Jack Reacher was something of a surprise, and was just one more step toward Tom Cruise reinventing himself and his career. Frankly, the idea sounded s...
Like a lot of fans of Alien, Ridley Scott has gone goofy over his work. Prometheus (which was horrible) split critics, but in a way that made some won...
Sicario hasn’t had much chance to pull in money yet, but things are already looking good. It isn’t just that the film is managing quite a ...
Peter Pan is one of those films that we’re going to live with, in one form or another, every few years… forever. Knowing this, when news h...
You might not be among those chanting for a CHiPs, but someone is really interested, and the stars are showing up. Of course, the theory of the adapta...
You almost expect news to hit that someone is going to throw Beau Geste at us again. Also, you have to follow people on social media if you want to ma...
The many mysteries surrounding the film London Fields may be even more intriguing than the movie’s layered plot. Based on the 1989 novel by Mar...
You may have heard that further evidence has appeared that nothing is sacred, because Disney has its eye on a sequel to Mary Poppins. Well, things are...