Jenius Ahmed Deedat Menjawab Pertanyaan Wanita Kristen indonesia subtitle
Video ahmed deedat indonesia subtitle terbaru, kehebatan Ahmed Deedat Menjawab Pertanyaan Wanita Kristen dengan terjemahan bahasa indonesia full
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Does God Exist? Best Reply Ever by Shaikh Ahmed Deedat
Ma'shaaAllah Best reply on God's Existence for every layman who don't know much about Science. Shaikh Deedat said: "I can't give you a pet set kind of reply ...
Ahmed Deedat - Christianity Judaism or Islam - English FULL - Action Town Hall, London
Lecture by Ahmed Deedat, and questions session. Title : Christianity Judaism or Islam. Audio : English. Location : Action Town Hall, London.
FULL - Is the Bible God's Word - Ahmed Deedat Vs. Jimmy Swaggart
FULL - Is the Bible God's Word - Ahmed Deedat Vs. Jimmy Swaggart.
Ahmed Deedat destroy the Christianity in 8 minutes ... amazing
this video is one of 125 amazing video in my channel could let you be shocked of information and fact you gonna know ! you will never regret just a try if yo...
Ful Debate: Is Jesus God? Dr. Anis Shorrosh Vs Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
A debate by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat. This is one of the great debates between Ahmed Deedat and Dr Anis Shorrosh. This debate is marked by sharp and skillful exch...
Debat antara AHMED DEEDAT VS ANIS SHORROSH subtitle bahasa indonesia adalah salah satu debat paling fenomenal di dunia. Debat antara Ulama Ternama islam dan pastur Tershor dari Kristen membuat banyak orang dari seluruh dunia menyaksikan betapa serunya debat ini. Karena debat ini bukanlah debat biasa tetapi debat masalah keyaninan manusia, masalah tujuan hidup dan pedoman hidup. Bahkan debat antar
Debate Ahmed Deedat VS Pastor Stanley Sjoberg Is Bible God's Word FULL
Mufti Menk on Shaikh Ahmed Deedat , Dubai Q&A;
Mufti Ismail Menk on Shaikh Ahmed Deedat , Dubai Q&A; Dubai International Peace Convention Q&A;, Dubai, UAE, Question and Answer
Question and answer Ahmad Deedat | Tanya Jawab Ahmad Deedat Sub Indonesia 2 6
Question and answer Ahmad Deedat | Tanya Jawab Ahmad Deedat Sub Indonesia 2 6
Question and answer Ahmad Deedat | Tanya Jawab Ahmad Deedat Sub Indonesia 2 6
Question and answer Ahmad Deedat | Tanya Jawab Ahmad Deedat Sub Indonesia 2 6
ahmed deedat
ahmad deedat bahasa indonesia
ahmed deedat vs jimmy swaggart
ahmad deedat vs syiah versi melayu
ahmad deedat vs jimmy swaggart versi bahasa indonesia
Ahmed Deedat - Pastor 'does not answer' question "Which Bible Sir?"
The full debate can be found in the link below: Is The Bible The Word of God? - Debate - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat VS Pastor Stanley Sjoberg http://www.youtube.com...
Easter - A Muslim Viewpoint - by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
Easter - A Muslim Viewpoint - by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat This lecture was delivered on 5 April, 1996, at Sydney Town Hall, Sydney, Australia. It caused controver...
The Quran or The Bible Which is God's Word ? Sheikh Ahmed Deedat at New York City
A day before the great debate with Dr. Jimmy Swaggart, this lecture took place in New York City, titled " Qur'an or the Bible which is God's Word ? " present...
Ahmed Deedat-membacakan ayat Bible lucu..:v
Ahmed Deedat is the best (y)
Paderi malu tak boleh jawab soalan Ahmed Deedat
Lihat bagaimana Pastor Sjoberg dimalukan apabila tidak dapat menjawab soalan Ahmed Deedat.Debate antara pastor sjoberg vs Ahmed Deedat (permata Islam) Ahmed ...
Ahmed Deedat Answer - Did God advise drinking of alcohol in the Bible?
This is part of a lecture - Sequel to Quran or the Bible which is God's word. During question time, a questioner seems to say that Ahmed Deedat has taken the...
Jutaan Kristen Masuk Islam setelah menonton ceramah sheikh Ahmed deedat ini
apakah injil memang benar firman tuhan?
FULL - Ahmed Deedat Vs Robert Douglas - Crucifixion - Fact or Fiction?
FULL - Ahmed Deedat Vs Robert Douglas - Crucifixion - Fact or Fiction?
Crucifixion Or Cruci-Fiction - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
Crucifixion Or Cruci-Fiction - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat. This lecture took place in the City Hall of Cape Town. Sheikh Deedat challenges one of the most strongly ...
Ahmed Deedat - Poligami dan Perceraian (Bahasa Indonesia)
Penjelasan luar biasa dari Syiekh Ahmed Deedat (Rahimullah) tentang Poligami dan Perceraian. Semoga bermanfaat..Mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan dalam terjemaha...
Ahmed Deedat Vs. Dr. Floyd E. Clark - Was Christ Crucified ? - English FULL - London
Debate between Ahmed Deedat and Dr. Floyd E. Clark, and questions session. Title : Was Christ Crucified ? Audio : English Location : Royal Albert Hall, Londo...
