Wait For It...The Mongols!: Crash Course World History #17
Wait For It...The Mongols!: Crash Course World History #17
Wait For It...The Mongols!: Crash Course World History #17
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom.
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content.
Mongols T-Shirt: http://dftba.com/product/10g/CrashCourse-Mongols-Shirt
In which John Green teaches you, at long last, about the most exceptional bunch of empire-building nomads in the history of the world, the Mongols! How did the Mongols go from being a re
The Rise Of Genghis Khan And The Mongol Empire Documentary - Documentary Channel
The Rise Of Genghis Khan And The Mongol Empire Documentary - Documentary Channel
The Rise Of Genghis Khan And The Mongol Empire Documentary - Documentary Channel
The Rise Of Genghis Khan And The Mongol Empire Documentary - Documentary Channel
WILD LIFE DOCUMENTARIES - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL89NZer-bHII0dQDT30T4lN6qGy8f3Ndm
RELIGION DOCUMENTARY - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL89NZer-bHIIApKOXifEvgHoQxXeoewaR
HISTORY DOCUMENTARY - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL89NZer-bHIIFtbbgSotwgkwCduxG1YlK
ADVENTURE DOCUMENTARY - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL89NZer-bHIJ_fsqbIakXabFf44jPBm-E
The Rise and Fall of the Mongol Empire
The Rise and Fall of the Mongol Empire
The Rise and Fall of the Mongol Empire
See how quickly the Mongols were united under Genghis Khan and then strengthened enough to take on all of Asia and conquer one of history's largest empires o...
Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire [FULL DOCUMENTARY]
Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire [FULL DOCUMENTARY]
Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire [FULL DOCUMENTARY]
Documentary Videos documentary history channel documentary national geographic documentary bbc documentary discovery channel documentary documentary films li.
Genghis Khan and the Mongols and their military might are examined. Included: a simple Ger, or Mongol home, is built on the Mongolian steppe. Also: shooting .
This Mongol destroyer set in motion the conquest of a quarter of the world's population with a body count in the millions. Genghis Khan (/ˈɡɛŋɡɪs ˈkɑːn/ or /.
Subscribe Today for A Huge and Often Updated Archive of Wild Animal Videos!Like, Share, Comment and Sub! Tune in Everyday to See Whats New! This episode expl.
What if the Mongol Empire Never Existed?
What if the Mongol Empire Never Existed?
What if the Mongol Empire Never Existed?
What if the largest land Empire ever never existed? What if the Mongol Empire Never Existed? What if the Mongol armies didn't invade China, Iran, the Middle ...
Genghis Khan - Mongol Empire 1of6
Genghis Khan - Mongol Empire 1of6
Genghis Khan - Mongol Empire 1of6
Combining live-action footage shot in Mongolia with CGI software used in Lord of the Rings, the recreation of battle scenes is taken to a new level in presen...
3000 years history of different empire(Strongest Mongol Empire)
3000 years history of different empire(Strongest Mongol Empire)
3000 years history of different empire(Strongest Mongol Empire)
What if the Mongol Empire Never Fell?
What if the Mongol Empire Never Fell?
What if the Mongol Empire Never Fell?
What if the largest empire in Asia's history never fell? How would that affect the world? This is one scenario. Like us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com...
Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire Documentary
Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire Documentary
Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire Documentary
Documentary Videos documentary history channel documentary national geographic documentary bbc documentary discovery channel documentary documentary films li.
This Mongol destroyer set in motion the conquest of a quarter of the world's population with a body count in the millions. Genghis Khan (/ˈɡɛŋɡɪs ˈkɑːn/ or /.
Subscribe Today for A Huge and Often Updated Archive of Wild Animal Videos!Like, Share, Comment and Sub! Tune in Everyday to See Whats New! This episode expl.
Genghis Khan and the Mongols and their military might are examined. Included: a simple Ger, or Mongol home, is built on the Mongolian steppe. Also: shooting .
