独家! 李心洁Angelica Lee:永不放弃婚姻
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★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.yo
婚变烟消云散 李心洁Angelica Lee不避谈老公
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★SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方频道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews
Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目:
★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjs
同一个!李心洁Angelica Lee携女逛老公出轨商场
李心洁Angelica Lee父不知女踪 彭顺如出轨亲自教训
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Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目:
★China's Immortal Songs HD Full Episodes:
《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN
传李心洁Angelica Lee或考虑离婚 恩师张艾嘉力劝其离婚
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Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目:
★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.
“出轨门”后 李心洁Angelica Lee走出阴霾向前走
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李心洁Angelica Lee心情大好 片场晒搞怪自拍照
近日,李心洁晒出一张穿着羽绒服的照片,嘟嘴卖萌看上去心情不错,疑似已经走出婚姻危机。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】 ☆SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方...
传彭顺情人节曾携"小三"出游 李心洁Angelica Lee痛哭一夜
据报道,自从彭顺被揭偷吃嫩模李悦彤后,立刻回马来西亚向老婆李心洁道歉,算是暂时避过离婚一劫。但近日他又被爆原来在今年双料情人节与李悦彤同游大阪,再次触动李心洁的痛处。据知日前李心洁悄悄看心理医生,与彭顺关系又变得紧张。 据报道称,李心洁早已察觉彭顺有事,但她没有发作,而是坐等老公浪子回头,直至日前爆出今年情人节期...
李心洁Angelica Lee静养7天 老公彭顺全程陪同
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★SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方频道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews
Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目:
★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/p
Angelica Lee Skirt Dancing To The Wind
Angelica Lee Ocean of Love
Angelica Lee 李心潔 poses for Cosmo
Actress Angelica Lee Sin-jie poses for Cosmopolitan Hong Kong's photo shoot, a publication of SCMP Magazines. Angelica will appear in the January 2010 cover.
The Malaysian-Chinese shot to fame in her leading role in the Asian horror film The Eye, in which she won best actress at the 2002 Golden Horse and Hong Kong Film Awards.
In this behind-the-scenes video of
The Eye (2002) trailer - Angelica Lee
A blind girl gets a cornea transplant so that she would be able to see again. However, she got more than what she bargained for when she realised she could even see ghosts. And some of these ghosts are down right unfriendly. So she embarks on a journey to find the origins of her cornea and to reveal the history of the previous dead owner ...
李心洁Angelica Lee丈夫疑似出轨 网友呼唤黄磊Huang Lei挺住
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★China's Immortal Songs HD Full E
梁咏琪Gigi Leung被曝怀孕后首现身 与李心洁Angelica Lee做慈善 教小朋友学英文
由梁咏琪、李心洁、杨采妮以及许茹芸所成立的“小黄花慈善教育基金”,今年暑假为来自低收入家庭小朋友,免费开办“儿童英语 唱游班”,希望借着音乐,让小朋友学会更多英文。 刚完成好友Eric Kwok演唱会的GiGi,与正在拍摄HKTV新剧的李心洁,早前抽空到其中一个位于东涌的受惠机构,了解小朋友的上课情況,GiGi说:“市面上虽然有好多playgroup课程,但学费不是个个都负担得起,尤其是那些来自低收入家庭的小朋友,所以希望搞些免费课程,好好地学英文,过一个开心暑假。” 至于同行的李心洁则透露,今年暑假“小黄花”除了开办英语唱游班,稍后还会邀請200多位小朋友同家长,一齐到剧院欣赏暑期动画电影,她说:“其实每年暑假我都有开办‘小黄花影院’,免费请低收入家庭成员,去剧院看电影,今年会继续搞。我同GiGi都希望每年搞多的活动,帮到更多小朋友,这都是我成立‘小黄花’的目的。”
李心洁Angelica Lee导演老公彭顺Oxide Pang出轨 火速返马"挽回爱情"
导演彭顺跟影后李心洁结婚四年,最近两人经常分隔两地,李心洁多留在马来西亚,而彭顺则在港筹备即将在台湾拍摄的新片,造就彭顺暗中出轨,偷搭曾任"Sing之天使"的靓模李悦彤(Liddy),两人被拍到密会,Liddy多次向男方索吻及拥抱,旁若无人表现主动。 -------【Please subscribe to the...
李心洁Angelica Lee老公彭顺Peng Shun出轨后回归家庭 "小三"李悦彤Liddy Li遭炮轰
导演彭顺出轨,李心洁28日发声明选择原谅,而"小三"李悦彤也撤下她一直放在微博上的与彭顺的合照。近日,李悦彤成为众人炮轰对象,更被媒体指责她主动爆料,想搏版面、抢爱情,一箭双雕。不过,昨日彭顺最后仍回到李心洁身边。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV C...
angelica lee sin je
A tribute to the beautiful Angelica Lee...
Craig Gum Time Lapse for Angelica Lee shoot
Two different shoots, 4 different looks for the model Angelica Lee. 3 Ventriloquist dummies and then face down into a makeshift table holding water filled with goldfish. About 6 hours of shooting time lapsed down to about a minute.
Re-Cycle *ENDING* in HD - Angelica Lee
A clip from an interesting film by the Pang bros named, Re-Cycle, or in Chinese, "Gwai wik", starring Angelica Lee.
Blueprint-Mind, Body & Soul (Featuring Angelica Lee)-(Adventures in Counter Culture)
Mind Body and Soul.
Angelica Lee Childhood
李心洁:不强求怀孕 享受生活最重要 Angelica Lee Malaysian Origin
李心洁:不强求怀孕 享受生活最重要 Angelica Lee Malaysian Origin
(念念)3月上映 心洁期待与师父宣传新片
独家! 李心洁Angelica Lee:永不放弃婚姻
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★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Most popular dating show in Shanghai《百里挑一》和《谁能百里挑一》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=27&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Master Chef Season 2 第二季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XGglA4OC00&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUMlwCpxgmSreUJtCUxXwV5e
★Master Chef Season 1 第一季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6B47DCB3534DDA5
★Asian Wave 《声动亚洲》完整版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQuMVdUNNgw&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUPKEpyCjWkJGlNjdZ00l-Wa
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★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUOpFap3PoTlP6ER-KxHkL5I
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Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目:
★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6
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★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Most popular dating show in Shanghai《百里挑一》和《谁能百里挑一》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=27&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Master Chef Season 2 第二季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XGglA4OC00&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUMlwCpxgmSreUJtCUxXwV5e
★Master Chef Season 1 第一季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6B47DCB3534DDA5
★Asian Wave 《声动亚洲》完整版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQuMVdUNNgw&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUPKEpyCjWkJGlNjdZ00l-Wa
★Top variety show from Dragon TV 东方卫视王牌综艺选秀 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=28&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Dragon TV 2014 New Year Countdown and Chinese New Year Countdown 东方卫视跨年晚会和马年春晚 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=25&sort;=dd&view;=50
★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUOpFap3PoTlP6ER-KxHkL5I
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- published: 24 Mar 2015
- views: 139
婚变烟消云散 李心洁Angelica Lee不避谈老公
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Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目:
★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6
★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo
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★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Most popular dating show in Shanghai《百里挑一》和《谁能百里挑一》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=27&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Master Chef Season 2 第二季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XGglA4OC00&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUMlwCpxgmSreUJtCUxXwV5e
★Master Chef Season 1 第一季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6B47DCB3534DDA5
★Asian Wave 《声动亚洲》完整版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQuMVdUNNgw&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUPKEpyCjWkJGlNjdZ00l-Wa
★Top variety show from Dragon TV 东方卫视王牌综艺选秀 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=28&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Dragon TV 2014 New Year Countdown and Chinese New Year Countdown 东方卫视跨年晚会和马年春晚 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=25&sort;=dd&view;=50
★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUOpFap3PoTlP6ER-KxHkL5I
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★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Most popular dating show in Shanghai《百里挑一》和《谁能百里挑一》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=27&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Master Chef Season 2 第二季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XGglA4OC00&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUMlwCpxgmSreUJtCUxXwV5e
★Master Chef Season 1 第一季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6B47DCB3534DDA5
★Asian Wave 《声动亚洲》完整版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQuMVdUNNgw&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUPKEpyCjWkJGlNjdZ00l-Wa
★Top variety show from Dragon TV 东方卫视王牌综艺选秀 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=28&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Dragon TV 2014 New Year Countdown and Chinese New Year Countdown 东方卫视跨年晚会和马年春晚 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=25&sort;=dd&view;=50
★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUOpFap3PoTlP6ER-KxHkL5I
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- published: 31 Dec 2014
- views: 70
同一个!李心洁Angelica Lee携女逛老公出轨商场
wn.com/同一个!李心洁Angelica Lee携女逛老公出轨商场
李心洁Angelica Lee父不知女踪 彭顺如出轨亲自教训
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Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目:
★China's Immortal Songs HD Full Episodes:
《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6
★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo
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★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Most popular dating show in Shanghai《百里挑一》&《谁能百里挑一》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=27&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Master Chef Season 2 第二季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XGglA4OC00&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUMlwCpxgmSreUJtCUxXwV5e
★Master Chef Season 1 第一季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6B47DCB3534DDA5
★Asian Wave 《声动亚洲》完整版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQuMVdUNNgw&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUPKEpyCjWkJGlNjdZ00l-Wa
★Top variety show from Dragon TV 东方卫视王牌综艺选秀 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=28&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Dragon TV 2014 New Year Countdown & Chinese New Year Countdown 东方卫视跨年晚会&马年春晚 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=25&sort;=dd&view;=50
★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUOpFap3PoTlP6ER-KxHkL5I
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Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目:
★China's Immortal Songs HD Full Episodes:
《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6
★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo
★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUNsDXUA65Uapu5X0_1KhEkE
★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Most popular dating show in Shanghai《百里挑一》&《谁能百里挑一》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=27&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Master Chef Season 2 第二季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XGglA4OC00&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUMlwCpxgmSreUJtCUxXwV5e
★Master Chef Season 1 第一季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6B47DCB3534DDA5
★Asian Wave 《声动亚洲》完整版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQuMVdUNNgw&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUPKEpyCjWkJGlNjdZ00l-Wa
★Top variety show from Dragon TV 东方卫视王牌综艺选秀 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=28&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Dragon TV 2014 New Year Countdown & Chinese New Year Countdown 东方卫视跨年晚会&马年春晚 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=25&sort;=dd&view;=50
★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUOpFap3PoTlP6ER-KxHkL5I
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- published: 29 May 2014
- views: 119
传李心洁Angelica Lee或考虑离婚 恩师张艾嘉力劝其离婚
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Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目:
★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6
★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo
★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUNsDXUA65Uapu5X0_1KhEkE
★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Most popular dating show in Shanghai《百里挑一》和《谁能百里挑一》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=27&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Master Chef Season 2 第二季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XGglA4OC00&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUMlwCpxgmSreUJtCUxXwV5e
★Master Chef Season 1 第一季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6B47DCB3534DDA5
★Asian Wave 《声动亚洲》完整版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQuMVdUNNgw&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUPKEpyCjWkJGlNjdZ00l-Wa
★Top variety show from Dragon TV 东方卫视王牌综艺选秀 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=28&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Dragon TV 2014 New Year Countdown and Chinese New Year Countdown 东方卫视跨年晚会和马年春晚 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=25&sort;=dd&view;=50
★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUOpFap3PoTlP6ER-KxHkL5I
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wn.com/传李心洁Angelica Lee或考虑离婚 恩师张艾嘉力劝其离婚
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Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目:
★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6
★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo
★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUNsDXUA65Uapu5X0_1KhEkE
★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Most popular dating show in Shanghai《百里挑一》和《谁能百里挑一》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=27&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Master Chef Season 2 第二季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XGglA4OC00&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUMlwCpxgmSreUJtCUxXwV5e
★Master Chef Season 1 第一季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6B47DCB3534DDA5
★Asian Wave 《声动亚洲》完整版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQuMVdUNNgw&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUPKEpyCjWkJGlNjdZ00l-Wa
★Top variety show from Dragon TV 东方卫视王牌综艺选秀 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=28&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Dragon TV 2014 New Year Countdown and Chinese New Year Countdown 东方卫视跨年晚会和马年春晚 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=25&sort;=dd&view;=50
★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUOpFap3PoTlP6ER-KxHkL5I
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- published: 17 Jun 2014
- views: 484
“出轨门”后 李心洁Angelica Lee走出阴霾向前走
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Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目:
★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6
★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo
★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUNsDXUA65Uapu5X0_1KhEkE
★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Most popular dating show in Shanghai《百里挑一》和《谁能百里挑一》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=27&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Master Chef Season 2 第二季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XGglA4OC00&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUMlwCpxgmSreUJtCUxXwV5e
★Master Chef Season 1 第一季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6B47DCB3534DDA5
★Asian Wave 《声动亚洲》完整版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQuMVdUNNgw&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUPKEpyCjWkJGlNjdZ00l-Wa
★Top variety show from Dragon TV 东方卫视王牌综艺选秀 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=28&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Dragon TV 2014 New Year Countdown and Chinese New Year Countdown 东方卫视跨年晚会和马年春晚 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=25&sort;=dd&view;=50
★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUOpFap3PoTlP6ER-KxHkL5I
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wn.com/“出轨门”后 李心洁Angelica Lee走出阴霾向前走
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Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目:
★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6
★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo
★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUNsDXUA65Uapu5X0_1KhEkE
★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Most popular dating show in Shanghai《百里挑一》和《谁能百里挑一》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=27&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Master Chef Season 2 第二季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XGglA4OC00&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUMlwCpxgmSreUJtCUxXwV5e
★Master Chef Season 1 第一季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6B47DCB3534DDA5
★Asian Wave 《声动亚洲》完整版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQuMVdUNNgw&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUPKEpyCjWkJGlNjdZ00l-Wa
★Top variety show from Dragon TV 东方卫视王牌综艺选秀 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=28&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Dragon TV 2014 New Year Countdown and Chinese New Year Countdown 东方卫视跨年晚会和马年春晚 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=25&sort;=dd&view;=50
★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUOpFap3PoTlP6ER-KxHkL5I
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- published: 07 Nov 2014
- views: 271
李心洁Angelica Lee心情大好 片场晒搞怪自拍照
近日,李心洁晒出一张穿着羽绒服的照片,嘟嘴卖萌看上去心情不错,疑似已经走出婚姻危机。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】 ☆SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方......
