8888 uprising Burma
8888 uprising documentary Part 1
8888 uprising documentary.
8888 uprising documentary Part 2
8888 uprising documentary.
8888 uprising Burma (Collected videos)
Burma marks 8888 Uprising anniversary
Burma marks 8888 Uprising anniversary.
8888 uprising in Burma
The "8888" uprising refers to a series of protests that took place in Burma during 1988 that culminated on the date 8/8/1988, giving this uprising its name. ...
8888 Uprising song (Burma)
more information -http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8888_Uprising.
DASSK Comment on 8888 Uprising - DVB
DVB TV - ၈၈ ဟာ ေနာင္အေရွ႔ကိုတိုးတက္ဖိုု႔အတြက္ သင္ခန္းစာေတြယူႏိုုင္မယ့္ အေရးေတာ္ပုံ ျဖစ္ရမယ္လိုု႔ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္က ေျပာၾကားလိုုက္ပါတယ္။ ဇူလိုုင္၃၁ရက္ေန႔က ျ...
8888 Uprising Anniversary (8.8.88 in 2015)
Myanmar Military Government currently known as USDP [Union Solidarity and Development Party] committed genocide on the 8.8.8888 killed more than 10,000 women, children, civilian, doctors, nurses, and students. In August 8, 1988 Myanmar Military Government was known as SLORC: state law and order restoration council. 8888 uprising, SLORC coup, Myanmar Military Government killings, lies, rape, forced
Burma: public commemoration of the 8888 uprising
Burma: public commemoration of the 1988 uprising This Thursday, activists mark the 25th anniversary of the 1988 uprising against the military junta, which la...
26th Anniversary of 8888 Uprising: RFA Chin Language TV Program, 2014 August 1st Week
ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံကို ၂၆ ႏွစ္တုိင္တိုင္ အုပ္ခ်ဳပ္ခဲ့တဲ့ မဆလ တပါတီစစ္အစိုးရကို လြန္ခဲ့တဲ့ ၁၉၈၈ ခုႏွစ္ ၾသဂုတ္လ (၈) ရက္ေန႔က လူထုဆႏၵျပပြဲေတြနဲ႔အတူ ျဖဳတ္ခ်ႏိုင္ခဲ့ပါတယ...
Ko Min Ko Naing's 8888 Uprising Memorial Talk (8-8-2012)
Burmese Remember 8888 Uprising
Dozens of former student activists, politicians and monks attend a Buddhist tribute ceremony for their late comrades who lost their lives in Burma's historic...
26th Anniversary of 8888 Uprising Yangon
ရွစ္ေလးလံုး ဒီမိုကေရစီအေရးေတာ္ပံု ၂၆ ႏွစ္ေျမာက္ အခမ္းအနားကို ရန္ကုန္ သဃၤန္းကြ်န္းၿမိဳ႕နယ္ က်ိဳကၠဆံ ဓမၼပီယ သာသနာ့ရိပ္သာမွာ ဒီေန႔ က်င္းပခဲ့ပါတယ္။ RFA သတင္းေထာက...
8888 Uprising remembered in New Delhi
8888 Uprising remembered in New Delhi.
26th Anniversary of 8888 Uprising Nationwide
၂၆ ႏွစ္ေျမာက္ ရွစ္ေလးလံုး ႏွစ္ပတ္လည္ အခမ္းအနားေတြကို ရန္ကုန္နဲ႔ မႏၱေလးၿမိဳ႕ႀကီးေတြမွာ ဒီေန႔ က်င္းပခဲ့သလို ရွမ္းျပည္နယ္ေတာင္ႀကီးၿမိဳ႕နဲ႔ ကခ်င္ျပည္နယ္ ျမစ္ႀကီး...
Activists marked 20th anniversary of '8888' uprising across
Activists across the globe on August 8, 2008 held a series of activities as an observation of the 20th anniversary of the popular pro-democracy uprising know...
8888 Uprising
Twenty four years ago mass pro-democracy demonstrations in Rangoon and across Burma were violently put down by the Burmese junta. The date became known as th...
The 21st Anniversay of 8888 Uprising in Burma,Korea.1
25th Anniversary of 8888 uprising in Myanmar (Burma)
On 8.8.1988 , Many students, monks, children, civilian, ordinary people were killed by brutal military rule . the military leaders deny to apologize for thei...
22nd anniversary Ceremony of 8888 Uprising in Buffalo
Welcome Event to 25 years of 8888 Uprising - SF Bay Burmese Community
Meeting with 88 Generation Leaders, Ko Min Zeya, Ko Pyone Cho, Ko Ant Bwe Kyaw and SF Bay Area Burmese Community, 21st July 2013, Daly City, Little Theater, ...
8888 Uprising 23rd anniversary
8888 uprising in Burma
The "8888" uprising refers to a series of protests that took place in Burma during 1988 that culminated on the date 8/8/1988, giving this uprising its name. ......
The "8888" uprising refers to a series of protests that took place in Burma during 1988 that culminated on the date 8/8/1988, giving this uprising its name. ...
wn.com/8888 Uprising In Burma
The "8888" uprising refers to a series of protests that took place in Burma during 1988 that culminated on the date 8/8/1988, giving this uprising its name. ...
- published: 07 Aug 2013
- views: 586
author: Kwe Baw
8888 Uprising song (Burma)
more information -http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8888_Uprising....
more information -http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8888_Uprising.
wn.com/8888 Uprising Song (Burma)
more information -http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8888_Uprising.
