New Zealand History


1967 The end of the 'six o'clock swill'

Six p.m. closing for pubs was introduced as a 'temporary' wartime measure in 1917. The resulting 'six-o'clock swill' encouraged binge drinking as patrons tried to drink their fill before closing time.

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9 October October


Whina Cooper

9 Dec 1895 - 26 Mar 1994

Te Rārawa leader and woman of mana, Dame Whina Cooper spent her whole life fighting for Māori land rights. As an 80-year old she led 5,000 Māori land protest marchers as they walked from Te Hāpua (in the far north) to Parliament, arriving on 13 October 1975.

New Zealand and the First World War

New Zealand and the First World War

The First World War had a seismic impact on New Zealand, reshaping the country's perception of itself and its place in the world.

Women's Suffrage Petition

Suffrage Petition

The 1893 Women's suffrage petition — signed by more than 25,000 women, about a fifth of the enture adult European female population — helped pave the way for the passage of New Zealand's world-leading Electoral Act in September 1893.

See the digitised version of the petition

Memorials Register

Memorials Register

Find exact locations and further information for more than 900 memorials throughout New Zealand.

Explore the memorials