近日,李心洁晒出一张穿着羽绒服的照片,嘟嘴卖萌看上去心情不错,疑似已经走出婚姻危机。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】 ☆SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方...
wn.com/李心洁Angelica Lee心情大好 片场晒搞怪自拍照
近日,李心洁晒出一张穿着羽绒服的照片,嘟嘴卖萌看上去心情不错,疑似已经走出婚姻危机。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】 ☆SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方...
传彭顺情人节曾携"小三"出游 李心洁Angelica Lee痛哭一夜
据报道,自从彭顺被揭偷吃嫩模李悦彤后,立刻回马来西亚向老婆李心洁道歉,算是暂时避过离婚一劫。但近日他又被爆原来在今年双料情人节与李悦彤同游大阪,再次触动李心洁的痛处。据知日前李心洁悄悄看心理医生,与彭顺关系又变得紧张。 据报道称,李心洁早已察觉彭顺有事,但她没有发作,而是坐等老公浪子回头,直至日前爆出今年情人节期......
据报道,自从彭顺被揭偷吃嫩模李悦彤后,立刻回马来西亚向老婆李心洁道歉,算是暂时避过离婚一劫。但近日他又被爆原来在今年双料情人节与李悦彤同游大阪,再次触动李心洁的痛处。据知日前李心洁悄悄看心理医生,与彭顺关系又变得紧张。 据报道称,李心洁早已察觉彭顺有事,但她没有发作,而是坐等老公浪子回头,直至日前爆出今年情人节期...
wn.com/传彭顺情人节曾携 小三 出游 李心洁Angelica Lee痛哭一夜
据报道,自从彭顺被揭偷吃嫩模李悦彤后,立刻回马来西亚向老婆李心洁道歉,算是暂时避过离婚一劫。但近日他又被爆原来在今年双料情人节与李悦彤同游大阪,再次触动李心洁的痛处。据知日前李心洁悄悄看心理医生,与彭顺关系又变得紧张。 据报道称,李心洁早已察觉彭顺有事,但她没有发作,而是坐等老公浪子回头,直至日前爆出今年情人节期...
李心洁Angelica Lee静养7天 老公彭顺全程陪同
-------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Chann...
-------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】
★SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方频道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews
Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目:
★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6
★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo
★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUNsDXUA65Uapu5X0_1KhEkE
★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Most popular dating show in Shanghai《百里挑一》和《谁能百里挑一》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=27&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Master Chef Season 2 第二季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XGglA4OC00&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUMlwCpxgmSreUJtCUxXwV5e
★Master Chef Season 1 第一季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6B47DCB3534DDA5
★Asian Wave 《声动亚洲》完整版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQuMVdUNNgw&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUPKEpyCjWkJGlNjdZ00l-Wa
★Top variety show from Dragon TV 东方卫视王牌综艺选秀 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=28&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Dragon TV 2014 New Year Countdown and Chinese New Year Countdown 东方卫视跨年晚会和马年春晚 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=25&sort;=dd&view;=50
★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUOpFap3PoTlP6ER-KxHkL5I
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wn.com/李心洁Angelica Lee静养7天 老公彭顺全程陪同
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Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目:
★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6
★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo
★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUNsDXUA65Uapu5X0_1KhEkE
★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Most popular dating show in Shanghai《百里挑一》和《谁能百里挑一》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=27&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Master Chef Season 2 第二季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XGglA4OC00&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUMlwCpxgmSreUJtCUxXwV5e
★Master Chef Season 1 第一季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6B47DCB3534DDA5
★Asian Wave 《声动亚洲》完整版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQuMVdUNNgw&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUPKEpyCjWkJGlNjdZ00l-Wa
★Top variety show from Dragon TV 东方卫视王牌综艺选秀 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=28&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Dragon TV 2014 New Year Countdown and Chinese New Year Countdown 东方卫视跨年晚会和马年春晚 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=25&sort;=dd&view;=50
★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUOpFap3PoTlP6ER-KxHkL5I
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- published: 15 Jul 2014
- views: 313
Angelica Lee 李心潔 poses for Cosmo
Actress Angelica Lee Sin-jie poses for Cosmopolitan Hong Kong's photo shoot, a publication of SCMP Magazines. Angelica will appear ...
Actress Angelica Lee Sin-jie poses for Cosmopolitan Hong Kong's photo shoot, a publication of SCMP Magazines. Angelica will appear in the January 2010 cover.
The Malaysian-Chinese shot to fame in her leading role in the Asian horror film The Eye, in which she won best actress at the 2002 Golden Horse and Hong Kong Film Awards.
In this behind-the-scenes video of Cosmopolitan's photo shoot, Angelica also shares her fashion tastes and upcoming projects for 2010.
wn.com/Angelica Lee 李心潔 Poses For Cosmo
Actress Angelica Lee Sin-jie poses for Cosmopolitan Hong Kong's photo shoot, a publication of SCMP Magazines. Angelica will appear in the January 2010 cover.
The Malaysian-Chinese shot to fame in her leading role in the Asian horror film The Eye, in which she won best actress at the 2002 Golden Horse and Hong Kong Film Awards.
In this behind-the-scenes video of Cosmopolitan's photo shoot, Angelica also shares her fashion tastes and upcoming projects for 2010.
- published: 22 Dec 2009
- views: 17584
The Eye (2002) trailer - Angelica Lee
A blind girl gets a cornea transplant so that she would be able to see again. However, she got more than what she bargained for when she realised she could even...
A blind girl gets a cornea transplant so that she would be able to see again. However, she got more than what she bargained for when she realised she could even see ghosts. And some of these ghosts are down right unfriendly. So she embarks on a journey to find the origins of her cornea and to reveal the history of the previous dead owner ...
wn.com/The Eye (2002) Trailer Angelica Lee
A blind girl gets a cornea transplant so that she would be able to see again. However, she got more than what she bargained for when she realised she could even see ghosts. And some of these ghosts are down right unfriendly. So she embarks on a journey to find the origins of her cornea and to reveal the history of the previous dead owner ...
- published: 27 Dec 2014
- views: 16
李心洁Angelica Lee丈夫疑似出轨 网友呼唤黄磊Huang Lei挺住
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wn.com/李心洁Angelica Lee丈夫疑似出轨 网友呼唤黄磊Huang Lei挺住
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★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUOpFap3PoTlP6ER-KxHkL5I
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- published: 27 May 2014
- views: 4180
梁咏琪Gigi Leung被曝怀孕后首现身 与李心洁Angelica Lee做慈善 教小朋友学英文
由梁咏琪、李心洁、杨采妮以及许茹芸所成立的“小黄花慈善教育基金”,今年暑假为来自低收入家庭小朋友,免费开办“儿童英语 唱游班”,希望借着音乐,让小朋友学会更多英文。 刚完成好友Eric Kwok演唱会的GiGi,与正在拍摄HKTV新剧的李心洁,早前抽空到其中一个位于东涌的受惠机构,了解小朋友的上课情況,GiGi说:“市...
由梁咏琪、李心洁、杨采妮以及许茹芸所成立的“小黄花慈善教育基金”,今年暑假为来自低收入家庭小朋友,免费开办“儿童英语 唱游班”,希望借着音乐,让小朋友学会更多英文。 刚完成好友Eric Kwok演唱会的GiGi,与正在拍摄HKTV新剧的李心洁,早前抽空到其中一个位于东涌的受惠机构,了解小朋友的上课情況,GiGi说:“市面上虽然有好多playgroup课程,但学费不是个个都负担得起,尤其是那些来自低收入家庭的小朋友,所以希望搞些免费课程,好好地学英文,过一个开心暑假。” 至于同行的李心洁则透露,今年暑假“小黄花”除了开办英语唱游班,稍后还会邀請200多位小朋友同家长,一齐到剧院欣赏暑期动画电影,她说:“其实每年暑假我都有开办‘小黄花影院’,免费请低收入家庭成员,去剧院看电影,今年会继续搞。我同GiGi都希望每年搞多的活动,帮到更多小朋友,这都是我成立‘小黄花’的目的。”
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★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUOpFap3PoTlP6ER-KxHkL5I
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wn.com/梁咏琪Gigi Leung被曝怀孕后首现身 与李心洁Angelica Lee做慈善 教小朋友学英文
由梁咏琪、李心洁、杨采妮以及许茹芸所成立的“小黄花慈善教育基金”,今年暑假为来自低收入家庭小朋友,免费开办“儿童英语 唱游班”,希望借着音乐,让小朋友学会更多英文。 刚完成好友Eric Kwok演唱会的GiGi,与正在拍摄HKTV新剧的李心洁,早前抽空到其中一个位于东涌的受惠机构,了解小朋友的上课情況,GiGi说:“市面上虽然有好多playgroup课程,但学费不是个个都负担得起,尤其是那些来自低收入家庭的小朋友,所以希望搞些免费课程,好好地学英文,过一个开心暑假。” 至于同行的李心洁则透露,今年暑假“小黄花”除了开办英语唱游班,稍后还会邀請200多位小朋友同家长,一齐到剧院欣赏暑期动画电影,她说:“其实每年暑假我都有开办‘小黄花影院’,免费请低收入家庭成员,去剧院看电影,今年会继续搞。我同GiGi都希望每年搞多的活动,帮到更多小朋友,这都是我成立‘小黄花’的目的。”
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★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50
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★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUOpFap3PoTlP6ER-KxHkL5I
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- published: 04 Aug 2014
- views: 594
李心洁Angelica Lee导演老公彭顺Oxide Pang出轨 火速返马"挽回爱情"
导演彭顺跟影后李心洁结婚四年,最近两人经常分隔两地,李心洁多留在马来西亚,而彭顺则在港筹备即将在台湾拍摄的新片,造就彭顺暗中出轨,偷搭曾任"Sing之天使"的靓模李悦彤(Liddy),两人被拍到密会,Liddy多次向男方索吻及拥抱,旁若无人表现主动。 -------【Please subscribe to the......