- published: 28 Jul 2007
- views: 41451
author: yethuthu
DASSK Comment on 8888 Uprising - DVB
DVB TV - ၈၈ ဟာ ေနာင္အေရွ႔ကိုတိုးတက္ဖိုု႔အတြက္ သင္ခန္းစာေတြယူႏိုုင္မယ့္ အေရးေတာ္ပုံ ျဖစ္ရမယ္လိုု႔ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္က ေျပာၾကားလိုုက္ပါတယ္။ ဇူလိုုင္၃၁ရက္ေန႔က ျ......
DVB TV - ၈၈ ဟာ ေနာင္အေရွ႔ကိုတိုးတက္ဖိုု႔အတြက္ သင္ခန္းစာေတြယူႏိုုင္မယ့္ အေရးေတာ္ပုံ ျဖစ္ရမယ္လိုု႔ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္က ေျပာၾကားလိုုက္ပါတယ္။ ဇူလိုုင္၃၁ရက္ေန႔က ျ...
wn.com/Dassk Comment On 8888 Uprising Dvb
DVB TV - ၈၈ ဟာ ေနာင္အေရွ႔ကိုတိုးတက္ဖိုု႔အတြက္ သင္ခန္းစာေတြယူႏိုုင္မယ့္ အေရးေတာ္ပုံ ျဖစ္ရမယ္လိုု႔ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္က ေျပာၾကားလိုုက္ပါတယ္။ ဇူလိုုင္၃၁ရက္ေန႔က ျ...
8888 Uprising Anniversary (8.8.88 in 2015)
Myanmar Military Government currently known as USDP [Union Solidarity and Development Party] committed genocide on the 8.8.8888 killed more than 10,000 women, c...
Myanmar Military Government currently known as USDP [Union Solidarity and Development Party] committed genocide on the 8.8.8888 killed more than 10,000 women, children, civilian, doctors, nurses, and students. In August 8, 1988 Myanmar Military Government was known as SLORC: state law and order restoration council. 8888 uprising, SLORC coup, Myanmar Military Government killings, lies, rape, forced-labor, forced-relocation, intimidation, discriminating non-myanmar ethnic groups who lives in the country, Burma.
wn.com/8888 Uprising Anniversary (8.8.88 In 2015)
Myanmar Military Government currently known as USDP [Union Solidarity and Development Party] committed genocide on the 8.8.8888 killed more than 10,000 women, children, civilian, doctors, nurses, and students. In August 8, 1988 Myanmar Military Government was known as SLORC: state law and order restoration council. 8888 uprising, SLORC coup, Myanmar Military Government killings, lies, rape, forced-labor, forced-relocation, intimidation, discriminating non-myanmar ethnic groups who lives in the country, Burma.
- published: 22 Jul 2015
- views: 123
Burma: public commemoration of the 8888 uprising
Burma: public commemoration of the 1988 uprising This Thursday, activists mark the 25th anniversary of the 1988 uprising against the military junta, which la......
Burma: public commemoration of the 1988 uprising This Thursday, activists mark the 25th anniversary of the 1988 uprising against the military junta, which la...
wn.com/Burma Public Commemoration Of The 8888 Uprising
Burma: public commemoration of the 1988 uprising This Thursday, activists mark the 25th anniversary of the 1988 uprising against the military junta, which la...
26th Anniversary of 8888 Uprising: RFA Chin Language TV Program, 2014 August 1st Week
ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံကို ၂၆ ႏွစ္တုိင္တိုင္ အုပ္ခ်ဳပ္ခဲ့တဲ့ မဆလ တပါတီစစ္အစိုးရကို လြန္ခဲ့တဲ့ ၁၉၈၈ ခုႏွစ္ ၾသဂုတ္လ (၈) ရက္ေန႔က လူထုဆႏၵျပပြဲေတြနဲ႔အတူ ျဖဳတ္ခ်ႏိုင္ခဲ့ပါတယ......
ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံကို ၂၆ ႏွစ္တုိင္တိုင္ အုပ္ခ်ဳပ္ခဲ့တဲ့ မဆလ တပါတီစစ္အစိုးရကို လြန္ခဲ့တဲ့ ၁၉၈၈ ခုႏွစ္ ၾသဂုတ္လ (၈) ရက္ေန႔က လူထုဆႏၵျပပြဲေတြနဲ႔အတူ ျဖဳတ္ခ်ႏိုင္ခဲ့ပါတယ...
wn.com/26Th Anniversary Of 8888 Uprising Rfa Chin Language Tv Program, 2014 August 1St Week
ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံကို ၂၆ ႏွစ္တုိင္တိုင္ အုပ္ခ်ဳပ္ခဲ့တဲ့ မဆလ တပါတီစစ္အစိုးရကို လြန္ခဲ့တဲ့ ၁၉၈၈ ခုႏွစ္ ၾသဂုတ္လ (၈) ရက္ေန႔က လူထုဆႏၵျပပြဲေတြနဲ႔အတူ ျဖဳတ္ခ်ႏိုင္ခဲ့ပါတယ...
Burmese Remember 8888 Uprising
Dozens of former student activists, politicians and monks attend a Buddhist tribute ceremony for their late comrades who lost their lives in Burma's historic......
Dozens of former student activists, politicians and monks attend a Buddhist tribute ceremony for their late comrades who lost their lives in Burma's historic...
wn.com/Burmese Remember 8888 Uprising
Dozens of former student activists, politicians and monks attend a Buddhist tribute ceremony for their late comrades who lost their lives in Burma's historic...
