Justin Martyr, also known as just Saint Justin (AD 100–165), was an early Christian apologist, and is regarded as the foremost interpreter of the theory of the Logos in the 2nd century. Most of his works are lost, but two apologies and a dialogue did survive. He is considered a saint by the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Most of what is known about the life of Justin Martyr comes from his own writings. He was born at Flavia Neapolis (today Nablus) in Palestine into a pagan family, and defined himself as a Gentile. His grandfather, Bacchius, had a Greek name, while his father, Priscus bore a Latin name, which has led to speculations that his ancestors may have settled in Neapolis soon after its establishment or that they may have descended from a Roman 'diplomatic' community that had been sent there. He received a Greek education. He tells us (Dialogue 2-8) that he tried first the school of a Stoic philosopher, who was unable to explain God's being to him. He then attended a Peripatetic philosopher but was put off because the philosopher was too eager for his fee. Then he went to hear a Pythagorean philosopher, who demanded that he first learn music, astronomy and geometry, which he did not wish to do. Subsequently, he adopted Platonism after encountering a Platonist thinker who had recently settled in his city. Some time afterwards, he chanced upon an old man, possibly a Palestinian or Syrian Christian, in the vicinity of the seashore, who engaged him in a dialogue about God, and spoke of the testimony of the prophets as more reliable than the reasoning of philosophers. It was this argument which, Justin avers, kindled in him a love of Christ, and led him to embrace the Christian faith. He was influenced in this by the fearless conduct of the Christians facing execution (Apol. 2:12). His conversion is commonly assumed to have taken place at Ephesus, though it may have occurred anywhere on the road from Palestine to Rome.
The First Apology was an early work of Christian apologetics addressed by Justin Martyr to the Roman EmperorAntoninus Pius. In addition to arguing against the persecution of individuals solely for being Christian, Justin also provides the Emperor with a defense of the philosophy of Christianity and a detailed explanation of contemporary Christian practices and rituals. This work, along with the Second Apology, has been cited as one of the earliest examples of Christian apology, and many scholars attribute this work to creating a new genre of apology out of what was a typical Roman administrative procedure.
Justin Martyr was born in Flavia Neapolis, a Greek-speaking town within the Roman Empire. In the Dialogue, Justin explains how he came to Christianity after previously passing through the schools of Stoicism, Peripateticism, and Pythagoreanism. After becoming interested in Platonism, Justin eventually converted to Christianity after an encounter with an old man, which Justin describes in the Dialogue as “a love of the prophets, and of those people who are friends of Christ [that] possessed me.” The equating of Christianity with philosophy is important for Justin, as it explains the importance of the Apologies in defending Christianity in philosophical terms.
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 1 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 1 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 1 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr
[a.d. 110--165.] Justin was a Gentile, but born in Samaria, near Jacob's well. He must have been well educated: he had travelled extensively, and he seems to have been a person enjoying at least a competence. After trying all other systems, his elevated tastes and refined perceptions made him a disciple of Socrates and Plato. So he climbed towards Christ. As he himself narrates the story of his conversion, it need not be anticipated here. What Plato was feeling after, he found in Jesus of Nazareth. The conversion of such a man marks a new era in the gospel history. The sub-apostolic age begins with the firs
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 2 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 2 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 2 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr
[a.d. 110--165.] Justin was a Gentile, but born in Samaria, near Jacob's well. He must have been well educated: he had travelled extensively, and he seems to have been a person enjoying at least a competence. After trying all other systems, his elevated tastes and refined perceptions made him a disciple of Socrates and Plato. So he climbed towards Christ. As he himself narrates the story of his conversion, it need not be anticipated here. What Plato was feeling after, he found in Jesus of Nazareth. The conversion of such a man marks a new era in the gospel history. The sub-apostolic age begins with the fi
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 3 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 3 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 3 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr [a.d. 110--165.] Justin was a Gentile, but born in Samaria, near Jacob's well. He must have been well educated: he had tra...
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 4 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 4 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 4 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr
[a.d. 110--165.] Justin was a Gentile, but born in Samaria, near Jacob's well. He must have been well educated: he had travelled extensively, and he seems to have been a person enjoying at least a competence. After trying all other systems, his elevated tastes and refined perceptions made him a disciple of Socrates and Plato. So he climbed towards Christ. As he himself narrates the story of his conversion, it need not be anticipated here. What Plato was feeling after, he found in Jesus of Nazareth. The conversion of such a man marks a new era in the gospel history. The sub-apostolic age begins with the fi
Justin Martyr-Jesus is a Myth
Justin Martyr-Jesus is a Myth
Justin Martyr-Jesus is a Myth
an early church father states that Jesus is no different than any other son of Jupiter (Zeus)
Justin Martyr
Justin Martyr
Justin Martyr
Justin Martyr was one of the more famous pre-Nicene Christian writers. He was the first to write a large number of works. He was famously martyred around 160 AD.
If you would like to subscribe to this channel via email, send your request to postapostolicchurch@gmail.com.
2014 #3 Church Fathers: Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp & Justin Martyr
2014 #3 Church Fathers: Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp & Justin Martyr
2014 #3 Church Fathers: Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp & Justin Martyr
St. Mary's Summer School of Faith 2014 presents an 8-part series on the Fathers of the Church beginning with the Early Church and Missionary Theology of St. ...
The Abuse and Misuse of Justin Martyr
The Abuse and Misuse of Justin Martyr
The Abuse and Misuse of Justin Martyr
After many attempts, hopefully this will be the full nearly half hour study of Justin Martyr's First Apology and its misuse by enemies of the Christian faith.
St. Justin Martyr - Father and Apologist
St. Justin Martyr - Father and Apologist
St. Justin Martyr - Father and Apologist
Matthew Leonard discusses the great influence of St. Justin Martyr on the early Church.
"Philosophy and Martyrdom Tertullian and Justin Martyr," Jean-Luc Marion
"Philosophy and Martyrdom Tertullian and Justin Martyr," Jean-Luc Marion
"Philosophy and Martyrdom Tertullian and Justin Martyr," Jean-Luc Marion
A lecture given by Jean-Luc Marion (University of Chicago, Université Paris-Sorbonne) on February 21, 2013.
During the first two centuries of Christianity, believers were led to confess their faith before a pagan world and endure persecution and trial, often leading to martyrdom. One might expect from them the posture and tactics of an irrational and "prophetic" theology. But in fact they chose to make arguments for the consistency and rationality of faith under the literary genre of the apology. They even claimed that this rational confession of faith deserves the title of philosophy. This paradox sheds light on our contemporary situation.
Proof for Catholicism in St. Justin Martyr's First Apology
Proof for Catholicism in St. Justin Martyr's First Apology
Proof for Catholicism in St. Justin Martyr's First Apology
http://www.vaticancatholic.com This video discusses many interesting quotes in St. Justin Martyr's First Apology. It shows how his writing provides proof for Catholicism in the ancient Church. It discusses numerous quotes in his writing that are relevant to contradicting Protestantism. It also discusses a passage in St. Justin that modernists misunderstand.
Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho - Part 1 - trinities 074
Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho - Part 1 - trinities 074
Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho - Part 1 - trinities 074
http://trinities.org/blog/podcast-74-justin-martyrs-dialogue-with-trypho-part-1/ Has anyone ever seen God himself? The Bible seems to both affirm and deny this. In Justin Martyr’s Dialogue with Trypho (written c. 155-61), Justin claims that the “God” seen in any Old Testament theophany was not the one God, the Creator (i.e. the Father), but was instead another “God” – the pre-human Jesus. In his view, it is impossible that God himself be seen. Thus, for instance, the prophet Isaiah (pictured here) must have seen Jesus, not God (in the vision described in Isaiah 6).
But why couldn’t an omnipotent being in some sense appear to humans? And wha
St. Justin Martyr
St. Justin Martyr
St. Justin Martyr
Reflection for 6/1/09 www.apostleshipofprayer.org.
Fragments of the Lost Work of Justin Martyr on the Resurrection by Justin Martyr
Fragments of the Lost Work of Justin Martyr on the Resurrection by Justin Martyr
Fragments of the Lost Work of Justin Martyr on the Resurrection by Justin Martyr
Short Nonfiction Collection Vol. 023 by Various A collection of short nonfiction works in the public domain. The selections included in this collection were ...
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 1 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 1 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 1 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr
[a.d. 110--165.] Justin was a Gentile, but born in Samaria, near Jacob's well. He must have been well educated: he had travelled extensively, and he seems to have been a person enjoying at least a competence. After trying all other systems, his elevated tastes and refined perceptions made him a disciple of Socrates and Plato. So he climbed towards Christ. As he himself narrates the story of his conversion, it need not be anticipated here. What Plato was feeling after, he found in Jesus of Nazareth. The conversion of such a man marks a new era in the gospel history. The sub-apostolic age begins with the firs
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 2 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 2 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 2 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr
[a.d. 110--165.] Justin was a Gentile, but born in Samaria, near Jacob's well. He must have been well educated: he had travelled extensively, and he seems to have been a person enjoying at least a competence. After trying all other systems, his elevated tastes and refined perceptions made him a disciple of Socrates and Plato. So he climbed towards Christ. As he himself narrates the story of his conversion, it need not be anticipated here. What Plato was feeling after, he found in Jesus of Nazareth. The conversion of such a man marks a new era in the gospel history. The sub-apostolic age begins with the fi
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 3 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 3 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 3 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr [a.d. 110--165.] Justin was a Gentile, but born in Samaria, near Jacob's well. He must have been well educated: he had tra...
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 4 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 4 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 4 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr
[a.d. 110--165.] Justin was a Gentile, but born in Samaria, near Jacob's well. He must have been well educated: he had travelled extensively, and he seems to have been a person enjoying at least a competence. After trying all other systems, his elevated tastes and refined perceptions made him a disciple of Socrates and Plato. So he climbed towards Christ. As he himself narrates the story of his conversion, it need not be anticipated here. What Plato was feeling after, he found in Jesus of Nazareth. The conversion of such a man marks a new era in the gospel history. The sub-apostolic age begins with the fi
Justin Martyr-Jesus is a Myth
Justin Martyr-Jesus is a Myth
Justin Martyr-Jesus is a Myth
an early church father states that Jesus is no different than any other son of Jupiter (Zeus)
Justin Martyr
Justin Martyr
Justin Martyr
Justin Martyr was one of the more famous pre-Nicene Christian writers. He was the first to write a large number of works. He was famously martyred around 160 AD.
If you would like to subscribe to this channel via email, send your request to postapostolicchurch@gmail.com.
2014 #3 Church Fathers: Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp & Justin Martyr
2014 #3 Church Fathers: Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp & Justin Martyr
2014 #3 Church Fathers: Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp & Justin Martyr
St. Mary's Summer School of Faith 2014 presents an 8-part series on the Fathers of the Church beginning with the Early Church and Missionary Theology of St. ...
The Abuse and Misuse of Justin Martyr
The Abuse and Misuse of Justin Martyr
The Abuse and Misuse of Justin Martyr
After many attempts, hopefully this will be the full nearly half hour study of Justin Martyr's First Apology and its misuse by enemies of the Christian faith.
St. Justin Martyr - Father and Apologist
St. Justin Martyr - Father and Apologist
St. Justin Martyr - Father and Apologist
Matthew Leonard discusses the great influence of St. Justin Martyr on the early Church.
"Philosophy and Martyrdom Tertullian and Justin Martyr," Jean-Luc Marion
"Philosophy and Martyrdom Tertullian and Justin Martyr," Jean-Luc Marion
"Philosophy and Martyrdom Tertullian and Justin Martyr," Jean-Luc Marion
A lecture given by Jean-Luc Marion (University of Chicago, Université Paris-Sorbonne) on February 21, 2013.
During the first two centuries of Christianity, believers were led to confess their faith before a pagan world and endure persecution and trial, often leading to martyrdom. One might expect from them the posture and tactics of an irrational and "prophetic" theology. But in fact they chose to make arguments for the consistency and rationality of faith under the literary genre of the apology. They even claimed that this rational confession of faith deserves the title of philosophy. This paradox sheds light on our contemporary situation.
Proof for Catholicism in St. Justin Martyr's First Apology
Proof for Catholicism in St. Justin Martyr's First Apology
Proof for Catholicism in St. Justin Martyr's First Apology
http://www.vaticancatholic.com This video discusses many interesting quotes in St. Justin Martyr's First Apology. It shows how his writing provides proof for Catholicism in the ancient Church. It discusses numerous quotes in his writing that are relevant to contradicting Protestantism. It also discusses a passage in St. Justin that modernists misunderstand.
Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho - Part 1 - trinities 074
Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho - Part 1 - trinities 074
Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho - Part 1 - trinities 074
http://trinities.org/blog/podcast-74-justin-martyrs-dialogue-with-trypho-part-1/ Has anyone ever seen God himself? The Bible seems to both affirm and deny this. In Justin Martyr’s Dialogue with Trypho (written c. 155-61), Justin claims that the “God” seen in any Old Testament theophany was not the one God, the Creator (i.e. the Father), but was instead another “God” – the pre-human Jesus. In his view, it is impossible that God himself be seen. Thus, for instance, the prophet Isaiah (pictured here) must have seen Jesus, not God (in the vision described in Isaiah 6).
But why couldn’t an omnipotent being in some sense appear to humans? And wha
St. Justin Martyr
St. Justin Martyr
St. Justin Martyr
Reflection for 6/1/09 www.apostleshipofprayer.org.
Fragments of the Lost Work of Justin Martyr on the Resurrection by Justin Martyr
Fragments of the Lost Work of Justin Martyr on the Resurrection by Justin Martyr
Fragments of the Lost Work of Justin Martyr on the Resurrection by Justin Martyr
Short Nonfiction Collection Vol. 023 by Various A collection of short nonfiction works in the public domain. The selections included in this collection were ...
FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/pages/End-of-the-Age-Bible-prophecy/238217082982663 Original Youtube owner of this video - Xoroaster Zoroaster St Justin Ma...
Justin Martyr on the Eucharist
Justin Martyr on the Eucharist
Justin Martyr on the Eucharist
St. Justin Martyr was thoroughly Catholic in his theology and it's quite clear in his treatise on the Eucharist. The following is a brief examination of the ...
The Catholic Mass in 155 A.D.
The Catholic Mass in 155 A.D.
The Catholic Mass in 155 A.D.
St. Justin Martyr, Letter to Antoninus Pius, Emperor, 155 AD.
Jun 01 - Homily: Justin Martyr for Truth
Jun 01 - Homily: Justin Martyr for Truth
Jun 01 - Homily: Justin Martyr for Truth
Fr. Joachim on the life of St. Justin Martyr who never ceased seeking for truth whether a Pagan or a Christian because Christ is the Truth Incarnate whom he ...
St Mary 5th Grade Volleyball vs St Justin Martyr Oct 15, 2011
St Mary 5th Grade Volleyball vs St Justin Martyr Oct 15, 2011
St Mary 5th Grade Volleyball vs St Justin Martyr Oct 15, 2011
St. Mary is in the White with Blue letters and Chloe is wearing # 48.
The Second Apology of Justin Martyr (1 of 2)
The Second Apology of Justin Martyr (1 of 2)
The Second Apology of Justin Martyr (1 of 2)
A large video collection of classic hymns, contemporary Praise and Worship songs, and the works (audio books, devotional readings, and sermons) of men greatly used of God, such as: Charles Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, A.W. Tozer, A.W. Pink, John Owen, Oswald Chambers, Andrew Murray, E.M. Bounds, John Bunyan, George Whitefield, and many more, covering topics on many aspects of the Christian life. May your time spent here be blessed.
The Second Apology of Justin Martyr (1 of 2)
Justin Martyr was a Premillennialist and the Early Church (Jim McClarty)
Justin Martyr was a Premillennialist and the Early Church (Jim McClarty)
Justin Martyr was a Premillennialist and the Early Church (Jim McClarty)
The early church was premillennial in belief. Premillennialism in Christian end-times theology is the belief that Jesus Christ will literally and physically ...
Bib4. Gospel of Peter, the Synoptics, Justin Martyr, A Traditional Problem - Bible Dates 4
Bib4. Gospel of Peter, the Synoptics, Justin Martyr, A Traditional Problem - Bible Dates 4
Bib4. Gospel of Peter, the Synoptics, Justin Martyr, A Traditional Problem - Bible Dates 4
Another potential gem has to be explored. Looks like I have to go through Justin Martyr again. Gospel of Peter: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/go...
Jun 01 - Homily: Justin Martyr, Live well, Die Well
Jun 01 - Homily: Justin Martyr, Live well, Die Well
Jun 01 - Homily: Justin Martyr, Live well, Die Well
Fr. Alan Wharton on the life of St. Justin Martyr and how his worthy death is based on his worthy life, always seeking truth and using his great intellectual gifts to spread the faith and defend it against the criticism of the Roman Emperors. He did this even to the point of shedding his own blood in the footsteps of the Crucified Lord.
