This page was last updated on October 09, 2015

Ticket Prices $90 thru Monday Oct 12, 2015

wolff coming

Richard Wolff - October 24th at The Star Palace- Fresno - Tickets on sale now. Banquet and a private "Meet and Greet".

Regular Price Tickets $90.00 each through Oct 12, 2015 - Table of 8 - $700

Last Minute Tickets $125.00 each after Oct 12, 2015

>>>>>NOTE Pull down menu on the left to select either "Meet and Greet" or "Banquet Dinner" <<<<<

Talk Title: Economy in Crisis and a Real Solution

Blurb: Economic crises since 2008 continue: ever deeper income and wealth inequalities, ecological dangers, politics corrupted by money. Reforms after capitalism's worst crisis - the 1930s Great depression - failed to prevent today's crises. A real solution requires more than reforms. We need system change. That means reorganizing our enterprises (offices, factories, and stores) into real democracies where each employee has an equal vote on what the enterprise produces, how, and where, and what is done with the profits that all help to produce. Prof. Wolff shows how democratizing enterprises can really solve the crises of a capitalist system that no longer "delivers the goods" to most people.

Brown Paper Tickets Ticket Widget Loading...

Click Here to visit the Brown Paper Tickets event page.

Parking for the Banquet:

Tickets Available at

or by calling 1-800-838-3006. No tickets will be sold at the FFCF/KFCF office. There also will be a mail-order option available in a mailing to members.

Or send a check to : FFCF Box 4364 Fresno, CA 93744-4364

Richard Wolff - Meet and Greet - Saturday Oct 24, 2015 1:30- 3:30 PM

$50.00 per person. Includes wine and hors d'oeuvres.

Tickets Available at

or by calling 1-800-838-3006.

No tickets will be sold at the FFCF/KFCF office. There also will be a mail-order option available in a mailing to members.

KFCF will be honoring one locally produced Program as The Program of The Year at our annual banquet on October 24th.

You, and your friends can vote for one KFCF program at:

KFCF Program of the Year vote

The voting is limited to ONE vote per computer IP address. Voting ends at 9 PM on Friday, October0 23rd.

Fresno Free College Foundation


Board of Directors elections 2015

The Foundation owns and operates KFCF-FM in Fresno. The nomination period to run for the Board of The Fresno Free College Foundation has opened. You must be a current member of the Foundation/KFCF as of August 31, 2015 in order to run. If you joined through KPFA at $25 or more you are a member. The nomination period closes on October 15, 2015.


  1. A candidate must be a qualified member as defined by the current Bylaws of the Fresno Free College Foundation, which are available at or from the FFCF office. The date of record for eligibility is established as August 31 in each election cycle. Questions about eligibility should be addressed to the Foundation offices.
  2. The nomination period shall last 45 days commencing September 1. Completed nomination papers must be submitted by hand or email to the Foundation offices no later than 5PM October 15 .
  3. The Executive Director will continue to be an ex-oficio (non-voting) member of the Board, and shall not run for an elected Board seat.
  4. FCC rules prohibit anyone convicted of a felony from being the licensee of a broadcast station, and, since the Board serves as the licensee of KFCF FM, anyone convicted of a felony may not serve.
  5. Per Article 3 Section2 of the Bylaws, " If after the close of nominations the number of people nominated for the Board is not more than the number of directors to be elected, the Corporation may without further action declare that those nominated and qualified to be elected have been elected."
  6. Candidates shall provide, with their nomination papers, brief answers to a set questionnaire prepared by the Election Committee as well as a brief statement of qualifications and vision.
  7. Fresno Free College Foundation contact information will be supplied in nomination packets and on FFCF websites.


  1. The election period shall begin November 1 and last 30 days or until the close of the election. Campaigning is prohibited until November 1st.
  2. All candidates confirmed at the end of the nomination period shall be requested to submit a 1 minute candidate statement to be aired on KFCF during the campaign period. KFCF staff will assist candidates in creating carts for this purpose and carts will be aired on a rotating basis daily during local programming periods.
  3. KFCF will produce and air at least one live candidate forum, which will include calls from listeners to ask questions of the candidates. The date and time will be coordinated by the Election Committee to allow maximum participation. Community groups, should they desire, may host additional public forums, with the requirement that all candidates should be invited and allowed to attend; however candidate participation in such forums shall not be mandatory. Candidates knowingly participating in forums to which all candidates have not been invited shall be disqualified.
  4. Materials submitted by the candidates as part of the nomination process shall be posted on the official FFCF websites. This information shall also be distributed with all ballots.
  5. Aside from scheduled forums and carts, all other on-air discussion of the election must be confined to encouraging members to vote.


