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Secular Theology according to the Secular Humanism Worldview. My friends at Summit Ministries continue their series on comparative world views with a study o...
UU University 2009 -Theology for a Secular Age Part 1 - "How do we know what we most truly know?" The transformation of theology for a secular age formed the...
UU University 2009 -Theology for a Secular Age Part 2 - "What is the nature of existence and how do we fit into the picture?" The transformation of theology ...
UU University 2009 -Theology for a Secular Age Part 3- "What in the world is divine—if anything?" The transformation of theology for a secular age formed the...
UU University 2009 -Theology for a Secular Age Part 4 "What is the uniquely human challenge?" The transformation of theology for a secular age formed the bas...
UU University 2009 -Theology for a Secular Age Part 5 - "What are the purpose of faith and the role of religion?" The transformation of theology for a secula...
UU University 2009 -Theology for a Secular Age Part 6 - "What does it mean to be a religious community?" The transformation of theology for a secular age for...
UU University 2009 -Theology for a Secular Age Part 7 - "How shall we live in order to transform ourselves and the world?" The transformation of theology for...
Dr. Chopra recorded this video through Seesmic - the platform for global conversations. Based in San Francisco, Seesmic enables people from all over the worl...
An excerpt from "The Role of Faith in a Secular World: Does God Matter?", a talk by Charles Falzon, Chair of Radio and Television Arts, Ryerson University. G...
John Milbank is a Christian theologian and Professor of Religion, Politics and Ethics at the University of Nottingham. Milbank is regarded as one of today's ...
--= BOOK REVIEW OF YOUR FAVORITE BOOK =--- Where to buy this book? ISBN: 9780814680247 Book Review of Secular Music and Sacred Theology by Tom Beaudoin If you want to add where to buy this book, please use the link above: If you are the Author, Publisher or Partner and want to send us a message, use this link: Report an error: ------- + Share the book of your favorite author + ------- See more at Subscribe on our Channel. Copyright note: this video only use public information about the book: Public Review, Cover, ISBN number, Author Name and Publisher Name. All rights belong to their respective owners. Contact us for any partnership enquiries, content submission or other requests at Contact us for any copyright issues at Music from: By NOIDE-NG6 10/25 16h1 ID: BM9780814680247-206354
Southeastern Seminary (September 2013) - "What I have Told You in the Darkness, Say in the Light: Christian Truth Telling in a Secular Age." Al Mohler, presi...
Part 1 of 8: Dr. David Noelle, Regional Director for the Council for Secular Humanism, explains the benefits of the philosophy of reason over theology. Secul...
Do we have a purpose? Well that depends on what you mean by 'purpose', doesn't it? Heck, I'm not even sure 'purpose' even exists, except as a concept subject...
Ligonier Ministries (2012) - Michael Horton, Stephen Meyer, Del Tackett, R.C. Sproul Jr, and R.C. Sproul speak on the trouble of indoctrination of students i...
Fox News (October 15, 2014) - Mayor Annise Parker (who is openly gay) is doing all she can to intimidate and censor the freedom of religion and speech by doing a subpoena on Christians pastors of their sermons, emails and texts, especially if these pastors spoke of homosexuality as a sin.
Dr. James K.A. Smith gave this talk on March 6, 2014 at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Smith is Professor of Philosophy at Calvin College, where he holds t...
Dr. Darrell Bock, Executive Director of Cultural Engagement and Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies, and Bill Hendricks, Acting Executive Director for the Hendricks Center for Christian Leadership, discuss the secular and sacred divide concerning the concept of calling. Comments: Request Info: Support DTS:
Peter Berger - Professor Emeritus of Religion, Sociology and Theology, Boston University - November 9, 2009.
For more on this event, visit: For more on the Berkley Center, visit: November 5, 2012 | The Second ...
Liberal, naturalistic "theology" consists of 3 basic beliefs: (1) Evolution, (2) Relative Morals, and (3) Global Warming. We must admit that they are at leas...
Pastor Nathan Lewis (evangelical Christian) and Bernie Dehler (secular humanist, atheist) discuss a recent book edited by Christian apologist/debater William...
In May, 2014, Graduate Christian Fellowship at the University of Washington and the Fuller Institute for Northwest Theology and Culture hosted this lecture b..., Samuel Weber American Philosopher and Professor talking about crisis of religious monotheism as a frame for understanding today's modern...
Speaker: All credit to Dinesh.D'Souza. and the maker of this video. What is Secular Humanism? Accurate definitions are difficult to come by. When one hears t...
Dr. Paul Griffiths is the Warren Professor of Catholic Theology at Duke University. Discusses religion and theology in a secular age.
Miroslav Volf, Founder and Director of Yale Center for Faith and Culture and Henry B. Wright Professor of Theology, Yale University Divinity School Kuyper Le...
The Firth Memorial Lectureship was founded by the Reverend John d'ewe Evelyn Firth in memory of his father, John Benjamin Firth, Historian of Nottingham and ...
The Firth Memorial Lectureship was founded by the Reverend John d'ewe Evelyn Firth in memory of his father, John Benjamin Firth, Historian of Nottingham and ...