导演彭顺跟影后李心洁结婚四年,最近两人经常分隔两地,李心洁多留在马来西亚,而彭顺则在港筹备即将在台湾拍摄的新片,造就彭顺暗中出轨,偷搭曾任"Sing之天使"的靓模李悦彤(Liddy),两人被拍到密会,Liddy多次向男方索吻及拥抱,旁若无人表现主动。 -------【Please subscribe to the...
wn.com/李心洁Angelica Lee导演老公彭顺Oxide Pang出轨 火速返马 挽回爱情
导演彭顺跟影后李心洁结婚四年,最近两人经常分隔两地,李心洁多留在马来西亚,而彭顺则在港筹备即将在台湾拍摄的新片,造就彭顺暗中出轨,偷搭曾任"Sing之天使"的靓模李悦彤(Liddy),两人被拍到密会,Liddy多次向男方索吻及拥抱,旁若无人表现主动。 -------【Please subscribe to the...
李心洁Angelica Lee老公彭顺Peng Shun出轨后回归家庭 "小三"李悦彤Liddy Li遭炮轰
导演彭顺出轨,李心洁28日发声明选择原谅,而"小三"李悦彤也撤下她一直放在微博上的与彭顺的合照。近日,李悦彤成为众人炮轰对象,更被媒体指责她主动爆料,想搏版面、抢爱情,一箭双雕。不过,昨日彭顺最后仍回到李心洁身边。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV C......
导演彭顺出轨,李心洁28日发声明选择原谅,而"小三"李悦彤也撤下她一直放在微博上的与彭顺的合照。近日,李悦彤成为众人炮轰对象,更被媒体指责她主动爆料,想搏版面、抢爱情,一箭双雕。不过,昨日彭顺最后仍回到李心洁身边。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV C...
wn.com/李心洁Angelica Lee老公彭顺Peng Shun出轨后回归家庭 小三 李悦彤Liddy Li遭炮轰
导演彭顺出轨,李心洁28日发声明选择原谅,而"小三"李悦彤也撤下她一直放在微博上的与彭顺的合照。近日,李悦彤成为众人炮轰对象,更被媒体指责她主动爆料,想搏版面、抢爱情,一箭双雕。不过,昨日彭顺最后仍回到李心洁身边。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV C...
angelica lee sin je
A tribute to the beautiful Angelica Lee......
A tribute to the beautiful Angelica Lee...
wn.com/Angelica Lee Sin Je
A tribute to the beautiful Angelica Lee...
- published: 29 Oct 2006
- views: 11853
author: catchang
Craig Gum Time Lapse for Angelica Lee shoot
Two different shoots, 4 different looks for the model Angelica Lee. 3 Ventriloquist dummies and then face down into a makeshift table holding water filled with...
Two different shoots, 4 different looks for the model Angelica Lee. 3 Ventriloquist dummies and then face down into a makeshift table holding water filled with goldfish. About 6 hours of shooting time lapsed down to about a minute.
wn.com/Craig Gum Time Lapse For Angelica Lee Shoot
Two different shoots, 4 different looks for the model Angelica Lee. 3 Ventriloquist dummies and then face down into a makeshift table holding water filled with goldfish. About 6 hours of shooting time lapsed down to about a minute.
- published: 13 Mar 2015
- views: 5
Re-Cycle *ENDING* in HD - Angelica Lee
A clip from an interesting film by the Pang bros named, Re-Cycle, or in Chinese, "Gwai wik", starring Angelica Lee....
A clip from an interesting film by the Pang bros named, Re-Cycle, or in Chinese, "Gwai wik", starring Angelica Lee.
wn.com/Re Cycle Ending In Hd Angelica Lee
A clip from an interesting film by the Pang bros named, Re-Cycle, or in Chinese, "Gwai wik", starring Angelica Lee.
- published: 29 Aug 2009
- views: 5609
author: dhekking
李心洁:不强求怀孕 享受生活最重要 Angelica Lee Malaysian Origin
李心洁:不强求怀孕 享受生活最重要 Angelica Lee Malaysian Origin
李心洁:不强求怀孕 享受生活最重要 Angelica Lee Malaysian Origin
(念念)3月上映 心洁期待与师父宣传新片
Angelica Lee (李心潔, Lee Sin-je; born 23 January 1976 in Kedah, Malaysia) is a Malaysian Chinese film actress and pop singer. She started her career in singing and later moved on to acting in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Lee starred in The Eye, the hit Asian horror film by the Pang Brothers, winning her the Golden Horse Award for Best Actress, Best Actress at the Hong Kong Film Festival and a Hong Kong Golden Bauhinia Award. She is among the very few Asian artists to be awarded as Berlin Film Festival Best Newcomer Awards in 2001 for her role in Betelnut Beauty.
Lee has also starred in the films 20 30 40 (where she co-starred with the person who discovered her, Sylvia Chang), and Koma. She worked with the Pangs again on Re-cycle, which was screened at the 2006 Cannes Film Festival.
She is married to director Oxide Pang.
On 23 January 1976, Lee was born in Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia to a motorcycle shop owner and a homemaker. During her years in primary school, Lee was an active participant in singing competitions, where she won numerous awards, and in various sport-related activities. At Keat Hwa Secondary School, she was the head of her school's drama club.[1] In 1995, at 19 years old, Lee was discovered by Sylvia Chang at a Kuala Lumpur film audition
source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelica_Lee
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wn.com/李心洁 不强求怀孕 享受生活最重要 Angelica Lee Malaysian Origin
李心洁:不强求怀孕 享受生活最重要 Angelica Lee Malaysian Origin
(念念)3月上映 心洁期待与师父宣传新片
Angelica Lee (李心潔, Lee Sin-je; born 23 January 1976 in Kedah, Malaysia) is a Malaysian Chinese film actress and pop singer. She started her career in singing and later moved on to acting in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Lee starred in The Eye, the hit Asian horror film by the Pang Brothers, winning her the Golden Horse Award for Best Actress, Best Actress at the Hong Kong Film Festival and a Hong Kong Golden Bauhinia Award. She is among the very few Asian artists to be awarded as Berlin Film Festival Best Newcomer Awards in 2001 for her role in Betelnut Beauty.
Lee has also starred in the films 20 30 40 (where she co-starred with the person who discovered her, Sylvia Chang), and Koma. She worked with the Pangs again on Re-cycle, which was screened at the 2006 Cannes Film Festival.
She is married to director Oxide Pang.
On 23 January 1976, Lee was born in Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia to a motorcycle shop owner and a homemaker. During her years in primary school, Lee was an active participant in singing competitions, where she won numerous awards, and in various sport-related activities. At Keat Hwa Secondary School, she was the head of her school's drama club.[1] In 1995, at 19 years old, Lee was discovered by Sylvia Chang at a Kuala Lumpur film audition
source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelica_Lee
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- published: 10 Jan 2015
- views: 8
李心洁Angelica Lee已除婚戒展微笑 避谈老公彭顺神情紧张
李心洁日前秘密返港,与王维基商确拍摄新剧。虽然早前丈夫彭顺出轨偷腥嫩模Liddy,令二人婚姻告急,但日前彭顺被问到离婚一事时,表示暂时解决,前日更偕妻于香港尖沙咀购物。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方Y...
满血回归!李心洁Angelica Lee闭关7日后顿悟
李心洁因老公彭顺发生婚外情,陷入婚姻危机,2人共同发表"共进退"声明,彭顺近日妇唱夫随,陪同虔心向佛的李心洁到大马怡保禅修,她闭关7天打禅七,彭顺每天到附近寺庙诵经,似期盼藉宗教力量弥补感情裂痕并洗涤心灵。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Chann...
Angelica Lee - Bye Bye Karaoke MTV
I believe she's also known by the name Lee Sum Kit or something. This is from something like 1995, before she found a big time career being an actress. She's...
IDK- Eroc Rollin Ft. Dani Angelica Lee
Greenhouse - Only You (Feat. Toki Wright & Angelica Lee)
Sixth track of Electric Purgatory Pt. II.
We Can't Stop (Acoustic Cover by Justin Lee & Angelica Feliciano)
Subscribed our Youtube Channels
JUSTIN LEE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-hpPZNst_-zFve3_lsKc3Q
ANGELICA FELICIANO https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaMAJOogiAw37PrkNsYwvCw
Coldplay "The Scientist"- Cover by Angelica Lee
This Song is by Colplay. All rights reserved to Coldplay. I love this song although i suck at gutar and look a tid bit demonic playing guitar lol but i tried...
"The Scientist" by Angelica Lee Feat scratches by Dj Drastic (Coldplay Cover/Remix)
So i had this idea to sing coldplay but with a slight mix so i asked one of the best djs,dj drastic (ohio) to mix a coldplay song for me and heres what happe...
I Love The Night Life (Lee and Angelica Cover)
Vocal: Angelica Drews Piano: :Lee Lumanog.
Mother Angelica Live Classics - Our Lady - 9/8/1998
Mother discusses the holiness of Mary. She was destined by God to be the Mother of the Son of God. Therefore, she was not blemished with sin.
On The Wings of Love (Cover by Rain Calaunan, Justin Lee & Angelica Feliciano)
this was performed in Live Band during the Bee Happy Go Lucky Performance joined by the other SMAC Artist Performers and the TOP 8 of Gawad Kabataan Pilipinas SURVIVOR 101
La La La Naughty Boy ft Sam Smith (Cover)
Download this song here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/la-la-la-single/id710631555 La La La Naughty Boy ft Sam Smith (Acoustic Cover) Hey guys, The minut...
Anjelica Huston in conversation with Mitch Glazer at Live Talks Los Angeles
We hosted Anjelica Huston with Mitch Glazer at Live Talks Los Angeles on Nov. 20. The occasion: the release of Huston's memoir, "Watch Me." The venue, the Alex Theatre. For more information on Live Talks Los Angeles, visit: www.livetalksla.org
Balún LIVE @ Indie Rock Fest '10
My cousin's (Angelica Negron, singer) band Balún playing live at the Indie Rock Fest 2010 here in Puerto Rico. They only managed to play about three songs be...
李心洁Angelica Lee已除婚戒展微笑 避谈老公彭顺神情紧张
李心洁日前秘密返港,与王维基商确拍摄新剧。虽然早前丈夫彭顺出轨偷腥嫩模Liddy,令二人婚姻告急,但日前彭顺被问到离婚一事时,表示暂时解决,前日更偕妻于香港尖沙咀购物。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方Y......
李心洁日前秘密返港,与王维基商确拍摄新剧。虽然早前丈夫彭顺出轨偷腥嫩模Liddy,令二人婚姻告急,但日前彭顺被问到离婚一事时,表示暂时解决,前日更偕妻于香港尖沙咀购物。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方Y...
wn.com/李心洁Angelica Lee已除婚戒展微笑 避谈老公彭顺神情紧张
李心洁日前秘密返港,与王维基商确拍摄新剧。虽然早前丈夫彭顺出轨偷腥嫩模Liddy,令二人婚姻告急,但日前彭顺被问到离婚一事时,表示暂时解决,前日更偕妻于香港尖沙咀购物。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方Y...
满血回归!李心洁Angelica Lee闭关7日后顿悟
李心洁因老公彭顺发生婚外情,陷入婚姻危机,2人共同发表"共进退"声明,彭顺近日妇唱夫随,陪同虔心向佛的李心洁到大马怡保禅修,她闭关7天打禅七,彭顺每天到附近寺庙诵经,似期盼藉宗教力量弥补感情裂痕并洗涤心灵。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Chann......
