UNHCR Excom 2015: A World in Crisis
UNHCR Excom 2015: A World in Crisis
UNHCR Excom 2015: A World in Crisis
UNHCR's governing ExCom met in Geneva to review and advise on international protection and discuss a wide range of other issues with UNHCR and its intergovernmental and non-governmental partners.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of mil
UNHCR Meet: Nation of the Displaced
UNHCR Meet: Nation of the Displaced
UNHCR Meet: Nation of the Displaced
UNHCR’s governing body, at its annual meeting, draws attention to the increasing numbers of displaced and the challenges of protecting and assisting them. The number of forcibly displaced people is equivalent to the 26th largest nation on earth.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and pe
Austria: An Overwhelming Welcome
Austria: An Overwhelming Welcome
Austria: An Overwhelming Welcome
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this c
Greece: Syrian Aslan and his puppy Rose
Greece: Syrian Aslan and his puppy Rose
Greece: Syrian Aslan and his puppy Rose
"Some people will ask - you have only a small bag?"
"And you bring your dog?"
"I love my dog!"
Many animal lovers will relate to this. 17-year-old Aslan Al Hakim from Damascus, Syria. And we've seen many like him carrying their animals with them on the long journey from Syria, across the Mediterranean Sea and through Europe. When forced to flee home because of war, many people would never dream of leaving their pets behind.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or
Croatia: Help at the Border
Croatia: Help at the Border
Croatia: Help at the Border
“If you are a refugee or an asylum seeker trying to get the train from here, your destination is unknown."
For days our colleague Babar has been in Tovarnik, Croatia with thousands of refugees waiting to board trains in Croatia. Here's the latest news straight from the scene.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and
Global Refugee Trends 2013 - June 2014
Global Refugee Trends 2013 - June 2014
Global Refugee Trends 2013 - June 2014
Over 51 million people are now forcibly displaced worldwide, the largest number since World War Two. Half of the worldwide refugee population in 2013 were children -- the most in a decade.
Watch now to understand, and explore our annual Global Trends report, to learn about the record numbers of people being forced to flee their homes http://rfg.ee/yft5w.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/us
Iraq: Angelina Jolie Visits Displaced Iraqis
Iraq: Angelina Jolie Visits Displaced Iraqis
Iraq: Angelina Jolie Visits Displaced Iraqis
UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie recently visited internally displaced Iraqis living in an informal settlement and a formal camp at Khanke, near Dohuk. There, she heard dramatic stories of escape from the more than 20,000 Yazidis who fled Sinjar and surrounding areas last August.
Since Ms Jolie's last visit to Iraq in September 2012, the scale and gravity of the humanitarian situation have increased dramatically, as the conflicts in Syria and Iraq intensify and become intertwined.
"It is shocking to see how the humanitarian situation in Iraq has deteriorated since my last visit. On top of large numbers of Syrian refugees, two million Ira
3 Million Reasons Why Your Heart Will Break In One Video
3 Million Reasons Why Your Heart Will Break In One Video
3 Million Reasons Why Your Heart Will Break In One Video
I’ve been plunged into despair but I’ve been healed by looking around and seeing what we do for each other to bring each other back up from the depths.” Neil Gaiman
“We watch the news about Syria and the situation is bleak. In May when I travelled to Jordan with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and visited Zaatari and Azraq refugee camps with fashion designer Georgina Chapman and her husband, film producer, Harvey Weinstein, the scale of the refugee situation was extraordinary to us. Conflict was forcing innocent people in love with their country to abandon their homes and bleed, in their thousands, across its borders. How are they able to cope
UNHCR Supporters say #WordsMatter
UNHCR Supporters say #WordsMatter
UNHCR Supporters say #WordsMatter
The words we use matter - our UNHCR Goodwill Ambassadors and High Profile Supporters define the difference between "refugee" and "migrant".
Featuring: actors Cate Blanchett, Colin Firth, David Morrissey, Douglas Booth, Kristin Davis, John Abraham and Patrick Stewart, singers Barbara Hendricks and Rokia Traore, writer Neil Gaiman, model Helena Christensen and comedian/TV host Craig Ferguson.
A refugee is someone running for their life - fleeing war or persecution. They can't return home, it's too dangerous. Refugees are entitled to special protection under international law.
Learn more: http://www.unhcr.org/55df0e556.html
Subscribe t
シリア、マリ、南スーダン 三つの紛争とUNHCRの活動2012
シリア、マリ、南スーダン 三つの紛争とUNHCRの活動2012
シリア、マリ、南スーダン 三つの紛争とUNHCRの活動2012
シリア、マリ、南スーダン、三つの紛争を通して、今世界で起きている難民問題とUNHCR (ユー・エヌ・エイチ・シー・アール、国連難民高等弁務官事務所) の活動を紹介した動画です。 2012年、さらに内戦が激化したシリアでは既に難民が30万以上にのぼります。ビデオの中では、UNHCR特使であるアンジェリーナ・ジョリー...
UNHCR Jahresrückblick 2014
UNHCR Jahresrückblick 2014
UNHCR Jahresrückblick 2014
Die steigende Zahl von Flüchtlingen und Vertriebenen brachte in 2014 erneut große Herausforderungen für den Flüchtlingsschutz mit sich.
Mit der großzügigen Unterstützung tausender Spender konnten wir einen Teil dazu beitragen, dass unsere UNHCR-Kollegen weltweit lebensrettende und dringend benötigte Hilfe leisten konnten. Dafür wollen wir uns mit diesem kleinen Rückblick bedanken und zeigen, wo und wie wir auch in diesem Jahr gebraucht werden.
Bleibe auf dem Laufenden und folge uns auf
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1hyepxE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/unoflucht
Google+: http://bit.ly/1twT1ii
oder Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/u
UNHCR - Flucht & Vertreibung 2013
UNHCR - Flucht & Vertreibung 2013
UNHCR - Flucht & Vertreibung 2013
Über 51 Millionen Menschen sind weltweit auf der Flucht - der höchste Stand seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg.
Dieses Video gibt einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Arbeit von UNHCR weltweit.
Weitere Informationen, Zahlen und Fakten auf http://www.unhcr.de
UNHCR Making a Difference
UNHCR Making a Difference
UNHCR Making a Difference
What is the UN Refugee Agency? What does UNHCR do? Who does UNHCR help? When emergency strikes, how does UNHCR move aid in no time?
After an emergency strikes, UNHCR can react and send aid within 72 hours... here's a peek into our world and how we're helping the world's most vulnerable people.
Maher Zain - One Day | UNHCR’s Nansen Refugee Award Ceremony
Maher Zain - One Day | UNHCR’s Nansen Refugee Award Ceremony
Maher Zain - One Day | UNHCR’s Nansen Refugee Award Ceremony
Message from Maher Zain: "Support crowdfunding Raef's new video project (music produced by me)": http://www.launchgood.com/project/we_are_home
The song ‘One Day’ written in honour of refugees everywhere, and performed exclusively for UNHCR at the 60th anniversary of the Nansen Refugee Award Ceremony in Geneva, Switzerland. Maher Zain is a High Profile Supporter of UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees). If you you want to find out more about Maher's recent trip to Lebanon where he witnessed first hand the work UNHCR does with Syrian refugees, then visit: http://rfg.ee/BjVW4
Connect with Maher Zain :
UNHCR - The search for Syria
UNHCR - The search for Syria
UNHCR - The search for Syria
Under tiden kriget rasar i Syrien behöver nästan 4 miljoner människor på flykt UNHCR:s hjälp för att överleva. Stöd UNHCR:s arbete - SMS:a SYRIEN125 till 729 80 för att ge 125 kronor.
UNHCR ger människor på flykt skydd, tak över huvudet och förnödenheter. Bli månadsgivare på http://www.fnflykting.se
Donate from other Countries, please visit http://donate.unhcr.org/international/syria
Film production: http://www.svenssonreklam.se/
Special thanks to José González for the music http://www.jose-gonzalez.com/
YTN World launches application to contribute funds to UNHCR / YTN
YTN World launches application to contribute funds to UNHCR / YTN
YTN World launches application to contribute funds to UNHCR / YTN
YTN has launched a global campaign jointly with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to raise donations for the world body.
YTN President Cho Jun-Hee and Representative of UNHCR Korea Dirk Hebecker have signed an agreement on the joint campaign under which the Korean 24-hour news channel will donate the fees YTN sets aside to pay to Korean nationals abroad for their contribution to "YTN World App", YTN's overseas information-only application, to the UNHCR.
The application that runs pictures and stories contributed by overseas Koreans on their life was inaugurated today (Monday).
YTN will donate the collected fees to the UNHC
Angelina Jolie Interview 2011 - UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador
Angelina Jolie Interview 2011 - UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador
Angelina Jolie Interview 2011 - UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador
Angelina Jolie interviews with Martin Bell about her 10 years as a Goodwill Ambassador for UNHCR.
Keynote speech by UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie – UNHCR’s Nansen Refugee Award 2014
Keynote speech by UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie – UNHCR’s Nansen Refugee Award 2014
Keynote speech by UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie – UNHCR’s Nansen Refugee Award 2014
As a staunch advocate for ending sexual violence in conflict, Special Envoy for the High Commissioner for Refugees Angelina Jolie praised the work of the women of Butterflies in a special recorded message at the 2014 Nansen Refugee Award ceremony. The Nansen Refugee Award marks its 60th anniversary this year and is UNHCR's top humanitarian honour. A courageous Colombian women's rights network – Butterflies with New Wings Building a Future (Butterflies) – received the Award for its outstanding work to help victims of forced displacement and sexual abuse in Buenaventura, Colombia. Learn more: www.unhcr.org/nansen
Information for media:
If you
UNHCR: Refugee life in Rwanda
UNHCR: Refugee life in Rwanda
UNHCR: Refugee life in Rwanda
Learn what it's like to be a refugee living in Rwanda...
Hungary: Röszke Refugee Frustration
Hungary: Röszke Refugee Frustration
Hungary: Röszke Refugee Frustration
The flow of refugees into Hungary at the Serb border is unceasing. 2700 arrived overnight on September 7-8. They are held just inside the border but must wait, sometimes for days, to be registered so they can continue. It is difficult for people forced to camp in a field and their emotion can boil over.
‘I am telling him, I don’t want to stay here. Either let us go to the camp by walking or let us go free to go to West by buses, taxis.”
Read the latest: http://www.unhcr.org/55eedde56.html
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more inform
UNHCR campagna lasciti
UNHCR campagna lasciti
UNHCR campagna lasciti
Fare un lascito testamentario all'Agenzia ONU per i Rifugiati è un gesto straordinario che fa vivere per sempre i tuoi valori e dà una speranza a chi ha perso tutto. Quello che lasci li proteggerà.
Greece: Peril On The Mediterranean
Greece: Peril On The Mediterranean
Greece: Peril On The Mediterranean
“I have just been floating around in the water and then they found me and brought me here.”
Europe at last. Time for celebration. Tears. Reflection. Phone call.
A photo. A hug.
They’ve fled their homelands and made it to Greece. Now the trek through Europe begins. But surviving the boat crossing is never a sure thing.
In the last two days, as many as 40 people may have drowned in the 6km crossing from Turkey to Greece. A tragic reminder of the perils of the sea.
“They don’t see it as a risk compared to what they are leaving from in their home countries, leaving war and devastation and crossing a sea is not a risk that they see at all."
UNHCR Excom 2015: A World in Crisis
UNHCR's governing ExCom met in Geneva to review and advise on international protection and discuss a wide range of other issues with UNHCR and its intergovernmental and non-governmental partners.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
wn.com/Unhcr Excom 2015 A World In Crisis
UNHCR's governing ExCom met in Geneva to review and advise on international protection and discuss a wide range of other issues with UNHCR and its intergovernmental and non-governmental partners.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
- published: 05 Oct 2015
- views: 97
UNHCR Meet: Nation of the Displaced
UNHCR’s governing body, at its annual meeting, draws attention to the increasing numbers of displaced and the challenges of protecting and assisting them. The number of forcibly displaced people is equivalent to the 26th largest nation on earth.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
wn.com/Unhcr Meet Nation Of The Displaced
UNHCR’s governing body, at its annual meeting, draws attention to the increasing numbers of displaced and the challenges of protecting and assisting them. The number of forcibly displaced people is equivalent to the 26th largest nation on earth.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
- published: 07 Oct 2014
- views: 336
Austria: An Overwhelming Welcome
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
wn.com/Austria An Overwhelming Welcome
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
- published: 06 Sep 2015
- views: 5433
Greece: Syrian Aslan and his puppy Rose
"Some people will ask - you have only a small bag?"
"And you bring your dog?"
"I love my dog!"
Many animal lovers will relate to this. 17-year-old Aslan Al Hakim from Damascus, Syria. And we've seen many like him carrying their animals with them on the long journey from Syria, across the Mediterranean Sea and through Europe. When forced to flee home because of war, many people would never dream of leaving their pets behind.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
wn.com/Greece Syrian Aslan And His Puppy Rose
"Some people will ask - you have only a small bag?"
"And you bring your dog?"
"I love my dog!"
Many animal lovers will relate to this. 17-year-old Aslan Al Hakim from Damascus, Syria. And we've seen many like him carrying their animals with them on the long journey from Syria, across the Mediterranean Sea and through Europe. When forced to flee home because of war, many people would never dream of leaving their pets behind.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
- published: 21 Sep 2015
- views: 412
Croatia: Help at the Border
“If you are a refugee or an asylum seeker trying to get the train from here, your destination is unknown."
For days our colleague Babar has been in Tovarnik, Croatia with thousands of refugees waiting to board trains in Croatia. Here's the latest news straight from the scene.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
wn.com/Croatia Help At The Border
“If you are a refugee or an asylum seeker trying to get the train from here, your destination is unknown."
