<i>"The Name of Our Country is América" - Simon Bolivar</i> The Narco News Bulletin<br><small>Reporting on the War on Drugs and Democracy from Latin America
 English | Español | Portugués | Italiano | Français | Deutsch | Nederlands September 27, 2015 | Issue #67

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Narco News Issue #66
Complete Archives

The Other Journalism with the Other Campaign

[EN] The Other Campaign

[ES] La Otra Campaña

[PT-BR] A Outra Campanha

[IT] L’Altra Campagna

[DE] Die Andere Kampagne

[FR] L’Autre Campagne

[FR] De Andere Campagne

[FR] «کارزاری ديگر» Farsi

Dark Alliance: The Story Behind the Crack Explosion

The Bogotá Connection: Narco News Investigates DEA Corruption and Cover-Up in Colombia

The House of Death: U.S. Law Enforcement Complicity with Murder in Ciudad Juárez

Narco News is supported by The Fund for Authentic Journalism


Publisher: Al Giordano

Newsroom Coordinator:
Chris Fee

David B. Briones

Opening Statement, April 18, 2000
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Bem Vindos em Português!

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Narco News is supported by:
The Fund for Authentic Journalism

Banamex vs. Narco News: The Drug War on Trial

Editorial Policy and Disclosures

Site Design: Dan Feder

All contents, unless otherwise noted, © 2000-2009 Al Giordano

The trademarks "Narco News," "The Narco News Bulletin," and "School of Authentic Journalism" © 2000-2009 Al Giordano


The Other Journalism With The Other Campaign

On The Road with Zapatista Subcomandante Marcos and the Simple and Humble People Who Fight

More coverage in the Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, and Dutch pages

Mexican Diplomat Traded Secrets with Private Intel Firm Stratfor, WikiLeaks Documents Reveal

Exchange of Sensitive Information Focused on the US/Mexican Operations in the Drug War

By Bill Conroy
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Diplomático mexicano intercambió secretos de inteligencia con empresa privada, revelan documentos de WikiLeaks

August 9, 2012

#YoSoy132 and Allied Movements Pact a Change in Strategy for Friday’s Peaceful Blockade of the Televisa Network

Organizations Agree that, “Any Act of Violence Will Be Met with a ‘General Sit-In’”

By Al Giordano
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... #YoSoy132 y movimientos aliados pactan un cambio de estrategia para el bloqueo pacífico de Televisa el viernes

July 25, 2012

Mexico’s Peña Nieto hires US propaganda firm

CLSA is same media-spin company used by Honduran coup regime

By Bill Conroy
Via The Narcosphere

en español... Enrique Peña Nieto contrata compañía propagandística de EEUU

July 21, 2012

Gene Sharp Responds to Mexican Citizens’ Petition Seeking His “Support for Our Revolutionary Movement”

‘The Credit for Successes Is Deserved by the Brave Participants in the Nonviolent Struggle, not Outsiders,” Writes the 84-Year-Old Scholar of Civil Resistance Strategy and Tactics

By Gene Sharp (Introduction by Narco News)
The Albert Einstein Institution

en español... Gene Sharp responde a la petición de los ciudadanos mexicanos buscando su "apoyo a nuestro movimiento revolucionario"

July 19, 2012

How Not to Get Eaten When the Dinosaurs Escape from their Cages

The Risks of Moving too Quickly to Occupy TV Stations, and “Suggestions for Radicals” Who Are in for the Long Haul

By Al Giordano
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Cómo no ser comido cuando los dinosaurios escapen de sus jaulas

July 16, 2012

“Strategy Salon,” an Operative Group of #YoSoy132 Announces Nonviolence Resistance Training Sessions

The Organization of Nonviolent Civil Resistance Begins Preparation in Mexico

By Isadora Bonilla
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... El Grupo Operativo 132 “Salón de Estrategia” anuncia sesiones de capacitación en la resistencia noviolenta

