14 October 2015

Uganda: Christians 'Sects' an Obstacle to Evangelism


Christianity, the faith that derives its legitimacy from the Word of God as written in the Holy Bible, is also the religious institution with the largest number of sects and cults.

A few examples are the Roman Catholics, Anglicans, Orthodox, Pentecostals, Seventh Day Adventists and many others.

The existence of many sects each embracing its unique tenets, creeds and followers has been the greatest obstacle to evangelism - the preaching of the message of salvation as presented in the Holy Bible.

How sects block evangelism

Jesus Christ taught that His followers should be one just as He is one with His Father. Paul in his epistle to the Corinthians preached against Christians owing their allegiance to a particular preacher/teacher because they are all servants of God.

The divisions are deep-rooted and are not just shallow and simple tradition. What each sect has done is breed followers who stand in total defence of its tenets and creeds as more righteous and holy compared to others.

Oftentimes, these creeds and tenets are nowhere in the Bible and are just traditions of man. Thus, the devout Catholic will not have holy communion in the Anglican church; a Catholic priest cannot preach/teach in a Pentecostal conference and neither can a pastor attend or lead mass.

The cause of the division is due to the lack of the Holy Spirit and perversion of the faith. Apostle Paul complained of evil men who crept in unawares and were teaching wrong/demonic doctrines.

George H. Pember, one of the greatest 19th Century evangelists in his book, Earth's Earliest Ages, points out three categories of people who have led to divisionism in Christianity:

Sincere Christians whose minds were not freed from the influence of a pagan education. These, on conversion, came filled with myths, philosophies, and prejudices, which they could not altogether throw off.

The result was "Christianising" pagan traditions. This explains the existence of some known pagan practices/worship which are seemingly familiar in the Christian faith, such as praying to the dead, idols, and "holy days", among others.

There is a lot of philosophy and theology to explain such practices in Christianity, yet they are absent in the Bible. Christians who joined the church from motives of self-interest. These were described by Paul in his letter to Titus (1:10,11), "many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers...who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake" [out of love for money].

Indeed these have used their intellect to justify their selfish interests and amass wealth from their flocks and have taught Christianity as a source of wealth and God's blessings are construed from how wealthy one has become.

The third category is those who became nominal Christians for the express purpose of corrupting Christianity. This is the most evil of the three categories.

These are men devoted to a higher and more intellectual form of pagan worship, initiates of the mysteries - those secret societies that weave their nets over the civilised world. These crept into the fold unawares, as true wolves in sheep's clothing, with deliberate intent to worry and destroy the flock.

The book of Daniel 11:32 states that those who transgress the covenant are corrupted by flatteries. They have toned down the standards of God outlined in scriptural truths for their convenience.

They make their own laws and are their own gods. They are blinded by their own greed and promote the doctrine of Jezebel and Balaam - manipulation, control and selfish gain.

Each of the above categories have formed Christian sects and built up structures in which any honest criticism of their faith is ignored. The followers seem to pay more allegiance to the religious system than to God.

Effects of allegiance to a sect

Obstruction of the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Promotion of divisionism in the church of Jesus Christ. None is guaranteed eternal life because he is Catholic, Protestant or any other sect.

Becoming a political institution and creating political divisions based on religious affiliation. Spiritual slavery, the followers do what their leaders tell them to do without question.

The willingness to compromise on strong biblical principles such as the church not transforming homosexuals but granting them roles in their unrepentant state. Promoting a satanic agenda.

The way forward

I agree with Pember that all Christians need to know that as part of their calling and journey, the Bible is the infallible word of the great Creator; that all men are prone to error and regardless of how old a sect is, it can have errors that have never been addressed; that to discover the truth of any doctrine, Christians should put aside all their preconceived notions and feelings and embrace the gospel like first-timers and uphold the complete gospel truth.

Christians need to know the history of their faith and most especially the events of the last 2000 years of AD.

The devil has succeeded in dividing Christians based on tenets and creeds. Every Christian is called upon to become sober and vigilant (I Peter 5:8). Like the Christians in Berea, they should receive the word with all readiness of mind and search the scriptures daily to find out whether whatever is being told is true.

Just like the Samaritans, Christians should also investigate the various sects on whether they are in line with the scriptures. There is no reason why Christians should be divided like it is. It is the enemy's plan to obstruct evangelism.

Gad Wilson is a Christian, advocate and tutor at Uganda Christian University.


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