn to Count, Baby Toddler Songs, Nursery Rhymes
Kim Jong-un In Numbers
Five Little Ducks and Many More Numbers Songs | Number Nursery Rhymes Collection by ChuChu TV
"Crying Numbers" by Ashley Franz Holzmann | MrCreepyPasta's Storytime
Numbers and Free Will - Numberphile
Learn To Count with PLAY-DOH Numbers! 1 to 20! Counting New Special Edition Mini Cans Opening
ChuChu TV Numbers Song - NEW Short Version - Number Rhymes For Children
Trucks for children. Learn numbers from 0 to 9, learn to count from 1 to 10! Cartoons for babies
Play Doh Numbers 1-100 | Learn Numbers 1 - 100 | Number Song | Kids Rhyme
Philly fighter Benny never had a problem taking his lumps inside the ring. But after a year in prison, he finds his personal life packing more wallop than he's ready for. As Benny struggles to free himself of his past, he meets Stella, an alluring newcomer to his native city. The unlikely pair find they have a lot in common. But their romance comes to an end when Benny's creditors kidnap Stella for ransom.
Life is a Fight
Eddie Griffin is Miles Waise, a fast rising nightclub comedian. His life is made difficult by his manager, who wants him to sell out for big bucks, and his brother Fifty Dollah, a scheming hood whose dream is to start a comedy club with Foolish.
Keywords: accidental-killing, character-name-in-title, drug-humor, drug-lord, independent-film, profanity, sexual-humor, stand-up-comedian, stand-up-comedy
Young punk Freddie Egan is in a juvenile detention center for the summer. Spoiled rich-kid Frederick Egan III is going to a luxurious summer camp. However, a name mix-up at the bus terminal sends the boys to each other's destinations, and while Eddie gets a taste of the good life, Frederick learns some valuable life-lessons from his stay in jail.
Keywords: african-american, basketball, basketball-game, bus, bus-terminal, cheerleader, identity-swap, judge, juvenile-delinquent, juvenile-detention
Numbers: They call me Numbers here. 3 to 1 says you can guess why.::Frederick Egan III: Ten to one says I don't give a rat's butt.
Sgt. Waldren: Now, I don't have to tell you that jerks like that have been dumping their garbage on us for years. Uh, well, I guess I just did, huh.
Egan: I'm, ah, tryin' to get the girl.::Jimmy: You and every other beau in this camp. Christine would chew you up and spit you out like bad jerky, even before you asked her out.::Egan: Uh, she already did.
Egan: Well, I figure if you ain't ratted on me yet, then ya must be an all-right brother.::Jimmy: Man, I got a sister in Georgia and three brothers in Jersey! You ain't my "brother"!
Egan: Well, homey, I gotta jet, so ya know, I'll talk wit ya later, yo?::Chauffer: Got to jet, sir. Of course. Yo.
Ferret: We don't... disturb... the artist... when... the artist... is working!
All Tess Trueheart wants is to settle down to a quiet life with her boyfriend, detective Dick Tracy. But there's something pretty rotten going on in town, with someone pretty rotten behind it, and Tracy has his hands full with the likes of villain Big Boy Caprice and with the almost irresistable Breathless Mahoney.
Keywords: action-hero, alternative-reality, arrest, attempted-murder, bank, based-on-comic, based-on-comic-strip, blockbuster, brawl, breakup
Their turf. Their game. Their rules. They didn't count on HIS law...
I'm on my way.
Big Boy Caprice: You get behind me, we all profit; you challenge me, we all go down! There was one Napoleon, one Washington, one me!
Big Boy Caprice: Around me, if a woman don't wear mink, she don't wear nuttin'.::Breathless Mahoney: Well, I look good both ways.
[Breathless pours a drink for Dick Tracy]::Dick Tracy: I'm on duty.::Breathless Mahoney: What's your day off?::Dick Tracy: Sunday.::Breathless Mahoney: It's a big world... must be Sunday somewhere.
Breathless Mahoney: Aren't you gonna frisk me?
Dick Tracy: No grief for Lips?::Breathless Mahoney: I'm wearing black underwear.::Dick Tracy: You know, it's legal for me to take you down to the station and sweat it out of you under the lights.::Breathless Mahoney: I sweat a lot better in the dark.
Big Boy Caprice: All right, that's enough! I want 'em dead, both of 'em. I want this no-face character dead and I want Tracy dead. What's the matter, you bums forgot how to kill people? Doesn't your work mean anything to you anymore? Have you no sense of pride in what you do? No sense of DUTY, no sense of DESTINY? I'm looking for generals; what do I got? Foot soldiers! I WANT DICK TRACY DEAD!
Big Boy Caprice: Wait a minute! Wait. I'm having a thought. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. I'm gonna have a thought. It's coming... It's gone.
Breathless Mahoney: I know how you feel. You don't know if you want to hit me or kiss me. I get a lot of that.
Big Boy Caprice: Don't tell me about my boys messin' up the Tracy rub-out. They were being tested, they flunked. Now they're just flunkies, like you! I don't care if Tracy puts one and one together, don't matter to me. You're still workin' for me. You're on my side. You're not out! You're *not* out! When you are dead, then you are out! You are mine, I own you!
Big Boy Caprice: You know, Dick - You mind if I call you "Dick"? My associates here would very much like to see you have a little accident. But I tell 'em, "No. I'll take care of Tracy myself," I tell 'em. You know why? I want you on my side!::[Itchy hands Big Boy a suitcase. Big Boy takes out of it a large wad of cash]::Big Boy Caprice: And let me tell you what my side is. My side is a lifetime of action and adventure with no clock to punch. It's treating that gal of yours 100%. She should be treated like a princess. Protected like a baby.::Dick Tracy: You gonna put *all* that money down there?::Big Boy Caprice: Fifteen thousand clams.::[Big Boy drops the money on the table. The Kid watches from the small window]::Big Boy Caprice: It's a deal.::[Big Boy pushes the money toward Tracy]::Itchy: Fifteen thousand clams.::[Tracy takes the money. The Kid gapes in disbelief, sad and disappointed to see his hero take the bribe. Itchy chuckles]::Big Boy Caprice: Welcome to new waters, Dick! We're gonna run one hell of a ship with you aboard. There's a big world out there, and it's up for sale. All of it. All we gotta do is make sure that the people know I'm the one big enough to run it.::Dick Tracy: [dryly] And that you are guilty of attempting to bribe an officer of the law.::[Tracy throws all the money back in Big Boy's face. The Kid smiles, realizing Tracy never meant to take the bribe money. The thugs grab hold of Tracy]::Itchy: Hey, hey!::Flattop: Not so fast, coppa.::Big Boy Caprice: [angrily] You dumb dick!
[first lines]::Class: Two and two is four. Four and four is eight. Eight and eight is sixteen. Sixteen and sixteen is thirty two. Thirty two and thirty two are sixty four.