July 12, 2012

A Police Officer Broke Ranks: This Happened on July 7, 2012 in Mexico

Testimony of the Commitment to Nonviolent Resistance in #YoSoy132

By Erika Pacheco de la Rosa
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Un policía rompió filas: Esto sucedió el 7 de julio de 2012

July 11, 2012

Winning the Dream: Part II

How Undocumented Students in the United States Shifted Strategy, Regrouped, Refocused and Won an Historic Victory

By Paulina Gonzalez
Part II: Special to the Narco News Bulletin

en español... Logrando el Sueño: Parte II

July 11, 2012

The DREAM Act Students Have Taught Me New Things about Strategy and Planning

It’s an Illustration of a Relatively Small Group of People Organizing and Winning

By the Rev. Jim Lawson
Remarks at the Fletcher Summer Institute

July 11, 2012

Texas Case Raises Troubling Questions About ATF Gunwalking

Rio Grande Valley Businessman Was The Target of Multiple Arms-Trafficking Investigations Yet He Continued To Acquire Guns Through Straw Buyers

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Caso en Texas plantea preguntas inquietantes sobre la circulación de armas de ATF

July 11, 2012

The Strategy and Organizing Behind the Successful DREAM Act Movement

Undocumented Youth Have Shown that Ordinary People Build Extraordinary People Power, Even in the United States

By Paulina Gonzalez
Part I: Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... La estrategia y organización detrás del movimiento exitoso por la Ley Dream

July 10, 2012

No Heroes in Montreal: Why Endless Protest Does Not a Movement Make

What "First World" Protesters Could Learn from Mexico's #YoSoy132 Movement

By Heather McCuen
American Raksha

July 7, 2012

After the Mexican Election, Where Does the #YoSoy132 Movement Go?

A Hidden Victory in What the Media Paints as a Defeat

By Isadora Bonilla
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Después de las elecciones, ¿a dónde va #YoSoy132?

July 5, 2012

NNTV: Mexican Elections 2012: When Bribery Doesn't Pay

On Election Night, Hundreds Protested at PRI Headquarters that They Were Never Paid the Money Promised them for their Voter I.D.s

By Narco News TV
With Video from Augusto Mora

en español... Elecciones mexicanas 2012: "Cuando la mordida no paga"

July 4, 2012

Mexican Presidential Election Results Monitoring Tonight

Follow the First Results on Narco News' Facebook Page as Our Journalists Investigate the Raw Data and Analyze Evidence of Possible Electoral Fraud

By Narco News Team
In Mexico and Abroad

en español... Monitoreo de los resultados de las elecciones mexicanas esta noche

July 1, 2012

The Medium Was the Message in the #YoSoy132 Debate in Mexico

A Student Movement Exposes that Democracy’s Biggest Enemy Is the Media

By Al Giordano
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Los medios eran el mensaje en el Debate #YoSoy132 en México

June 20, 2012

US Lawsuit vs. Staff of Mexican Presidential Candidate Peña Nieto Reveals Apparent Violation of US Law

No Foreign Agent Complied With Requirement to Register in US on Behalf of the PRI Candidate’s Campaign

By Bill Conroy & Al Giordano
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... La demanda en EEUU contra personal del candidato presidencial mexicano Peña Nieto revela la aparente violación a la ley estadounidense

June 19, 2012

Invitation to form Operative Groups YoSoy#132

#YoSoy132 is against Enrique Peña Nieto, seeks the democratization of the mass media, and behaves as a peaceful movement

By Grupos Operativos (GOs)
#YoSoy132 Mexico

en español... Invitación a formar Grupos Operativos YoSoy#132

June 15, 2012

Photo Essay: “The TV Is Yours, but Mexico Is Ours”

Images of the Multitudinous June 10 March Against Big Media’s Imposition of a Presidential Candidate in Mexico

By Alejandro Meléndez Ortiz, Photojournalist
Words by Al Giordano

en español... Ensayo fotográfico: "La tele es tuya, pero México es nuestro"