- published: 09 Aug 2010
- views: 238
author: NTDTV
26th Anniversary of 8888 Uprising Yangon
ရွစ္ေလးလံုး ဒီမိုကေရစီအေရးေတာ္ပံု ၂၆ ႏွစ္ေျမာက္ အခမ္းအနားကို ရန္ကုန္ သဃၤန္းကြ်န္းၿမိဳ႕နယ္ က်ိဳကၠဆံ ဓမၼပီယ သာသနာ့ရိပ္သာမွာ ဒီေန႔ က်င္းပခဲ့ပါတယ္။ RFA သတင္းေထာက......
ရွစ္ေလးလံုး ဒီမိုကေရစီအေရးေတာ္ပံု ၂၆ ႏွစ္ေျမာက္ အခမ္းအနားကို ရန္ကုန္ သဃၤန္းကြ်န္းၿမိဳ႕နယ္ က်ိဳကၠဆံ ဓမၼပီယ သာသနာ့ရိပ္သာမွာ ဒီေန႔ က်င္းပခဲ့ပါတယ္။ RFA သတင္းေထာက...
wn.com/26Th Anniversary Of 8888 Uprising Yangon
ရွစ္ေလးလံုး ဒီမိုကေရစီအေရးေတာ္ပံု ၂၆ ႏွစ္ေျမာက္ အခမ္းအနားကို ရန္ကုန္ သဃၤန္းကြ်န္းၿမိဳ႕နယ္ က်ိဳကၠဆံ ဓမၼပီယ သာသနာ့ရိပ္သာမွာ ဒီေန႔ က်င္းပခဲ့ပါတယ္။ RFA သတင္းေထာက...
26th Anniversary of 8888 Uprising Nationwide
၂၆ ႏွစ္ေျမာက္ ရွစ္ေလးလံုး ႏွစ္ပတ္လည္ အခမ္းအနားေတြကို ရန္ကုန္နဲ႔ မႏၱေလးၿမိဳ႕ႀကီးေတြမွာ ဒီေန႔ က်င္းပခဲ့သလို ရွမ္းျပည္နယ္ေတာင္ႀကီးၿမိဳ႕နဲ႔ ကခ်င္ျပည္နယ္ ျမစ္ႀကီး......
၂၆ ႏွစ္ေျမာက္ ရွစ္ေလးလံုး ႏွစ္ပတ္လည္ အခမ္းအနားေတြကို ရန္ကုန္နဲ႔ မႏၱေလးၿမိဳ႕ႀကီးေတြမွာ ဒီေန႔ က်င္းပခဲ့သလို ရွမ္းျပည္နယ္ေတာင္ႀကီးၿမိဳ႕နဲ႔ ကခ်င္ျပည္နယ္ ျမစ္ႀကီး...
wn.com/26Th Anniversary Of 8888 Uprising Nationwide
၂၆ ႏွစ္ေျမာက္ ရွစ္ေလးလံုး ႏွစ္ပတ္လည္ အခမ္းအနားေတြကို ရန္ကုန္နဲ႔ မႏၱေလးၿမိဳ႕ႀကီးေတြမွာ ဒီေန႔ က်င္းပခဲ့သလို ရွမ္းျပည္နယ္ေတာင္ႀကီးၿမိဳ႕နဲ႔ ကခ်င္ျပည္နယ္ ျမစ္ႀကီး...
Activists marked 20th anniversary of '8888' uprising across
Activists across the globe on August 8, 2008 held a series of activities as an observation of the 20th anniversary of the popular pro-democracy uprising know......
Activists across the globe on August 8, 2008 held a series of activities as an observation of the 20th anniversary of the popular pro-democracy uprising know...
wn.com/Activists Marked 20Th Anniversary Of '8888' Uprising Across
Activists across the globe on August 8, 2008 held a series of activities as an observation of the 20th anniversary of the popular pro-democracy uprising know...
8888 Uprising
Twenty four years ago mass pro-democracy demonstrations in Rangoon and across Burma were violently put down by the Burmese junta. The date became known as th......
Twenty four years ago mass pro-democracy demonstrations in Rangoon and across Burma were violently put down by the Burmese junta. The date became known as th...
wn.com/8888 Uprising
Twenty four years ago mass pro-democracy demonstrations in Rangoon and across Burma were violently put down by the Burmese junta. The date became known as th...
- published: 09 Aug 2012
- views: 1180
author: hr218
25th Anniversary of 8888 uprising in Myanmar (Burma)
On 8.8.1988 , Many students, monks, children, civilian, ordinary people were killed by brutal military rule . the military leaders deny to apologize for thei......
On 8.8.1988 , Many students, monks, children, civilian, ordinary people were killed by brutal military rule . the military leaders deny to apologize for thei...
wn.com/25Th Anniversary Of 8888 Uprising In Myanmar (Burma)
On 8.8.1988 , Many students, monks, children, civilian, ordinary people were killed by brutal military rule . the military leaders deny to apologize for thei...
Welcome Event to 25 years of 8888 Uprising - SF Bay Burmese Community
Meeting with 88 Generation Leaders, Ko Min Zeya, Ko Pyone Cho, Ko Ant Bwe Kyaw and SF Bay Area Burmese Community, 21st July 2013, Daly City, Little Theater, ......
Meeting with 88 Generation Leaders, Ko Min Zeya, Ko Pyone Cho, Ko Ant Bwe Kyaw and SF Bay Area Burmese Community, 21st July 2013, Daly City, Little Theater, ...
wn.com/Welcome Event To 25 Years Of 8888 Uprising Sf Bay Burmese Community
Meeting with 88 Generation Leaders, Ko Min Zeya, Ko Pyone Cho, Ko Ant Bwe Kyaw and SF Bay Area Burmese Community, 21st July 2013, Daly City, Little Theater, ...