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Justin Martyr - Mem - Form: OF
Readings: Monday 9th Week of Ordinary Time
1st: tob 1:1, 2, 2:1-9
Resp: psa 112:1-2, 3-4, 5-6
Gsp: mar 12:1-12
For Audio go to http://airmaria.com?p=49032
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 1 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr
[a.d. 110--165.] Justin was a Gentile, but born in Samaria, near Jacob's well. He must have been well educated: he had travelled extensively, and he seems to have been a person enjoying at least a competence. After trying all other systems, his elevated tastes and refined perceptions made him a disciple of Socrates and Plato. So he climbed towards Christ. As he himself narrates the story of his conversion, it need not be anticipated here. What Plato was feeling after, he found in Jesus of Nazareth. The conversion of such a man marks a new era in the gospel history. The sub-apostolic age begins with the first Christian author,—the founder of theological literature. It introduced to mankind, as the mother of true philosophy, the despised teaching of those Galileans to whom their Master had said, "Ye are the light of the world."
And this is the epoch which forced this great truth upon the attention of contemplative minds. It was more than a hundred years since the angels had sung "Good-will to men;" and that song had now been heard for successive generations, breaking forth from the lips of sufferers on the cross, among lions, and amid blazing faggots. Here was a nobler Stoicism that needed interpretation. Not only choice spirits, despising the herd and boasting of a loftier intellectual sphere, were its professors; but thousands of men, women, and children, withdrawing themselves not at all from the ordinary and humble lot of the people, were inspired by it to live and die heroically and sublimely, —exhibiting a superiority to revenge and hate entirely unaccountable, praying for their enemies, and seeking to glorify their God by love to their fellow-men.
And in spite of Gallios and Neros alike, the gospel was dispelling the gross darkness. Of this, Pliny's letter to Trajan is decisive evidence. Even in Seneca we detect reflections of the daybreak. Plutarch writes as never a Gentile could have written until now. Plato is practically surpassed by him in his thoughts upon the "delays of the Divine Justice." Hadrian's address to his soul, in his dying moments, is a tribute to the new ideas which had been sown in the popular mind. And now the Antonines, impelled by something in the age, came forward to reign as "philosophers." At this moment, Justin Martyr confronts them like a Daniel. The "little stone" smites the imperial image in the face, not yet "in the toes." He tells the professional philosophers on a throne how false and hollow is all wisdom that is not meant for all humanity, and that is not capable of leavening the masses. He exposes the impotency of even Socratic philosophy: he shows, in contrast, the force that works in the words of Jesus; he points out their regenerating power. It is the mission of Justin to be a star in the West, leading its Wise Men to the cradle of Bethlehem.
He wore his philosopher's gown after his conversion, as a token that he had attained the only true philosophy. And seeing, that, after the conflicts and tests of ages, it is the only philosophy that lasts and lives and triumphs, its discoverer deserves the homage of mankind. Of the philosophic gown we shall hear again when we come to Tertullian.
The residue of Justin's history may be found in The Martyrdom and other pages soon to follow, as well as in the following Introductory Note of the able translators, Messrs. Dods and Reith:—
Justin Martyr was born in Flavia Neapolis, a city of Samaria, the modern Nablous. The date of his birth is uncertain, but may be fixed about a.d. 114. His father and grandfather were probably of Roman origin. Before his conversion to Christianity he studied in the schools of the philosophers, searching after some knowledge which should satisfy the cravings of his soul. At last he became acquainted with Christianity, being at once impressed with the extraordinary fearlessness which the Christians displayed in the presence of death, and with the grandeur, stability, and truth of the teachings of the Old Testament. From this time he acted as an evangelist, taking every opportunity to proclaim the gospel as the only safe and certain philosophy, the only way to salvation. It is probable that he travelled much. We know that he was some time in Ephesus, and he must have lived for a considerable period in Rome. Probably he settled in Rome as a Christian teacher. While he was there, the philosophers, especially the Cynics, plotted against him, and he sealed his testimony to the truth by martyrdom.
The principal facts of Justin's life are gathered from his own writings. There is little clue to dates. It is agreed on all hands that he lived in the reign of Antoninus Pius, and the testimony of Eusebius and most credible historians renders it nearly certain that he suffered martyrdom in the reign of Marcus Aurelius.
The First Apology of Justin Martyr
[a.d. 110--165.] Justin was a Gentile, but born in Samaria, near Jacob's well. He must have been well educated: he had travelled extensively, and he seems to have been a person enjoying at least a competence. After trying all other systems, his elevated tastes and refined perceptions made him a disciple of Socrates and Plato. So he climbed towards Christ. As he himself narrates the story of his conversion, it need not be anticipated here. What Plato was feeling after, he found in Jesus of Nazareth. The conversion of such a man marks a new era in the gospel history. The sub-apostolic age begins with the first Christian author,—the founder of theological literature. It introduced to mankind, as the mother of true philosophy, the despised teaching of those Galileans to whom their Master had said, "Ye are the light of the world."
And this is the epoch which forced this great truth upon the attention of contemplative minds. It was more than a hundred years since the angels had sung "Good-will to men;" and that song had now been heard for successive generations, breaking forth from the lips of sufferers on the cross, among lions, and amid blazing faggots. Here was a nobler Stoicism that needed interpretation. Not only choice spirits, despising the herd and boasting of a loftier intellectual sphere, were its professors; but thousands of men, women, and children, withdrawing themselves not at all from the ordinary and humble lot of the people, were inspired by it to live and die heroically and sublimely, —exhibiting a superiority to revenge and hate entirely unaccountable, praying for their enemies, and seeking to glorify their God by love to their fellow-men.
And in spite of Gallios and Neros alike, the gospel was dispelling the gross darkness. Of this, Pliny's letter to Trajan is decisive evidence. Even in Seneca we detect reflections of the daybreak. Plutarch writes as never a Gentile could have written until now. Plato is practically surpassed by him in his thoughts upon the "delays of the Divine Justice." Hadrian's address to his soul, in his dying moments, is a tribute to the new ideas which had been sown in the popular mind. And now the Antonines, impelled by something in the age, came forward to reign as "philosophers." At this moment, Justin Martyr confronts them like a Daniel. The "little stone" smites the imperial image in the face, not yet "in the toes." He tells the professional philosophers on a throne how false and hollow is all wisdom that is not meant for all humanity, and that is not capable of leavening the masses. He exposes the impotency of even Socratic philosophy: he shows, in contrast, the force that works in the words of Jesus; he points out their regenerating power. It is the mission of Justin to be a star in the West, leading its Wise Men to the cradle of Bethlehem.
He wore his philosopher's gown after his conversion, as a token that he had attained the only true philosophy. And seeing, that, after the conflicts and tests of ages, it is the only philosophy that lasts and lives and triumphs, its discoverer deserves the homage of mankind. Of the philosophic gown we shall hear again when we come to Tertullian.
The residue of Justin's history may be found in The Martyrdom and other pages soon to follow, as well as in the following Introductory Note of the able translators, Messrs. Dods and Reith:—
Justin Martyr was born in Flavia Neapolis, a city of Samaria, the modern Nablous. The date of his birth is uncertain, but may be fixed about a.d. 114. His father and grandfather were probably of Roman origin. Before his conversion to Christianity he studied in the schools of the philosophers, searching after some knowledge which should satisfy the cravings of his soul. At last he became acquainted with Christianity, being at once impressed with the extraordinary fearlessness which the Christians displayed in the presence of death, and with the grandeur, stability, and truth of the teachings of the Old Testament. From this time he acted as an evangelist, taking every opportunity to proclaim the gospel as the only safe and certain philosophy, the only way to salvation. It is probable that he travelled much. We know that he was some time in Ephesus, and he must have lived for a considerable period in Rome. Probably he settled in Rome as a Christian teacher. While he was there, the philosophers, especially the Cynics, plotted against him, and he sealed his testimony to the truth by martyrdom.
The principal facts of Justin's life are gathered from his own writings. There is little clue to dates. It is agreed on all hands that he lived in the reign of Antoninus Pius, and the testimony of Eusebius and most credible historians renders it nearly certain that he suffered martyrdom in the reign of Marcus Aurelius.
published:04 Mar 2011
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 2 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr
[a.d. 110--165.] Justin was a Gentile, but born in Samaria, near Jacob's well. He must have been well educated: he had travelled extensively, and he seems to have been a person enjoying at least a competence. After trying all other systems, his elevated tastes and refined perceptions made him a disciple of Socrates and Plato. So he climbed towards Christ. As he himself narrates the story of his conversion, it need not be anticipated here. What Plato was feeling after, he found in Jesus of Nazareth. The conversion of such a man marks a new era in the gospel history. The sub-apostolic age begins with the first Christian author,—the founder of theological literature. It introduced to mankind, as the mother of true philosophy, the despised teaching of those Galileans to whom their Master had said, "Ye are the light of the world."
And this is the epoch which forced this great truth upon the attention of contemplative minds. It was more than a hundred years since the angels had sung "Good-will to men;" and that song had now been heard for successive generations, breaking forth from the lips of sufferers on the cross, among lions, and amid blazing faggots. Here was a nobler Stoicism that needed interpretation. Not only choice spirits, despising the herd and boasting of a loftier intellectual sphere, were its professors; but thousands of men, women, and children, withdrawing themselves not at all from the ordinary and humble lot of the people, were inspired by it to live and die heroically and sublimely, —exhibiting a superiority to revenge and hate entirely unaccountable, praying for their enemies, and seeking to glorify their God by love to their fellow-men.
And in spite of Gallios and Neros alike, the gospel was dispelling the gross darkness. Of this, Pliny's letter to Trajan is decisive evidence. Even in Seneca we detect reflections of the daybreak. Plutarch writes as never a Gentile could have written until now. Plato is practically surpassed by him in his thoughts upon the "delays of the Divine Justice." Hadrian's address to his soul, in his dying moments, is a tribute to the new ideas which had been sown in the popular mind. And now the Antonines, impelled by something in the age, came forward to reign as "philosophers." At this moment, Justin Martyr confronts them like a Daniel. The "little stone" smites the imperial image in the face, not yet "in the toes." He tells the professional philosophers on a throne how false and hollow is all wisdom that is not meant for all humanity, and that is not capable of leavening the masses. He exposes the impotency of even Socratic philosophy: he shows, in contrast, the force that works in the words of Jesus; he points out their regenerating power. It is the mission of Justin to be a star in the West, leading its Wise Men to the cradle of Bethlehem.
He wore his philosopher's gown after his conversion, as a token that he had attained the only true philosophy. And seeing, that, after the conflicts and tests of ages, it is the only philosophy that lasts and lives and triumphs, its discoverer deserves the homage of mankind. Of the philosophic gown we shall hear again when we come to Tertullian.
The residue of Justin's history may be found in The Martyrdom and other pages soon to follow, as well as in the following Introductory Note of the able translators, Messrs. Dods and Reith:—
Justin Martyr was born in Flavia Neapolis, a city of Samaria, the modern Nablous. The date of his birth is uncertain, but may be fixed about a.d. 114. His father and grandfather were probably of Roman origin. Before his conversion to Christianity he studied in the schools of the philosophers, searching after some knowledge which should satisfy the cravings of his soul. At last he became acquainted with Christianity, being at once impressed with the extraordinary fearlessness which the Christians displayed in the presence of death, and with the grandeur, stability, and truth of the teachings of the Old Testament. From this time he acted as an evangelist, taking every opportunity to proclaim the gospel as the only safe and certain philosophy, the only way to salvation. It is probable that he travelled much. We know that he was some time in Ephesus, and he must have lived for a considerable period in Rome. Probably he settled in Rome as a Christian teacher. While he was there, the philosophers, especially the Cynics, plotted against him, and he sealed his testimony to the truth by martyrdom.
The principal facts of Justin's life are gathered from his own writings. There is little clue to dates. It is agreed on all hands that he lived in the reign of Antoninus Pius, and the testimony of Eusebius and most credible historians renders it nearly certain that he suffered martyrdom in the reign of Marcus Aurelius.
The First Apology of Justin Martyr
[a.d. 110--165.] Justin was a Gentile, but born in Samaria, near Jacob's well. He must have been well educated: he had travelled extensively, and he seems to have been a person enjoying at least a competence. After trying all other systems, his elevated tastes and refined perceptions made him a disciple of Socrates and Plato. So he climbed towards Christ. As he himself narrates the story of his conversion, it need not be anticipated here. What Plato was feeling after, he found in Jesus of Nazareth. The conversion of such a man marks a new era in the gospel history. The sub-apostolic age begins with the first Christian author,—the founder of theological literature. It introduced to mankind, as the mother of true philosophy, the despised teaching of those Galileans to whom their Master had said, "Ye are the light of the world."
And this is the epoch which forced this great truth upon the attention of contemplative minds. It was more than a hundred years since the angels had sung "Good-will to men;" and that song had now been heard for successive generations, breaking forth from the lips of sufferers on the cross, among lions, and amid blazing faggots. Here was a nobler Stoicism that needed interpretation. Not only choice spirits, despising the herd and boasting of a loftier intellectual sphere, were its professors; but thousands of men, women, and children, withdrawing themselves not at all from the ordinary and humble lot of the people, were inspired by it to live and die heroically and sublimely, —exhibiting a superiority to revenge and hate entirely unaccountable, praying for their enemies, and seeking to glorify their God by love to their fellow-men.
And in spite of Gallios and Neros alike, the gospel was dispelling the gross darkness. Of this, Pliny's letter to Trajan is decisive evidence. Even in Seneca we detect reflections of the daybreak. Plutarch writes as never a Gentile could have written until now. Plato is practically surpassed by him in his thoughts upon the "delays of the Divine Justice." Hadrian's address to his soul, in his dying moments, is a tribute to the new ideas which had been sown in the popular mind. And now the Antonines, impelled by something in the age, came forward to reign as "philosophers." At this moment, Justin Martyr confronts them like a Daniel. The "little stone" smites the imperial image in the face, not yet "in the toes." He tells the professional philosophers on a throne how false and hollow is all wisdom that is not meant for all humanity, and that is not capable of leavening the masses. He exposes the impotency of even Socratic philosophy: he shows, in contrast, the force that works in the words of Jesus; he points out their regenerating power. It is the mission of Justin to be a star in the West, leading its Wise Men to the cradle of Bethlehem.
He wore his philosopher's gown after his conversion, as a token that he had attained the only true philosophy. And seeing, that, after the conflicts and tests of ages, it is the only philosophy that lasts and lives and triumphs, its discoverer deserves the homage of mankind. Of the philosophic gown we shall hear again when we come to Tertullian.
The residue of Justin's history may be found in The Martyrdom and other pages soon to follow, as well as in the following Introductory Note of the able translators, Messrs. Dods and Reith:—
Justin Martyr was born in Flavia Neapolis, a city of Samaria, the modern Nablous. The date of his birth is uncertain, but may be fixed about a.d. 114. His father and grandfather were probably of Roman origin. Before his conversion to Christianity he studied in the schools of the philosophers, searching after some knowledge which should satisfy the cravings of his soul. At last he became acquainted with Christianity, being at once impressed with the extraordinary fearlessness which the Christians displayed in the presence of death, and with the grandeur, stability, and truth of the teachings of the Old Testament. From this time he acted as an evangelist, taking every opportunity to proclaim the gospel as the only safe and certain philosophy, the only way to salvation. It is probable that he travelled much. We know that he was some time in Ephesus, and he must have lived for a considerable period in Rome. Probably he settled in Rome as a Christian teacher. While he was there, the philosophers, especially the Cynics, plotted against him, and he sealed his testimony to the truth by martyrdom.
The principal facts of Justin's life are gathered from his own writings. There is little clue to dates. It is agreed on all hands that he lived in the reign of Antoninus Pius, and the testimony of Eusebius and most credible historians renders it nearly certain that he suffered martyrdom in the reign of Marcus Aurelius.
published:04 Mar 2011
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 3 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr [a.d. 110--165.] Justin was a Gentile, but born in Samaria, near Jacob's well. He must have been well educated: he had tra...
The First Apology of Justin Martyr [a.d. 110--165.] Justin was a Gentile, but born in Samaria, near Jacob's well. He must have been well educated: he had tra...
The First Apology of Justin Martyr
[a.d. 110--165.] Justin was a Gentile, but born in Samaria, near Jacob's well. He must have been well educated: he had travelled extensively, and he seems to have been a person enjoying at least a competence. After trying all other systems, his elevated tastes and refined perceptions made him a disciple of Socrates and Plato. So he climbed towards Christ. As he himself narrates the story of his conversion, it need not be anticipated here. What Plato was feeling after, he found in Jesus of Nazareth. The conversion of such a man marks a new era in the gospel history. The sub-apostolic age begins with the first Christian author,—the founder of theological literature. It introduced to mankind, as the mother of true philosophy, the despised teaching of those Galileans to whom their Master had said, "Ye are the light of the world."