June 12, 2012

US Embassy Documents Confirm Televisa-Peña Nieto Deal in Mexico

Cables Obtained by Wikileaks in 2011 Support the Facts of The Guardian Story

By Bill Conroy & Al Giordano
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Documentos de la embajada de EEUU en México confirman el acuerdo Televisa-Peña Nieto

June 11, 2012

The Mexican Student Movement Is Younger & Faster than "Occupy"

The Guidelines for an Upcoming March Remind More of those of Victorious Struggles in History than of Recent Unsuccessful Ones

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... El movimiento estudiantil mexicano es más joven y más rápido que "Occupy"

June 7, 2012

Here Is the Route and Guidelines for Sunday's Anti-Peña Nieto March in Mexico

After the successful first mobilization, citizen groups and the "YoSoy132" movement call a demonstration to inform the population

By Isadora Bonilla
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Estos son los lineamientos y la ruta para la marcha del domingo “Anti Peña Nieto”

June 7, 2012

Computer Files Link TV Dirty Tricks to Favourite for Mexico Presidency

Televisa alleged to have sold favourable election coverage to top politicians

By Jo Tuckman
The Guardian (London)

en español... Afirma diario The Guardian de Inglaterra que Televisa vendió coberturas positivas a EPN

June 7, 2012

NNTV: For an Authentic Democracy! I Am 132!

Video (with English Subtitles) from the Student Movement Against the Media

By Students of YoSoy132
Republic of Mexico

en español... NNTV: ¡Por una democracia auténtica! ¡Yo Soy 132!

June 5, 2012

In Mexico, Finally, a Revolt Against the Media

The Summer Will Determine If the “I Am 132” Moment Becomes a Movement and that’s Why “Mexican Spring” Is a Poor Choice of Words for It

By Isadora Bonilla and Al Giordano
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... En México, finalmente una revuelta contra los medios de comunicación

June 1, 2012

The Medium is The Middleman: For a Revolution Against Media

The Original Version of the 1997 Essay that Gave Birth to Narco News and the Authentic Journalism Renaissance, Unabridged and Without Footnotes

By Al Giordano
School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Los medios son el intermediario: Para una revolución contra de los actuales medios de comunicación

June 1, 2012

NNTV: Kids Have Had It Up to Here

Controversial New Video - with Children mocking the drug war and mass media - Goes Viral in Mexico

By Los Vengadores MX
Narco News TV

en español... NNTV: Niños Hasta la Madre

May 29, 2012

Mexican President Calderón Hires US Propaganda Firm

Los Pinos Retains Las Vegas-Based R&R; Partners to Promote Government’s Successes As the Bloody Drug War Rages On

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Presidente mexicano contrata compañía propagandística estadounidense

May 28, 2012

Professor’s Work Shows People Power Trumps Violence

Erica Chenoweth’s Research Is Taking the Bang out of Armed Struggles

By Jenny Gustafsson
School of Authentic Journalism, class of 2012

en español... El trabajo de la profesora comprueba que el poder popular triunfa sobre la violencia

May 21, 2012

Javier Sicilia Calls Out to Alternative Media as a Force for Communication

At the 2012 School of Authentic Journalism, a Poet Reviews the First Year of the Movement Against the Drug War that He Inspired

By Laura García
School of Authentic Journalism, class of 2012

en español... Javier Sicilia convoca a los medios alternativos como una fuerza para la comunicación

May 17, 2012

This page shows the most recent articles from The Other Journalism. For a complete archive of stories dating back to the release of the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle, click here.
The Other Journalism

Reporting on the Tour by Subcomandante Marcos Throughout the Mexican Republic


Planning Meetings in the Lacandon Jungle (2005)

2006: On the Road

Quintana Roo
Nayarit and Colima

Ground Zero:

State of Mexico and Mexico City
Zapatistas Call Red Alert in Response to the Atenco Atrocity

Mexico’s Corrupt Electoral System

The Tour Continues…

Baja California Sur
Baja California
San Luis Potosí
Nuevo León


The Other Side!