For days our colleague Babar has been in Tovarnik, Croatia with thousands of refugees waiting to board trains in Croatia. Here's the latest news straight from the scene.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
- published: 29 Sep 2015
- views: 170
Global Refugee Trends 2013 - June 2014
Over 51 million people are now forcibly displaced worldwide, the largest number since World War Two. Half of the worldwide refugee population in 2013 were children -- the most in a decade.
Watch now to understand, and explore our annual Global Trends report, to learn about the record numbers of people being forced to flee their homes http://rfg.ee/yft5w.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
wn.com/Global Refugee Trends 2013 June 2014
Over 51 million people are now forcibly displaced worldwide, the largest number since World War Two. Half of the worldwide refugee population in 2013 were children -- the most in a decade.
Watch now to understand, and explore our annual Global Trends report, to learn about the record numbers of people being forced to flee their homes http://rfg.ee/yft5w.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
- published: 19 Jun 2014
- views: 18387
Iraq: Angelina Jolie Visits Displaced Iraqis
UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie recently visited internally displaced Iraqis living in an informal settlement and a formal camp at Khanke, near Dohuk. There, she heard dramatic stories of escape from the more than 20,000 Yazidis who fled Sinjar and surrounding areas last August.
Since Ms Jolie's last visit to Iraq in September 2012, the scale and gravity of the humanitarian situation have increased dramatically, as the conflicts in Syria and Iraq intensify and become intertwined.
"It is shocking to see how the humanitarian situation in Iraq has deteriorated since my last visit. On top of large numbers of Syrian refugees, two million Iraqis were displaced by violence in 2014 alone. Many of these innocent people have been uprooted multiple times as they seek safety amidst shifting frontlines."
Read more: http://www.unhcr.org/54c5244d6.html
UNHCR would like to correct the "after 5 years of war" statement with the "4 years" at 2:06.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
wn.com/Iraq Angelina Jolie Visits Displaced Iraqis
UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie recently visited internally displaced Iraqis living in an informal settlement and a formal camp at Khanke, near Dohuk. There, she heard dramatic stories of escape from the more than 20,000 Yazidis who fled Sinjar and surrounding areas last August.
Since Ms Jolie's last visit to Iraq in September 2012, the scale and gravity of the humanitarian situation have increased dramatically, as the conflicts in Syria and Iraq intensify and become intertwined.
"It is shocking to see how the humanitarian situation in Iraq has deteriorated since my last visit. On top of large numbers of Syrian refugees, two million Iraqis were displaced by violence in 2014 alone. Many of these innocent people have been uprooted multiple times as they seek safety amidst shifting frontlines."
Read more: http://www.unhcr.org/54c5244d6.html
UNHCR would like to correct the "after 5 years of war" statement with the "4 years" at 2:06.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
- published: 26 Jan 2015
- views: 253960
3 Million Reasons Why Your Heart Will Break In One Video
I’ve been plunged into despair but I’ve been healed by looking around and seeing what we do for each other to bring each other back up from the depths.” Neil Gaiman
“We watch the news about Syria and the situation is bleak. In May when I travelled to Jordan with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and visited Zaatari and Azraq refugee camps with fashion designer Georgina Chapman and her husband, film producer, Harvey Weinstein, the scale of the refugee situation was extraordinary to us. Conflict was forcing innocent people in love with their country to abandon their homes and bleed, in their thousands, across its borders. How are they able to cope with losing everything? How are the neighbouring countries expected to cope with the flood of human beings overwhelming their infrastructure and their already scarce resources?
6 months on and the numbers of refugees and internally displaced have climbed, not inch by inch, but in dizzying numbers: over 6.4 million people displaced inside Syria, over 3 million refugees outside Syria. Spirits have been broken, homes wrecked, lives destroyed, and a generation of children traumatized.
But somehow, still, in amongst the horror and the nightmares, there are still many small and glorious stories of survival and hope, resilience and dignity. I have already shared many of them with you, but there are more to tell. I'm sharing them in order to build a connection between the people I have met – Ayman, Ibrahim, Um Murad and the rest - and with you. Yes, you. I'm asking, on their behalf and UNHCR’s, for help, because if you could have the conversations that we had, if only you could sit and speak to the refugees, face to face, you would see that we really are the same, that we really are part of one family. And, at its best, a family does all it can to support each other.” – Neil Gaiman
Please visit http://rfg.ee/D98RY to help now. If you’re in the UK, you can also text NEED2510 to 70070 to donate £10 now.
Original piano music was composed & recorded for this film by Amanda Palmer.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
wn.com/3 Million Reasons Why Your Heart Will Break In One Video
I’ve been plunged into despair but I’ve been healed by looking around and seeing what we do for each other to bring each other back up from the depths.” Neil Gaiman
“We watch the news about Syria and the situation is bleak. In May when I travelled to Jordan with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and visited Zaatari and Azraq refugee camps with fashion designer Georgina Chapman and her husband, film producer, Harvey Weinstein, the scale of the refugee situation was extraordinary to us. Conflict was forcing innocent people in love with their country to abandon their homes and bleed, in their thousands, across its borders. How are they able to cope with losing everything? How are the neighbouring countries expected to cope with the flood of human beings overwhelming their infrastructure and their already scarce resources?
6 months on and the numbers of refugees and internally displaced have climbed, not inch by inch, but in dizzying numbers: over 6.4 million people displaced inside Syria, over 3 million refugees outside Syria. Spirits have been broken, homes wrecked, lives destroyed, and a generation of children traumatized.
But somehow, still, in amongst the horror and the nightmares, there are still many small and glorious stories of survival and hope, resilience and dignity. I have already shared many of them with you, but there are more to tell. I'm sharing them in order to build a connection between the people I have met – Ayman, Ibrahim, Um Murad and the rest - and with you. Yes, you. I'm asking, on their behalf and UNHCR’s, for help, because if you could have the conversations that we had, if only you could sit and speak to the refugees, face to face, you would see that we really are the same, that we really are part of one family. And, at its best, a family does all it can to support each other.” – Neil Gaiman
Please visit http://rfg.ee/D98RY to help now. If you’re in the UK, you can also text NEED2510 to 70070 to donate £10 now.
Original piano music was composed & recorded for this film by Amanda Palmer.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
- published: 22 Oct 2014
- views: 76904
UNHCR Supporters say #WordsMatter
The words we use matter - our UNHCR Goodwill Ambassadors and High Profile Supporters define the difference between "refugee" and "migrant".
Featuring: actors Cate Blanchett, Colin Firth, David Morrissey, Douglas Booth, Kristin Davis, John Abraham and Patrick Stewart, singers Barbara Hendricks and Rokia Traore, writer Neil Gaiman, model Helena Christensen and comedian/TV host Craig Ferguson.
A refugee is someone running for their life - fleeing war or persecution. They can't return home, it's too dangerous. Refugees are entitled to special protection under international law.
Learn more: http://www.unhcr.org/55df0e556.html
Subscribe to our Channel to stay up to date with the latest in refugee news and crises: https://www.youtube.com/user/Aus4unhcr
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, UNHCR has helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
wn.com/Unhcr Supporters Say Wordsmatter
The words we use matter - our UNHCR Goodwill Ambassadors and High Profile Supporters define the difference between "refugee" and "migrant".
Featuring: actors Cate Blanchett, Colin Firth, David Morrissey, Douglas Booth, Kristin Davis, John Abraham and Patrick Stewart, singers Barbara Hendricks and Rokia Traore, writer Neil Gaiman, model Helena Christensen and comedian/TV host Craig Ferguson.
A refugee is someone running for their life - fleeing war or persecution. They can't return home, it's too dangerous. Refugees are entitled to special protection under international law.
Learn more: http://www.unhcr.org/55df0e556.html
Subscribe to our Channel to stay up to date with the latest in refugee news and crises: https://www.youtube.com/user/Aus4unhcr
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, UNHCR has helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
- published: 28 Sep 2015
- views: 45
- published: 02 Oct 2015
- views: 718
シリア、マリ、南スーダン 三つの紛争とUNHCRの活動2012
シリア、マリ、南スーダン、三つの紛争を通して、今世界で起きている難民問題とUNHCR (ユー・エヌ・エイチ・シー・アール、国連難民高等弁務官事務所) の活動を紹介した動画です。 2012年、さらに内戦が激化したシリアでは既に難民が30万以上にのぼります。ビデオの中では、UNHCR特使であるアンジェリーナ・ジョリー...
wn.com/シリア、マリ、南スーダン 三つの紛争とUnhcrの活動2012
シリア、マリ、南スーダン、三つの紛争を通して、今世界で起きている難民問題とUNHCR (ユー・エヌ・エイチ・シー・アール、国連難民高等弁務官事務所) の活動を紹介した動画です。 2012年、さらに内戦が激化したシリアでは既に難民が30万以上にのぼります。ビデオの中では、UNHCR特使であるアンジェリーナ・ジョリー...
UNHCR Jahresrückblick 2014
Die steigende Zahl von Flüchtlingen und Vertriebenen brachte in 2014 erneut große Herausforderungen für den Flüchtlingsschutz mit sich.
Mit der großzügigen Unterstützung tausender Spender konnten wir einen Teil dazu beitragen, dass unsere UNHCR-Kollegen weltweit lebensrettende und dringend benötigte Hilfe leisten konnten. Dafür wollen wir uns mit diesem kleinen Rückblick bedanken und zeigen, wo und wie wir auch in diesem Jahr gebraucht werden.
Bleibe auf dem Laufenden und folge uns auf
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1hyepxE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/unoflucht
Google+: http://bit.ly/1twT1ii
oder Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/uno-fluechtlingshilfe/
Unser Ziel: Flüchtlingsleben retten - Flüchtlingsrechte schützen
Wir, die UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe, sind der deutsche Spendenpartner des Flüchtlingshilfswerks der Vereinten Nationen (UNHCR). Wir unterstützen Flüchtlingsprojekte weltweit und informieren über aktuelle Krisensituationen.
Mehr erfahrt ihr unter http://www.uno-fluechtlingshilfe.de
Unterstütze unsere Arbeit für Flüchtlinge und abboniere unseren Kanal, like das Video und teile es mit deinen Freunden.
Vielen Dank für deine Hilfe!
wn.com/Unhcr Jahresrückblick 2014
Die steigende Zahl von Flüchtlingen und Vertriebenen brachte in 2014 erneut große Herausforderungen für den Flüchtlingsschutz mit sich.
Mit der großzügigen Unterstützung tausender Spender konnten wir einen Teil dazu beitragen, dass unsere UNHCR-Kollegen weltweit lebensrettende und dringend benötigte Hilfe leisten konnten. Dafür wollen wir uns mit diesem kleinen Rückblick bedanken und zeigen, wo und wie wir auch in diesem Jahr gebraucht werden.
Bleibe auf dem Laufenden und folge uns auf
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1hyepxE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/unoflucht
Google+: http://bit.ly/1twT1ii
oder Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/uno-fluechtlingshilfe/
Unser Ziel: Flüchtlingsleben retten - Flüchtlingsrechte schützen
Wir, die UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe, sind der deutsche Spendenpartner des Flüchtlingshilfswerks der Vereinten Nationen (UNHCR). Wir unterstützen Flüchtlingsprojekte weltweit und informieren über aktuelle Krisensituationen.
Mehr erfahrt ihr unter http://www.uno-fluechtlingshilfe.de
Unterstütze unsere Arbeit für Flüchtlinge und abboniere unseren Kanal, like das Video und teile es mit deinen Freunden.
Vielen Dank für deine Hilfe!
- published: 12 Jan 2015
- views: 429
UNHCR - Flucht & Vertreibung 2013
Über 51 Millionen Menschen sind weltweit auf der Flucht - der höchste Stand seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg.
Dieses Video gibt einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Arbeit von UNHCR weltweit.
Weitere Informationen, Zahlen und Fakten auf http://www.unhcr.de
wn.com/Unhcr Flucht Vertreibung 2013
Über 51 Millionen Menschen sind weltweit auf der Flucht - der höchste Stand seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg.
Dieses Video gibt einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Arbeit von UNHCR weltweit.
Weitere Informationen, Zahlen und Fakten auf http://www.unhcr.de
- published: 30 Sep 2014
- views: 280
UNHCR Making a Difference
What is the UN Refugee Agency? What does UNHCR do? Who does UNHCR help? When emergency strikes, how does UNHCR move aid in no time?
After an emergency strikes, UNHCR can react and send aid within 72 hours... here's a peek into our world and how we're helping the world's most vulnerable people.
wn.com/Unhcr Making A Difference
What is the UN Refugee Agency? What does UNHCR do? Who does UNHCR help? When emergency strikes, how does UNHCR move aid in no time?
After an emergency strikes, UNHCR can react and send aid within 72 hours... here's a peek into our world and how we're helping the world's most vulnerable people.
- published: 27 Apr 2011
- views: 5195
Maher Zain - One Day | UNHCR’s Nansen Refugee Award Ceremony
Message from Maher Zain: "Support crowdfunding Raef's new video project (music produced by me)": http://www.launchgood.com/project/we_are_home
The song ‘One Day’ written in honour of refugees everywhere, and performed exclusively for UNHCR at the 60th anniversary of the Nansen Refugee Award Ceremony in Geneva, Switzerland. Maher Zain is a High Profile Supporter of UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees). If you you want to find out more about Maher's recent trip to Lebanon where he witnessed first hand the work UNHCR does with Syrian refugees, then visit: http://rfg.ee/BjVW4
Connect with Maher Zain :
Subscribe to receive Maher Zain's updates here:
Buy and/or download Maher Zain's album here:
Awakening Records is a subsidiary of the UK-based Awakening Worldwide that has operational offices in both United States of America (USA) and Egypt.
