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Selahattin Demirtas of HDP Responds to Ankara Bombings (Video) Life in the Qandil Mountains of Iraqi Kurdistan Historical Legacies, Political Context, & Legal Mechanisms Migrant States, Mobile Economies: Rethinking the Political in Contemporary Turkey (GMU Event) De-dramatizing Algerian Politics
[Tuareg children on the remains of Tuareg houses in the Tayuri neighborhood of Sebha, destroyed during clashes in July 2015. Image by author]

Libya: The Forgotten War of the Tebu and Tuareg

In the midst of the Libyan desert, a thousand kilometers south of Tripoli, a war divides two communities that had been living a brotherly life until the post-revolutionary vortex carried away their friendship. The Tebu, an ethnic group ...

Jadaliyya Turns Five. يا لطيف

It is hard to overestimate our continued enthusiasm for working on Jadaliyya. But amid the current state of affairs in the region, it is difficult to maintain unfettered enthusiasm. We started this project shortly before the euphoria of ...

[Syrian refugees along with other migrants marching from the Hungarian city of Hegyeshalom to the Austrian border. September 2015. Photo by Jonathan Rashad.]

"We took the boat of death": Syrian Refugees Arrive in Austria

In September 2015, tens of thousands of Syrian refugees flooded into Austria from the Hungarian city of Hegyeshalom, six kilometers from the Austrian-Hungarian border. According to the United Nations, more than four million Syrians have ...

[Alice Walker, Pulitzer Prize winning author and activist. Image from the Video]

Black, Palestinian Artists and Activists Affirm Solidarity in New Video

More than 60 leading Black and Palestinian artists and activists are featured in a new video highlighting challenges that both communities are confronting, including militarized policing and the prison industry. The video features Ms. ...

Questioning Social Inequality and Difference in the Arab Region
Selected Presentations from ACSS Conference
Sandy Tolan on Music under Occupation
Interviewed by Malihe Razazan

Jadaliyya Turns Five. يا لطيف

It is hard to overestimate our continued enthusiasm for working on Jadaliyya. But amid the current state of affairs in the region, it is difficult to maintain unfettered enthusiasm. We started this project shortly before the euphoria of revolutionary upheaval. Now we find ourselves in a moment of protracted despair, with glimmers of hope. Yet, we are determined to forge ahead. We tried to delay this anniversary announcement until "things" settled down, but it increasingly seems unwise. so here it goes. Five years after we launched this publication, we remain wedded to treating it as brand new, with all the care, vigor, and even insecurity of launching a new ...

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روبرت بلاي: قصائد مختارة

كشاعرٍ ومحرِّرٍ ومترجمٍ أحدث روبرت بلاي (١٩٢٦-) تأثيراً عميقاً في الشعر الأميركي أدى إلى نقلة نوعية على صعيد الشكل الشعري.  ولم يكن شاعراً منغلقاً أسير تقاليد شعرية معينة، بل انطلق فاتحاً الحدود بين الثقافات ملقّحاً القصيدة بمؤثرات من تراثات مختلفة، وقد عدّ ترجمة الشعر عملية إبداعية تنفخ الروح في آداب البلدان المختلفة، إذ لا يمكن لشاعر أن يبقى أسير تراثه الشعري، بل يجب أن ينفتح وينطلق إلى فضاء الشعر الكوني الأرحب كي يمتح من ينابيع الآخر. ربما لهذا نظر بلاي إلى الترجمة كرديف للإبداع، مؤمناً أن هناك لغة خلف اللغات، هي لغة الشعر، ولا يمكن أن نخرجها من مناجمها الخفية إلا بمعاول الترجمة التي تتجاوز كونها عملية نقل من لغة إلى أخرى. ألم يقل صديق روبرت بلاي، الشاعر السويدي ...

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"We took the boat of death": Syrian Refugees Arrive in Austria

[Syrian refugees along with other migrants marching from the Hungarian city of Hegyeshalom to the Austrian border. September 2015. Photo by Jonathan Rashad.]

In September 2015, tens of thousands of Syrian refugees flooded into Austria from the Hungarian city of Hegyeshalom, six kilometers from the Austrian-Hungarian border. According to the United Nations, more than four million Syrians have fled the country since the civil war started. "We took the boat of death and drowned in the Aegean Sea on the way to Greece," said Hassan Elbalah, a Syrian refugee who escaped the war this year. As I waited in the bus station in Berlin before heading to Hungary, two Syrian men approached me and desperately asked if I knew how they could go to Malmo, Sweden. When I arrived, the Keleti train station in Budapest seemed ...