  1. Paper ballots shall be issued to all eligible members.
  2. If anyone believes they are an eligible member and did not receive a ballot, they can request a ballot from the Foundation Office and will be issued a provisional ballot which will only be counted if their eligibility is confirmed and no other ballot from that individual has been received.
  3. Write-in candidates will be counted provided they are members of record and are otherwise qualified.
  4. Ballots will be distributed with a premarked return envelope. Completed ballots must be returned in this envelope with personalized pre-marking intact.
  5. Ballots may be hand delivered to the station office no later than 5PM on December 1, 2015 or postmarked by December 1st, 2015
  6. Ballots will be counted within 10 days of the election and the results posted upon completion of counting and certification by the neutral 3rd party Election Proctor, assuring confidentiality. Any challenges to the Election Proctor's counting and certification must be communicated in writing to the Board of Directors in a timely manner and as prescribed by law.
  7. Within 60 days of ballot certification, the Board shall vote on whether or not validate the election.
  8. Per Article 3 Section2 of the Bylaws, "If the required quorum of ballots is not received by the Elections Close Date then the Elections Close Date shall be extended by two additional weeks. If no quorum of ballots is obtained by the extended date, then those Directors whose terms would have expired upon the election of new Directors shall remain in office until the next regularly scheduled Director election." Per Article 2 Section 8 of the Bylaws quorum is 10% of membership.


  1. CANDIDATE STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS AND VISION - Please provide a statement of not more than 150 words describing your qualifications and your vision for the Foundation. This will be included with the ballot materials and will also be posted on the FFCF/KFCF websites.
  2. CANDIDATE QUESTIONS (350 word limit total, excluding questions) - This will be included with the ballot materials and will also be posted on the FFCF/KFCF websites.
    1. Please provide a brief background statement with the skill, experiences, and connection with Fresno Free College Foundation that you would bring to the Board as a Director.
    2. Please describe your perception of the value of KFCF 88.1 FM and KPFA to Central California.
    3. What is your opinion of KFCF's local programming? How would you work to improve the local programming?
    4. How would you propose to increase the size and diversity of the KFCF listening audience?
    5. What, in your opinion, is the proper role and responsibility of a Board member?
    6. Do you have time to attend monthly Board and committee meetings?
    • Your declaration of candidacy should contain an affirmation that you are standing for election to Director of the Fresno Free College Foundation.
    • EXAMPLE: I, (name), am both qualified and eligible to run for the office of Director of the Fresno Free College Foundation.
    • Include on the declaration the following information: Name , Mailing Address, Phone Number(s), Email address if any
    • This information is required in order for you to be contacted about candidate events and election activities as well as to verify your eligibility as a member.

Free Speech Radio? Yak Yak Yak! How about some FREE MUSIC! Let's Dance!

KFCF is going to be featuring some live music this fall from around town.

Upcoming events include: Intermountain Nursury Harvest Festical - October 10 and 11

  • We had a great broadcast of Lance Canales CD Release Party with Lance Canales, Richfield and Motel Drive. Live from Arte Americas - Sat August 29th
  • More to come --
  • Bioneers Weekly


    Thursdays at 3:30 PM on KFCF-FM

    October 8 at 3:30 PM

    A Love That Is Wild: Why Wilderness Matters in the 21st Century


    Writer, naturalist and activist Terry Tempest Williams asks “Can we love ourselves, each other and the Earth enough to change?” She invokes our deepest humanity to honor and protect the wilderness that’s the cauldron of evolution – and of our own imagination. “Our power lies in the love of our homelands,” she tells us in this eloquent, heartfelt tour-de-force, and protecting the wild requires bringing democracy home.