Centre for Theology and Public Issues University of Otago Humanities Lectures - Video.
What role does Christian theology have in counseling and psychology? Many counselors give little thought to the role of theology in counseling, and devote th...
Charity talks about the Tim LaHaye Left Behind Series aimed at children. The Atheist Experience is a weekly cable access television show in Austin, Texas gea...
What is the traditional Islamic approach to diversity, dissent, and toleration among Muslims and others, and how dies it compare with modern Western notions of secular pluralism? From its inception in the seventh century C.E., Muslim culture and civilization took on a global, pluralistic character. We will compare the parameters of toleration as set forth in classical Islamic law, which was the functional basis of the commonwealth, with parallel concepts in Muslim theology, metaphysics, and ethics pertaining to the nature of divine unicity and its relation with the potentially infinite multiplicity of the world. We will see how certain Muslim religious scholars conceived of the integral harmony between absolute truth based on unchanging principles and the relative truths of individual and group perceptions of fragmentary reality.
Tom Nelson, Senior Pastor of Christ Community in Overland Park, Kansas talks with Darrell Bock about the theology of work and how Christians have divided jobs into sacred and secular pursuits during a Cultural Engagement Chapel at Dallas Seminary. Comments: Request Info: Support DTS:
The second of six short presentations by leading Oxford theologian Alister McGrath to help his readers to get the most out of his standard textbook "The Christian Theology Reader". This video looks at the ideas of Augustine of Hippo on the relation of Christian theology to secular culture, focussing on a text from Augustine's treatise "On Christian doctrine".
Jerry is an ex-minister, a Secular Humanist, and Openly Secular! After studying theology and examining his experiences, he realized that he didn't believe in God anymore. He stresses how important it is to be open about your beliefs.
The Systematic Theology which has traditionally dealt with "System" for Biblical Theology was to organize the biblical theological doctrines systematically t...
Come along and join us in what will be one of our most interesting meetings to date. In the Christian life, secular vocation is often relegated to a calling ...
Here I begin to describe what I believe, and the reasons for that belief; be them of secular or religious origin.
global Economy.. private Wealth.. purpose in Business.. nature of Work... Is there a Moral Crisis of Capitalism? What are the Challenges for Christians? What...
Jeff Robbins provides a synopsis of his argument from his recently published book, RADICAL DEMOCRACY AND POLITICAL THEOLOGY. This section explains what he re...
Author of RADICAL DEMOCRACY AND POLITICAL THEOLOGY introduces public lecture on "What is the Post-Secular? Rethinking the Proper Relationship Between Religio...
Deference to nature, as in a ‘natural’ rate, is straightforwardly secular theology, an effort to ...
CounterPunch 2015-03-20Science historian Thomas Kuhn wrote about the revolutionary paradigm shifts in scientific thought, ...
CounterPunch 2015-02-27Whether the Founder wanted the state of Pakistan to be secular or theological in orientation is a ...
Dawn 2015-01-04This secular theology assigns us a contradictory groveling insignificant, significance ... The secular ...
Huffington Post 2014-11-10... to interpolate themselves into all these Sunni-on-Sunni, theological and secular-theological "wars"?
Huffington Post 2014-10-13... moves many away from the established religions today, we need a secular theology more than ever.
Huffington Post 2014-10-09... day, the pagan god of all polite society, its new secular theology, and Kent was its high priest.
London Evening Standard 2014-04-10The movie’s themes are like secular theology of every stripe so prevalent in America today:
WorldNetDaily 2014-01-27A recent column in Mashable argued that the rise of the tech sector is creating its own articles of ...
Business Insider 2013-12-15Religion (either secular or theological) does not poison all of society and science should not be ...
Huffington Post 2013-12-10Yet in recent years, Silicon Valley has developed a secular theology that can only be described as ...
Mashable 2013-11-16... economic issues — every country, that is, except Mexico, where it is a matter of secular theology.
The New York Times 2013-10-31Torkunov underscored the importance of cooperation between secular and theological institutions in the field of education.
noodls 2013-10-24The field of secular theology, a subfield of liberal theology advocated by Anglican bishop John A. T. Robinson somewhat paradoxically combines secularism and theology. Recognized in the 1960s, it was influenced both by neo-orthodoxy, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Harvey Cox, and the existentialism of Søren Kierkegaard and Paul Tillich. Secular theology digested modern movements like the Death of God Theology propagated by Thomas J. J. Altizer or the philosophical existentialism of Paul Tillich and eased the introduction of such ideas into the theological mainstream and made constructive evaluations, as well as contributions, to them.
John Shelby Spong advocates a nuanced approach to scripture (as opposed to blunt Biblical literalism at the other end of the scale), informed by scholarship and compassion, which he argues can be consistent with both Christian tradition and a contemporary understanding of the universe. Secular theology holds that theism has lost credibility as a valid conception of God's nature. It rejects the concept of a personal God and embraces the status of Jesus Christ, Christology and Christian eschatology as Christian mythology without basis in historical events.