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This video depicts an historic site in Aleppo Syria and what the regime is willing to lose in its country's own culture and history From the video creator: 2...
First prize winning project by Mariam Alnoaimi | At Diyar Almuharraq competition for graduation projects. Bimaristan is a place to embrace with love and beau...
Bab Qinnasrin: report on the state of the Museum of Medicine and Science (The Bimaristan Argun) 03.03.2015 حلب - باب قنسرين : تقرير عن متحف الطب والعوم - البيمارستان الأرغوني 03. 03. 2015 Association for the Protection of Syrian Archaeology - Website : جمعية حماية الآثار السورية
Bimaristan is a Persian word (بیمارستان bīmārestān) meaning "hospital". In the medieval Islamic world, the word "Bimaristan" was used to indicate a hospital ...
Duniya ki pehli medical university. By: Syed Amjad Hussain
L'hôpital psychiatrique d'Alep est l'un des plus anciens asiles psychiatriques du monde. Les malades mentaux au XIVème siècle, étaient soignés par les bienfa...
His-Health-Minister performs Reiki on an: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Non-Surgical: Universal-Healthcare-Plan: Subscriber. Amexem-Moor-Empire: Minister For The Healt...
اقرأ المزيد حول فيروس كورونا : كما يشرفنا زيارتك : الموقع : فيس بوك : تو...
اقرأ المزيد حول سرطان الثدي : شارك في التوعية بخطر سرطان الثدي : ===== الفيديو من إنتاج ( بيمارستان ) الموقع : http:/...
الموقع : فيس بوك : تويتر : === أداء الصوت :
مرض الزهايمر [ الأسباب - الأعراض و العلامات - التشخيص - العلاج - المضاعفات ] ١٠ علامات تحذيرية لاكتشاف مرض الزهايمر مبكراً ============================= تصميم و إخراج : أداء الصوت : إنتاج : بيمارستان الموقع : فيس بوك : تويتر : للتواصل :
اقرأ المزيد حول سرطان الثدي : شارك في التوعية بخطر سرطان الثدي : شاهد فيديو ( شرح الفحص الذاتي للثدي ) : https://www....
مشاركة الطبيب د. وليد فتيحي في مؤتمر TED x Arabia في جدة بالسعودية حول الإبداع.
مشاركة الطبيب د. وليد فتيحي في مؤتمر TED x Arabia في جدة بالسعودية حول الإبداع.
برنامج يهتم بالصحة العامة يعرض المعلومة الصحية بطريقة مختلفة ومميزة يقدمه الدكتور/ عبدالله بن محمد الحمام ضمن برامج موقع بيمارستان الطبي المعلومة : زي ما شفتوا خل المصدر الرئيسي المسؤول عن صحته هو برنامج ( غير معتمد ) مثل الواتس اب وغيره وللأسف كثير من الناس يصدقون كل ما يكتب وخاصة ( آبائنا وأمهاتنا ) الله يحفظهم حاولوا تأخذون مصادركم من مصادر معتمدة كأطباء وكتب معتمدة ومواقع صحية معتمدة مثل ( بيمارستان - تعلم تصح ) @bimaristan ولا يصير #وضعك_طوطي وتصدق كل شي مكتوب في النت بشكل عام خل #وضعك_في_السليم دائما اتفقنا (: حسابنا في الإنستقرام : رابط موقع بيمارستان : حساب الكيك : حساب تويتر :
an exhibition of whirling dervish in bimaristan Argun of Aleppo.
حلقة من برنامج "دنيا" على قناة سما دبي تدور حول زواج الأقارب.
حلقة من برنامج "دنيا" على قناة سما دبي تدور حول زواج الأقارب.
حلقة من برنامج "دنيا" على قناة سما دبي تدور حول زواج الأقارب.
الجراح العالمي والإنسان الرائع البروفيسور مجدي يعقوب من أشهر جراحي القلب في العالم وهو طبيب مصري بريطاني يعيش ويعمل في بريطانيا ، وقد منح لقب "سير" في بريطان...
مقطع الفيديو المعروض يتضمن صور للوحات لرسامين غربيين مختلفين من المستشرقين. الصور تنقل لنا مناظر تعكس بعض جوانب حياة أجدادنا في التاريخ الإسلامي والعربي القد...
Año 707. Se funda el primer bimaristan, primera organización administrativa que prepara, distribuye, y prescribe drogas bajo control estatal. La Historia se repite: Año 1970, 1 de julio. Se crea la Drug Enforcement Agency, DEA, la agencia antidrogas del gobierno de los EE.UU.
آرازین او تاییندا ۱۹۴۵-۱۹۴۶ ۲۱ آذر گونئی آذربایجان میللی دؤولتچیلیک ایل دؤنومو Azer 21-1945 Güney Azərbaycan xalqı Fars işqalçilarını topraqlarımızdan çıxa...