    Thursday 1:00 PM

    Host: Greg Dalton

    Guests: Louise Bedsworth, Deputy Director, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research; Kathryn Sullivan, Administrator, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; Hunter Cutting, Director of Strategic Communications, Climate Nexus

    This program was recorded live at The Commonwealth Club in San Francisco on March 3, 2015.

    If anybody has seen the big picture when it comes to climate, it’s Kathryn Sullivan. As a former NASA astronaut and the first woman to walk in space, she’s gotten more than a bird’s eye view. “When you get even a couple hundred miles away and look back the planet you get a really different sense of proportion,” she marvels. The atmosphere we depend to survive on looks “like the fuzz on the tennis ball. It's remarkably thin…a little fluid membrane that envelops this ball of dirt and makes it habitable. It's very elegantly and finely structured.”

    It’s an elegance that the public first glimpsed in the famous “Earthrise” photos, taken in 1968 by Apollo 8 astronaut William Anders. This new perspective on our home planet helped shape our understanding of the effects we humans were having on it, and spurred the environmental movement.

    “We are the first generation of human beings ever in the history of humankind that has the ability to comprehend and measure our planet with satellites and other instrumentation,” says Sullivan, who now heads up the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). “We can essentially take a snapshot of global conditions, oceanic conditions, atmospheric conditions. And this has what’s made it possible for us to have the kind of forecasting we have in weather forecasting and longer range outlooks. “

    The outlook for California is sobering, according to Louise Bedsworth of the state’s Office of Planning and Research. California has seen its share of recent extreme weather events, including the 2013 Rim Fire, which burned over 250,000 acres and impacted tourism and other businesses throughout the region. And there’s more to come this year as the summer heats up.

    “I think probably one of our biggest impacts of concern is going to be the effect on the state's water supply,” Bedsworth warns. While the amount of precipitation is hard to predict, “we’ll have more of that precipitation as rain than as snow, so that is going to really impact the state's water supply.

    We also know that we'll see more extreme events, more large destructive wildfires, severe droughts and heat waves.”

    And it’s not just California that’s feeling the heat. According to NOAA’s latest National Climate Assessment, the frequency of extreme weather events, from hurricanes and floods to wildfires and drought, is on the rise across the country. We know that climate change is causing this weather whiplash, but how? Kathryn Sullivan describes it as “kitchen table science.”

    “The energy that drives weather in our planet is the heat coming in from the sun, the moisture content of the atmosphere, and obviously the rotation of the earth all of the swirling that that introduces,” she explains. “So we’re dialing up the extra heat in the atmosphere...when you heat up the water, the relative humidity in a hot atmosphere can be much higher than in the cooler and drier atmosphere.

    “It’s really stovetop science working on the planetary scale.”

    This global chemistry experiment has given birth to some familiar names in the news: Superstorm Sandy. Hurricane Katrina. Winterstorm Juno. While the practice of naming our weather has been criticized as media hype, Hunter Cutting of communications firm Climate Nexus says it’s actually helpful to the average viewer. “If you give something a name, it's a character in the story,” he says. “Scientists work with numbers and formulas. Average folks tell stories…then that story can be expanded to talk about what causes storm, what changed the odds of the storm happening. That’s how you can bring climate change into the conversation.”

    Human, plant and animal migration is an important, if less dramatic, part of the climate story, adds Kathryn Sullivan.

    “Disease patterns are migrating. The hay fever seasons have already expanded by up to 26 days” throughout North America, she says. Biologists have observed growing seasons changing all around the globe. “Human migrations are also being observed, and are very much a concern of national security officials in many, many, many countries.” Sullivan cited a recent National Academy of Sciences study that draws a link between climate change, drought and the Syrian uprising.

    When it comes to escaping disaster, Sullivan emphasizes that it’s not about location – it’s about community. The word “resilience,” she says, has three strands: “It’s societal, it’s economic and its ecological resilience. You’ve got to be looking at all three, you’ve got to be weaving all three, or the notion is meaningless.”