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Maghreb Media Roundup (October 15)

[Image from the medina in Fes, Morocco. Image by Dennis Jarvis/Flickr]

[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to by Tuesday night of every week] Algeria الجزائريون في متاهمة… الفعالية غائبة Nafaha Magazine discusses individual productivity and workforce hours in Algeria. La chute de « Rab Dzaïr », le « dieu d’Alger »  Lahouari Addi discusses the recent firing of the security general Toufik L'accord d'association avec l'Europe, un désastre enfin reconnu par le ...

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Black, Palestinian Artists and Activists Affirm Solidarity in New Video

[Alice Walker, Pulitzer Prize winning author and activist. Image from the Video]

More than 60 leading Black and Palestinian artists and activists are featured in a new video highlighting challenges that both communities are confronting, including militarized policing and the prison industry. The video features Ms. Lauryn Hill, Danny Glover, Cornel West, Angela Davis, Alice Walker, Sapphire, LisaGay Hamilton, the Baha Men, Dream Defenders Co-Founder Ahmad Abuznaid, Yousef Erakat (fouseyTUBE), and others holding up signs such as “Gaza Stands With Ferguson” and “They choked me on video. I said I couldn’t breathe,” referencing the murder of Eric Garner in July 2014. It comes on the heels of an 19 August 2015 statement signed by more than 1,100 Black ...

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في نقد ظاهرة النسويّة الإسلامية: الأخوات المسلمات مثالاً

[مصدر الصورة آ.ب]

في نقد ظاهرة «النسويّة الإسلاميّة»: «الأخوات المسلمات» مثالاً محددات أولية في اصطلاح "النسوية" و"النسوية الإسلامية" ما زال هناك صعوبة شديدة إلى الآن تواجه الباحثين والباحثات بشأن تحديد دقيق لما يعنيه اصطلاح «النسويّة Feminism»، وبخاصة في البلاد العربية والإسلاميّة. الصعوبة لا تكمن في نقل معاني المصطلح والتأريخ له في بلاد الغرب (1) والكيفية التي انتقل بها إلى بلاد العرب، بمقدار ما تكمن أولاً في تحديد الاستحقاق المعرفي له وما يترتب عليه؛ وثانياً، في إمكانية إدراج هذا الاستحقاق داخل السياق الإسلامي، المؤسَّس بنحو جوهريّ على مقتضيات «العقل القضيبي». لا بد من الإشارة للمعاني المستبطنة داخل مصطلح "النسوية" أثناء استخدامه في هذا المقال: ...

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NEWTONs You May Have Missed

As we begin to round the corner towards winter, we wanted to take an opportunity to remind you of some of the amazing NEWTON posts we have posted since January that you might have missed the first time around—especially those of you starting to think about reading lists for the spring semester. If you wish to recommend a book or peer-reviewed article for a feature in NEWTON, please email us at ABE Journal: Architecture Beyond Europe Reem Abou-El-Fadl, editor, Revolutionary Egypt: Connecting Domestic and International Struggles Hisham Aidi, Rebel Music: Race, Empire, and the New Muslim Youth Culture Luca Anceschi, Gennaro Gervasio, and Andrea ...

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We Have Lost Too Much

[Bodies covered with flags in the aftermath of the explosions at a peace rally in Ankara on October 10. Image by Fatih Pınar.]

According to the official figures, 97 civilians died in a deadly blast in Ankara on Saturday although the death toll is contested.[1] They were there to participate in the peace rally organized by leftist associations, syndicates, and unions. Many NGOs and People’s Democratic Party (HDP) representatives and supporters were among the participants. Photos of dead bodies lying on the ground covered by the flags prepared for the rally overwhelmed social media accounts, reminding one of the irony of death at a rally organized to call for an end to the accelerating violence since the 7 June elections. It is heartbreakingly unfortunate that hopes for peace were once again ...

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Syria Media Roundup (October 12)

[Syrian child wrapped in a towel after arriving at Greek island of Kos, Image by Freedom House via flickr]

 [This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to by Monday night of every week.]    Inside Syria What do Assad's forces hope to achieve in Hama? Hama witnesses its largest military build up since 2011 as regime forces attempt to tighten their grip on key rebel-held towns in the region.  War Widows: Caught between unbearable losses and daily challenges Widowed Syrian women face extreme poverty and grief ...