What the Bible says about Muhammad (PBUH) - by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
Speaker: Sheikh Ahmed Deedat Source: High Truthway TV [What the Bible says about Muhammad (peace be upon him)] Download lectures and debates free at: http://...
Ahmed Deedat - Islam disebarkan menggunakan PEDANG !!!!!
Jenius Ahmed Deedat Menjawab Pertanyaan Wanita Kristen indonesia subtitle
Video ahmed deedat indonesia subtitle terbaru, kehebatan Ahmed Deedat Menjawab Pertanyaan Wanita Kristen dengan terjemahan bahasa indonesia full
Jangan Lupa SU...
Video ahmed deedat indonesia subtitle terbaru, kehebatan Ahmed Deedat Menjawab Pertanyaan Wanita Kristen dengan terjemahan bahasa indonesia full
Jangan Lupa SUBCRIBE ya...
wn.com/Jenius Ahmed Deedat Menjawab Pertanyaan Wanita Kristen Indonesia Subtitle
Video ahmed deedat indonesia subtitle terbaru, kehebatan Ahmed Deedat Menjawab Pertanyaan Wanita Kristen dengan terjemahan bahasa indonesia full
Jangan Lupa SUBCRIBE ya...
- published: 25 May 2014
- views: 996167
Does God Exist? Best Reply Ever by Shaikh Ahmed Deedat
Ma'shaaAllah Best reply on God's Existence for every layman who don't know much about Science. Shaikh Deedat said: "I can't give you a pet set kind of reply ......
Ma'shaaAllah Best reply on God's Existence for every layman who don't know much about Science. Shaikh Deedat said: "I can't give you a pet set kind of reply ...
wn.com/Does God Exist Best Reply Ever By Shaikh Ahmed Deedat
Ma'shaaAllah Best reply on God's Existence for every layman who don't know much about Science. Shaikh Deedat said: "I can't give you a pet set kind of reply ...
Ahmed Deedat - Christianity Judaism or Islam - English FULL - Action Town Hall, London
Lecture by Ahmed Deedat, and questions session. Title : Christianity Judaism or Islam. Audio : English. Location : Action Town Hall, London....
Lecture by Ahmed Deedat, and questions session. Title : Christianity Judaism or Islam. Audio : English. Location : Action Town Hall, London.
wn.com/Ahmed Deedat Christianity Judaism Or Islam English Full Action Town Hall, London
Lecture by Ahmed Deedat, and questions session. Title : Christianity Judaism or Islam. Audio : English. Location : Action Town Hall, London.
FULL - Is the Bible God's Word - Ahmed Deedat Vs. Jimmy Swaggart
FULL - Is the Bible God's Word - Ahmed Deedat Vs. Jimmy Swaggart....
FULL - Is the Bible God's Word - Ahmed Deedat Vs. Jimmy Swaggart.
wn.com/Full Is The Bible God's Word Ahmed Deedat Vs. Jimmy Swaggart
FULL - Is the Bible God's Word - Ahmed Deedat Vs. Jimmy Swaggart.
- published: 29 Jul 2011
- views: 360639
author: sabeeldawah
Ahmed Deedat destroy the Christianity in 8 minutes ... amazing
this video is one of 125 amazing video in my channel could let you be shocked of information and fact you gonna know ! you will never regret just a try if yo......
this video is one of 125 amazing video in my channel could let you be shocked of information and fact you gonna know ! you will never regret just a try if yo...
wn.com/Ahmed Deedat Destroy The Christianity In 8 Minutes ... Amazing
this video is one of 125 amazing video in my channel could let you be shocked of information and fact you gonna know ! you will never regret just a try if yo...
Ful Debate: Is Jesus God? Dr. Anis Shorrosh Vs Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
A debate by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat. This is one of the great debates between Ahmed Deedat and Dr Anis Shorrosh. This debate is marked by sharp and skillful exch......
A debate by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat. This is one of the great debates between Ahmed Deedat and Dr Anis Shorrosh. This debate is marked by sharp and skillful exch...
wn.com/Ful Debate Is Jesus God Dr. Anis Shorrosh Vs Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
A debate by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat. This is one of the great debates between Ahmed Deedat and Dr Anis Shorrosh. This debate is marked by sharp and skillful exch...
- published: 22 Feb 2013
- views: 177360
author: Al Mojadala
Debat antara AHMED DEEDAT VS ANIS SHORROSH subtitle bahasa indonesia adalah salah satu debat paling fenomenal di dunia. Debat antara Ulama Ternama islam dan pa...
Debat antara AHMED DEEDAT VS ANIS SHORROSH subtitle bahasa indonesia adalah salah satu debat paling fenomenal di dunia. Debat antara Ulama Ternama islam dan pastur Tershor dari Kristen membuat banyak orang dari seluruh dunia menyaksikan betapa serunya debat ini. Karena debat ini bukanlah debat biasa tetapi debat masalah keyaninan manusia, masalah tujuan hidup dan pedoman hidup. Bahkan debat antara sheikh ahmed deedat vs anis shorrosh bahasa indonesia bisa di katakan sebagai debat yang paling penting dalam sejarah islam vs kristen. Karena memang ini debat pertama secara public yang di lakukan oleh 2 ajaran agama terbesar di dunuia ini.