Awakening Records currently represents five artists: Maher Zain (Sweden), Mesut Kurtis (Macedonia), Hamza Namira (Egypt), Raef (USA) and Harris J (UK). (Previously Sami Yusuf & Irfan Makki among others).
Connect with us at Awakening Records:
Subscribe to our official YouTube channel:
One Day - Lyrics:
Lying here wide awake on my own now
Silence is the loudest cry
I'm safe but I've lost everything I've known
I can smile because the pain has gone
But cry because it's where i'm from
God I turn to You to make me strong again
One day I can reach that rainbow
Watch the sweet reflection
Shining off my first home
I'd give anything to see my family again
And say how much I love them
That's all I imagine
One day
I wish I could go back tomorrow
If it's only for just one second
Put warmth back into a town that's frozen
I can smile because the pain has gone
But cry because it's where i'm from
God I turn to You to make me strong again
One day I can reach that rainbow
Watch the sweet reflection
Shining off my first home
I'd give anything to see my family again
And say how much I love them
That's all I imagine
One day
I have cried so many times
And all those tears have washed my eyes
I see clearly into the light
'Cause I believe
I know one day I'll be home again
To start a new life, with peace everywhere
Right from the start until the end
I believe
That one day
I can reach that rainbow
Watch the sweet reflection
Shining off my first home
I'd give anything to see my family again
And say how much I love them
That's all I imagine
One day, one day
I believe that one day
One day
Writers: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain & Moh Denebi
wn.com/Maher Zain One Day | Unhcr’S Nansen Refugee Award Ceremony
Message from Maher Zain: "Support crowdfunding Raef's new video project (music produced by me)": http://www.launchgood.com/project/we_are_home
The song ‘One Day’ written in honour of refugees everywhere, and performed exclusively for UNHCR at the 60th anniversary of the Nansen Refugee Award Ceremony in Geneva, Switzerland. Maher Zain is a High Profile Supporter of UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees). If you you want to find out more about Maher's recent trip to Lebanon where he witnessed first hand the work UNHCR does with Syrian refugees, then visit: http://rfg.ee/BjVW4
Connect with Maher Zain :
Subscribe to receive Maher Zain's updates here:
Buy and/or download Maher Zain's album here:
Awakening Records is a subsidiary of the UK-based Awakening Worldwide that has operational offices in both United States of America (USA) and Egypt.
Awakening Records currently represents five artists: Maher Zain (Sweden), Mesut Kurtis (Macedonia), Hamza Namira (Egypt), Raef (USA) and Harris J (UK). (Previously Sami Yusuf & Irfan Makki among others).
Connect with us at Awakening Records:
Subscribe to our official YouTube channel:
One Day - Lyrics:
Lying here wide awake on my own now
Silence is the loudest cry
I'm safe but I've lost everything I've known
I can smile because the pain has gone
But cry because it's where i'm from
God I turn to You to make me strong again
One day I can reach that rainbow
Watch the sweet reflection
Shining off my first home
I'd give anything to see my family again
And say how much I love them
That's all I imagine
One day
I wish I could go back tomorrow
If it's only for just one second
Put warmth back into a town that's frozen
I can smile because the pain has gone
But cry because it's where i'm from
God I turn to You to make me strong again
One day I can reach that rainbow
Watch the sweet reflection
Shining off my first home
I'd give anything to see my family again
And say how much I love them
That's all I imagine
One day
I have cried so many times
And all those tears have washed my eyes
I see clearly into the light
'Cause I believe
I know one day I'll be home again
To start a new life, with peace everywhere
Right from the start until the end
I believe
That one day
I can reach that rainbow
Watch the sweet reflection
Shining off my first home
I'd give anything to see my family again
And say how much I love them
That's all I imagine
One day, one day
I believe that one day
One day
Writers: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain & Moh Denebi
- published: 16 Oct 2014
- views: 400881
UNHCR - The search for Syria
Under tiden kriget rasar i Syrien behöver nästan 4 miljoner människor på flykt UNHCR:s hjälp för att överleva. Stöd UNHCR:s arbete - SMS:a SYRIEN125 till 729 80 för att ge 125 kronor.
UNHCR ger människor på flykt skydd, tak över huvudet och förnödenheter. Bli månadsgivare på http://www.fnflykting.se
Donate from other Countries, please visit http://donate.unhcr.org/international/syria
Film production: http://www.svenssonreklam.se/
Special thanks to José González for the music http://www.jose-gonzalez.com/
wn.com/Unhcr The Search For Syria
Under tiden kriget rasar i Syrien behöver nästan 4 miljoner människor på flykt UNHCR:s hjälp för att överleva. Stöd UNHCR:s arbete - SMS:a SYRIEN125 till 729 80 för att ge 125 kronor.
UNHCR ger människor på flykt skydd, tak över huvudet och förnödenheter. Bli månadsgivare på http://www.fnflykting.se
Donate from other Countries, please visit http://donate.unhcr.org/international/syria
Film production: http://www.svenssonreklam.se/
Special thanks to José González for the music http://www.jose-gonzalez.com/
- published: 26 Jan 2015
- views: 1702
YTN World launches application to contribute funds to UNHCR / YTN
YTN has launched a global campaign jointly with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to raise donations for the world body.
YTN President Cho Jun-Hee and Representative of UNHCR Korea Dirk Hebecker have signed an agreement on the joint campaign under which the Korean 24-hour news channel will donate the fees YTN sets aside to pay to Korean nationals abroad for their contribution to "YTN World App", YTN's overseas information-only application, to the UNHCR.
The application that runs pictures and stories contributed by overseas Koreans on their life was inaugurated today (Monday).
YTN will donate the collected fees to the UNHCR on a biannual basis.
▶ 기사 원문 : http://www.ytn.co.kr/_pn/1207_201510051031073651
▶ 제보 안내 : http://goo.gl/gEvsAL, 모바일앱, 8585@ytn.co.kr, #2424
▣ YTN 유튜브 채널 구독 : http://goo.gl/Ytb5SZ
[ 한국 뉴스 채널 와이티엔 / Korea News Channel YTN ]
wn.com/Ytn World Launches Application To Contribute Funds To Unhcr Ytn
YTN has launched a global campaign jointly with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to raise donations for the world body.
YTN President Cho Jun-Hee and Representative of UNHCR Korea Dirk Hebecker have signed an agreement on the joint campaign under which the Korean 24-hour news channel will donate the fees YTN sets aside to pay to Korean nationals abroad for their contribution to "YTN World App", YTN's overseas information-only application, to the UNHCR.
The application that runs pictures and stories contributed by overseas Koreans on their life was inaugurated today (Monday).
YTN will donate the collected fees to the UNHCR on a biannual basis.
▶ 기사 원문 : http://www.ytn.co.kr/_pn/1207_201510051031073651
▶ 제보 안내 : http://goo.gl/gEvsAL, 모바일앱, 8585@ytn.co.kr, #2424
▣ YTN 유튜브 채널 구독 : http://goo.gl/Ytb5SZ
[ 한국 뉴스 채널 와이티엔 / Korea News Channel YTN ]
- published: 05 Oct 2015
- views: 9
Angelina Jolie Interview 2011 - UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador
Angelina Jolie interviews with Martin Bell about her 10 years as a Goodwill Ambassador for UNHCR.
wn.com/Angelina Jolie Interview 2011 Unhcr Goodwill Ambassador
Angelina Jolie interviews with Martin Bell about her 10 years as a Goodwill Ambassador for UNHCR.
Keynote speech by UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie – UNHCR’s Nansen Refugee Award 2014
As a staunch advocate for ending sexual violence in conflict, Special Envoy for the High Commissioner for Refugees Angelina Jolie praised the work of the women of Butterflies in a special recorded message at the 2014 Nansen Refugee Award ceremony. The Nansen Refugee Award marks its 60th anniversary this year and is UNHCR's top humanitarian honour. A courageous Colombian women's rights network – Butterflies with New Wings Building a Future (Butterflies) – received the Award for its outstanding work to help victims of forced displacement and sexual abuse in Buenaventura, Colombia. Learn more: www.unhcr.org/nansen
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
wn.com/Keynote Speech By Unhcr Special Envoy Angelina Jolie – Unhcr’S Nansen Refugee Award 2014
As a staunch advocate for ending sexual violence in conflict, Special Envoy for the High Commissioner for Refugees Angelina Jolie praised the work of the women of Butterflies in a special recorded message at the 2014 Nansen Refugee Award ceremony. The Nansen Refugee Award marks its 60th anniversary this year and is UNHCR's top humanitarian honour. A courageous Colombian women's rights network – Butterflies with New Wings Building a Future (Butterflies) – received the Award for its outstanding work to help victims of forced displacement and sexual abuse in Buenaventura, Colombia. Learn more: www.unhcr.org/nansen
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
- published: 01 Oct 2014
- views: 147
UNHCR: Refugee life in Rwanda
Learn what it's like to be a refugee living in Rwanda...
wn.com/Unhcr Refugee Life In Rwanda
Learn what it's like to be a refugee living in Rwanda...
- published: 12 Dec 2014
- views: 59
Hungary: Röszke Refugee Frustration
The flow of refugees into Hungary at the Serb border is unceasing. 2700 arrived overnight on September 7-8. They are held just inside the border but must wait, sometimes for days, to be registered so they can continue. It is difficult for people forced to camp in a field and their emotion can boil over.
‘I am telling him, I don’t want to stay here. Either let us go to the camp by walking or let us go free to go to West by buses, taxis.”
Read the latest: http://www.unhcr.org/55eedde56.html
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
wn.com/Hungary Röszke Refugee Frustration
The flow of refugees into Hungary at the Serb border is unceasing. 2700 arrived overnight on September 7-8. They are held just inside the border but must wait, sometimes for days, to be registered so they can continue. It is difficult for people forced to camp in a field and their emotion can boil over.
‘I am telling him, I don’t want to stay here. Either let us go to the camp by walking or let us go free to go to West by buses, taxis.”
Read the latest: http://www.unhcr.org/55eedde56.html
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
- published: 09 Sep 2015
- views: 4720
UNHCR campagna lasciti
Fare un lascito testamentario all'Agenzia ONU per i Rifugiati è un gesto straordinario che fa vivere per sempre i tuoi valori e dà una speranza a chi ha perso tutto. Quello che lasci li proteggerà.
wn.com/Unhcr Campagna Lasciti
Fare un lascito testamentario all'Agenzia ONU per i Rifugiati è un gesto straordinario che fa vivere per sempre i tuoi valori e dà una speranza a chi ha perso tutto. Quello che lasci li proteggerà.
- published: 08 May 2015
- views: 1075
Greece: Peril On The Mediterranean
“I have just been floating around in the water and then they found me and brought me here.”
Europe at last. Time for celebration. Tears. Reflection. Phone call.
A photo. A hug.
They’ve fled their homelands and made it to Greece. Now the trek through Europe begins. But surviving the boat crossing is never a sure thing.
In the last two days, as many as 40 people may have drowned in the 6km crossing from Turkey to Greece. A tragic reminder of the perils of the sea.
“They don’t see it as a risk compared to what they are leaving from in their home countries, leaving war and devastation and crossing a sea is not a risk that they see at all."
The overwhelming majority are successful and make it to the island of Lesbos, the main entry-point for Europe. Over 300,000 refugees have fled to Greece this year. The majority coming in the last two months.
Even faced with a challenging onward journey, they continue to splash onto Europe’s shores.
Read the latest: http://www.unhcr.org/55ff19226.html
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
(Greece: Peril On The Sea)
wn.com/Greece Peril On The Mediterranean
“I have just been floating around in the water and then they found me and brought me here.”
Europe at last. Time for celebration. Tears. Reflection. Phone call.
A photo. A hug.
They’ve fled their homelands and made it to Greece. Now the trek through Europe begins. But surviving the boat crossing is never a sure thing.
In the last two days, as many as 40 people may have drowned in the 6km crossing from Turkey to Greece. A tragic reminder of the perils of the sea.
“They don’t see it as a risk compared to what they are leaving from in their home countries, leaving war and devastation and crossing a sea is not a risk that they see at all."
The overwhelming majority are successful and make it to the island of Lesbos, the main entry-point for Europe. Over 300,000 refugees have fled to Greece this year. The majority coming in the last two months.
Even faced with a challenging onward journey, they continue to splash onto Europe’s shores.
Read the latest: http://www.unhcr.org/55ff19226.html
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
(Greece: Peril On The Sea)
- published: 22 Sep 2015
- views: 356
難民映画祭に寄せて ゲール・ドゥエイニーUNHCR親善大使からのメッセージ
難民映画祭に寄せて ゲール・ドゥエイニーUNHCR親善大使からのメッセージ
難民映画祭に寄せて ゲール・ドゥエイニーUNHCR親善大使からのメッセージ
Looking for Hany: On the Road Again - 4/5
Looking for Hany: On the Road Again - 4/5
Looking for Hany: On the Road Again - 4/5
The last time Hany travelled, it was to the sound of bombs as they fell on his home town Homs. Three years later, he is packing his bag again, but this time, not in haste. He and his family are going to live in Canada, where they have been granted asylum. When the moment to leave finally, the whole camp turns up to bade farewell. Hany doesn’t know if he will ever see his friends and family again, but a whole new world lies ahead for them, in the heart of the Canadian Prairies.
Hany Al Moliya is a Syrian refugee. For three years, he and his family have been living in a small camp in Lebanon. Life in exile is especially hard for Hany, who
The Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia: The Train Station
The Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia: The Train Station
The Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia: The Train Station
Each day the number of refugees (and migrants) crossing from Greece into the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia increases. Most are from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. UNHCR is working with the government to improve registration, and to building a ‘waiting area’ with better conditions near the train station. The goal of most is to get to Western Europe, but without a registration paper they are stuck. Despite registering 2,200 people a day, conditions are chaotic, as people wait in the sun and sleep in the street while they wait.