And this is the epoch which forced this great truth upon the attention of contemplative minds. It was more than a hundred years since the angels had sung "Good-will to men;" and that song had now been heard for successive generations, breaking forth from the lips of sufferers on the cross, among lions, and amid blazing faggots. Here was a nobler Stoicism that needed interpretation. Not only choice spirits, despising the herd and boasting of a loftier intellectual sphere, were its professors; but thousands of men, women, and children, withdrawing themselves not at all from the ordinary and humble lot of the people, were inspired by it to live and die heroically and sublimely, —exhibiting a superiority to revenge and hate entirely unaccountable, praying for their enemies, and seeking to glorify their God by love to their fellow-men.
And in spite of Gallios and Neros alike, the gospel was dispelling the gross darkness. Of this, Pliny's letter to Trajan is decisive evidence. Even in Seneca we detect reflections of the daybreak. Plutarch writes as never a Gentile could have written until now. Plato is practically surpassed by him in his thoughts upon the "delays of the Divine Justice." Hadrian's address to his soul, in his dying moments, is a tribute to the new ideas which had been sown in the popular mind. And now the Antonines, impelled by something in the age, came forward to reign as "philosophers." At this moment, Justin Martyr confronts them like a Daniel. The "little stone" smites the imperial image in the face, not yet "in the toes." He tells the professional philosophers on a throne how false and hollow is all wisdom that is not meant for all humanity, and that is not capable of leavening the masses. He exposes the impotency of even Socratic philosophy: he shows, in contrast, the force that works in the words of Jesus; he points out their regenerating power. It is the mission of Justin to be a star in the West, leading its Wise Men to the cradle of Bethlehem.
He wore his philosopher's gown after his conversion, as a token that he had attained the only true philosophy. And seeing, that, after the conflicts and tests of ages, it is the only philosophy that lasts and lives and triumphs, its discoverer deserves the homage of mankind. Of the philosophic gown we shall hear again when we come to Tertullian.
The residue of Justin's history may be found in The Martyrdom and other pages soon to follow, as well as in the following Introductory Note of the able translators, Messrs. Dods and Reith:—
Justin Martyr was born in Flavia Neapolis, a city of Samaria, the modern Nablous. The date of his birth is uncertain, but may be fixed about a.d. 114. His father and grandfather were probably of Roman origin. Before his conversion to Christianity he studied in the schools of the philosophers, searching after some knowledge which should satisfy the cravings of his soul. At last he became acquainted with Christianity, being at once impressed with the extraordinary fearlessness which the Christians displayed in the presence of death, and with the grandeur, stability, and truth of the teachings of the Old Testament. From this time he acted as an evangelist, taking every opportunity to proclaim the gospel as the only safe and certain philosophy, the only way to salvation. It is probable that he travelled much. We know that he was some time in Ephesus, and he must have lived for a considerable period in Rome. Probably he settled in Rome as a Christian teacher. While he was there, the philosophers, especially the Cynics, plotted against him, and he sealed his testimony to the truth by martyrdom.
The principal facts of Justin's life are gathered from his own writings. There is little clue to dates. It is agreed on all hands that he lived in the reign of Antoninus Pius, and the testimony of Eusebius and most credible historians renders it nearly certain that he suffered martyrdom in the reign of Marcus Aurelius.
The First Apology of Justin Martyr
[a.d. 110--165.] Justin was a Gentile, but born in Samaria, near Jacob's well. He must have been well educated: he had travelled extensively, and he seems to have been a person enjoying at least a competence. After trying all other systems, his elevated tastes and refined perceptions made him a disciple of Socrates and Plato. So he climbed towards Christ. As he himself narrates the story of his conversion, it need not be anticipated here. What Plato was feeling after, he found in Jesus of Nazareth. The conversion of such a man marks a new era in the gospel history. The sub-apostolic age begins with the first Christian author,—the founder of theological literature. It introduced to mankind, as the mother of true philosophy, the despised teaching of those Galileans to whom their Master had said, "Ye are the light of the world."
And this is the epoch which forced this great truth upon the attention of contemplative minds. It was more than a hundred years since the angels had sung "Good-will to men;" and that song had now been heard for successive generations, breaking forth from the lips of sufferers on the cross, among lions, and amid blazing faggots. Here was a nobler Stoicism that needed interpretation. Not only choice spirits, despising the herd and boasting of a loftier intellectual sphere, were its professors; but thousands of men, women, and children, withdrawing themselves not at all from the ordinary and humble lot of the people, were inspired by it to live and die heroically and sublimely, —exhibiting a superiority to revenge and hate entirely unaccountable, praying for their enemies, and seeking to glorify their God by love to their fellow-men.
And in spite of Gallios and Neros alike, the gospel was dispelling the gross darkness. Of this, Pliny's letter to Trajan is decisive evidence. Even in Seneca we detect reflections of the daybreak. Plutarch writes as never a Gentile could have written until now. Plato is practically surpassed by him in his thoughts upon the "delays of the Divine Justice." Hadrian's address to his soul, in his dying moments, is a tribute to the new ideas which had been sown in the popular mind. And now the Antonines, impelled by something in the age, came forward to reign as "philosophers." At this moment, Justin Martyr confronts them like a Daniel. The "little stone" smites the imperial image in the face, not yet "in the toes." He tells the professional philosophers on a throne how false and hollow is all wisdom that is not meant for all humanity, and that is not capable of leavening the masses. He exposes the impotency of even Socratic philosophy: he shows, in contrast, the force that works in the words of Jesus; he points out their regenerating power. It is the mission of Justin to be a star in the West, leading its Wise Men to the cradle of Bethlehem.
He wore his philosopher's gown after his conversion, as a token that he had attained the only true philosophy. And seeing, that, after the conflicts and tests of ages, it is the only philosophy that lasts and lives and triumphs, its discoverer deserves the homage of mankind. Of the philosophic gown we shall hear again when we come to Tertullian.
The residue of Justin's history may be found in The Martyrdom and other pages soon to follow, as well as in the following Introductory Note of the able translators, Messrs. Dods and Reith:—
Justin Martyr was born in Flavia Neapolis, a city of Samaria, the modern Nablous. The date of his birth is uncertain, but may be fixed about a.d. 114. His father and grandfather were probably of Roman origin. Before his conversion to Christianity he studied in the schools of the philosophers, searching after some knowledge which should satisfy the cravings of his soul. At last he became acquainted with Christianity, being at once impressed with the extraordinary fearlessness which the Christians displayed in the presence of death, and with the grandeur, stability, and truth of the teachings of the Old Testament. From this time he acted as an evangelist, taking every opportunity to proclaim the gospel as the only safe and certain philosophy, the only way to salvation. It is probable that he travelled much. We know that he was some time in Ephesus, and he must have lived for a considerable period in Rome. Probably he settled in Rome as a Christian teacher. While he was there, the philosophers, especially the Cynics, plotted against him, and he sealed his testimony to the truth by martyrdom.
The principal facts of Justin's life are gathered from his own writings. There is little clue to dates. It is agreed on all hands that he lived in the reign of Antoninus Pius, and the testimony of Eusebius and most credible historians renders it nearly certain that he suffered martyrdom in the reign of Marcus Aurelius.
Justin Martyr was one of the more famous pre-Nicene Christian writers. He was the first to write a large number of works. He was famously martyred around 160 AD.
If you would like to subscribe to this channel via email, send your request to postapostolicchurch@gmail.com.
Justin Martyr was one of the more famous pre-Nicene Christian writers. He was the first to write a large number of works. He was famously martyred around 160 AD.
If you would like to subscribe to this channel via email, send your request to postapostolicchurch@gmail.com.
published:12 Jun 2014
2014 #3 Church Fathers: Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp & Justin Martyr
St. Mary's Summer School of Faith 2014 presents an 8-part series on the Fathers of the Church beginning with the Early Church and Missionary Theology of St. ...
St. Mary's Summer School of Faith 2014 presents an 8-part series on the Fathers of the Church beginning with the Early Church and Missionary Theology of St. ...
After many attempts, hopefully this will be the full nearly half hour study of Justin Martyr's First Apology and its misuse by enemies of the Christian faith.
After many attempts, hopefully this will be the full nearly half hour study of Justin Martyr's First Apology and its misuse by enemies of the Christian faith.
A lecture given by Jean-Luc Marion (University of Chicago, Université Paris-Sorbonne) on February 21, 2013.
During the first two centuries of Christianity, believers were led to confess their faith before a pagan world and endure persecution and trial, often leading to martyrdom. One might expect from them the posture and tactics of an irrational and "prophetic" theology. But in fact they chose to make arguments for the consistency and rationality of faith under the literary genre of the apology. They even claimed that this rational confession of faith deserves the title of philosophy. This paradox sheds light on our contemporary situation.
A lecture given by Jean-Luc Marion (University of Chicago, Université Paris-Sorbonne) on February 21, 2013.
During the first two centuries of Christianity, believers were led to confess their faith before a pagan world and endure persecution and trial, often leading to martyrdom. One might expect from them the posture and tactics of an irrational and "prophetic" theology. But in fact they chose to make arguments for the consistency and rationality of faith under the literary genre of the apology. They even claimed that this rational confession of faith deserves the title of philosophy. This paradox sheds light on our contemporary situation.
published:12 Jun 2014
Proof for Catholicism in St. Justin Martyr's First Apology
http://www.vaticancatholic.com This video discusses many interesting quotes in St. Justin Martyr's First Apology. It shows how his writing provides proof for Catholicism in the ancient Church. It discusses numerous quotes in his writing that are relevant to contradicting Protestantism. It also discusses a passage in St. Justin that modernists misunderstand.
http://www.vaticancatholic.com This video discusses many interesting quotes in St. Justin Martyr's First Apology. It shows how his writing provides proof for Catholicism in the ancient Church. It discusses numerous quotes in his writing that are relevant to contradicting Protestantism. It also discusses a passage in St. Justin that modernists misunderstand.
published:29 Dec 2010
Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho - Part 1 - trinities 074
http://trinities.org/blog/podcast-74-justin-martyrs-dialogue-with-trypho-part-1/ Has anyone ever seen God himself? The Bible seems to both affirm and deny this. In Justin Martyr’s Dialogue with Trypho (written c. 155-61), Justin claims that the “God” seen in any Old Testament theophany was not the one God, the Creator (i.e. the Father), but was instead another “God” – the pre-human Jesus. In his view, it is impossible that God himself be seen. Thus, for instance, the prophet Isaiah (pictured here) must have seen Jesus, not God (in the vision described in Isaiah 6).
But why couldn’t an omnipotent being in some sense appear to humans? And what does the Bible say? Can we read it as consistent about whether or not God can be seen? In this episode we hear from Moses, John, Paul, a psalmist, and the author of the letter to the Hebrews.
Weekly podcast exploring views about the Trinity, and more generally about God and Jesus in Christian theology and philosophy. Debates, interviews, and historical and contemporary perspectives. Hosted by philosopher of religion / analytic theologian Dr. Dale Tuggy.
http://trinities.org/blog/podcast-74-justin-martyrs-dialogue-with-trypho-part-1/ Has anyone ever seen God himself? The Bible seems to both affirm and deny this. In Justin Martyr’s Dialogue with Trypho (written c. 155-61), Justin claims that the “God” seen in any Old Testament theophany was not the one God, the Creator (i.e. the Father), but was instead another “God” – the pre-human Jesus. In his view, it is impossible that God himself be seen. Thus, for instance, the prophet Isaiah (pictured here) must have seen Jesus, not God (in the vision described in Isaiah 6).
But why couldn’t an omnipotent being in some sense appear to humans? And what does the Bible say? Can we read it as consistent about whether or not God can be seen? In this episode we hear from Moses, John, Paul, a psalmist, and the author of the letter to the Hebrews.
Weekly podcast exploring views about the Trinity, and more generally about God and Jesus in Christian theology and philosophy. Debates, interviews, and historical and contemporary perspectives. Hosted by philosopher of religion / analytic theologian Dr. Dale Tuggy.
Short Nonfiction Collection Vol. 023 by Various A collection of short nonfiction works in the public domain. The selections included in this collection were ...
Short Nonfiction Collection Vol. 023 by Various A collection of short nonfiction works in the public domain. The selections included in this collection were ...
FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/pages/End-of-the-Age-Bible-prophecy/238217082982663 Original Youtube owner of this video - Xoroaster Zoroaster St Justin Ma...
FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/pages/End-of-the-Age-Bible-prophecy/238217082982663 Original Youtube owner of this video - Xoroaster Zoroaster St Justin Ma...
St. Justin Martyr was thoroughly Catholic in his theology and it's quite clear in his treatise on the Eucharist. The following is a brief examination of the ...
St. Justin Martyr was thoroughly Catholic in his theology and it's quite clear in his treatise on the Eucharist. The following is a brief examination of the ...
Fr. Joachim on the life of St. Justin Martyr who never ceased seeking for truth whether a Pagan or a Christian because Christ is the Truth Incarnate whom he ...
Fr. Joachim on the life of St. Justin Martyr who never ceased seeking for truth whether a Pagan or a Christian because Christ is the Truth Incarnate whom he ...
A large video collection of classic hymns, contemporary Praise and Worship songs, and the works (audio books, devotional readings, and sermons) of men greatly used of God, such as: Charles Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, A.W. Tozer, A.W. Pink, John Owen, Oswald Chambers, Andrew Murray, E.M. Bounds, John Bunyan, George Whitefield, and many more, covering topics on many aspects of the Christian life. May your time spent here be blessed.
The Second Apology of Justin Martyr (1 of 2)
A large video collection of classic hymns, contemporary Praise and Worship songs, and the works (audio books, devotional readings, and sermons) of men greatly used of God, such as: Charles Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, A.W. Tozer, A.W. Pink, John Owen, Oswald Chambers, Andrew Murray, E.M. Bounds, John Bunyan, George Whitefield, and many more, covering topics on many aspects of the Christian life. May your time spent here be blessed.
The Second Apology of Justin Martyr (1 of 2)
published:06 Sep 2011
Justin Martyr was a Premillennialist and the Early Church (Jim McClarty)
The early church was premillennial in belief. Premillennialism in Christian end-times theology is the belief that Jesus Christ will literally and physically ...
The early church was premillennial in belief. Premillennialism in Christian end-times theology is the belief that Jesus Christ will literally and physically ...
Another potential gem has to be explored. Looks like I have to go through Justin Martyr again. Gospel of Peter: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/go...
Another potential gem has to be explored. Looks like I have to go through Justin Martyr again. Gospel of Peter: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/go...
Fr. Alan Wharton on the life of St. Justin Martyr and how his worthy death is based on his worthy life, always seeking truth and using his great intellectual gifts to spread the faith and defend it against the criticism of the Roman Emperors. He did this even to the point of shedding his own blood in the footsteps of the Crucified Lord.
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Justin Martyr - Mem - Form: OF
Readings: Monday 9th Week of Ordinary Time
1st: tob 1:1, 2, 2:1-9
Resp: psa 112:1-2, 3-4, 5-6
Gsp: mar 12:1-12
For Audio go to http://airmaria.com?p=49032
Fr. Alan Wharton on the life of St. Justin Martyr and how his worthy death is based on his worthy life, always seeking truth and using his great intellectual gifts to spread the faith and defend it against the criticism of the Roman Emperors. He did this even to the point of shedding his own blood in the footsteps of the Crucified Lord.
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Justin Martyr - Mem - Form: OF
Readings: Monday 9th Week of Ordinary Time
1st: tob 1:1, 2, 2:1-9
Resp: psa 112:1-2, 3-4, 5-6
Gsp: mar 12:1-12
For Audio go to http://airmaria.com?p=49032
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Government Surveillance (HBO)
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Government Surveillance (HBO)
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Government Surveillance (HBO)
There are very few government checks on what America’s sweeping surveillance programs are capable of doing. John Oliver sits down with Edward Snowden to discuss the NSA, the balance between privacy and security, and dick-pics.
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Incredible Michael Tsarion Interview - The Lovers Card Feb 1 2015
Incredible Michael Tsarion Interview - The Lovers Card Feb 1 2015
Incredible Michael Tsarion Interview - The Lovers Card Feb 1 2015
In this episode I welcome back Michael as we continue investigating the symbolism of the Tarot symbolism, and we specifically look at the Lovers card. We discuss the major arcana symbolism, religion, mysticism, philosphy, the goddess tradition, the concept of divinity, the all seeing eye symbol, architects of control and more. I highly recommend listening right to the end.