Full Archive

The Other Journalists

Read the Communiqué Introducing the Brigade

Mercedes Osuna, general coordinator

Al Giordano, correspondent and road team coordinator

Gerardo Osuna, technical coordinator

Victor Amezcua, road team logistics coordinator

Kristin Bricker, correspondent

Simon Fitzgerald, correspondent

Alberto Gini, videographer

Ana Mauri, photographer

Alice Serena, photographer

Martina Morazzi, photographer

Joshua Bregman, videographer

Murielle Coppin, correspondent and photographer

Ginna Villarreal, photographer

Yael Gerson Ugalde, correspondent

Nancy Davies, correspondent

Amber Howard, correspondent

Sean Geary, video producer

Gregory Berger, documentary director

Sarahy Flores Sosa, cinematographer

Juan Trujillo, correspondent

Annie P. Warren, photographer

Quetzal Belmont, audio/radio coordinator

Karla Aguilar, audio/radio coordinator

Jill Freidberg, video editor

James Daria, correspondent

RJ Maccani, correspondent

Daniela Lima, correspondent

Dul Santamaria, correspondent

Ana Laura Hernández, correspondent

Giovanni Proiettis, correspondent

Teo Ballvé, correspondent

Barrett Hawes, documentary producer

Dan Feder, correspondent

David Briones, webmaster


Spanish: Ivan García, Francisco Alvarez Quiñones, Laura del Castillo Matamoros, Lucia Benavides, Cesar Soriano, Raymundo Reynoso

English: Dan Feder, Jill Freidberg, Simon Fitz, Yakira Teitel, Lois Guchu, Yael Gerson Ugalde, Teo Ballvé, Kristin Bricker, Simon Fitzgerald, Chris Thomas, Dean Willis

Portuguese: Natalia Viana, Cecilia Viana

German: Dorothee Lienan, Stefan Fraudenberg, Martin, Dana Aldea

French: Dorothee Lienan, Irene Roca Ortíz, Sara de Haro, Claudine Madelon, Caroline Damiens

Italian: Giovanni Proiettis, Renza, Annamaria Maribel

Dutch: Murielle Coppin

Tel: 967 678 36 98

Email - Web page

Other News

Enlace Zapatista
Subcomandante Marcos’ Weblog

Indymedia Mexico
Coverage: We Are All Atenco

Radio Insurgente
The Voice of the Voiceless

Radio Pacheco
Audios from the Other Campaign

Radio KeHuelga
The Voices of the Other Campaign

Indymedia Chiapas
The Other Campaign

La Jornada
Other Campaign Coverage

Radio Sabotaje

Radio Zapote

Radio Polakas

Presos politicos: libertad

Radio Zapatista
KPFA - Pacifica Radio (94.1 FM)


Comisión del Caso Atenco

Egoteca: Otro No lugar en el Ciberespacio

Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca

La Otra del Otro Lado

La otra Morelos

La otra en el sur de Morelos

La otra Guerrero

La otra Tabasco

La otra Tampico

De Tod@s Para Tod@s

Información de La Otra Campaña

Con Safos

Mujeres Sin Miedo

La Otra Tijuana

Radikando (Tijuana)

La Otra Tamaulipas

La Otra Nuevo Leon

El Color de La Palabra (San Luis Potosí)

La Otra San Diego

La Otra Jalisco

Rincón Rupestre

La Otra Chilanga

Zapateando (Veracruz)

La Otra Colima

La Otra Sonora

La Otra Yucatán

Atenco Blog

La Sexta, La Otra

La Otra Huasteca

De Peninsula a Peninsula

Atenco: Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra

Jovenes de la Otra Puebla

Rinconcito revolucionario

Zapatista Blogs in English

Mexico-Australia Solidarity Network


Zapatista Network

Delete the Border

East Side Café (LA)

Encuentro New York

Chiapas 95 email list archives

La Zezta (French, English, Spanish)

Other Campaign Photo Album

Estación Libre



La Otra Salt Lake City

Zapatismo and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance