Franklin is a Canadian animated television series, based on the Franklin the Turtle books by Brenda Clark and Paulette Bourgeois. The television series was named after its main character, Franklin the Turtle. It was produced by Studios USA, PolyGram Television, Alphanim, LuxAnimation, Nelvana, Neurones Enterprises, Reader's Digest for Young Families, TF1, Funbag Animation Studios, Europool, Mini TFO, and Family Channel.
Currently, reruns air on Nick Jr..
Franklin is a growing young turtle who, as his television stories and books always begin, "...could count by twos and tie his shoes". He goes to school, lives in a small village called Woodland with his friends, and has many adventures playing and learning in the world around him, sometimes with the helping hand of an adult or his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Turtle. Franklin likes swimming, arts and crafts (especially drawing), and loves shoofly pie. He's been known to be afraid of the dark and of thunderstorms. Franklin has a best friend named Bear, as well as a blue blanket and a blue stuffed dog named Sam. Every night he sleeps with his blanket and Sam. During the thunder storms when Franklin is scared Sam and his blue blanket help keep him calm.
Immediately following their wedding, Franklin lets Alice in on a secret about their new life together that threatens to rock the foundation of all she believes. As the couple comes to grips with their new, bizarre reality, a chance encounter with a delivery man puts everything in perspective and allows Alice to have the upper hand.
What is the most important commandment?
What is the most important commandment?
This is a coming of age story that tells of two best friends, Ben and Thomas, and a summer they'll never forget. 16 years old, their lives are based on two things, skateboarding and meeting girls (and not necessarily in that order). While working their way through this confusing maze, their friendship is tested in ways they never expected.
Keywords: friendship, gay, gay-bar, party, skateboard, teenager
Life, love, and the dear departed.
Twenty years ago, Earl Piatowski walked out on his wife, Puppy. They were in love, but he was restless; he left her for the independence, opportunity and romance of a life on the road among our towns and highways. Now, one sale away from a lifetime achievement award, he ís assigned the same small town where he and Puppy married, and even though he has been in thousands of towns just like this one, Earl isn't immune to the emotional implications. Few people are as lucky, or as unlucky, to witness what their lives would have been had they made different decisions Earl & Puppy takes this journey, explores the consequences of Earl's choice and pursues ideals like independence and achievement which so deeply influenced his life.
Keywords: character-name-in-title, earl, puppy
A travelling salesman gets sent back to his hometown looking for the wife he left and the life he might have led.
High powered lawyer Claire Kubik finds her world turned upside down when her husband, who she thought was Tom Kubik, is arrested and is revealed to be Ron Chapman. Chapman is on trial for a murder of Latin American villagers while he was in the Marines. Claire soon learns that to navigate the military justice system, she'll need help from the somewhat unconventional Charlie Grimes; meanwhile, Claire's sister, Jackie, is falling in love with wet-behind-the-ears Lieutenant Embry assigned as the official defense lawyer. And most of the eyewitnesses have rather too conveniently died.
Keywords: 911-call, accusation-of-murder, alcoholic, ambidexterity, american-airlines, answering-machine-message, apology, attorney, audio-recording, bald-man
Everything you trust. Everything you know. May be a lie...
Jackie: I just don't believe it. I refuse.::Charlie Grimes: My assistant now used to say 'truth is less fun than fiction'.::Jackie: Terry would never do that!::Claire Kubik: Oh, you're screwin' him so you know him?::Jackie: Excuse me, Mrs RON CHAPMAN!
Claire Kubik: Doesn't it make more sense that some of those alleged witnesses were ordered to lie on their CID statements?::Major Hernandez: They were NOT ordered to lie.::Claire Kubik: How do you know?::Major Hernandez: I would know if something like that happened to my men.::Claire Kubik: And if something like that happened to your men you would tell us.::Major Hernandez: Of course. I wouldn't lie about it.::Claire Kubik: But major, you were trained and often compelled to lie about your clandestine missions. As I understand it, you're trained to beat a polygraph. Is it true you possess that talent?::Major Hernandez: I'd only use it if interrogated by the enemy, ma'm.::Claire Kubik: That's good to know. So tell me this major, do you consider me a friend?
Claire Kubik: Agent Mullins! I just need a minute of your time!::FBI Agent Mullins: Somehow I'm confident it's not my rugged good looks to which I owe the honor of this visit.
[Charlie and his dog Delilah's answering machine]::Charlie Grimes: This is C.W. Grimes and associates. If you wanna talk to Charlie you should leave a message after the beep. I you wanna talk to Delilah, you should get your head examined!
[to Brigadier General Bill Marks]::Claire Kubik: I've already survived you once you smug son of a bitch. The question is: Will you survive me?
Claire Kubik: Lieutenant, I am an attorney. May I please see the charging document?::Lt. Embry: We call it a charge sheet.::Claire Kubik: Fabulous. May I see it?
Lisa Stenstrom: You have no idea what it's like to see somebody you love killed right in front of you.
Buster Keaton leaves his family vaudeville act for the movies. He starts out as a bit player but quickly becomes famous as he acts in and directs his own films. Casting director Gloria Brent is in love with him, but he favors a starlet. When she rejects him, he starts drinking, a problem which only worsens when sound destroys silent cinema and his career. Will Gloria's love and his desire to make people laugh win out?
Keywords: character-name-in-title, movie-comedian, silent-film-star, silent-movie-actor, vaudeville-comedian
It's a blues - BUSTER!
And when we get home, I know we won't be home at all
This place we live, it is not where we belong
And I miss who we were in the town that we could call our own
Going back to get away after everything has changed
Could you remind me of a time when we were so alive?
(Everything has changed)
Do you remember that? Do you remember that?
(Everything has changed)
Could you help me push aside all that I have left behind?
(Everything has changed)
Do you remember that? Do you remember that?
So we stand here now and no one knows us at all
I won't get used to this
I won't get used to being gone
And going back won't feel the same if we aren't staying
Going back to get away after everything has changed
Could you remind me of a time when we were so alive?
(Everything has changed)
Do you remember that? Do you remember that?
(Everything has changed)
Could you help me push aside all that I have left behind?
(Everything has changed)
Do you remember that? Do you remember that?
Taking up our time
Taking up our time
Taking up our time
It's taking up our time again
Go back we can't go back at all
It's taking up our time again
Go back we can't go back at all
It's taking up our time again
Go back we can't go back at all
It's taking up our time, taking up our time
Could you remind me of a time when we were so alive?