Dr Ruppol à Yambuku, site de la première épidémie d'Ebola 1976
Dr Ruppol à Yambuku, site de la première épidémie d'Ebola 1976
Dr Ruppol à Yambuku, site de la première épidémie d'Ebola 1976
Comment avez vous fait pour répondre à la variole? Le Dr Ruppol pose une question qui témoifgne de sa confiance dans la capacité des communautés à agir face à Ebola.
Zaire Ebolavirus Sounds (Yambuku-Mayinga)
Zaire Ebolavirus Sounds (Yambuku-Mayinga)
Zaire Ebolavirus Sounds (Yambuku-Mayinga)
A soundscape representing the putative gene products of the Zaire ebolavirus isolate Ebola virus\nH.sapiens-tc COD 1976 Yambuku-Mayinga. In red - all of the ORF lengths. CKT.
School Yambuku mp4 HD
School Yambuku mp4 HD
School Yambuku mp4 HD
All Information about the Ebola Virus euronews
All Information about the Ebola Virus euronews
All Information about the Ebola Virus euronews
The first known incidents of the Ebola virus were in 1976. There were two simultaneous outbreaks in Nzara in Sudan and Yambuku in Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo). The name of the Ebola river near Yambuku was given to the new epidemic.
Outbreaks have mainly occured in remote villages in Central and West Africa, close to tropical rainforests.
The current outbreak, which began in March 2014, is the largest in history. More than 3,000 people have died in West Africa,
Over 2,000 in Liberia more than 700 in Guinea, and as many as 620 in Sierra Leone.
A small number of cases have appeared in Nigeria with one in Senegal and one in th
хвостатый апокалипсис Monkey Doom
хвостатый апокалипсис Monkey Doom
хвостатый апокалипсис Monkey Doom
1: Doha, Quatar
2: Cairo, Egypt
3: Yambuku, DRC
4: Madagascar
5: Mogadishu, Somalia Answer: Sabotage Costs: $25,000 Хвостатый апокалипсис Доха,Катар Каир,Египет Ямбуку,ДРК Мадагаскар Могадишо,Сомали Ответ : вывести из строя самолет
Tout savoir sur le virus Ebola
Tout savoir sur le virus Ebola
Tout savoir sur le virus Ebola
"La maladie à virus Ebola" selon la terminologie de l’OMS, a été observée pour la première fois en 1976. Le virus s’est développé dans deux zones séparées de plusieurs centaines de kilomètres : à Nzara au Soudan et à Yambuku au Zaïre (République démocratique du Congo actuel), localité proche du fleuve Ebola. Le nom de ce dernier a été ensuite utilisé pour nommer cette nouvelle épidémie.
La zone la plus touchée par les flambées épidémiques se trouve en Afrique de l’Ouest. Ebola est l’une des m…
LIRE L’ARTICLE: http://fr.euronews.com/2014/08/14/ce-quil-faut-savoir-sur-le-virus-ebola-
Aujourd'hui dans l'actualité : les titres en vidéo https:
How to prevent from Ebola Virus | Prevention and Cure 2015
How to prevent from Ebola Virus | Prevention and Cure 2015
How to prevent from Ebola Virus | Prevention and Cure 2015
The Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
The current outbreak in West Africa, (first cases notified in March 2014), is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976. There have been more cases and deaths in this outbreak than all others combined. It has also spread between countries starting in Guinea then
Penyakit Virus Ebola (EVD), Ebola mula dikesan pada awal tahun 1976 di Yambuku, Zaire berdekatan sungai Ebola. Dan fakta yang agak mengejutkan ; EVD ini meru...
Gilbert Raffier : cet Aixois qui a découvert le virus Ebola
Gilbert Raffier : cet Aixois qui a découvert le virus Ebola
Gilbert Raffier : cet Aixois qui a découvert le virus Ebola
Expert en médecine tropicale, médecin général de l'Armée française et conseiller auprès des autorités d'Afrique centrale, Gilbert Raffier a découvert en 1976...
Relógio de Oração - Virus Ebola Parte 1
Relógio de Oração - Virus Ebola Parte 1
Relógio de Oração - Virus Ebola Parte 1
Juntos podemos transformar o mundo pelo poder da oração. Ore pelos países africanos afetados pelo vírus ebola escolhendo um horário no site www.relogiodeorac...
Ebola Outbreak 2014 (Educational Video)
Ebola Outbreak 2014 (Educational Video)
Ebola Outbreak 2014 (Educational Video)
Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
The current outbreak in west Africa, (first cases notified in March 2014), is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976. There have been more cases and deaths in this outbreak than all others combined. It has also spread between countries starting in Guinea then spre
The Ebola Virus and The Meat Monkey - Virus Killer
The Ebola Virus and The Meat Monkey - Virus Killer
The Ebola Virus and The Meat Monkey - Virus Killer
The Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
The current outbreak in West Africa, (first cases notified in March 2014), is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976. There have been more cases and deaths in this outbreak than all others combined. It has also spread between countries starting in Guinea then
What is Ebola virus? A global emergency or a deadly diseases
What is Ebola virus? A global emergency or a deadly diseases
What is Ebola virus? A global emergency or a deadly diseases
Ebola virus disease (EVD), formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, is a severe, often fatal illness in humans. It comes from Bats and Monkeys. Ebola firs...
Ebola first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, in Nzara, Sudan, and in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter was in a village situated...
Ebola virus disease 2014
Ebola virus disease 2014
Ebola virus disease 2014
Ebola first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, in Nzara, Sudan, and in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter was in a village situated...