LOVERS (Path of the Fool Series) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mr0OgApn4mY
Main Website
Path of the Fool (Book of Card Meanings)
Taroscopic Mystery School
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During the Christmas and New Year period, Prophet T.B. Joshua invited the family members of the martyrs of faith who passed onto glory during the incident on September 12th 2014 to visit The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria. This provided them an opportunity to spend time in the presence of God as well as visit the site where their loved ones spend their last moments.
This is the first part of a documentary detailing their experiences and reactions upon getting to the site.
Le Martyr Heureux Chokri Belaid Du Dimanche 30 Novembre 2014
Le Martyr Heureux Chokri Belaid Du Dimanche 30 Novembre 2014
Le Martyr Heureux Chokri Belaid Du Dimanche 30 Novembre 2014
Archbishop calls murdered Kenyan students 'martyrs'
Archbishop calls murdered Kenyan students 'martyrs'
Archbishop calls murdered Kenyan students 'martyrs'
Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, has hailed the students killed by Islamist militants in Kenya last week as "martyrs" in his Easter sermon
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Telegraph.co.uk and YouTube.com/TelegraphTV are websites of The Daily Telegraph, the UK's best-selling quality daily newspaper providing news and analysis on UK and world e
The Rapture- Must See!
The Rapture- Must See!
The Rapture- Must See!
Where did the idea of the popular "pre-trib. rapture" come from? It became popularized in 1830: "1830: During the spring a young woman in Scotland, Margaret ...
A Ferretface Interview with The Hands Of A Martyr
A Ferretface Interview with The Hands Of A Martyr
A Ferretface Interview with The Hands Of A Martyr
Unfinished but funny. Hope you enjoy the rough edit of interview with The Hands of a Martyr. Sorry it's not finished, but I couldn't get the shots needed to finish it.
Bart Erhman-Confused
Bart Erhman-Confused
Bart Erhman-Confused
Bart Erhman-Confused. He claims that he wants to deal with the cold hard facts and follow the truth where ever it leads, but, to do this, he needs to invent ...
Tower Sessions Interviews - Best and Worst Gigs
Tower Sessions Interviews - Best and Worst Gigs
Tower Sessions Interviews - Best and Worst Gigs
During the taping of the first season of Tower Sessions, we also conducted interviews with each of the artists after their performances. This second video in the interview series asks the artists to tell us about the best and worst gigs they've ever experienced.
**Music by: The Royal
The Chongkeys - https://www.facebook.com/chongkeys
Up Dharma Down - https://www.facebook.com/updharmadown
Sponge Cola - https://www.facebook.com/spongecola
Yosha - https://www.facebook.com/yoshamanila
The Royal - https://www.facebook.com/the.royal.music
Typecast - https://www.facebook.com/typecastrock
Chicosci - https://www.facebook.com/chicos
Woman dies on labor is she a Martyr By Assim Al Hakeem
Woman dies on labor is she a Martyr By Assim Al Hakeem
Woman dies on labor is she a Martyr By Assim Al Hakeem
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nouman ali khan 2014
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There are very few government checks on what America’s sweeping surveillance programs are capable of doing. John Oliver sits down with Edward Snowden to discuss the NSA, the balance between privacy and security, and dick-pics.
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There are very few government checks on what America’s sweeping surveillance programs are capable of doing. John Oliver sits down with Edward Snowden to discuss the NSA, the balance between privacy and security, and dick-pics.
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published:06 Apr 2015
Incredible Michael Tsarion Interview - The Lovers Card Feb 1 2015
In this episode I welcome back Michael as we continue investigating the symbolism of the Tarot symbolism, and we specifically look at the Lovers card. We discuss the major arcana symbolism, religion, mysticism, philosphy, the goddess tradition, the concept of divinity, the all seeing eye symbol, architects of control and more. I highly recommend listening right to the end.
LOVERS (Path of the Fool Series) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mr0OgApn4mY
Main Website
Path of the Fool (Book of Card Meanings)
Taroscopic Mystery School
Taroscopic System (Intro Video)
Jungian Archetypes
Adam Kadmon
Magnum Opus (Alchemy)
Ain Soph
Tree Worship
Shooter’s Hill, London
Shooter’s Hill, Washington DC
Pleasure Principle
Reality Principle
Implicate Order
Nicholas Poussin
J. M. E. McTaggart
The Unreality of Time
Memory Inhibition
Id, Ego & Superego
Zain (Zayin)
Yetzirah (Kabala)
Precession of the Equinoxes (Astrological Ages)
The Minotaur
Milky Way
Tiphareth (Kabala)
Mani & Manicheanism
Problem of Evil
Justin Martyr
Meister Eckhart
Jacob Bohme
Emmanuel Swedenborg
William Blake
Double Aspect Theory
Dialectical Monism
The Absolute
Sophia (Gnosticism)
Gospel of Judas
Gospel of Thomas
The Nag Hammadi Library
Monasticism (Asceticism)
Desert Fathers (Asceticism)
In this episode I welcome back Michael as we continue investigating the symbolism of the Tarot symbolism, and we specifically look at the Lovers card. We discuss the major arcana symbolism, religion, mysticism, philosphy, the goddess tradition, the concept of divinity, the all seeing eye symbol, architects of control and more. I highly recommend listening right to the end.
LOVERS (Path of the Fool Series) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mr0OgApn4mY
Main Website
Path of the Fool (Book of Card Meanings)
Taroscopic Mystery School
Taroscopic System (Intro Video)
Jungian Archetypes
Adam Kadmon
Magnum Opus (Alchemy)
Ain Soph
Tree Worship
Shooter’s Hill, London
Shooter’s Hill, Washington DC
Pleasure Principle
Reality Principle
Implicate Order
Nicholas Poussin
J. M. E. McTaggart
The Unreality of Time
Memory Inhibition
Id, Ego & Superego
Zain (Zayin)
Yetzirah (Kabala)
Precession of the Equinoxes (Astrological Ages)
The Minotaur
Milky Way
Tiphareth (Kabala)
Mani & Manicheanism
Problem of Evil
Justin Martyr
Meister Eckhart
Jacob Bohme
Emmanuel Swedenborg
William Blake
Double Aspect Theory
Dialectical Monism
The Absolute
Sophia (Gnosticism)
Gospel of Judas
Gospel of Thomas
The Nag Hammadi Library
Monasticism (Asceticism)
Desert Fathers (Asceticism)
Some people can't eat gluten for medical reasons, but a lot of people in Los Angeles don't eat gluten because someone in their yoga class told them not to. J...
Some people can't eat gluten for medical reasons, but a lot of people in Los Angeles don't eat gluten because someone in their yoga class told them not to. J...
Click here to help the channel and get rewards: http://www.patreon.com/Tyrannicon
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Click here for DS1, DS2 & Demon's Souls RAGE playlists: https://www.youtube.com/user/Tyrannicon/playlists?view=50&shelf;_id=11&sort;=dd
Click here for the top 10 Bloodborne starter tips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5cCqybxMJU
Click here to help the channel and get rewards: http://www.patreon.com/Tyrannicon
Special thanks to the following Cohesive Unit members for supporting the channel on Patreon.com: Jarrod, Winter, Mike Wasson, Anthony DiNovo, Babak Soltanpur, Xavier Dimitriaski, King Zeckendorff, Kidscallmehoju, Aidan Brink, Nolan Russell, Paul Fawcett, Knight Archie, Chryie Vasquez, Sean Bevan, chaosdachamp, Andreas Bredesen, VictorIII, Richard Harrell, MDPgrayman86, killa4hire333, ssjblacksad, Chris Medina, ChrisHCollier, Michael savage, Nicore, Mercury,Scuba Steve, XRawrgeo, illusive man, ElusiveHemroid, Honza Holecek, Cohesive Chan, Jonathan Tillmon, RyanD86, Jugger Nuggss, D3ADLY M3NACE, Zoltán Matók, Bladius, Frostbite, Christopher M. Kristensen, James Linzy, ChocoROID, Kirethorn, Alastair,Booswishous, Derrick Ryan, Benjamin Riddle, TheMoirda, Jon Theil Joergensen, Chris Leis, SuperDoublesman, antoine hayes, Fifor Adrian, Dascottishtwat, Kyle Murray, andrew johnstone, Erik, ethan penfold, Robert, Kyle Ciccone, ryan obrien, Jamie Smith, Josh Prigmore, Corp Witch, Gabriel Larouche, Mikal Moen, john vang, Bo Brewster, Chris Nolan,Arran, pisokek, Hulydooly, James Cowley, DisturbedJaws, Jnuge, Kristoff Gayle, Jonny Altamirano, Avatar_of_Might, Anthony, Mason, xDLGx, Anders Källman, Herschelle, Andres Guerra, Anthony Arredondo, lappys, ZWarrior006, Mark Vickers, GboyBama, Simon D Magus, superobesepenguin, Wet Letice, CheesyPriz, Alander71, TunaWizard, Lukas Kunde, Jay M, Liquifier, Sebastian Krause, Kai777777,Ben Parod, Kirethorn, ScasianThunder, RAAMzilla, Hamish Sullivan, Kevin.H, Skyrlex, Neroashes, ps-gunkie, Chepseskhaf, FlashPocket, Robert Eviston, Liquifier, Leif Hennessey, Timmy Malloy, Jase276, BrahManDude, Kevin R. Dombrowski, DetonatedBalls, Marcellus Averette, Andres Pluss, Justin Muldoon,Grizz, Supernova Hei, Martyna, MEGATRON121, Geralt_Of_Rivia, DiamondDog, The GameKnight, Michael Angelo, Antarlux, CarnagedZaraki, ProtoJoker, Early Crowd, AsavarTzeth, Schebbon, Xelasoma, Bollywongaloid, Venn Dareth, GeneticMania, Adam Scanlon, Xavier McDaniel, Josh Jolly, Boogeyman, , Pat Kulas, Walter Altana, Frederick, JakeTheBare, Cerebryo, MrEssex, Brandicus, Spaztastic94, Steve Anderson, Stroppyjoe, Christopher Kumasaka, Hanzo The Great, Jeff Lewis, Curtis Williams, Ralph Stuivenwold, DanniH, Link, Carlosdelfuente, Christian Mirez, KCWarren, Branden, Baumbusch, Joe A W, Gooby The Hobo, Chad Grover, Valenhammer, Frenchie1969, Redvivi
And so the nightly hunt begins...
From the same team that created the critically acclaimed Dark Souls II guide comes a new invaluable treasure. We've gone
behind the scenes with Bloodborne's creators to unearth every secret hidden within the mysterious city of Yharnam. Your hunt
through the streets of Yharnam will be your most exciting and rewarding journey yet, and the road will be hard. But fear
not! This guide is your key to mastering the merciless challenges and navigating the darkest depths of the city.
Exclusive interview with Bloodborne's creator, Hidetaka Miyazaki
Lore index to aid in your research of this dark world
The Art of Bloodborne — every page is a masterpiece of its own
Exclusive Dynamic Theme: let the Hunter's Mark adorn your PS4
Training Manual
Yharnam's no place for novice hunters. Understanding how Bloodborne works starts here, and anyone who doesn't arm themselves with understanding of its intricate systems will be quickly cut down.
Hunting Grounds
From the streets of Yharnam to the end of the nightmare, critical routes and rewarding detours are plotted on detailed, invaluable maps. Text points highlight events, encounters, and tactics for each area's key landmarks. This hunter's compendium leaves no paving stone unturned.
The Bestiary
A good hunter knows his enemy's weaknesses. He knows their behavior. He knows what it takes to kill them efficiently. Study
your prey carefully and discover all of the elements that make them what they are — and then the hunt is on!
Arsenal & Attire
Your weapon's only lethal if you know how to use it. Here you'll learn about weapon properties, hidden damage modifiers, attack ranges, swing speeds, and much more. Whether you're hunting beasts or other hunters, you'll have the knowledge... and the advantage.
Click here to help the channel and get rewards: http://www.patreon.com/Tyrannicon
Click here to subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Tyrannicon
Click here for DS1, DS2 & Demon's Souls RAGE playlists: https://www.youtube.com/user/Tyrannicon/playlists?view=50&shelf;_id=11&sort;=dd
Click here for the top 10 Bloodborne starter tips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5cCqybxMJU
Click here to help the channel and get rewards: http://www.patreon.com/Tyrannicon
Special thanks to the following Cohesive Unit members for supporting the channel on Patreon.com: Jarrod, Winter, Mike Wasson, Anthony DiNovo, Babak Soltanpur, Xavier Dimitriaski, King Zeckendorff, Kidscallmehoju, Aidan Brink, Nolan Russell, Paul Fawcett, Knight Archie, Chryie Vasquez, Sean Bevan, chaosdachamp, Andreas Bredesen, VictorIII, Richard Harrell, MDPgrayman86, killa4hire333, ssjblacksad, Chris Medina, ChrisHCollier, Michael savage, Nicore, Mercury,Scuba Steve, XRawrgeo, illusive man, ElusiveHemroid, Honza Holecek, Cohesive Chan, Jonathan Tillmon, RyanD86, Jugger Nuggss, D3ADLY M3NACE, Zoltán Matók, Bladius, Frostbite, Christopher M. Kristensen, James Linzy, ChocoROID, Kirethorn, Alastair,Booswishous, Derrick Ryan, Benjamin Riddle, TheMoirda, Jon Theil Joergensen, Chris Leis, SuperDoublesman, antoine hayes, Fifor Adrian, Dascottishtwat, Kyle Murray, andrew johnstone, Erik, ethan penfold, Robert, Kyle Ciccone, ryan obrien, Jamie Smith, Josh Prigmore, Corp Witch, Gabriel Larouche, Mikal Moen, john vang, Bo Brewster, Chris Nolan,Arran, pisokek, Hulydooly, James Cowley, DisturbedJaws, Jnuge, Kristoff Gayle, Jonny Altamirano, Avatar_of_Might, Anthony, Mason, xDLGx, Anders Källman, Herschelle, Andres Guerra, Anthony Arredondo, lappys, ZWarrior006, Mark Vickers, GboyBama, Simon D Magus, superobesepenguin, Wet Letice, CheesyPriz, Alander71, TunaWizard, Lukas Kunde, Jay M, Liquifier, Sebastian Krause, Kai777777,Ben Parod, Kirethorn, ScasianThunder, RAAMzilla, Hamish Sullivan, Kevin.H, Skyrlex, Neroashes, ps-gunkie, Chepseskhaf, FlashPocket, Robert Eviston, Liquifier, Leif Hennessey, Timmy Malloy, Jase276, BrahManDude, Kevin R. Dombrowski, DetonatedBalls, Marcellus Averette, Andres Pluss, Justin Muldoon,Grizz, Supernova Hei, Martyna, MEGATRON121, Geralt_Of_Rivia, DiamondDog, The GameKnight, Michael Angelo, Antarlux, CarnagedZaraki, ProtoJoker, Early Crowd, AsavarTzeth, Schebbon, Xelasoma, Bollywongaloid, Venn Dareth, GeneticMania, Adam Scanlon, Xavier McDaniel, Josh Jolly, Boogeyman, , Pat Kulas, Walter Altana, Frederick, JakeTheBare, Cerebryo, MrEssex, Brandicus, Spaztastic94, Steve Anderson, Stroppyjoe, Christopher Kumasaka, Hanzo The Great, Jeff Lewis, Curtis Williams, Ralph Stuivenwold, DanniH, Link, Carlosdelfuente, Christian Mirez, KCWarren, Branden, Baumbusch, Joe A W, Gooby The Hobo, Chad Grover, Valenhammer, Frenchie1969, Redvivi
And so the nightly hunt begins...
From the same team that created the critically acclaimed Dark Souls II guide comes a new invaluable treasure. We've gone
behind the scenes with Bloodborne's creators to unearth every secret hidden within the mysterious city of Yharnam. Your hunt
through the streets of Yharnam will be your most exciting and rewarding journey yet, and the road will be hard. But fear
not! This guide is your key to mastering the merciless challenges and navigating the darkest depths of the city.
Exclusive interview with Bloodborne's creator, Hidetaka Miyazaki
Lore index to aid in your research of this dark world
The Art of Bloodborne — every page is a masterpiece of its own
Exclusive Dynamic Theme: let the Hunter's Mark adorn your PS4
Training Manual
Yharnam's no place for novice hunters. Understanding how Bloodborne works starts here, and anyone who doesn't arm themselves with understanding of its intricate systems will be quickly cut down.
Hunting Grounds
From the streets of Yharnam to the end of the nightmare, critical routes and rewarding detours are plotted on detailed, invaluable maps. Text points highlight events, encounters, and tactics for each area's key landmarks. This hunter's compendium leaves no paving stone unturned.
