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Choose a video category below to learn more about Jamestown Settlement and Yorktown Victory Center.

Video Categories

Lafayette and the Farewell Tour
Lafayette and the Farewell Tour

Lafayette and the Farewell Tour: Odyssey of an American Idol, a lecture by Alan Hoffman, delivered at the Yorktown Victory Center, June 8, 2015.

Clothing of the Common People in Elizabethan and Jacobean England
Clothing of the Common People in Elizabethan and Jacobean England

British historian Stuart Peachey discusses “Clothing of the Common People in Elizabethan and Jacobean England.”

Navigation in the Age of Exploration
Navigation in the Age of Exploration

Find out how 17th-century sailors navigated across vast oceans and learn to use a period navigation tool.

History of The Royal Welch Fusiliers lecture
History of The Royal Welch Fusiliers lecture

Hear Lieutenant General Jonathon Riley speak about the history of the Royal Welch Fusiliers.

A Man Most Driven
A Man Most Driven

Peter Firstbrook lecture about the accomplishments of Captain John Smith

DIY – History
DIY – History

Do-It-Yourself videos explore products of the 18th-century.

Trouble Brewing
Trouble Brewing

Trouble is brewing in Britain’s North American colonies!

A Colonial Christmas
A Colonial Christmas

Visit Jamestown Settlement and Yorktown Victory Center during the holiday season!

Color To Dye For
Color To Dye For

Color is the spice of life, and 18th-century colonists thought so too. Discover the importance of richly colored clothing in colonial times.

The World of 1607 – Cycle Four
The World of 1607 – Cycle Four

The World of 1607 - Cycle Four

The World of 1607 – Cycle Three
The World of 1607 – Cycle Three

The World of 1607 - Cycle Three

A Fruitful Soil
A Fruitful Soil

A series of audio minutes, "Jamestown: A Fruitful Soil," providing a historical overview of the people and events of 17th-century Virginia.