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Taxi drivers heckle Deputy Premier Jackie Trad at anti-Uber rally

Deputy Premier Jackie Trad was shouted down as tensions escalated at the rally.

Deputy Premier Jackie Trad was shouted down as tensions escalated at the rally. Photo: Amy Remeikis

Queensland's Deputy Premier has been heckled by taxi drivers at an anti-Uber rally, as tensions between the two groups continue to worsen.

Ms Trad faced the group of about 250 taxi drivers and their supporters outside the Queensland Parliament to explain while she understood the industry's concerns, the review she had ordered was necessary to ensure any new legislation laid out a level playing field.

While invited to talk, Ms Trad met a somewhat mixed hostile reaction from the drivers, who began to boo and shout questions as she attempted to address the crowd.

While invited to talk, Ms Trad met a somewhat mixed hostile reaction from the drivers, who began to boo and shout questions as she attempted to address the crowd. Photo: Amy Remeikis

But while invited to talk, Ms Trad met a somewhat mixed hostile reaction from the drivers, who began to boo and shout questions as she attempted to address the crowd.

"I am acutely aware of how significant this issue is in terms of the established taxi industry," she said.

"That's why this government has moved to set up an independent review..."

Ms Trad was cut off to calls of "that's bullshit", "rubbish" and shouts, while some taxi drivers began shoving others to stop shouting and let Ms Trad talk.

"Just listen mate, please listen," competed with "just give up", as the crowd began to move forward.

"As I said, I understand your passion and I understand your anxiety and I completely hope that you are able to express through the review, through the review, what your concerns are and how we can move forward."

But Ms Trad lost the crowd when she said the government had to acknowledge that "digital disruption, digital technology" was having an impact.

"Oh no, that's rubbish, that's rubbish," one driver called.

"Please listen to me, mate - please respect your honourable deputy premier, please mate," others implored.

But as the shouted questions and comments became longer and drivers continued to argue with each other about interrupting, Ms Trad stopped and pulled an organiser aside to say that while she was happy to engage, "I am not going to stand here and be yelled at," while inviting some members of the group inside for a meeting.

After attempting to answer another question from the crowd about why the government was attacking his retirement plan, and fielding a comment from Labor MP Rob Pyne about Uber's lack of wheelchair access, Ms Trad left the rally and Robbie Katter and Shane Knuth, who have introduced a bill which would see Uber drivers lose their licence, stepped in, to calls of "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie."

Last week, two taxi drivers were charged with the alleged assault of three rival Uber drivers in Brisbane, prompting the government to announce its review.

That's due to return in August, which representatives from both sides have complained is too long.

Meanwhile, the parliamentary committee review into the Katter MPs bill is continuing.

Committee members heard from transport departmental officials that Uber was "thwarting" its attempts to fine it, by banning identified inspector's phones from using its app.

The Katter legislation will need the support of one of the major party and either of the two sitting independents to pass.

53 comments so far

  • Taxi Drivers will have to stop bleating and lift their game , they don't speak English , they have rotten body odor , they purposely take the long routes thereby price gouging their fares , their taxi's are dirty and smelly especially when other people have been sick in them the night before , spitting out of their driver windows whilst driving etc , lift your game and provide a better service and stop expecting the Government to hold your hands

    Date and time
    October 14, 2015, 1:54PM
    • I agree totally. I am no fan of Uber who are behaving like carpetbaggers. but I spent a lot of time in taxis during my working life and can understand the attraction of Uber. I recall a number of times I got into a taxi at an airport and sat through a 15 minute tirade about bloody unions before being asked why I was in town.. I enjoyed telling them i was visiting on union business. Why is it that taxi drivers think they need to lecture everyone on their strange theories about everything.
      If the taxi industry had attempted to provide a decent service uber would not have had such an easy job getting started.

      Peter Stanton
      Date and time
      October 14, 2015, 4:28PM
    • One Taxi Driver (and I'm using the term 'driver' very loosely) took me for a joy-ride all over the town. I finally got him to stop in front of a Police Station and told him to 'wait there'. I was just checking his Licence with the Police. He shot through without collecting the fare, but that's OK I live next door to the Police Station

      Dingos Breakfast
      Date and time
      October 14, 2015, 6:08PM
    • I also totally agree. The taxi service has been so bad for so long that a newcomer should be welcomed with open arms. The Uber service leaves the others for dead.

      Date and time
      October 15, 2015, 8:04AM
  • You can stand in front of the Uber tidal wave if you like i would'nt,and Katter is a clown.
    He makes Billy Gordon honest and reliable.

    Date and time
    October 14, 2015, 1:54PM
    • Their actions really aren't helping their cause...

      Date and time
      October 14, 2015, 1:56PM
      • The government can legislate all they want and the taxi industry can protest forever and a day. The simple fact is the sharing economy has arrived and nothing will stop it. Yesterday it was classified ads, today it's ride sharing, tomorrow it will be personal and commercial storage. If there wasn't demand for Uber, then it wouldn't exist. Who knows what industry will be next.

        Date and time
        October 14, 2015, 1:59PM
        • That's right. Because UBER won't stop, regardless of what the law or the transport department say. The drivers of UBER are providing an ILLEGAL taxi service and that is plain and simple. What business can just up and start running without any authority, licence or insurance? UBER is who. They have done it all over the world. Also, what part of UBER, exactly, is sharing?

          Date and time
          October 14, 2015, 6:22PM
        • It's not sharing it's cheating.

          Date and time
          October 14, 2015, 6:39PM
        • Oh well. If you want to operate a taxi with ridiculously over valued plate values that's your choice. I'll be using Uber next time and into the future

          Finally some choice & competition
          Date and time
          October 14, 2015, 7:29PM

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