- published: 25 Jul 2013
- views: 460
author: moemaka
8888 Uprising song Burma flv 1
My Perspectives: 27th Anniversary of 8888 Peoples' Uprising of Burma
My Perspectives: 27th Anniversary of 8888 Peoples' Uprising of Burma
My Individual Perspectives by Thiha Ba Kyi (a.k.a.) Dr. Thiha.
Golden Moon TV (8/8/2015)
Thuya Maw (Crossing Borders)
Studying as veterinarian in Rangoon University (Burma), Thuya participated in the 8888 Uprising against the government before seeking refuge at the Thai-Burma border. After coming to US, Thuya found a new set of challenges to overcome.
Koe Moe Gyi (Crossing Borders)
A strong advocator against the military dictatorship in Burma, Koe Moe decided to participate in the 8888 Uprising. However, as security within Burma disintegrated, he left the country. After staying in a camp for over 10 years, he managed to come over the US.
Thuya Maw Promo
Thuya Maw is a refugee from the 8888 Uprising in Myanmar. Watch the rest of his story at the Crossing Borders Exhibit at the Muzeo from 3/27 - 4/12 Learn more here: oxfordredcross.wix.com/ihl2015
Koe Moe Gyi Preview
Koe Moe Gyi spent over ten years as a refugee after the 8888 Uprising in Burma. He is just one of the many refugees forced to flee their countries because of persecution. Learn more about his story and more at the Crossing Borders Exhibition from 3/27 - 4/12
The Worlds Most Deadly Riots
8888 Uprising (Burma, 1988)
March 1st Movement (Korea, 1919)
Romanian Peasants’ Revolt (Romania, 1907)
“The Bloody Week” (France, 1871)
The 228 Massacre (Taiwan, 1947)
El Salvadoran Peasant Uprising (El Salvador, 1932)
Jeju Uprising (South Korea, 1948–1949)
Tibetan Uprising (Tibet, 1959)
La Violencia (Colombia, 1948-1960)
The Indian Partition (India, 1947)
Ci Ci Aye: A Story of Hope PREVIEW
This is the first interview of several refugees that will be shown at the exhibition. Ci Ci Aye was a political refugee because of her involvement in the 8888 Uprising in Burma. Her story is just one of many Burmese people in their fight against the military regime of Burma at the time. Her story and others will be shown at the Crossing Borders Exhibition at the Muzeo from 3/27 to 4/12. More infor
Random File: AI YT TAG 8888 uprising What was it search
Commemorations marking the 26th anniversary of Burma's 1988 pro-democracy uprising were held in front of City Hall in Yangon on August 8, 2014. The event was...
26th Anniversary of 8888 Peoples' Uprising: 3 former students
Participated by 3 former students Myat Soe, Thein Aung Kyaw (a.k.a.) Ko Ye & Tin Maung Maung Htway. Moderated by Thiha Ba Kyi (a.k.a.) Dr. Thiha. Golden Moon...
25th Anniversary of 8888 uprising in Myanmar (Burma)
clark house initiative at iscp. Part 1
This conversation serves as the first public meeting of Burmese artists Htein Lin and Sitt Nyein Aye since they fled to the border hills following the repres...
New Zealand's 8888 Commemoration Script
A script dedicated to all high school students died in the 8888 Uprising in Burma. Written and directed by Saya Khin Lunn. This script has shown at the 8888 ...
Our Perspectives on "After the Silver Jubilee of 8888 People's Uprising"
Participated by 88 students: Myat Soe, Thar Kyaw Maung & Ko Ye (a.k.a.) Thein Aung Kyaw. Moderated by Thiha Ba Kyi (a.k.a.) Dr. Thiha Golden Moon TV (Burmese...
8888, anniversary: more political space, yet no democracy
FRANCE 24 English: Thursday, thousands gather to mark the 25th anniversary since the bloody crackdown which ended the 8888 uprising. Since these events, no valuable progress has been made towards democracy, according to Anna Roberts. Even though the junta authorized people to hit the streets to commemorate what remains a dark and bloody incident, no real political change as been seen. The director
Copy of 8888 uprising in Burma
The "8888" uprising refers to a series of protests that took place in Burma during 1988 that culminated on the date 8/8/1988, giving this uprising its name. ...
My Perspectives: 27th Anniversary of 8888 Peoples' Uprising of Burma
My Perspectives: 27th Anniversary of 8888 Peoples' Uprising of Burma
My Individual Perspectives by Thiha Ba Kyi (a.k.a.) Dr. Thiha.
Golden Moon TV (8/8/2015)...
My Perspectives: 27th Anniversary of 8888 Peoples' Uprising of Burma
My Individual Perspectives by Thiha Ba Kyi (a.k.a.) Dr. Thiha.
Golden Moon TV (8/8/2015)
wn.com/My Perspectives 27Th Anniversary Of 8888 Peoples' Uprising Of Burma
My Perspectives: 27th Anniversary of 8888 Peoples' Uprising of Burma
My Individual Perspectives by Thiha Ba Kyi (a.k.a.) Dr. Thiha.
Golden Moon TV (8/8/2015)
- published: 09 Aug 2015
- views: 59
Thuya Maw (Crossing Borders)
Studying as veterinarian in Rangoon University (Burma), Thuya participated in the 8888 Uprising against the government before seeking refuge at the Thai-Burma b...
Studying as veterinarian in Rangoon University (Burma), Thuya participated in the 8888 Uprising against the government before seeking refuge at the Thai-Burma border. After coming to US, Thuya found a new set of challenges to overcome.
wn.com/Thuya Maw (Crossing Borders)
Studying as veterinarian in Rangoon University (Burma), Thuya participated in the 8888 Uprising against the government before seeking refuge at the Thai-Burma border. After coming to US, Thuya found a new set of challenges to overcome.