Baik syech Ahmed Deedat maupun Dr. Anis Shorrosh adalah orang - orang hebat yang memiliki pengaruh besar di lingkungan agamanya. Sheikh ahmed deedat adalah ulama islam yang sangat di segani oleh para ulama dari seluruh penjuru Dunia, sedangkan Dr. Anis Shorrosh adalah pastur yang juga memiliki pengaruh besar di dunia kristen. Kedunya saling memberikan argumen serta bukti - bukti kuat dari berbagai sudut pandang dan dari kitab - kitab yang mereka kuasai.
Untuk Sheik Ahmed Deedat sendiri merupakan ulama Islam yang hafal berbagai Al Kitab, sehingga saat melakukan debat ia sering mengambil sumber dari Kitab suci orang kristen yaitu Kitab Injil. Sangat terlihat bahwa Syech Ahmed Deedat sangat menguasai materi sehingga dengan mudah ia menyanggah pernyataan dari Dr. Anis Shorrosh dan menjawab pertanyaan - pertanyaan sulit darinya. Banyak orang yang mengagumi syech Ahmed Deedat karena ia merupakan salah satu ulama yang selain hafal Al Qur'an Juga hafal kitab orang kristen yaitu Injil, baik dari perjanjian lama, maupun perjanjian baru.
Sheikh Ahmed Hoosen Deedat Al-Hafiz (lahir 1 Julai 1918 – meninggal 8 Ogos 2005 pada umur 87 tahun) adalah seorang cendekiawan Muslim dalam bidang perbandingan agama (comparative religion). Beliau juga merupakan seorang pengarang, pensyarah, dan juga pemidato. Beliau dikenali dunia sebagai salah seorang pakar pembicara yang amat handal khususnya dalam sesi perdebatan umum yang memerihalkan tentang masalah keagamaan Islam bersama agama-agama lain. Pada tahun 1957, Deedat bersama dua orang temannya telah mendirikan Islamic Propagation Centre International (IPCI) dan beliau telah menjadi Presidennya sehingga tahun 1996. Deedat meninggal dunia pada tahun 2005 akibat mengalami angin ahmar yang telah dideritanya sejak tahun 1996.
Ahmed Hoosen Deedat dilahirkan di daerah Surat, Gujarat, India, pada tahun 1918. Beliau tidak dapat kekal bersama ayahnya sehingga tahun 1926. Ayahnya adalah seorang penjahit, akibat dari profesinya itu (ayah Deedat) telah berhijrah / berimigrasi ke Afrika Selatan tidak lama setelah kelahiran Ahmed Deedat.
Tanpa pendidikan formal dan untuk menghindari dari kemiskinan yang amat larat, Ahmed Deedat telah pergi ke Afrika Selatan untuk mendapatkan kehidupan yang lebih baik bersama ayahnya pada tahun 1927. Perpisahan Deedat dengan ibunya pada tahun kepergiannya ke Afrika Selatan untuk menyusul ayahnya itu adalah saat terakhir ia bertemu ibunya dalam hidupnya kerana ibunya telah meninggal dunia beberapa bulan kemudian (dari tarikh penghijrahan Deedat bersama ayahnya ke Afrika Selatan).
Di negeri yang asing, seorang anak lelaki kecil berusia 9 tahun tanpa berbekal pendidikan formal dan penguasaan bahasa Inggeris telah mula menyiapkan peranan yang harus dimainkannya berpuluh-puluh tahun kemudian tanpa disedarinya.
Dengan ketekunannya dalam belajar, anak lelaki kecil tersebut (yakni Deedat) tidak hanya dapat mengatasi hambatan bahasa asing, tetapi juga unggul di sekolahnya. Kegemaran dan hobi Deedat dalam membaca telah menolongnya untuk memudahkan dirinya mendapatkan promosi pendidikan sehingga beliau tamat pendidikan pada darjah 6. Kekurangan pembiayaan pelajaran menyebabkan sekolahnya tertunda dan di awal usia 16 tahun untuk pertama kalinya ia bekerja dalam bidang runcit.
Yang penting sekali adalah pada tahun 1936, sewaktu beliau bekerja di kedai Muslim berdekatan sebuah sekolah menengah Kristian di pantai selatan Natal. Penghinaan yang tidak henti-henti dari siswa Misionaris menantang Islam selama kunjungan mereka ke kedai Muslim telah menanamkan keinginan beliau yang membara untuk melakukan aksi menghentikan propaganda Kristian yang salah itu.
Ahmed Deedat telah berjaya menemui sebuah buku berjudul Izharul-Haq yang bererti mengungkapkan kebenaran. Buku ini berisi teknik-teknik dan keberhasilan usaha-usaha umat Islam di India yang sangat besar dalam membalas gangguan Misionaris Kristian selama penaklukan Inggeris dan pemerintahan India. Secara khusus, idea untuk menangani debat telah berpengaruh besar dalam jiwa dan diri Ahmed Deedat. Ahmed Deedat juga turut menghafaz Al-Quran sehinggakan beliau digelar Al-Hafiz.