李心洁因老公彭顺发生婚外情,陷入婚姻危机,2人共同发表"共进退"声明,彭顺近日妇唱夫随,陪同虔心向佛的李心洁到大马怡保禅修,她闭关7天打禅七,彭顺每天到附近寺庙诵经,似期盼藉宗教力量弥补感情裂痕并洗涤心灵。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Chann...
wn.com/满血回归!李心洁Angelica Lee闭关7日后顿悟
李心洁因老公彭顺发生婚外情,陷入婚姻危机,2人共同发表"共进退"声明,彭顺近日妇唱夫随,陪同虔心向佛的李心洁到大马怡保禅修,她闭关7天打禅七,彭顺每天到附近寺庙诵经,似期盼藉宗教力量弥补感情裂痕并洗涤心灵。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Chann...
Angelica Lee - Bye Bye Karaoke MTV
I believe she's also known by the name Lee Sum Kit or something. This is from something like 1995, before she found a big time career being an actress. She's......
I believe she's also known by the name Lee Sum Kit or something. This is from something like 1995, before she found a big time career being an actress. She's...
wn.com/Angelica Lee Bye Bye Karaoke Mtv
I believe she's also known by the name Lee Sum Kit or something. This is from something like 1995, before she found a big time career being an actress. She's...
We Can't Stop (Acoustic Cover by Justin Lee & Angelica Feliciano)
Subscribed our Youtube Channels
JUSTIN LEE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-hpPZNst_-zFve3_lsKc3Q
ANGELICA FELICIANO https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaMAJOo...
Subscribed our Youtube Channels
JUSTIN LEE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-hpPZNst_-zFve3_lsKc3Q
ANGELICA FELICIANO https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaMAJOogiAw37PrkNsYwvCw
wn.com/We Can't Stop (Acoustic Cover By Justin Lee Angelica Feliciano)
Subscribed our Youtube Channels
JUSTIN LEE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-hpPZNst_-zFve3_lsKc3Q
ANGELICA FELICIANO https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaMAJOogiAw37PrkNsYwvCw
- published: 22 Aug 2015
- views: 59
Coldplay "The Scientist"- Cover by Angelica Lee
This Song is by Colplay. All rights reserved to Coldplay. I love this song although i suck at gutar and look a tid bit demonic playing guitar lol but i tried......
This Song is by Colplay. All rights reserved to Coldplay. I love this song although i suck at gutar and look a tid bit demonic playing guitar lol but i tried...
wn.com/Coldplay The Scientist Cover By Angelica Lee
This Song is by Colplay. All rights reserved to Coldplay. I love this song although i suck at gutar and look a tid bit demonic playing guitar lol but i tried...
"The Scientist" by Angelica Lee Feat scratches by Dj Drastic (Coldplay Cover/Remix)
So i had this idea to sing coldplay but with a slight mix so i asked one of the best djs,dj drastic (ohio) to mix a coldplay song for me and heres what happe......
So i had this idea to sing coldplay but with a slight mix so i asked one of the best djs,dj drastic (ohio) to mix a coldplay song for me and heres what happe...
wn.com/The Scientist By Angelica Lee Feat Scratches By Dj Drastic (Coldplay Cover Remix)
So i had this idea to sing coldplay but with a slight mix so i asked one of the best djs,dj drastic (ohio) to mix a coldplay song for me and heres what happe...
Mother Angelica Live Classics - Our Lady - 9/8/1998
Mother discusses the holiness of Mary. She was destined by God to be the Mother of the Son of God. Therefore, she was not blemished with sin....
Mother discusses the holiness of Mary. She was destined by God to be the Mother of the Son of God. Therefore, she was not blemished with sin.
wn.com/Mother Angelica Live Classics Our Lady 9 8 1998
Mother discusses the holiness of Mary. She was destined by God to be the Mother of the Son of God. Therefore, she was not blemished with sin.
- published: 07 Oct 2014
- views: 3929
On The Wings of Love (Cover by Rain Calaunan, Justin Lee & Angelica Feliciano)
this was performed in Live Band during the Bee Happy Go Lucky Performance joined by the other SMAC Artist Performers and the TOP 8 of Gawad Kabataan Pilipinas S...
this was performed in Live Band during the Bee Happy Go Lucky Performance joined by the other SMAC Artist Performers and the TOP 8 of Gawad Kabataan Pilipinas SURVIVOR 101
wn.com/On The Wings Of Love (Cover By Rain Calaunan, Justin Lee Angelica Feliciano)
this was performed in Live Band during the Bee Happy Go Lucky Performance joined by the other SMAC Artist Performers and the TOP 8 of Gawad Kabataan Pilipinas SURVIVOR 101
- published: 04 Oct 2015
- views: 12
La La La Naughty Boy ft Sam Smith (Cover)
Download this song here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/la-la-la-single/id710631555 La La La Naughty Boy ft Sam Smith (Acoustic Cover) Hey guys, The minut......
Download this song here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/la-la-la-single/id710631555 La La La Naughty Boy ft Sam Smith (Acoustic Cover) Hey guys, The minut...
wn.com/La La La Naughty Boy Ft Sam Smith (Cover)
Download this song here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/la-la-la-single/id710631555 La La La Naughty Boy ft Sam Smith (Acoustic Cover) Hey guys, The minut...
Anjelica Huston in conversation with Mitch Glazer at Live Talks Los Angeles
We hosted Anjelica Huston with Mitch Glazer at Live Talks Los Angeles on Nov. 20. The occasion: the release of Huston's memoir, "Watch Me." The venue, the Alex ...
We hosted Anjelica Huston with Mitch Glazer at Live Talks Los Angeles on Nov. 20. The occasion: the release of Huston's memoir, "Watch Me." The venue, the Alex Theatre. For more information on Live Talks Los Angeles, visit: www.livetalksla.org
wn.com/Anjelica Huston In Conversation With Mitch Glazer At Live Talks Los Angeles
We hosted Anjelica Huston with Mitch Glazer at Live Talks Los Angeles on Nov. 20. The occasion: the release of Huston's memoir, "Watch Me." The venue, the Alex Theatre. For more information on Live Talks Los Angeles, visit: www.livetalksla.org
- published: 26 Nov 2014
- views: 160
Balún LIVE @ Indie Rock Fest '10
My cousin's (Angelica Negron, singer) band Balún playing live at the Indie Rock Fest 2010 here in Puerto Rico. They only managed to play about three songs be......
My cousin's (Angelica Negron, singer) band Balún playing live at the Indie Rock Fest 2010 here in Puerto Rico. They only managed to play about three songs be...
wn.com/Balún Live Indie Rock Fest '10
My cousin's (Angelica Negron, singer) band Balún playing live at the Indie Rock Fest 2010 here in Puerto Rico. They only managed to play about three songs be...
Film L`oeil Français The Eye 2008 DvDrip Jessica Alba Fantastique, Thriller, Epouvante h
The Eye est un film de Danny Pang avec Angelica Lee, Lawrence ... Genre, Fantastique , Epouvante-horreur , Thriller .... Eye", remake du thriller fantastique thaïlandais, avec Jessica Alba en ... Le troisième "Oeil" de Tsui Hark.
10-26-2014 Youth Sunday Morning Message By Monique Hills & Angelica Lee
Northside Christian Center 844 East 46th Street North Tulsa Oklahoma 74126 USA. www.nccministries.org
The Gary Lee Show starring pornstar Angelica Sin
Another great episode of the Gary Lee Show starring pornstar Angelica Sin. Gary's guests include the top names in porn and hundreds of beautiful women.
Assistir Assombração Online - Filme Dublado Em Portugues Completo-
"Assistir AssombraçãoOnline - Filme Dublado Em Portugues Completo-
O romance de estréia de Ting-Yin (Angelica Lee Sinje), que usa o codinome Chu Xun, torna-se um best-seller no sudeste asiático. Lawrence (Lawrence Chou), seu agente, anuncia em uma noite de autógrafos o próximo livro da escritora, que terá como tema as forças sobrenaturais. Entretanto Ting-Yin enfrenta dificuldades para escrever
The Thieves 도둑들 2012 ENGSUB
Popie (Lee Jung-Jae), Yenicall (Gianna Jun), Chewingum (Kim Hae-Sook) and Zampano (Kim Soo-Hyun) are a team of professional thieves in South Korea. After they score a valuable antique vase, they hear from Macao Park (Kim Yun-Seok) in which he proposes a highly lucrative new job in Macau. Meanwhile, Pepsee (Kim Hye-Soo) is released from prison on a special pardon.
A few years back Macao Park, Peps
Rooftop Prince Episode 1 (English Subtitle)
‘Rooftop Prince’ has themes of time-travel.
Joseon era (300 years ago)
Lee Gak (Micky Yoochun) is the Crown Prince. When he is ready to marry, Lee Gak wants to marry a beautiful woman. Bu Yong (Han Ji Min) and Hwa Yong (Jung Yoo Mi) are sisters. Hwa Yong, the older sister wants to marry Crown Prince Lee Gak, but her father makes it clear that younger sister Bu Yong will marry the Crown
Rooftop Prince Episode 9 (English Subtitle)
‘Rooftop Prince’ has themes of time-travel.
Joseon era (300 years ago)
Lee Gak (Micky Yoochun) is the Crown Prince. When he is ready to marry, Lee Gak wants to marry a beautiful woman. Bu Yong (Han Ji Min) and Hwa Yong (Jung Yoo Mi) are sisters. Hwa Yong, the older sister wants to marry Crown Prince Lee Gak, but her father makes it clear that younger sister Bu Yong will marry the Crown
Rooftop Prince Episode 10 (English Subtitle)
‘Rooftop Prince’ has themes of time-travel.
Joseon era (300 years ago)
Lee Gak (Micky Yoochun) is the Crown Prince. When he is ready to marry, Lee Gak wants to marry a beautiful woman. Bu Yong (Han Ji Min) and Hwa Yong (Jung Yoo Mi) are sisters. Hwa Yong, the older sister wants to marry Crown Prince Lee Gak, but her father makes it clear that younger sister Bu Yong will marry the Crown
Rooftop Prince Episode 16 (English Subtitle)
‘Rooftop Prince’ has themes of time-travel.
Joseon era (300 years ago)
Lee Gak (Micky Yoochun) is the Crown Prince. When he is ready to marry, Lee Gak wants to marry a beautiful woman. Bu Yong (Han Ji Min) and Hwa Yong (Jung Yoo Mi) are sisters. Hwa Yong, the older sister wants to marry Crown Prince Lee Gak, but her father makes it clear that younger sister Bu Yong will marry the Crown
Rooftop Prince Episode 17 (English Subtitle)
‘Rooftop Prince’ has themes of time-travel.
Joseon era (300 years ago)
Lee Gak (Micky Yoochun) is the Crown Prince. When he is ready to marry, Lee Gak wants to marry a beautiful woman. Bu Yong (Han Ji Min) and Hwa Yong (Jung Yoo Mi) are sisters. Hwa Yong, the older sister wants to marry Crown Prince Lee Gak, but her father makes it clear that younger sister Bu Yong will marry the Crown
Da Ren Wu /Big Shot Episode 31 End [EngSub]- 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
Da Ren Wu /Big Shot Episode 6 [EngSub]- 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
Da Ren Wu Big Shot Episode 9 EngSub 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
Da Ren Wu Big Shot Episode 10 EngSub 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
Da Ren Wu /Big Shot Episode 11 [EngSub]- 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
Da Ren Wu /Big Shot Episode 12 [EngSub]- 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
Da Ren Wu /Big Shot Episode 14 [EngSub]- 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
Da Ren Wu /Big Shot Episode 17 [EngSub]- 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
Da Ren Wu /Big Shot Episode 18 [EngSub]- 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
Da Ren Wu /Big Shot Episode 19 [EngSub]- 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
Da Ren Wu /Big Shot Episode 25 [EngSub]- 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
Da Ren Wu /Big Shot Episode 27 [EngSub]- 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
Da Ren Wu /Big Shot Episode 16 [EngSub]- 大人物sa
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
Film L`oeil Français The Eye 2008 DvDrip Jessica Alba Fantastique, Thriller, Epouvante h
The Eye est un film de Danny Pang avec Angelica Lee, Lawrence ... Genre, Fantastique , Epouvante-horreur , Thriller .... Eye", remake du thriller fantastique th...