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Jadaliyya Co-Editor Mouin Rabbani on AJE Inside Edition Panel on Escalating Violence in Palestine

Amid escalating protests and violence in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) and Israel, Al-Jazeera English Inside Edition interviewed Gideon Levy of Ha'aretz, Sari Bashi of Human Rights Watch, and Jadaliyya Co-Editor Mouin Rabbani on the subject of Israeli policy in the occupied Palestinian territories. Against a background of summary executions and a shoot-to-kill policy, the discussion considered Israel's obligations under international law as an occupying power and the prospects for the application of these principles.

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ذهب السودان بعد نفطه: لمن؟

[مصدر الصورة آ.ب]

تتجه أنظار السودانيين الى فبراير/شباط المقبل لمعرفة امكانية تحقيق الوعود التي أطلقها وزير المعادن الشاب، أحمد الصادق الكاروري، ببدء الإنتاج الحكومي من الذهب بمشاركة روسية. ففي أواخر يوليو/تموز المنصرم، أعلن عن التوقيع على عقد بين الوزارة والشركة الروسية "سيبريا" بحضور الرئيس عمر البشير شخصياً، مما يشير إلى الأهمية التي أسبغت على المناسبة. وفي حفل التوقيع نفسه تحدث الوزير عن الاحتياطيات الضخمة المكتشفة من الذهب التي سيجري العمل للبدء في إنتاجها من موقعين في ولايتي نهر النيل والبحر الأحمر، حيث يمكن للموقع الأول أن ينتج ثمانية آلاف طن والثاني 36 ألفاً، ولو أن التوقيع مع شركة سيبريا الروسية أقتصر حتى الآن على الموقع الأول فقط. الوزير أوضح أن نسبة الحكومة من العائد ...

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The Ankara Massacre and the State as a Serial Killer in Erdogan’s Turkey

[People facing police barricades during commemorations of the massacre in Ankara. Image by Fatih Pınar.]

Shortly after the news of the Ankara massacre started circulating on social media, a video surfaced, showing the very moment of the first explosion, foregrounded by a group of young peace rally participants on a line of halay. The protesters were singing and dancing to prominent ozan Ruhi Su’s “Ellerinde Pankartlar,” composed to commemorate the bloody May 1 Labor Day celebrations in Taksim Square in 1977—when at least 42 people were massacred and more than 120 people were injured. When the first bomb goes off in the video, the halay group is about to utter those famous lines “this Meydan is a bloody meydan.” The bombs don’t allow that elegy to continue. The police who ...

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Continuing the Struggle

In Ankara, on 10 October, a few minutes after 10am, two of us (Alp and Max) were on our way to the “Labor, Peace and Democracy” rally. We were a little late and just entering the crowd, rushing towards the train station to meet with others, when the first bomb struck two hundred meters ahead. It all happened at the same time—the explosion, the shockwave, a thirty-foot column of fire and smoke. Everything stopped, then the second bomb exploded. What happened was clear to us, but not the precise ...

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Palestine Media Roundup (October 8 – 14)

[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Palestine and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Palestine Page Co-Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each roundup to] The Occupation Forces Israeli Occupation Forces Kidnapped 650 Palestinians in October The Palestinian Authority Committee says most kidnapped are younger than 20 years old Gaza: Pregnant Woman ...

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Libya: The Forgotten War of the Tebu and Tuareg

In the midst of the Libyan desert, a thousand kilometers south of Tripoli, a war divides two communities that had been living a brotherly life until the post-revolutionary vortex carried away their friendship. The Tebu, an ethnic group that traces its roots to the Tibesti Mountains in Chad, and the Tuareg, the “Berbers of the desert” spread throughout the Sahel-Saharan region, had been living side by side since having signed a peace treaty in late nineteenth century. In August 2014, however, violence ...

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أنت هنا في حضرة أعراس انتهت

”أنت هنا في حضرة أعراس انتهت“ من تلك المجموعة الأدبية الساحرة، المسماة، مجموعة كركوك، لم أكن قد رأيت قبل مغادرتي العراق في نهاية السبعينيات، إلا فاضل العزاوي عند بُعد، أثناء أمسية أدبية في اتحاد الأدباء العراقيين، أواسط السبعينيات، فقد كنتُ أقرأ لهم وأتابعهم، باعتبارهم أصواتا أدبية متفردة، على صعيد الشعر والنثر. وحينما وجدت نفسي في ألمانيا الغربية، كانوا هم قد توزعوا، حالهم حال الأصوات الأدبية العراقية الحرّة، في بلدان العالم: مؤيد الراوي وفاضل العزاوي ببرلين الشرقية، سركون بولص في سان فرانسيسكو ...

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Social Dialogue Under The Gun in Tunisia

Tunisia’s democratic transition has been idealized as the bright light of the Arab Uprisings. In addition to avoiding the bloody crackdowns of Egypt, Libya, and Syria, the country held the promise of making real gains on the issues of social justice—low wages, unequal development, and crony neoliberal capitalism—that triggered the uprising. Led in part by the country’s powerful trade union, the democratic transition was supposed to provide a re-energized economy, tripartite negotiation on wages and work ...

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لكي تنتصر الانتفاضة

ليس المطلوب المبالغة في الجدال حول تسمية ما يجري، "هبة" "موجة" "انتفاضة" "ردة فعل دفاعية"، فما يجري، بغض النظر عن التسمية، دليل حيّ جديد على قيامة المارد الفلسطيني من القمقم الذي عاش فيه، خصوصًا خلال السنوات العشر الماضية. لقد سقطت كل التحليلات التي نظّر أصحابها بأن زمن الانتفاضات قد ولّى، وأنّ الشعب الفلسطيني تمزّق وأمعن في الإحباط وتنعّم بالسلام الاقتصادي وخيرات السلطة، وأنه لن تقوم له قائمة لفترة طويلة. لقد أظهرت "الانتفاضة" بأن الفلسطينيين قادرون ...

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ACSS's Hanna Batatu Lecture Series: Inaugural Lecture by Salim Tamari

  The Arab Council for the Social Sciences  The Hanna Batatu Lecture Series Inaugural Lecture Beirut, 14 October 2015, Gefinor Hotel   Schedule Introductions and Lecture: 4:00 pm Welcome and introduction - Dr. Abdulkhaleq Abdulla (Chairman of the ACSS Board of Trustees) Remembering Hanna Batatu - Dr. Bassam Haddad (Board of Trustees Member) Introduction to the Inaugural Lecture and to Dr. Salim Tamari – Dr. Seteney Shami (Director-General, ACSS) Lecture by Dr. ...

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Egypt Media Roundup (October 12)

 [This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to by Sunday night of every week.]  Maspero Massacre Anniversary Egypt’s Copts Coalition commemorates 'Maspero' martyrs, demands re-investigation The event will take place at the Archangel Michael Cathedral in ...

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عن الأمل والألم

عن الأمل والألم لم يعد يتذوق الشعر، بات مبتذلاً في كل مرة كسرت الموسيقا قافيته وحريته. فلم يعد يخشى أن تذبحه الأشعار، لكثرة ما تخثر على نصلها من دماء، إلى أن بات نصلها ميتا. اعذره ففي عذاباته لم يعتد البحر كالصخر لا تقضمه دموع المنفى. *** في كفها طعم الملح والخبز والحبر والحكايات وبذور جنون وبدايات لا تصل. *** في كامل غييه وجنونه. مازال يدرك أن لغة الإصرار التي تتلبسه (إصراره على ما بقي منهما)، لها طعم البوح الأول في فمه. فيحمل حقائبه ويمشي إليها في أول شفاهه. يمشي بلا توقف وإن انتهى اللحن، يبحث ...

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Ankara Bombings: Democracy Now! Interview with HDP’s Hisyar Ozsoy and Turkey Page Co-Editor Asli Bali

As many as 128 people died in Turkey Saturday when nearly simultaneous explosions ripped through a pro-peace rally in the country’s capital of Ankara. More than 245 people were injured. The bombs went off just as Kurdish groups, trade unions and leftist organizations were preparing to begin a march protesting the resumption of fighting between the Turkish state and Kurdish militants. Earlier today, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu blamed ISIL for carrying out the attack. But march organizers ...

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Last Week on Jadaliyya (October 5-11)

This is a selection of what you might have missed on Jadaliyya last week. It also includes a list of the most read articles and roundups. Progressively, we will be featuring more content on our "Last Week on Jadaliyya" series.   Netanyahu at the UN: Jadaliyya Co-Editor Noura Erakat Interview by Al-Jazeera America De-dramatizing Algerian Politics Migrant States, Mobile Economies: Rethinking the Political in Contemporary Turkey (GMU Event) Roundtable ...

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Selahattin Demirtas of HDP Responds to Ankara Bombings (Video)

On 10 October 2015, two bombs were detonated in the midst of a mass rally ("The Labor, Democracy, and Peace Meeting) in Ankara, callled for by the trade unions KESK and DISK as well as other civil society organizations. At least ninety-five people were killed in the attacks, according to state sources (other estimates have put the death toll at 128). The attacks come after several months of state violence in Turkey following national elections in early June. In this video, Selahattin Demirtaş, the ...

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