Beberapa minggu setelah itu, Ahmed Deedat membeli Injil pertamanya dan mula melakukan debat dan diskusi dengan siswa-siswa misionaris. Ketika siswa misionaris tersebut mundur dalam mengh
wn.com/Ahmed Deedat Vs Anis Shorrosh Bahasa Indonesia Subtitle Debat Islam Vs Kristen Injil Firman Tuhan
Debat antara AHMED DEEDAT VS ANIS SHORROSH subtitle bahasa indonesia adalah salah satu debat paling fenomenal di dunia. Debat antara Ulama Ternama islam dan pastur Tershor dari Kristen membuat banyak orang dari seluruh dunia menyaksikan betapa serunya debat ini. Karena debat ini bukanlah debat biasa tetapi debat masalah keyaninan manusia, masalah tujuan hidup dan pedoman hidup. Bahkan debat antara sheikh ahmed deedat vs anis shorrosh bahasa indonesia bisa di katakan sebagai debat yang paling penting dalam sejarah islam vs kristen. Karena memang ini debat pertama secara public yang di lakukan oleh 2 ajaran agama terbesar di dunuia ini.
Baik syech Ahmed Deedat maupun Dr. Anis Shorrosh adalah orang - orang hebat yang memiliki pengaruh besar di lingkungan agamanya. Sheikh ahmed deedat adalah ulama islam yang sangat di segani oleh para ulama dari seluruh penjuru Dunia, sedangkan Dr. Anis Shorrosh adalah pastur yang juga memiliki pengaruh besar di dunia kristen. Kedunya saling memberikan argumen serta bukti - bukti kuat dari berbagai sudut pandang dan dari kitab - kitab yang mereka kuasai.
Untuk Sheik Ahmed Deedat sendiri merupakan ulama Islam yang hafal berbagai Al Kitab, sehingga saat melakukan debat ia sering mengambil sumber dari Kitab suci orang kristen yaitu Kitab Injil. Sangat terlihat bahwa Syech Ahmed Deedat sangat menguasai materi sehingga dengan mudah ia menyanggah pernyataan dari Dr. Anis Shorrosh dan menjawab pertanyaan - pertanyaan sulit darinya. Banyak orang yang mengagumi syech Ahmed Deedat karena ia merupakan salah satu ulama yang selain hafal Al Qur'an Juga hafal kitab orang kristen yaitu Injil, baik dari perjanjian lama, maupun perjanjian baru.
Sheikh Ahmed Hoosen Deedat Al-Hafiz (lahir 1 Julai 1918 – meninggal 8 Ogos 2005 pada umur 87 tahun) adalah seorang cendekiawan Muslim dalam bidang perbandingan agama (comparative religion). Beliau juga merupakan seorang pengarang, pensyarah, dan juga pemidato. Beliau dikenali dunia sebagai salah seorang pakar pembicara yang amat handal khususnya dalam sesi perdebatan umum yang memerihalkan tentang masalah keagamaan Islam bersama agama-agama lain. Pada tahun 1957, Deedat bersama dua orang temannya telah mendirikan Islamic Propagation Centre International (IPCI) dan beliau telah menjadi Presidennya sehingga tahun 1996. Deedat meninggal dunia pada tahun 2005 akibat mengalami angin ahmar yang telah dideritanya sejak tahun 1996.
Ahmed Hoosen Deedat dilahirkan di daerah Surat, Gujarat, India, pada tahun 1918. Beliau tidak dapat kekal bersama ayahnya sehingga tahun 1926. Ayahnya adalah seorang penjahit, akibat dari profesinya itu (ayah Deedat) telah berhijrah / berimigrasi ke Afrika Selatan tidak lama setelah kelahiran Ahmed Deedat.
Tanpa pendidikan formal dan untuk menghindari dari kemiskinan yang amat larat, Ahmed Deedat telah pergi ke Afrika Selatan untuk mendapatkan kehidupan yang lebih baik bersama ayahnya pada tahun 1927. Perpisahan Deedat dengan ibunya pada tahun kepergiannya ke Afrika Selatan untuk menyusul ayahnya itu adalah saat terakhir ia bertemu ibunya dalam hidupnya kerana ibunya telah meninggal dunia beberapa bulan kemudian (dari tarikh penghijrahan Deedat bersama ayahnya ke Afrika Selatan).
Di negeri yang asing, seorang anak lelaki kecil berusia 9 tahun tanpa berbekal pendidikan formal dan penguasaan bahasa Inggeris telah mula menyiapkan peranan yang harus dimainkannya berpuluh-puluh tahun kemudian tanpa disedarinya.
Dengan ketekunannya dalam belajar, anak lelaki kecil tersebut (yakni Deedat) tidak hanya dapat mengatasi hambatan bahasa asing, tetapi juga unggul di sekolahnya. Kegemaran dan hobi Deedat dalam membaca telah menolongnya untuk memudahkan dirinya mendapatkan promosi pendidikan sehingga beliau tamat pendidikan pada darjah 6. Kekurangan pembiayaan pelajaran menyebabkan sekolahnya tertunda dan di awal usia 16 tahun untuk pertama kalinya ia bekerja dalam bidang runcit.
Yang penting sekali adalah pada tahun 1936, sewaktu beliau bekerja di kedai Muslim berdekatan sebuah sekolah menengah Kristian di pantai selatan Natal. Penghinaan yang tidak henti-henti dari siswa Misionaris menantang Islam selama kunjungan mereka ke kedai Muslim telah menanamkan keinginan beliau yang membara untuk melakukan aksi menghentikan propaganda Kristian yang salah itu.