[last lines]::Ralph Phillips: I shall return.
Fred Garth (Don Terry) owns a printing establishment and poses as a business research expert, but actually runs several white-collar rackets operating by means of high-pressure telephone soliciting. He has sent his younger brother, Bruce Garth (Robert Paige), through law school with the intention of making him his legal watch-dog. But idealist Bruce enrolls as a Department of Justice investigator, and is detailed to track down charity and other phoney rackets. Both brothers are in love with attractive socialite Marjorie Drake (Julie Bishop as Jacqueline Wells), who is unaware of Fred's schemes and he uses her to meet other social leaders with pet charities and his salesmen sell them the program ads at five times the charity rate. Bruce and his partner Neale (Gene Morgan) trace the phone rackets to Bruce and a confrontation looms.
Keywords: 1930s, advertising, archive-footage, arrest, attorney, b-movie, bazaar, betting-parlor, blackboard, blackmail
Gasp at how the modern under-world operates...as the trail to crime's master mind leads to society's upper crust...and the heart of a thrill-seeking blue-blooded beauty!
CRIME'S MASTER MIND MEETS HIS MATCH...as Uncle Sam smashes America's secret crime network!
Trapping Gangdom's Master Mind!
The War Against Crime Pits Brother Against Brother?
Gambler and bookmaker "Odds" Owen decides that the insurance racket is a business that offers better odds and less risk, and this appeals to him and he sets up shop. He underwrites anything offered to him, figuring he has a "staff" that can ensure no insurance losses. Colonel Jefferson Davis Youngblood buys a $50,000 policy against his daughter, Marilyn, getting married, as she is his sole support and Colonel Youngblood has an aversion to work of any kind. In order to ensure he will not have to pay off on the insurance policy, "Odds" employs some gents who go out of their way to discourage possible suitors for Miss Youngblood's fair hand. Then "Odds" meets her, falls in love, and now has a big conflict-of-interest problem; Possibly, he can lay the policy off on Lloyds of London?
Keywords: 1930s, actress, american-civil-war, archive-footage, b-movie, baseball, bookie, boxing, deception, drugged-horse
HE'D BET ON ANYTHING! (original poster - all caps)
Col. Jefferson Davis Youngblood: Your charm excuses your accidental Northern birth.
Numbers Song Compilation | 29 Minutes Collection of Learning 123s Videos from LittleBabyBum
Number Rhymes Collection For Children | Popular Numbers Songs & Nursery Rhymes by ChuChuTV
The Numbers Song - Learn To Count from 1 to 10 - Number Rhymes For Children
Learn Numbers with Max the Train & Bill the Monster Truck – TOYS (Numbers and Toys)
The Big Numbers Song
"Numbers Counting to 10 Collection Vol. 1" - Kids Learn to Count, Baby Toddler Songs, Nursery Rhymes
Kim Jong-un In Numbers
Five Little Ducks and Many More Numbers Songs | Number Nursery Rhymes Collection by ChuChu TV
"Crying Numbers" by Ashley Franz Holzmann | MrCreepyPasta's Storytime
Numbers and Free Will - Numberphile
Learn To Count with PLAY-DOH Numbers! 1 to 20! Counting New Special Edition Mini Cans Opening
ChuChu TV Numbers Song - NEW Short Version - Number Rhymes For Children
Trucks for children. Learn numbers from 0 to 9, learn to count from 1 to 10! Cartoons for babies
Play Doh Numbers 1-100 | Learn Numbers 1 - 100 | Number Song | Kids Rhyme
10 Little Numbers
ABC Song | Shape Song | Number Song | Rhymes
Learn Numbers at www.turtlediary.com
Shapes Song | Numbers Song | ABC song | Nursery Rhymes
Baby Einstein - Numbers Nursery
TuTiTu Specials- Numbers & Letters
Number Song 1 – 100 | Numbers Rhymes For Children | Learn to Count by NurseryRhymeStreet
FROZEN 1 to 20 with ELSA | Learn to Count Numbers 1 to 20 | Nursery Song
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Download Twisted Worlds Hidden Numbers v1.0.58 Mod Android APK (Full Free Download)
1 5 adding and subtracting real numbers
How-To Multiply Fractions With Negative Numbers
Even and Odd Numbers
4 6 Perform Operations with Complex Numbers
John Travolta at the 'Lucky Numbers' Premiere at Paramount
Subtracting Whole Numbers
Ask 13: Numbers on Sweeten Creek
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Alegbra 1: 2-3 Multiplying Rational Numbers
PDF DOWNLOAD My Book Of Numbers 1 30
Adding Whole Numbers
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Lake Cajititlan: Fish die off in large numbers
Lake Cajititlan: Fish die off in large numbers
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The Numbers Station (2013) Movie Full Version
Equations with Rational Numbers
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Letters + Numbers 0-9 Doc McStuffins Mickey Mouse Minnie Jake Disney Princess Sofia Toys
Construction Simulator 2015 cd key for pc, mac Serial Numbers
Numbers Songs! | And More Nursery Rhymes | From LittleBabyBum
[E13] By The Numbers: CS:GO with Richard Lewis and Thorin | Alphadraft Podcast Episode 13
ABC Songs | 12 ABC Alphabet Songs | Colors Songs | Shapes Songs | Numbers Song | 84 Minutes
The Numbers Gang Of South Africa By The Actor Ross Kemp Awesome # gang Documontary#
ABCs 123s + More | Alphabet Numbers Nursery Rhymes | Kids Learn 3D Cartoons by Busy & Baby Beavers
Bob, The Train - Bob And Preschool | Phonics Song | ABC Song | Numbers Song | Shapes Song | Colors Song
Counting Collection | Plus More 123 Numbers Songs | Teach Kindergarten Lessons | Kids Baby Learning
Culture Club / Colour By Numbers (Full Album) [Remastered / Bonus Tracks]
The Numbers Gang Of South Africa By The Actor Ross Kemp Awesome Documenta
[E12] By The Numbers: CS:GO with Richard Lewis and Thorin | Alphadraft Podcast Episode 12
[E10] By The Numbers: LoL with MonteCristo and Thorin | Alphadraft Podcast Episode 10
[E09] By The Numbers: LoL with MonteCristo and Thorin | Alphadraft Podcast Episode 9
[E11] By The Numbers: LoL with MonteCristo and Thorin | Alphadraft Podcast Episode 11
Letters & Numbers - 1 hour Superstar English for kids
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I don't wanna be a number
Just like being a prisoner
I just wanna stay free
Don't wanna be a number three
O I don't wanna be a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Signing on the dot
Got my name on a form
Thought I had it made
They treat you just insane
oh i dont wann be no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
You are just a number
And I ain't got a name
You are just a number
And I ain't got a name
Sitting in a prison cell
Numbers on my chest
Age is just a number
Mummy does know best
oh i dont wanna be no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
You are just a number
And I ain't got a name
You are just a number
And I ain't got a name
I don't wanna be a number
Just like being a prisoner
I just wanna stay free
Don't wanna be a number three
O I don't wanna be a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
You are just a number
And I ain't got a name
You are just a number
And I ain't got a name
I Gave It All To You
With No Questions Asked
I Wanted A Future
Who Cares About My Past
That First Argument
You Up And Left
I've Seen A Change In You
Words I Won't Accept
I Thought I Lost You
When You Twist Back My Arm
Cause The Man I Thought I Knew
Wouldn't Do Me No Harm
And That Ran Through My Mind, Over Again
I Promised Myself You Wouldn't Put Your Hands On Me Again
Never No More
I Didn't Sleep That Night
I Held My Pillow Tight
Now Trust Me When I Say
You Have Been Told
I'm Telling You Never To Touch Me No More
Never No More
I Should've Left You
When You Called Me Out My Name
I Stooped To Your Level
Replied You The Same
No Here We Are Again
You At My Throat
Now I See The Same Old Change
That I Did Before
I Walk Away From You
At The Drop Of A Dime
So Often This Treatment
Is Way Out Of Line
And That Ran Through My Mind, Over And Over Again
Promised Myself You Won't Put Your Hand On Me Again
Never No More
You Know I Rather Give You Your Space
Cause I Just Don't Know
Where To Run, What To Say
Stay Out Your Way, Or Get In Your Face
I Just Know You Better Not Touch Me Again
Or I'll Walk Away
That Is One Game I Refuse To Play
I Didn't Sleep That Night
I Held My Pillow Tight
Now Trust Me When I Say
You Have Been Told
I'm Telling You Never To Touch Me No More
Never No More
You already know what I been on
You know where I be at
Cause men lie, women lie
Numbers don't I see that? (Don't I see that?)
