Thanks for Contributing! You just created a new WN page. Learn more » Muslims often accuse other religions of idolatry. Yet Muslims bow down to a pagan temple (the Kaaba); they take a pilgrimage ...
AMRUTHUMGAMAYA -NSS College Palakkad...... Q: Why Islam doesnot allow idol worshiping?
1°fag. King Saudi Arabia: Sharia Al Qaeda imperialism! 2°fag. 322 Bush NWO Alien Abduction: "we will win a cock in the ass!": 3°fag. 666 parasite Rothschild:...
1. Very Powerful message and backed up with historical and archaeological facts. 2. Analogical Evidence is based upon rational thinking and comparison of data in hand. When the claim about one thing is proven false, all other things in the book are subject to scrutiny. There are many discrepancies between the Quran and Historical Facts. To trust your soul on the unconfirmed things as told in the Quran will be a tragedy. References: 1. Mecca was a Pagan Town less important than Kaaba of Taif during 450 AD. Religion Research Institute 2. STUDIES BY CLASSICAL WRITERS SHOW THAT MECCA COULD NOT HAVE BEEN BUILT BEFORE THE 4TH CENTURY A.D. By Dr. Rafat Amari 3. History of Islam Lies (Sejarah Islam Bohong) 4. Why Muhammad kissed the Black Stone?;=82&sid;=cce1c83023b64c188ad66a69e0bfca57&start;=100 5. Who were the Arabs and Nabateans before Islam?
Discussion: Sacrifice of Children to Idols "Muslims believe in all the prophets" ht...
We expect him to do as Obama does and claim he's not part of the nation of Islam and say he's something else. If he does say that he's a member of the nation of Islam, then you now know the Truth. Remember Obama was heavily involved with Masonic Black Liberation Theology at Jeremiah Wright's church before he came out and said he was a Muslim. Then Obama was everything else when he visited a foreign country, but what he never confesses in public is that he's a Masonic lodge coerced by death oaths, mind control slave. See this article for a explanation on who the founder of Black Liberation Masonic controlled opposition heresy is.
1°fag. King Saudi Arabia: Sharia Al Qaeda imperialism! 2°fag. 322 Bush NWO Alien Abduction: "we will win a cock in the ass!": 3°fag. 666 parasite Rothschild:...
1°fag. King Saudi Arabia: Sharia Al Qaeda imperialism! 2°fag. 322 Bush NWO Alien Abduction: "we will win a cock in the ass!": 3°fag. 666 parasite Rothschild:...
1°fag. King Saudi Arabia: Sharia Al Qaeda imperialism! 2°fag. 322 Bush NWO Alien Abduction: "we will win a cock in the ass!": 3°fag. 666 parasite Rothschild:...
1°fag. King Saudi Arabia: Sharia Al Qaeda imperialism! 2°fag. 322 Bush NWO Alien Abduction: "we will win a cock in the ass!": 3°fag. 666 parasite Rothschild:...
1°fag. King Saudi Arabia: Sharia Al Qaeda imperialism! 2°fag. 322 Bush NWO Alien Abduction: "we will win a cock in the ass!": 3°fag. 666 parasite Rothschild:...
king Saudi Arabia: sharia imperialism Al Quaeda! 322 Bush NWO Aliens Abduction: "noi vinceremo un cazzo nel culo!": 666 parassita: Rothschild: FMI FED BCE: s...
king Saudi Arabia: sharia imperialism Al Quaeda! 322 Bush NWO Aliens Abduction: "noi vinceremo un cazzo nel culo!": 666 parassita: Rothschild: FMI FED BCE: s...
via YouTube Capture
king Saudi Arabia: sharia imperialism Al Quaeda! 322 Bush NWO Aliens Abduction: "noi vinceremo un cazzo nel culo!": 666 parassita: Rothschild: FMI FED BCE: s...
king Saudi Arabia: sharia imperialism Al Quaeda! 322 Bush NWO Aliens Abduction: "noi vinceremo un cazzo nel culo!": 666 parassita: Rothschild: FMI FED BCE: s...
king Saudi Arabia: sharia imperialism Al Quaeda! 322 Bush NWO Aliens Abduction: "noi vinceremo un cazzo nel culo!": 666 parassita: Rothschild: FMI FED BCE: s...
king Saudi Arabia: sharia imperialism Al Quaeda! 322 Bush NWO Aliens Abduction: "noi vinceremo un cazzo nel culo!": 666 parassita: Rothschild: FMI FED BCE: s...
