Guam, Culture, Conflict, beliefs, people, religion,tradition, beauty, resources, government, chamorro, micronesia, magellan, tourism, KUAM, ancestors, ancestry, yokoi, proa, fiesta, language, faith, war, Blaz, dero, congressman, general, marine, Vicente, Ben, Congress, reflections, destiny, politics, economics, liberation, Marianas, San Vitores, Latte Stones, Tweed, airport, Apra Harbor, Plaza, Cathedral, Commonwealth, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Catholic, Notre Dame, Guamanians.

Guam, Colonized, Christianized, Captured, Occupied, Recaptured, History, Culture, Conflict, beliefs, people, religion,tradition, beauty, resources, government, chamorro, micronesia, magellan, tourism, KUAM, ancestors, ancestry, yokoi, proa, fiesta, language, faith, war, Blaz, dero, congressman, general, marine, Vicente, Ben, Congress, reflections, destiny, politics, economics, liberation, Marianas, San Vitores, Latte Stones, Tweed, airport, Apra Harbor, Plaza, Cathedral, Commonwealth, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Catholic, Notre Dame, Guamanians.I am pleased to extend to you a hearty welcome to our website which centers on the American territory of Guam in the Western Pacific, virtually on the other side of the world from our nation's capital, Washington, D.C.

Since the turn of the century, Guam has served as America's turnstile to Asia in the Pacific Rim, where America's days begin. Thanks to the World Wide Web, information about Guam - geography, history, climate, population, political system, government, and business opportunities - is readily available from a variety of sources on the Internet.

Bisita Guam offers additional information from the perspective of a native Chamorro who reflects on events and circumstances that have markedly affected his people culturally, linguistically, and religiously, among other things. Bisita Guam, which means, Visit Guam, takes the viewer through randomly selected episodes that project an entirely different dimension of our territory and our people from the usual dosage one gets from texts and tales of transients on their way elsewhere.

Bisita Guam revolves primarily on the original native population, the Chamorros, their culture, their language, and their religious beliefs. It spans a large segment of history, from the days of European contact with Ferdinand Magellan in 1521, through the days of Spanish rulership for over 350 years, the Spanish - American War, and the Japanese occupation in World War II, up to the present time. Its primary goal is to sharpen the focus on those things that are important to our people with the hope that it would rekindle interest on the need to protect and preserve our precious natural and cultural resources. Its secondary goal is to provide those interested in knowing more about us with a glimpse of our beautiful and bountiful island through the eyes of one of her native sons.

Bisita Guam is the name of this website and the main title of a trilogy of stories about Guam and its people:

Part I: a series of television shows consisting of 27 episodes of Nihi Ta Bisita  (Let Us Visit) which focuses on the culture, history, and language of Guam -- and Nihi Ta Hasso  (Let Us Remember) which centers on the occupation of Guam by enemy forces and its liberation during World War II. (Episode 32 of this website provides details about these two TV series);

Part II: is this website < >  which has over thirty episodes. It is a 'living' website to which are added additional episodes which have currency and relevancy to the history of Guam; and,

Part III: is a book, entitled Bisita Guam: A Special Place in the Sun.

The Bisita Guam  trilogy is written and produced by Vicente (Ben) Blaz, a retired general officer of the U.S. Marines, and a former Member of the U.S. Congress (1985-1993).


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