The Maltese Language- Introduction
The Maltese Language- Introduction
The Maltese Language- Introduction
Hi, this is my first video introducing the Maltese language. In the next lessons, I will teach you the Maltese alphabet, numbers, seasons, etc. Follow my lin...
Maltese language اللّغة المالطيّة
Maltese language اللّغة المالطيّة
Maltese language اللّغة المالطيّة
Sociology And Anthropology www.facebook.com/Sociology.Anthropology.
Joseph Muscat Standing up for the MALTESE language.
Joseph Muscat Standing up for the MALTESE language.
Joseph Muscat Standing up for the MALTESE language.
5 Strange Languages Still Spoken Today
5 Strange Languages Still Spoken Today
5 Strange Languages Still Spoken Today
Can you believe people can talk with clicking sounds? GMM #693!
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Maltese Words - Language - Davidsbeenhere
Maltese Words - Language - Davidsbeenhere
Maltese Words - Language - Davidsbeenhere
http://davidsbeenhere.com/ David's Been Here is in the small island country of Malta, exploring the local sites, destinations, cuisine and culture. In this short video, David gives the Maltese language a try. Listen along as David and Ana learn a few of the basic words from their tour guide Audrey. From the numbers and basics of getting around to simple conversation starters, if you're planning a trip to Malta, learning some of the language is a great place to begin. Find everything you need to know about visiting this beautiful country with the David's Been Here Guide to Malta, also available for your Kindle.
Learn more about the Maltese La
maltese lesson 2.wmv
maltese lesson 2.wmv
maltese lesson 2.wmv
this 2nd video clip of speak maltese is about some basic exprations so you can kick off by saying you first maltese words. i will add more videos if i get good respons, please leave any comments and any suggestion will be more then welcome!
Language lesson 1: to be in Maltese
Language lesson 1: to be in Maltese
Language lesson 1: to be in Maltese
In this video, how the verb 'to be' is in Maltese is explained. I am no Maltese national, but since there are not many videos, I hope many foreigners will fi...
Language lesson 2: The Maltese alphabet
Language lesson 2: The Maltese alphabet
Language lesson 2: The Maltese alphabet
The Maltese alphabet explained with some vocabulary. Comments? Let me know, I'm not a native Maltese.
Kompetizzjoni għat-tradutturi Maltin (2013) / 2013 Competition for Maltese translators
Kompetizzjoni għat-tradutturi Maltin (2013) / 2013 Competition for Maltese translators
Kompetizzjoni għat-tradutturi Maltin (2013) / 2013 Competition for Maltese translators
Wasal iż-żmien li tapplikaw għall-kompetizzjoni għal tradutturi għall-Malti! Ir-reġistrazzjoni tibda fil-11 ta' Lulju u tispiċċa fit-13 ta' Awwissu 2013. http://www.facebook.com/kompetizzjoni -------------------------Now is the time to apply for the competition for translators working into the Maltese language! Registration is possible between 11 July and 13 August 2013. http://www.facebook.com/kompetizzjoni
Lesson #1- The Maltese Alphabet
Lesson #1- The Maltese Alphabet
Lesson #1- The Maltese Alphabet
Hello there! It's Kristina! :) Last time I introduced you to the Maltese language, and in this video, you are able to learn the alphabet with me! Make sure t...
READING IN MALTESE (14-03-12) 14/31
READING IN MALTESE (14-03-12) 14/31
READING IN MALTESE (14-03-12) 14/31
Video request by: remyzelf Thanks for all your comments and video requests. Leave you questions and video requests in my Inbox. Thanks for watching :) xxx.
What has changed since Maltese became an official EU language?
What has changed since Maltese became an official EU language?
What has changed since Maltese became an official EU language?
Did you know about the complexities of multilingualism in Malta? English, Maltese and even Italian are all used to communicate with other islanders. There ha...
Artist - George scicluna from Gozo (Malta) . . (Maltese Language)
Artist - George scicluna from Gozo (Malta) . . (Maltese Language)
Artist - George scicluna from Gozo (Malta) . . (Maltese Language)
George Scicluna was born on the 16th of July 1966 in Victoria, Gozo. He studied art at the Salvatore Dimech School of Arts in Mosta where he obtained a diplo...
The Maltese Alphabet
The Maltese Alphabet
The Maltese Alphabet
This video interests all those who want to learn more about the Maltese language or who will visit Malta soon and wish to get more familiar with the national language. It is also ideal for those who plan to live on the Maltese Islands for quite some time. My intetion is to provide the actual and correct information on Maltese since all the youtube videos I have seen, all have spelling mistakes or mistakes in the pronunciation. The Maltese language is not an Arabic dialect (unlike what other videos on youtube have stated). It is similar to Arabic because it is a Semitic language but written in Latin script. Please feel free to comment, questio
'KOBBA' - A Maltese 36 minute film
'KOBBA' - A Maltese 36 minute film
'KOBBA' - A Maltese 36 minute film
Kindly watch this film if you are older than 17 years old due to some vulgar language and violent nature. Story: A henchman is ordered to kill his comrade wh...
Jien min Jien? (2015) Il-Lingwistica Maltija (Maltese Language Documentary)
Jien min Jien? (2015) Il-Lingwistica Maltija (Maltese Language Documentary)
Jien min Jien? (2015) Il-Lingwistica Maltija (Maltese Language Documentary)
Godwin Scerri iżur l-Università ta’ Malta u jiskopri aspetti differenti tar-riċerka fil-lingwa. Dawn jinkludu fost l-oħrajn: il-Malti, l-Ingliz ta’Malta, il-Lingwa tas-Sinjali Maltija, il-kompjuter, ir-robotika, il-ġesti u t-terapija għal min għandu diffikultà fit-taħdit.
Godwin Scerri visits the University of Malta and discovers different aspects of language research. These include: the Maltese language, English language in Malta, Maltese Sign Language, computer language, robot language, and language therapy.
This is part of the Science in the City—European Researchers’ Night festival, which is organised by a consortium that is led
Tagliatelle or Fettucine in Octopus Sauce ( Maltese Language )
Tagliatelle or Fettucine in Octopus Sauce ( Maltese Language )
Tagliatelle or Fettucine in Octopus Sauce ( Maltese Language )
My style of dish .....I didnt copy or saw this on the internet but its created by myself...try it , hope u like it:)
Malta tongue twister challenge
Malta tongue twister challenge
Malta tongue twister challenge
We asked the residents of Islington, London (and a few Maltese expatriates too) to take up our Maltese tongue twister challenge. The Maltese language is spoken by approximately 400,000 people.
Popeye the sailor (Maltese Version)
Popeye the sailor (Maltese Version)
Popeye the sailor (Maltese Version)
a funny maltese language episode of popeye enjoy plz rate! download for free in mp3 format: http://soundcloud.com/emzman300/popeye-the-sailor-maltese-version.
Maltese language lesson 3: Counting in Maltese
Maltese language lesson 3: Counting in Maltese
Maltese language lesson 3: Counting in Maltese
Maltese language lesson 3: Counting in Maltese
The Maltese counting system explained with some vocabulary. The Maltese language is a mix of mainly Arabic, Italian and English which makes it very difficult to learn. It is the only semitic language written with Latin letters. Hope this video helps you further!
Usually, when Maltese are paying, they use English. However, in many other cases, they use Maltese, which, for the counting system, is very similar to Arabic.
Comments? Let me know, I'm not a native Maltese but learning Maltese.
You can also find more information on counting in Maltese on:
Maltese Language School NSW
Maltese Language School NSW
Maltese Language School NSW
Some of what we do. Learning the language and experience the culture. Classes held for juniors and adult beginnners to advanced. Saturday morning classes hel...
Malti - learn Maltese language vocabulary of fruits - apprendre la langue et le vocabulaire maltais
Malti - learn Maltese language vocabulary of fruits - apprendre la langue et le vocabulaire maltais
Malti - learn Maltese language vocabulary of fruits - apprendre la langue et le vocabulaire maltais
Malti - lesson to learn Maltese language vocabulary of fruits - apprendre la langue et le vocabulaire maltais.
How NOT to do a Maltese accent !
How NOT to do a Maltese accent !
How NOT to do a Maltese accent !
Subscribe For more + vines I'm Maltese and this video offends me in a way :D Just do the opposite of what she did to have a Maltese accent remember Subscribe...