The Plain truth about Islam based on Interview with ex-Muslim IQ Al Rassooli by Michael Coren and Jon Vaught.
king Saudi Arabia: sharia imperialism Al Quaeda! 322 Bush NWO Aliens Abduction: "noi vinceremo un cazzo nel culo!": 666 parassita: Rothschild: FMI FED BCE: s...
Quran 34:44, 32:3, 36:6 and 11:49 all proves that Muhammad's forefathers and Muhammad were Kaaba idolaters. As the Quran says Muhammad's forefathers were not given any scripture nor warner was sent to them before Muhammad, so how could the Kaaba was built based on the specifications from God when no scripture had been given to the Arabs??? Kaaba is an idol for idolatry used by idolaters and by Muhammad for idolatry. So you are an idolater by the Law of God given to the Jews and the Christians vide Quran 5:44-47. ======= Highly Recommended Book: Islam in the Light of History, written by Dr. Rafat Amari. Two Kaabahs in Saudi Arabia.The Kaabah of Mecca was one of many Kaabahs that were branches of the Kaabah of Taif; It was of the same building style and had the same religious pagan functions. =============== Peace be to you. There are 4 powerful Quranic verses which make Muslims speechless about Allah and Kaabah of Mecca. I have asked some Muslims personally and yet no one is able to make a breakthrough. The reason as to why the 4 Powerful Quranic verses are so powerful, is because these verses cut apart the false claims of Muslims about Muhammad, Allah and Kaabah. Quran 34:44, 32:3, 36:6 and 11:49 all proves that Muhammad and his forefathers were Kaaba idolaters. Quran explicitly says Muhammad's forefathers were scriptureless and that he was the first Arab to be given the scripture! Islam will collapse sooner than expected if all Muslims come to know about this simple fact that Kaabah was not built by specifications given by God, & that Muhammad died as an idolater for prostrating towards this idol. As Quran 34:44 says Muhammad's forefathers were not given any scripture nor warner was sent to them before him, so how could the Kaaba was built based on the specifications from God when his forefathers were scriptureless? Kaaba is an idol for idolatry used by Meccan idolaters and by Muhammad and Muslims today for idolatry. So Muslims are idolaters based on the Law of God given to the Jews and the Christians vide Quran 5 : 44-47. The word Allah has predated Islam which was used by Arabs Christians before Muhammad was born. So how could the word Allah be given by Angel Gabriel when the word "Allah" had been used before Muhammad was born? John 14:6, Jesus said to him (Thomas): I am the way, and truth, and life: no one comes unto my Father, but by me. ' AMV. Lord Jesus said: I am the Way which literally means the only way to His Father's Kingdom. Lord Jesus Christ was an Israelite as He was born in Bethlehem, raised in Galilee and ministered in Jerusalem in Israel. The Words of Lord Jesus are the Law of Israel by virtue of His claim in John 10:34-36. So the term Israeli Law of Christ was adopted by the Christians, all over the world. The supremacy of Israeli Law of Christ was acknowledged by Muhammad in Quran 5:47 as "the Gospel". Quran 5:47 reads, Let the People of the Gospel judge by that which Allah has revealed therein. Whoso judges not by that which Allah has revealed: such are evil livers. ' Arabic-English Pickthal Translation. Lord Jesus has revealed to the Christians about the Israeli Law of Christ, which has precedency and supremacy over Sharia law which is merely man-made laws. Quran 34:44 implies that the word "Allah" is not an inspired word.
An investigative look into the City of Jerusalem area and how it all maps out the End of the age and the Souls Ascension. Jesus Christ is LORD and Savior the...
Beautiful story of how AbdAllah came from Hinduism to Islam. How he saw his idols disgraceful fallen and broken in the river and how it changed his life and ...
Suitland Maryland - One of the easiest things in the world is to get sucked in by a distraction - something easy to look at, something tasty and stimulating,...
Alcoholism in Islam. Statistics have shown that 40-45% of the worldwide Muslim population drinks alcohol even though they are the only religion that forbids ... CHRISTIANS HATE IDOLATRY. READ THIS= AND MUSLIM had dream and meets LORD JESUS.... which changed his life..... Daha fazla Müslüman Hıristiyanlığa dönüştürmek Türk. Moslems Türke konvertiert zum Jesus yuhuuuuuuuuuu das war der richtige weg und richtige entscheidung. What's Islam? Islam in Brief - Yusuf Estes Introduction to Islam. Courtesy of Yusuf Estes was born in the mid-west United States 1944 t... REAL CHRISTIANS HA... Ali (turkey) Ali is the oldest of nine children but he doesn't have many warm memories of being part of such a large family. They teased him and said th Ali,Muslim Convert to Christianity,Turkey Ali,Muslim Convert to Christianity,Turkey
obama rick warren muslim Jezus Isa false prophet endtimes joe schimmel.