MUSIC IN OTTOMAN COURT PALACE TOPKAPI Recorded at home of World Cultures in Paris in 2011. With Al Kindi directed by Julien Jalal Eddin Weiss. Broadcasted on Mezzo TV. Julien Jalal Eddin Weiss management and qanun , Dogan Dikmen soloist , Ozer Ozel Ottoman master lute, Refik Kaya master rebab , Prabhu Edouard Indian tabla master . After thirty years of interpreting the sacred and profane art music of the Arab world , Julien Jalal Eddin Weiss is now devoted to the repertoire of the sublime Ottoman Turkish music of the 15th to 17th centuries , highlighting the instrumental and vocal improvisation : the taqsim and qasida . Born in Paris to a Swiss mother and Alsatian father, Julien Jalal Eddin Weiss abandons classical guitarist career to study Arabic qanun in 1978 in Cairo and Tunis , Istanbul, Baghdad , Beirut and Aleppo. In 1983 , he founded the instrumental ensemble Al Kindi, with outstanding musicians: Mohamed Saada Tunis Abdessalam Safar Damascus Adel Shams El-Din of Alexandria, Mohamed Qadri Dalal Aleppo , Qadi Amin Ziyad to Damascus, Ozer Ozel of Istanbul, Malik Mansurov Baku Mohamed Gommar Baghdad ... Since 1990 all Al Kindi has various classical Arabic music programs with renowned singers Loutfi Bouchnak Tunis Husayn Al Azami of Baghdad, Hamza Chakkur Damascus , Sabri Mudallal , Omar Sarmini , and Sheikh Adib Daykh Habboush of Aleppo, Dogan Dikmen Istanbul tropos the choir Athens ... All these events - the whirling Dervishes of Damascus, Aleppo Music Room , Love Poems in Aleppo Bimaristan , the Art of Maqam Baghdad Malouf Tunis etc - as well as its extensive discography provide him worldwide fame . In 2001, Julien Jalal Eddin Weiss was appointed an Officer of Arts and Letters .
MUSIC IN OTTOMAN COURT PALACE TOPKAPI Recorded at home of World Cultures in Paris in 2011. With Al Kindi directed by Julien Jalal Eddin Weiss. Broadcasted on Mezzo TV. Julien Jalal Eddin Weiss management and qanun , Dogan Dikmen soloist , Ozer Ozel Ottoman master lute, Refik Kaya master rebab , Prabhu Edouard Indian tabla master . After thirty years of interpreting the sacred and profane art music of the Arab world , Julien Jalal Eddin Weiss is now devoted to the repertoire of the sublime Ottoman Turkish music of the 15th to 17th centuries , highlighting the instrumental and vocal improvisation : the taqsim and qasida . Born in Paris to a Swiss mother and Alsatian father, Julien Jalal Eddin Weiss abandons classical guitarist career to study Arabic qanun in 1978 in Cairo and Tunis , Istanbul, Baghdad , Beirut and Aleppo. In 1983 , he founded the instrumental ensemble Al Kindi, with outstanding musicians: Mohamed Saada Tunis Abdessalam Safar Damascus Adel Shams El-Din of Alexandria, Mohamed Qadri Dalal Aleppo , Qadi Amin Ziyad to Damascus, Ozer Ozel of Istanbul, Malik Mansurov Baku Mohamed Gommar Baghdad ... Since 1990 all Al Kindi has various classical Arabic music programs with renowned singers Loutfi Bouchnak Tunis Husayn Al Azami of Baghdad, Hamza Chakkur Damascus , Sabri Mudallal , Omar Sarmini , and Sheikh Adib Daykh Habboush of Aleppo, Dogan Dikmen Istanbul tropos the choir Athens ... All these events - the whirling Dervishes of Damascus, Aleppo Music Room , Love Poems in Aleppo Bimaristan , the Art of Maqam Baghdad Malouf Tunis etc - as well as its extensive discography provide him worldwide fame . In 2001, Julien Jalal Eddin Weiss was appointed an Officer of Arts and Letters .
What is Hospital? A documentary report all about Hospital for homework/assignment. A hospital is a health care institution providing patient treatment with specialized staff and equipment. The best-known type of hospital is the general hospital, which has an emergency department. A district hospital typically is the major health care facility in its region, with large numbers of beds for intensive care and long-term care. Specialised hospitals include trauma centres, rehabilitation hospitals, children's hospitals, seniors' (geriatric) hospitals, and hospitals for dealing with specific medical needs such as psychiatric problems (see psychiatric hospital), certain disease categories. Specialised hospitals can help reduce health care costs compared to general hospitals. A teaching hospital combines assistance to people with teaching to medical students and nurses. The medical facility smaller than a hospital is generally called a clinic. Hospitals have a range of departments (e.g., surgery, and urgent care) and specialist units such as cardiology. Some hospitals will have outpatient departments and some will have chronic treatment units. Common support units include a pharmacy, pathology, and radiology. Intro/Outro music: Discovery Hit/Chucky the Construction Worker - Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under CC-BY-3.0 Text derived from: Text to Speech powered by Images are Public Domain or CC-BY-3.0: HK_TaiPoHospital.JPG from Guantanamo_captive's_hospital_beds_-c.jpg from Hospital_at_Scutari_2a.jpg from Portland_Shriner_Hospital_full_-_Oregon.JPG from Henrietta_Egleston_Hospital_for_Children.JPG from NHS_NNUH_entrance.jpg from Okayama_Red_Cross_Hospital.jpg from Huntsville_Hospital.jpg from James_J_Peters_VA_hosp_Bronx_jeh.jpg from Community_Hospital_of_San_Bernardino.jpg from
Du dossier médical aux cimaises. Ateliers de création artistiques pour patients psychiatriques et avec handicap. Conférence Teresa Maranzano Les œuvres réali...