- published: 18 Apr 2015
- views: 1
Koe Moe Gyi (Crossing Borders)
A strong advocator against the military dictatorship in Burma, Koe Moe decided to participate in the 8888 Uprising. However, as security within Burma disintegra...
A strong advocator against the military dictatorship in Burma, Koe Moe decided to participate in the 8888 Uprising. However, as security within Burma disintegrated, he left the country. After staying in a camp for over 10 years, he managed to come over the US.
wn.com/Koe Moe Gyi (Crossing Borders)
A strong advocator against the military dictatorship in Burma, Koe Moe decided to participate in the 8888 Uprising. However, as security within Burma disintegrated, he left the country. After staying in a camp for over 10 years, he managed to come over the US.
- published: 17 Apr 2015
- views: 1
Thuya Maw Promo
Thuya Maw is a refugee from the 8888 Uprising in Myanmar. Watch the rest of his story at the Crossing Borders Exhibit at the Muzeo from 3/27 - 4/12 Learn more h...
Thuya Maw is a refugee from the 8888 Uprising in Myanmar. Watch the rest of his story at the Crossing Borders Exhibit at the Muzeo from 3/27 - 4/12 Learn more here: oxfordredcross.wix.com/ihl2015
wn.com/Thuya Maw Promo
Thuya Maw is a refugee from the 8888 Uprising in Myanmar. Watch the rest of his story at the Crossing Borders Exhibit at the Muzeo from 3/27 - 4/12 Learn more here: oxfordredcross.wix.com/ihl2015
- published: 24 Mar 2015
- views: 9
Koe Moe Gyi Preview
Koe Moe Gyi spent over ten years as a refugee after the 8888 Uprising in Burma. He is just one of the many refugees forced to flee their countries because of pe...
Koe Moe Gyi spent over ten years as a refugee after the 8888 Uprising in Burma. He is just one of the many refugees forced to flee their countries because of persecution. Learn more about his story and more at the Crossing Borders Exhibition from 3/27 - 4/12
wn.com/Koe Moe Gyi Preview
Koe Moe Gyi spent over ten years as a refugee after the 8888 Uprising in Burma. He is just one of the many refugees forced to flee their countries because of persecution. Learn more about his story and more at the Crossing Borders Exhibition from 3/27 - 4/12
- published: 24 Mar 2015
- views: 6
The Worlds Most Deadly Riots
8888 Uprising (Burma, 1988)
March 1st Movement (Korea, 1919)
Romanian Peasants’ Revolt (Romania, 1907)
“The Bloody Week” (France, 1871)
The 228 Massacre (Taiwan...
8888 Uprising (Burma, 1988)
March 1st Movement (Korea, 1919)
Romanian Peasants’ Revolt (Romania, 1907)
“The Bloody Week” (France, 1871)
The 228 Massacre (Taiwan, 1947)
El Salvadoran Peasant Uprising (El Salvador, 1932)
Jeju Uprising (South Korea, 1948–1949)
Tibetan Uprising (Tibet, 1959)
La Violencia (Colombia, 1948-1960)
The Indian Partition (India, 1947)
wn.com/The Worlds Most Deadly Riots
8888 Uprising (Burma, 1988)
March 1st Movement (Korea, 1919)
Romanian Peasants’ Revolt (Romania, 1907)
“The Bloody Week” (France, 1871)
The 228 Massacre (Taiwan, 1947)
El Salvadoran Peasant Uprising (El Salvador, 1932)
Jeju Uprising (South Korea, 1948–1949)
Tibetan Uprising (Tibet, 1959)
La Violencia (Colombia, 1948-1960)
The Indian Partition (India, 1947)
- published: 22 Mar 2015
- views: 9
Ci Ci Aye: A Story of Hope PREVIEW
This is the first interview of several refugees that will be shown at the exhibition. Ci Ci Aye was a political refugee because of her involvement in the 8888 U...
This is the first interview of several refugees that will be shown at the exhibition. Ci Ci Aye was a political refugee because of her involvement in the 8888 Uprising in Burma. Her story is just one of many Burmese people in their fight against the military regime of Burma at the time. Her story and others will be shown at the Crossing Borders Exhibition at the Muzeo from 3/27 to 4/12. More information about the Burmese refugee situation and the exhibition can be found here: www.oxfordredcross.wix.com/ihl2015
wn.com/Ci Ci Aye A Story Of Hope Preview
This is the first interview of several refugees that will be shown at the exhibition. Ci Ci Aye was a political refugee because of her involvement in the 8888 Uprising in Burma. Her story is just one of many Burmese people in their fight against the military regime of Burma at the time. Her story and others will be shown at the Crossing Borders Exhibition at the Muzeo from 3/27 to 4/12. More information about the Burmese refugee situation and the exhibition can be found here: www.oxfordredcross.wix.com/ihl2015
- published: 01 Mar 2015
- views: 23
Commemorations marking the 26th anniversary of Burma's 1988 pro-democracy uprising were held in front of City Hall in Yangon on August 8, 2014. The event was......
Commemorations marking the 26th anniversary of Burma's 1988 pro-democracy uprising were held in front of City Hall in Yangon on August 8, 2014. The event was...
wn.com/26Th Anniversary Of 1988 Pro Democracy Uprising In Yangon
Commemorations marking the 26th anniversary of Burma's 1988 pro-democracy uprising were held in front of City Hall in Yangon on August 8, 2014. The event was...
