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Netizen Report: Is Egypt Blocking Voice Calls on WhatsApp and Skype?

Lebanon arrests two over Facebook posts, Venezuela blocks Bitcoin sites in crusade against foreign currency, and the EU takes 'Safe Harbor' away from US tech companies.

Kabul Taxi is Blocked on Facebook. Long Live Kabul Taxi!

Facebook and the government of Afghanistan combined to put the breaks on a popular online vehicle for political satire. But public demand for more is insatiable.

Turkey Puts a Gun to the Media's Head in Lead-up to Elections

Information campaigns and physical intimidation that once targeted Kurdish and leftist media are now being aimed at major media outlets of all kinds.

Open Letter: Facebook Must Change its Broken “Real Name” Policy

"Facebook maintains a system that disregards the circumstances of users in countries with low Internet connectivity, exposes its users to danger, and curtails free speech."

Fears for Imprisoned Syrian Bassel Khartabil, Transferred to an Unknown Location

Activists are calling upon the Syrian government to immediately release imprisoned Syrian-Palestinian blogger Bassel Khartabil (Safadi) after he was moved from his prison to an unknown location earlier today.

Indonesian Student Detained Under Cyber Law for Police Extortion Video

"Is defamation the reason for Adlun's arrest or was he arrested for revealing facts about police [behavior]?"

Thai Netizens Stage ‘Virtual Sit-in’ Against Single Internet Gateway Plan

"The single benefit is to the government and security agencies. They will be able to secretly wiretap, filter, and censor everything that is sent and received by every Internet user."

New Leak Details Kremlin’s Plans For a Russian ‘National Internet’

The leak by Anonymous International reveals plans for the concept of a “national information platform” in Russia, which effectively describes the creation of an alternative Russian Internet.

Netizen Report: Will Brazil Give Up On Defending Digital Rights?

Brazilian legislators seek to undercut the Marco Civil while Ecuador’s president wields tools of censorship to avoid hurt feelings.

Facing Sweeping Surveillance Bill, French Public Falls Between Alarm and Indifference

Civil liberties defenders say a pending bill could catapult France into a new position of power in the field of international Internet surveillance.