The Mongol Empire "Kublai Khan" History Channel
The Mongol Empire "Kublai Khan" History Channel
The Mongol Empire "Kublai Khan" History Channel
Kublai was the second son of Tolui and Sorghaghtani Beki, and a grandson of Genghis Khan. Kublai's real power was limited to China and Mongolia.
In 1271, Kublai established the Yuan Dynasty, which ruled over present-day Mongolia, China, Korea, and some adjacent areas, and assumed the role of Emperor of China. By 1279, the Yuan forces had overcome the last resistance of the Southern Song Dynasty, and Kublai became the first non-Chinese Emperor to conquer all of China. He was also the only Mongol khan after 1260 to win new conquests.
The summer garden of Kublai Khan at Xanadu is the subject of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's 1797 poem Kubla Khan. T
The History of The Mongol Empire
The History of The Mongol Empire
The History of The Mongol Empire
Once Genghis Khan was made ruler of all Mongols in 1206, the Mongol empire quickly grew to be one of the largest ever. http://www.WatchMojo.com explores the ...
Mongol Empire
Mongol Empire
Mongol Empire
In the early thirteenth century, the foundations were laid for the largest contiguous land-based empire in human history. The Mongol Empire endured for only ...
قصة التتار (3/4) - Mongol Empire
قصة التتار (3/4) - Mongol Empire
قصة التتار (3/4) - Mongol Empire
Part 4 of 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6d1sBQXtys
يقدم دكتور راغب السرجاني برنامجه عن قصة التتار على قناة الحوار؛ لما لهذه القصة من تاريخ وعبر، ولما لدولة التتار من تأثير
واضح في التاريخ الإسلامي، ولعل تشابه الأحداث في قصة التتار وواقع العالم الإسلامي في هذه الفترة والواقع الآن، من أهم الأسباب الداعية لدراسة القصة، فواقع الأمة أنها كانت مفرقة ومشتتة، وقوى الغرب تتكالب عليها من الصليبيين والتتار، ودولة الخلافة مغلوبة على أمرها، ودول العالم الإسلامي من شرقه إلى غربه يحكمها أمراء ضعفاء مشتتون
Growth of the Mongol Empire, 1206-1294
Growth of the Mongol Empire, 1206-1294
Growth of the Mongol Empire, 1206-1294
Animated map showing the territorial expansion of the Mongol Empire The animation covers the the period 1206 to 1294, starting with the founding of the Mongo...
Genghis Khan - Mongol Empire
Genghis Khan - Mongol Empire
Genghis Khan - Mongol Empire
A decisive battle between Genghis Khan and Jamukha for unification of the Mongol tribes.
Teacher Resource-The Mongol Empire
Teacher Resource-The Mongol Empire
Teacher Resource-The Mongol Empire
This video was cut together from History Channel video for use in my 10th Grade World History class. I own or claim no copyright, and this video is intended ...
Genghis Khan - Great Khan Of The Mongol Empire And Great Destroyer
Genghis Khan - Great Khan Of The Mongol Empire And Great Destroyer
Genghis Khan - Great Khan Of The Mongol Empire And Great Destroyer
This Mongol destroyer set in motion the conquest of a quarter of the world's population with a body count in the millions. Genghis Khan (/ˈɡɛŋɡɪs ˈkɑːn/ or /.
This Mongol destroyer set in motion the conquest of a quarter of the world's population with a body count in the millions. Genghis Khan (/ˈɡɛŋɡɪs ˈkɑːn/ or /.
Kublai was the second son of Tolui and Sorghaghtani Beki, and a grandson of Genghis Khan. Kublai's real power was limited to China and Mongolia. In 1271, Kub.
Genghis Khan BBC 1/5
Genghis Khan BBC 1/5
Genghis Khan BBC 1/5
A story of the greatest conqueror ever in world history and his Mongol Empire that ruled the world a thousand years ago.
209 BCE - XIONGNU Turco-Mongol Empire
209 BCE - XIONGNU Turco-Mongol Empire
209 BCE - XIONGNU Turco-Mongol Empire
Uvertura - "Тэнгэрийн хүү" - "Tengerijn huu"
[1268년~1279년]몽골제국의 송나라(남송) 정벌 - Mongol Empire invasions of Song Dynasty(Namsong)モンゴルの宋の征伐
[1268년~1279년]몽골제국의 송나라(남송) 정벌 - Mongol Empire invasions of Song Dynasty(Namsong)モンゴルの宋の征伐
[1268년~1279년]몽골제국의 송나라(남송) 정벌 - Mongol Empire invasions of Song Dynasty(Namsong)モンゴルの宋の征伐
몽골 평원에서 아리크부케를 쓰러뜨리고 권력을 장악한 쿠빌라이가 다시 침공을 개시하여, 남송이 국력을 총동원하여 국토 방어의 거점으로 삼았던 양양(襄陽)을 1268년부터 1273년까지 5년간에 걸친 포위전(양양 공방전) 끝에 함락하면서 남송은 더이상의 저항할 힘이 없어졌고, 가사도는 주위의 목소리에 몽골과 싸우기 위해 출발했으나 대패했다.
1276년 몽골의 장군 바얀에 의해 수도 임안이 점령되면서 사실상 송나라는 멸망했다. 그 시기 장세걸(張世傑), 육수부(陸秀夫) 등 일부 군인과 관료는 어린 황자를 데리고 나와 황제로 옹립하고, 남쪽으로 도망쳐 철저 항전을 계속하였다. 1279년 그들은 광주만(廣州灣)의 애산(厓山)에서 원나라 군에게 격멸당해 이것으로 인해 송나라는 완전히 멸망하였다(애산 전투).
충신의 귀감으로 칭해지던 문천상(文天祥)도 2년이상 각지에서 저항전을 계속했으나, 1278년에 원나라에 붙잡혀 옥중에서 정기의 노래을 읊고 1282년에 처형되었다.
남송이 멸망할 때 나라에 순사한 충신은 다른 왕조에 비해 대단히 많았으나, 원나라의 통치 아래에서 송나라의 유민으로써 살아남기를 계속한 사대부도 있어 문장궤범을 편찬한 사방득, 십팔사략을 저술한 증선지, 자치통감음주(자치통감의 주석서)을 저술한 호삼성 등, 문학 사학에서 이름을 남긴 송
Genghis Khan - Mongol Empire 4of6
Genghis Khan - Mongol Empire 4of6
Genghis Khan - Mongol Empire 4of6
Combining live-action footage shot in Mongolia with CGI software used in Lord of the Rings, the recreation of battle scenes is taken to a new level in presen...
'The Mongol Impact on World History' - Ed Vajda, WWU
'The Mongol Impact on World History' - Ed Vajda, WWU
'The Mongol Impact on World History' - Ed Vajda, WWU
Edward Vajda, a professor with the Department of Modern and Classical Languages at Western Washington University, presents "The Mongol Impact on World Histor...
Wait For It...The Mongols!: Crash Course World History #17
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom.
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content.
Mongols T-Shirt: http://dftba.com/product/10g/CrashCourse-Mongols-Shirt
In which John Green teaches you, at long last, about the most exceptional bunch of empire-building nomads in the history of the world, the Mongols! How did the Mongols go from being a relatively small band of herders who occasionally engaged in some light hunting-gathering to being one of the most formidable fighting forces in the world? It turns out Genghis Khan was a pretty big part of it, but you probably already knew that. The more interesting questions might be, what kind of rulers were they, and what effect did their empire have on the world we know today? Find out, as John FINALLY teaches you about the Mongols.
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wn.com/Wait For It...The Mongols Crash Course World History 17
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom.
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content.
Mongols T-Shirt: http://dftba.com/product/10g/CrashCourse-Mongols-Shirt
In which John Green teaches you, at long last, about the most exceptional bunch of empire-building nomads in the history of the world, the Mongols! How did the Mongols go from being a relatively small band of herders who occasionally engaged in some light hunting-gathering to being one of the most formidable fighting forces in the world? It turns out Genghis Khan was a pretty big part of it, but you probably already knew that. The more interesting questions might be, what kind of rulers were they, and what effect did their empire have on the world we know today? Find out, as John FINALLY teaches you about the Mongols.
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Follow us again! http://thecrashcourse.tumblr.com Support CrashCourse on Subbable: http://subbable.com/crashcourse
- published: 18 May 2012
- views: 2150687
The Rise Of Genghis Khan And The Mongol Empire Documentary - Documentary Channel
The Rise Of Genghis Khan And The Mongol Empire Documentary - Documentary Channel
WILD LIFE DOCUMENTARIES - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL89NZer-bHII0dQDT30T4lN6qGy8f3Ndm
RELIGION DOCUMENTARY - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL89NZer-bHIIApKOXifEvgHoQxXeoewaR
HISTORY DOCUMENTARY - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL89NZer-bHIIFtbbgSotwgkwCduxG1YlK
ADVENTURE DOCUMENTARY - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL89NZer-bHIJ_fsqbIakXabFf44jPBm-E
HEALTH AND MEDICINE DOCUMENTARY - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL89NZer-bHILBMJN0wvBfAsDVXzz0GEIH
PEOPLE DOCUMENTARY - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL89NZer-bHILcEazOCor7wbrXTIn3gNkX
TECHNOLOGY DOCUMENTARY - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL89NZer-bHIK8tVs-9jdosdco5hbQQl6n
SUPERNATURAL DOCUMENTARY - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL89NZer-bHIIraIeCulhClPA004pED-Vg
POPULAR DOCUMENTARY - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLihdKCcJi6W5ZKpE40H3cSYUi69U1e6oy
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genghis khan, mongol, mongolia, mongol empire, genghis, genghis khan documentary, war documentary, history documentary, documentary, documentaries, documentary channel, documentary films hd, people documentary
wn.com/The Rise Of Genghis Khan And The Mongol Empire Documentary Documentary Channel
The Rise Of Genghis Khan And The Mongol Empire Documentary - Documentary Channel
WILD LIFE DOCUMENTARIES - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL89NZer-bHII0dQDT30T4lN6qGy8f3Ndm
RELIGION DOCUMENTARY - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL89NZer-bHIIApKOXifEvgHoQxXeoewaR
HISTORY DOCUMENTARY - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL89NZer-bHIIFtbbgSotwgkwCduxG1YlK
ADVENTURE DOCUMENTARY - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL89NZer-bHIJ_fsqbIakXabFf44jPBm-E
HEALTH AND MEDICINE DOCUMENTARY - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL89NZer-bHILBMJN0wvBfAsDVXzz0GEIH
PEOPLE DOCUMENTARY - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL89NZer-bHILcEazOCor7wbrXTIn3gNkX
TECHNOLOGY DOCUMENTARY - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL89NZer-bHIK8tVs-9jdosdco5hbQQl6n
SUPERNATURAL DOCUMENTARY - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL89NZer-bHIIraIeCulhClPA004pED-Vg
POPULAR DOCUMENTARY - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLihdKCcJi6W5ZKpE40H3cSYUi69U1e6oy
More Documentary Films:
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World Documentaries: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgYAzoV77l2d9b-XQpnizEA
genghis khan, mongol, mongolia, mongol empire, genghis, genghis khan documentary, war documentary, history documentary, documentary, documentaries, documentary channel, documentary films hd, people documentary
- published: 05 Mar 2015
- views: 0
The Rise and Fall of the Mongol Empire
See how quickly the Mongols were united under Genghis Khan and then strengthened enough to take on all of Asia and conquer one of history's largest empires o...
wn.com/The Rise And Fall Of The Mongol Empire
See how quickly the Mongols were united under Genghis Khan and then strengthened enough to take on all of Asia and conquer one of history's largest empires o...
Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire [FULL DOCUMENTARY]
Documentary Videos documentary history channel documentary national geographic documentary bbc documentary discovery channel documentary documentary films li.
Genghis Khan and the Mongols and their military might are examined. Included: a simple Ger, or Mongol home, is built on the Mongolian steppe. Also: shooting .
This Mongol destroyer set in motion the conquest of a quarter of the world's population with a body count in the millions. Genghis Khan (/ˈɡɛŋɡɪs ˈkɑːn/ or /.
Subscribe Today for A Huge and Often Updated Archive of Wild Animal Videos!Like, Share, Comment and Sub! Tune in Everyday to See Whats New! This episode expl.
wn.com/Genghis Khan And The Mongol Empire Full Documentary
Documentary Videos documentary history channel documentary national geographic documentary bbc documentary discovery channel documentary documentary films li.
Genghis Khan and the Mongols and their military might are examined. Included: a simple Ger, or Mongol home, is built on the Mongolian steppe. Also: shooting .
This Mongol destroyer set in motion the conquest of a quarter of the world's population with a body count in the millions. Genghis Khan (/ˈɡɛŋɡɪs ˈkɑːn/ or /.
Subscribe Today for A Huge and Often Updated Archive of Wild Animal Videos!Like, Share, Comment and Sub! Tune in Everyday to See Whats New! This episode expl.
- published: 04 Dec 2014
- views: 0
What if the Mongol Empire Never Existed?
What if the largest land Empire ever never existed? What if the Mongol Empire Never Existed? What if the Mongol armies didn't invade China, Iran, the Middle ...
wn.com/What If The Mongol Empire Never Existed
What if the largest land Empire ever never existed? What if the Mongol Empire Never Existed? What if the Mongol armies didn't invade China, Iran, the Middle ...
Genghis Khan - Mongol Empire 1of6
Combining live-action footage shot in Mongolia with CGI software used in Lord of the Rings, the recreation of battle scenes is taken to a new level in presen...
wn.com/Genghis Khan Mongol Empire 1Of6
Combining live-action footage shot in Mongolia with CGI software used in Lord of the Rings, the recreation of battle scenes is taken to a new level in presen...
What if the Mongol Empire Never Fell?
What if the largest empire in Asia's history never fell? How would that affect the world? This is one scenario. Like us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com...
wn.com/What If The Mongol Empire Never Fell
What if the largest empire in Asia's history never fell? How would that affect the world? This is one scenario. Like us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com...
Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire Documentary
Documentary Videos documentary history channel documentary national geographic documentary bbc documentary discovery channel documentary documentary films li.
This Mongol destroyer set in motion the conquest of a quarter of the world's population with a body count in the millions. Genghis Khan (/ˈɡɛŋɡɪs ˈkɑːn/ or /.
Subscribe Today for A Huge and Often Updated Archive of Wild Animal Videos!Like, Share, Comment and Sub! Tune in Everyday to See Whats New! This episode expl.
Genghis Khan and the Mongols and their military might are examined. Included: a simple Ger, or Mongol home, is built on the Mongolian steppe. Also: shooting .
wn.com/Genghis Khan And The Mongol Empire Documentary
Documentary Videos documentary history channel documentary national geographic documentary bbc documentary discovery channel documentary documentary films li.
This Mongol destroyer set in motion the conquest of a quarter of the world's population with a body count in the millions. Genghis Khan (/ˈɡɛŋɡɪs ˈkɑːn/ or /.
Subscribe Today for A Huge and Often Updated Archive of Wild Animal Videos!Like, Share, Comment and Sub! Tune in Everyday to See Whats New! This episode expl.
Genghis Khan and the Mongols and their military might are examined. Included: a simple Ger, or Mongol home, is built on the Mongolian steppe. Also: shooting .
- published: 01 Dec 2014
- views: 0
The Mongol Empire "Kublai Khan" History Channel
Kublai was the second son of Tolui and Sorghaghtani Beki, and a grandson of Genghis Khan. Kublai's real power was limited to China and Mongolia.
In 1271, Kublai established the Yuan Dynasty, which ruled over present-day Mongolia, China, Korea, and some adjacent areas, and assumed the role of Emperor of China. By 1279, the Yuan forces had overcome the last resistance of the Southern Song Dynasty, and Kublai became the first non-Chinese Emperor to conquer all of China. He was also the only Mongol khan after 1260 to win new conquests.
The summer garden of Kublai Khan at Xanadu is the subject of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's 1797 poem Kubla Khan. This poem and Marco Polo's earlier book brought Kublai and his achievements to the attention of a wider audience, and today Kublai is a well-known historical figure.
More information about Kublai Khan go to: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kublai_Khan
wn.com/The Mongol Empire Kublai Khan History Channel
Kublai was the second son of Tolui and Sorghaghtani Beki, and a grandson of Genghis Khan. Kublai's real power was limited to China and Mongolia.
In 1271, Kublai established the Yuan Dynasty, which ruled over present-day Mongolia, China, Korea, and some adjacent areas, and assumed the role of Emperor of China. By 1279, the Yuan forces had overcome the last resistance of the Southern Song Dynasty, and Kublai became the first non-Chinese Emperor to conquer all of China. He was also the only Mongol khan after 1260 to win new conquests.
The summer garden of Kublai Khan at Xanadu is the subject of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's 1797 poem Kubla Khan. This poem and Marco Polo's earlier book brought Kublai and his achievements to the attention of a wider audience, and today Kublai is a well-known historical figure.
More information about Kublai Khan go to: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kublai_Khan
- published: 14 Nov 2013
- views: 150865
The History of The Mongol Empire
Once Genghis Khan was made ruler of all Mongols in 1206, the Mongol empire quickly grew to be one of the largest ever. http://www.WatchMojo.com explores the ...
wn.com/The History Of The Mongol Empire
Once Genghis Khan was made ruler of all Mongols in 1206, the Mongol empire quickly grew to be one of the largest ever. http://www.WatchMojo.com explores the ...
Mongol Empire
In the early thirteenth century, the foundations were laid for the largest contiguous land-based empire in human history. The Mongol Empire endured for only ...
wn.com/Mongol Empire
In the early thirteenth century, the foundations were laid for the largest contiguous land-based empire in human history. The Mongol Empire endured for only ...
قصة التتار (3/4) - Mongol Empire
Part 4 of 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6d1sBQXtys
يقدم دكتور راغب السرجاني برنامجه عن قصة التتار على قناة الحوار؛ لما لهذه القصة من تاريخ وعبر، ولما لدولة التتار من تأثير
واضح في التاريخ الإسلامي، ولعل تشابه الأحداث في قصة التتار وواقع العالم الإسلامي في هذه الفترة والواقع الآن، من أهم الأسباب الداعية لدراسة القصة، فواقع الأمة أنها كانت مفرقة ومشتتة، وقوى الغرب تتكالب عليها من الصليبيين والتتار، ودولة الخلافة مغلوبة على أمرها، ودول العالم الإسلامي من شرقه إلى غربه يحكمها أمراء ضعفاء مشتتون
wn.com/قصة التتار (3 4) Mongol Empire
Part 4 of 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6d1sBQXtys
يقدم دكتور راغب السرجاني برنامجه عن قصة التتار على قناة الحوار؛ لما لهذه القصة من تاريخ وعبر، ولما لدولة التتار من تأثير
واضح في التاريخ الإسلامي، ولعل تشابه الأحداث في قصة التتار وواقع العالم الإسلامي في هذه الفترة والواقع الآن، من أهم الأسباب الداعية لدراسة القصة، فواقع الأمة أنها كانت مفرقة ومشتتة، وقوى الغرب تتكالب عليها من الصليبيين والتتار، ودولة الخلافة مغلوبة على أمرها، ودول العالم الإسلامي من شرقه إلى غربه يحكمها أمراء ضعفاء مشتتون
- published: 23 Nov 2011
- views: 22050
Growth of the Mongol Empire, 1206-1294
Animated map showing the territorial expansion of the Mongol Empire The animation covers the the period 1206 to 1294, starting with the founding of the Mongo...