- published: 18 Aug 2014
- views: 1737
author: MC Page
26th Anniversary of 8888 Peoples' Uprising: 3 former students
Participated by 3 former students Myat Soe, Thein Aung Kyaw (a.k.a.) Ko Ye & Tin Maung Maung Htway. Moderated by Thiha Ba Kyi (a.k.a.) Dr. Thiha. Golden Moon......
Participated by 3 former students Myat Soe, Thein Aung Kyaw (a.k.a.) Ko Ye & Tin Maung Maung Htway. Moderated by Thiha Ba Kyi (a.k.a.) Dr. Thiha. Golden Moon...
wn.com/26Th Anniversary Of 8888 Peoples' Uprising 3 Former Students
Participated by 3 former students Myat Soe, Thein Aung Kyaw (a.k.a.) Ko Ye & Tin Maung Maung Htway. Moderated by Thiha Ba Kyi (a.k.a.) Dr. Thiha. Golden Moon...
clark house initiative at iscp. Part 1
This conversation serves as the first public meeting of Burmese artists Htein Lin and Sitt Nyein Aye since they fled to the border hills following the repres......
This conversation serves as the first public meeting of Burmese artists Htein Lin and Sitt Nyein Aye since they fled to the border hills following the repres...
wn.com/Clark House Initiative At Iscp. Part 1
This conversation serves as the first public meeting of Burmese artists Htein Lin and Sitt Nyein Aye since they fled to the border hills following the repres...
New Zealand's 8888 Commemoration Script
A script dedicated to all high school students died in the 8888 Uprising in Burma. Written and directed by Saya Khin Lunn. This script has shown at the 8888 ......
A script dedicated to all high school students died in the 8888 Uprising in Burma. Written and directed by Saya Khin Lunn. This script has shown at the 8888 ...
wn.com/New Zealand's 8888 Commemoration Script
A script dedicated to all high school students died in the 8888 Uprising in Burma. Written and directed by Saya Khin Lunn. This script has shown at the 8888 ...
- published: 15 Aug 2013
- views: 14
author: Soe Thein
Our Perspectives on "After the Silver Jubilee of 8888 People's Uprising"
Participated by 88 students: Myat Soe, Thar Kyaw Maung & Ko Ye (a.k.a.) Thein Aung Kyaw. Moderated by Thiha Ba Kyi (a.k.a.) Dr. Thiha Golden Moon TV (Burmese......
Participated by 88 students: Myat Soe, Thar Kyaw Maung & Ko Ye (a.k.a.) Thein Aung Kyaw. Moderated by Thiha Ba Kyi (a.k.a.) Dr. Thiha Golden Moon TV (Burmese...
wn.com/Our Perspectives On After The Silver Jubilee Of 8888 People's Uprising
Participated by 88 students: Myat Soe, Thar Kyaw Maung & Ko Ye (a.k.a.) Thein Aung Kyaw. Moderated by Thiha Ba Kyi (a.k.a.) Dr. Thiha Golden Moon TV (Burmese...
8888, anniversary: more political space, yet no democracy
FRANCE 24 English: Thursday, thousands gather to mark the 25th anniversary since the bloody crackdown which ended the 8888 uprising. Since these events, no valu...
FRANCE 24 English: Thursday, thousands gather to mark the 25th anniversary since the bloody crackdown which ended the 8888 uprising. Since these events, no valuable progress has been made towards democracy, according to Anna Roberts. Even though the junta authorized people to hit the streets to commemorate what remains a dark and bloody incident, no real political change as been seen. The director of Burma Campaign UK even considers that Burma, far from transitioning towards democracy, tends to become a "normal authoritarian regime", modeled on China or Russia.
wn.com/8888, Anniversary More Political Space, Yet No Democracy
FRANCE 24 English: Thursday, thousands gather to mark the 25th anniversary since the bloody crackdown which ended the 8888 uprising. Since these events, no valuable progress has been made towards democracy, according to Anna Roberts. Even though the junta authorized people to hit the streets to commemorate what remains a dark and bloody incident, no real political change as been seen. The director of Burma Campaign UK even considers that Burma, far from transitioning towards democracy, tends to become a "normal authoritarian regime", modeled on China or Russia.
- published: 09 Aug 2013
- views: 19
Copy of 8888 uprising in Burma
The "8888" uprising refers to a series of protests that took place in Burma during 1988 that culminated on the date 8/8/1988, giving this uprising its name. ......
The "8888" uprising refers to a series of protests that took place in Burma during 1988 that culminated on the date 8/8/1988, giving this uprising its name. ...
wn.com/Copy Of 8888 Uprising In Burma
The "8888" uprising refers to a series of protests that took place in Burma during 1988 that culminated on the date 8/8/1988, giving this uprising its name. ...
- published: 07 Aug 2013
- views: 1006
author: Kwe Baw
8888 Silver Jubilee (SF Bay Area) Part II
8888 Silver Jubilee SF Bay Area 25th Anniversary of People Uprising for Democracy in Burma August 3, 2013 San Francisco Bay Area California.
clark house initiative at iscp. Part 2
Published on Sep 4, 2013 This conversation serves as the first public meeting of Burmese artists Htein Lin and Sitt Nyein Aye since they fled to the border h...
Song, Poem, & Talk Show: 25th Anniversary of 8888: Fort Wayne
Song, Poem, & Talk Show: 25th Anniversary of 8888 People's Uprising: Fort Wayne Golden Moon TV 137 (08/03/2013) Thar Gyi, Min Myat, Aye Aye Moe, Si Thu, Min ...
8888 Silver Jubilee (SF Bay Area) Part I
8888 Silver Jubilee SF Bay Area 25th Anniversary of People Uprising for Democracy in Burma August 3, 2013 San Francisco Bay Area California.
Ci Ci Aye (Crossing Borders)
Born in a remote village in Burma, Ci Ci was studying law when she participated in the 8888 Uprising, eventually helping with the student rebellion. Though she was part of the student army, Ci Ci realized that she could not raise her children in a war zone, and instead fled to the Thai-Burma border.
Interview with Ko Nay Win Aung Part 2.wmv
Sayar Ko Nay Win Aung was a former Burmese tutor of Yangon University. He had participated in 8888 people uprising against the military dictatorship in Burma...
Burmese Radio BCBG, Interview with Vice Chairperson of FTUM 2013
Burmese Radio BCBG, Interview with Vice Chairperson of FTUM 2013 He has been working in inside Burma after the FTUB moved into Burma. The FTUB was establishe...
8888 Burma
DASSK Speech at 8888 silver jubilee - DVB
DVB TV - 8th August 2013 - Daw Aung San Suu Kyi speech at 8888 silver jubilee in Yangon.
8888 Silver Jubilee
Chin TV International hmin in nan kutnem kan lo kai.A liam ciami kum-25 August 08,1988 ni ih Kawlram (burma) sung ih thilcang cu zozo khal in kan theicia a s...
Daw Aung San Su Kyi Commemorative Speech on 8888 Silver Jubilee
Daw Aung San Su Kyi Commemorative Speech on 8888 Silver Jubilee.
myanmar8888(25th 8888,tokyo) 8-8-2013
25th 8888,tokyo 8-8-2013.
8888 (27) years anniversary revolution songs
BBC This World Inside Burma's Uprising 11 12 2007
Myat Thu marks the offering the monk for 25 ceremony of Burmese demoncracy uprising
Myat Thu marks the offering the monk for 25 ceremony Burma demoncracy uprising Sydney Recorded by Hin Myat Khine BCBG.
Burmese TV Magazine - August 2nd Week Program
Top news from Burma and around the world - Pro-democracy activists marks the 25th Anniversary (Silver Jubilee) of 88 Democracy Uprising; US plans to extend r...
The Best of Audiomachine | Ultimate Playlist
The ultimate playlist featuring epic trailer music from Audiomachine. Two Steps From Hell | Ultimate Playlist: http://youtu.be/UmUVXOXiLeM Immediate Music | ...
Relocating the Prison at Draper How can Utah Build a Better Corrections System?
The state has decided to move the prison facility in Draper. The discussion now is looking at where do you put a new prison? How do you finance it? and what ...
8888 Silver Jubilee (SF Bay Area) Part II
8888 Silver Jubilee SF Bay Area 25th Anniversary of People Uprising for Democracy in Burma August 3, 2013 San Francisco Bay Area California....
8888 Silver Jubilee SF Bay Area 25th Anniversary of People Uprising for Democracy in Burma August 3, 2013 San Francisco Bay Area California.
wn.com/8888 Silver Jubilee (Sf Bay Area) Part Ii
8888 Silver Jubilee SF Bay Area 25th Anniversary of People Uprising for Democracy in Burma August 3, 2013 San Francisco Bay Area California.
clark house initiative at iscp. Part 2
Published on Sep 4, 2013 This conversation serves as the first public meeting of Burmese artists Htein Lin and Sitt Nyein Aye since they fled to the border h......
Published on Sep 4, 2013 This conversation serves as the first public meeting of Burmese artists Htein Lin and Sitt Nyein Aye since they fled to the border h...
wn.com/Clark House Initiative At Iscp. Part 2
Published on Sep 4, 2013 This conversation serves as the first public meeting of Burmese artists Htein Lin and Sitt Nyein Aye since they fled to the border h...
Song, Poem, & Talk Show: 25th Anniversary of 8888: Fort Wayne
Song, Poem, & Talk Show: 25th Anniversary of 8888 People's Uprising: Fort Wayne Golden Moon TV 137 (08/03/2013) Thar Gyi, Min Myat, Aye Aye Moe, Si Thu, Min ......
Song, Poem, & Talk Show: 25th Anniversary of 8888 People's Uprising: Fort Wayne Golden Moon TV 137 (08/03/2013) Thar Gyi, Min Myat, Aye Aye Moe, Si Thu, Min ...
wn.com/Song, Poem, Talk Show 25Th Anniversary Of 8888 Fort Wayne
Song, Poem, & Talk Show: 25th Anniversary of 8888 People's Uprising: Fort Wayne Golden Moon TV 137 (08/03/2013) Thar Gyi, Min Myat, Aye Aye Moe, Si Thu, Min ...
8888 Silver Jubilee (SF Bay Area) Part I
8888 Silver Jubilee SF Bay Area 25th Anniversary of People Uprising for Democracy in Burma August 3, 2013 San Francisco Bay Area California....
8888 Silver Jubilee SF Bay Area 25th Anniversary of People Uprising for Democracy in Burma August 3, 2013 San Francisco Bay Area California.
wn.com/8888 Silver Jubilee (Sf Bay Area) Part I
8888 Silver Jubilee SF Bay Area 25th Anniversary of People Uprising for Democracy in Burma August 3, 2013 San Francisco Bay Area California.
Ci Ci Aye (Crossing Borders)
Born in a remote village in Burma, Ci Ci was studying law when she participated in the 8888 Uprising, eventually helping with the student rebellion. Though she ...