Catch me in a private jet
Like fuck it where the weed at?
And this flight attendant got the fattest ass
You know I need that
[Verse 1: Logic]
Now these bitches say they love me
But they're just obsessed with the image
Now if practice makes perfect
Then this is a scrimmage
Cause I ain't perfect
I never said I was
But now they're hating
Cause a brotha finally got some buzz
The things that I say (Say)
The places I'm seeing (Seeing)
The people I talk to
You don't know what I mean
Even matters of love
It ain't always as it seems
Yeah there's plenty in the sea
Until you hit the mainstream
The girl that I love
The one I call my honey
Now I wonder if she love me for me
Or for my fucking money
Sometimes I think about the love
That I had in the past
I truly miss it
But It just wasn't destined to last
Cause our separation
Lit a fire under my ass
And now I'm gunning for the throne
Yeah that is my task
Just a youngin' with a dream
That acquired a team
Motivated by bad bitches
And rockin supreme
Now the whole world
Wonders what's his next move
That all depends on
What I feel that I need to improve
Tell me what you think of me
I swear it doesn't matter
Just as long as I am happy
And my pocket's getting fatter
Just watch me shatter the competition
Getting madder then all of them wishing
You couldn't of done it like I done it
Bitch I run it, Ah!
Yeah you know I do it
Like it ain't never been done
Hit the Vegas strip
And blow a million euro just for fun
To be honest I may have embellished
That last line
Chillin' with a shorty
That is so much more than fine
At the penthouse poppin' bottles
Of that hundred thousand dollar wine
I got the connect
Met 'em through the grape vine
[Chorus: first four lines x2]
You know what I been on
You know where I be at
Cause men lie, women lie
Numbers don't I see that? (Don't I see that?)
Catch me in a private jet
Like fuck it where the weed at?
And this flight attendant got the fattest ass
You know I need that
Now these bitches say they love me
But they're just obsessed with the image
You know what I been on
You know where I be at
[Verse 2: Logic]
Yeah, It's been a year
And everything I said would happen, has
New school style with old school bars
Like Alcatraz
Cause I ain't never
Second guess this music shit
I knew this shit
Was all I ever wanted, all I ever had
Born famous now it's just time to convince the world
Ditch cats, like drainage
If they disrespect it
Don't step through
I paint pictures for your mind
And bring it to life like cinematography
Say it then I do it
My whole career is a prophecy
Now, better grab your jacket
Cause in this world we live in it's cold out
And when my album hits the stores
It's sold out
Like these rapper's careers
I'm the sum of our fears
Fuck a grammy nominated
Bitch, I made it and I'm here
I said it's all about the fans, Not about the record
They said it wouldn't work, I told them go fuck
Why you think I'm independent visionaries never fail
Why, Why you think I'm independent visionaries never
[Chorus: first four lines x2]
You know what I been on
You know where I be at
Cause men lie, women lie
Numbers don't I see that? (Don't I see that?)
Catch me in a private jet
Like fuck it where the weed at?
And this flight attendant got the fattest ass
You know I need that
Now these bitches say they love me
But they're just obsessed with the image
You know what I been on
You know where I be at
"You gotta realize, a lot of the time when I talk
And I'm talking extremely cocky, I'm not talking
About myself, I'm talking about the work."
You know here I be at
Oh yeah
Your one and only life
Ripped from the earth with these bare hands
You dare
Question the ritual
Despite continual
Threats of "gonna get you all"
1 law for the officers
1 for the gentlemen
2 bad you 3 know what it's 4
5 for this awful dive
6 for the genetics
7 for the lucky pricks who went into heaven
We ride for miles and miles
Following the howling of our prey
Out there
Reload our yellow rigs
Scrambling for shelter
Dig a void, decay
1 for the flaming sun
2 for the location
3 for the martyrs and the stars
4 for the wind and sand
5 so you understand
6 for the slips 'twixt the cup and the lips
["Come on!" is thrown in after the last singing of this verse.]
1 for the cockpit blues
2 for the Panzer crews
3 for the vast and molten sky
4 for the failed talks
5 for the knives and forks
6 for forbidden kicks
All the yobbos in the sticks
[Steve may be saying "10" after the last verse.]
Female voice:
C: ...10011...10011...
R: 10011...zeroes...
L: ...makeaveete, system overload, the ovual engine was not able to process all the required data in tone, tone, tone, tone...
[Originally by The Adicts]
I don't wanna be a number
Just like being a prisoner
I just wanna stay free
Don't wanna be a number three
O I don't wanna be a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Signing on the dot
Got my name on a form
Thought I had it made
They treat you just insane
You are just a number
And I ain't got a name
You are just a number
And I ain't got a name
Sitting in a prison cell
Numbers on my chest
Age is just a number
Mummy does know best
How can I fight for your country, When your country won't fight for me? How can I pray to your god, When you force me to believe? Fuck your schools, fuck your rules, Fuck you and your boundaries, How can you try to control me When you don't even know me? Numbers in the computer, The numbers are getting stronger, How can you glorify bloodshed? Don't tell me about sacrifice, You're god died for his sins, And now I'll die for mine. Fuck your schools, fuck your rules, Fuck you and your boundaries!