فيديو من تصوير أحد مواطني مدينة حلب قبل الأزمة برای سفارش و کمک مالی اينجا کليک کنيد دکتر علی شريعتی فريب بزرگ دروغپرداز شيرين سخن چند برنامه تلويزيونی و اسنادی مهم از يک شارلاتان بزرگ Dr ali...
Doctor of Medicine (M.D., from the Latin Medicinae Doctor meaning "Teacher of Medicine") is a terminal degree for physicians and surgeons. In some countries ...
Colloque ilasouria.01 - Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris. Mardi 08 octobre 2013. Session : Archéologie & patrimoine : 2- « Aleppo: Hopes and Disillusions ». حل...
Dans l'épisode précédent ( qui ne sera pas visible, désolé ), les elfes voient les hordes de Gundabad déferler sur Forlond et appellent des renforts depuis l...
What is Khosrau I? A report all about Khosrau I for homework/assignment. Khosrau I (also called Chosroes I and Kasra in classical sources, most commonly known in Persian as Anooshiravan or Anushirvan or Anushirwan, Persian: انوشيروان, a-nushak ravan, meaning the undiminishing soul), also known as Anushirawan the Just (انوشيروان دادگر, Anushiravān-e-dādgar) (b. 501, Persia; d. 579; r. 531–579), was the successor of his father Kavadh I on the Sasanian Persian throne. Khosrau I was the twenty-second Sasanian Emperor (Persian: Shahanshah, Great King) of Persia, and the most famous and celebrated of the Sasanian kings. Intro/Outro music: Discovery Hit/Chucky the Construction Worker - Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under CC-BY-3.0 Text derived from: Text to Speech powered by Images are Public Domain or CC-BY-3.0: 250px-Kosrau_1.jpg from Anoushiravan.jpg from Khusro_Plate.png from 220px-KhosrauICoinHistoryofIran.jpg from Khosrau_I_Textile.jpg from 220px-KhosrauAnushirvanIranian.jpg from ChosroesHuntingScene.JPG from 300px-KhosrauIIDinarHistoryofIran.jpg from Khosrau_II_coin,_612_AD.jpg from,_612_AD.jpg Cherub_plaque_Louvre_MRR245.jpg from
تقرير جامع الرفاعيDamage assessment of the al-Refaay mosque 2013-2015 Association for the Protection of Syrian Archaeology - Website : جمعية حماية الآثار السورية
افلام وثائقية ناشيونال جيوغرافيك
Theoretical instruction in medicine was supplemented by practice in a bimaristan (hospital), making ...
CounterPunch 2014-10-17A traveller reporting on fantastic food in a Bimaristan might be trying to put pressure on Christian ...
The Guardian 2014-08-29Bimaristan is a Persian word (بیمارستان bīmārestān) meaning "hospital", with Bimar- from Middle Persian (Pahlavi) of vīmār or vemār, meaning "sick" plus -stan as location and place suffix. In the medieval Islamic world, the word "Bimaristan" was used to indicate a hospital where the ill were welcomed and cared for by qualified staff.
Hamza Yusuf Hanson is an American Islamic scholar, and (with Zaid Shakir and Hatem Bazian) is co-founder of Zaytuna College in Berkeley, California, United States. He is a convert to Islam, and is one of the signatories of A Common Word Between Us and You, an open letter by Islamic scholars to Christian leaders, calling for peace and understanding. He has described the 9/11 attacks as "an act of 'mass murder, pure and simple'". Condemning the attacks, he has also stated "Islam was hijacked ... on that plane as an innocent victim".The Guardian newspaper in the United Kingdom reported that he "is arguably the west's most influential Islamic scholar" and added that "many Muslims find his views hard to stomach."
Hamza Yusuf was born to two academics in Washington State and raised in Northern California. In 1977, he became Muslim and subsequently traveled to the Muslim world and studied for ten years in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, as well as North and West Africa. Hamza Yusuf spent four years studying in the United Arab Emirates and elsewhere in the Middle East. Later he traveled to West Africa and studied in Mauritania, Medina, Algeria, and Morocco under such scholars as Murabit al Haaj; Baya bin Salik, head of the Islamic court in Al-'Ain, United Arab Emirates; Muhammad Shaybani, Mufti of Abu Dhabi; Hamad al-Wali; and Muhammad al-Fatrati of Al Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt.[citation needed] After more than a decade abroad, he returned to the United States and earned degrees in nursing from Imperial Valley College and religious studies at San José State University.[citation needed]