
Yorktown Victory Celebration

Military life and artillery demonstrations mark the 234th anniversary of America’s momentous Revolutionary War victory at Yorktown on October 19, 1781. Beyond the militia drills and camp displays, visitors can enroll in Enlist!, a one-hour immersive military program, for an additional fee. October 19 commemorative events take place in historic Yorktown and Yorktown Battlefield. More

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Revolutionary War Lecture Series: “George Washington and the Cherry Tree”

The second of four Yorktown Victory Center evening lectures on the life and legacy of George Washington features historian and archaeologist Philip Levy presenting “George Washington and the Cherry Tree: A New Look at a Story You Thought You Knew.”  Levy is the author of Where the Cherry Tree Grew: The Story of Ferry Farm, George Washington’s Boyhood Home and the forthcoming George Washington Writ

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Family Frights at Jamestown Settlement

6:30 to 9 p.m., Friday and Saturday, October 23 and 24, 2015 A family night out at the museum with trick-or-treating, games and crafts, haunted house and ship, ghostly tales, and spooky straw maze. Special admission fee. More

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Revolutionary War Lecture Series: “Robert E. Lee: The Man Who Would Not Be Washington”

The third of four Yorktown Victory Center evening lectures on the life and legacy of George Washington features Jonathan Horn presenting “Robert E. Lee: The Man Who Would Not Be Washington,” about the brilliant soldier bound by marriage to George Washington’s family but turned by war against Washington’s crowning achievement, the Union.  Horn, a former White House speechwriter, is author of The Ma

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Revolutionary War Lecture Series: “George Washington’s Journey”

The last of four Yorktown Victory Center evening lectures on the life and legacy of George Washington features T.H. Breen presenting “George Washington’s Journey.” The lecture will recount how during the first months of his presidency George Washington boldly transformed American political culture by organizing a journey to all 13 original states, a demanding tour designed to secure the strength a

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