You?re all wrong
I?ve got enough cheap love to cash out on
Come one, come all
It's gonna be your last chance to see
The ship is sinking slowly
And I have given up on every dream
And every ounce of hope
Everything you touch
You somehow find a way to break
Under the veil of love
You set ablaze everything in your way
Torch a broken home
And bury yourself beneath the smoke
Leave her enough rope
And she can escape while there?s still hope
Come one, come all
Who wants to be another victim of my insecurities?
Come on, I?ll take everything you?ve ever loved
And leave you broken on the floor
Try to follow my scent, I?ll kill again
You don?t have enough time left
Should I make you beg for your last breath?
Everything you touch
You somehow find a way to break
Under the veil of love
You set ablaze everything in your way
Tell me
Who wants to be another victim of my insecurity?
I think it?s time
You better get in line
We all have our secrets that we should keep
The air whispers in my ear what deeds you?ve done
I?m back again
I?m gonna be the last one left standing
I wanna be for everything that you're not
I?m back again
This is where your path comes to an end
I wanna be for everything that you're not
I was sittin' in Friday's suckin' on a glass of wine
When in walked a chick who almost struck me blind
Had wet blue eyes and her legs were long and fine
On a scale of one to ten, I'd give her a nine.
Now on my scale there ain't no ten's, you know
Nine is about as far as any chick can go
So I flashed her a smile, but she didn't even look at me
So for brains and good judgement, I'd give her a three.
I said, "Hey sweet thing, you look like a possible eight
You and me could, uh! make eighteen, if your head's on straight."
She looked up and down my perfect frame
And said these words that burned into my perfect brain.
She said, well, another one of those macho-matician men
Kind who grade all women on scales of one to ten
And, you give me an eight, well, that's a generous thing to do
Now, let's just see, just how much I give you.
She said you comin' on to me with that phony numbers jive
Your style makes me smile, I give it a five
When you walked up I noticed that suit of (yores)
It's last year's double-knit frayed-cuffs, give it a four.
That must be your car parked out on the curb
That sixty-nine homemade convertible, a three and a third
Now, as for your build, I guess (yore) less than five
Except, for your pot belly, I'd give that a ten for size.
That wine you're pourin' might be fine to you
But I'm used to fine champagne, I give it a two
It's hard to tell what your flashin' smile is worth
I give it a six, you could use some dental work.
But, It's your struttin' rooster act that really makes me laugh
It may be a ten to these country hens, but to me a three and a half
And there really ain't much to add once the subtractin's done
Since there ain't no zeroes, I give you a one!.
She walked out, while up and down the line
The whole bar was laughin', said' Bare, what happened to your nine
Nine says I, hell soon as she started to talk I knew
She didn't have no class, I barely gave her a two.
Yeah! No matter how good they look at first
There's flaws in all of them
That's why on a scale of ten to one, friend
I'm doing seventy-two in a sixty-five, on I-24 in a four wheel drive
Got a ten o'clock on Eighteenth Avenue
And there's a thirty percent chance of rain all week
And the high today is gonna be eighty-three
They're playing Highway 101 on 102.5
An eighteen wheeler by my side
Numbers all around
Flying by up and down
Some as slow as Christmas coming
Some like the speed of sound
And we all wonder what they mean
The highs, the lows, the in-betweens
Most of them mean absolutely nothing
But some of them mean everything
I met her at 9: 15 on my buddy's back porch
Shooting bottle rockets on July Fourth
We were both nineteen
And she was a perfect ten
Then three years later 'neath a million stars
In my F-150 on her granddad's farm
I slipped a half-carat diamond on the third finger of her left hand
And asked to be her one and only man
Numbers all around
Flying by up and down
Some as slow as Christmas coming
Some like the speed of sound
And we all wonder what they mean
The highs, the lows, the in-betweens
Most of them mean absolutely nothing
But some of them mean everything
John 3: 16, the Fab Four
The fifty-yard line, the thirteenth floor
Nine-eleven, the dirty dozen
We're all waiting on the second coming
Numbers all around, flying by up and down
Some as slow as Christmas coming
Some like the speed of sound
And we all wonder what they mean
The highs, the lows, the in-betweens
Most of them mean absolutely nothing
Oh, most of them mean absolutely nothing
But some of them mean everything, oh, numbers
I'm doing seventy two in a sixty five, on I-24 in a four wheel drive
Now that I`ve given you all of my heart
I know there is someone who never cares
and though it seems I was wrong from the start
oh I`ll try to love again..
I`ve always thought having you by my side
but help me dry the tears that I`ve cried
do you believe I can take all those lies
oh I`ll try to love again...
how can I go on and not be true
I know them well I`m just a fool
It`s a game that I want to play
there is a chance to win
or lose it all...
to moonn6pence from shootingstar(papayeverte)
so many dreams as the world passes by
just keep right on walking on down the line
when did you come
and I`ll reach for the stars
yes I`ll try to love again...
things make you happy things make you sad
warm as an angel oh cold as an ice
It`s a game that I want to play
there is a chance to win
or lose it all...
instrumental break
now that I`ve given you all of my heart
I know there is someone who never cares
and though it seems I was wrong from the start
oh I`ll try to love again..
I know there is someone who never cares...
oh I`ll try to love again..
to moonn6pence from shootingstar(papayeverte
On a sunny day
That I wake
I doubt that I'll get better tomorrow
Maintained by the reasonable thing that I wish
Underneath my eyelids
So much hate and violence
What it took to build me
Wasn't enough to kill me
Oooooooh, let me lie some more
I really needed a friend
Who'll listen till the end
Such a pleading case that I made
Convinced them that we could do again
What we did back then but even better tomorrow
Just another number
Dropped for better value
To nothing but build me
Wasn't enough to kill me
Ooooooh, let me lie some more
I really needed a friend
At least until the end
Would you give me life support?