Kevin Ariën (IMT): Virology aspects and laboratory diagnosis
Kevin Ariën (IMT): Virology aspects and laboratory diagnosis
Kevin Ariën (IMT): Virology aspects and laboratory diagnosis
The Ebola virus was discovered at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp, Belgium in 1976 during an outbreak in Yambuku, former Zaïre. Ebola virus has been endemic in Central Africa since 1976 and caused at least 25 recorded outbreaks prior to the 2013 outbreak in West Africa. The current outbreak is unprecedented in number of infected people, deaths and its geographic spread.
Ebola virus is an enveloped negative-stranded RNA virus that belongs to the family of the Filoviridae, which further consists of Marburg virus and Cueva virus. The most lethal Ebola virus is the Zaire strain, with case fatality rates (CFR) of up to 90%. Four mor
Ebola virus disease (EVD), known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, is a severe and often fatal illness in humans, that first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
The virus is transmitted to people from wild animals and spreads in the human population through human-to-human transmission.
EBOLA WARNING: Possible epidemic - How to prevent ebola and causes
EBOLA WARNING: Possible epidemic - How to prevent ebola and causes
EBOLA WARNING: Possible epidemic - How to prevent ebola and causes
What is Ebola?
Ebola virus disease (EVD), formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, is described by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as "a severe, often fatal illness in humans."
It first appeared in 1976 in two simultaneous outbreaks - in Nzara, Sudan; and in Yambuku, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter was in a village situated near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
It is mainly found in tropical Central and West Africa, and can have a 90 per cent mortality rate - although it is now at about 60 per cent.
Ebola Virus: Prevention and Control
Ebola Virus: Prevention and Control
Ebola Virus: Prevention and Control
Ebola Virus: Prevention and Control
The Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
Monkey Meat and the Ebola Outbreak in Liberia
Ebola - What You're Not Being Told
What You Need to Know About Ebola
Top 5 Deadliest Diseases
PEGADINHA: Vírus Ebola (Ebola Prank)
How To Cure
Ebola Virus Disease - Cause, Symptoms and Cure
Ebola Virus Disease - Cause, Symptoms and Cure
Ebola Virus Disease - Cause, Symptoms and Cure
Ebola first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, in Nzara, Sudan, and in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter was in a village situated...
3 Virus Ebola hors établissement santé référent#3
3 Virus Ebola hors établissement santé référent#3
3 Virus Ebola hors établissement santé référent#3
The Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
The current outbreak in West Africa, (first cases notified in March 2014), is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976. There have been more cases and deaths in this outbreak than all others combined. It has also
DllHost 2015 03 07 17 07 15 37
DllHost 2015 03 07 17 07 15 37
DllHost 2015 03 07 17 07 15 37
godnt naus mrg. snuybf The Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
The current outbreak in west Africa, (first cases notified in March 2014), is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976. There have been more cases and deaths in this outbreak than all others combined. It has also spread between countries s
DllHost 2015 03 07 17 07 33 17
DllHost 2015 03 07 17 07 33 17
DllHost 2015 03 07 17 07 33 17
asdiy sf. The Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
The current outbreak in west Africa, (first cases notified in March 2014), is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976. There have been more cases and deaths in this outbreak than all others combined. It has also spread between countries starting in Gu
Dr Ruppol à Yambuku, site de la première épidémie d'Ebola 1976
Comment avez vous fait pour répondre à la variole? Le Dr Ruppol pose une question qui témoifgne de sa confiance dans la capacité des communautés à agir face ...
Comment avez vous fait pour répondre à la variole? Le Dr Ruppol pose une question qui témoifgne de sa confiance dans la capacité des communautés à agir face à Ebola.
wn.com/Dr Ruppol À Yambuku, Site De La Première Épidémie D'Ebola 1976
Comment avez vous fait pour répondre à la variole? Le Dr Ruppol pose une question qui témoifgne de sa confiance dans la capacité des communautés à agir face à Ebola.
- published: 19 Sep 2014
- views: 56
Zaire Ebolavirus Sounds (Yambuku-Mayinga)
A soundscape representing the putative gene products of the Zaire ebolavirus isolate Ebola virus\nH.sapiens-tc COD 1976 Yambuku-Mayinga. In red - all of the ORF...
A soundscape representing the putative gene products of the Zaire ebolavirus isolate Ebola virus\nH.sapiens-tc COD 1976 Yambuku-Mayinga. In red - all of the ORF lengths. CKT.
wn.com/Zaire Ebolavirus Sounds (Yambuku Mayinga)
A soundscape representing the putative gene products of the Zaire ebolavirus isolate Ebola virus\nH.sapiens-tc COD 1976 Yambuku-Mayinga. In red - all of the ORF lengths. CKT.
All Information about the Ebola Virus euronews
The first known incidents of the Ebola virus were in 1976. There were two simultaneous outbreaks in Nzara in Sudan and Yambuku in Zaire (now the Democratic Repu...
The first known incidents of the Ebola virus were in 1976. There were two simultaneous outbreaks in Nzara in Sudan and Yambuku in Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo). The name of the Ebola river near Yambuku was given to the new epidemic.
Outbreaks have mainly occured in remote villages in Central and West Africa, close to tropical rainforests.
The current outbreak, which began in March 2014, is the largest in history. More than 3,000 people have died in West Africa,
Over 2,000 in Liberia more than 700 in Guinea, and as many as 620 in Sierra Leone.
A small number of cases have appeared in Nigeria with one in Senegal and one in the US.
A nurse in Madrid Spain is the first reported incident in Europe.
wn.com/All Information About The Ebola Virus Euronews
The first known incidents of the Ebola virus were in 1976. There were two simultaneous outbreaks in Nzara in Sudan and Yambuku in Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo). The name of the Ebola river near Yambuku was given to the new epidemic.