Ahmed Deedat telah berjaya menemui sebuah buku berjudul Izharul-Haq yang bererti mengungkapkan kebenaran. Buku ini berisi teknik-teknik dan keberhasilan usaha-usaha umat Islam di India yang sangat besar dalam membalas gangguan Misionaris Kristian selama penaklukan Inggeris dan pemerintahan India. Secara khusus, idea untuk menangani debat telah berpengaruh besar dalam jiwa dan diri Ahmed Deedat. Ahmed Deedat juga turut menghafaz Al-Quran sehinggakan beliau digelar Al-Hafiz.
Beberapa minggu setelah itu, Ahmed Deedat membeli Injil pertamanya dan mula melakukan debat dan diskusi dengan siswa-siswa misionaris. Ketika siswa misionaris tersebut mundur dalam mengh
- published: 17 Mar 2015
- views: 13
Mufti Menk on Shaikh Ahmed Deedat , Dubai Q&A;
Mufti Ismail Menk on Shaikh Ahmed Deedat , Dubai Q&A; Dubai International Peace Convention Q&A;, Dubai, UAE, Question and Answer...
Mufti Ismail Menk on Shaikh Ahmed Deedat , Dubai Q&A; Dubai International Peace Convention Q&A;, Dubai, UAE, Question and Answer
wn.com/Mufti Menk On Shaikh Ahmed Deedat , Dubai Q A
Mufti Ismail Menk on Shaikh Ahmed Deedat , Dubai Q&A; Dubai International Peace Convention Q&A;, Dubai, UAE, Question and Answer
- published: 12 Mar 2015
- views: 328
Question and answer Ahmad Deedat | Tanya Jawab Ahmad Deedat Sub Indonesia 2 6
Question and answer Ahmad Deedat | Tanya Jawab Ahmad Deedat Sub Indonesia 2 6
Question and answer Ahmad Deedat | Tanya Jawab Ahmad Deedat Sub Indonesia 2 6
Question and answer Ahmad Deedat | Tanya Jawab Ahmad Deedat Sub Indonesia 2 6
Question and answer Ahmad Deedat | Tanya Jawab Ahmad Deedat Sub Indonesia 2 6
Question and answer Ahmad Deedat | Tanya Jawab Ahmad Deedat Sub Indonesia 2 6
ahmed deedat
ahmad deedat bahasa indonesia
ahmed deedat vs jimmy swaggart
ahmad deedat vs syiah versi melayu
ahmad deedat vs jimmy swaggart versi bahasa indonesia
ahmed deedat question and answer session
ahmed deedat vs pope
ahmad deedat subtitle indonesia
ahmed deedat shqip
ahmed deedat debate
wn.com/Question And Answer Ahmad Deedat | Tanya Jawab Ahmad Deedat Sub Indonesia 2 6
Question and answer Ahmad Deedat | Tanya Jawab Ahmad Deedat Sub Indonesia 2 6
Question and answer Ahmad Deedat | Tanya Jawab Ahmad Deedat Sub Indonesia 2 6
Question and answer Ahmad Deedat | Tanya Jawab Ahmad Deedat Sub Indonesia 2 6
ahmed deedat
ahmad deedat bahasa indonesia
ahmed deedat vs jimmy swaggart
ahmad deedat vs syiah versi melayu
ahmad deedat vs jimmy swaggart versi bahasa indonesia
ahmed deedat question and answer session
ahmed deedat vs pope
ahmad deedat subtitle indonesia
ahmed deedat shqip
ahmed deedat debate
- published: 27 Jan 2015
- views: 15
Ahmed Deedat - Pastor 'does not answer' question "Which Bible Sir?"
The full debate can be found in the link below: Is The Bible The Word of God? - Debate - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat VS Pastor Stanley Sjoberg http://www.youtube.com......
The full debate can be found in the link below: Is The Bible The Word of God? - Debate - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat VS Pastor Stanley Sjoberg http://www.youtube.com...
wn.com/Ahmed Deedat Pastor 'Does Not Answer' Question Which Bible Sir
The full debate can be found in the link below: Is The Bible The Word of God? - Debate - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat VS Pastor Stanley Sjoberg http://www.youtube.com...
Easter - A Muslim Viewpoint - by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
Easter - A Muslim Viewpoint - by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat This lecture was delivered on 5 April, 1996, at Sydney Town Hall, Sydney, Australia. It caused controver......
Easter - A Muslim Viewpoint - by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat This lecture was delivered on 5 April, 1996, at Sydney Town Hall, Sydney, Australia. It caused controver...
wn.com/Easter A Muslim Viewpoint By Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
Easter - A Muslim Viewpoint - by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat This lecture was delivered on 5 April, 1996, at Sydney Town Hall, Sydney, Australia. It caused controver...
- published: 04 Dec 2011
- views: 33029
author: shakirshuvo
The Quran or The Bible Which is God's Word ? Sheikh Ahmed Deedat at New York City
A day before the great debate with Dr. Jimmy Swaggart, this lecture took place in New York City, titled " Qur'an or the Bible which is God's Word ? " present......
A day before the great debate with Dr. Jimmy Swaggart, this lecture took place in New York City, titled " Qur'an or the Bible which is God's Word ? " present...
wn.com/The Quran Or The Bible Which Is God's Word Sheikh Ahmed Deedat At New York City
A day before the great debate with Dr. Jimmy Swaggart, this lecture took place in New York City, titled " Qur'an or the Bible which is God's Word ? " present...