Judaism teaches that "the righteous of all peoples have a share in the World to Come". Non-Jews do not have to become Jews to become righteous. They only have to embrace the Seven Laws of Noah. According to Torah tradition, God gave Noah and his family seven commandments to observe when he saved them from the flood. These commandments, referred to as the Noachide Commandments or Laws, are learned by tradition but also suggested in Genesis Chapter 9, and are as follows: 1. Not to commit idolatry; 2. Not to commit blasphemy; 3. Not to commit murder; 4. Not to have forbidden sexual relations; 5. Not to commit theft; 6. Not to eat flesh cut from a living animal; 7. To establish courts of justice to punish violators of the other six laws. These commandments may seem fairly simple and straightforward, and most of them are recognized by most of the world as sound moral principles. But according to the Torah only those Gentiles who observe these laws because God commanded them in His Torah will enjoy life in the World to Come: If they observe them just because they seem reasonable or because they think that God commanded them in some way other than in the Torah, they might as well not obey them so far as a part in the World to Come is concerned. The Noahic commandments are binding on all people, because all people are descended from Noah and his family. The 613 mitzvot of the Torah, on the other hand, are only binding on the descendants of those who accepted the commandments at Sinai and upon those who take on the yoke of the commandments voluntarily (by conversion). Some say that the Noahic commandments are applied more leniently to non-Jews than the corresponding commandments are to Jews, because non-Jews do not have the benefit of Oral Torah to guide them in interpreting the laws. Some European rabbis (presumably because of fear of reprisal from their Christian neighbors, famous for their violence to Jews) have gone so far as to say that worshipping God in the form of a man constitutes idolatry for a Jew punishable by death, but the Trinitarian Christian worship of Jesus does not constitute idolatry. In truth, any idolatry for which a Jew is punishable by death is also punishable by death for non-Jews, including the worship of a man as a god. In this video, Rabbi Michael Skobac provides an overview of the Seven Laws, including many details that could not be guessed from the listing above. Questions should be directed to the Rabbi at Learn More: Facebook+Like: YouTube+Subscribe: Twitter+Tweet: Donate Now: JEWS FOR JUDAISM is an international organization dedicated to countering the multi-million dollar efforts of Christian missionary groups that target Jews, the impact of cults and eastern religions, and the growing rate of intermarriage that is devastating the Jewish community. JEWS FOR JUDAISM achieves its goal through FREE educational programs, materials and counseling services that connect Jewish people to the spiritual depth, beauty and wisdom of Judaism and keeps Jews Jewish. Please contact us if we can help you.
See our playlist "Dealing with Roman Catholicism, Idolatry & the Virgin Mary" at Larry Wessels, dire...
Virtually all Halloween traditions are based either in ancient pagan culture, or in Christianity. From an Islamic point of view, they all are forms of idolat... End Times News Alerts: Our Main Website: Genesis 10:9-10...
Here's Paul Washer speaking about decisional "evangelism" and what really constitutes true regeneration at the Deeper Conference hosted by Way of the Master....
From the Gospel Coalition 2009 National Conference, Tim Keller (Session 1) delivers his "The Grand Demythologizer: The Gospel and Idolatry - Acts 19:23-41" p...
The British museum exhibition about the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca; the Hajj is on the way. On display are beautiful manuscripts, artifacts and many other ob...
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all religions are the same, they are the devil's tools to justify a sinful lifestyle of luster of lust,they are like porno clubs. which is the best for your ...
The ancient houses of Israel and Judah engaged in idolatry and were severely punished by God. Today, our nations are guilty of the same transgressions. But G...
This lecture was delivered by Zeshan Zaveri at the IECOC Mosque Islamic Education Center of Orange County on April 6th 2012.