It never has to end
These are the numbers
Let me look at the numbers
Now, what will be, will be, will be, kills me
Ooooooh, let me lie some more
It never has to end
But look what we began
You gave me life support
And never let it end
And listened till the end
Cuz you, you were my support
When I really needed a friend
Just look at the numbers
Typewriters bang,
everyday it is the same fact is
these people are going insane
they got sad eyes, no reply
they've been doing this shit all day
and they don't know why
they don't know the way
that's probably why they're going insane
they can't think with all those fuckin
there's too much on the line for numbers-
there's too much emphasis on numbers-
there's too much on the line for numbers-
there's too much emphasis on
machine goes ping, telephone rings
yeah all his life
he's been doing the same thing
got sad eyes, no reply
i've been doing thi shit all day
and i don't know why
they don't know the way
thats probaly why they're going insane
they can't think with all those fuckin
there's too much on the line for numbers
there's too much emphasis on numbers
there's too much on the line for numbers
there's too much emphasis on
I don't wanna be a number
Just like being a prisoner
I just wanna stay free
Don't wanna be a number three
O I don't wanna be a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Signing on the dot
Got my name on a form
Thought I had it made
They treat you just insane
You are just a number
And I ain't got a name
You are just a number
And I ain't got a name
Sitting in a prison cell
Numbers on my chest
Age is just a number
i remember it as if it was just the other day
born to booze, born to lose
we looked the other way
we were just stupid kids
that got caught up in the rush
until the day when we found out
you had had enough
another number
another life
another victim
another kid
falls to suicide
one youth down
another number
another life
another victim
another kid
falls to suicide
we were the punks, the proud and the few
that day you died you know a part of me died to
never thought those days would come to an end
but when the time comes my friend
we'll drink and dance again
another number
another life
another victim
another kid
falls to suicide
one youth down
another number
another life
another victim
another kid
falls to suicide
one youth down
Who's the person that you woke up next to today
If you were any older
Then you'd know you'd have to pay your way
Well maybe you do already
But you make out they pay you
Did you ask yourself where did love go wrong with you?
Don't tell me your name I don't want to know
And don't forget to take the reminders when you go
Good things had to end
And I was never any good at saying goodbye
Because when I say goodbye a silly thing happens
And I always cry
You're looking so thin these days are you doing speed?
(No, numbers)
Have you seen your face? Now you're really going seed
(Playing numbers)
Doing a nine to five in the day
And you never know their names
Because names make a person real
And there's no real people in these games
Pass them on and pass them by
Never hold a good thing down for long
Throw 'em away like Kleenex
Pick them up and push them away
Oh numbers
Until you wake up one day
And find that you're a number
Until you wake up one day
And find that you're a number
Until you wake up one day
And find that you're a number
Until you wake up one day
And find that you're a number
Body one, body two, body three, body four
Body one, body two, body three, body four
Everyday it's the same phrase
Playing over in my head
What if tomorrow comes too late?
What if there's no chance for change?
Get back in line
Your problem's out there
Somewhere out there
Reach for the sky, love
When you're at the end
Of your line
I've caught myself in
False romance
What matters most is lost again
And everything else shatters (They say)
Get back in line
Your problem's out there
Somewhere out there
Reach for the sky, love
When you're at the end
Of your line
Don't throw life away
Don't throw love away
Don't give yourself away
Don't throw your heart away
Get back in line
Your problem's out there
Somewhere out there
Reach for the sky, love
When you're at the end
Of your line
Line line, line, yeah, yeah
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I don't wanna be a number
Just like being a prisoner
I just wanna stay free
Don't wanna be a number three
Oh, I don't wanna be a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Signing on the dot
Got my name on the form
Thought I had it made
They treat you just insane
Oh, I don't wanna be no 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
You are just a number
And I ain't got a name
You are just a number
And I ain't got a name
Sitting in a prison cell
Numbers on the chest
Age is just a number
Mummy does know best
Oh, I don't wanna be no 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
You are just a number
And I ain't got a name
You are just a number
And I ain't got a name
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I don't wanna be a number
Just like being a prisoner
I just wanna stay free
Don't wanna be a number three
Oh, I don't wanna be no 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
You are just a number
And I ain't got a name
You are just a number
And I ain't got a name
Sixty set out from Cambridge all good men and true
On a gunship bound for glory with a young and wild crew
We'd charge in, make our stand, and we'd see victory
But when we'd won our first battle there were only
More died from infection despite the surgeon's tricks
That brought our bold and fearless crew down to forty-
We then sailed away thinking we had seen the worst
But we steered her back around when we heard a cannon's
Second fight that day and our luck was fading fast
Though we stayed afloat we'd lost most of our main mast
We were now adrift and very glad to be alive
Though I must admit our crew was now down to thirty-
Most of the food was ruined from the salt sea down
But we didn't fear ‘til the water started running low
With our bold and hardy crew just a fortnight out to
The cruel sea had taken twelve and we were twenty-
Four more days had passed when we caught site of a gale
We were sucking rain from the rags that used to be our
Another week adrift was the worst sight ever seen
Our beleaguered crew was now down to just seventeen.
The first mate started screaming and set the deck
We tried to restrain him but he had a madman's fight
When we stopped him he'd just hum “It'll all be fine'
But by then our battered crew was no more than nine.
From nine we went to seven, from seven down to three
The cabin boy, the carpenter and the boson, that was me
We all sat there on the deck, though none of us could
We should be keeping watch but we were all too weak
The cabin boy was curled up in a corner all alone
The carpenter was muttering and gnawing on a bone
I just kept on laughing, cause I knew I'd lost my grip
As we were taken one by one to the rescue ship
Never go to sea, me boys, never leave the land
For once you're out to sea it doesn't matter what you
Your life lies in the mercy of the sea heartless and
So you'll stay ashore unless you truly are a fool.
Though three survived that awful trip I'm the last one
of my crew
The others locked in their own minds, their voyage
never through
So listen to me lads before you take your hellish trip
There’s a serpent feel to the cowboy’s tongue
There’s a stench in the air on the streets we run
It’s a battlefield, it’s a full blown war
There’s a smile on your face and a settled score
Does it pick up pick up if you tell them so?
Will you give up give up when the numbers go?
Did you pull some strings? Have you sacrificed?
Did you bite down hard when you named your price?