- published: 23 Feb 2013
- views: 39171
author: Al Mojadala
Paderi malu tak boleh jawab soalan Ahmed Deedat
Lihat bagaimana Pastor Sjoberg dimalukan apabila tidak dapat menjawab soalan Ahmed Deedat.Debate antara pastor sjoberg vs Ahmed Deedat (permata Islam) Ahmed ......
Lihat bagaimana Pastor Sjoberg dimalukan apabila tidak dapat menjawab soalan Ahmed Deedat.Debate antara pastor sjoberg vs Ahmed Deedat (permata Islam) Ahmed ...
wn.com/Paderi Malu Tak Boleh Jawab Soalan Ahmed Deedat
Lihat bagaimana Pastor Sjoberg dimalukan apabila tidak dapat menjawab soalan Ahmed Deedat.Debate antara pastor sjoberg vs Ahmed Deedat (permata Islam) Ahmed ...
Ahmed Deedat Answer - Did God advise drinking of alcohol in the Bible?
This is part of a lecture - Sequel to Quran or the Bible which is God's word. During question time, a questioner seems to say that Ahmed Deedat has taken the......
This is part of a lecture - Sequel to Quran or the Bible which is God's word. During question time, a questioner seems to say that Ahmed Deedat has taken the...
wn.com/Ahmed Deedat Answer Did God Advise Drinking Of Alcohol In The Bible
This is part of a lecture - Sequel to Quran or the Bible which is God's word. During question time, a questioner seems to say that Ahmed Deedat has taken the...
FULL - Ahmed Deedat Vs Robert Douglas - Crucifixion - Fact or Fiction?
FULL - Ahmed Deedat Vs Robert Douglas - Crucifixion - Fact or Fiction?...
FULL - Ahmed Deedat Vs Robert Douglas - Crucifixion - Fact or Fiction?
wn.com/Full Ahmed Deedat Vs Robert Douglas Crucifixion Fact Or Fiction
FULL - Ahmed Deedat Vs Robert Douglas - Crucifixion - Fact or Fiction?
- published: 09 Aug 2011
- views: 200082
author: sabeeldawah
Crucifixion Or Cruci-Fiction - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
Crucifixion Or Cruci-Fiction - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat. This lecture took place in the City Hall of Cape Town. Sheikh Deedat challenges one of the most strongly ......
Crucifixion Or Cruci-Fiction - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat. This lecture took place in the City Hall of Cape Town. Sheikh Deedat challenges one of the most strongly ...
wn.com/Crucifixion Or Cruci Fiction Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
Crucifixion Or Cruci-Fiction - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat. This lecture took place in the City Hall of Cape Town. Sheikh Deedat challenges one of the most strongly ...
- published: 09 Oct 2011
- views: 35214
author: shakirshuvo
Ahmed Deedat - Poligami dan Perceraian (Bahasa Indonesia)
Penjelasan luar biasa dari Syiekh Ahmed Deedat (Rahimullah) tentang Poligami dan Perceraian. Semoga bermanfaat..Mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan dalam terjemaha......
Penjelasan luar biasa dari Syiekh Ahmed Deedat (Rahimullah) tentang Poligami dan Perceraian. Semoga bermanfaat..Mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan dalam terjemaha...
wn.com/Ahmed Deedat Poligami Dan Perceraian (Bahasa Indonesia)
Penjelasan luar biasa dari Syiekh Ahmed Deedat (Rahimullah) tentang Poligami dan Perceraian. Semoga bermanfaat..Mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan dalam terjemaha...
- published: 18 Jan 2014
- views: 19433
author: Fachrezy Zy
Ahmed Deedat Vs. Dr. Floyd E. Clark - Was Christ Crucified ? - English FULL - London
Debate between Ahmed Deedat and Dr. Floyd E. Clark, and questions session. Title : Was Christ Crucified ? Audio : English Location : Royal Albert Hall, Londo......
Debate between Ahmed Deedat and Dr. Floyd E. Clark, and questions session. Title : Was Christ Crucified ? Audio : English Location : Royal Albert Hall, Londo...
wn.com/Ahmed Deedat Vs. Dr. Floyd E. Clark Was Christ Crucified English Full London
Debate between Ahmed Deedat and Dr. Floyd E. Clark, and questions session. Title : Was Christ Crucified ? Audio : English Location : Royal Albert Hall, Londo...
What the Bible says about Muhammad (PBUH) - by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
Speaker: Sheikh Ahmed Deedat Source: High Truthway TV [What the Bible says about Muhammad (peace be upon him)] Download lectures and debates free at: http://......
Speaker: Sheikh Ahmed Deedat Source: High Truthway TV [What the Bible says about Muhammad (peace be upon him)] Download lectures and debates free at: http://...
wn.com/What The Bible Says About Muhammad (Pbuh) By Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
Speaker: Sheikh Ahmed Deedat Source: High Truthway TV [What the Bible says about Muhammad (peace be upon him)] Download lectures and debates free at: http://...
Sheikh Deedat in the Spotlight (TV interview) with Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
An interview with Sheikh Ahmed Deedat on UAE television. Sheikh Ahmed Deedat In 1986, the King Faisal Foundation awarded the King Faisal International Prize ...
Sheikh Deedat in the Spotlight (TV interview) with Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
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Ahmed Deedat's Interview by Ginna Lewis - Freely Speaking - English FULL - Geneva
Entertaining interview of Ahmed Deedat with Ginna Lewis. Audio : English. Location : Geneva. Date: March 16, 1987.