3340 SM011115 Demons: gods Of The Ancient World- Hercules, Venus, Baal, Grove, Etc.- Fire god And Tree goddess- The Reasons For Christmas- Israel's Idolatry- Marrying The Pagans And Serving Their gods Recorded on 1/11/2015 - Captured Live on Ustream at
Please ask yourself this question \ If I am wrong and islam- Islam is terrorism and murder, ignorance and superstition and idolatry\ and discuss Islam and talk about Muhammad the false prophet of Islam. They discuss topics like Muhammad's biography, Muhammad's life story, Islamic sources, miracles in the Quran, koranic science, last prophet claims, islam religion, Christianity vs islam, Jesus vs Muhammad, Mohammad, aisha, Muhammad's wives, Muhammad's actions, ex-muslims, ex-muslim, convert, reverts to Islam from Christianity, Christians, Bible, Koran, Satan in Islam, Islamic heaven, jannah, shaytan, the hadiths, muslimas, marriage in islam, Islamic dating, comparative religions, Jews under Islam, Israel, India, and Islam in the west, and in western countries. These are only a few of the topics covered in these videos which are a great source of references for learning Islam and Islamic dawa tactics that are fraudulent, lies, fake, falsehoods, mistruths, instead of truth, and fact.
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Islam is an Arabian Cult. The root of Islam is built upon barren ground in Mecca, Arabia whereas the holy ground which Lord Jesus Christ stood is in Jerusalem City, Samaria and Galilee in Israel.
Peace be with you. It is shocking to know the truth after researching on the works and words of demons, the agents of Satan the devil and compared it to the ...
1°fag. King Saudi Arabia: Sharia Al Qaeda imperialism! 2°fag. 322 Bush NWO Alien Abduction: "we will win a cock in the ass!": 3°fag. 666 parasite Rothschild:...
1°fag. King Saudi Arabia: Sharia Al Qaeda imperialism! 2°fag. 322 Bush NWO Alien Abduction: "we will win a cock in the ass!": 3°fag. 666 parasite Rothschild:...
king Saudi Arabia: sharia imperialism Al Quaeda! 322 Bush NWO Aliens Abduction: "noi vinceremo un cazzo nel culo!": 666 parassita: Rothschild: FMI FED BCE: s...
king Saudi Arabia: sharia imperialism Al Quaeda! 322 Bush NWO Aliens Abduction: "noi vinceremo un cazzo nel culo!": 666 parassita: Rothschild: FMI FED BCE: s...
is the theme of the Islamic Circle of North America's convention on Saturday at Empire State Plaza Convention Center.
Times Union 2015-04-10WASHINGTON - The Islamic State's assault on northern Iraq last summer galvanized the country's rival ...
Big News Network 2015-04-10Middle East in a failed attempt to join the Islamic State group, federal authorities said Thursday.
Big News Network 2015-04-10... man has been charged with trying to provide support for the Islamic State militant group, the U.
Big News Network 2015-04-10Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Indonesia's government has lifted restrictions on 12 out of 19 Islamic ...
Big News Network 2015-04-10Fighters for the Islamic State group -- also known as ISIS or ISIL -- raise their weapons as they ...
Big News Network 2015-04-10BEIRUT -- A new video released by the Islamic State group on Sunday shows its fighters cutting off ...
Big News Network 2015-04-10... Thursday after an "extremely powerful" cyberattack by hackers claiming allegiance to Islamic State .
Big News Network 2015-04-10A Latrobe city councillor in south-east Victoria is defending her right to post anti-Islamic material on social media.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation 2015-04-10S ... S. has made progress against the Islamic State group in Iraq but cannot predict how long the fight will take.
The Associated Press 2015-04-10US Vice-President Joe Biden has given an upbeat assessment of Iraq's progress against Islamic State (IS) militants.
BBC News 2015-04-10Here’s all you need to know about Muslims, in "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam." ... Confronting Islam's demons.
WorldNetDaily 2015-04-10"Isis [the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant] has destroyed many statues and sold the rest.
Mail Guardian South Africa 2015-04-10Islam (English /ˈɪzlɑːm/;Arabic: الإسلام al-ʾislām IPA: [ʔɪsˈlæːm] ( listen)) is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion articulated by the Qur'an, a text considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of God (Arabic: الله Allāh), and by the teachings and normative example (called the Sunnah and composed of Hadith) of Muhammad, considered by them to be the last prophet of God. An adherent of Islam is called a Muslim.
Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable and the purpose of existence is to love and serve God. Muslims also believe that Islam is the complete and universal version of a primordial faith that was revealed at many times and places before, including through Abraham, Moses and Jesus, whom they consider prophets. They maintain that previous messages and revelations have been partially changed or corrupted over time, but consider the Qur'an to be both the unaltered and the final revelation of God. Religious concepts and practices include the five pillars of Islam, which are basic concepts and obligatory acts of worship, and following Islamic law, which touches on virtually every aspect of life and society, providing guidance on multifarious topics from banking and welfare, to warfare and the environment.