Outbreaks have mainly occured in remote villages in Central and West Africa, close to tropical rainforests.
The current outbreak, which began in March 2014, is the largest in history. More than 3,000 people have died in West Africa,
Over 2,000 in Liberia more than 700 in Guinea, and as many as 620 in Sierra Leone.
A small number of cases have appeared in Nigeria with one in Senegal and one in the US.
A nurse in Madrid Spain is the first reported incident in Europe.
- published: 10 Oct 2014
- views: 2
хвостатый апокалипсис Monkey Doom
1: Doha, Quatar
2: Cairo, Egypt
3: Yambuku, DRC
4: Madagascar
5: Mogadishu, Somalia Answer: Sabotage Costs: $25,000 Хвостатый апокалипсис Доха,Катар Каир,Египет...
1: Doha, Quatar
2: Cairo, Egypt
3: Yambuku, DRC
4: Madagascar
5: Mogadishu, Somalia Answer: Sabotage Costs: $25,000 Хвостатый апокалипсис Доха,Катар Каир,Египет Ямбуку,ДРК Мадагаскар Могадишо,Сомали Ответ : вывести из строя самолет
wn.com/Хвостатый Апокалипсис Monkey Doom
1: Doha, Quatar
2: Cairo, Egypt
3: Yambuku, DRC
4: Madagascar
5: Mogadishu, Somalia Answer: Sabotage Costs: $25,000 Хвостатый апокалипсис Доха,Катар Каир,Египет Ямбуку,ДРК Мадагаскар Могадишо,Сомали Ответ : вывести из строя самолет
- published: 03 Nov 2014
- views: 23
Tout savoir sur le virus Ebola
"La maladie à virus Ebola" selon la terminologie de l’OMS, a été observée pour la première fois en 1976. Le virus s’est développé dans deux zones séparées de pl...
"La maladie à virus Ebola" selon la terminologie de l’OMS, a été observée pour la première fois en 1976. Le virus s’est développé dans deux zones séparées de plusieurs centaines de kilomètres : à Nzara au Soudan et à Yambuku au Zaïre (République démocratique du Congo actuel), localité proche du fleuve Ebola. Le nom de ce dernier a été ensuite utilisé pour nommer cette nouvelle épidémie.
La zone la plus touchée par les flambées épidémiques se trouve en Afrique de l’Ouest. Ebola est l’une des m…
LIRE L’ARTICLE: http://fr.euronews.com/2014/08/14/ce-quil-faut-savoir-sur-le-virus-ebola-
Aujourd'hui dans l'actualité : les titres en vidéo https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUW2QcKZiU8aUGg4yxCIditg
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wn.com/Tout Savoir Sur Le Virus Ebola
"La maladie à virus Ebola" selon la terminologie de l’OMS, a été observée pour la première fois en 1976. Le virus s’est développé dans deux zones séparées de plusieurs centaines de kilomètres : à Nzara au Soudan et à Yambuku au Zaïre (République démocratique du Congo actuel), localité proche du fleuve Ebola. Le nom de ce dernier a été ensuite utilisé pour nommer cette nouvelle épidémie.
La zone la plus touchée par les flambées épidémiques se trouve en Afrique de l’Ouest. Ebola est l’une des m…
LIRE L’ARTICLE: http://fr.euronews.com/2014/08/14/ce-quil-faut-savoir-sur-le-virus-ebola-
Aujourd'hui dans l'actualité : les titres en vidéo https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUW2QcKZiU8aUGg4yxCIditg
euronews : la chaîne d'information la plus regardée en Europe.
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- published: 07 Oct 2014
- views: 83
How to prevent from Ebola Virus | Prevention and Cure 2015
The Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks...
The Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
The current outbreak in West Africa, (first cases notified in March 2014), is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976. There have been more cases and deaths in this outbreak than all others combined. It has also spread between countries starting in Guinea then spreading across land borders to Sierra Leone and Liberia, by air (1 traveller) to Nigeria and USA (1 traveller), and by land to Senegal (1 traveller) and Mali (2 travellers).
More surveillance data and research are needed on the risks of sexual transmission, and particularly on the prevalence of viable and transmissible virus in semen over time.
In the interim, and based on present evidence, WHO recommends that:
All Ebola survivors and their sexual partners should receive counselling to ensure safe sexual practices until their semen has twice tested negative. Survivors should be provided with condoms.
Male Ebola survivors should be offered semen testing at 3 months after onset of disease, and then, for those who test positive, every month thereafter until their semen tests negative for virus twice by RT-PCR, with an interval of one week between tests.
Ebola survivors and their sexual partners should either:
abstain from all types of sex, or
observe safe sex through correct and consistent condom use until their semen has twice tested negative.
wn.com/How To Prevent From Ebola Virus | Prevention And Cure 2015
The Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
The current outbreak in West Africa, (first cases notified in March 2014), is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976. There have been more cases and deaths in this outbreak than all others combined. It has also spread between countries starting in Guinea then spreading across land borders to Sierra Leone and Liberia, by air (1 traveller) to Nigeria and USA (1 traveller), and by land to Senegal (1 traveller) and Mali (2 travellers).
More surveillance data and research are needed on the risks of sexual transmission, and particularly on the prevalence of viable and transmissible virus in semen over time.
In the interim, and based on present evidence, WHO recommends that:
All Ebola survivors and their sexual partners should receive counselling to ensure safe sexual practices until their semen has twice tested negative. Survivors should be provided with condoms.
Male Ebola survivors should be offered semen testing at 3 months after onset of disease, and then, for those who test positive, every month thereafter until their semen tests negative for virus twice by RT-PCR, with an interval of one week between tests.
