APEC厳戒警備中 よこはまコスモワールド付近 1/2 APEC JAPAN 2010
APEC(アジア太平洋経済協力会議)開催で警察官による厳戒態勢の警備が行われている、横浜みなとみらい地区のコスモワールド付近の様子。大観覧車(コスモクロック21)も臨時閉園の為に動いていませんでした。2010/11/13 撮影。 APEC(Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation)OPE...
APEC厳戒警備中 横浜ワールドポーターズ付近 APEC JAPAN 2010
APEC(アジア太平洋経済協力会議)開催で警察官による厳戒態勢の警備が行われている、横浜みなとみらい地区の横浜ワールドポーターズ付近の様子。ほとんど、一般車両は通行してませんでした。2010/11/13 撮影。 APEC(Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation)OPEN.YOKOHAMA WORLD PORTERS&the; police check point.
Spatial Calligraphy APEC Japan 2010
APEC Japan 2010
Nov 07 - Nov 14, 2010
PACIFICO Yokohama -Pacific Convention Plaza Yokohama-, Yokohama, Japan
2010年11月7日〔日〕から14日〔日〕の8日間横浜パシフィコで開催されたAPEC Japan 2010。
「21世紀における日本の技術の庭」の、メインビジュアルエリア(200インチ☓5画面)にて、「APEC Japan 2010」の題字と、コンセプトワード「統合・成長」を、空書にて表現。
APEC Japan 2010 - The Student Experience
Edwards School of Business and the Hanlon Centre for International Business Studies presents APEC Japan 2010 - The Student Experience.
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 2010 Japan.(APEC)/Motorcade
Presidential Motorcade in Yokohama City Japan Country. Chinese president Hu Jintao visited Japan in November. Friday November 12, 2010. 胡錦濤国家主席の車列。日本の横浜へ。201...
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 2010 Japan.(APEC)/Motorcade
Presidential Motorcade in Yokohama City Japan Country. U.S president Obama visited Japan in November. Friday November 12, 2010. オバマ大統領の車列。日本の横浜へ。2010年11月12日。...
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 2010 Japan.(APEC)/Motorcade
Presidential Motorcade in Yokohama City Japan Country. Russi's president Medvedev visited Japan in November. Friday November 12, 2010. メドベージェフ大統領の車列。日本の横浜へ。2...
13NOV10 THAILAND's NEWS 2of2; PM Abhisit with APEC Japan 2010
Fukui Pref. Press Tour: The host of "2010 Japan APEC Energy Ministerial Meeting"
4-5 March, 2010 【Fukui Pref. Press Tour: The host of "2010 Japan APEC Energy Ministerial Meeting"】 This June, Fukui Prefecture will be hosting the "2010 Japa...
Barack Obama, President of the United States, APEC CEO Summit, Yokohama, Japan, November 13, 2010
Hu Jintao, President of China, APEC CEO Summit, Yokohama, Japan, November 13, 2010
Naoto Kan, Prime Minister of Japan, APEC CEO Summit, Yokohama, Japan, November 13, 2010
John Key, Prime Minister of New Zealand, APEC CEO Summit, Yokohama, Japan, November 12, 2010
"Major outcomes on APEC 2010" Briefing by Mr. Kenji Hiramatsu, Deputy Director-General, MOFA
FPCJapan Foreign Press Center Japan http://fpcj.jp/ Press Briefing: APEC JAPAN 2010 (October 26, 2010) APEC JAPAN 2010 will be held in Yokohama from November...
Felipe Calderon, President of Mexico, APEC CEO Summit, Yokohama, Japan, November 13, 2010
APEC 2010 Japan. Motorcade (KAMAKURA)
Benigno Aquino, President of the Philippines, APEC CEO Summit, Yokohama, Japan, November 12, 2010
Julia Gillard, Prime Minister of Australia, APEC CEO Summit, Yokohama, Japan, November 13, 2010
2010年11月6日「APEC JAPAN 2010」が開催される横浜で行われた日本ウイグル協会主催「黙殺される真実をAPECに問う平和集会」の動画です。登壇者は日本ウイグル協会会長 イリハム・マハムティ、神奈川県議会議員 松田良昭、神奈川県議会議員 小島健一、横浜桐蔭大学教授 ペマ・ギャルポ、ジャーナリスト 西村幸祐、評論家 石平、ノンフィクション作家 関岡英之、東京都議会議員 吉田康一郎、ジャーナリスト 山際澄夫。中国の核実験を告発した「シルクロードの死神 Death on the silk road」と流出した尖閣衝突映像の上映。決議文の朗読など。
APEC厳戒警備中 よこはまコスモワールド付近 1/2 APEC JAPAN 2010
APEC(アジア太平洋経済協力会議)開催で警察官による厳戒態勢の警備が行われている、横浜みなとみらい地区のコスモワールド付近の様子。大観覧車(コスモクロック21)も臨時閉園の為に動いていませんでした。2010/11/13 撮影。 APEC(Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation)OPE......