    So, “adaption or mitigation?” asked one audience member. Which strategy will better ensure our survival? Hunter Cutting believes that with the temperature projected to increase by up to eight degrees, we can – and should – do both. “It’s a bit of a balancing act, right?” he replied. “Eight degrees may not sound like much. But that's about the amount of temperature change that we saw that ended the last Ice Age, and we’d have crocodiles living in the Arctic. So we really don’t want to go there.” Reducing emissions will help keep that number down, but what’s a manageable number?

    “Two degrees…we can adapt to that much,” he concludes. “So I think we have to do both. We have to mitigate to avoid the catastrophic, and adapt to what we can’t avoid.” And change, Cutter points out, is one of the signature characteristics of our species.

    “Adaptation is just going to be part of what we do now going forward in the future.”

    Climate One

    This American Life MONDAYS at 2 PM on KFCF 88.1 FM

    Ira Glass is one of America's premiere storytellers and his show "This American Life" can be heard on KFCF Mondays at 2:00 PM.

    This American Life

    Oct 5 - 2:00 PM Gladiators in the Colosseum. Sideshow performers. Reality television. We've always loved to gawk at the misery or majesty of others. But this week, we ask the question: What's it like when the tables are turned and all eyes are on you? An episode from last year, with one story swapped.

    Planetary Radio

    Sundays at 6:30 PM

    Planetary Radio image NASA/JPL

    Scott Hubbard and John Logsdon led the Humans Orbiting Mars Workshop last spring. They return with Casey Dreier as the report on that workshop is released to the world. Emily Lakdawalla sizes up NASA’s announcement about water on the surface of Mars right now. Bill Nye calls us on his way toward the Crimson Tide.

    Leave a Legacy

    Remember KFCF/The Fresno Free College Foundation in your will/estate. Include language such as the following in your estate planning:

    "I give and bequeath unto the Fresno Free College Foundation/KFCF, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, Taxpayer ID 23-7071044, with its principal office in Fresno, California, the sum of $_______________ to be used to further the work of the foundation." (If you do not wish to specify an amount, you may use a residuary bequest that is stated as a percentage of your estate.) For more information, contact the station at 559-233-2221. Remember KFCF/The Fresno Free College Foundation in your will/estate. Include language such as the following in your estate planning:

    Another option is making KFCF/FFCF the beneficiary of your 401(k)or 403(b), IRA, Roth or Keogh retirement plan. The designee should be the "Fresno Free College Foundation", Taxpayer-ID 23-7071044. KFCF/FFCF can get your pre-tax contributions TAX FREE. For more information, contact the station at 559-233-2221.

    Alternative Radio

    Wednesdays at 11 AM

    Oct 7 - Chris Hedges [AR Upcoming] Chris Hedges - Extraction Industries & Sexploitation The scourge of male violence against women will not end if we dismantle the forces of global capitalism. The scourge of male violence exists independently of capitalism, empire and colonialism. It is a separate evil. The fight to end male violence against women, part of a global struggle by women, must take primacy in our own struggle. Women and girls, especially those who are poor and of color, cannot take part in a liberation movement until they are liberated. They cannot offer to us their wisdom, their leadership and their passion until they are freed from physical coercion and violent domination. This is why the fight to end male violence across the globe is not only fundamental to our movement but will define its success or failure. We cannot stand up for some of the oppressed and ignore others who are oppressed. None of us is free until all of us are free. Chris Hedges is an award-winning journalist who has covered wars in the Balkans, the Middle East and Central America. He writes a weekly column for and is a senior fellow at The Nation Institute. He is the author of many books including Empire of Illusion, Death of the Liberal Class, The World As It Is, and Wages of Rebellion. Chris Hedges

  • Oct 7 Chris Hedges – Extraction Industries & Sexploitation
  • Oct 14 Osagyefo Sekou – Faith, Ferguson & Non-Violent Resistance
  • Oct 21 Katie Singer – Electronic Silent Spring
  • Oct 28 Edward Said – Culture & Imperialism
  • Democracy Now! Newsfeed

    Heard weekdays at 6 AM and 9 AM on KFCF
    » Democracy Now!