Ebola survivors and their sexual partners should either:
abstain from all types of sex, or
observe safe sex through correct and consistent condom use until their semen has twice tested negative.
- published: 06 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Penyakit Virus Ebola (EVD), Ebola mula dikesan pada awal tahun 1976 di Yambuku, Zaire berdekatan sungai Ebola. Dan fakta yang agak mengejutkan ; EVD ini meru......
Penyakit Virus Ebola (EVD), Ebola mula dikesan pada awal tahun 1976 di Yambuku, Zaire berdekatan sungai Ebola. Dan fakta yang agak mengejutkan ; EVD ini meru...
wn.com/5 Ogos Penyakit Virus Ebola Evd Dr Benerdict Sim Lim Heng
Penyakit Virus Ebola (EVD), Ebola mula dikesan pada awal tahun 1976 di Yambuku, Zaire berdekatan sungai Ebola. Dan fakta yang agak mengejutkan ; EVD ini meru...
Gilbert Raffier : cet Aixois qui a découvert le virus Ebola
Expert en médecine tropicale, médecin général de l'Armée française et conseiller auprès des autorités d'Afrique centrale, Gilbert Raffier a découvert en 1976......
Expert en médecine tropicale, médecin général de l'Armée française et conseiller auprès des autorités d'Afrique centrale, Gilbert Raffier a découvert en 1976...
wn.com/Gilbert Raffier Cet Aixois Qui A Découvert Le Virus Ebola
Expert en médecine tropicale, médecin général de l'Armée française et conseiller auprès des autorités d'Afrique centrale, Gilbert Raffier a découvert en 1976...
- published: 07 May 2014
- views: 299
author: tunnel
Relógio de Oração - Virus Ebola Parte 1
Juntos podemos transformar o mundo pelo poder da oração. Ore pelos países africanos afetados pelo vírus ebola escolhendo um horário no site www.relogiodeorac......
Juntos podemos transformar o mundo pelo poder da oração. Ore pelos países africanos afetados pelo vírus ebola escolhendo um horário no site www.relogiodeorac...
wn.com/Relógio De Oração Virus Ebola Parte 1
Juntos podemos transformar o mundo pelo poder da oração. Ore pelos países africanos afetados pelo vírus ebola escolhendo um horário no site www.relogiodeorac...
Ebola Outbreak 2014 (Educational Video)
Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, on...
Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
The current outbreak in west Africa, (first cases notified in March 2014), is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976. There have been more cases and deaths in this outbreak than all others combined. It has also spread between countries starting in Guinea then spreading across land borders to Sierra Leone and Liberia, by air (1 traveller only) to Nigeria, and by land (1 traveller) to Senegal.
The most severely affected countries, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia have very weak health systems, lacking human and infrastructural resources, having only recently emerged from long periods of conflict and instability. On August 8, the WHO Director-General declared this outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.
World Health Organisation (2014)
wn.com/Ebola Outbreak 2014 (Educational Video)
Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
The current outbreak in west Africa, (first cases notified in March 2014), is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976. There have been more cases and deaths in this outbreak than all others combined. It has also spread between countries starting in Guinea then spreading across land borders to Sierra Leone and Liberia, by air (1 traveller only) to Nigeria, and by land (1 traveller) to Senegal.
The most severely affected countries, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia have very weak health systems, lacking human and infrastructural resources, having only recently emerged from long periods of conflict and instability. On August 8, the WHO Director-General declared this outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.
World Health Organisation (2014)
- published: 24 Oct 2014
- views: 301
The Ebola Virus and The Meat Monkey - Virus Killer
The Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks...
The Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
The current outbreak in West Africa, (first cases notified in March 2014), is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976. There have been more cases and deaths in this outbreak than all others combined. It has also spread between countries starting in Guinea then spreading across land borders to Sierra Leone and Liberia, by air (1 traveller) to Nigeria and USA (1 traveller), and by land to Senegal (1 traveller) and Mali (2 travellers).
The most severely affected countries, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, have very weak health systems, lack human and infrastructural resources, and have only recently emerged from long periods of conflict and instability. On August 8, the WHO Director-General declared the West Africa outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern under the International Health Regulations (2005).
The virus family Filoviridae includes three genera: Cuevavirus, Marburgvirus, and Ebolavirus. There are five species that have been identified: Zaire, Bundibugyo, Sudan, Reston and Taï Forest. The first three, Bundibugyo ebolavirus, Zaire ebolavirus, and Sudan ebolavirus have been associated with large outbreaks in Africa. The virus causing the 2014 West African outbreak belongs to the Zaire
wn.com/The Ebola Virus And The Meat Monkey Virus Killer
The Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
The current outbreak in West Africa, (first cases notified in March 2014), is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976. There have been more cases and deaths in this outbreak than all others combined. It has also spread between countries starting in Guinea then spreading across land borders to Sierra Leone and Liberia, by air (1 traveller) to Nigeria and USA (1 traveller), and by land to Senegal (1 traveller) and Mali (2 travellers).
The most severely affected countries, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, have very weak health systems, lack human and infrastructural resources, and have only recently emerged from long periods of conflict and instability. On August 8, the WHO Director-General declared the West Africa outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern under the International Health Regulations (2005).
The virus family Filoviridae includes three genera: Cuevavirus, Marburgvirus, and Ebolavirus. There are five species that have been identified: Zaire, Bundibugyo, Sudan, Reston and Taï Forest. The first three, Bundibugyo ebolavirus, Zaire ebolavirus, and Sudan ebolavirus have been associated with large outbreaks in Africa. The virus causing the 2014 West African outbreak belongs to the Zaire
- published: 12 Jul 2015
- views: 8
What is Ebola virus? A global emergency or a deadly diseases
Ebola virus disease (EVD), formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, is a severe, often fatal illness in humans. It comes from Bats and Monkeys. Ebola firs......
Ebola virus disease (EVD), formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, is a severe, often fatal illness in humans. It comes from Bats and Monkeys. Ebola firs...
wn.com/What Is Ebola Virus A Global Emergency Or A Deadly Diseases
Ebola virus disease (EVD), formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, is a severe, often fatal illness in humans. It comes from Bats and Monkeys. Ebola firs...
Ebola first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, in Nzara, Sudan, and in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter was in a village situated......
Ebola first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, in Nzara, Sudan, and in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter was in a village situated...
wn.com/Ebola Virus Very Danger
Ebola first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, in Nzara, Sudan, and in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter was in a village situated...
- published: 30 Jul 2014
- views: 441
author: bindu b
Ebola virus disease 2014
Ebola first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, in Nzara, Sudan, and in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter was in a village situated......
Ebola first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, in Nzara, Sudan, and in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter was in a village situated...
wn.com/Ebola Virus Disease 2014
Ebola first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, in Nzara, Sudan, and in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter was in a village situated...
- published: 30 Aug 2014
- views: 26
author: In time
Kevin Ariën (IMT): Virology aspects and laboratory diagnosis
The Ebola virus was discovered at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp, Belgium in 1976 during an outbreak in Yambuku, former Zaïre. Ebola virus has be...
The Ebola virus was discovered at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp, Belgium in 1976 during an outbreak in Yambuku, former Zaïre. Ebola virus has been endemic in Central Africa since 1976 and caused at least 25 recorded outbreaks prior to the 2013 outbreak in West Africa. The current outbreak is unprecedented in number of infected people, deaths and its geographic spread.
Ebola virus is an enveloped negative-stranded RNA virus that belongs to the family of the Filoviridae, which further consists of Marburg virus and Cueva virus. The most lethal Ebola virus is the Zaire strain, with case fatality rates (CFR) of up to 90%. Four more Ebola virus strains with varying CFRs have been identified: Sudan, Bundibugyo, Tai forest and Reston.
Ebola virus causes severe hemorrhagic fever in humans, non-human primates and a number of other animals. It is a zoonotic infection with fruits bats being the most likely animal reservoir. Although the life cycle may be more complicated and not yet completely elucidated, the transmission to humans most likely occurs through hunting, butchering and consumption of infected animals (bats, primates etc.). Human-to-human transmission occurs through direct physical contact with infected individuals or their body fluids.
The large international effort deployed in 2014 to help contain the West African epidemic has speeded up the development of vaccines, antiviral therapies and diagnostics. During my talk, I will focus on some of these developments, with special attention for the diagnostics field.
wn.com/Kevin Ariën (Imt) Virology Aspects And Laboratory Diagnosis
The Ebola virus was discovered at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp, Belgium in 1976 during an outbreak in Yambuku, former Zaïre. Ebola virus has been endemic in Central Africa since 1976 and caused at least 25 recorded outbreaks prior to the 2013 outbreak in West Africa. The current outbreak is unprecedented in number of infected people, deaths and its geographic spread.
Ebola virus is an enveloped negative-stranded RNA virus that belongs to the family of the Filoviridae, which further consists of Marburg virus and Cueva virus. The most lethal Ebola virus is the Zaire strain, with case fatality rates (CFR) of up to 90%. Four more Ebola virus strains with varying CFRs have been identified: Sudan, Bundibugyo, Tai forest and Reston.
Ebola virus causes severe hemorrhagic fever in humans, non-human primates and a number of other animals. It is a zoonotic infection with fruits bats being the most likely animal reservoir. Although the life cycle may be more complicated and not yet completely elucidated, the transmission to humans most likely occurs through hunting, butchering and consumption of infected animals (bats, primates etc.). Human-to-human transmission occurs through direct physical contact with infected individuals or their body fluids.
The large international effort deployed in 2014 to help contain the West African epidemic has speeded up the development of vaccines, antiviral therapies and diagnostics. During my talk, I will focus on some of these developments, with special attention for the diagnostics field.
- published: 26 Feb 2015
- views: 6
Ebola virus disease (EVD), known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, is a severe and often fatal illness in humans, that first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbr...
Ebola virus disease (EVD), known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, is a severe and often fatal illness in humans, that first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
The virus is transmitted to people from wild animals and spreads in the human population through human-to-human transmission.
wn.com/Ebola Virus (English)
Ebola virus disease (EVD), known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, is a severe and often fatal illness in humans, that first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
The virus is transmitted to people from wild animals and spreads in the human population through human-to-human transmission.
- published: 21 Oct 2014
- views: 13
EBOLA WARNING: Possible epidemic - How to prevent ebola and causes
What is Ebola?
Ebola virus disease (EVD), formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, is described by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as "a severe, often f...
What is Ebola?
Ebola virus disease (EVD), formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, is described by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as "a severe, often fatal illness in humans."
It first appeared in 1976 in two simultaneous outbreaks - in Nzara, Sudan; and in Yambuku, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter was in a village situated near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
It is mainly found in tropical Central and West Africa, and can have a 90 per cent mortality rate - although it is now at about 60 per cent.
wn.com/Ebola Warning Possible Epidemic How To Prevent Ebola And Causes
What is Ebola?
Ebola virus disease (EVD), formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, is described by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as "a severe, often fatal illness in humans."
It first appeared in 1976 in two simultaneous outbreaks - in Nzara, Sudan; and in Yambuku, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter was in a village situated near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
It is mainly found in tropical Central and West Africa, and can have a 90 per cent mortality rate - although it is now at about 60 per cent.