It’s the feel that keeps alive the talk of glory
As the pride comes before another hard love story
Tell everyone you can
Sell me a one night stand
If the number’s big
It’s the numbers I bring
If your family’s blood doesn’t count for much
You’re a broken leg and a broken crutch
Maybe narcissist, maybe nepotist
Maybe friends in high places will love this twist
And the future’s bright, now your path exists
Now you pushed yourself through the parapet
I’ll forget your place I’ll forget your name
I’ll forget myself and you do the same
It’s the feel that keeps alive the talk of glory
As the pride comes before another hard love story
Tell everyone you can
Sell me a one night stand
If the number’s big
It’s the numbers I bring
And praise all your false idols
And pray your words are title
And rise above your rivals
And praise all your false idols
Tell everyone you can
Sell me a one night stand
If the number’s big
It’s the numbers I bring
If the number’s big
It’s the numbers I bring
I feel the man in the mirror has lost his mind
And you can’t spot these spots when he turns on the
Yes, the man in the mirror is losing his mind
Praise God, for it was written in numbers
Soon you'll know of the great joy we feel
Today day to be able to speak freely
And talk eye to eye
With a small group of Americans
We feel that the time has come
For your nation to awaken
To its true spiritual import
And we wish you everything in our power
To that realization
Four mourning doves searching in the park
Saying don't be confused when the night is dark
Eleven white swans swimming in a black lake
Told me keep it real and you'll find who's fake
Two cedar trees half submerged in the water
Don't prophesize about sons and daughters
One new master of the form Tai Chi
Friends of the accuser and the accusee
One pimp using songs as his hussy
Won't be here next year to tell you 'bout nothing
Two happy kids playing basketball
Til a war broke out and killed them all
A bunch of ideas like fireflies
An eighteen-year-old girl with stars in her eyes
We saw the gentle trickster on the highway tonight
Keep your mouth closed and your eyes open wide
Though the roof may leak in many places
Shining faces shining faces
May she sleep in peace
And wake up in my arms
Some day soon some day soon
Some day soon some day soon
The separation from unity
Is the descent of the angels upon the ladder of consciousness
The return to unity is the ascent of the angels upon the ladder
The descent is good
But the unity that comes is expressed diversity
But in diversity there would be no concept of separation
Those that were numbered
Had a path to follow
Fly as swift as the swallow
Where no enemies can follow
The path that was laid for the righteous man
Don't promote the fool
Claiming he's the wisest man
As they slander our name in shame
When our aim is to do what comes natural
We're hatchin' the fireflies on a river
Feelin' straght from my toes, knees, kidneys to my liver
Clouds drop down the dew
My friends what about you
Clouds drop down the dew
My friends what about you
Though the roof may leak in many places
Shining faces shining faces
May she sleep in peace
And wake up in my arms
Some day soon some day soon
Some day soon some day soon
Though the roof may leak in many places
Shining faces shining faces
May she sleep in peace
And wake up in my arms
Some day soon some day soon
Some day soon some day soon
Uhh, turn it up, hah, uhh, yo, check it
Now add it up, uhh, add it up, uhh
Check it out, we're like
Three LP's precise from my Five Deadly Venoms
With international plugs like nine Organized emblems
Get it? Twenty Thousand Leagues, extra deep
Runnin' with the number thirteen with my 40 Below's upon the feet
Now Adam 12 got me in this 20/20
So I'm double, oh, seven about my four one one
Seventy-four, catch my eighty-three degrees of heat
We merkin' four-twenty eat island three five N2Deep
Mack 10 under seat for car jacking Passenger 57's
A Product 19 who gets the dumpster behind 7 Eleven
4 1 0 8 0 9 1 5 9
Same 227 style with one nosy bitch in the blind
Hit, one-five-five for twenty sacks and better
Nothin' but love for this nigga, Mr. 16th Letter
Mr. 16th Letter, Mr. 16th Letter
Yo, nine times out of ten a nigga won't shine
I drop dime on five niggaz who all had nines
On the corner of my block doin' crime, now I'm
Walkin' around with the fo' pound, now lately
Lookin' over my shoulder with a six hour three-eighty
Maybe the baby Tec woulda been nicer to bring along
Sing along with me if y'all know the song
Mines, gimme, not Vinnie but I'm naughty
In forty projects drinkin' 40's till I'm forty
Truncatin' drum loops with Pauly
On the SP-1200 and 1212, you feel it
Mission to create, matrimony and reveal it
It's love in the form of life as you know it
You skatin' with the eight and I'ma damn sure, show it
Funky Four plus one, you know makes five, fantastic, romantic, got live
Furious was cheeriest, the Treacherous Three
We be the Awesome Two most definitely
Makes five, got live, three, we be the Awesome Two
Now I can get, get, smart, smart
But I'm not, not eighty-six in the mind, mind you
I got a girl named Ninety-Nine and when I rhyme
She rhymes too, she likes to do the sixty-nine
And so I climb up through to the top of the pile
But see I'm not standing on gomer
I hit a homer and I got jumped by The Simpsons
Not to mention, Pharoahe Mon-Chi-Chi, eighty-nine percent
Of the time, I'm sure of my rhyme like shake redemption
The remaining eleven percent come from seven percent
Great God Pharoahe of heaven ascent racin' a 5.0 in my 380i
On my way back from Florida on four-ninety-five
We just parlayin' with the one, one, one
Check one, now add it up, now add the two, two, two
Uhh, Monch, add it up, truly with the three, three, three, three
Yo, add it up, we be the Awesome Two most definitely
Now just yesterday I couldn't took my last Five Heartbeats
Now I feeling it's for spiritual reasons
No more sweet sixteens and dick teasing
Too many Tech-9's behind trees
And five, oh, keeps a black brotha bleedin'
Fillin' 'em up like Unleaded Phillips 66
Owin' me more than 40 Acres and these Mule kicks
Gettin' the 48 Hours like Eddie Murphy
Too dark to mix, now triple-six wanna hurt me
Still reachin' for more than ten million sales
In Studio 54, 'Waiting to Exhale'
When in the world 12 disciples in this life cycle
That's trifle, so my impact's a twenty gauge rifle
Fifty-fifty eight and thirteen inches of weapon
7 1 8 to 2 1 3 on the 747
Three strikes, two tokes, once again for the mass
Furious like the Five with Grandmaster Flash
Yo, Funky Four plus 1, you know makes five
Fantastic, romantic, got live
Furious was cheeriest, the Treacherous Three
typewriters bang,
everyday it is the same
fact is
these people are going insane
they got sad eyes, no reply
they've been doing this shit all day
and they don't know why
they don't know the way
that's probably why they're going insane
they can't think with all those numbers (times 3)
there's too much on the line for numbers-
there's too much emphasis on numbers-
there's too much on the line for numbers-
there's too much emphasis on
go!machine goes ping, telephone rings
yeah all his life
he's been doing the same thing
got sad eyes, no reply
i've been doing thi shit all day
and i don't know why
they don't know the way
thats probaly why they're going insane
they cna't think with all those numbers (times 3)
there's too much on the line for numbers
there's too much emphasis on numbers
there's too much on the line for numbers
there's too much emphasis on
Tripping the world imperial
(Look inside her)
Leaving the world material
(Can't hide her)
Tripping the world imperial
(Look inside her)
Leaving the world material
(Can't hide her)
At the riverbanks
She's looking
Behind you
The black clouds
They fall hard and heavy
As Eden
Astounds you
So hail to those who give their lives
Who don't stand back when evil rises
It's not a matter of king or country
So you think it is over
Do you think it is really over?
Look up that skyline
There's a bad moon rising
You may not like it
But that's the lizard you're riding
The smiles and suits on TV news, they feed us all
But she's the greatest of liars
The stupid bird who dares to speak the naked truth
Soon lies flat on the wire
So hail to those who give their lives
Who don't stand back when evil rises
It's not a matter of king or country
So you think it is over
Do you think it is really over?