Once registered, they jam the trains that would take them to the Serbian border. Others take buses. Some
Croatia: A New Start
Croatia: A New Start
Croatia: A New Start
Croatia’s new transit centre for refugees and migrants opened on Monday as thousands of Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis were bussed in from the Serbian border for registration, food and medical support, before continuing their journey onward to Hungary.
They come with a unique story of why they made this journey into Europe.
We profile refugees, Joumana a Palestinian Syrian refugee from Yarmouk camp who undertook the journey in her wheelchair, and Ali from Iraq, who escaped death three times but his body still carries the scars.
Read the latest on http://www.unhcr.org/
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communica
Cate Blanchett Speaks Out for Refugees
Cate Blanchett Speaks Out for Refugees
Cate Blanchett Speaks Out for Refugees
As a High Profile Supporter of UNHCR, Cate Blanchett is helping to focus world attention on the enormity of the refugee crisis in Europe.
USA for UNHCR provides critical support to the UN Refugee Agency to provide basic needs for refugees – like shelter, water, food, safety and protection from harm – in order to build a better future for millions of refugees and other displaced people.
Together we can give refugees hope and help them rebuild their lives.
Donate now. https://donate.unrefugees.org/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=1873&ea.campaign.id;=42447
UNHCR besucht den Grenzübergang Saalachbrücke
UNHCR besucht den Grenzübergang Saalachbrücke
UNHCR besucht den Grenzübergang Saalachbrücke
هنغاريا تبدأ بتقديم المساعدة
هنغاريا تبدأ بتقديم المساعدة
هنغاريا تبدأ بتقديم المساعدة
ما زال اللاجئون والمهاجرون يصلون من صربيا إلى هنغاريا بالآلاف. ولكن الآن، وبفضل طلبٍ من الحكومة الهنغارية، تساعد المفوضية على التنظيم وتسريع التعامل مع الوافدين الجدد.
معلومات لوسائل الإعلام:
إذا كنتم ترغبون في استخدام مقاطع الفيديو المصورة هذه لرواية قصص اللاجئين، أو بحاجة إلى الحصول على نسخة تحرير خطية، أو نسخة طبق الأصل، أو صور أو مزيد من المعلومات، يُرجى الاتصال بـ: kahel@unhcr.org أو drozditb@unhcr.org أو tibaw@unhcr.org.
تعمل المفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين على حماية ومساعدة الفارِّين جرَّاء الحرب والاضطهاد. وقد ساعدت المفوضية عشرات الملايين من الأشخاص منذ عام 1950 ليجدوا الأمان ويعيدوا بناء حياتهم. بدعمكم سنتمكن م
Croatia: From One Border To The Next
Croatia: From One Border To The Next
Croatia: From One Border To The Next
Update from one of the few border crossings between Serbia and Croatia still open to refugees and migrants to cross from.
Hundreds piled up at the border every few hours. They were then taken either directly to the border with Hungary or to a transit centre a few kilometres away to wait for their turn to be taken onto buses to the next border stop.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unh
Matbrist UNHCR har inga pengar
Matbrist UNHCR har inga pengar
Matbrist UNHCR har inga pengar
Piştî 3 salan UNHCR serdana Kampa Muqbîlê kir
Piştî 3 salan UNHCR serdana Kampa Muqbîlê kir
Piştî 3 salan UNHCR serdana Kampa Muqbîlê kir
Looking for Hany: The Call That Changed It All - 3/5
Looking for Hany: The Call That Changed It All - 3/5
Looking for Hany: The Call That Changed It All - 3/5
Hany Almoliya is losing hope. Three years have passed since the war in Syria began and there are no signs that peace will be returning to his country. Hany sees his dreams slipping further away. Then one day he gets a phone call that changes his life. He hears that his family’s application for asylum to Canada has been accepted. The family travel to Beirut to the Canadian Embassy to find out where they will be living.
Hany Al Moliya is a Syrian refugee. For three years, he and his family have been living in a small camp in Lebanon. Life in exile is especially hard for Hany, who suffers from a debilitating eye condition called ‘nystagmus
Looking for Hany: Because We Are Too Many - 2/5
Looking for Hany: Because We Are Too Many - 2/5
Looking for Hany: Because We Are Too Many - 2/5
Over one million Syrian refugees have sought shelter in Lebanon since the conflict began. The pressures of accommodating such a huge influx are evident wherever you look. Hany’s father can’t find work, the family live off food vouchers, and living conditions at the camp are basic. Nor can Hany access the medical attention he needs for his eye condition. But with the war raging on and a return to Syria increasingly impossible, Hany knows that they no other choice but to accept the reality of their situation.
- -
Hany Al Moliya is a Syrian refugee. For three years, he and his family have been living in a small camp in Lebanon. Life in exile i
UNHCR hjälper längs flyktvägarna i Europa
UNHCR hjälper längs flyktvägarna i Europa
UNHCR hjälper längs flyktvägarna i Europa
Mahmoud, hans hustru Sabah och deras två små pojkar Jawad (4 år) och Zayd (5 år) har varit på flykt från kriget i Syrien sedan 27 augusti. Nu befinner de sig i Ungern och vill bara komma vidare till en plats där de är trygga.
Mahmoud berättar:
Den enda ljuspunkten under resan var UNHCR.
Vår resa började i Syrien där situationen mycket sorglig och farlig – det är värst för för barnen.
FN fanns på plats för oss längs hela vägen. När vi kom till Grekland gav de oss vatten, kex och barnkläder. I Makedonien, Serbien och här – i Ungern - var det samma sak.
Vi har fått ett tält, sovsäckar, lakan, kläder, skor, dricka, mat och vatten. Alla nödvä
7NEWS - kanal informativ Shqiptar - Tring TV
Kanali informativ i Platformes Shqiptare Televizive dixhitale Tring TV.
Lajmet më të fundit vijnë tek ju në kohë rekord, nga gazetarët tanë në terren 24 orë gjatë 7 ditëve të javës.
On #NextSG, ICP Asks Why Process for Next UNHCR Chief UNtransparency, Costa Rica PR Replies
On #NextSG, ICP Asks Why Process for Next UNHCR Chief UNtransparency, Costa Rica PR Replies
On #NextSG, ICP Asks Why Process for Next UNHCR Chief UNtransparency, Costa Rica PR Replies
On Picking Next SG, ICP Asks of Top Refugees Post, Sept 26 Meeting
By Matthew Russell Lee
UNITED NATIONS, September 22 -- How should the next UN Secretary General be selected, to improve the Organization?
On September 22, after the Permanent Representatives of Estonia and Costa Rica announced a high level meeting on the topic on September 26; Estonia's Sven Jürgenson said his priority is the best candidate, not necessarily from the Eastern European group.
Inner City Press asked if this same push for transparency applies to the current murky process of selecting the new High Commissioner for Refugees, of which it is said Ban Ki-moon a
UNHCR says EU must go beyond relocating 120,000 refugees
UNHCR says EU must go beyond relocating 120,000 refugees
UNHCR says EU must go beyond relocating 120,000 refugees
A European Union proposal to find spaces for 120,000 refugees will not work unless reception facilities are provided for tens of thousands at any time, the U.N. refugee agency said on Tuesday.
"A relocation program alone, at this stage in the crisis, will not be enough to stabilize the situation," UNHCR spokeswoman Melissa Fleming said.
UNHCR was no longer expecting a mandatory quota of relocation spaces allocated between EU countries, which it had hoped for, but urged EU leaders to back the 120,000 places as an emergency response, on top of 40,000 places for refugees who have arrived in Greece and Italy.
The new figure of 120,000 represen
UNHCR Refugees Are Not To Be Feared
UNHCR Refugees Are Not To Be Feared
UNHCR Refugees Are Not To Be Feared
UNHCR kërkon unitet europian për t’u ardhur në ndihmë refugjatëve
UNHCR kërkon unitet europian për t’u ardhur në ndihmë refugjatëve
UNHCR kërkon unitet europian për t’u ardhur në ndihmë refugjatëve
Per me shume video,lajme vizitoni website http://balkanweb.com
Looking for Hany: Still Lives 1/5
Looking for Hany: Still Lives 1/5
Looking for Hany: Still Lives 1/5
Hany Al Moliya is a Syrian refugee. For three years, he and his family have been living in a small camp in Lebanon. Life in exile is especially hard for Hany, who suffers from a debilitating eye condition called ‘nystagmus’, which means he can't focus on anything more than 10 centimetres away.
In spite of his condition, Hany refuses to give up. He decides to start taking photos in the camps. He wants the world to see the realities of their lives as refugees.
Learn more: http://tracks.unhcr.org/2015/09/looking-for-hany/
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts
UNHCR supporting families
UNHCR supporting families
UNHCR supporting families
Thanks to you Mahmoud and his family have received vital assistance in their journey across Europe. UNHCR has supported and advised them at each border stop along the way.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find sa
Looking for Hany: On the Road Again - 4/5
The last time Hany travelled, it was to the sound of bombs as they fell on his home town Homs. Three years later, he is packing his bag again, but this time, not in haste. He and his family are going to live in Canada, where they have been granted asylum. When the moment to leave finally, the whole camp turns up to bade farewell. Hany doesn’t know if he will ever see his friends and family again, but a whole new world lies ahead for them, in the heart of the Canadian Prairies.
Hany Al Moliya is a Syrian refugee. For three years, he and his family have been living in a small camp in Lebanon. Life in exile is especially hard for Hany, who suffers from a debilitating eye condition called ‘nystagmus’, which means he can't focus on anything more than 10 centimetres away.
In spite of his condition, Hany refuses to give up. He decides to start taking photos in the camps. He wants the world to see the realities of their lives as refugees.
Learn more: http://tracks.unhcr.org/2015/09/looking-for-hany/
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
wn.com/Looking For Hany On The Road Again 4 5
The last time Hany travelled, it was to the sound of bombs as they fell on his home town Homs. Three years later, he is packing his bag again, but this time, not in haste. He and his family are going to live in Canada, where they have been granted asylum. When the moment to leave finally, the whole camp turns up to bade farewell. Hany doesn’t know if he will ever see his friends and family again, but a whole new world lies ahead for them, in the heart of the Canadian Prairies.
Hany Al Moliya is a Syrian refugee. For three years, he and his family have been living in a small camp in Lebanon. Life in exile is especially hard for Hany, who suffers from a debilitating eye condition called ‘nystagmus’, which means he can't focus on anything more than 10 centimetres away.
In spite of his condition, Hany refuses to give up. He decides to start taking photos in the camps. He wants the world to see the realities of their lives as refugees.
Learn more: http://tracks.unhcr.org/2015/09/looking-for-hany/
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
- published: 24 Sep 2015
- views: 81
The Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia: The Train Station
Each day the number of refugees (and migrants) crossing from Greece into the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia increases. Most are from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. UNHCR is working with the government to improve registration, and to building a ‘waiting area’ with better conditions near the train station. The goal of most is to get to Western Europe, but without a registration paper they are stuck. Despite registering 2,200 people a day, conditions are chaotic, as people wait in the sun and sleep in the street while they wait.
Once registered, they jam the trains that would take them to the Serbian border. Others take buses. Some with money take taxis.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
wn.com/The Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia The Train Station
Each day the number of refugees (and migrants) crossing from Greece into the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia increases. Most are from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. UNHCR is working with the government to improve registration, and to building a ‘waiting area’ with better conditions near the train station. The goal of most is to get to Western Europe, but without a registration paper they are stuck. Despite registering 2,200 people a day, conditions are chaotic, as people wait in the sun and sleep in the street while they wait.
Once registered, they jam the trains that would take them to the Serbian border. Others take buses. Some with money take taxis.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
- published: 24 Sep 2015
- views: 87
Croatia: A New Start
Croatia’s new transit centre for refugees and migrants opened on Monday as thousands of Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis were bussed in from the Serbian border for registration, food and medical support, before continuing their journey onward to Hungary.
They come with a unique story of why they made this journey into Europe.
We profile refugees, Joumana a Palestinian Syrian refugee from Yarmouk camp who undertook the journey in her wheelchair, and Ali from Iraq, who escaped death three times but his body still carries the scars.
Read the latest on http://www.unhcr.org/
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
wn.com/Croatia A New Start
Croatia’s new transit centre for refugees and migrants opened on Monday as thousands of Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis were bussed in from the Serbian border for registration, food and medical support, before continuing their journey onward to Hungary.
They come with a unique story of why they made this journey into Europe.
We profile refugees, Joumana a Palestinian Syrian refugee from Yarmouk camp who undertook the journey in her wheelchair, and Ali from Iraq, who escaped death three times but his body still carries the scars.
Read the latest on http://www.unhcr.org/
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
- published: 24 Sep 2015
- views: 63
Cate Blanchett Speaks Out for Refugees
As a High Profile Supporter of UNHCR, Cate Blanchett is helping to focus world attention on the enormity of the refugee crisis in Europe.
USA for UNHCR provides critical support to the UN Refugee Agency to provide basic needs for refugees – like shelter, water, food, safety and protection from harm – in order to build a better future for millions of refugees and other displaced people.
Together we can give refugees hope and help them rebuild their lives.
Donate now. https://donate.unrefugees.org/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=1873&ea.campaign.id;=42447
wn.com/Cate Blanchett Speaks Out For Refugees
As a High Profile Supporter of UNHCR, Cate Blanchett is helping to focus world attention on the enormity of the refugee crisis in Europe.
USA for UNHCR provides critical support to the UN Refugee Agency to provide basic needs for refugees – like shelter, water, food, safety and protection from harm – in order to build a better future for millions of refugees and other displaced people.