wn.com/Growth Of The Mongol Empire, 1206 1294
Animated map showing the territorial expansion of the Mongol Empire The animation covers the the period 1206 to 1294, starting with the founding of the Mongo...
- published: 22 Feb 2013
- views: 22263
Genghis Khan - Mongol Empire
A decisive battle between Genghis Khan and Jamukha for unification of the Mongol tribes.
wn.com/Genghis Khan Mongol Empire
A decisive battle between Genghis Khan and Jamukha for unification of the Mongol tribes.
- published: 13 Apr 2010
- views: 101579
Teacher Resource-The Mongol Empire
This video was cut together from History Channel video for use in my 10th Grade World History class. I own or claim no copyright, and this video is intended ...
wn.com/Teacher Resource The Mongol Empire
This video was cut together from History Channel video for use in my 10th Grade World History class. I own or claim no copyright, and this video is intended ...
- published: 15 May 2011
- views: 2612
Genghis Khan - Great Khan Of The Mongol Empire And Great Destroyer
This Mongol destroyer set in motion the conquest of a quarter of the world's population with a body count in the millions. Genghis Khan (/ˈɡɛŋɡɪs ˈkɑːn/ or /.
This Mongol destroyer set in motion the conquest of a quarter of the world's population with a body count in the millions. Genghis Khan (/ˈɡɛŋɡɪs ˈkɑːn/ or /.
Kublai was the second son of Tolui and Sorghaghtani Beki, and a grandson of Genghis Khan. Kublai's real power was limited to China and Mongolia. In 1271, Kub.
wn.com/Genghis Khan Great Khan Of The Mongol Empire And Great Destroyer
This Mongol destroyer set in motion the conquest of a quarter of the world's population with a body count in the millions. Genghis Khan (/ˈɡɛŋɡɪs ˈkɑːn/ or /.
This Mongol destroyer set in motion the conquest of a quarter of the world's population with a body count in the millions. Genghis Khan (/ˈɡɛŋɡɪs ˈkɑːn/ or /.
Kublai was the second son of Tolui and Sorghaghtani Beki, and a grandson of Genghis Khan. Kublai's real power was limited to China and Mongolia. In 1271, Kub.
- published: 28 Nov 2014
- views: 0
Genghis Khan BBC 1/5
A story of the greatest conqueror ever in world history and his Mongol Empire that ruled the world a thousand years ago.
wn.com/Genghis Khan BBC 1 5
A story of the greatest conqueror ever in world history and his Mongol Empire that ruled the world a thousand years ago.
- published: 14 Jan 2011
- views: 476279
[1268년~1279년]몽골제국의 송나라(남송) 정벌 - Mongol Empire invasions of Song Dynasty(Namsong)モンゴルの宋の征伐
몽골 평원에서 아리크부케를 쓰러뜨리고 권력을 장악한 쿠빌라이가 다시 침공을 개시하여, 남송이 국력을 총동원하여 국토 방어의 거점으로 삼았던 양양(襄陽)을 1268년부터 1273년까지 5년간에 걸친 포위전(양양 공방전) 끝에 함락하면서 남송은 더이상의 저항할 힘이 없어졌고, 가사도는 주위의 목소리에 몽골과 싸우기 위해 출발했으나 대패했다.