The Bestiary
A good hunter knows his enemy's weaknesses. He knows their behavior. He knows what it takes to kill them efficiently. Study
your prey carefully and discover all of the elements that make them what they are — and then the hunt is on!
Arsenal & Attire
Your weapon's only lethal if you know how to use it. Here you'll learn about weapon properties, hidden damage modifiers, attack ranges, swing speeds, and much more. Whether you're hunting beasts or other hunters, you'll have the knowledge... and the advantage.
published:04 Apr 2015
Kamikazee discuss Lady Gaga, Tangas, and Adobong Manok with Travis Kraft
It's more fun in the Philippines when you are hanging with Kamikazee. Kamikazee is a popular Filipino rock band formed in 2000. The band is composed of Jay C...
It's more fun in the Philippines when you are hanging with Kamikazee. Kamikazee is a popular Filipino rock band formed in 2000. The band is composed of Jay C...
"On the Resurrection": http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/anf01.viii.viii.i.html This video may or may not contain images under copyright. Use of these images i...
"On the Resurrection": http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/anf01.viii.viii.i.html This video may or may not contain images under copyright. Use of these images i...
On this video you will see that the debate about the sabbath and the law is not a recent debate, but stems all the way back to the beginning of christianity,...
On this video you will see that the debate about the sabbath and the law is not a recent debate, but stems all the way back to the beginning of christianity,...
In this exclusive video interview Slipknot drummer Joey Jordison tells Modern Drummer about the recording and writing process for his newest project Scar the...
In this exclusive video interview Slipknot drummer Joey Jordison tells Modern Drummer about the recording and writing process for his newest project Scar the...
Fuinny interview ng KAMIKAZEE
paborito konh ingterview ng isa sa mga idol ko Enjoy!
*Disclaimer: Absolutely no copyright infringement is intended. All images, audio, and video clips are the sole property of their respective owners...
Fuinny interview ng KAMIKAZEE
paborito konh ingterview ng isa sa mga idol ko Enjoy!
*Disclaimer: Absolutely no copyright infringement is intended. All images, audio, and video clips are the sole property of their respective owners...
published:16 Sep 2013
The Lost Early History of Unitarian Christian Theology Dr. Dale Tuggy - SUNY
Dr. Dale Tuggy of State University of New York (SUNY, Fredonia) presents an illuminating analysis of the Theology/ Christology of four key writers of the 150...
Dr. Dale Tuggy of State University of New York (SUNY, Fredonia) presents an illuminating analysis of the Theology/ Christology of four key writers of the 150...
During the Christmas and New Year period, Prophet T.B. Joshua invited the family members of the martyrs of faith who passed onto glory during the incident on September 12th 2014 to visit The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria. This provided them an opportunity to spend time in the presence of God as well as visit the site where their loved ones spend their last moments.
This is the first part of a documentary detailing their experiences and reactions upon getting to the site.
During the Christmas and New Year period, Prophet T.B. Joshua invited the family members of the martyrs of faith who passed onto glory during the incident on September 12th 2014 to visit The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria. This provided them an opportunity to spend time in the presence of God as well as visit the site where their loved ones spend their last moments.
This is the first part of a documentary detailing their experiences and reactions upon getting to the site.
published:06 Jan 2015
Le Martyr Heureux Chokri Belaid Du Dimanche 30 Novembre 2014
Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, has hailed the students killed by Islamist militants in Kenya last week as "martyrs" in his Easter sermon
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Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, has hailed the students killed by Islamist militants in Kenya last week as "martyrs" in his Easter sermon
Get the latest headlines http://www.telegraph.co.uk/
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Telegraph.co.uk and YouTube.com/TelegraphTV are websites of The Daily Telegraph, the UK's best-selling quality daily newspaper providing news and analysis on UK and world events, business, sport, lifestyle and culture.
Where did the idea of the popular "pre-trib. rapture" come from? It became popularized in 1830: "1830: During the spring a young woman in Scotland, Margaret ...
Where did the idea of the popular "pre-trib. rapture" come from? It became popularized in 1830: "1830: During the spring a young woman in Scotland, Margaret ...
Unfinished but funny. Hope you enjoy the rough edit of interview with The Hands of a Martyr. Sorry it's not finished, but I couldn't get the shots needed to finish it.
Unfinished but funny. Hope you enjoy the rough edit of interview with The Hands of a Martyr. Sorry it's not finished, but I couldn't get the shots needed to finish it.
Bart Erhman-Confused. He claims that he wants to deal with the cold hard facts and follow the truth where ever it leads, but, to do this, he needs to invent ...
Bart Erhman-Confused. He claims that he wants to deal with the cold hard facts and follow the truth where ever it leads, but, to do this, he needs to invent ...
During the taping of the first season of Tower Sessions, we also conducted interviews with each of the artists after their performances. This second video in the interview series asks the artists to tell us about the best and worst gigs they've ever experienced.
**Music by: The Royal
The Chongkeys - https://www.facebook.com/chongkeys
Up Dharma Down - https://www.facebook.com/updharmadown
Sponge Cola - https://www.facebook.com/spongecola
Yosha - https://www.facebook.com/yoshamanila
The Royal - https://www.facebook.com/the.royal.music
Typecast - https://www.facebook.com/typecastrock
Chicosci - https://www.facebook.com/chicosci
Ebe Dancel - https://www.facebook.com/EbeDancelMusic
Skychurch - https://www.facebook.com/pages/SkyChurch/157562564276432
Arcadia - https://www.facebook.com/arcadiahxc
Valley of Chrome - https://www.facebook.com/valleyofchromemusic
Kamikazee - https://www.facebook.com/KamikazeeOfficial
During the taping of the first season of Tower Sessions, we also conducted interviews with each of the artists after their performances. This second video in the interview series asks the artists to tell us about the best and worst gigs they've ever experienced.
**Music by: The Royal
The Chongkeys - https://www.facebook.com/chongkeys
Up Dharma Down - https://www.facebook.com/updharmadown
Sponge Cola - https://www.facebook.com/spongecola
Yosha - https://www.facebook.com/yoshamanila
The Royal - https://www.facebook.com/the.royal.music
Typecast - https://www.facebook.com/typecastrock
Chicosci - https://www.facebook.com/chicosci
Ebe Dancel - https://www.facebook.com/EbeDancelMusic
Skychurch - https://www.facebook.com/pages/SkyChurch/157562564276432
Arcadia - https://www.facebook.com/arcadiahxc
Valley of Chrome - https://www.facebook.com/valleyofchromemusic
Kamikazee - https://www.facebook.com/KamikazeeOfficial
published:02 Jun 2012
Woman dies on labor is she a Martyr By Assim Al Hakeem
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The First Apology was an early work of Christian apologetics addressed by Justin Martyr to the Roman Emperor Antoninus Pius. In addition to arguing against the persecution of individuals solely for being Christian, Justin also provides the Emperor with a defense of the philosophy of Christianity and a detailed explanation of contemporary Christian practices and rituals. This work, along with the Second Apology, has been cited as one of the earliest examples of Christian apology, and many scholars attribute this work to creating a new genre of apology out of what was a typical Roman administrative procedure.
Video is targeted to blind users
Dr. Michael Heiser on Old Testament Binitarianism - trinities 098
Dr. Michael Heiser on Old Testament Binitarianism - trinities 098
Dr. Michael Heiser on Old Testament Binitarianism - trinities 098
http://trinities.org/blog/podcast-98-dr-michael-heiser-on-old-testament-binitarianism/ According to Dr. Michael S. Heiser, we see “two Yahweh figures” in the Old Testament: Yahweh and the “angel of the Lord”. He holds that the Jewish idea of “two powers in heaven” arose from reading these texts, which sort of set the stage for the more radical idea of God becoming incarnate, becoming a man, which he sees in the New Testament. There, the second divine figure is Jesus.
Do you agree with Dr. Heiser, that in the Old Testament the angel of the Lord “is and is not” God, and that in the New Testament, Jesus “is and is not” God? Let us know what you
The New Testament, Anti-Semitism, and the Death of Jesus, Part 2: Justin Martyr
The New Testament, Anti-Semitism, and the Death of Jesus, Part 2: Justin Martyr
The New Testament, Anti-Semitism, and the Death of Jesus, Part 2: Justin Martyr
Was Justin Martyr inspired by the NT to be anti-Semitic?
Church Fathers: #3 Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp & Justin Martyr
Church Fathers: #3 Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp & Justin Martyr
Church Fathers: #3 Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp & Justin Martyr
2000 Years of Apostolic Tradition: The Church Fathers from St. Paul to St. John of Damascus--Discover Their Relevance for Today.
Originally sponsored by the Church of St. Mary, Lake Forest, Illinois and aired in 2014 at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94DGh9E3oCo&list;=PLYZXIqV4094wmi_ClS6bqwPhBSeALlXaD&index;=1
St Justin the Martyr 20th Anniversary Gala Photos
St Justin the Martyr 20th Anniversary Gala Photos
St Justin the Martyr 20th Anniversary Gala Photos
Photos From 20th Anniversary Gala
St. Justin the Martyr Jacksonville, Florida
Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho - Part 2 - trinities 075
Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho - Part 2 - trinities 075
Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho - Part 2 - trinities 075
http://trinities.org/blog/podcast-75-justin-martyrs-dialogue-with-trypho-part-2/ When it came to christology, what did Justin Martyr consider essential, as in, you’re not a Christian unless you believe it? The answers may surprise you. (Hint.)
In this episode we explore the christology of Justin’s Dialogue with Trypho. Is Jesus, for Justin, God himself? One third of a triune God? “Fully divine?” Eternal?
I also critically interact with some comments on Justin by Dr. Paula Fredriksen, who says that for Justin, as for Marcion and Valentinus, “the god of the Bible, the god of the Jews, was not the High God.” I argue against this that for Just
Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho - Part 3 - trinities 076
Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho - Part 3 - trinities 076
Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho - Part 3 - trinities 076
http://trinities.org/blog/podcast-76-justin-martyrs-dialogue-with-trypho-part-3/ How does Justin argue from Genesis that even when the world was created, there were two Lords? And doesn’t Justin hold that we should worship Jesus? Wouldn’t that show that Justin thinks that Jesus is God – that he is an example of early high christology? Finally, where, if not the Bible, does Justin get so many of his distinctive theological ideas, such as that God can’t have directly created?
This week’s thinking music is “Dizzy Spells – Instrumental“ by Josh Woodward.
Weekly podcast exploring views about the Trinity, and more generally about God and Jesus i
Justin Martyr Part 2 Arian Evidence
Justin Martyr Part 2 Arian Evidence
Justin Martyr Part 2 Arian Evidence
Justin Martyr (c. 100-165 AD) was a Trinitarian
Justin Martyr (c. 100-165 AD) was a Trinitarian
Justin Martyr (c. 100-165 AD) was a Trinitarian
Let's prove early church father, Justin Martyr (c. 100-165 AD) was a Trinitarian from his writings.
Is Proverbs 8 about Jesus - Part 3 - Justin Martyr - trinities 073
Is Proverbs 8 about Jesus - Part 3 - Justin Martyr - trinities 073
Is Proverbs 8 about Jesus - Part 3 - Justin Martyr - trinities 073
Weekly podcast exploring views about the Trinity, and more generally about God and Jesus in Christian theology and philosophy. Debates, interviews, and historical and contemporary perspectives. Hosted by philosopher of religion / analytic theologian Dr. Dale Tuggy.
Justin Martyr — Fragments of the Lost Work of Justin Martyr on the Resurrection {audiobook}
Justin Martyr — Fragments of the Lost Work of Justin Martyr on the Resurrection {audiobook}
Justin Martyr — Fragments of the Lost Work of Justin Martyr on the Resurrection {audiobook}
The Second Apology of Justin Martyr FREE Audio Book
The Second Apology of Justin Martyr FREE Audio Book
The Second Apology of Justin Martyr FREE Audio Book
The Second Apology of Justin Martyr Saint JUSTIN MARTYR (100 - ca.165)A defense of the Christian faith delivered by St. Justin Martyr to the Roman Senate in the second century AD (Summary by IWYLLPA)
Blinded By Islam 1
Blinded By Islam 1
Blinded By Islam 1
Islam claims that Muhammad was God's messenger. How can we test such an assertion? 600 years before Muhammad, the Apostle John said, "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but TEST THE SPIRITS to see whether they are from God" (1 John 4:1). Out of obedience to this verse of the Bible, we must test Muhammad for consistency, predictions, fruit, miracles, measures, accuracy, and agenda. If Muhammad's recitations, which make up the Qur'an, genuinely come from God, then they will pass the test. If they don't, we must not believe them. Neither should we be afraid. Truth is worth finding.
Blinded By Islam 5
Blinded By Islam 5
Blinded By Islam 5
FRUIT is the third Biblical test of a prophet. In Matthew 7:15-23, Jesus said that the character traits of a prophet will make his true identity obvious. Was Muhammad obviously a man of the highest character? Or are there indications of sexual immorality, deceitfulness, violence, controlling by fear, and/or murder in Muhammad's character?
Justin Martyr by Jason Burns
Justin Martyr by Jason Burns
Justin Martyr by Jason Burns
Justin Martyr by Jason Burns
Les Pères de l'Eglise 2 - Qui était Saint Justin le Martyr ?
Les Pères de l'Eglise 2 - Qui était Saint Justin le Martyr ?
Les Pères de l'Eglise 2 - Qui était Saint Justin le Martyr ?
Les Pères de l'Eglise 2 - Qui était Saint Justin le Martyr ?
SPB vs St Justin Martyr
SPB vs St Justin Martyr
SPB vs St Justin Martyr
This video is for entertainment purposes only.
Music by Kernkraft 400
No copyright infringement intended.
SSS owns the rights to pictures only.
Justin Martyr
Justin Martyr
Justin Martyr
A preview of episode 11 of Wisdom of the Fathers : Justin Martyr
This is a free preview of the full episode; to see the full version, sign up for a Premium account today at www.ChurchMilitant.TV - it's only $10 a month and you get access to hundreds of hours of premium content with new videos been added each week. http://www.churchmilitant.tv/
Justin Martyr : Justin Martyr was one of the most illustrious of the Greek philosopher-Apologists in the early Catholic Church.
8/6/14 Priest takes pride in his homily,st. Justin martyr
8/6/14 Priest takes pride in his homily,st. Justin martyr
8/6/14 Priest takes pride in his homily,st. Justin martyr
*8/6/14 Priest takes pride in his homily,st. Justin martyr, anaheim*
The First Apology was an early work of Christian apologetics addressed by Justin Martyr to the Roman Emperor Antoninus Pius. In addition to arguing against the persecution of individuals solely for being Christian, Justin also provides the Emperor with a defense of the philosophy of Christianity and a detailed explanation of contemporary Christian practices and rituals. This work, along with the Second Apology, has been cited as one of the earliest examples of Christian apology, and many scholars attribute this work to creating a new genre of apology out of what was a typical Roman administrative procedure.
Video is targeted to blind users
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
The First Apology was an early work of Christian apologetics addressed by Justin Martyr to the Roman Emperor Antoninus Pius. In addition to arguing against the persecution of individuals solely for being Christian, Justin also provides the Emperor with a defense of the philosophy of Christianity and a detailed explanation of contemporary Christian practices and rituals. This work, along with the Second Apology, has been cited as one of the earliest examples of Christian apology, and many scholars attribute this work to creating a new genre of apology out of what was a typical Roman administrative procedure.
Video is targeted to blind users
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
published:05 Aug 2015
Dr. Michael Heiser on Old Testament Binitarianism - trinities 098
http://trinities.org/blog/podcast-98-dr-michael-heiser-on-old-testament-binitarianism/ According to Dr. Michael S. Heiser, we see “two Yahweh figures” in the Old Testament: Yahweh and the “angel of the Lord”. He holds that the Jewish idea of “two powers in heaven” arose from reading these texts, which sort of set the stage for the more radical idea of God becoming incarnate, becoming a man, which he sees in the New Testament. There, the second divine figure is Jesus.
Do you agree with Dr. Heiser, that in the Old Testament the angel of the Lord “is and is not” God, and that in the New Testament, Jesus “is and is not” God? Let us know what you think in the comments area below, or by audio feedback.