- published: 22 Oct 2014
- views: 5
Ebola Virus: Prevention and Control
Ebola Virus: Prevention and Control
The Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeare...
Ebola Virus: Prevention and Control
The Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
Monkey Meat and the Ebola Outbreak in Liberia
Ebola - What You're Not Being Told
What You Need to Know About Ebola
Top 5 Deadliest Diseases
PEGADINHA: Vírus Ebola (Ebola Prank)
How To Cure Ebola
wn.com/Ebola Virus Prevention And Control
Ebola Virus: Prevention and Control
The Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
Monkey Meat and the Ebola Outbreak in Liberia
Ebola - What You're Not Being Told
What You Need to Know About Ebola
Top 5 Deadliest Diseases
PEGADINHA: Vírus Ebola (Ebola Prank)
How To Cure Ebola
- published: 16 Oct 2014
- views: 3
Ebola Virus Disease - Cause, Symptoms and Cure
Ebola first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, in Nzara, Sudan, and in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter was in a village situated......
Ebola first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, in Nzara, Sudan, and in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter was in a village situated...
wn.com/Ebola Virus Disease Cause, Symptoms And Cure
Ebola first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, in Nzara, Sudan, and in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter was in a village situated...
3 Virus Ebola hors établissement santé référent#3
The Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) ...
The Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
The current outbreak in West Africa, (first cases notified in March 2014), is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976. There have been more cases and deaths in this outbreak than all others combined. It has also spread between countries starting in Guinea then spreading across land borders to Sierra Leone and Liberia, by air (1 traveller) to Nigeria and USA (1 traveller), and by land to Senegal (1 traveller) and Mali (2 travellers).
The most severely affected countries, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, have very weak health systems, lack human and infrastructural resources, and have only recently emerged from long periods of conflict and instability. On August 8, the WHO Director-General declared the West Africa outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern under the International Health Regulations (2005).
The virus family Filoviridae includes three genera: Cuevavirus, Marburgvirus, and Ebolavirus. There are five species that have been identified: Zaire, Bundibugyo, Sudan, Reston and Taï Forest. The first three, Bundibugyo ebolavirus, Zaire ebolavirus, and Sudan ebolavirus have been associated with large outbreaks in Africa. The virus causing the 2014 West African outbreak belongs to the Zaire species.
wn.com/3 Virus Ebola Hors Établissement Santé Référent 3
The Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
The current outbreak in West Africa, (first cases notified in March 2014), is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976. There have been more cases and deaths in this outbreak than all others combined. It has also spread between countries starting in Guinea then spreading across land borders to Sierra Leone and Liberia, by air (1 traveller) to Nigeria and USA (1 traveller), and by land to Senegal (1 traveller) and Mali (2 travellers).
The most severely affected countries, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, have very weak health systems, lack human and infrastructural resources, and have only recently emerged from long periods of conflict and instability. On August 8, the WHO Director-General declared the West Africa outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern under the International Health Regulations (2005).
The virus family Filoviridae includes three genera: Cuevavirus, Marburgvirus, and Ebolavirus. There are five species that have been identified: Zaire, Bundibugyo, Sudan, Reston and Taï Forest. The first three, Bundibugyo ebolavirus, Zaire ebolavirus, and Sudan ebolavirus have been associated with large outbreaks in Africa. The virus causing the 2014 West African outbreak belongs to the Zaire species.
- published: 25 May 2015
- views: 0
DllHost 2015 03 07 17 07 15 37
godnt naus mrg. snuybf The Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2...
godnt naus mrg. snuybf The Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
The current outbreak in west Africa, (first cases notified in March 2014), is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976. There have been more cases and deaths in this outbreak than all others combined. It has also spread between countries starting in Guinea then spreading across land borders to Sierra Leone and Liberia, by air (1 traveller only) to Nigeria, and by land (1 traveller) to Senegal.
The most severely affected countries, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia have very weak health systems, lacking human and infrastructural resources, having only recently emerged from long periods of conflict and instability. On August 8, the WHO Director-General declared this outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.
A separate, unrelated Ebola outbreak began in Boende, Equateur, an isolated part of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The virus family Filoviridae includes 3 genera: Cuevavirus, Marburgvirus, and Ebolavirus. There are 5 species that have been identified: Zaire, Bundibugyo, Sudan, Reston and Taï Forest. The first 3, Bundibugyo ebolavirus, Zaire ebolavirus, and Sudan ebolavirus have been associated with large outbreaks in Africa. The virus causing the 2014 west African outbreak belongs to the Zaire species.ngr.e ngr awoi.
wn.com/Dllhost 2015 03 07 17 07 15 37
godnt naus mrg. snuybf The Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
The current outbreak in west Africa, (first cases notified in March 2014), is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976. There have been more cases and deaths in this outbreak than all others combined. It has also spread between countries starting in Guinea then spreading across land borders to Sierra Leone and Liberia, by air (1 traveller only) to Nigeria, and by land (1 traveller) to Senegal.
The most severely affected countries, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia have very weak health systems, lacking human and infrastructural resources, having only recently emerged from long periods of conflict and instability. On August 8, the WHO Director-General declared this outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.
A separate, unrelated Ebola outbreak began in Boende, Equateur, an isolated part of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The virus family Filoviridae includes 3 genera: Cuevavirus, Marburgvirus, and Ebolavirus. There are 5 species that have been identified: Zaire, Bundibugyo, Sudan, Reston and Taï Forest. The first 3, Bundibugyo ebolavirus, Zaire ebolavirus, and Sudan ebolavirus have been associated with large outbreaks in Africa. The virus causing the 2014 west African outbreak belongs to the Zaire species.ngr.e ngr awoi.