1276년 몽골의 장군 바얀에 의해 수도 임안이 점령되면서 사실상 송나라는 멸망했다. 그 시기 장세걸(張世傑), 육수부(陸秀夫) 등 일부 군인과 관료는 어린 황자를 데리고 나와 황제로 옹립하고, 남쪽으로 도망쳐 철저 항전을 계속하였다. 1279년 그들은 광주만(廣州灣)의 애산(厓山)에서 원나라 군에게 격멸당해 이것으로 인해 송나라는 완전히 멸망하였다(애산 전투).
충신의 귀감으로 칭해지던 문천상(文天祥)도 2년이상 각지에서 저항전을 계속했으나, 1278년에 원나라에 붙잡혀 옥중에서 정기의 노래을 읊고 1282년에 처형되었다.
남송이 멸망할 때 나라에 순사한 충신은 다른 왕조에 비해 대단히 많았으나, 원나라의 통치 아래에서 송나라의 유민으로써 살아남기를 계속한 사대부도 있어 문장궤범을 편찬한 사방득, 십팔사략을 저술한 증선지, 자치통감음주(자치통감의 주석서)을 저술한 호삼성 등, 문학 사학에서 이름을 남긴 송나라의 유민도 많았다.
wn.com/1268년~1279년 몽골제국의 송나라(남송) 정벌 Mongol Empire Invasions Of Song Dynasty(Namsong)モンゴルの宋の征伐
몽골 평원에서 아리크부케를 쓰러뜨리고 권력을 장악한 쿠빌라이가 다시 침공을 개시하여, 남송이 국력을 총동원하여 국토 방어의 거점으로 삼았던 양양(襄陽)을 1268년부터 1273년까지 5년간에 걸친 포위전(양양 공방전) 끝에 함락하면서 남송은 더이상의 저항할 힘이 없어졌고, 가사도는 주위의 목소리에 몽골과 싸우기 위해 출발했으나 대패했다.
1276년 몽골의 장군 바얀에 의해 수도 임안이 점령되면서 사실상 송나라는 멸망했다. 그 시기 장세걸(張世傑), 육수부(陸秀夫) 등 일부 군인과 관료는 어린 황자를 데리고 나와 황제로 옹립하고, 남쪽으로 도망쳐 철저 항전을 계속하였다. 1279년 그들은 광주만(廣州灣)의 애산(厓山)에서 원나라 군에게 격멸당해 이것으로 인해 송나라는 완전히 멸망하였다(애산 전투).
충신의 귀감으로 칭해지던 문천상(文天祥)도 2년이상 각지에서 저항전을 계속했으나, 1278년에 원나라에 붙잡혀 옥중에서 정기의 노래을 읊고 1282년에 처형되었다.
남송이 멸망할 때 나라에 순사한 충신은 다른 왕조에 비해 대단히 많았으나, 원나라의 통치 아래에서 송나라의 유민으로써 살아남기를 계속한 사대부도 있어 문장궤범을 편찬한 사방득, 십팔사략을 저술한 증선지, 자치통감음주(자치통감의 주석서)을 저술한 호삼성 등, 문학 사학에서 이름을 남긴 송나라의 유민도 많았다.
- published: 11 Feb 2015
- views: 22
Genghis Khan - Mongol Empire 4of6
Combining live-action footage shot in Mongolia with CGI software used in Lord of the Rings, the recreation of battle scenes is taken to a new level in presen...
wn.com/Genghis Khan Mongol Empire 4Of6
Combining live-action footage shot in Mongolia with CGI software used in Lord of the Rings, the recreation of battle scenes is taken to a new level in presen...
'The Mongol Impact on World History' - Ed Vajda, WWU
Edward Vajda, a professor with the Department of Modern and Classical Languages at Western Washington University, presents "The Mongol Impact on World Histor...
wn.com/'The Mongol Impact On World History' Ed Vajda, Wwu
Edward Vajda, a professor with the Department of Modern and Classical Languages at Western Washington University, presents "The Mongol Impact on World Histor...