Together we can give refugees hope and help them rebuild their lives.
Donate now. https://donate.unrefugees.org/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=1873&ea.campaign.id;=42447
- published: 24 Sep 2015
- views: 15
هنغاريا تبدأ بتقديم المساعدة
ما زال اللاجئون والمهاجرون يصلون من صربيا إلى هنغاريا بالآلاف. ولكن الآن، وبفضل طلبٍ من الحكومة الهنغارية، تساعد المفوضية على التنظيم وتسريع التعامل مع الوافدين الجدد.
معلومات لوسائل الإعلام:
إذا كنتم ترغبون في استخدام مقاطع الفيديو المصورة هذه لرواية قصص اللاجئين، أو بحاجة إلى الحصول على نسخة تحرير خطية، أو نسخة طبق الأصل، أو صور أو مزيد من المعلومات، يُرجى الاتصال بـ: kahel@unhcr.org أو drozditb@unhcr.org أو tibaw@unhcr.org.
تعمل المفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين على حماية ومساعدة الفارِّين جرَّاء الحرب والاضطهاد. وقد ساعدت المفوضية عشرات الملايين من الأشخاص منذ عام 1950 ليجدوا الأمان ويعيدوا بناء حياتهم. بدعمكم سنتمكن من إعادة الأمل لكثيرين غيرهم.
يمكنكم قراءة المزيد http://unhcr-arabic.org
بإمكانكم دعم عملكم مع اللاجئين عن طريق الاشتراك في هذه القناة، وإبداء إعجابكم بهذا الفيديو، وتبادله مع الأصدقاء والآخرين. شكراً لمساعدتكم.
wn.com/هنغاريا تبدأ بتقديم المساعدة
ما زال اللاجئون والمهاجرون يصلون من صربيا إلى هنغاريا بالآلاف. ولكن الآن، وبفضل طلبٍ من الحكومة الهنغارية، تساعد المفوضية على التنظيم وتسريع التعامل مع الوافدين الجدد.
معلومات لوسائل الإعلام:
إذا كنتم ترغبون في استخدام مقاطع الفيديو المصورة هذه لرواية قصص اللاجئين، أو بحاجة إلى الحصول على نسخة تحرير خطية، أو نسخة طبق الأصل، أو صور أو مزيد من المعلومات، يُرجى الاتصال بـ: kahel@unhcr.org أو drozditb@unhcr.org أو tibaw@unhcr.org.
تعمل المفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين على حماية ومساعدة الفارِّين جرَّاء الحرب والاضطهاد. وقد ساعدت المفوضية عشرات الملايين من الأشخاص منذ عام 1950 ليجدوا الأمان ويعيدوا بناء حياتهم. بدعمكم سنتمكن من إعادة الأمل لكثيرين غيرهم.
يمكنكم قراءة المزيد http://unhcr-arabic.org
بإمكانكم دعم عملكم مع اللاجئين عن طريق الاشتراك في هذه القناة، وإبداء إعجابكم بهذا الفيديو، وتبادله مع الأصدقاء والآخرين. شكراً لمساعدتكم.
- published: 24 Sep 2015
- views: 279
Croatia: From One Border To The Next
Update from one of the few border crossings between Serbia and Croatia still open to refugees and migrants to cross from.
Hundreds piled up at the border every few hours. They were then taken either directly to the border with Hungary or to a transit centre a few kilometres away to wait for their turn to be taken onto buses to the next border stop.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
wn.com/Croatia From One Border To The Next
Update from one of the few border crossings between Serbia and Croatia still open to refugees and migrants to cross from.
Hundreds piled up at the border every few hours. They were then taken either directly to the border with Hungary or to a transit centre a few kilometres away to wait for their turn to be taken onto buses to the next border stop.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
- published: 24 Sep 2015
- views: 83
Looking for Hany: The Call That Changed It All - 3/5
Hany Almoliya is losing hope. Three years have passed since the war in Syria began and there are no signs that peace will be returning to his country. Hany sees his dreams slipping further away. Then one day he gets a phone call that changes his life. He hears that his family’s application for asylum to Canada has been accepted. The family travel to Beirut to the Canadian Embassy to find out where they will be living.
Hany Al Moliya is a Syrian refugee. For three years, he and his family have been living in a small camp in Lebanon. Life in exile is especially hard for Hany, who suffers from a debilitating eye condition called ‘nystagmus’, which means he can't focus on anything more than 10 centimetres away.
In spite of his condition, Hany refuses to give up. He decides to start taking photos in the camps. He wants the world to see the realities of their lives as refugees.
Learn more: tracks.unhcr.org/2015/09/looking-for-hany/
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
wn.com/Looking For Hany The Call That Changed It All 3 5
Hany Almoliya is losing hope. Three years have passed since the war in Syria began and there are no signs that peace will be returning to his country. Hany sees his dreams slipping further away. Then one day he gets a phone call that changes his life. He hears that his family’s application for asylum to Canada has been accepted. The family travel to Beirut to the Canadian Embassy to find out where they will be living.
Hany Al Moliya is a Syrian refugee. For three years, he and his family have been living in a small camp in Lebanon. Life in exile is especially hard for Hany, who suffers from a debilitating eye condition called ‘nystagmus’, which means he can't focus on anything more than 10 centimetres away.
In spite of his condition, Hany refuses to give up. He decides to start taking photos in the camps. He wants the world to see the realities of their lives as refugees.
Learn more: tracks.unhcr.org/2015/09/looking-for-hany/
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
- published: 23 Sep 2015
- views: 213
Looking for Hany: Because We Are Too Many - 2/5
Over one million Syrian refugees have sought shelter in Lebanon since the conflict began. The pressures of accommodating such a huge influx are evident wherever you look. Hany’s father can’t find work, the family live off food vouchers, and living conditions at the camp are basic. Nor can Hany access the medical attention he needs for his eye condition. But with the war raging on and a return to Syria increasingly impossible, Hany knows that they no other choice but to accept the reality of their situation.
- -
Hany Al Moliya is a Syrian refugee. For three years, he and his family have been living in a small camp in Lebanon. Life in exile is especially hard for Hany, who suffers from a debilitating eye condition called ‘nystagmus’, which means he can't focus on anything more than 10 centimetres away.
In spite of his condition, Hany refuses to give up. He decides to start taking photos in the camps. He wants the world to see the realities of their lives as refugees.
Learn more: http://tracks.unhcr.org/2015/09/looking-for-hany/
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
wn.com/Looking For Hany Because We Are Too Many 2 5
Over one million Syrian refugees have sought shelter in Lebanon since the conflict began. The pressures of accommodating such a huge influx are evident wherever you look. Hany’s father can’t find work, the family live off food vouchers, and living conditions at the camp are basic. Nor can Hany access the medical attention he needs for his eye condition. But with the war raging on and a return to Syria increasingly impossible, Hany knows that they no other choice but to accept the reality of their situation.
- -
Hany Al Moliya is a Syrian refugee. For three years, he and his family have been living in a small camp in Lebanon. Life in exile is especially hard for Hany, who suffers from a debilitating eye condition called ‘nystagmus’, which means he can't focus on anything more than 10 centimetres away.
In spite of his condition, Hany refuses to give up. He decides to start taking photos in the camps. He wants the world to see the realities of their lives as refugees.
Learn more: http://tracks.unhcr.org/2015/09/looking-for-hany/
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
- published: 23 Sep 2015
- views: 222
UNHCR hjälper längs flyktvägarna i Europa
Mahmoud, hans hustru Sabah och deras två små pojkar Jawad (4 år) och Zayd (5 år) har varit på flykt från kriget i Syrien sedan 27 augusti. Nu befinner de sig i Ungern och vill bara komma vidare till en plats där de är trygga.
Mahmoud berättar:
Den enda ljuspunkten under resan var UNHCR.
Vår resa började i Syrien där situationen mycket sorglig och farlig – det är värst för för barnen.
FN fanns på plats för oss längs hela vägen. När vi kom till Grekland gav de oss vatten, kex och barnkläder. I Makedonien, Serbien och här – i Ungern - var det samma sak.
Vi har fått ett tält, sovsäckar, lakan, kläder, skor, dricka, mat och vatten. Alla nödvändiga saker.
Jag vill vakna upp ur mardrömmen jag lever i. Jag vill att det här ska ta slut. Jag vill bara att komma fram.
wn.com/Unhcr Hjälper Längs Flyktvägarna I Europa
Mahmoud, hans hustru Sabah och deras två små pojkar Jawad (4 år) och Zayd (5 år) har varit på flykt från kriget i Syrien sedan 27 augusti. Nu befinner de sig i Ungern och vill bara komma vidare till en plats där de är trygga.
Mahmoud berättar:
Den enda ljuspunkten under resan var UNHCR.
Vår resa började i Syrien där situationen mycket sorglig och farlig – det är värst för för barnen.
FN fanns på plats för oss längs hela vägen. När vi kom till Grekland gav de oss vatten, kex och barnkläder. I Makedonien, Serbien och här – i Ungern - var det samma sak.
Vi har fått ett tält, sovsäckar, lakan, kläder, skor, dricka, mat och vatten. Alla nödvändiga saker.
Jag vill vakna upp ur mardrömmen jag lever i. Jag vill att det här ska ta slut. Jag vill bara att komma fram.
- published: 23 Sep 2015
- views: 478
7NEWS - kanal informativ Shqiptar - Tring TV
Kanali informativ i Platformes Shqiptare Televizive dixhitale Tring TV.
Lajmet më të fundit vijnë tek ju në kohë rekord, nga gazetarët tanë në terren 24 orë gjatë 7 ditëve të javës.
wn.com/Tension Mes Emigranteve Dhe Policise Ne Fshatin Opatovac Ne Kroaci,Unhcr Paralajmeron Lajm
7NEWS - kanal informativ Shqiptar - Tring TV
Kanali informativ i Platformes Shqiptare Televizive dixhitale Tring TV.
Lajmet më të fundit vijnë tek ju në kohë rekord, nga gazetarët tanë në terren 24 orë gjatë 7 ditëve të javës.
- published: 23 Sep 2015
- views: 102
On #NextSG, ICP Asks Why Process for Next UNHCR Chief UNtransparency, Costa Rica PR Replies
On Picking Next SG, ICP Asks of Top Refugees Post, Sept 26 Meeting
By Matthew Russell Lee
UNITED NATIONS, September 22 -- How should the next UN Secretary General be selected, to improve the Organization?
On September 22, after the Permanent Representatives of Estonia and Costa Rica announced a high level meeting on the topic on September 26; Estonia's Sven Jürgenson said his priority is the best candidate, not necessarily from the Eastern European group.
Inner City Press asked if this same push for transparency applies to the current murky process of selecting the new High Commissioner for Refugees, of which it is said Ban Ki-moon alone choose (Danish UNGA President Mogens Lykketoft told Inner City Press he “favors” the Danish ex-Prime Minister but plays no role.)
Costa Rica's Juan Carlos Mendoza Garcia told Inner City Press that reforms in Secretary General selection could help reform other selections in the UN system. Inner City Press - and the Free UN Coalition for Access -- ask, isn't the refugee top post something of a test case?
Tellingly, the old UN Correspondents Association demanded to ask - and largely waste - the first question, the time of meritless hierarchy that is precisely what's wrong with the UN. We'll have more on this, and on the September 26 high level meeting.
Back on July 22 the subject was discussed behind closed doors by the UN Security Council. Afterward UK Ambassador Matthew Rycroft emerged and described the meeting as a first step, adding that the UK intends to convene a so-called Arria formula meeting of the Council once candidates come forward.
Inner City Press asked Rycroft if the issue of regional rotation - that is, the the Next SG post belongs to the Eastern European Group -- came up. He said that it did, adding among other things that the UK does not think that is the most important factor.
wn.com/On Nextsg, Icp Asks Why Process For Next Unhcr Chief Untransparency, Costa Rica Pr Replies
On Picking Next SG, ICP Asks of Top Refugees Post, Sept 26 Meeting
By Matthew Russell Lee
UNITED NATIONS, September 22 -- How should the next UN Secretary General be selected, to improve the Organization?
On September 22, after the Permanent Representatives of Estonia and Costa Rica announced a high level meeting on the topic on September 26; Estonia's Sven Jürgenson said his priority is the best candidate, not necessarily from the Eastern European group.
Inner City Press asked if this same push for transparency applies to the current murky process of selecting the new High Commissioner for Refugees, of which it is said Ban Ki-moon alone choose (Danish UNGA President Mogens Lykketoft told Inner City Press he “favors” the Danish ex-Prime Minister but plays no role.)
Costa Rica's Juan Carlos Mendoza Garcia told Inner City Press that reforms in Secretary General selection could help reform other selections in the UN system. Inner City Press - and the Free UN Coalition for Access -- ask, isn't the refugee top post something of a test case?
Tellingly, the old UN Correspondents Association demanded to ask - and largely waste - the first question, the time of meritless hierarchy that is precisely what's wrong with the UN. We'll have more on this, and on the September 26 high level meeting.
Back on July 22 the subject was discussed behind closed doors by the UN Security Council. Afterward UK Ambassador Matthew Rycroft emerged and described the meeting as a first step, adding that the UK intends to convene a so-called Arria formula meeting of the Council once candidates come forward.
Inner City Press asked Rycroft if the issue of regional rotation - that is, the the Next SG post belongs to the Eastern European Group -- came up. He said that it did, adding among other things that the UK does not think that is the most important factor.
- published: 22 Sep 2015
- views: 8
UNHCR says EU must go beyond relocating 120,000 refugees
A European Union proposal to find spaces for 120,000 refugees will not work unless reception facilities are provided for tens of thousands at any time, the U.N. refugee agency said on Tuesday.