- published: 08 Mar 2015
- views: 0
DllHost 2015 03 07 17 07 33 17
asdiy sf. The Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous...
asdiy sf. The Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
The current outbreak in west Africa, (first cases notified in March 2014), is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976. There have been more cases and deaths in this outbreak than all others combined. It has also spread between countries starting in Guinea then spreading across land borders to Sierra Leone and Liberia, by air (1 traveller only) to Nigeria, and by land (1 traveller) to Senegal.
The most severely affected countries, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia have very weak health systems, lacking human and infrastructural resources, having only recently emerged from long periods of conflict and instability. On August 8, the WHO Director-General declared this outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.
A separate, unrelated Ebola outbreak began in Boende, Equateur, an isolated part of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The virus family Filoviridae includes 3 genera: Cuevavirus, Marburgvirus, and Ebolavirus. There are 5 species that have been identified: Zaire, Bundibugyo, Sudan, Reston and Taï Forest. The first 3, Bundibugyo ebolavirus, Zaire ebolavirus, and Sudan ebolavirus have been associated with large outbreaks in Africa. The virus causing the 2014 west African outbreak belongs to the Zaire species.asd sid neq.
wn.com/Dllhost 2015 03 07 17 07 33 17
asdiy sf. The Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
The current outbreak in west Africa, (first cases notified in March 2014), is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976. There have been more cases and deaths in this outbreak than all others combined. It has also spread between countries starting in Guinea then spreading across land borders to Sierra Leone and Liberia, by air (1 traveller only) to Nigeria, and by land (1 traveller) to Senegal.
The most severely affected countries, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia have very weak health systems, lacking human and infrastructural resources, having only recently emerged from long periods of conflict and instability. On August 8, the WHO Director-General declared this outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.
A separate, unrelated Ebola outbreak began in Boende, Equateur, an isolated part of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The virus family Filoviridae includes 3 genera: Cuevavirus, Marburgvirus, and Ebolavirus. There are 5 species that have been identified: Zaire, Bundibugyo, Sudan, Reston and Taï Forest. The first 3, Bundibugyo ebolavirus, Zaire ebolavirus, and Sudan ebolavirus have been associated with large outbreaks in Africa. The virus causing the 2014 west African outbreak belongs to the Zaire species.asd sid neq.
- published: 08 Mar 2015
- views: 0
How To Protect Yourself From The Ebola Virus – Is Ebola Airborne?
To get a complete Ebola Guide, go to: http://letmelook.at/ebolaguide
The Ebola virus is a severe and deadly virus that affects human and nonhuman primates such ...
To get a complete Ebola Guide, go to: http://letmelook.at/ebolaguide
The Ebola virus is a severe and deadly virus that affects human and nonhuman primates such as monkeys, chimpanzees and gorillas. Ebola virus disease has five known different species: Zaire, Sudan, Bundibugyo, Tai Forest and Reston.
In 1976 two Ebola outbreaks happened simultaneously in Nzara, Sudan and in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The outbreak in Yambuku occured in a village near the Ebola River and the disease was named after the river.
Ebola Africa
The Ebola virus has affected Africa for long time. The current outbreak started in March 2014 and affected the West African countries of Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and Senegal.
Liberia is one of the most severely affected countries of this current Ebola outbreak because it lacks human and infrastructure resources and their weak health system.
Ebola in the USA
Ebola first arrived in the US soil in July 2014 when two infected American missionaries were brought back from West Africa for treatment. Dr. Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol were the first Americans who got infected with the deadly Ebola virus and fortunately recovered from it using the experimental drugs Zmapp.
On September 5, 2014, Dr. Rick Sacra, the third American infected with Ebola arrived in the US for treatment at Nebraska Medical Center. Received a blood transfusion from Dr. Brantly, survived and was released on September 25, 2014.
Thomas Eric Duncan arrived in Dallas, Texas from Liberia on September 20, 2014 to visit his family. He went to the Presbyterian Health Hospital in Dallas because of high fever, told the nurse he has been to West Africa particularly in Liberia. But the nurse discharged him. After two days, Duncan was brought back to the hospital via ambulance and was then isolated. He was the first person diagnosed with Ebola in America on September 29, 2014. Unfortunately, Thomas Eric Duncan's lost his battle with Ebola on October 8, 2014.
Nina Pham, a nurse who treated Duncan at the hospital was diagnosed with Ebola on the 12th of October 2014. Then after two days Amber Vinson, another nurse who cared for Duncan, checked in at the hospital with fever and was diagnosed with Ebola after midnight of October 15, 2014.
Ebola Virus has been transmitted twice in the US. Make sure to practice proper hygiene especially when you are in public. There's a lot more to learn about this deadly virus so always take extra precaution.
How Ebola is transmitted?
The natural host of Ebola virus is believed to be fruit bats (Pteropodidae family). The virus is introduced to humans by a close or direct contact with blood and other body fluids of an infected animal (fruit bats, monkeys, porcupine).
Human to human transmission of Ebola virus is also by direct contact of bodily fluids (blood, urine, organs) of an infected person. It can also spread through direct contact with materials and surfaces (beddings and clothes) that are contaminated by the infected person's body fluids. The virus can enter the human body through broken skin (cuts, open wounds) and mucus membrane.
Is Ebola airborne?
No, Ebola virus is not an airborne disease.
Signs and Symptoms of Ebola Virus
A person may develop the symptoms below anywhere from 2 to 21 days after being exposed to Ebola virus.
Fever that are over 101.50F (38.60C)
Abdominal Pain (Stomach Pain)
Severe Headache
Unexplained Bleeding and Bruises
Weakness or Fatigue
How to prevent Ebola?