The Eye est un film de Danny Pang avec Angelica Lee, Lawrence ... Genre, Fantastique , Epouvante-horreur , Thriller .... Eye", remake du thriller fantastique thaïlandais, avec Jessica Alba en ... Le troisième "Oeil" de Tsui Hark.
wn.com/Film L`Oeil Français The Eye 2008 Dvdrip Jessica Alba Fantastique, Thriller, Epouvante H
The Eye est un film de Danny Pang avec Angelica Lee, Lawrence ... Genre, Fantastique , Epouvante-horreur , Thriller .... Eye", remake du thriller fantastique thaïlandais, avec Jessica Alba en ... Le troisième "Oeil" de Tsui Hark.
- published: 26 Oct 2014
- views: 4
10-26-2014 Youth Sunday Morning Message By Monique Hills & Angelica Lee
Northside Christian Center 844 East 46th Street North Tulsa Oklahoma 74126 USA. www.nccministries.org...
Northside Christian Center 844 East 46th Street North Tulsa Oklahoma 74126 USA. www.nccministries.org
wn.com/10 26 2014 Youth Sunday Morning Message By Monique Hills Angelica Lee
Northside Christian Center 844 East 46th Street North Tulsa Oklahoma 74126 USA. www.nccministries.org
- published: 13 Mar 2015
- views: 0
The Gary Lee Show starring pornstar Angelica Sin
Another great episode of the Gary Lee Show starring pornstar Angelica Sin. Gary's guests include the top names in porn and hundreds of beautiful women....
Another great episode of the Gary Lee Show starring pornstar Angelica Sin. Gary's guests include the top names in porn and hundreds of beautiful women.
wn.com/The Gary Lee Show Starring Pornstar Angelica Sin
Another great episode of the Gary Lee Show starring pornstar Angelica Sin. Gary's guests include the top names in porn and hundreds of beautiful women.
Assistir Assombração Online - Filme Dublado Em Portugues Completo-
"Assistir AssombraçãoOnline - Filme Dublado Em Portugues Completo-
O romance de estréia de Ting-Yin (Angelica Lee Sinje), que usa o codinome Chu Xun, torna-se...
"Assistir AssombraçãoOnline - Filme Dublado Em Portugues Completo-
O romance de estréia de Ting-Yin (Angelica Lee Sinje), que usa o codinome Chu Xun, torna-se um best-seller no sudeste asiático. Lawrence (Lawrence Chou), seu agente, anuncia em uma noite de autógrafos o próximo livro da escritora, que terá como tema as forças sobrenaturais. Entretanto Ting-Yin enfrenta dificuldades para escrever o novo livro. Após escrever o rascunho de um capítulo ela o deleta de seu computador, deixando-o na lixeira. A partir de então Ting-Yin passa a ter visões, que fazem com que ela acredite que o que escreve acontece no mundo real.
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wn.com/Assistir Assombração Online Filme Dublado Em Portugues Completo
"Assistir AssombraçãoOnline - Filme Dublado Em Portugues Completo-
O romance de estréia de Ting-Yin (Angelica Lee Sinje), que usa o codinome Chu Xun, torna-se um best-seller no sudeste asiático. Lawrence (Lawrence Chou), seu agente, anuncia em uma noite de autógrafos o próximo livro da escritora, que terá como tema as forças sobrenaturais. Entretanto Ting-Yin enfrenta dificuldades para escrever o novo livro. Após escrever o rascunho de um capítulo ela o deleta de seu computador, deixando-o na lixeira. A partir de então Ting-Yin passa a ter visões, que fazem com que ela acredite que o que escreve acontece no mundo real.
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Dibujos Portugal,
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- published: 11 Jun 2015
- views: 2
The Thieves 도둑들 2012 ENGSUB
Popie (Lee Jung-Jae), Yenicall (Gianna Jun), Chewingum (Kim Hae-Sook) and Zampano (Kim Soo-Hyun) are a team of professional thieves in South Korea. After they s...
Popie (Lee Jung-Jae), Yenicall (Gianna Jun), Chewingum (Kim Hae-Sook) and Zampano (Kim Soo-Hyun) are a team of professional thieves in South Korea. After they score a valuable antique vase, they hear from Macao Park (Kim Yun-Seok) in which he proposes a highly lucrative new job in Macau. Meanwhile, Pepsee (Kim Hye-Soo) is released from prison on a special pardon.
A few years back Macao Park, Pepsee and Popie worked together as a crew. Macao Park and Pepsee were also in a romantic relationship. Then, while stealing gold bars, Macao Park's cable snapped in a elevator shaft and he disappeared with the gold bars. Pepsee was arrested shortly afterwards.
Now, Popie, Yenicall, Chewinggum and Zampano head off to Hong Kong to work with Macao Park. What Macao Park doesn't know is that Pepsee is also coming with them.
In Hong Kong, a separate crew awaits for the Korean thieves. The four Hong Kong thieves consists of Chen (Simon Yam), Andrew (Oh Dal-Su), Julie (Angelica Lee) and Johnny (Kwok Cheung Tsang). When the Hong Kong and Korean teams finally meet, tension rises immediately between the two groups. Macao Park then enters the meeting and lays out the plan. Their goal is to steal the "Tear of Sun" diamond. The diamond itself is currently in the possession of ruthless criminal Wei Yong. Furthermore, the diamond is stashed safely in the suite room of a Macau casino & resort. Macao Park also lays another bombshell. He can easily sell the "Tear of Sun" diamond for $20 million dollars.
Now the two teams work together in what will surely turn out to be the heist of their lives, but the 10 thieves all have their own agendas.
wn.com/The Thieves 도둑들 2012 Engsub
Popie (Lee Jung-Jae), Yenicall (Gianna Jun), Chewingum (Kim Hae-Sook) and Zampano (Kim Soo-Hyun) are a team of professional thieves in South Korea. After they score a valuable antique vase, they hear from Macao Park (Kim Yun-Seok) in which he proposes a highly lucrative new job in Macau. Meanwhile, Pepsee (Kim Hye-Soo) is released from prison on a special pardon.
A few years back Macao Park, Pepsee and Popie worked together as a crew. Macao Park and Pepsee were also in a romantic relationship. Then, while stealing gold bars, Macao Park's cable snapped in a elevator shaft and he disappeared with the gold bars. Pepsee was arrested shortly afterwards.
Now, Popie, Yenicall, Chewinggum and Zampano head off to Hong Kong to work with Macao Park. What Macao Park doesn't know is that Pepsee is also coming with them.
In Hong Kong, a separate crew awaits for the Korean thieves. The four Hong Kong thieves consists of Chen (Simon Yam), Andrew (Oh Dal-Su), Julie (Angelica Lee) and Johnny (Kwok Cheung Tsang). When the Hong Kong and Korean teams finally meet, tension rises immediately between the two groups. Macao Park then enters the meeting and lays out the plan. Their goal is to steal the "Tear of Sun" diamond. The diamond itself is currently in the possession of ruthless criminal Wei Yong. Furthermore, the diamond is stashed safely in the suite room of a Macau casino & resort. Macao Park also lays another bombshell. He can easily sell the "Tear of Sun" diamond for $20 million dollars.
Now the two teams work together in what will surely turn out to be the heist of their lives, but the 10 thieves all have their own agendas.
- published: 03 Oct 2015
- views: 2
Rooftop Prince Episode 1 (English Subtitle)
‘Rooftop Prince’ has themes of time-travel.
Joseon era (300 years ago)
Lee Gak (Micky Yoochun) is the Crown Prince. When he is ready to marry, Lee G...
‘Rooftop Prince’ has themes of time-travel.
Joseon era (300 years ago)
Lee Gak (Micky Yoochun) is the Crown Prince. When he is ready to marry, Lee Gak wants to marry a beautiful woman. Bu Yong (Han Ji Min) and Hwa Yong (Jung Yoo Mi) are sisters. Hwa Yong, the older sister wants to marry Crown Prince Lee Gak, but her father makes it clear that younger sister Bu Yong will marry the Crown Prince. Hwa Yong is so upset, she uses an an iron to burn Bu Yong’s face, pretending it was an accident. Now, Bu Yong carries a big scar on her face. Eventually, older sister Hwa Yong marries Crown Prince Lee Gak. Time passes and are now adults. Younger sister Bu Yong is now a smart woman, good with needlework. Older sister Hwa Yong is uneasy that her husband, Crown Prince Lee Gak, and Bu Young get along well. One day, Crown Prince Lee Gak wakes up in the early morning. He finds that Hwa Yong is not next to him. He feels something strange about the situation and calls for an eunuch. At this time, an eunuch comes running to the Crown Prince and informs him that Hwa Yong is found dead in a pond. Lee Gak suspects that his wife’s death is not by accident. He puts together a team to investigate his wife’s death. When the team awaits to interview a witness, a group of assassins appears and chases them. Crown Prince Lee Gak and his men are chased to the edge of a cliff. The group jumps off the cliff. The Prince from the Joseon era travels to the future with his entourage Song Man Bo (Lee Min Ho), Woo Yong Sul (Jung Suk Won) and Do Chi San (Choi Woo Shik).
Seoul 2012
When Park Ha (Han Ji Min) was young, her father remarried and Park Ha gained older step-sister Se Na (Jung Yoo Mi). When their parents left for work, older step-sister Se Na despised having to take care of her younger sister. One day, while younger sister Park Ha sleeps inside a truck, the truck suddenly departs. Even though Se Na sees the truck leaving, she turns around and pretends that it isn’t happening. Time passes, younger sister Park Ha is now living in America. While, Park Ha sells fruits as a sidewalk vendor, Yong Tae Yong (Micky Yoochun) sees her and feels a connection with Park Ha. Yong Tae Moo (Lee Tae Sung) appears in front of Yong Tae Young. They are cousins. The following day, the two men boards a yacht. While the boat is sailing, they have a small fight and Yong Tae Yong falls into the water. His cousin doesn’t attempt to save Yong Tae Yong and actually attempts to hide evidence that he was there. He then jumps into the water and swims away. At this time, younger sister Park Ha receives a phone call that her family has been located in South Korea. Park Ha travels to South Korea and learns that her father has just passed away. At her father’s funeral, Park Ha meets her step-mother and older step-sister Se Na. Park Ha has no memory of how she was separated from her family. Park Ha settles down in Seoul. One night, when she comes back to her rooftop room, she discovers four men, in Korean traditional clothing, sitting in her room…..
(Synopsis Credit to asianwiki)
Main Cast
Micky Yoochun as Yong Tae Yong / Lee Gak
Han Ji Min as Park Ha / Bu Yong
Jung Yoo Mi as Hong Se Na / Hwa Yong
Lee Tae Sung as Yong Tae Moo
Lee Min Ho (1993) as Song Man Bo
Jung Suk Won as Woo Yong Sul
Choi Woo Shik as Do Chi San
Child Actor/Actress
Choi Won Hong as Lee Gak (young)
Jun Min Seo as Park Ha (young) / Bu Yong (Young)
Kim So Hyun as Se Na (young) / Hwa Yong (Young)
wn.com/Rooftop Prince Episode 1 (English Subtitle)
‘Rooftop Prince’ has themes of time-travel.