"A relocation program alone, at this stage in the crisis, will not be enough to stabilize the situation," UNHCR spokeswoman Melissa Fleming said.
UNHCR was no longer expecting a mandatory quota of relocation spaces allocated between EU countries, which it had hoped for, but urged EU leaders to back the 120,000 places as an emergency response, on top of 40,000 places for refugees who have arrived in Greece and Italy.
The new figure of 120,000 represents only 20 days of the daily average of 6,000 arrivals. Fleming said the UNHCR, which had called for an initial 200,000 places, expected the EU proposal would need to be expanded in the future.
Fleming said UNHCR chief Antonio Guterres had been on the phone to "every kind of leader who has some kind of role" including EU foreign ministers and prime ministers.
UNHCR has said a meeting of justice and home affairs ministers on Tuesday and a European Council meeting on Wednesday would be "crucially important" and possibly the EU's last chance to manage the crisis.
There had been a total of 477,906 "new sea arrivals" in Europe this year, Fleming said.
wn.com/Unhcr Says Eu Must Go Beyond Relocating 120,000 Refugees
A European Union proposal to find spaces for 120,000 refugees will not work unless reception facilities are provided for tens of thousands at any time, the U.N. refugee agency said on Tuesday.
"A relocation program alone, at this stage in the crisis, will not be enough to stabilize the situation," UNHCR spokeswoman Melissa Fleming said.
UNHCR was no longer expecting a mandatory quota of relocation spaces allocated between EU countries, which it had hoped for, but urged EU leaders to back the 120,000 places as an emergency response, on top of 40,000 places for refugees who have arrived in Greece and Italy.
The new figure of 120,000 represents only 20 days of the daily average of 6,000 arrivals. Fleming said the UNHCR, which had called for an initial 200,000 places, expected the EU proposal would need to be expanded in the future.
Fleming said UNHCR chief Antonio Guterres had been on the phone to "every kind of leader who has some kind of role" including EU foreign ministers and prime ministers.
UNHCR has said a meeting of justice and home affairs ministers on Tuesday and a European Council meeting on Wednesday would be "crucially important" and possibly the EU's last chance to manage the crisis.
There had been a total of 477,906 "new sea arrivals" in Europe this year, Fleming said.
- published: 22 Sep 2015
- views: 4
Looking for Hany: Still Lives 1/5
Hany Al Moliya is a Syrian refugee. For three years, he and his family have been living in a small camp in Lebanon. Life in exile is especially hard for Hany, who suffers from a debilitating eye condition called ‘nystagmus’, which means he can't focus on anything more than 10 centimetres away.
In spite of his condition, Hany refuses to give up. He decides to start taking photos in the camps. He wants the world to see the realities of their lives as refugees.
Learn more: http://tracks.unhcr.org/2015/09/looking-for-hany/
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
wn.com/Looking For Hany Still Lives 1 5
Hany Al Moliya is a Syrian refugee. For three years, he and his family have been living in a small camp in Lebanon. Life in exile is especially hard for Hany, who suffers from a debilitating eye condition called ‘nystagmus’, which means he can't focus on anything more than 10 centimetres away.
In spite of his condition, Hany refuses to give up. He decides to start taking photos in the camps. He wants the world to see the realities of their lives as refugees.
Learn more: http://tracks.unhcr.org/2015/09/looking-for-hany/
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
- published: 21 Sep 2015
- views: 115
UNHCR supporting families
Thanks to you Mahmoud and his family have received vital assistance in their journey across Europe. UNHCR has supported and advised them at each border stop along the way.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
wn.com/Unhcr Supporting Families
Thanks to you Mahmoud and his family have received vital assistance in their journey across Europe. UNHCR has supported and advised them at each border stop along the way.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
Keep up to date with our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/unhcr?sub_confirmation=1
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
Read more at http://UNHCR.org
Support our work with refugees now by subscribing to this channel, liking this video and sharing it with your friends and contacts. Thanks so much for your help.
- published: 21 Sep 2015
- views: 103
Aktuell: Flüchtlinge: Zahlen; Gabriel; Schweiger; Umfragen; USA, UNHCR; Sozialindustrie
Aktuell: Flüchtlinge: Zahlen; Gabriel; Schweiger; Umfragen; USA, UNHCR; Sozialindustrie
Aktuell: Flüchtlinge: Zahlen; Gabriel; Schweiger; Umfragen; USA, UNHCR; Sozialindustrie
Über "1000" Fälle (gelistet) von Ausländerkriminalität in Deutschland
Gesammelt von Journalistenwatch...
Anfang Mai 2015 bis Anfang Juli 2015
Die Liste des Horrors
[ http://journalistenwatch.com/cms/auslaenderkriminalitaet-in-deutschland-die-liste-des-horrors-neu/ ]
Umfrage: Merkel will nochmal Bundeskanzlerin werden Part 4
[ https://plus.google.com/112535408530174859407/posts/BEJpWYE4ipk ]
Juli, so viele Asylbewerber in Deutschland wie noch nie
[ http://www.focus.de/politik/deutschland/fluechtlinge-forscher-fehler-im-asylsystem-sind-grund-fuer-antragsstau_id_4850769.html ]
Merkel läutet den Untergang Europas ein
[ http://www.
Press conference with António Guterres, UNHCR
Press conference with António Guterres, UNHCR
Press conference with António Guterres, UNHCR
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, António Guterres, press conference at Swedish Government offices. Also participating; Minister for Foreign Affairs Margot Wallström, Minister for International Development Cooperation Isabella Lövin and Minister for Justice and Migration Morgan Johansson
World101x: Full Interview with UNHCR Representative to Malaysia Richard Towle
World101x: Full Interview with UNHCR Representative to Malaysia Richard Towle
World101x: Full Interview with UNHCR Representative to Malaysia Richard Towle
In World101x we look at the world using an anthropological lens in order to shed new perspectives on current world issues, from indigeneity to migration and material culture.
We interview Richard Towle, UNHCR country representative in Malaysia, about what role the UNHCR plays in creating a protection space for refugees in Malaysia, what services they provide and what future refugees face in Malaysia.
Want to know more? Register on edX now: http://goo.gl/kw88f5
Interviewer: Gerhard Hoffstaedter
Interviewee: Richard Towle
UNHCR Ideas Expert Review
UNHCR Ideas Expert Review
UNHCR Ideas Expert Review
UNHCR Ideas Expert Review
Zomi National Day 2014 ~ UNHCR pan Short Speech
Zomi National Day 2014 ~ UNHCR pan Short Speech
Zomi National Day 2014 ~ UNHCR pan Short Speech
Zomi National Day 2014 ~ UNHCR pan Short Speech Click to subscribe more videos here http://www.youtube.com/user/ZomiDaily?sub_confirmation=1 Collection of ht...
Speech by Dr. William F. Vendley At 2013 UNHCR World Refugee Day Symposium "Faith and Protection"
Speech by Dr. William F. Vendley At 2013 UNHCR World Refugee Day Symposium "Faith and Protection"
Speech by Dr. William F. Vendley At 2013 UNHCR World Refugee Day Symposium "Faith and Protection"
Speech by Dr. William F. Vendley, Secretary General Religions for Peace On June 20, 2013 2013 UNHCR World Refugee Day Symposium "Faith and Protection" At Uni...
Alessandra Morelli " UNHCR ma xeri doonto Dhadhaab " EXCLUSIVE
Alessandra Morelli " UNHCR ma xeri doonto Dhadhaab " EXCLUSIVE
Alessandra Morelli " UNHCR ma xeri doonto Dhadhaab " EXCLUSIVE
Special Thanks | Abdirahman Somali_ Said Mohamed Isse_ Abdijabar Nibte_ Nadar Adan Qase_ Alexandra Holm.
Australia for UNHCR: Thomas Mukoya Webcast
Australia for UNHCR: Thomas Mukoya Webcast
Australia for UNHCR: Thomas Mukoya Webcast
Australia for UNHCR presents photojournalist Thomas Mukoya. Mukoya has covered breaking news and conflict throughout Africa, including the Horn of Africa Crisis in 2011 and ongoing turmoil in South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo. He has been on the frontline of crises in Africa, witnessing firsthand the devastating impact that civil conflict brings to communities. Working extensively with humanitarian organisations, his photographs show the confronting reality for refugees in Africa today and shed light on the courage and resilience shown by people forced from their homes.
Sister Angelique Namaika speaks at Australia for UNHCR Donor Briefing in Sydney
Sister Angelique Namaika speaks at Australia for UNHCR Donor Briefing in Sydney
Sister Angelique Namaika speaks at Australia for UNHCR Donor Briefing in Sydney
Nansen Award Recipient Sister Angelique Namaika gives a speech and answers questions at Customs House in Sydney.
Australia for UNHCR hosted Sister Angelique on a two week visit to Australia where she informed Australian donors about the ways their contributions help women in the Democratic Republic of Congo recover from brutal violence at the hands of the Lord's Resistance Army and rebuild their lives.
Australia for UNHCR National Director Naomi Steer welcomes guests and introduces Sister Angelique's amazing work.
Subscribe to our Channel to stay up to date with the latest in refugee news and crises: https://www.youtube.com/user/Aus4unhcr
[LiveMOFA] 2015.7.10 "UNHCR 수석담당관(JPO 1기)에게 듣는 국제기구 진출기"
[LiveMOFA] 2015.7.10 "UNHCR 수석담당관(JPO 1기)에게 듣는 국제기구 진출기"
[LiveMOFA] 2015.7.10 "UNHCR 수석담당관(JPO 1기)에게 듣는 국제기구 진출기"
외교부 소셜방송 LiveMOFA "UNHCR 수석담당관(JPO 1기)에게 듣는 국제기구 진출기"편
방송일자 : 2015년 7월 10일 (금)
출연자 : UNHCR 본부 수석담당관 이수진
※ 위 동영상은 외교부 유스트림 홈페이지(http://www.ustream.tv/channel/livemofa )를 통해서도 만나보실 수 있습니다!
Understanding Yemen's 2015 Civil War with ex UNHCR worker Dr Judith Brown
Understanding Yemen's 2015 Civil War with ex UNHCR worker Dr Judith Brown
Understanding Yemen's 2015 Civil War with ex UNHCR worker Dr Judith Brown
Former UNHCR Yemen Dr Judith Brown on Saudi/West Arabian intervention
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah lashed out at Saudi Arabia over its war on Yemen, stressing that the failure of Riyadh’s foreign policy is the real reason behind the Kingdom’s attack against its neighbor.
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan NasrallahIn a televised speech aired on al-Manar TV, Sayyed Nasrallah called on Saudi Arabia to halt its military attack on Yemen, saying there’s still a chance for the Kingdom to change its mind over the assault.
Pomáhám UNHCR - rozhovor ke dni uprchlíků 2014
Pomáhám UNHCR - rozhovor ke dni uprchlíků 2014
Pomáhám UNHCR - rozhovor ke dni uprchlíků 2014
http://mondberg-fashion.at/ www.facebook.com/MondbergViennaCZ http://instagram.com/mondbergvienna Ve videu mám na sobě: http://mondberg-fashion.at/shop/tops-...
Secretary Kerry Delivers Remarks With UK Foreign Secretary Hague and UNHCR Special Envoy Jolie
Secretary Kerry Delivers Remarks With UK Foreign Secretary Hague and UNHCR Special Envoy Jolie
Secretary Kerry Delivers Remarks With UK Foreign Secretary Hague and UNHCR Special Envoy Jolie
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry delivers remarks with United Kingdom Foreign Secretary William Hague and UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie in London, Uni...
UNHCR 20 years
UNHCR 20 years
UNHCR 20 years
B.E 06 UNHCR (30')
B.E 06 UNHCR (30')
B.E 06 UNHCR (30')
"Beyond Einstein" World Wide Webcast.
2013 UNHCR World Refugee Day Symposium "Faith and Protection" 【日時】2013年6月20日 【開場】国連大学 ウ・タント国際会議場 【主催】国連難民高等弁務官(UNHCR)駐日事務所 【共催】世界宗教者平和会議(WCRP)日本委員会、明治大学.
Refugee Resettlement Forum - UNHCR Regional Representative Thomas Albrecht
Refugee Resettlement Forum - UNHCR Regional Representative Thomas Albrecht
Refugee Resettlement Forum - UNHCR Regional Representative Thomas Albrecht
Thomas Albrecht is UNHCR Regional Representative for Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the Pacific.
UNHCR minsanna vai ZAM ECM Meeting ~ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
UNHCR minsanna vai ZAM ECM Meeting ~ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
UNHCR minsanna vai ZAM ECM Meeting ~ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
UNHCR minsanna vai ZAM ECM Meeting ~ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Click to subscribe more videos here http://www.youtube.com/user/ZomiDaily?sub_confirmation=1 Coll...
The current Refugee situation with UNHCR spokesperson Emmanuel Nyabera part II
The current Refugee situation with UNHCR spokesperson Emmanuel Nyabera part II
The current Refugee situation with UNHCR spokesperson Emmanuel Nyabera part II
World vision recently brought together some stakeholders to discuss durable solutions in assisting refugee entreprenurs. Watch a small snipet of how the event went, and find out ways in which UNHCR hope to partner. Emmanueal continues the conversation by highlighting positive ways in which refugees can contribute to Kenya's economy, and gives a few reccomendations on what more needs to be done.
UNHCR Innovation +SocialGood
UNHCR Innovation +SocialGood
UNHCR Innovation +SocialGood
UNHCR Innovation +SocialGood is a monthly Hangout series brought to you by UNHCR Innovation and +SocialGood.
The 2015 series kicks off with a live Google Hangout hosted by Social Impact Lab Foundation (the makers of Frontline SMS) on the use of mobile/inclusive technology for development and humanitarian aid.