Links for this episode are at: http://trinities.org/blog/podcast-98-dr-michael-heiser-on-old-testament-binitarianism/
Dr. Heiser’s home page
Naked Bible podcast
The Divine Council
Two Powers in Heaven
other interviews
@ Logos
Logos Bible software
The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible (pre-order: released on Sept 1, 2015)
podcast 97 – Dr. Michael Heiser on The Unseen Realm
on “being good Berean”: Acts 17Jacob wrestles with the angel of the Lord
Exodus 23:20-23
the burning bush: Exodus 3
Jacob’s blessing: Genesis 48:15-16
Justin Martyr episodes
podcast 74 – Justin Martyr’s Dialogue with Trypho – Part 1
podcast 75 – Justin Martyr’s Dialogue with Trypho – Part 2
podcast 76 – Justin Martyr’s Dialogue with Trypho – Part 3
Yahweh appears in human form to Abraham, with two angels: Genesis 18-19
Jeremiah 1
74 people see God: Exodus 24:9-18
“mighty god” or “messenger of great counsel”? Isaiah 9:6 (LXX)
Deuteronomy 4:35-39
Hebrews 11:7
“the LORD” or (the pre-human) Jesus? Jude (esp. v.5)
This episode’s thinking music is “Fugue States” from the album “the wilderness i want” by Jim Rooster.
This week's thinking music is "Fugue States" by Jim Rooster: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Jim_Rooster/the_wilderness_i_want/11_Track_11_-_Fugue_States
Weekly podcast exploring views about the Trinity, and more generally about God and Jesus in Christian theology and philosophy. Debates, interviews, and historical and contemporary perspectives. Hosted by philosopher of religion / analytic theologian Dr. Dale Tuggy.
http://trinities.org/blog/podcast-98-dr-michael-heiser-on-old-testament-binitarianism/ According to Dr. Michael S. Heiser, we see “two Yahweh figures” in the Old Testament: Yahweh and the “angel of the Lord”. He holds that the Jewish idea of “two powers in heaven” arose from reading these texts, which sort of set the stage for the more radical idea of God becoming incarnate, becoming a man, which he sees in the New Testament. There, the second divine figure is Jesus.
Do you agree with Dr. Heiser, that in the Old Testament the angel of the Lord “is and is not” God, and that in the New Testament, Jesus “is and is not” God? Let us know what you think in the comments area below, or by audio feedback.
Links for this episode are at: http://trinities.org/blog/podcast-98-dr-michael-heiser-on-old-testament-binitarianism/
Dr. Heiser’s home page
Naked Bible podcast
The Divine Council
Two Powers in Heaven
other interviews
@ Logos
Logos Bible software
The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible (pre-order: released on Sept 1, 2015)
podcast 97 – Dr. Michael Heiser on The Unseen Realm
on “being good Berean”: Acts 17Jacob wrestles with the angel of the Lord
Exodus 23:20-23
the burning bush: Exodus 3
Jacob’s blessing: Genesis 48:15-16
Justin Martyr episodes
podcast 74 – Justin Martyr’s Dialogue with Trypho – Part 1
podcast 75 – Justin Martyr’s Dialogue with Trypho – Part 2
podcast 76 – Justin Martyr’s Dialogue with Trypho – Part 3
Yahweh appears in human form to Abraham, with two angels: Genesis 18-19
Jeremiah 1
74 people see God: Exodus 24:9-18
“mighty god” or “messenger of great counsel”? Isaiah 9:6 (LXX)
Deuteronomy 4:35-39
Hebrews 11:7
“the LORD” or (the pre-human) Jesus? Jude (esp. v.5)
This episode’s thinking music is “Fugue States” from the album “the wilderness i want” by Jim Rooster.
This week's thinking music is "Fugue States" by Jim Rooster: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Jim_Rooster/the_wilderness_i_want/11_Track_11_-_Fugue_States
Weekly podcast exploring views about the Trinity, and more generally about God and Jesus in Christian theology and philosophy. Debates, interviews, and historical and contemporary perspectives. Hosted by philosopher of religion / analytic theologian Dr. Dale Tuggy.
published:03 Aug 2015
The New Testament, Anti-Semitism, and the Death of Jesus, Part 2: Justin Martyr
2000 Years of Apostolic Tradition: The Church Fathers from St. Paul to St. John of Damascus--Discover Their Relevance for Today.
Originally sponsored by the Church of St. Mary, Lake Forest, Illinois and aired in 2014 at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94DGh9E3oCo&list;=PLYZXIqV4094wmi_ClS6bqwPhBSeALlXaD&index;=1
2000 Years of Apostolic Tradition: The Church Fathers from St. Paul to St. John of Damascus--Discover Their Relevance for Today.
Originally sponsored by the Church of St. Mary, Lake Forest, Illinois and aired in 2014 at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94DGh9E3oCo&list;=PLYZXIqV4094wmi_ClS6bqwPhBSeALlXaD&index;=1
http://trinities.org/blog/podcast-75-justin-martyrs-dialogue-with-trypho-part-2/ When it came to christology, what did Justin Martyr consider essential, as in, you’re not a Christian unless you believe it? The answers may surprise you. (Hint.)
In this episode we explore the christology of Justin’s Dialogue with Trypho. Is Jesus, for Justin, God himself? One third of a triune God? “Fully divine?” Eternal?
I also critically interact with some comments on Justin by Dr. Paula Fredriksen, who says that for Justin, as for Marcion and Valentinus, “the god of the Bible, the god of the Jews, was not the High God.” I argue against this that for Justin, the pre-human Jesus isn’t the god of the Jews, though he is the “god” seen and heard by ancient Jews.
Weekly podcast exploring views about the Trinity, and more generally about God and Jesus in Christian theology and philosophy. Debates, interviews, and historical and contemporary perspectives. Hosted by philosopher of religion / analytic theologian Dr. Dale Tuggy.
http://trinities.org/blog/podcast-75-justin-martyrs-dialogue-with-trypho-part-2/ When it came to christology, what did Justin Martyr consider essential, as in, you’re not a Christian unless you believe it? The answers may surprise you. (Hint.)
In this episode we explore the christology of Justin’s Dialogue with Trypho. Is Jesus, for Justin, God himself? One third of a triune God? “Fully divine?” Eternal?
I also critically interact with some comments on Justin by Dr. Paula Fredriksen, who says that for Justin, as for Marcion and Valentinus, “the god of the Bible, the god of the Jews, was not the High God.” I argue against this that for Justin, the pre-human Jesus isn’t the god of the Jews, though he is the “god” seen and heard by ancient Jews.
Weekly podcast exploring views about the Trinity, and more generally about God and Jesus in Christian theology and philosophy. Debates, interviews, and historical and contemporary perspectives. Hosted by philosopher of religion / analytic theologian Dr. Dale Tuggy.
published:16 Feb 2015
Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho - Part 3 - trinities 076
http://trinities.org/blog/podcast-76-justin-martyrs-dialogue-with-trypho-part-3/ How does Justin argue from Genesis that even when the world was created, there were two Lords? And doesn’t Justin hold that we should worship Jesus? Wouldn’t that show that Justin thinks that Jesus is God – that he is an example of early high christology? Finally, where, if not the Bible, does Justin get so many of his distinctive theological ideas, such as that God can’t have directly created?
This week’s thinking music is “Dizzy Spells – Instrumental“ by Josh Woodward.
Weekly podcast exploring views about the Trinity, and more generally about God and Jesus in Christian theology and philosophy. Debates, interviews, and historical and contemporary perspectives. Hosted by philosopher of religion / analytic theologian Dr. Dale Tuggy.
http://trinities.org/blog/podcast-76-justin-martyrs-dialogue-with-trypho-part-3/ How does Justin argue from Genesis that even when the world was created, there were two Lords? And doesn’t Justin hold that we should worship Jesus? Wouldn’t that show that Justin thinks that Jesus is God – that he is an example of early high christology? Finally, where, if not the Bible, does Justin get so many of his distinctive theological ideas, such as that God can’t have directly created?
This week’s thinking music is “Dizzy Spells – Instrumental“ by Josh Woodward.
Weekly podcast exploring views about the Trinity, and more generally about God and Jesus in Christian theology and philosophy. Debates, interviews, and historical and contemporary perspectives. Hosted by philosopher of religion / analytic theologian Dr. Dale Tuggy.
Weekly podcast exploring views about the Trinity, and more generally about God and Jesus in Christian theology and philosophy. Debates, interviews, and historical and contemporary perspectives. Hosted by philosopher of religion / analytic theologian Dr. Dale Tuggy.
Weekly podcast exploring views about the Trinity, and more generally about God and Jesus in Christian theology and philosophy. Debates, interviews, and historical and contemporary perspectives. Hosted by philosopher of religion / analytic theologian Dr. Dale Tuggy.
published:02 Feb 2015
Justin Martyr — Fragments of the Lost Work of Justin Martyr on the Resurrection {audiobook}
The Second Apology of Justin Martyr Saint JUSTIN MARTYR (100 - ca.165)A defense of the Christian faith delivered by St. Justin Martyr to the Roman Senate in the second century AD (Summary by IWYLLPA)
The Second Apology of Justin Martyr Saint JUSTIN MARTYR (100 - ca.165)A defense of the Christian faith delivered by St. Justin Martyr to the Roman Senate in the second century AD (Summary by IWYLLPA)
Islam claims that Muhammad was God's messenger. How can we test such an assertion? 600 years before Muhammad, the Apostle John said, "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but TEST THE SPIRITS to see whether they are from God" (1 John 4:1). Out of obedience to this verse of the Bible, we must test Muhammad for consistency, predictions, fruit, miracles, measures, accuracy, and agenda. If Muhammad's recitations, which make up the Qur'an, genuinely come from God, then they will pass the test. If they don't, we must not believe them. Neither should we be afraid. Truth is worth finding.
Islam claims that Muhammad was God's messenger. How can we test such an assertion? 600 years before Muhammad, the Apostle John said, "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but TEST THE SPIRITS to see whether they are from God" (1 John 4:1). Out of obedience to this verse of the Bible, we must test Muhammad for consistency, predictions, fruit, miracles, measures, accuracy, and agenda. If Muhammad's recitations, which make up the Qur'an, genuinely come from God, then they will pass the test. If they don't, we must not believe them. Neither should we be afraid. Truth is worth finding.
FRUIT is the third Biblical test of a prophet. In Matthew 7:15-23, Jesus said that the character traits of a prophet will make his true identity obvious. Was Muhammad obviously a man of the highest character? Or are there indications of sexual immorality, deceitfulness, violence, controlling by fear, and/or murder in Muhammad's character?
FRUIT is the third Biblical test of a prophet. In Matthew 7:15-23, Jesus said that the character traits of a prophet will make his true identity obvious. Was Muhammad obviously a man of the highest character? Or are there indications of sexual immorality, deceitfulness, violence, controlling by fear, and/or murder in Muhammad's character?
A preview of episode 11 of Wisdom of the Fathers : Justin Martyr
This is a free preview of the full episode; to see the full version, sign up for a Premium account today at www.ChurchMilitant.TV - it's only $10 a month and you get access to hundreds of hours of premium content with new videos been added each week. http://www.churchmilitant.tv/
Justin Martyr : Justin Martyr was one of the most illustrious of the Greek philosopher-Apologists in the early Catholic Church.
With a $10/month premium account you get access to our full video archive which compiles our hundreds and hundreds of hours of programming. Build your faith and support our production so we can continue to spread the truth and beauty of Christ's Church!
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A preview of episode 11 of Wisdom of the Fathers : Justin Martyr
This is a free preview of the full episode; to see the full version, sign up for a Premium account today at www.ChurchMilitant.TV - it's only $10 a month and you get access to hundreds of hours of premium content with new videos been added each week. http://www.churchmilitant.tv/
Justin Martyr : Justin Martyr was one of the most illustrious of the Greek philosopher-Apologists in the early Catholic Church.
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published:12 Sep 2014
8/6/14 Priest takes pride in his homily,st. Justin martyr
I edited this for my niece's middle school graduation back in 2005. Footage was shot by the students.
Saint Justin Martyr School
2050 W Ball Rd
Anaheim, CA 92804
Questions For Catholics Part 23 Early church fathers writings Justin Martyr
Questions For Catholics Part 23 Early church fathers writings Justin Martyr
Questions For Catholics Part 23 Early church fathers writings Justin Martyr
this will be a long series, where I will show what the first christians practised. In this seires, we be talking about life in general, in the Roman Empire, ...
Justin Martyr 'On the Resurrection'
Justin Martyr 'On the Resurrection'
Justin Martyr 'On the Resurrection'
Falacious and stupid apologetic arguments of a deceived windbag.
I edited this for my niece's middle school graduation back in 2005. Footage was shot by the students.
Saint Justin Martyr School
2050 W Ball Rd
Anaheim, CA 92804
I edited this for my niece's middle school graduation back in 2005. Footage was shot by the students.
Saint Justin Martyr School
2050 W Ball Rd
Anaheim, CA 92804
published:16 Apr 2013
Questions For Catholics Part 23 Early church fathers writings Justin Martyr
this will be a long series, where I will show what the first christians practised. In this seires, we be talking about life in general, in the Roman Empire, ...
this will be a long series, where I will show what the first christians practised. In this seires, we be talking about life in general, in the Roman Empire, ...
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 1 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr
[a.d. 110--165.] Justin was a Gentile, but born in Sam...
published:04 Mar 2011
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 1 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 1 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr
[a.d. 110--165.] Justin was a Gentile, but born in Samaria, near Jacob's well. He must have been well educated: he had travelled extensively, and he seems to have been a person enjoying at least a competence. After trying all other systems, his elevated tastes and refined perceptions made him a disciple of Socrates and Plato. So he climbed towards Christ. As he himself narrates the story of his conversion, it need not be anticipated here. What Plato was feeling after, he found in Jesus of Nazareth. The conversion of such a man marks a new era in the gospel history. The sub-apostolic age begins with the first Christian author,—the founder of theological literature. It introduced to mankind, as the mother of true philosophy, the despised teaching of those Galileans to whom their Master had said, "Ye are the light of the world."
And this is the epoch which forced this great truth upon the attention of contemplative minds. It was more than a hundred years since the angels had sung "Good-will to men;" and that song had now been heard for successive generations, breaking forth from the lips of sufferers on the cross, among lions, and amid blazing faggots. Here was a nobler Stoicism that needed interpretation. Not only choice spirits, despising the herd and boasting of a loftier intellectual sphere, were its professors; but thousands of men, women, and children, withdrawing themselves not at all from the ordinary and humble lot of the people, were inspired by it to live and die heroically and sublimely, —exhibiting a superiority to revenge and hate entirely unaccountable, praying for their enemies, and seeking to glorify their God by love to their fellow-men.
And in spite of Gallios and Neros alike, the gospel was dispelling the gross darkness. Of this, Pliny's letter to Trajan is decisive evidence. Even in Seneca we detect reflections of the daybreak. Plutarch writes as never a Gentile could have written until now. Plato is practically surpassed by him in his thoughts upon the "delays of the Divine Justice." Hadrian's address to his soul, in his dying moments, is a tribute to the new ideas which had been sown in the popular mind. And now the Antonines, impelled by something in the age, came forward to reign as "philosophers." At this moment, Justin Martyr confronts them like a Daniel. The "little stone" smites the imperial image in the face, not yet "in the toes." He tells the professional philosophers on a throne how false and hollow is all wisdom that is not meant for all humanity, and that is not capable of leavening the masses. He exposes the impotency of even Socratic philosophy: he shows, in contrast, the force that works in the words of Jesus; he points out their regenerating power. It is the mission of Justin to be a star in the West, leading its Wise Men to the cradle of Bethlehem.
He wore his philosopher's gown after his conversion, as a token that he had attained the only true philosophy. And seeing, that, after the conflicts and tests of ages, it is the only philosophy that lasts and lives and triumphs, its discoverer deserves the homage of mankind. Of the philosophic gown we shall hear again when we come to Tertullian.
The residue of Justin's history may be found in The Martyrdom and other pages soon to follow, as well as in the following Introductory Note of the able translators, Messrs. Dods and Reith:—
Justin Martyr was born in Flavia Neapolis, a city of Samaria, the modern Nablous. The date of his birth is uncertain, but may be fixed about a.d. 114. His father and grandfather were probably of Roman origin. Before his conversion to Christianity he studied in the schools of the philosophers, searching after some knowledge which should satisfy the cravings of his soul. At last he became acquainted with Christianity, being at once impressed with the extraordinary fearlessness which the Christians displayed in the presence of death, and with the grandeur, stability, and truth of the teachings of the Old Testament. From this time he acted as an evangelist, taking every opportunity to proclaim the gospel as the only safe and certain philosophy, the only way to salvation. It is probable that he travelled much. We know that he was some time in Ephesus, and he must have lived for a considerable period in Rome. Probably he settled in Rome as a Christian teacher. While he was there, the philosophers, especially the Cynics, plotted against him, and he sealed his testimony to the truth by martyrdom.