Joseon era (300 years ago)
Lee Gak (Micky Yoochun) is the Crown Prince. When he is ready to marry, Lee Gak wants to marry a beautiful woman. Bu Yong (Han Ji Min) and Hwa Yong (Jung Yoo Mi) are sisters. Hwa Yong, the older sister wants to marry Crown Prince Lee Gak, but her father makes it clear that younger sister Bu Yong will marry the Crown Prince. Hwa Yong is so upset, she uses an an iron to burn Bu Yong’s face, pretending it was an accident. Now, Bu Yong carries a big scar on her face. Eventually, older sister Hwa Yong marries Crown Prince Lee Gak. Time passes and are now adults. Younger sister Bu Yong is now a smart woman, good with needlework. Older sister Hwa Yong is uneasy that her husband, Crown Prince Lee Gak, and Bu Young get along well. One day, Crown Prince Lee Gak wakes up in the early morning. He finds that Hwa Yong is not next to him. He feels something strange about the situation and calls for an eunuch. At this time, an eunuch comes running to the Crown Prince and informs him that Hwa Yong is found dead in a pond. Lee Gak suspects that his wife’s death is not by accident. He puts together a team to investigate his wife’s death. When the team awaits to interview a witness, a group of assassins appears and chases them. Crown Prince Lee Gak and his men are chased to the edge of a cliff. The group jumps off the cliff. The Prince from the Joseon era travels to the future with his entourage Song Man Bo (Lee Min Ho), Woo Yong Sul (Jung Suk Won) and Do Chi San (Choi Woo Shik).
Seoul 2012
When Park Ha (Han Ji Min) was young, her father remarried and Park Ha gained older step-sister Se Na (Jung Yoo Mi). When their parents left for work, older step-sister Se Na despised having to take care of her younger sister. One day, while younger sister Park Ha sleeps inside a truck, the truck suddenly departs. Even though Se Na sees the truck leaving, she turns around and pretends that it isn’t happening. Time passes, younger sister Park Ha is now living in America. While, Park Ha sells fruits as a sidewalk vendor, Yong Tae Yong (Micky Yoochun) sees her and feels a connection with Park Ha. Yong Tae Moo (Lee Tae Sung) appears in front of Yong Tae Young. They are cousins. The following day, the two men boards a yacht. While the boat is sailing, they have a small fight and Yong Tae Yong falls into the water. His cousin doesn’t attempt to save Yong Tae Yong and actually attempts to hide evidence that he was there. He then jumps into the water and swims away. At this time, younger sister Park Ha receives a phone call that her family has been located in South Korea. Park Ha travels to South Korea and learns that her father has just passed away. At her father’s funeral, Park Ha meets her step-mother and older step-sister Se Na. Park Ha has no memory of how she was separated from her family. Park Ha settles down in Seoul. One night, when she comes back to her rooftop room, she discovers four men, in Korean traditional clothing, sitting in her room…..
(Synopsis Credit to asianwiki)
Main Cast
Micky Yoochun as Yong Tae Yong / Lee Gak
Han Ji Min as Park Ha / Bu Yong
Jung Yoo Mi as Hong Se Na / Hwa Yong
Lee Tae Sung as Yong Tae Moo
Lee Min Ho (1993) as Song Man Bo
Jung Suk Won as Woo Yong Sul
Choi Woo Shik as Do Chi San
Child Actor/Actress
Choi Won Hong as Lee Gak (young)
Jun Min Seo as Park Ha (young) / Bu Yong (Young)
Kim So Hyun as Se Na (young) / Hwa Yong (Young)
- published: 01 Dec 2014
- views: 3
Rooftop Prince Episode 9 (English Subtitle)
‘Rooftop Prince’ has themes of time-travel.
Joseon era (300 years ago)
Lee Gak (Micky Yoochun) is the Crown Prince. When he is ready to marry, Lee G...
‘Rooftop Prince’ has themes of time-travel.
Joseon era (300 years ago)
Lee Gak (Micky Yoochun) is the Crown Prince. When he is ready to marry, Lee Gak wants to marry a beautiful woman. Bu Yong (Han Ji Min) and Hwa Yong (Jung Yoo Mi) are sisters. Hwa Yong, the older sister wants to marry Crown Prince Lee Gak, but her father makes it clear that younger sister Bu Yong will marry the Crown Prince. Hwa Yong is so upset, she uses an an iron to burn Bu Yong’s face, pretending it was an accident. Now, Bu Yong carries a big scar on her face. Eventually, older sister Hwa Yong marries Crown Prince Lee Gak. Time passes and are now adults. Younger sister Bu Yong is now a smart woman, good with needlework. Older sister Hwa Yong is uneasy that her husband, Crown Prince Lee Gak, and Bu Young get along well. One day, Crown Prince Lee Gak wakes up in the early morning. He finds that Hwa Yong is not next to him. He feels something strange about the situation and calls for an eunuch. At this time, an eunuch comes running to the Crown Prince and informs him that Hwa Yong is found dead in a pond. Lee Gak suspects that his wife’s death is not by accident. He puts together a team to investigate his wife’s death. When the team awaits to interview a witness, a group of assassins appears and chases them. Crown Prince Lee Gak and his men are chased to the edge of a cliff. The group jumps off the cliff. The Prince from the Joseon era travels to the future with his entourage Song Man Bo (Lee Min Ho), Woo Yong Sul (Jung Suk Won) and Do Chi San (Choi Woo Shik).
Seoul 2012
When Park Ha (Han Ji Min) was young, her father remarried and Park Ha gained older step-sister Se Na (Jung Yoo Mi). When their parents left for work, older step-sister Se Na despised having to take care of her younger sister. One day, while younger sister Park Ha sleeps inside a truck, the truck suddenly departs. Even though Se Na sees the truck leaving, she turns around and pretends that it isn’t happening. Time passes, younger sister Park Ha is now living in America. While, Park Ha sells fruits as a sidewalk vendor, Yong Tae Yong (Micky Yoochun) sees her and feels a connection with Park Ha. Yong Tae Moo (Lee Tae Sung) appears in front of Yong Tae Young. They are cousins. The following day, the two men boards a yacht. While the boat is sailing, they have a small fight and Yong Tae Yong falls into the water. His cousin doesn’t attempt to save Yong Tae Yong and actually attempts to hide evidence that he was there. He then jumps into the water and swims away. At this time, younger sister Park Ha receives a phone call that her family has been located in South Korea. Park Ha travels to South Korea and learns that her father has just passed away. At her father’s funeral, Park Ha meets her step-mother and older step-sister Se Na. Park Ha has no memory of how she was separated from her family. Park Ha settles down in Seoul. One night, when she comes back to her rooftop room, she discovers four men, in Korean traditional clothing, sitting in her room…..
(Synopsis Credit to asianwiki)
Main Cast
Micky Yoochun as Yong Tae Yong / Lee Gak
Han Ji Min as Park Ha / Bu Yong
Jung Yoo Mi as Hong Se Na / Hwa Yong
Lee Tae Sung as Yong Tae Moo
Lee Min Ho (1993) as Song Man Bo
Jung Suk Won as Woo Yong Sul
Choi Woo Shik as Do Chi San
Child Actor/Actress
Choi Won Hong as Lee Gak (young)
Jun Min Seo as Park Ha (young) / Bu Yong (Young)
Kim So Hyun as Se Na (young) / Hwa Yong (Young)
wn.com/Rooftop Prince Episode 9 (English Subtitle)
‘Rooftop Prince’ has themes of time-travel.
Joseon era (300 years ago)
Lee Gak (Micky Yoochun) is the Crown Prince. When he is ready to marry, Lee Gak wants to marry a beautiful woman. Bu Yong (Han Ji Min) and Hwa Yong (Jung Yoo Mi) are sisters. Hwa Yong, the older sister wants to marry Crown Prince Lee Gak, but her father makes it clear that younger sister Bu Yong will marry the Crown Prince. Hwa Yong is so upset, she uses an an iron to burn Bu Yong’s face, pretending it was an accident. Now, Bu Yong carries a big scar on her face. Eventually, older sister Hwa Yong marries Crown Prince Lee Gak. Time passes and are now adults. Younger sister Bu Yong is now a smart woman, good with needlework. Older sister Hwa Yong is uneasy that her husband, Crown Prince Lee Gak, and Bu Young get along well. One day, Crown Prince Lee Gak wakes up in the early morning. He finds that Hwa Yong is not next to him. He feels something strange about the situation and calls for an eunuch. At this time, an eunuch comes running to the Crown Prince and informs him that Hwa Yong is found dead in a pond. Lee Gak suspects that his wife’s death is not by accident. He puts together a team to investigate his wife’s death. When the team awaits to interview a witness, a group of assassins appears and chases them. Crown Prince Lee Gak and his men are chased to the edge of a cliff. The group jumps off the cliff. The Prince from the Joseon era travels to the future with his entourage Song Man Bo (Lee Min Ho), Woo Yong Sul (Jung Suk Won) and Do Chi San (Choi Woo Shik).
Seoul 2012
When Park Ha (Han Ji Min) was young, her father remarried and Park Ha gained older step-sister Se Na (Jung Yoo Mi). When their parents left for work, older step-sister Se Na despised having to take care of her younger sister. One day, while younger sister Park Ha sleeps inside a truck, the truck suddenly departs. Even though Se Na sees the truck leaving, she turns around and pretends that it isn’t happening. Time passes, younger sister Park Ha is now living in America. While, Park Ha sells fruits as a sidewalk vendor, Yong Tae Yong (Micky Yoochun) sees her and feels a connection with Park Ha. Yong Tae Moo (Lee Tae Sung) appears in front of Yong Tae Young. They are cousins. The following day, the two men boards a yacht. While the boat is sailing, they have a small fight and Yong Tae Yong falls into the water. His cousin doesn’t attempt to save Yong Tae Yong and actually attempts to hide evidence that he was there. He then jumps into the water and swims away. At this time, younger sister Park Ha receives a phone call that her family has been located in South Korea. Park Ha travels to South Korea and learns that her father has just passed away. At her father’s funeral, Park Ha meets her step-mother and older step-sister Se Na. Park Ha has no memory of how she was separated from her family. Park Ha settles down in Seoul. One night, when she comes back to her rooftop room, she discovers four men, in Korean traditional clothing, sitting in her room…..
(Synopsis Credit to asianwiki)
Main Cast
Micky Yoochun as Yong Tae Yong / Lee Gak
Han Ji Min as Park Ha / Bu Yong
Jung Yoo Mi as Hong Se Na / Hwa Yong
Lee Tae Sung as Yong Tae Moo
Lee Min Ho (1993) as Song Man Bo
Jung Suk Won as Woo Yong Sul
Choi Woo Shik as Do Chi San
Child Actor/Actress
Choi Won Hong as Lee Gak (young)
Jun Min Seo as Park Ha (young) / Bu Yong (Young)
Kim So Hyun as Se Na (young) / Hwa Yong (Young)
- published: 01 Dec 2014
- views: 13
Rooftop Prince Episode 10 (English Subtitle)
‘Rooftop Prince’ has themes of time-travel.
Joseon era (300 years ago)
Lee Gak (Micky Yoochun) is the Crown Prince. When he is ready to marry, Lee G...
‘Rooftop Prince’ has themes of time-travel.
Joseon era (300 years ago)
Lee Gak (Micky Yoochun) is the Crown Prince. When he is ready to marry, Lee Gak wants to marry a beautiful woman. Bu Yong (Han Ji Min) and Hwa Yong (Jung Yoo Mi) are sisters. Hwa Yong, the older sister wants to marry Crown Prince Lee Gak, but her father makes it clear that younger sister Bu Yong will marry the Crown Prince. Hwa Yong is so upset, she uses an an iron to burn Bu Yong’s face, pretending it was an accident. Now, Bu Yong carries a big scar on her face. Eventually, older sister Hwa Yong marries Crown Prince Lee Gak. Time passes and are now adults. Younger sister Bu Yong is now a smart woman, good with needlework. Older sister Hwa Yong is uneasy that her husband, Crown Prince Lee Gak, and Bu Young get along well. One day, Crown Prince Lee Gak wakes up in the early morning. He finds that Hwa Yong is not next to him. He feels something strange about the situation and calls for an eunuch. At this time, an eunuch comes running to the Crown Prince and informs him that Hwa Yong is found dead in a pond. Lee Gak suspects that his wife’s death is not by accident. He puts together a team to investigate his wife’s death. When the team awaits to interview a witness, a group of assassins appears and chases them. Crown Prince Lee Gak and his men are chased to the edge of a cliff. The group jumps off the cliff. The Prince from the Joseon era travels to the future with his entourage Song Man Bo (Lee Min Ho), Woo Yong Sul (Jung Suk Won) and Do Chi San (Choi Woo Shik).