Look up that skyline
There's a bad moon rising
You may not like it
But that's the lizard you're riding
The lizard you're riding
We're all just the same old sinner
Fighting for a piece of nothing
Same mistakes go round again (same stupid men)
Covering up his bloody trail
Cain he came back emptyhanded
With no father blessing and no holy grail
Look around you
Take it in before your day is done
When I found you
I was cold and all my loving gone
Life inside you
Like a spiral sending lifelines from the ground
Whe I found her
She was cold, still in her wedding gown
Look inside her
And now she's gone so bring the darkness down
She brought the darkness down
Down down down
Down down down
Down down down
Down down down
Tripping the world imperial
Leaving the world material
Tripping the world imperial
Leaving the world material
Trees surround you
They say your body is the garden of your soul
Lights will blind you
And all these roads they say they lead to Rome
Eyes have found her
But you say you're better off alone
Plead forgiveness for a soul that's bad beyond the bone
There's truth in numbers
There's truth in scales
There's truth in science
And truth in sales
And when the sweetness
Comes to an end
You try to bargain
To live again
There's truth in progress
There's truth in fame
There's truth in healing
And the truth remains
And when the sweetness
Comes to an end
You try to bargain
To live again
You look around for the brightest minds
Or just a few simple words of kindness
A world gone shallow, cold, and mean
It's like a wasteland void of dreams
Hoping and praying that we'll find our way back home
There's truth in progress
There's truth in fame
There's truth in healing
And the truth remains
And when the sweetness
Comes to an end
You try to bargain
To live again
You look around for the brightest minds
Or just a few simple words of kindness
Hoping and praying that we'll find our way back home
That we'll find our way back home
We'll find our way back home
And then the numbers may not come up right
And the artifacts are more than frightening
Between the Bible and eternal question
There's an ocean of fear and we're sinking faster
And then the numbers may not come up right
And the artifacts are more than frightening
Between the Bible and eternal question
There's an ocean of fear and we're sinking faster
And then the numbers may not come up right
And the artifacts are more than frightening
Between the Bible and eternal question
There's an ocean of fear and we're sinking faster
Look up that skyline
There's a bad moon rising
You may not like it
But that's the lizard you're riding
Look up that skyline
There's a bad moon rising
You may not like it
Came at you in silence, my back at the wall.
"i've seen those nights where you binge and purge"
Those locks on your doors tell me when you're crouched
on all fours
counting tile, losing bile and sleep.
"it's just a diet, i've kept it quiet. Even if you told
all my family and
friends they would never believe it."
I think you're right. I can't believe it too
that it's you, but it's you.
My problems hide in numbers that leave when i gag and
I weighed out every option, that scale's not fit for
Medical language won't ever help to shape this if that
mind is just as frail
as it's frame.
you know i'd leave it alone.
We can beat genetics, adopting new aesthetics for
beautiful bodies, figures
taking control, oh, what a nice, nice thing.
Besides, my problems hide in numbers that leave when i
gag and heave
and heaving's kind of hard with your hands tied round
your waist.
point out the obvious, tell me just how dangerous
then bundle every fight in an "isn't right" and leave
Don't want to leave a bed
With a warm body in it
But when the numbers come to flood my head
I have to float on behind
To the grind
Of the phone calls
Seven buttons
Don't you see how fast I can go through a long list of shit to do?
Make out a big check
Write a little letter
And put a sticky stamp on the post card that I send to you
Then I wait, I wait to see, is there anybody out there?
I'm a hunchback, hunch
Hunched over scribbled notes and numbers that I can't read
Hunchback, hunch
Hunched over a cheap piano that I can't really play
The other day though
I thought I might find
The kind of faith that could ease my mind
I thought I might learn
I thought I could try
To let a day go by
When I did not sabotage myself
Dont wanna wait, I won't wait to see is there anybody out there?
Sometimes the sun slides down
Leaving stripes in the sky
And I watch my resignation fly away
And I say this is the last day
I'll let myself feel this way
We've got no money put aside
Get it and throw it all away
Another day's another time
Got nothing now to do with me
I don't think about the future
I don't like to deal with numbers
We like to sit outside and watch the motion
Can only see so far from where we live
Municipal lines half crossing out
And intersect through fields
I don't like to deal with numbers
I don't think about the future
I just wait here until the sun goes down
And everything is simple
We wear our father's clothes,
Can't think alone,
Spend all our time waiting for something
New to come along
Get our name out in the hall
And pretend there's someone out there who cares
I don't think about the future
When the ball drops and means everything, they want to take everything from
When your back is pressed up against the wall they still will take
Everything from you.
I'm still waiting here with my head barely above water, just waiting
For my time to be on top of what were owed.
This industry is corrupt and we're barely holding on, so why are we here?
Everyday we play into the bigger picture, without ever finding breaks.
There's a reason why we're always losing sleep, there's a reason why we
Cannot find our peace.
We are here to show all you that there's a future in never finding
I patiently wait, I patiently wait for our break
We love this life, We love this life
This industry is corrupt and we're barely holding on, so why are we here?
Everyday we play into the bigger picture, without ever finding breaks.
There's a reason why we're always losing sleep, there's a reason why
We cannot find our peace.
We are here to show all you that there's a future in never finding
You're just a walking contradiction,
What's your favourite number?
What does it mean?
Number 1 is the indvidual
Number 2 - duality
Number 3, ... numerology is all shit
Number 4 is the number that runs through this music
What's your favourite number?
What does it mean?
Every number has a meaning
What's your favourite number?
What does it mean?
Number 6 is the sword on your neck
Number 7 - surreality
Number 9, this is where the cycle ends
Number 10, here we start again
What kind of power?
What kind of demon is this?
Who kicks me out in shame
With every word he says
What kind of majik of majiks?
What kind of war is this?
That I can't fight no more
That leaves me weaponless
And nails me to the floor
What kind of power, of powers?
What kind of man
Can make me turn and see?
The way I really am
Oh tell me who, oh who?
Where have my brothers gone?
Why I don't see them about?
They're all around him now
And keeping me out
What kind of madness, of, of madness?
"Go on and let him in, he's only asking for
A simple job to do and nothing more", they said
But looking back I see this stranger had the key
To any door he wished, with his eyes I say
What kind of majiks, of majiks?
What kind of man
Can make me turn and see?
The way I really am
Oh tell me who, oh who?
"Go on and let him in, he's only asking for
A simple job to do and nothing more", they said
"Go on and let him in", yeah, yeah
"Go on and let him in, he's only asking for
A simple job to do and nothing more"
But looking back I see this stranger had the key
To any door
I don't wanna be a number
Just like being a prisoner
I just wanna stay free
Don't wanna be a number three
O I don't wanna be a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Signing on the dot
Got my name on a form
Thought I had it made
They treat you just insane
You are just a number
And I ain't got a name
You are just a number
And I ain't got a name
Sitting in a prison cell
Numbers on my chest
Age is just a number
Mummy does know best
Come and tear my heart apart
Ventricles are tenderly unwound
Pushing wires through my mouth
Numbers on my mind
Streaming all the time
No you can’t tell me
This is what I need
Please protect my eyes from light
Information swims through winding webs
Penetrates my little head
Numbers on my mind
Streaming all the time
No you can’t tell me
This is what I need
Images burning so hot
Branding themselves on my mind
Now I fear pictures of God
Might strike me down dead dumb and blind
I wanted love I wanted love
I wanted love I wanted love
But just because this world
Is not enough is not enough
Is not enough is not enough
What I found wasn’t love
Numbers on my mind
Streaming all the time
No you can’t tell me
Oh, oh, oh
Three zero zero zero million
Two dollars fifty a day
One person on the other side
Two zero million a day
One forty five million
One twelve triple a week
Ten percent and eighty-five
Fifty and one you see
Oh can you see them
These numbers
They're everywhere yeah they surround us
Open your eyes now
(And) you'll see them
And you just know it's wrong
You know it's wrong
Every single day
Hey hey hey
Every single day
Hey hey hey
We see them in the paper
See them in the news
Tell me where's this goin’?