CERSKA_Konvoj kamiona UNHCR Srebrenica-Tuzla sa protjeranim podrinjcima od srpskog agresora.
CERSKA_Konvoj kamiona UNHCR Srebrenica-Tuzla sa protjeranim podrinjcima od srpskog agresora.
CERSKA_Konvoj kamiona UNHCR Srebrenica-Tuzla sa protjeranim podrinjcima od srpskog agresora.
BOSNJACE, nikad ne halali ! Nikad ne zaboravi, sta se tebi desi. Komsije koje su stoljecima potajno nosile mrznju iskoristile su bosnjacko povjerenje i golor...
Attacks on Humanitarians are Attacks on Humanity | Vincent Cochetel | TEDxPlaceDesNations
Attacks on Humanitarians are Attacks on Humanity | Vincent Cochetel | TEDxPlaceDesNations
Attacks on Humanitarians are Attacks on Humanity | Vincent Cochetel | TEDxPlaceDesNations
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Why do we carry on with humanitarian work after living through a terrible ordeal? Victim of kidnapping, abuse and torture, this UNHCR staffer has devoted his life to helping refugees. He calls for an end to impunity for crimes against humanitarian workers.
Speaker's bio:Vincent Cochetel is the Director of the Bureau for Europe at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). He will explore why humanitarians continue working in the face of danger and reflect on his own experiences in captivity, having been kidnapped near Chechnya in 1998.
Aktuell: Flüchtlinge: Zahlen; Gabriel; Schweiger; Umfragen; USA, UNHCR; Sozialindustrie
Über "1000" Fälle (gelistet) von Ausländerkriminalität in Deutschland
Gesammelt von Journalistenwatch...
Anfang Mai 2015 bis Anfang Juli 2015
Die Liste des Horrors
[ http://journalistenwatch.com/cms/auslaenderkriminalitaet-in-deutschland-die-liste-des-horrors-neu/ ]
Umfrage: Merkel will nochmal Bundeskanzlerin werden Part 4
[ https://plus.google.com/112535408530174859407/posts/BEJpWYE4ipk ]
Juli, so viele Asylbewerber in Deutschland wie noch nie
[ http://www.focus.de/politik/deutschland/fluechtlinge-forscher-fehler-im-asylsystem-sind-grund-fuer-antragsstau_id_4850769.html ]
Merkel läutet den Untergang Europas ein
[ http://www.contra-magazin.com/2015/07/merkel-laeutet-den-untergang-europas-ein/ ]
Flüchtlinge sind ehrlicher als der hässliche Deutsche
[ http://info.kopp-verlag.de/hintergruende/deutschland/peter-harth/medien-kampagne-fluechtlinge-sind-ehrlicher-als-der-haessliche-deutsche.html ]
NATO-Propaganda in Essen
[ https://www.jungewelt.de/2015/08-01/001.php ]
Das UNHCR unterstützt die US-Destabilisierungspolitik
[ http://www.contra-magazin.com/2015/08/fluechtlinge-das-unhcr-unterstuetzt-die-us-destabilisierungspolitik/ ]
Riesen-Camps in allen Bezirken
[ http://www.mopo.de/politik/hamburg-reagiert-auf-fluechtlingswelle-riesen-camps-in-allen-bezirken-,5067150,31299234.html ]
Lettland will schwere US-Waffen stationieren und plant Kauf von Stinger-Fla-Raketen
[ http://de.sputniknews.com/militar/20150731/303568234.html ]
US-Regierung sammelt Daten, um Euro-Politiker zu steuern
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/08/01/nsa-in-europa-gezielte-operationen-zur-durchsetzung-von-us-interessen/ ]
Stadt will Flüchtlinge in KZ-Außenlager unterbringen
[ http://www.stern.de/politik/deutschland/schwerte-in-nrw--fluechtlingsunterkunft-im-kz-buchenwald-3463266.html ]
Deutschland und die Karte der Schande
[ https://buergerstimme.com/Design2/2015/07/asylpolitik-deutschland-und-die-karte-der-schande/ ]
Traumatisierte Flüchtlinge? So werden wir verarscht
[ http://info.kopp-verlag.de/hintergruende/deutschland/udo-ulfkotte/traumatisierte-fluechtlinge-so-werden-wir-verarscht.html ]
Schweigers Krieg gegen die Fans:
Mit Flüchtlingen ins Medien-Fiasko
[ http://info.kopp-verlag.de/hintergruende/deutschland/peter-harth/schweigers-krieg-gegen-die-fans-mit-fluechtlingen-ins-medien-fiasko.html ]
wn.com/Aktuell Flüchtlinge Zahlen Gabriel Schweiger Umfragen Usa, Unhcr Sozialindustrie
Über "1000" Fälle (gelistet) von Ausländerkriminalität in Deutschland
Gesammelt von Journalistenwatch...
Anfang Mai 2015 bis Anfang Juli 2015
Die Liste des Horrors
[ http://journalistenwatch.com/cms/auslaenderkriminalitaet-in-deutschland-die-liste-des-horrors-neu/ ]
Umfrage: Merkel will nochmal Bundeskanzlerin werden Part 4
[ https://plus.google.com/112535408530174859407/posts/BEJpWYE4ipk ]
Juli, so viele Asylbewerber in Deutschland wie noch nie
[ http://www.focus.de/politik/deutschland/fluechtlinge-forscher-fehler-im-asylsystem-sind-grund-fuer-antragsstau_id_4850769.html ]
Merkel läutet den Untergang Europas ein
[ http://www.contra-magazin.com/2015/07/merkel-laeutet-den-untergang-europas-ein/ ]
Flüchtlinge sind ehrlicher als der hässliche Deutsche
[ http://info.kopp-verlag.de/hintergruende/deutschland/peter-harth/medien-kampagne-fluechtlinge-sind-ehrlicher-als-der-haessliche-deutsche.html ]
NATO-Propaganda in Essen
[ https://www.jungewelt.de/2015/08-01/001.php ]
Das UNHCR unterstützt die US-Destabilisierungspolitik
[ http://www.contra-magazin.com/2015/08/fluechtlinge-das-unhcr-unterstuetzt-die-us-destabilisierungspolitik/ ]
Riesen-Camps in allen Bezirken
[ http://www.mopo.de/politik/hamburg-reagiert-auf-fluechtlingswelle-riesen-camps-in-allen-bezirken-,5067150,31299234.html ]
Lettland will schwere US-Waffen stationieren und plant Kauf von Stinger-Fla-Raketen
[ http://de.sputniknews.com/militar/20150731/303568234.html ]
US-Regierung sammelt Daten, um Euro-Politiker zu steuern
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/08/01/nsa-in-europa-gezielte-operationen-zur-durchsetzung-von-us-interessen/ ]
Stadt will Flüchtlinge in KZ-Außenlager unterbringen
[ http://www.stern.de/politik/deutschland/schwerte-in-nrw--fluechtlingsunterkunft-im-kz-buchenwald-3463266.html ]
Deutschland und die Karte der Schande
[ https://buergerstimme.com/Design2/2015/07/asylpolitik-deutschland-und-die-karte-der-schande/ ]
Traumatisierte Flüchtlinge? So werden wir verarscht
[ http://info.kopp-verlag.de/hintergruende/deutschland/udo-ulfkotte/traumatisierte-fluechtlinge-so-werden-wir-verarscht.html ]
Schweigers Krieg gegen die Fans:
Mit Flüchtlingen ins Medien-Fiasko
[ http://info.kopp-verlag.de/hintergruende/deutschland/peter-harth/schweigers-krieg-gegen-die-fans-mit-fluechtlingen-ins-medien-fiasko.html ]
- published: 01 Aug 2015
- views: 84
Press conference with António Guterres, UNHCR
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, António Guterres, press conference at Swedish Government offices. Also participating; Minister for Foreign Affairs Margot Wallström, Minister for International Development Cooperation Isabella Lövin and Minister for Justice and Migration Morgan Johansson
wn.com/Press Conference With António Guterres, Unhcr
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, António Guterres, press conference at Swedish Government offices. Also participating; Minister for Foreign Affairs Margot Wallström, Minister for International Development Cooperation Isabella Lövin and Minister for Justice and Migration Morgan Johansson
- published: 11 Feb 2015
- views: 4
World101x: Full Interview with UNHCR Representative to Malaysia Richard Towle
In World101x we look at the world using an anthropological lens in order to shed new perspectives on current world issues, from indigeneity to migration and material culture.
We interview Richard Towle, UNHCR country representative in Malaysia, about what role the UNHCR plays in creating a protection space for refugees in Malaysia, what services they provide and what future refugees face in Malaysia.
Want to know more? Register on edX now: http://goo.gl/kw88f5
Interviewer: Gerhard Hoffstaedter
Interviewee: Richard Towle
wn.com/World101X Full Interview With Unhcr Representative To Malaysia Richard Towle
In World101x we look at the world using an anthropological lens in order to shed new perspectives on current world issues, from indigeneity to migration and material culture.
We interview Richard Towle, UNHCR country representative in Malaysia, about what role the UNHCR plays in creating a protection space for refugees in Malaysia, what services they provide and what future refugees face in Malaysia.
Want to know more? Register on edX now: http://goo.gl/kw88f5
Interviewer: Gerhard Hoffstaedter
Interviewee: Richard Towle
- published: 20 Oct 2014
- views: 28
Zomi National Day 2014 ~ UNHCR pan Short Speech
Zomi National Day 2014 ~ UNHCR pan Short Speech Click to subscribe more videos here http://www.youtube.com/user/ZomiDaily?sub_confirmation=1 Collection of ht...
wn.com/Zomi National Day 2014 ~ Unhcr Pan Short Speech
Zomi National Day 2014 ~ UNHCR pan Short Speech Click to subscribe more videos here http://www.youtube.com/user/ZomiDaily?sub_confirmation=1 Collection of ht...
- published: 01 Mar 2014
- views: 5138
Speech by Dr. William F. Vendley At 2013 UNHCR World Refugee Day Symposium "Faith and Protection"
Speech by Dr. William F. Vendley, Secretary General Religions for Peace On June 20, 2013 2013 UNHCR World Refugee Day Symposium "Faith and Protection" At Uni...
wn.com/Speech By Dr. William F. Vendley At 2013 Unhcr World Refugee Day Symposium Faith And Protection
Speech by Dr. William F. Vendley, Secretary General Religions for Peace On June 20, 2013 2013 UNHCR World Refugee Day Symposium "Faith and Protection" At Uni...
Alessandra Morelli " UNHCR ma xeri doonto Dhadhaab " EXCLUSIVE
Special Thanks | Abdirahman Somali_ Said Mohamed Isse_ Abdijabar Nibte_ Nadar Adan Qase_ Alexandra Holm.
wn.com/Alessandra Morelli Unhcr Ma Xeri Doonto Dhadhaab Exclusive
Special Thanks | Abdirahman Somali_ Said Mohamed Isse_ Abdijabar Nibte_ Nadar Adan Qase_ Alexandra Holm.
Australia for UNHCR: Thomas Mukoya Webcast
Australia for UNHCR presents photojournalist Thomas Mukoya. Mukoya has covered breaking news and conflict throughout Africa, including the Horn of Africa Crisis in 2011 and ongoing turmoil in South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo. He has been on the frontline of crises in Africa, witnessing firsthand the devastating impact that civil conflict brings to communities. Working extensively with humanitarian organisations, his photographs show the confronting reality for refugees in Africa today and shed light on the courage and resilience shown by people forced from their homes.
wn.com/Australia For Unhcr Thomas Mukoya Webcast
Australia for UNHCR presents photojournalist Thomas Mukoya. Mukoya has covered breaking news and conflict throughout Africa, including the Horn of Africa Crisis in 2011 and ongoing turmoil in South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo. He has been on the frontline of crises in Africa, witnessing firsthand the devastating impact that civil conflict brings to communities. Working extensively with humanitarian organisations, his photographs show the confronting reality for refugees in Africa today and shed light on the courage and resilience shown by people forced from their homes.
- published: 07 Nov 2014
- views: 5
Sister Angelique Namaika speaks at Australia for UNHCR Donor Briefing in Sydney
Nansen Award Recipient Sister Angelique Namaika gives a speech and answers questions at Customs House in Sydney.
Australia for UNHCR hosted Sister Angelique on a two week visit to Australia where she informed Australian donors about the ways their contributions help women in the Democratic Republic of Congo recover from brutal violence at the hands of the Lord's Resistance Army and rebuild their lives.
Australia for UNHCR National Director Naomi Steer welcomes guests and introduces Sister Angelique's amazing work.
Subscribe to our Channel to stay up to date with the latest in refugee news and crises: https://www.youtube.com/user/Aus4unhcr
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, UNHCR has helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
wn.com/Sister Angelique Namaika Speaks At Australia For Unhcr Donor Briefing In Sydney
Nansen Award Recipient Sister Angelique Namaika gives a speech and answers questions at Customs House in Sydney.
Australia for UNHCR hosted Sister Angelique on a two week visit to Australia where she informed Australian donors about the ways their contributions help women in the Democratic Republic of Congo recover from brutal violence at the hands of the Lord's Resistance Army and rebuild their lives.
Australia for UNHCR National Director Naomi Steer welcomes guests and introduces Sister Angelique's amazing work.