Ahmed Deedat on BBC Ahmed Deedat interview debates
Ahmed Deedat on BBC interview debates.
93 Interview Ahmed Deedat on Saudi TV Talk
Freely Speaking In Geneva - Full Interview with Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
An interview with Sheikh Ahmed Deedat. Sheikh Deedat is invited onto a talkshow where he discusses whether the Bible is God's word. Drawing from his knowledg...
Freely Speaking With Ginna Lewis - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat (1/9)
Part (2/9): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwCRAB3m0f4 Ahmed Deedat Speaking Freely As Interviewed By Ginna Lewis... ON Solution to racism. ON Marriages betw...
Ahmed Deedat Talking about Easter 1 Ahmed Deedat interview debates
Ahmed Deedat Talking about Easter Ahmed Deedat interview debates.
Mufti Menk 2005 Arabic Interview Al Jazeera TV Ahmed Deedat Funeral
Mufti Menk at the Janazah of Shaykh Ahmed Deedat.
Ahmed Deedat On Pakistan Television Interview
Deedat - A Muslim Fundamentalist - Explained by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat - An Interview with Christian TV
Deedat - A Muslim Fundamentalist - Explained by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat - An Interview with Christian TV Journalist
The Life And Time Of Sheikh Ahmed Deedat (1/6)
Part (2/6): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8s6yloncRe4 Sheikh Ahmed Hussein Deedat (1918 - 2005), was a Muslim scholar of Comparative religion, an author, le...
Polygamy In Islam: Why 4 wives Allowed in Islam? Ahmed deedat
MUST SEE MY FEATURED VIDEO FOR A SUMMARY OF MY CHANNEL , I DARE YOU! email me at purposeoflife@live.co.uk Have you ever wondered.... ...isn't there more to l...
Sheikh Ahmed Deedat In The Spot Light (7/13)
Part (8/13): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jimeohGHz5Q Sheikh Ahmed Deedat On UAE TV: In The Spot Light. In this video Sheikh Ahmed Deedat is interviewed on...
Do Muslims celebrate Christmas Ahmed Deedat interview debates flv1
Rare interview with ahmad deedat
Ahmad deedat talks about wadu.
DVD 64 Speaking Freely with Gina Lewis
follow us @ http://www.facebook.com/Deedat.Arabic Ahmed Deedat Speaking Freely As Interviewed By Ginna Lewis... ON Solution to racism. ON Marriages between M...
Ahmed Deedat- Interview regarding Easter lecture
Ahmed Deedat.
Ahmed Deedat on BBC
Ahmed Deedat on BBC.
Deedat On Pakistan Television (Interview) - (1/4)
Part (2/4): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQMQaEbUXzc Deedat On Pakistan Talevision - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat interviewed on PTV. Sheikh Ahmed Deedat: In 1986, ...
Ahmed Deedat being Interviewed [Part 1]
A MashAllah great example of how to do Dawah (Talk about Islam).
Sheikh Deedat in the Spotlight (TV interview) with Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
An interview with Sheikh Ahmed Deedat on UAE television. Sheikh Ahmed Deedat In 1986, the King Faisal Foundation awarded the King Faisal International Prize ......
An interview with Sheikh Ahmed Deedat on UAE television. Sheikh Ahmed Deedat In 1986, the King Faisal Foundation awarded the King Faisal International Prize ...
wn.com/Sheikh Deedat In The Spotlight (Tv Interview) With Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
An interview with Sheikh Ahmed Deedat on UAE television. Sheikh Ahmed Deedat In 1986, the King Faisal Foundation awarded the King Faisal International Prize ...
Sheikh Deedat in the Spotlight (TV interview) with Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
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- published: 22 Feb 2015
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Sheikh Deedat in the Spotlight (TV interview) with Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
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- published: 21 Feb 2015
- views: 0
Ahmed Deedat's Interview by Ginna Lewis - Freely Speaking - English FULL - Geneva
Entertaining interview of Ahmed Deedat with Ginna Lewis. Audio : English. Location : Geneva. Date: March 16, 1987....
Entertaining interview of Ahmed Deedat with Ginna Lewis. Audio : English. Location : Geneva. Date: March 16, 1987.
wn.com/Ahmed Deedat's Interview By Ginna Lewis Freely Speaking English Full Geneva
Entertaining interview of Ahmed Deedat with Ginna Lewis. Audio : English. Location : Geneva. Date: March 16, 1987.
Freely Speaking In Geneva - Full Interview with Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
An interview with Sheikh Ahmed Deedat. Sheikh Deedat is invited onto a talkshow where he discusses whether the Bible is God's word. Drawing from his knowledg......
An interview with Sheikh Ahmed Deedat. Sheikh Deedat is invited onto a talkshow where he discusses whether the Bible is God's word. Drawing from his knowledg...
wn.com/Freely Speaking In Geneva Full Interview With Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
An interview with Sheikh Ahmed Deedat. Sheikh Deedat is invited onto a talkshow where he discusses whether the Bible is God's word. Drawing from his knowledg...
- published: 07 Jan 2013
- views: 15378
author: Al Mojadala
Freely Speaking With Ginna Lewis - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat (1/9)
Part (2/9): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwCRAB3m0f4 Ahmed Deedat Speaking Freely As Interviewed By Ginna Lewis... ON Solution to racism. ON Marriages betw......
