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Homeopathy Plus! director Fran Sheffield banned from promoting 'vaccines'

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A child getting vaccinated.

A child getting vaccinated. Photo: Wayne Taylor

A homeopath who has repeatedly claimed to be able to prevent whooping cough with homeopathic "vaccines" has been banned from selling the products for five years and she and her business fined $138,000.

Central Coast homeopath Fran Sheffield is an advocate of alternative medicines who authorities have apparently been unable to prevent from making misleading claims about the benefits of homeopathy in contravention of federal medicines laws.

But the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission took Ms Sheffield to federal court, claiming she was misleading consumers with her business Homeopathy Plus! and its promotion of supposed whooping cough vaccines.

In December, the court found Homeopathy Plus! was making unreasonable and untrue claims that conventional whooping cough vaccines were ineffective, and homeopathic vaccines were a safe alternative.

Now, in a stinging penalties decision, it has ordered that Ms Sheffield and Homeopathy Plus!, or its agents, must not make similar claims for the next five years and will be fined $115,000 and $23,000 respectively. Ms Sheffield will also be forced to pay the ACCC's costs from the case.

However, evidence-based medicine advocates say there is still far too little protection for consumers and patients from false claims made about alternative treatments.

Ken Harvey, anadjunct associate professor at the School of Public Health at La Trobe University, first complained about Ms Sheffield's misinformation in 2009; leading to the federal Therapeutic Goods Administration then "requesting" she retract it.

This and other requests from federal authorities were repeatedly ignored until an official order was issued, which was also ignored. In 2012, the ACCC was able to get her to remove the claims, but only temporarily.

"I'm disappointed with the time this case has taken and that the retraction asked for by both the CRP and the TGA failed to materialise," Associate Professor Harvey said. "In my view, serious misleading and deceptive medical information needs correction and I believe that enforcing the publication of a retraction on the home page of the offending website for a number of months is important."

"Meanwhile, as of today the Homeopathic Plus website continues to advocate homeopathic immunisation with an unbalanced selection of the literature and no acknowledgment of contrary mainstream medical views".

He said they should be ordered to display accurate information in order to balance the misinformation they provided.

John Dwyer, an emeritus professor of medicine at UNSW and president of the group Friends of Science in Medicine, said the decision was extremely important.

"This was a dangerous misrepresentation of the facts that could have caused people harm," he said. "Whooping cough is a particularly nasty disease in children and children do die from it."

He said even if people still made such claims, cases such as Ms Sheffield's  may prevent other members of the public from being convinced.

In March a baby boy in Perth, Riley Hughes, died from whooping cough after he caught it while he was too young to be immunised. Thousands more children are infected every year.

Fairfax Media called Ms Sheffield's Tuggerah business but a representative said she was unavailable to comment.

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