What're we supposed to do?
Ten thousand in Berlin alone
One-forty mph
Eight four zero zero million
Ten triple O ok
One zero zero zero million
Two gallons every glush
Twenty-two zero zero everyday
I just can't believe, that much
Oh can you see them
These numbers
They're everywhere yeah they surround us
Open your eyes now
(And) you'll see them
And you just know it's wrong
You know it's wrong
Every single day
Hey hey hey
Every single day
Hey hey hey
We see them in the paper
See them in the news
Tell me where's this goin’?
What're we supposed to do?
1 3 4 5
we are nothing but numbers
calling you
calling me
2 6 7 and 8
i'm sorry but i'm running low
got to go
We are nothing but numbers
Calling You
Calling Me
2 6 7 and 8
I’m Sorry but I’m running low
Got to go
Wherever I am
I don’t give a damn
Any place, Anytime
Always you on my mind
Life will be a delight
With you in my sight
You’re too good to ignore
When you stand at my door
1 3 4 5
We are nothing but numbers
Calling You
Calling Me
2 6 7 and 8
I’m sorry but I’m running low
Got to go
(Got to go)
(Got to go)
In the bed, In the car
I know where you are
On a boat far away
I still hear what you say
In the bed, In the car
I know where you are
If you sleep on your own
I can tell with my phone
1 3 4 5
We are nothing but numbers
Calling You
Calling Me
2 6 7 and 8
I’m sorry but I’m running low
Got to go
We are nothing but numbers
Calling You
Calling Me
2 6 7 and 8
I’m Sorry but I’m running low
Got to go
(Got to go)
(Got to go)
Beware of strength in numbers
They play better than one
A group of those who follow
Can never reach the sun
Be careful who you're thinking will save you in the end
Maybe we're all just waiting for one beautiful friend
The rising of all of this
Will not become the fall
A group of those who follow
Will never learn to walk
We see what we want to see
Maybe breathe lighter now
The group of those who follow
You'll never see us now
I had the dream again the one where i just started to ascend
and my vision grew much clearer
Then all the people and the buildings and the ground began to blend
and i saw a set of numbers
I had the dream again the one where i was forced to take a train
From Chicago to Atlanta
And when we reached top speed I had to give the current ETA
So I grabbed a calculator
Ooh I'm a number, you're a number. can't you see?
And my cells are all dividing
Ooh I'm a number, you're a number. can't you see?
and my race is multiplying
I walked into a store and bumped into a pyramid of cans
And they fell into a pattern
And when the clerk came out he pointed at the triangle he planned
And I had to know the tangent
I still think we have at least a million years to go until we reach the end
Soon we'll overthrow the sky and use it for ourselves and all we comprehend
3.1415926 a work of fiction
ever think the circle is a trick?
grab a pen ill add it to the list. of comprehension
I still think the odds are good that you can make a bet on what will be the
When the numbers shape our world, and we control the shape we'll frolic with
the gods
Someone grab Fermat another drink to stop his shouting
ask him what the other scholars think.
If your margins are the missing link, I'll buy you paper
Someone grab Fermat another drink
And so the story ends without the world collapsing on itself
And my computer started flashing
And when i checked the net I found that I accumulated wealth
One man, one time, one life, one night he had о vision, Two lanes of blacktop disappear into the night, Three calls were made to different numbers in four cities, Five minutes later the deal was falling into place,
Numbers, sorting out the numbers,
Six shells slid snugly deep inside the oily chambers, Seven hours until the pick up in the dawn, Eight hundred klicks of open road before the border, Nine lives were up he knew the clock was ticking down,
Numbers, working on the numbers, only numbers, dealing with the numbers,
Ten kilos sweated on his mind and in the trailer,
Eleven witnesses took him for a ride,
Twelve angry men and true made up a swinging jury,
Thirteen years were handed out he's going down,
Unlucky number, dealing with the numbers,
Do the numbers, counting down the numbers,
All we do is multiply, subtract and divide,
Adding to our problems in our calculating minds,
Count me out your future, count me out your plans,
a single individual, a solitary man, not a number,
Name not a number.
Two pillars turned to dust and left the skyline,
Two towers threw long shadows on our world,
Nine eleven became twenty four seven,
Ground zero, the countdown had begun,
Numbers, only numbers, making up the numbers, making
up the numbers,
All we do is multiply, subtract and divide,
Adding to our problems in our calculating minds,
Numbers, only numbers, making up the numbers, making
up the numbers.
Count me out your future, count me out your plans,
a single individual, a solitary man, not a number,
Name not a number.
Keep your head down don't attract attention, Don't spout opinions; don't stand out from the crowd, Keep out the spotlight hang in the shadows, Out in the open there's no place left to hide,
Oh yeah, your one and only life
Ripped from the earth with these bare hands
You dare, question the ritual, despite continual
Threats of gonna get you all
1 law for the officers, 1 for the gentlemen
2 bad you, 3 know, what it's 4
5 for this awful dive, 6 for the genetics
7 for the lucky pricks, who went into heaven
Nightmare, we ride for miles and miles
Following the howling of our prey
Out there, reload our yellow rigs
Scrambling for shelter, dig a void, decay
1 for the flaming sun, 2 for the location
3 for the martyrs and the stars
4 for the wind and sand, 5 so you understand
6 for the slips 'twixt the cup and the lips
1 for the cockpit blues, 2 for the Panzer crews
3 for the vast and molten sky
4 for the failed talks, 5 for the knives and forks
6 for forbidden kicks, all the yobbos in the sticks
1 law for the officers, 1 for the gentlemen
2 bad you, 3 know, what it's 4
5 for this awful dive, 6 for the genetics
7 for the lucky pricks, who went into heaven
1 for the flaming sun, 2 for the location
3 for the martyrs and the stars
4 for the wind and sand, 5 so you understand
6 for the slips 'twixt the cup and the lips, come on
1 for the cockpit blues, 2 for the Panzer crews
3 for the vast and molten sky
4 for the failed talks, 5 for the knives and forks
6 for forbidden kicks, all the yobbos in the sticks, 10
10011, zeros
Makeaveete, system overload
The ovual engine was not able to process