    Pacifica Evening News - Evenings at 6 PM on KFCF

    Palestinian Dissatisfaction, Despair Driving Jerusalem Attacks

    Israel set up roadblocks in Palestinian neighborhoods in East Jerusalem and deployed soldiers across the country in an effort to stop a wave of Palestinian knife attacks. In the latest incident, a Palestinian stabbed and wounded a 70-year-old woman outside Jerusalem's central bus station, at the entrance to the city, before an officer shot him dead. Two hours earlier, another Palestinian was also shot dead after he had attempted to stab paramilitary police at an entrance to Jerusalem's walled Old City.
    George Bisharat is an emeritus professor of law at UC Hastings College of the Law. KPFA's Aileen Alfandary asked him what's driving these apparently individual and unorganized attacks by Palestinians:

    Two major SF Hotels resist workers demands

    Two upscale San Francisco hotels were the scenes of all-day protests September 28 after hotel owners rejected workers call for a fair process to decide on unionization. The Hyatt Fisherman’s Wharf and Le Méridien hotels are the only major non-union hotels in the city according to UNITE HERE Local 2 which is helping the workers to organize. The two hotels are owned by Chesapeake Lodging Trust which owns 22 hotels with almost 7,000 rooms across the country.

    Approximately two dozen demonstrators engaged in non-violent civil disobedience at the protests blocking guests from entering the Le MĂ©ridien. Workers are calling for a consumer boycott to persuade the corporate owners to deal fairly with their employees. Tom Herriman has more:
    (Photo: Ana Flores, right and her daughter Suzanna),

    Contra Costa Nurses Strike for Better Patient Care

    Nearly 1,000 nurses REPRESENTED BY THE CALIFORNIA NURSES ASSOCIATION - NATIONAL NURSES UNITED at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and other county clinics began a two-day strike Oct. 6 after what nurses say is the County’s failure to address serious patient care concerns they have been bringing to the County’s attention for over a year. PACIFICA'S Tom Herriman reports from the picket line in Martinez:

    Luxury Development Moratorium on SF Ballot

    Affordable housing and tenants rights advocates are pushing for a temporary ban on big development in San Francisco’s Mission neighborhood. They gathered on the steps of City Hall to build support for their “Measure I” on the city’s November ballot. Christopher Martinez reports from San Francisco.

    Utilities Commission Reform Bills Meet Governor's Vetoes

    Governor Jerry Brown has vetoed a package of legislation aimed at reforming California’s beleaguered Public Utilities Commission. The six bills would have tightened public meeting laws and oversight of a commission that has been accused of having cozy relationships with the utilities it regulates. Christopher Martinez reports.


    Free Speech Radio News Weekly News stories are featured on KFCF during newscasts

    Estates, Trusts and Wills Workshop

    Thanks to all who attended the workshop on Sat. July 26th. The Audio is at :

    KFCF Volunteer Opportunities

    KFCF is looking for the following: a webmaster to update and maintain the KFCF website; and someone to help with light janitorial services at our studios. We also can occasionally use volunteers for other things, too. If you can help, send an email to or call the station at 559-233-2221.

    LA Theatre Works

    Sundays at 7 PM


    FFCF Board of Directors Meeting

    The Board of Directors of the Fresno Free College Foundation holds its regular meetings on the third Tuesday of each month. The meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. at the Fresno Center For Non Violence/Peace Fresno at 1584 N Van Ness Avenue Avenue in Fresno.

    The next meeting is scheduled for

    Fall 2015 Pledge Drive
    Sept 15- October 8.

    A number of people have contacted KFCF saying they want to directly donate to KFCF. If you want to donate, you can send your contribution to KFCF, PO Box 4364, Fresno, CA 93744-4364, or donate/pledge online by clicking one of the buttons below. If you're interested in a premium, you can donate via KPFA's web page or during a pledge drive call their toll free number, 1-800-439-5732.

    If you wish to enter a recurring monthly pledge, click the "Monthly Pledge" button.

    To make a single payment, click the "One Time Payment" button.

    Please note that only individuals who donate a minimum of $25 per year to KPFA by calling 1-800-439-5732 or via the website are eligible to vote in KPFA elections. Potential members who want to donate more than $25 have an option of donating this $25 amount to KPFA (a portion of this donation returns to our local affiliate) and the balance of their intended donation directly to KFCF. All donations of at least $25 to KPFA qualify individuals to vote in KFCF (local) and KPFA (Berkeley) elections.