Below are some tips on how to prevent yourself from contracting Ebola virus.
Avoid traveling to countries that are infected with Ebola.
Always practice good hygiene. Wash your hands often. You can also use hand sanitizers that are alcohol based.
Avoid contact with blood and body fluids.
Avoid direct contact of infected person's dead body.
Avoid contact with infected nonhuman primates and bats or their body fluids. Also, avoid eating any raw meat from infected animals.
For healthcare workers:
Always wear proper protective gears.
Always apply proper infection control and sterilization procedures.
Isolate Ebola patients from other patients.
Always follow the Ebola safety guidelines.
Avoid contact with dead bodies that are infected with the virus.
Report any incident where an exposure to the virus has occurred.
How to protect yourself from Ebola?
There is no known approved vaccine for Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). So it is very important to be aware and apply the standard Ebola protection measures that are applicable to each and every one of us. Learn the Ebola safety and prevention tips and practice it daily to keep Ebola away.
Youtube Video URL:
Youtube Channel URL: http://www.youtube.com/user/medicalhealthinfo
Google+ URL:
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Also looking for:
how to protect against ebola
how to protect against ebola virus
how to protect yourself against ebola
how to protect yourself from ebola while traveling
wn.com/How To Protect Yourself From The Ebola Virus – Is Ebola Airborne
To get a complete Ebola Guide, go to: http://letmelook.at/ebolaguide
The Ebola virus is a severe and deadly virus that affects human and nonhuman primates such as monkeys, chimpanzees and gorillas. Ebola virus disease has five known different species: Zaire, Sudan, Bundibugyo, Tai Forest and Reston.
In 1976 two Ebola outbreaks happened simultaneously in Nzara, Sudan and in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The outbreak in Yambuku occured in a village near the Ebola River and the disease was named after the river.
Ebola Africa
The Ebola virus has affected Africa for long time. The current outbreak started in March 2014 and affected the West African countries of Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and Senegal.
Liberia is one of the most severely affected countries of this current Ebola outbreak because it lacks human and infrastructure resources and their weak health system.
Ebola in the USA
Ebola first arrived in the US soil in July 2014 when two infected American missionaries were brought back from West Africa for treatment. Dr. Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol were the first Americans who got infected with the deadly Ebola virus and fortunately recovered from it using the experimental drugs Zmapp.
On September 5, 2014, Dr. Rick Sacra, the third American infected with Ebola arrived in the US for treatment at Nebraska Medical Center. Received a blood transfusion from Dr. Brantly, survived and was released on September 25, 2014.
Thomas Eric Duncan arrived in Dallas, Texas from Liberia on September 20, 2014 to visit his family. He went to the Presbyterian Health Hospital in Dallas because of high fever, told the nurse he has been to West Africa particularly in Liberia. But the nurse discharged him. After two days, Duncan was brought back to the hospital via ambulance and was then isolated. He was the first person diagnosed with Ebola in America on September 29, 2014. Unfortunately, Thomas Eric Duncan's lost his battle with Ebola on October 8, 2014.
Nina Pham, a nurse who treated Duncan at the hospital was diagnosed with Ebola on the 12th of October 2014. Then after two days Amber Vinson, another nurse who cared for Duncan, checked in at the hospital with fever and was diagnosed with Ebola after midnight of October 15, 2014.
Ebola Virus has been transmitted twice in the US. Make sure to practice proper hygiene especially when you are in public. There's a lot more to learn about this deadly virus so always take extra precaution.
How Ebola is transmitted?
The natural host of Ebola virus is believed to be fruit bats (Pteropodidae family). The virus is introduced to humans by a close or direct contact with blood and other body fluids of an infected animal (fruit bats, monkeys, porcupine).
Human to human transmission of Ebola virus is also by direct contact of bodily fluids (blood, urine, organs) of an infected person. It can also spread through direct contact with materials and surfaces (beddings and clothes) that are contaminated by the infected person's body fluids. The virus can enter the human body through broken skin (cuts, open wounds) and mucus membrane.
Is Ebola airborne?
No, Ebola virus is not an airborne disease.
Signs and Symptoms of Ebola Virus
A person may develop the symptoms below anywhere from 2 to 21 days after being exposed to Ebola virus.
Fever that are over 101.50F (38.60C)
Abdominal Pain (Stomach Pain)
Severe Headache
Unexplained Bleeding and Bruises
Weakness or Fatigue
How to prevent Ebola?
Below are some tips on how to prevent yourself from contracting Ebola virus.
Avoid traveling to countries that are infected with Ebola.
Always practice good hygiene. Wash your hands often. You can also use hand sanitizers that are alcohol based.
Avoid contact with blood and body fluids.
Avoid direct contact of infected person's dead body.
Avoid contact with infected nonhuman primates and bats or their body fluids. Also, avoid eating any raw meat from infected animals.
For healthcare workers:
Always wear proper protective gears.
Always apply proper infection control and sterilization procedures.
Isolate Ebola patients from other patients.
Always follow the Ebola safety guidelines.
Avoid contact with dead bodies that are infected with the virus.
Report any incident where an exposure to the virus has occurred.
How to protect yourself from Ebola?
There is no known approved vaccine for Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). So it is very important to be aware and apply the standard Ebola protection measures that are applicable to each and every one of us. Learn the Ebola safety and prevention tips and practice it daily to keep Ebola away.
Youtube Video URL:
Youtube Channel URL: http://www.youtube.com/user/medicalhealthinfo
Google+ URL:
Google+ Post:
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how to protect against ebola
how to protect against ebola virus
how to protect yourself against ebola
how to protect yourself from ebola while traveling
- published: 19 Oct 2014
- views: 0