Who are the Christadelphians - Are Christadelphians a CULT?
The distinguishing features of cults are examined and found to be opposite to the beliefs and practices of Christadelphians. Our only head is the
Lord Jesus Christ and we are organised like the first century believers.
The Bible is the focus of our appeal, which is made to all members of society willing to listen.
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Christianity was in its earliest days, entirely unpolitical: The best representatives in our time are the Christadelphians.” –
Bertrand Russel
“Christadelphians aim to get as close as possible to the faith and practice of the early
Christian church.” –
The Christadelphians reject many of the major doctrines of modern Christendom, and have an understanding of the
Gospel that is true to the original teachings of
Jesus Christ.
It is recognized – even by historians – that many of the doctrines of the major churches were introduced in many cases under political pressure, or for political expediency. In other cases and especially around the
4th century, christian practices adopted pagan characteristics in order to entice pagan worshipers. However the doctrines and practices of the Christadelphian community dispense with centuries of pagan or political influence, and are derived only through scriptural precedent.
Continued, personal and independent study of the
Bible is the primary emphasis of the community, with sole reliance on
Scriptures for guidance in a way of life.
The Christadelphians organise locally into groups called “ecclesias”, which is a Bible
Word in
Greek that means A called out assembly. We have no clergy, and share responsibilities for various tasks among the baptized members of the ecclesia. Our ecclesias associate with one another by having what we term – fellowship, which is
Christian association in many forms.
There are Christadelphians in many parts of the world, for example in
Britain and parts of
Europe, many
African countries, the
Far East from
India to
Australia, New Zealand and the
Pacific Islands,
North and South America from
Canada to
Argentina, and in the islands of the
Caribbean. The community includes people of many races and cultures.
A brief summary of Christadelphian beliefs are listed below.
The Bible is the only true message from God and was entirely given by him.
There is only one God, the
Father, who made the world and has a great purpose for it.
The Holy Spirit is God’s own power; by which He works out His own holy will.
Jesus is the
Son of God. He is also
Son of man through being born of
Jesus overcame all temptation and died to save his followers from sin and death.
Jesus was raised from the dead by God.
Later he ascended to heaven but will return.
When he returns he will raise and judge the responsible dead and give immortality to the faithful.
He will be
King over the restored
Kingdom of God in
Israel and over the whole world.
His immortalised followers will help him to bring everlasting righteousness and
peace worldwide.
The devil is not a supernatural being but is another name for sin, destroyed only in
Salvation involves covering from sin through Christ, and freedom from sin and death at his coming.
When man dies he ceases to exist. The only hope of life is by the resurrection at Christ’s return.
Belief in God’s
Promises about the Kingdom of God and the work of Jesus Christ is essential.
Repentance and baptism into Christ by immersion in water and daily following of Christ are all necessary for ultimate salvation.