Born in a remote village in Burma, Ci Ci was studying law when she participated in the 8888 Uprising, eventually helping with the student rebellion. Though she was part of the student army, Ci Ci realized that she could not raise her children in a war zone, and instead fled to the Thai-Burma border.
wn.com/Ci Ci Aye (Crossing Borders)
Born in a remote village in Burma, Ci Ci was studying law when she participated in the 8888 Uprising, eventually helping with the student rebellion. Though she was part of the student army, Ci Ci realized that she could not raise her children in a war zone, and instead fled to the Thai-Burma border.
- published: 18 Apr 2015
- views: 1
Interview with Ko Nay Win Aung Part 2.wmv
Sayar Ko Nay Win Aung was a former Burmese tutor of Yangon University. He had participated in 8888 people uprising against the military dictatorship in Burma......
Sayar Ko Nay Win Aung was a former Burmese tutor of Yangon University. He had participated in 8888 people uprising against the military dictatorship in Burma...
wn.com/Interview With Ko Nay Win Aung Part 2.Wmv
Sayar Ko Nay Win Aung was a former Burmese tutor of Yangon University. He had participated in 8888 people uprising against the military dictatorship in Burma...
- published: 20 Jun 2014
- views: 46
author: cho tu zal
Burmese Radio BCBG, Interview with Vice Chairperson of FTUM 2013
Burmese Radio BCBG, Interview with Vice Chairperson of FTUM 2013 He has been working in inside Burma after the FTUB moved into Burma. The FTUB was establishe......
Burmese Radio BCBG, Interview with Vice Chairperson of FTUM 2013 He has been working in inside Burma after the FTUB moved into Burma. The FTUB was establishe...
wn.com/Burmese Radio Bcbg, Interview With Vice Chairperson Of Ftum 2013
Burmese Radio BCBG, Interview with Vice Chairperson of FTUM 2013 He has been working in inside Burma after the FTUB moved into Burma. The FTUB was establishe...
- published: 29 Jul 2013
- views: 122
author: bcbgsydney
DASSK Speech at 8888 silver jubilee - DVB
DVB TV - 8th August 2013 - Daw Aung San Suu Kyi speech at 8888 silver jubilee in Yangon....
DVB TV - 8th August 2013 - Daw Aung San Suu Kyi speech at 8888 silver jubilee in Yangon.
wn.com/Dassk Speech At 8888 Silver Jubilee Dvb
DVB TV - 8th August 2013 - Daw Aung San Suu Kyi speech at 8888 silver jubilee in Yangon.
8888 Silver Jubilee
Chin TV International hmin in nan kutnem kan lo kai.A liam ciami kum-25 August 08,1988 ni ih Kawlram (burma) sung ih thilcang cu zozo khal in kan theicia a s......
Chin TV International hmin in nan kutnem kan lo kai.A liam ciami kum-25 August 08,1988 ni ih Kawlram (burma) sung ih thilcang cu zozo khal in kan theicia a s...
wn.com/8888 Silver Jubilee
Chin TV International hmin in nan kutnem kan lo kai.A liam ciami kum-25 August 08,1988 ni ih Kawlram (burma) sung ih thilcang cu zozo khal in kan theicia a s...
- published: 23 Aug 2013
- views: 870
author: Chin TV
Myat Thu marks the offering the monk for 25 ceremony of Burmese demoncracy uprising
Myat Thu marks the offering the monk for 25 ceremony Burma demoncracy uprising Sydney Recorded by Hin Myat Khine BCBG....
Myat Thu marks the offering the monk for 25 ceremony Burma demoncracy uprising Sydney Recorded by Hin Myat Khine BCBG.
wn.com/Myat Thu Marks The Offering The Monk For 25 Ceremony Of Burmese Demoncracy Uprising
Myat Thu marks the offering the monk for 25 ceremony Burma demoncracy uprising Sydney Recorded by Hin Myat Khine BCBG.
- published: 15 Aug 2013
- views: 123
author: bcbgsydney
Burmese TV Magazine - August 2nd Week Program
Top news from Burma and around the world - Pro-democracy activists marks the 25th Anniversary (Silver Jubilee) of 88 Democracy Uprising; US plans to extend r......
Top news from Burma and around the world - Pro-democracy activists marks the 25th Anniversary (Silver Jubilee) of 88 Democracy Uprising; US plans to extend r...
wn.com/Burmese Tv Magazine August 2Nd Week Program
Top news from Burma and around the world - Pro-democracy activists marks the 25th Anniversary (Silver Jubilee) of 88 Democracy Uprising; US plans to extend r...
The Best of Audiomachine | Ultimate Playlist
The ultimate playlist featuring epic trailer music from Audiomachine. Two Steps From Hell | Ultimate Playlist: http://youtu.be/UmUVXOXiLeM Immediate Music | ......
The ultimate playlist featuring epic trailer music from Audiomachine. Two Steps From Hell | Ultimate Playlist: http://youtu.be/UmUVXOXiLeM Immediate Music | ...
wn.com/The Best Of Audiomachine | Ultimate Playlist
The ultimate playlist featuring epic trailer music from Audiomachine. Two Steps From Hell | Ultimate Playlist: http://youtu.be/UmUVXOXiLeM Immediate Music | ...
Relocating the Prison at Draper How can Utah Build a Better Corrections System?
The state has decided to move the prison facility in Draper. The discussion now is looking at where do you put a new prison? How do you finance it? and what ......
The state has decided to move the prison facility in Draper. The discussion now is looking at where do you put a new prison? How do you finance it? and what ...
wn.com/Relocating The Prison At Draper How Can Utah Build A Better Corrections System
The state has decided to move the prison facility in Draper. The discussion now is looking at where do you put a new prison? How do you finance it? and what ...