The principal facts of Justin's life are gathered from his own writings. There is little clue to dates. It is agreed on all hands that he lived in the reign of Antoninus Pius, and the testimony of Eusebius and most credible historians renders it nearly certain that he suffered martyrdom in the reign of Marcus Aurelius.
published:04 Mar 2011
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 2 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr
[a.d. 110--165.] Justin was a Gentile, but born in S...
published:04 Mar 2011
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 2 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 2 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr
[a.d. 110--165.] Justin was a Gentile, but born in Samaria, near Jacob's well. He must have been well educated: he had travelled extensively, and he seems to have been a person enjoying at least a competence. After trying all other systems, his elevated tastes and refined perceptions made him a disciple of Socrates and Plato. So he climbed towards Christ. As he himself narrates the story of his conversion, it need not be anticipated here. What Plato was feeling after, he found in Jesus of Nazareth. The conversion of such a man marks a new era in the gospel history. The sub-apostolic age begins with the first Christian author,—the founder of theological literature. It introduced to mankind, as the mother of true philosophy, the despised teaching of those Galileans to whom their Master had said, "Ye are the light of the world."
And this is the epoch which forced this great truth upon the attention of contemplative minds. It was more than a hundred years since the angels had sung "Good-will to men;" and that song had now been heard for successive generations, breaking forth from the lips of sufferers on the cross, among lions, and amid blazing faggots. Here was a nobler Stoicism that needed interpretation. Not only choice spirits, despising the herd and boasting of a loftier intellectual sphere, were its professors; but thousands of men, women, and children, withdrawing themselves not at all from the ordinary and humble lot of the people, were inspired by it to live and die heroically and sublimely, —exhibiting a superiority to revenge and hate entirely unaccountable, praying for their enemies, and seeking to glorify their God by love to their fellow-men.
And in spite of Gallios and Neros alike, the gospel was dispelling the gross darkness. Of this, Pliny's letter to Trajan is decisive evidence. Even in Seneca we detect reflections of the daybreak. Plutarch writes as never a Gentile could have written until now. Plato is practically surpassed by him in his thoughts upon the "delays of the Divine Justice." Hadrian's address to his soul, in his dying moments, is a tribute to the new ideas which had been sown in the popular mind. And now the Antonines, impelled by something in the age, came forward to reign as "philosophers." At this moment, Justin Martyr confronts them like a Daniel. The "little stone" smites the imperial image in the face, not yet "in the toes." He tells the professional philosophers on a throne how false and hollow is all wisdom that is not meant for all humanity, and that is not capable of leavening the masses. He exposes the impotency of even Socratic philosophy: he shows, in contrast, the force that works in the words of Jesus; he points out their regenerating power. It is the mission of Justin to be a star in the West, leading its Wise Men to the cradle of Bethlehem.
He wore his philosopher's gown after his conversion, as a token that he had attained the only true philosophy. And seeing, that, after the conflicts and tests of ages, it is the only philosophy that lasts and lives and triumphs, its discoverer deserves the homage of mankind. Of the philosophic gown we shall hear again when we come to Tertullian.
The residue of Justin's history may be found in The Martyrdom and other pages soon to follow, as well as in the following Introductory Note of the able translators, Messrs. Dods and Reith:—
Justin Martyr was born in Flavia Neapolis, a city of Samaria, the modern Nablous. The date of his birth is uncertain, but may be fixed about a.d. 114. His father and grandfather were probably of Roman origin. Before his conversion to Christianity he studied in the schools of the philosophers, searching after some knowledge which should satisfy the cravings of his soul. At last he became acquainted with Christianity, being at once impressed with the extraordinary fearlessness which the Christians displayed in the presence of death, and with the grandeur, stability, and truth of the teachings of the Old Testament. From this time he acted as an evangelist, taking every opportunity to proclaim the gospel as the only safe and certain philosophy, the only way to salvation. It is probable that he travelled much. We know that he was some time in Ephesus, and he must have lived for a considerable period in Rome. Probably he settled in Rome as a Christian teacher. While he was there, the philosophers, especially the Cynics, plotted against him, and he sealed his testimony to the truth by martyrdom.
The principal facts of Justin's life are gathered from his own writings. There is little clue to dates. It is agreed on all hands that he lived in the reign of Antoninus Pius, and the testimony of Eusebius and most credible historians renders it nearly certain that he suffered martyrdom in the reign of Marcus Aurelius.
published:04 Mar 2011
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 3 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr [a.d. 110--165.] Justin was a Gentile, but born in Sama...
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 3 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 3 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr [a.d. 110--165.] Justin was a Gentile, but born in Samaria, near Jacob's well. He must have been well educated: he had tra...
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 4 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr
[a.d. 110--165.] Justin was a Gentile, but born in S...
published:05 Mar 2011
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 4 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (Audio Book Reading - 4 of 4)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr
[a.d. 110--165.] Justin was a Gentile, but born in Samaria, near Jacob's well. He must have been well educated: he had travelled extensively, and he seems to have been a person enjoying at least a competence. After trying all other systems, his elevated tastes and refined perceptions made him a disciple of Socrates and Plato. So he climbed towards Christ. As he himself narrates the story of his conversion, it need not be anticipated here. What Plato was feeling after, he found in Jesus of Nazareth. The conversion of such a man marks a new era in the gospel history. The sub-apostolic age begins with the first Christian author,—the founder of theological literature. It introduced to mankind, as the mother of true philosophy, the despised teaching of those Galileans to whom their Master had said, "Ye are the light of the world."
And this is the epoch which forced this great truth upon the attention of contemplative minds. It was more than a hundred years since the angels had sung "Good-will to men;" and that song had now been heard for successive generations, breaking forth from the lips of sufferers on the cross, among lions, and amid blazing faggots. Here was a nobler Stoicism that needed interpretation. Not only choice spirits, despising the herd and boasting of a loftier intellectual sphere, were its professors; but thousands of men, women, and children, withdrawing themselves not at all from the ordinary and humble lot of the people, were inspired by it to live and die heroically and sublimely, —exhibiting a superiority to revenge and hate entirely unaccountable, praying for their enemies, and seeking to glorify their God by love to their fellow-men.
And in spite of Gallios and Neros alike, the gospel was dispelling the gross darkness. Of this, Pliny's letter to Trajan is decisive evidence. Even in Seneca we detect reflections of the daybreak. Plutarch writes as never a Gentile could have written until now. Plato is practically surpassed by him in his thoughts upon the "delays of the Divine Justice." Hadrian's address to his soul, in his dying moments, is a tribute to the new ideas which had been sown in the popular mind. And now the Antonines, impelled by something in the age, came forward to reign as "philosophers." At this moment, Justin Martyr confronts them like a Daniel. The "little stone" smites the imperial image in the face, not yet "in the toes." He tells the professional philosophers on a throne how false and hollow is all wisdom that is not meant for all humanity, and that is not capable of leavening the masses. He exposes the impotency of even Socratic philosophy: he shows, in contrast, the force that works in the words of Jesus; he points out their regenerating power. It is the mission of Justin to be a star in the West, leading its Wise Men to the cradle of Bethlehem.
He wore his philosopher's gown after his conversion, as a token that he had attained the only true philosophy. And seeing, that, after the conflicts and tests of ages, it is the only philosophy that lasts and lives and triumphs, its discoverer deserves the homage of mankind. Of the philosophic gown we shall hear again when we come to Tertullian.
The residue of Justin's history may be found in The Martyrdom and other pages soon to follow, as well as in the following Introductory Note of the able translators, Messrs. Dods and Reith:—
Justin Martyr was born in Flavia Neapolis, a city of Samaria, the modern Nablous. The date of his birth is uncertain, but may be fixed about a.d. 114. His father and grandfather were probably of Roman origin. Before his conversion to Christianity he studied in the schools of the philosophers, searching after some knowledge which should satisfy the cravings of his soul. At last he became acquainted with Christianity, being at once impressed with the extraordinary fearlessness which the Christians displayed in the presence of death, and with the grandeur, stability, and truth of the teachings of the Old Testament. From this time he acted as an evangelist, taking every opportunity to proclaim the gospel as the only safe and certain philosophy, the only way to salvation. It is probable that he travelled much. We know that he was some time in Ephesus, and he must have lived for a considerable period in Rome. Probably he settled in Rome as a Christian teacher. While he was there, the philosophers, especially the Cynics, plotted against him, and he sealed his testimony to the truth by martyrdom.
The principal facts of Justin's life are gathered from his own writings. There is little clue to dates. It is agreed on all hands that he lived in the reign of Antoninus Pius, and the testimony of Eusebius and most credible historians renders it nearly certain that he suffered martyrdom in the reign of Marcus Aurelius.
published:05 Mar 2011
Justin Martyr-Jesus is a Myth
an early church father states that Jesus is no different than any other son of Jupiter (Ze...
Justin Martyr was one of the more famous pre-Nicene Christian writers. He was the first t...
published:12 Jun 2014
Justin Martyr
Justin Martyr
Justin Martyr was one of the more famous pre-Nicene Christian writers. He was the first to write a large number of works. He was famously martyred around 160 AD.
If you would like to subscribe to this channel via email, send your request to postapostolicchurch@gmail.com.
published:12 Jun 2014
2014 #3 Church Fathers: Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp & Justin Martyr
St. Mary's Summer School of Faith 2014 presents an 8-part series on the Fathers of the Chu...
2014 #3 Church Fathers: Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp & Justin Martyr
2014 #3 Church Fathers: Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp & Justin Martyr
St. Mary's Summer School of Faith 2014 presents an 8-part series on the Fathers of the Church beginning with the Early Church and Missionary Theology of St. ...
After many attempts, hopefully this will be the full nearly half hour study of Justin Martyr's First Apology and its misuse by enemies of the Christian faith.
Matthew Leonard discusses the great influence of St. Justin Martyr on the early Church....
published:31 May 2013
St. Justin Martyr - Father and Apologist
St. Justin Martyr - Father and Apologist
Matthew Leonard discusses the great influence of St. Justin Martyr on the early Church.
published:31 May 2013
"Philosophy and Martyrdom Tertullian and Justin Martyr," Jean-Luc Marion
A lecture given by Jean-Luc Marion (University of Chicago, Université Paris-Sorbonne) on F...
published:12 Jun 2014
"Philosophy and Martyrdom Tertullian and Justin Martyr," Jean-Luc Marion
"Philosophy and Martyrdom Tertullian and Justin Martyr," Jean-Luc Marion
A lecture given by Jean-Luc Marion (University of Chicago, Université Paris-Sorbonne) on February 21, 2013.
During the first two centuries of Christianity, believers were led to confess their faith before a pagan world and endure persecution and trial, often leading to martyrdom. One might expect from them the posture and tactics of an irrational and "prophetic" theology. But in fact they chose to make arguments for the consistency and rationality of faith under the literary genre of the apology. They even claimed that this rational confession of faith deserves the title of philosophy. This paradox sheds light on our contemporary situation.
published:12 Jun 2014
Proof for Catholicism in St. Justin Martyr's First Apology
http://www.vaticancatholic.com This video discusses many interesting quotes in St. Justin ...
published:29 Dec 2010
Proof for Catholicism in St. Justin Martyr's First Apology
Proof for Catholicism in St. Justin Martyr's First Apology
http://www.vaticancatholic.com This video discusses many interesting quotes in St. Justin Martyr's First Apology. It shows how his writing provides proof for Catholicism in the ancient Church. It discusses numerous quotes in his writing that are relevant to contradicting Protestantism. It also discusses a passage in St. Justin that modernists misunderstand.
published:29 Dec 2010
Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho - Part 1 - trinities 074
http://trinities.org/blog/podcast-74-justin-martyrs-dialogue-with-trypho-part-1/ Has anyo...
published:09 Feb 2015
Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho - Part 1 - trinities 074
Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho - Part 1 - trinities 074
http://trinities.org/blog/podcast-74-justin-martyrs-dialogue-with-trypho-part-1/ Has anyone ever seen God himself? The Bible seems to both affirm and deny this. In Justin Martyr’s Dialogue with Trypho (written c. 155-61), Justin claims that the “God” seen in any Old Testament theophany was not the one God, the Creator (i.e. the Father), but was instead another “God” – the pre-human Jesus. In his view, it is impossible that God himself be seen. Thus, for instance, the prophet Isaiah (pictured here) must have seen Jesus, not God (in the vision described in Isaiah 6).
But why couldn’t an omnipotent being in some sense appear to humans? And what does the Bible say? Can we read it as consistent about whether or not God can be seen? In this episode we hear from Moses, John, Paul, a psalmist, and the author of the letter to the Hebrews.
Weekly podcast exploring views about the Trinity, and more generally about God and Jesus in Christian theology and philosophy. Debates, interviews, and historical and contemporary perspectives. Hosted by philosopher of religion / analytic theologian Dr. Dale Tuggy.
published:09 Feb 2015
St. Justin Martyr
Reflection for 6/1/09 www.apostleshipofprayer.org....
Fragments of the Lost Work of Justin Martyr on the Resurrection by Justin Martyr
Fragments of the Lost Work of Justin Martyr on the Resurrection by Justin Martyr
Short Nonfiction Collection Vol. 023 by Various A collection of short nonfiction works in the public domain. The selections included in this collection were ...
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Government Surveillance (HBO)
There are very few government checks on what America’s sweeping surveillance programs are ...
published:06 Apr 2015
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Government Surveillance (HBO)
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Government Surveillance (HBO)
There are very few government checks on what America’s sweeping surveillance programs are capable of doing. John Oliver sits down with Edward Snowden to discuss the NSA, the balance between privacy and security, and dick-pics.
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published:06 Apr 2015
Incredible Michael Tsarion Interview - The Lovers Card Feb 1 2015
In this episode I welcome back Michael as we continue investigating the symbolism of the T...
published:02 Feb 2015
Incredible Michael Tsarion Interview - The Lovers Card Feb 1 2015
Incredible Michael Tsarion Interview - The Lovers Card Feb 1 2015
In this episode I welcome back Michael as we continue investigating the symbolism of the Tarot symbolism, and we specifically look at the Lovers card. We discuss the major arcana symbolism, religion, mysticism, philosphy, the goddess tradition, the concept of divinity, the all seeing eye symbol, architects of control and more. I highly recommend listening right to the end.
LOVERS (Path of the Fool Series) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mr0OgApn4mY
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Taroscopic System (Intro Video)
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Some people can't eat gluten for medical reasons, but a lot of people in Los Angeles don't eat gluten because someone in their yoga class told them not to. J...
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published:04 Apr 2015
Bloodborne Rage: MARTYR LOGARIUS BOSS! (#15)
Bloodborne Rage: MARTYR LOGARIUS BOSS! (#15)
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published:04 Apr 2015
Kamikazee discuss Lady Gaga, Tangas, and Adobong Manok with Travis Kraft
It's more fun in the Philippines when you are hanging with Kamikazee. Kamikazee is a popul...
Kamikazee discuss Lady Gaga, Tangas, and Adobong Manok with Travis Kraft
Kamikazee discuss Lady Gaga, Tangas, and Adobong Manok with Travis Kraft
It's more fun in the Philippines when you are hanging with Kamikazee. Kamikazee is a popular Filipino rock band formed in 2000. The band is composed of Jay C...
EC2. Justin Martyr "On the Resurrection" - Synopsis - Early Church 2
EC2. Justin Martyr "On the Resurrection" - Synopsis - Early Church 2
"On the Resurrection": http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/anf01.viii.viii.i.html This video may or may not contain images under copyright. Use of these images i...
On this video you will see that the debate about the sabbath and the law is not a recent debate, but stems all the way back to the beginning of christianity,...
Drummer Joey Jordison of Slipknot Modern Drummer Interview on his Newest Project Scar the Martyr
Drummer Joey Jordison of Slipknot Modern Drummer Interview on his Newest Project Scar the Martyr
In this exclusive video interview Slipknot drummer Joey Jordison tells Modern Drummer about the recording and writing process for his newest project Scar the...
Urban ministry with Justin Peters preaching and King Martyr rapping.
Outreach with Rap and a sermon about the meaning of christmas....
published:27 Dec 2013
Urban ministry with Justin Peters preaching and King Martyr rapping.
Urban ministry with Justin Peters preaching and King Martyr rapping.
Outreach with Rap and a sermon about the meaning of christmas.
published:27 Dec 2013
KAMIKAZEE interview
Fuinny interview ng KAMIKAZEE
paborito konh ingterview ng isa sa mga idol ko Enjoy!
published:16 Sep 2013
KAMIKAZEE interview
KAMIKAZEE interview
Fuinny interview ng KAMIKAZEE
paborito konh ingterview ng isa sa mga idol ko Enjoy!
*Disclaimer: Absolutely no copyright infringement is intended. All images, audio, and video clips are the sole property of their respective owners...