Part (2/9): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwCRAB3m0f4 Ahmed Deedat Speaking Freely As Interviewed By Ginna Lewis... ON Solution to racism. ON Marriages betw...
wn.com/Freely Speaking With Ginna Lewis Sheikh Ahmed Deedat (1 9)
Part (2/9): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwCRAB3m0f4 Ahmed Deedat Speaking Freely As Interviewed By Ginna Lewis... ON Solution to racism. ON Marriages betw...
- published: 18 May 2008
- views: 41640
author: shakirshuvo
Deedat - A Muslim Fundamentalist - Explained by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat - An Interview with Christian TV
Deedat - A Muslim Fundamentalist - Explained by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat - An Interview with Christian TV Journalist...
Deedat - A Muslim Fundamentalist - Explained by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat - An Interview with Christian TV Journalist
wn.com/Deedat A Muslim Fundamentalist Explained By Sheikh Ahmed Deedat An Interview With Christian Tv
Deedat - A Muslim Fundamentalist - Explained by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat - An Interview with Christian TV Journalist
- published: 13 Aug 2015
- views: 0
The Life And Time Of Sheikh Ahmed Deedat (1/6)
Part (2/6): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8s6yloncRe4 Sheikh Ahmed Hussein Deedat (1918 - 2005), was a Muslim scholar of Comparative religion, an author, le......
Part (2/6): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8s6yloncRe4 Sheikh Ahmed Hussein Deedat (1918 - 2005), was a Muslim scholar of Comparative religion, an author, le...
wn.com/The Life And Time Of Sheikh Ahmed Deedat (1 6)
Part (2/6): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8s6yloncRe4 Sheikh Ahmed Hussein Deedat (1918 - 2005), was a Muslim scholar of Comparative religion, an author, le...
- published: 21 Apr 2007
- views: 99974
author: shakirshuvo
Polygamy In Islam: Why 4 wives Allowed in Islam? Ahmed deedat
MUST SEE MY FEATURED VIDEO FOR A SUMMARY OF MY CHANNEL , I DARE YOU! email me at purposeoflife@live.co.uk Have you ever wondered.... ...isn't there more to l......
MUST SEE MY FEATURED VIDEO FOR A SUMMARY OF MY CHANNEL , I DARE YOU! email me at purposeoflife@live.co.uk Have you ever wondered.... ...isn't there more to l...
wn.com/Polygamy In Islam Why 4 Wives Allowed In Islam Ahmed Deedat
MUST SEE MY FEATURED VIDEO FOR A SUMMARY OF MY CHANNEL , I DARE YOU! email me at purposeoflife@live.co.uk Have you ever wondered.... ...isn't there more to l...
Sheikh Ahmed Deedat In The Spot Light (7/13)
Part (8/13): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jimeohGHz5Q Sheikh Ahmed Deedat On UAE TV: In The Spot Light. In this video Sheikh Ahmed Deedat is interviewed on......
Part (8/13): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jimeohGHz5Q Sheikh Ahmed Deedat On UAE TV: In The Spot Light. In this video Sheikh Ahmed Deedat is interviewed on...
wn.com/Sheikh Ahmed Deedat In The Spot Light (7 13)
Part (8/13): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jimeohGHz5Q Sheikh Ahmed Deedat On UAE TV: In The Spot Light. In this video Sheikh Ahmed Deedat is interviewed on...
- published: 23 Oct 2007
- views: 10294
author: shakirshuvo
Rare interview with ahmad deedat
Ahmad deedat talks about wadu....
Ahmad deedat talks about wadu.
wn.com/Rare Interview With Ahmad Deedat
Ahmad deedat talks about wadu.
- published: 28 Jul 2013
- views: 21
DVD 64 Speaking Freely with Gina Lewis
follow us @ http://www.facebook.com/Deedat.Arabic Ahmed Deedat Speaking Freely As Interviewed By Ginna Lewis... ON Solution to racism. ON Marriages between M......
follow us @ http://www.facebook.com/Deedat.Arabic Ahmed Deedat Speaking Freely As Interviewed By Ginna Lewis... ON Solution to racism. ON Marriages between M...
wn.com/Dvd 64 Speaking Freely With Gina Lewis
follow us @ http://www.facebook.com/Deedat.Arabic Ahmed Deedat Speaking Freely As Interviewed By Ginna Lewis... ON Solution to racism. ON Marriages between M...
Deedat On Pakistan Television (Interview) - (1/4)
Part (2/4): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQMQaEbUXzc Deedat On Pakistan Talevision - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat interviewed on PTV. Sheikh Ahmed Deedat: In 1986, ......
Part (2/4): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQMQaEbUXzc Deedat On Pakistan Talevision - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat interviewed on PTV. Sheikh Ahmed Deedat: In 1986, ...
wn.com/Deedat On Pakistan Television (Interview) (1 4)
Part (2/4): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQMQaEbUXzc Deedat On Pakistan Talevision - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat interviewed on PTV. Sheikh Ahmed Deedat: In 1986, ...
- published: 11 Nov 2007
- views: 18386
author: shakirshuvo
Ahmed Deedat being Interviewed [Part 1]
A MashAllah great example of how to do Dawah (Talk about Islam)....
A MashAllah great example of how to do Dawah (Talk about Islam).
wn.com/Ahmed Deedat Being Interviewed Part 1
A MashAllah great example of how to do Dawah (Talk about Islam).