Seoul 2012
When Park Ha (Han Ji Min) was young, her father remarried and Park Ha gained older step-sister Se Na (Jung Yoo Mi). When their parents left for work, older step-sister Se Na despised having to take care of her younger sister. One day, while younger sister Park Ha sleeps inside a truck, the truck suddenly departs. Even though Se Na sees the truck leaving, she turns around and pretends that it isn’t happening. Time passes, younger sister Park Ha is now living in America. While, Park Ha sells fruits as a sidewalk vendor, Yong Tae Yong (Micky Yoochun) sees her and feels a connection with Park Ha. Yong Tae Moo (Lee Tae Sung) appears in front of Yong Tae Young. They are cousins. The following day, the two men boards a yacht. While the boat is sailing, they have a small fight and Yong Tae Yong falls into the water. His cousin doesn’t attempt to save Yong Tae Yong and actually attempts to hide evidence that he was there. He then jumps into the water and swims away. At this time, younger sister Park Ha receives a phone call that her family has been located in South Korea. Park Ha travels to South Korea and learns that her father has just passed away. At her father’s funeral, Park Ha meets her step-mother and older step-sister Se Na. Park Ha has no memory of how she was separated from her family. Park Ha settles down in Seoul. One night, when she comes back to her rooftop room, she discovers four men, in Korean traditional clothing, sitting in her room…..
(Synopsis Credit to asianwiki)
Main Cast
Micky Yoochun as Yong Tae Yong / Lee Gak
Han Ji Min as Park Ha / Bu Yong
Jung Yoo Mi as Hong Se Na / Hwa Yong
Lee Tae Sung as Yong Tae Moo
Lee Min Ho (1993) as Song Man Bo
Jung Suk Won as Woo Yong Sul
Choi Woo Shik as Do Chi San
Child Actor/Actress
Choi Won Hong as Lee Gak (young)
Jun Min Seo as Park Ha (young) / Bu Yong (Young)
Kim So Hyun as Se Na (young) / Hwa Yong (Young)
wn.com/Rooftop Prince Episode 10 (English Subtitle)
‘Rooftop Prince’ has themes of time-travel.
Joseon era (300 years ago)
Lee Gak (Micky Yoochun) is the Crown Prince. When he is ready to marry, Lee Gak wants to marry a beautiful woman. Bu Yong (Han Ji Min) and Hwa Yong (Jung Yoo Mi) are sisters. Hwa Yong, the older sister wants to marry Crown Prince Lee Gak, but her father makes it clear that younger sister Bu Yong will marry the Crown Prince. Hwa Yong is so upset, she uses an an iron to burn Bu Yong’s face, pretending it was an accident. Now, Bu Yong carries a big scar on her face. Eventually, older sister Hwa Yong marries Crown Prince Lee Gak. Time passes and are now adults. Younger sister Bu Yong is now a smart woman, good with needlework. Older sister Hwa Yong is uneasy that her husband, Crown Prince Lee Gak, and Bu Young get along well. One day, Crown Prince Lee Gak wakes up in the early morning. He finds that Hwa Yong is not next to him. He feels something strange about the situation and calls for an eunuch. At this time, an eunuch comes running to the Crown Prince and informs him that Hwa Yong is found dead in a pond. Lee Gak suspects that his wife’s death is not by accident. He puts together a team to investigate his wife’s death. When the team awaits to interview a witness, a group of assassins appears and chases them. Crown Prince Lee Gak and his men are chased to the edge of a cliff. The group jumps off the cliff. The Prince from the Joseon era travels to the future with his entourage Song Man Bo (Lee Min Ho), Woo Yong Sul (Jung Suk Won) and Do Chi San (Choi Woo Shik).
Seoul 2012
When Park Ha (Han Ji Min) was young, her father remarried and Park Ha gained older step-sister Se Na (Jung Yoo Mi). When their parents left for work, older step-sister Se Na despised having to take care of her younger sister. One day, while younger sister Park Ha sleeps inside a truck, the truck suddenly departs. Even though Se Na sees the truck leaving, she turns around and pretends that it isn’t happening. Time passes, younger sister Park Ha is now living in America. While, Park Ha sells fruits as a sidewalk vendor, Yong Tae Yong (Micky Yoochun) sees her and feels a connection with Park Ha. Yong Tae Moo (Lee Tae Sung) appears in front of Yong Tae Young. They are cousins. The following day, the two men boards a yacht. While the boat is sailing, they have a small fight and Yong Tae Yong falls into the water. His cousin doesn’t attempt to save Yong Tae Yong and actually attempts to hide evidence that he was there. He then jumps into the water and swims away. At this time, younger sister Park Ha receives a phone call that her family has been located in South Korea. Park Ha travels to South Korea and learns that her father has just passed away. At her father’s funeral, Park Ha meets her step-mother and older step-sister Se Na. Park Ha has no memory of how she was separated from her family. Park Ha settles down in Seoul. One night, when she comes back to her rooftop room, she discovers four men, in Korean traditional clothing, sitting in her room…..
(Synopsis Credit to asianwiki)
Main Cast
Micky Yoochun as Yong Tae Yong / Lee Gak
Han Ji Min as Park Ha / Bu Yong
Jung Yoo Mi as Hong Se Na / Hwa Yong
Lee Tae Sung as Yong Tae Moo
Lee Min Ho (1993) as Song Man Bo
Jung Suk Won as Woo Yong Sul
Choi Woo Shik as Do Chi San
Child Actor/Actress
Choi Won Hong as Lee Gak (young)
Jun Min Seo as Park Ha (young) / Bu Yong (Young)
Kim So Hyun as Se Na (young) / Hwa Yong (Young)
- published: 01 Dec 2014
- views: 115
Rooftop Prince Episode 16 (English Subtitle)
‘Rooftop Prince’ has themes of time-travel.
Joseon era (300 years ago)
Lee Gak (Micky Yoochun) is the Crown Prince. When he is ready to marry, Lee G...
‘Rooftop Prince’ has themes of time-travel.
Joseon era (300 years ago)
Lee Gak (Micky Yoochun) is the Crown Prince. When he is ready to marry, Lee Gak wants to marry a beautiful woman. Bu Yong (Han Ji Min) and Hwa Yong (Jung Yoo Mi) are sisters. Hwa Yong, the older sister wants to marry Crown Prince Lee Gak, but her father makes it clear that younger sister Bu Yong will marry the Crown Prince. Hwa Yong is so upset, she uses an an iron to burn Bu Yong’s face, pretending it was an accident. Now, Bu Yong carries a big scar on her face. Eventually, older sister Hwa Yong marries Crown Prince Lee Gak. Time passes and are now adults. Younger sister Bu Yong is now a smart woman, good with needlework. Older sister Hwa Yong is uneasy that her husband, Crown Prince Lee Gak, and Bu Young get along well. One day, Crown Prince Lee Gak wakes up in the early morning. He finds that Hwa Yong is not next to him. He feels something strange about the situation and calls for an eunuch. At this time, an eunuch comes running to the Crown Prince and informs him that Hwa Yong is found dead in a pond. Lee Gak suspects that his wife’s death is not by accident. He puts together a team to investigate his wife’s death. When the team awaits to interview a witness, a group of assassins appears and chases them. Crown Prince Lee Gak and his men are chased to the edge of a cliff. The group jumps off the cliff. The Prince from the Joseon era travels to the future with his entourage Song Man Bo (Lee Min Ho), Woo Yong Sul (Jung Suk Won) and Do Chi San (Choi Woo Shik).
Seoul 2012
When Park Ha (Han Ji Min) was young, her father remarried and Park Ha gained older step-sister Se Na (Jung Yoo Mi). When their parents left for work, older step-sister Se Na despised having to take care of her younger sister. One day, while younger sister Park Ha sleeps inside a truck, the truck suddenly departs. Even though Se Na sees the truck leaving, she turns around and pretends that it isn’t happening. Time passes, younger sister Park Ha is now living in America. While, Park Ha sells fruits as a sidewalk vendor, Yong Tae Yong (Micky Yoochun) sees her and feels a connection with Park Ha. Yong Tae Moo (Lee Tae Sung) appears in front of Yong Tae Young. They are cousins. The following day, the two men boards a yacht. While the boat is sailing, they have a small fight and Yong Tae Yong falls into the water. His cousin doesn’t attempt to save Yong Tae Yong and actually attempts to hide evidence that he was there. He then jumps into the water and swims away. At this time, younger sister Park Ha receives a phone call that her family has been located in South Korea. Park Ha travels to South Korea and learns that her father has just passed away. At her father’s funeral, Park Ha meets her step-mother and older step-sister Se Na. Park Ha has no memory of how she was separated from her family. Park Ha settles down in Seoul. One night, when she comes back to her rooftop room, she discovers four men, in Korean traditional clothing, sitting in her room…..
(Synopsis Credit to asianwiki)
Main Cast
Micky Yoochun as Yong Tae Yong / Lee Gak
Han Ji Min as Park Ha / Bu Yong
Jung Yoo Mi as Hong Se Na / Hwa Yong
Lee Tae Sung as Yong Tae Moo
Lee Min Ho (1993) as Song Man Bo
Jung Suk Won as Woo Yong Sul
Choi Woo Shik as Do Chi San
Child Actor/Actress
Choi Won Hong as Lee Gak (young)
Jun Min Seo as Park Ha (young) / Bu Yong (Young)
Kim So Hyun as Se Na (young) / Hwa Yong (Young)
wn.com/Rooftop Prince Episode 16 (English Subtitle)
‘Rooftop Prince’ has themes of time-travel.
Joseon era (300 years ago)
Lee Gak (Micky Yoochun) is the Crown Prince. When he is ready to marry, Lee Gak wants to marry a beautiful woman. Bu Yong (Han Ji Min) and Hwa Yong (Jung Yoo Mi) are sisters. Hwa Yong, the older sister wants to marry Crown Prince Lee Gak, but her father makes it clear that younger sister Bu Yong will marry the Crown Prince. Hwa Yong is so upset, she uses an an iron to burn Bu Yong’s face, pretending it was an accident. Now, Bu Yong carries a big scar on her face. Eventually, older sister Hwa Yong marries Crown Prince Lee Gak. Time passes and are now adults. Younger sister Bu Yong is now a smart woman, good with needlework. Older sister Hwa Yong is uneasy that her husband, Crown Prince Lee Gak, and Bu Young get along well. One day, Crown Prince Lee Gak wakes up in the early morning. He finds that Hwa Yong is not next to him. He feels something strange about the situation and calls for an eunuch. At this time, an eunuch comes running to the Crown Prince and informs him that Hwa Yong is found dead in a pond. Lee Gak suspects that his wife’s death is not by accident. He puts together a team to investigate his wife’s death. When the team awaits to interview a witness, a group of assassins appears and chases them. Crown Prince Lee Gak and his men are chased to the edge of a cliff. The group jumps off the cliff. The Prince from the Joseon era travels to the future with his entourage Song Man Bo (Lee Min Ho), Woo Yong Sul (Jung Suk Won) and Do Chi San (Choi Woo Shik).