Subscribe to our Channel to stay up to date with the latest in refugee news and crises: https://www.youtube.com/user/Aus4unhcr
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, UNHCR has helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
- published: 28 Aug 2015
- views: 12
[LiveMOFA] 2015.7.10 "UNHCR 수석담당관(JPO 1기)에게 듣는 국제기구 진출기"
외교부 소셜방송 LiveMOFA "UNHCR 수석담당관(JPO 1기)에게 듣는 국제기구 진출기"편
방송일자 : 2015년 7월 10일 (금)
출연자 : UNHCR 본부 수석담당관 이수진
※ 위 동영상은 외교부 유스트림 홈페이지(http://www.ustream.tv/channel/livemofa )를 통해서도 만나보실 수 있습니다!
wn.com/Livemofa 2015.7.10 Unhcr 수석담당관(Jpo 1기)에게 듣는 국제기구 진출기
외교부 소셜방송 LiveMOFA "UNHCR 수석담당관(JPO 1기)에게 듣는 국제기구 진출기"편
방송일자 : 2015년 7월 10일 (금)
출연자 : UNHCR 본부 수석담당관 이수진
※ 위 동영상은 외교부 유스트림 홈페이지(http://www.ustream.tv/channel/livemofa )를 통해서도 만나보실 수 있습니다!
- published: 13 Jul 2015
- views: 166
Understanding Yemen's 2015 Civil War with ex UNHCR worker Dr Judith Brown
Former UNHCR Yemen Dr Judith Brown on Saudi/West Arabian intervention
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah lashed out at Saudi Arabia over its war on Yemen, stressing that the failure of Riyadh’s foreign policy is the real reason behind the Kingdom’s attack against its neighbor.
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan NasrallahIn a televised speech aired on al-Manar TV, Sayyed Nasrallah called on Saudi Arabia to halt its military attack on Yemen, saying there’s still a chance for the Kingdom to change its mind over the assault.
In this context, the resistance leader stressed that the only solution for the Yemeni crisis is political, “or else the invaders will be defeated.”
Meanwhile, his eminence said that the problem in Yemen is not because Saudi Arabia wants to defend a government or a president; it is rather because Saudi Arabia has lost its influence in Yemen.
“If the aim of the war on Yemen is to save the Yemeni people, then why did Saudi Arabia abandon the Palestinian people for long decades?”
Sayyed Nasrallah, meanwhile, said that the latest developments in Yemen prove that “Arab states have never considered Israel an enemy.”
He also said that Saudi Arabia “has opposed the revolution which had overthrown Hosni Mubarak. Why didn’t they form a coalition to strike Egypt?”
“Baseless Pretext”
Hezbollah leader elaborated on the pretexts used by the Saudi Arabia to justify its war on Yemen, saying they are "baseless" pretexts.
“Pretext that Yemen represents a threat to Gulf states is baseless,” Sayyed Nasrallah said, adding that “one of the most big lies Saudi Arabia has been propagating is that Iran is occupying Yemen.”
The major mentality of Saudi Arabia is that it does not recognize the rights of the peoples of the region, his eminence said.
Failed Policy
“Where are the achievements of Saudi Arabia’s foreign policy since 30 years?” Sayyed Nasrallah wondered, stressing that the failure of Riyadh’s policy “is prompting the people of the region to resort to Iran.”
Sayyed Nasrallah, furthermore, accused Saudi Arabia of inciting the Iraqi Dictator, Saddam Hussein to wage the war against Iran in the last century. He added that Riyadh was behind the terrorist crimes committed by the Takfiri suicide bombers in Iraq and Syria.
“What did you do for Iraq? You had funded the war waged by Saddam Hussein against Iran. You supported Saddam Hussein as he was committing genocide against Iraqi people. You had also supported George Bush in his war on Iraq. And when the Iraqi people resisted the US occupation you had supported al-Qaeda-linked groups and Takfiri militants, and ISIL is your latest crime.”
“The Saudi intelligence was sending the booby-trapped cars and funding the suicide attacks on the Iraqi cities. You have sent the Takfiri monsters to Syria not to save the Syrian people, but to subdue Syria. However, Syria will remain free and independent,” Sayyed Nasrallah said, referring to Saudi Arabia.
Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that it’s the Yemeni people's right to defend their country against the Saudi airstrikes.
The invaders have been defeated throughout history, Sayyed Nasrallah said, noting that the airstrikes alone don’t determine the loser and the winner of a battle, and that there is still the ground battle which has the final word.
wn.com/Understanding Yemen's 2015 Civil War With Ex Unhcr Worker Dr Judith Brown
Former UNHCR Yemen Dr Judith Brown on Saudi/West Arabian intervention
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah lashed out at Saudi Arabia over its war on Yemen, stressing that the failure of Riyadh’s foreign policy is the real reason behind the Kingdom’s attack against its neighbor.
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan NasrallahIn a televised speech aired on al-Manar TV, Sayyed Nasrallah called on Saudi Arabia to halt its military attack on Yemen, saying there’s still a chance for the Kingdom to change its mind over the assault.
In this context, the resistance leader stressed that the only solution for the Yemeni crisis is political, “or else the invaders will be defeated.”
Meanwhile, his eminence said that the problem in Yemen is not because Saudi Arabia wants to defend a government or a president; it is rather because Saudi Arabia has lost its influence in Yemen.
“If the aim of the war on Yemen is to save the Yemeni people, then why did Saudi Arabia abandon the Palestinian people for long decades?”
Sayyed Nasrallah, meanwhile, said that the latest developments in Yemen prove that “Arab states have never considered Israel an enemy.”
He also said that Saudi Arabia “has opposed the revolution which had overthrown Hosni Mubarak. Why didn’t they form a coalition to strike Egypt?”
“Baseless Pretext”
Hezbollah leader elaborated on the pretexts used by the Saudi Arabia to justify its war on Yemen, saying they are "baseless" pretexts.
“Pretext that Yemen represents a threat to Gulf states is baseless,” Sayyed Nasrallah said, adding that “one of the most big lies Saudi Arabia has been propagating is that Iran is occupying Yemen.”
The major mentality of Saudi Arabia is that it does not recognize the rights of the peoples of the region, his eminence said.
Failed Policy
“Where are the achievements of Saudi Arabia’s foreign policy since 30 years?” Sayyed Nasrallah wondered, stressing that the failure of Riyadh’s policy “is prompting the people of the region to resort to Iran.”
Sayyed Nasrallah, furthermore, accused Saudi Arabia of inciting the Iraqi Dictator, Saddam Hussein to wage the war against Iran in the last century. He added that Riyadh was behind the terrorist crimes committed by the Takfiri suicide bombers in Iraq and Syria.
“What did you do for Iraq? You had funded the war waged by Saddam Hussein against Iran. You supported Saddam Hussein as he was committing genocide against Iraqi people. You had also supported George Bush in his war on Iraq. And when the Iraqi people resisted the US occupation you had supported al-Qaeda-linked groups and Takfiri militants, and ISIL is your latest crime.”
“The Saudi intelligence was sending the booby-trapped cars and funding the suicide attacks on the Iraqi cities. You have sent the Takfiri monsters to Syria not to save the Syrian people, but to subdue Syria. However, Syria will remain free and independent,” Sayyed Nasrallah said, referring to Saudi Arabia.
Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that it’s the Yemeni people's right to defend their country against the Saudi airstrikes.
The invaders have been defeated throughout history, Sayyed Nasrallah said, noting that the airstrikes alone don’t determine the loser and the winner of a battle, and that there is still the ground battle which has the final word.
- published: 04 Apr 2015
- views: 0
Pomáhám UNHCR - rozhovor ke dni uprchlíků 2014
http://mondberg-fashion.at/ www.facebook.com/MondbergViennaCZ http://instagram.com/mondbergvienna Ve videu mám na sobě: http://mondberg-fashion.at/shop/tops-...
wn.com/Pomáhám Unhcr Rozhovor Ke Dni Uprchlíků 2014
http://mondberg-fashion.at/ www.facebook.com/MondbergViennaCZ http://instagram.com/mondbergvienna Ve videu mám na sobě: http://mondberg-fashion.at/shop/tops-...
Secretary Kerry Delivers Remarks With UK Foreign Secretary Hague and UNHCR Special Envoy Jolie
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry delivers remarks with United Kingdom Foreign Secretary William Hague and UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie in London, Uni...
wn.com/Secretary Kerry Delivers Remarks With UK Foreign Secretary Hague And Unhcr Special Envoy Jolie
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry delivers remarks with United Kingdom Foreign Secretary William Hague and UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie in London, Uni...
B.E 06 UNHCR (30')
"Beyond Einstein" World Wide Webcast.
wn.com/B.E 06 Unhcr (30')
"Beyond Einstein" World Wide Webcast.
- published: 23 Nov 2007
- views: 345
2013 UNHCR World Refugee Day Symposium "Faith and Protection" 【日時】2013年6月20日 【開場】国連大学 ウ・タント国際会議場 【主催】国連難民高等弁務官(UNHCR)駐日事務所 【共催】世界宗教者平和会議(WCRP)日本委員会、明治大学.
2013 UNHCR World Refugee Day Symposium "Faith and Protection" 【日時】2013年6月20日 【開場】国連大学 ウ・タント国際会議場 【主催】国連難民高等弁務官(UNHCR)駐日事務所 【共催】世界宗教者平和会議(WCRP)日本委員会、明治大学.
- published: 18 Sep 2013
- views: 9
Refugee Resettlement Forum - UNHCR Regional Representative Thomas Albrecht
Thomas Albrecht is UNHCR Regional Representative for Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the Pacific.
wn.com/Refugee Resettlement Forum Unhcr Regional Representative Thomas Albrecht
Thomas Albrecht is UNHCR Regional Representative for Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the Pacific.
- published: 15 Jun 2015
- views: 6
UNHCR minsanna vai ZAM ECM Meeting ~ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
UNHCR minsanna vai ZAM ECM Meeting ~ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Click to subscribe more videos here http://www.youtube.com/user/ZomiDaily?sub_confirmation=1 Coll...
wn.com/Unhcr Minsanna Vai Zam Ecm Meeting ~ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
UNHCR minsanna vai ZAM ECM Meeting ~ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Click to subscribe more videos here http://www.youtube.com/user/ZomiDaily?sub_confirmation=1 Coll...
- published: 24 Aug 2013
- views: 1310
The current Refugee situation with UNHCR spokesperson Emmanuel Nyabera part II
World vision recently brought together some stakeholders to discuss durable solutions in assisting refugee entreprenurs. Watch a small snipet of how the event went, and find out ways in which UNHCR hope to partner. Emmanueal continues the conversation by highlighting positive ways in which refugees can contribute to Kenya's economy, and gives a few reccomendations on what more needs to be done.
wn.com/The Current Refugee Situation With Unhcr Spokesperson Emmanuel Nyabera Part Ii
World vision recently brought together some stakeholders to discuss durable solutions in assisting refugee entreprenurs. Watch a small snipet of how the event went, and find out ways in which UNHCR hope to partner. Emmanueal continues the conversation by highlighting positive ways in which refugees can contribute to Kenya's economy, and gives a few reccomendations on what more needs to be done.
- published: 18 Sep 2015
- views: 2
UNHCR Innovation +SocialGood
UNHCR Innovation +SocialGood is a monthly Hangout series brought to you by UNHCR Innovation and +SocialGood.
The 2015 series kicks off with a live Google Hangout hosted by Social Impact Lab Foundation (the makers of Frontline SMS) on the use of mobile/inclusive technology for development and humanitarian aid.
wn.com/Unhcr Innovation Socialgood
UNHCR Innovation +SocialGood is a monthly Hangout series brought to you by UNHCR Innovation and +SocialGood.
The 2015 series kicks off with a live Google Hangout hosted by Social Impact Lab Foundation (the makers of Frontline SMS) on the use of mobile/inclusive technology for development and humanitarian aid.
- published: 26 Jan 2015
- views: 1
CERSKA_Konvoj kamiona UNHCR Srebrenica-Tuzla sa protjeranim podrinjcima od srpskog agresora.
BOSNJACE, nikad ne halali ! Nikad ne zaboravi, sta se tebi desi. Komsije koje su stoljecima potajno nosile mrznju iskoristile su bosnjacko povjerenje i golor...
wn.com/Cerska Konvoj Kamiona Unhcr Srebrenica Tuzla Sa Protjeranim Podrinjcima Od Srpskog Agresora.
BOSNJACE, nikad ne halali ! Nikad ne zaboravi, sta se tebi desi. Komsije koje su stoljecima potajno nosile mrznju iskoristile su bosnjacko povjerenje i golor...
- published: 12 Jul 2013
- views: 2998
Attacks on Humanitarians are Attacks on Humanity | Vincent Cochetel | TEDxPlaceDesNations
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Why do we carry on with humanitarian work after living through a terrible ordeal? Victim of kidnapping, abuse and torture, this UNHCR staffer has devoted his life to helping refugees. He calls for an end to impunity for crimes against humanitarian workers.
Speaker's bio:Vincent Cochetel is the Director of the Bureau for Europe at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). He will explore why humanitarians continue working in the face of danger and reflect on his own experiences in captivity, having been kidnapped near Chechnya in 1998. For 317 days, Cochetel was chained to a bed frame in a cellar, ill-treated by his abductors and deprived of light. Today, far from withdrawing from humanitarian work, he is more determined than ever to improve the rights of refugees worldwide.
About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
wn.com/Attacks On Humanitarians Are Attacks On Humanity | Vincent Cochetel | Tedxplacedesnations
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Why do we carry on with humanitarian work after living through a terrible ordeal? Victim of kidnapping, abuse and torture, this UNHCR staffer has devoted his life to helping refugees. He calls for an end to impunity for crimes against humanitarian workers.
Speaker's bio:Vincent Cochetel is the Director of the Bureau for Europe at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). He will explore why humanitarians continue working in the face of danger and reflect on his own experiences in captivity, having been kidnapped near Chechnya in 1998. For 317 days, Cochetel was chained to a bed frame in a cellar, ill-treated by his abductors and deprived of light. Today, far from withdrawing from humanitarian work, he is more determined than ever to improve the rights of refugees worldwide.
About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
- published: 08 Jan 2015
- views: 111