The First Apology was an early work of Christian apologetics addressed by Justin Martyr to...
published:05 Aug 2015
First Apology of Justin Martyr
First Apology of Justin Martyr
The First Apology was an early work of Christian apologetics addressed by Justin Martyr to the Roman Emperor Antoninus Pius. In addition to arguing against the persecution of individuals solely for being Christian, Justin also provides the Emperor with a defense of the philosophy of Christianity and a detailed explanation of contemporary Christian practices and rituals. This work, along with the Second Apology, has been cited as one of the earliest examples of Christian apology, and many scholars attribute this work to creating a new genre of apology out of what was a typical Roman administrative procedure.
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published:05 Aug 2015
Dr. Michael Heiser on Old Testament Binitarianism - trinities 098
Dr. Michael Heiser on Old Testament Binitarianism - trinities 098
Dr. Michael Heiser on Old Testament Binitarianism - trinities 098
http://trinities.org/blog/podcast-98-dr-michael-heiser-on-old-testament-binitarianism/ According to Dr. Michael S. Heiser, we see “two Yahweh figures” in the Old Testament: Yahweh and the “angel of the Lord”. He holds that the Jewish idea of “two powers in heaven” arose from reading these texts, which sort of set the stage for the more radical idea of God becoming incarnate, becoming a man, which he sees in the New Testament. There, the second divine figure is Jesus.
Do you agree with Dr. Heiser, that in the Old Testament the angel of the Lord “is and is not” God, and that in the New Testament, Jesus “is and is not” God? Let us know what you think in the comments area below, or by audio feedback.
Links for this episode are at: http://trinities.org/blog/podcast-98-dr-michael-heiser-on-old-testament-binitarianism/
Dr. Heiser’s home page
Naked Bible podcast
The Divine Council
Two Powers in Heaven
other interviews
@ Logos
Logos Bible software
The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible (pre-order: released on Sept 1, 2015)
podcast 97 – Dr. Michael Heiser on The Unseen Realm
on “being good Berean”: Acts 17Jacob wrestles with the angel of the Lord
Exodus 23:20-23
the burning bush: Exodus 3
Jacob’s blessing: Genesis 48:15-16
Justin Martyr episodes
podcast 74 – Justin Martyr’s Dialogue with Trypho – Part 1
podcast 75 – Justin Martyr’s Dialogue with Trypho – Part 2
podcast 76 – Justin Martyr’s Dialogue with Trypho – Part 3
Yahweh appears in human form to Abraham, with two angels: Genesis 18-19
Jeremiah 1
74 people see God: Exodus 24:9-18
“mighty god” or “messenger of great counsel”? Isaiah 9:6 (LXX)
Deuteronomy 4:35-39
Hebrews 11:7
“the LORD” or (the pre-human) Jesus? Jude (esp. v.5)
This episode’s thinking music is “Fugue States” from the album “the wilderness i want” by Jim Rooster.
This week's thinking music is "Fugue States" by Jim Rooster: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Jim_Rooster/the_wilderness_i_want/11_Track_11_-_Fugue_States
Weekly podcast exploring views about the Trinity, and more generally about God and Jesus in Christian theology and philosophy. Debates, interviews, and historical and contemporary perspectives. Hosted by philosopher of religion / analytic theologian Dr. Dale Tuggy.
published:03 Aug 2015
The New Testament, Anti-Semitism, and the Death of Jesus, Part 2: Justin Martyr
Was Justin Martyr inspired by the NT to be anti-Semitic?...
published:19 Jun 2015
The New Testament, Anti-Semitism, and the Death of Jesus, Part 2: Justin Martyr
The New Testament, Anti-Semitism, and the Death of Jesus, Part 2: Justin Martyr
Was Justin Martyr inspired by the NT to be anti-Semitic?
published:19 Jun 2015
Church Fathers: #3 Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp & Justin Martyr
2000 Years of Apostolic Tradition: The Church Fathers from St. Paul to St. John of Damascu...
published:19 May 2015
Church Fathers: #3 Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp & Justin Martyr
Church Fathers: #3 Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp & Justin Martyr
2000 Years of Apostolic Tradition: The Church Fathers from St. Paul to St. John of Damascus--Discover Their Relevance for Today.
Originally sponsored by the Church of St. Mary, Lake Forest, Illinois and aired in 2014 at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94DGh9E3oCo&list;=PLYZXIqV4094wmi_ClS6bqwPhBSeALlXaD&index;=1
published:19 May 2015
St Justin the Martyr 20th Anniversary Gala Photos
Photos From 20th Anniversary Gala
St. Justin the Martyr Jacksonville, Florida...
published:08 Apr 2015
St Justin the Martyr 20th Anniversary Gala Photos
St Justin the Martyr 20th Anniversary Gala Photos
Photos From 20th Anniversary Gala
St. Justin the Martyr Jacksonville, Florida
published:08 Apr 2015
Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho - Part 2 - trinities 075
http://trinities.org/blog/podcast-75-justin-martyrs-dialogue-with-trypho-part-2/ When it ...
published:16 Feb 2015
Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho - Part 2 - trinities 075
Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho - Part 2 - trinities 075
http://trinities.org/blog/podcast-75-justin-martyrs-dialogue-with-trypho-part-2/ When it came to christology, what did Justin Martyr consider essential, as in, you’re not a Christian unless you believe it? The answers may surprise you. (Hint.)
In this episode we explore the christology of Justin’s Dialogue with Trypho. Is Jesus, for Justin, God himself? One third of a triune God? “Fully divine?” Eternal?
I also critically interact with some comments on Justin by Dr. Paula Fredriksen, who says that for Justin, as for Marcion and Valentinus, “the god of the Bible, the god of the Jews, was not the High God.” I argue against this that for Justin, the pre-human Jesus isn’t the god of the Jews, though he is the “god” seen and heard by ancient Jews.
Weekly podcast exploring views about the Trinity, and more generally about God and Jesus in Christian theology and philosophy. Debates, interviews, and historical and contemporary perspectives. Hosted by philosopher of religion / analytic theologian Dr. Dale Tuggy.
published:16 Feb 2015
Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho - Part 3 - trinities 076
http://trinities.org/blog/podcast-76-justin-martyrs-dialogue-with-trypho-part-3/ How does...
published:23 Feb 2015
Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho - Part 3 - trinities 076
Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho - Part 3 - trinities 076
http://trinities.org/blog/podcast-76-justin-martyrs-dialogue-with-trypho-part-3/ How does Justin argue from Genesis that even when the world was created, there were two Lords? And doesn’t Justin hold that we should worship Jesus? Wouldn’t that show that Justin thinks that Jesus is God – that he is an example of early high christology? Finally, where, if not the Bible, does Justin get so many of his distinctive theological ideas, such as that God can’t have directly created?
This week’s thinking music is “Dizzy Spells – Instrumental“ by Josh Woodward.
Weekly podcast exploring views about the Trinity, and more generally about God and Jesus in Christian theology and philosophy. Debates, interviews, and historical and contemporary perspectives. Hosted by philosopher of religion / analytic theologian Dr. Dale Tuggy.
published:23 Feb 2015
Justin Martyr Part 2 Arian Evidence
published:07 Feb 2015
Justin Martyr Part 2 Arian Evidence
Justin Martyr Part 2 Arian Evidence
published:07 Feb 2015
Justin Martyr (c. 100-165 AD) was a Trinitarian
Let's prove early church father, Justin Martyr (c. 100-165 AD) was a Trinitarian from his ...
published:03 Feb 2015
Justin Martyr (c. 100-165 AD) was a Trinitarian
Justin Martyr (c. 100-165 AD) was a Trinitarian
Let's prove early church father, Justin Martyr (c. 100-165 AD) was a Trinitarian from his writings.
published:03 Feb 2015
Is Proverbs 8 about Jesus - Part 3 - Justin Martyr - trinities 073
Weekly podcast exploring views about the Trinity, and more generally about God and Jesus i...
published:02 Feb 2015
Is Proverbs 8 about Jesus - Part 3 - Justin Martyr - trinities 073
Is Proverbs 8 about Jesus - Part 3 - Justin Martyr - trinities 073
Weekly podcast exploring views about the Trinity, and more generally about God and Jesus in Christian theology and philosophy. Debates, interviews, and historical and contemporary perspectives. Hosted by philosopher of religion / analytic theologian Dr. Dale Tuggy.
published:02 Feb 2015
Justin Martyr — Fragments of the Lost Work of Justin Martyr on the Resurrection {audiobook}
published:21 Jan 2015
Justin Martyr — Fragments of the Lost Work of Justin Martyr on the Resurrection {audiobook}
Justin Martyr — Fragments of the Lost Work of Justin Martyr on the Resurrection {audiobook}
published:21 Jan 2015
The Second Apology of Justin Martyr FREE Audio Book
The Second Apology of Justin Martyr Saint JUSTIN MARTYR (100 - ca.165)A defense of the Chr...
published:13 Jan 2015
The Second Apology of Justin Martyr FREE Audio Book
The Second Apology of Justin Martyr FREE Audio Book
The Second Apology of Justin Martyr Saint JUSTIN MARTYR (100 - ca.165)A defense of the Christian faith delivered by St. Justin Martyr to the Roman Senate in the second century AD (Summary by IWYLLPA)
published:13 Jan 2015
Blinded By Islam 1
Islam claims that Muhammad was God's messenger. How can we test such an assertion? 600 yea...
published:09 Dec 2014
Blinded By Islam 1
Blinded By Islam 1
Islam claims that Muhammad was God's messenger. How can we test such an assertion? 600 years before Muhammad, the Apostle John said, "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but TEST THE SPIRITS to see whether they are from God" (1 John 4:1). Out of obedience to this verse of the Bible, we must test Muhammad for consistency, predictions, fruit, miracles, measures, accuracy, and agenda. If Muhammad's recitations, which make up the Qur'an, genuinely come from God, then they will pass the test. If they don't, we must not believe them. Neither should we be afraid. Truth is worth finding.
published:09 Dec 2014
Blinded By Islam 5
FRUIT is the third Biblical test of a prophet. In Matthew 7:15-23, Jesus said that the cha...
published:09 Dec 2014
Blinded By Islam 5
Blinded By Islam 5
FRUIT is the third Biblical test of a prophet. In Matthew 7:15-23, Jesus said that the character traits of a prophet will make his true identity obvious. Was Muhammad obviously a man of the highest character? Or are there indications of sexual immorality, deceitfulness, violence, controlling by fear, and/or murder in Muhammad's character?
I edited this for my niece's middle school graduation back in 2005. Footage was shot by t...
published:16 Apr 2013
St. Justin Martyr School, Anaheim - Class Of 2005
St. Justin Martyr School, Anaheim - Class Of 2005
I edited this for my niece's middle school graduation back in 2005. Footage was shot by the students.
Saint Justin Martyr School
2050 W Ball Rd
Anaheim, CA 92804
published:16 Apr 2013
Questions For Catholics Part 23 Early church fathers writings Justin Martyr
this will be a long series, where I will show what the first christians practised. In this...
Questions For Catholics Part 23 Early church fathers writings Justin Martyr
Questions For Catholics Part 23 Early church fathers writings Justin Martyr
this will be a long series, where I will show what the first christians practised. In this seires, we be talking about life in general, in the Roman Empire, ...
The mystery of a Nazi gold train said to be buried in Poland has taken another strange turn, after the location where the armoured train is believed to be hidden was engulfed in flames - after the Polish government cast doubt over its existence. The train has caught the imagination of locals in the town of Walbrzych and the international media alike, after two men told the authorities they had pinpointed the location of the train ... AP)....
Article by WN.com Correspondent DallasDarling. A video showing a Palestinian boy with a broken arm being held in a chokehold and at gunpoint by an Israeli soldier is a teachable moment for the world ... Meanwhile, several women and a young girl, the boy’s mother, aunt and sister, desperately attempt to pry the soldier from the boy with the girl biting the soldier’s hand ... In fact, Israel eventually occupied the West Bank and Gaza ... *(Note....
In prison interview, Baghdad commander is defiant as he details his deadly campaign that left more than 100 people dead, including children. For almost a year Abu Abdullah was the most wanted man in Baghdad ... “Then we would sit down to pray and read the Qur’an.” ... All of them, he claimed, succeeded ... A martyr I took to the market in Qadhimeya blew himself up near women and children and that troubled me, but the next day I was calm about it....
Image caption Some people managed to cross into Hungary on Monday from Serbia - despite recently increased Hungarian border controls. German ChancellorAngela Merkel says "Europe as a whole needs to move" on how to deal with refugees and migrants arriving in the EU. "If Europe fails on the question of refugees, then it won't be the Europe we wished for," she said ...Austrian police say more than 200 migrants were recovered overnight ... ....
Now that the New Horizons craft has cruised past Pluto, it's time for the next adventure. heading to 2014 MU69, a small Kuiper Belt object nearly a billion miles beyond the beloved dwarf planet. At least that's what the NASA team wants to do. Per NASA policy, researchers must first submit a proposal for the second mission of New Horizons, which left Earth about nine years ago ... “ ... “ ... ....
The man who admitted killing three people at two suburban Kansas City Jewish sites gave jurors a Nazi salute Monday after they convicted him of murder and other charges for the shootings, which he said would allow him to "die a martyr."... ....
XeniaDeli has completely dismissed rumours she and Justin Bieber are an item ... Xenia and Justin lock lips passionately in the promo, but this doesn't mean any make-out sessions are happening in real life. 'No, I am not dating Justin and I am not dating anyone else," she told ET Online ... Xenia went on the emphasise the nature of her relationship with Justin....
The man who admitted killing three people at two suburban Kansas City Jewish sites gave jurors a Nazi salute Monday after they convicted him of murder and other charges for the shootings, which he said would allow him to “die a martyr.” Next, the jury will deliberate the sentence for Miller, who could get the death penalty ... ....
Image caption Frazier Glenn Cross shot dead three people, including a teenage boy, in April 2014... Cross, who has admitted to the murders, said he hoped to "die a martyr" after the verdict was announced ... ....
The man who admitted killing three people at two suburban Kansas City Jewish sites gave jurors a Nazi salute after they convicted him of murder and other charges for the shootings, which he said would allow him to “die a martyr.” ... After the verdict was announced, Miller, 74, said. “The fat lady just sang.” As jurors were filing out of the courtroom, he raised his right arm in the Nazi salute and told them ... Miller interjected ... ....
OLATHE, Kan. (AP) -- The man who admitted killing three people at two suburban Kansas City Jewish sites was convicted of murder and other charges Monday, shortly after he told jurors he hoped to "die a martyr" for the shootings. It took the jury of seven men and five women just over two hours to find Frazier Glenn Miller guilty of one count of capital murder, three counts of attempted murder and assault and weapons charges ... ... ....
Rossum and Esmail have previously worked together in the past with Sam directed his bride-to-be Emmy in the 2014 romantic dramedy "Comet," which co-starred JustinLong... Emmy and Sam's marriage will be Rossum's second, she was previously married to Justin Siegel from 2008 to 2010 ... ....
Martin Prado and Justin Bour had consecutive two-out RBI doubles in the eighth for the Marlins, who pulled to within 1 1/2 games of the third-place Braves in the NL East standings ... Tuesday at 7.10 p.m., when a Braves starter to be determined will face Marlins left-hander Justin Nicolino (2-2, 3.65 ERA)....
OLATHE, Kan. (AP) — The man who admitted killing three people at two suburban Kansas City Jewish sites gave jurors a Nazi salute Monday after they convicted him of murder and other charges for the shootings, which he said would allow him to "die a martyr." ... After the verdict was announced, Miller, 74, of Aurora, Missouri, said. "The fat lady just sang." ... "You probably won't sleep tonight." ... He could get the death penalty ... ....
The last win recorded by Braves pitcher Shelby Miller was the last game Mike Redmond managed for the Marlins — way back on May 17 when he came within one out of a no-hitter. Miller hasn’t won since ... Miller gave up a solo homer to Cole Gillespie in the second and little else ... Justin Bour’s double to right after made it 3-0 ... The reason ... ▪ Tuesday. Marlins LHPJustin Nicolino (2-2, 3.65 ERA) at Braves (TBA), 7.10 p.m., Turner Field ... ....
Related articles. LETTER FROM LONDON. Zero-sum thinking is a visa to a moonless future LETTER FROM LONDON. Africa needs investment that stays in Africa LETTER FROM LONDON. Cuban moves will yield more than chicken feed LETTER FROM LONDON. UK visa changes would hit SA firms and nurses LETTER FROM LONDON. Fifa bribery scandal has rained on SA’s parade In this article ... Eskom Topics ... Jacob Zuma ... But, ever adept at playing the martyr, Zuma noted ... ....
The man who admitted killing three people at two suburban Kansas City Jewish sites was convicted of murder and other charges Monday, shortly after he told jurors he hoped to "die a martyr" for the shootings. It took the jury of seven men and five women just over two hours to find Frazier Glenn Miller guilty of one count of capital murder, three counts of attempted murder and assault and weapons charges. See also ...Glenn Miller Jr ... ....