Seoul 2012
When Park Ha (Han Ji Min) was young, her father remarried and Park Ha gained older step-sister Se Na (Jung Yoo Mi). When their parents left for work, older step-sister Se Na despised having to take care of her younger sister. One day, while younger sister Park Ha sleeps inside a truck, the truck suddenly departs. Even though Se Na sees the truck leaving, she turns around and pretends that it isn’t happening. Time passes, younger sister Park Ha is now living in America. While, Park Ha sells fruits as a sidewalk vendor, Yong Tae Yong (Micky Yoochun) sees her and feels a connection with Park Ha. Yong Tae Moo (Lee Tae Sung) appears in front of Yong Tae Young. They are cousins. The following day, the two men boards a yacht. While the boat is sailing, they have a small fight and Yong Tae Yong falls into the water. His cousin doesn’t attempt to save Yong Tae Yong and actually attempts to hide evidence that he was there. He then jumps into the water and swims away. At this time, younger sister Park Ha receives a phone call that her family has been located in South Korea. Park Ha travels to South Korea and learns that her father has just passed away. At her father’s funeral, Park Ha meets her step-mother and older step-sister Se Na. Park Ha has no memory of how she was separated from her family. Park Ha settles down in Seoul. One night, when she comes back to her rooftop room, she discovers four men, in Korean traditional clothing, sitting in her room…..
(Synopsis Credit to asianwiki)
Main Cast
Micky Yoochun as Yong Tae Yong / Lee Gak
Han Ji Min as Park Ha / Bu Yong
Jung Yoo Mi as Hong Se Na / Hwa Yong
Lee Tae Sung as Yong Tae Moo
Lee Min Ho (1993) as Song Man Bo
Jung Suk Won as Woo Yong Sul
Choi Woo Shik as Do Chi San
Child Actor/Actress
Choi Won Hong as Lee Gak (young)
Jun Min Seo as Park Ha (young) / Bu Yong (Young)
Kim So Hyun as Se Na (young) / Hwa Yong (Young)
- published: 01 Dec 2014
- views: 11
Rooftop Prince Episode 17 (English Subtitle)
‘Rooftop Prince’ has themes of time-travel.
Joseon era (300 years ago)
Lee Gak (Micky Yoochun) is the Crown Prince. When he is ready to marry, Lee G...
‘Rooftop Prince’ has themes of time-travel.
Joseon era (300 years ago)
Lee Gak (Micky Yoochun) is the Crown Prince. When he is ready to marry, Lee Gak wants to marry a beautiful woman. Bu Yong (Han Ji Min) and Hwa Yong (Jung Yoo Mi) are sisters. Hwa Yong, the older sister wants to marry Crown Prince Lee Gak, but her father makes it clear that younger sister Bu Yong will marry the Crown Prince. Hwa Yong is so upset, she uses an an iron to burn Bu Yong’s face, pretending it was an accident. Now, Bu Yong carries a big scar on her face. Eventually, older sister Hwa Yong marries Crown Prince Lee Gak. Time passes and are now adults. Younger sister Bu Yong is now a smart woman, good with needlework. Older sister Hwa Yong is uneasy that her husband, Crown Prince Lee Gak, and Bu Young get along well. One day, Crown Prince Lee Gak wakes up in the early morning. He finds that Hwa Yong is not next to him. He feels something strange about the situation and calls for an eunuch. At this time, an eunuch comes running to the Crown Prince and informs him that Hwa Yong is found dead in a pond. Lee Gak suspects that his wife’s death is not by accident. He puts together a team to investigate his wife’s death. When the team awaits to interview a witness, a group of assassins appears and chases them. Crown Prince Lee Gak and his men are chased to the edge of a cliff. The group jumps off the cliff. The Prince from the Joseon era travels to the future with his entourage Song Man Bo (Lee Min Ho), Woo Yong Sul (Jung Suk Won) and Do Chi San (Choi Woo Shik).
Seoul 2012
When Park Ha (Han Ji Min) was young, her father remarried and Park Ha gained older step-sister Se Na (Jung Yoo Mi). When their parents left for work, older step-sister Se Na despised having to take care of her younger sister. One day, while younger sister Park Ha sleeps inside a truck, the truck suddenly departs. Even though Se Na sees the truck leaving, she turns around and pretends that it isn’t happening. Time passes, younger sister Park Ha is now living in America. While, Park Ha sells fruits as a sidewalk vendor, Yong Tae Yong (Micky Yoochun) sees her and feels a connection with Park Ha. Yong Tae Moo (Lee Tae Sung) appears in front of Yong Tae Young. They are cousins. The following day, the two men boards a yacht. While the boat is sailing, they have a small fight and Yong Tae Yong falls into the water. His cousin doesn’t attempt to save Yong Tae Yong and actually attempts to hide evidence that he was there. He then jumps into the water and swims away. At this time, younger sister Park Ha receives a phone call that her family has been located in South Korea. Park Ha travels to South Korea and learns that her father has just passed away. At her father’s funeral, Park Ha meets her step-mother and older step-sister Se Na. Park Ha has no memory of how she was separated from her family. Park Ha settles down in Seoul. One night, when she comes back to her rooftop room, she discovers four men, in Korean traditional clothing, sitting in her room…..
(Synopsis Credit to asianwiki)
Main Cast
Micky Yoochun as Yong Tae Yong / Lee Gak
Han Ji Min as Park Ha / Bu Yong
Jung Yoo Mi as Hong Se Na / Hwa Yong
Lee Tae Sung as Yong Tae Moo
Lee Min Ho (1993) as Song Man Bo
Jung Suk Won as Woo Yong Sul
Choi Woo Shik as Do Chi San
Child Actor/Actress
Choi Won Hong as Lee Gak (young)
Jun Min Seo as Park Ha (young) / Bu Yong (Young)
Kim So Hyun as Se Na (young) / Hwa Yong (Young)
wn.com/Rooftop Prince Episode 17 (English Subtitle)
‘Rooftop Prince’ has themes of time-travel.
Joseon era (300 years ago)
Lee Gak (Micky Yoochun) is the Crown Prince. When he is ready to marry, Lee Gak wants to marry a beautiful woman. Bu Yong (Han Ji Min) and Hwa Yong (Jung Yoo Mi) are sisters. Hwa Yong, the older sister wants to marry Crown Prince Lee Gak, but her father makes it clear that younger sister Bu Yong will marry the Crown Prince. Hwa Yong is so upset, she uses an an iron to burn Bu Yong’s face, pretending it was an accident. Now, Bu Yong carries a big scar on her face. Eventually, older sister Hwa Yong marries Crown Prince Lee Gak. Time passes and are now adults. Younger sister Bu Yong is now a smart woman, good with needlework. Older sister Hwa Yong is uneasy that her husband, Crown Prince Lee Gak, and Bu Young get along well. One day, Crown Prince Lee Gak wakes up in the early morning. He finds that Hwa Yong is not next to him. He feels something strange about the situation and calls for an eunuch. At this time, an eunuch comes running to the Crown Prince and informs him that Hwa Yong is found dead in a pond. Lee Gak suspects that his wife’s death is not by accident. He puts together a team to investigate his wife’s death. When the team awaits to interview a witness, a group of assassins appears and chases them. Crown Prince Lee Gak and his men are chased to the edge of a cliff. The group jumps off the cliff. The Prince from the Joseon era travels to the future with his entourage Song Man Bo (Lee Min Ho), Woo Yong Sul (Jung Suk Won) and Do Chi San (Choi Woo Shik).
Seoul 2012
When Park Ha (Han Ji Min) was young, her father remarried and Park Ha gained older step-sister Se Na (Jung Yoo Mi). When their parents left for work, older step-sister Se Na despised having to take care of her younger sister. One day, while younger sister Park Ha sleeps inside a truck, the truck suddenly departs. Even though Se Na sees the truck leaving, she turns around and pretends that it isn’t happening. Time passes, younger sister Park Ha is now living in America. While, Park Ha sells fruits as a sidewalk vendor, Yong Tae Yong (Micky Yoochun) sees her and feels a connection with Park Ha. Yong Tae Moo (Lee Tae Sung) appears in front of Yong Tae Young. They are cousins. The following day, the two men boards a yacht. While the boat is sailing, they have a small fight and Yong Tae Yong falls into the water. His cousin doesn’t attempt to save Yong Tae Yong and actually attempts to hide evidence that he was there. He then jumps into the water and swims away. At this time, younger sister Park Ha receives a phone call that her family has been located in South Korea. Park Ha travels to South Korea and learns that her father has just passed away. At her father’s funeral, Park Ha meets her step-mother and older step-sister Se Na. Park Ha has no memory of how she was separated from her family. Park Ha settles down in Seoul. One night, when she comes back to her rooftop room, she discovers four men, in Korean traditional clothing, sitting in her room…..
(Synopsis Credit to asianwiki)
Main Cast
Micky Yoochun as Yong Tae Yong / Lee Gak
Han Ji Min as Park Ha / Bu Yong
Jung Yoo Mi as Hong Se Na / Hwa Yong
Lee Tae Sung as Yong Tae Moo
Lee Min Ho (1993) as Song Man Bo
Jung Suk Won as Woo Yong Sul
Choi Woo Shik as Do Chi San
Child Actor/Actress
Choi Won Hong as Lee Gak (young)
Jun Min Seo as Park Ha (young) / Bu Yong (Young)
Kim So Hyun as Se Na (young) / Hwa Yong (Young)
- published: 01 Dec 2014
- views: 10
Da Ren Wu /Big Shot Episode 31 End [EngSub]- 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7......
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
wn.com/Da Ren Wu Big Shot Episode 31 End Engsub 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
- published: 15 Jan 2014
- views: 2128
author: My Movies
Da Ren Wu /Big Shot Episode 6 [EngSub]- 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7......
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
wn.com/Da Ren Wu Big Shot Episode 6 Engsub 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
- published: 13 Jan 2014
- views: 1649
author: My Movies
Da Ren Wu Big Shot Episode 9 EngSub 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7......
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
wn.com/Da Ren Wu Big Shot Episode 9 Engsub 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
- published: 15 Jan 2014
- views: 1610
author: My Movies
Da Ren Wu Big Shot Episode 10 EngSub 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7......
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
wn.com/Da Ren Wu Big Shot Episode 10 Engsub 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
- published: 15 Jan 2014
- views: 1669
author: My Movies
Da Ren Wu /Big Shot Episode 11 [EngSub]- 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7......
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
wn.com/Da Ren Wu Big Shot Episode 11 Engsub 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
- published: 15 Jan 2014
- views: 1588
author: My Movies
Da Ren Wu /Big Shot Episode 12 [EngSub]- 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7......
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
wn.com/Da Ren Wu Big Shot Episode 12 Engsub 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
- published: 15 Jan 2014
- views: 1572
author: My Movies
Da Ren Wu /Big Shot Episode 14 [EngSub]- 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7......
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
wn.com/Da Ren Wu Big Shot Episode 14 Engsub 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
- published: 15 Jan 2014
- views: 1513
author: My Movies
Da Ren Wu /Big Shot Episode 17 [EngSub]- 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7......
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
wn.com/Da Ren Wu Big Shot Episode 17 Engsub 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
- published: 15 Jan 2014
- views: 1519
author: My Movies
Da Ren Wu /Big Shot Episode 18 [EngSub]- 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7......
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
wn.com/Da Ren Wu Big Shot Episode 18 Engsub 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
- published: 15 Jan 2014
- views: 1432
author: My Movies
Da Ren Wu /Big Shot Episode 19 [EngSub]- 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7......
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
wn.com/Da Ren Wu Big Shot Episode 19 Engsub 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
- published: 15 Jan 2014
- views: 1310
author: My Movies
Da Ren Wu /Big Shot Episode 25 [EngSub]- 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7......
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
wn.com/Da Ren Wu Big Shot Episode 25 Engsub 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
- published: 15 Jan 2014
- views: 1373
author: My Movies
Da Ren Wu /Big Shot Episode 27 [EngSub]- 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7......
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
wn.com/Da Ren Wu Big Shot Episode 27 Engsub 大人物
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
- published: 15 Jan 2014
- views: 1655
author: My Movies
Da Ren Wu /Big Shot Episode 16 [EngSub]- 大人物sa
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7......
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
wn.com/Da Ren Wu Big Shot Episode 16 Engsub 大人物Sa
please watch full list change film at here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bij4Kti9_tc&list;=PL7lARDSVrk8E561txh6u8BRmzCpP3SJgi Big Shot episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
- published: 15 Jan 2014
- views: 1811
author: My Movies