APEC(アジア太平洋経済協力会議)開催で警察官による厳戒態勢の警備が行われている、横浜みなとみらい地区のコスモワールド付近の様子。大観覧車(コスモクロック21)も臨時閉園の為に動いていませんでした。2010/11/13 撮影。 APEC(Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation)OPE...
wn.com/Apec厳戒警備中 よこはまコスモワールド付近 1 2 Apec Japan 2010
APEC(アジア太平洋経済協力会議)開催で警察官による厳戒態勢の警備が行われている、横浜みなとみらい地区のコスモワールド付近の様子。大観覧車(コスモクロック21)も臨時閉園の為に動いていませんでした。2010/11/13 撮影。 APEC(Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation)OPE...
APEC厳戒警備中 横浜ワールドポーターズ付近 APEC JAPAN 2010
APEC(アジア太平洋経済協力会議)開催で警察官による厳戒態勢の警備が行われている、横浜みなとみらい地区の横浜ワールドポーターズ付近の様子。ほとんど、一般車両は通行してませんでした。2010/11/13 撮影。 APEC(Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation)OPEN.YOKOHAMA ...
APEC(アジア太平洋経済協力会議)開催で警察官による厳戒態勢の警備が行われている、横浜みなとみらい地区の横浜ワールドポーターズ付近の様子。ほとんど、一般車両は通行してませんでした。2010/11/13 撮影。 APEC(Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation)OPEN.YOKOHAMA WORLD PORTERS&the; police check point.
wn.com/Apec厳戒警備中 横浜ワールドポーターズ付近 Apec Japan 2010
APEC(アジア太平洋経済協力会議)開催で警察官による厳戒態勢の警備が行われている、横浜みなとみらい地区の横浜ワールドポーターズ付近の様子。ほとんど、一般車両は通行してませんでした。2010/11/13 撮影。 APEC(Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation)OPEN.YOKOHAMA WORLD PORTERS&the; police check point.
- published: 14 Nov 2010
- views: 162
Spatial Calligraphy APEC Japan 2010
APEC Japan 2010
Nov 07 - Nov 14, 2010
PACIFICO Yokohama -Pacific Convention Plaza Yokohama-, Yokohama, Japan
APEC Japan 2010
Nov 07 - Nov 14, 2010
PACIFICO Yokohama -Pacific Convention Plaza Yokohama-, Yokohama, Japan
2010年11月7日〔日〕から14日〔日〕の8日間横浜パシフィコで開催されたAPEC Japan 2010。
「21世紀における日本の技術の庭」の、メインビジュアルエリア(200インチ☓5画面)にて、「APEC Japan 2010」の題字と、コンセプトワード「統合・成長」を、空書にて表現。
Spatial Calligraphy APEC Japan 2010 / 空書 APEC Japan 2010
teamLab, 2010, Animation, 4min 20sec, Calligraphy: Sisyu
チームラボ, 2010, アニメーション, 4min 20sec, 書: 紫舟
wn.com/Spatial Calligraphy Apec Japan 2010
APEC Japan 2010
Nov 07 - Nov 14, 2010
PACIFICO Yokohama -Pacific Convention Plaza Yokohama-, Yokohama, Japan
2010年11月7日〔日〕から14日〔日〕の8日間横浜パシフィコで開催されたAPEC Japan 2010。
「21世紀における日本の技術の庭」の、メインビジュアルエリア(200インチ☓5画面)にて、「APEC Japan 2010」の題字と、コンセプトワード「統合・成長」を、空書にて表現。
Spatial Calligraphy APEC Japan 2010 / 空書 APEC Japan 2010
teamLab, 2010, Animation, 4min 20sec, Calligraphy: Sisyu
チームラボ, 2010, アニメーション, 4min 20sec, 書: 紫舟
- published: 17 Nov 2010
- views: 3088
APEC Japan 2010 - The Student Experience
Edwards School of Business and the Hanlon Centre for International Business Studies presents APEC Japan 2010 - The Student Experience....
Edwards School of Business and the Hanlon Centre for International Business Studies presents APEC Japan 2010 - The Student Experience.
wn.com/Apec Japan 2010 The Student Experience
Edwards School of Business and the Hanlon Centre for International Business Studies presents APEC Japan 2010 - The Student Experience.
- published: 13 Oct 2011
- views: 98
author: ESBUofS
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 2010 Japan.(APEC)/Motorcade
Presidential Motorcade in Yokohama City Japan Country. Chinese president Hu Jintao visited Japan in November. Friday November 12, 2010. 胡錦濤国家主席の車列。日本の横浜へ。201......
Presidential Motorcade in Yokohama City Japan Country. Chinese president Hu Jintao visited Japan in November. Friday November 12, 2010. 胡錦濤国家主席の車列。日本の横浜へ。201...
wn.com/Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation 2010 Japan.(Apec) Motorcade
Presidential Motorcade in Yokohama City Japan Country. Chinese president Hu Jintao visited Japan in November. Friday November 12, 2010. 胡錦濤国家主席の車列。日本の横浜へ。201...
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 2010 Japan.(APEC)/Motorcade
Presidential Motorcade in Yokohama City Japan Country. U.S president Obama visited Japan in November. Friday November 12, 2010. オバマ大統領の車列。日本の横浜へ。2010年11月12日。......
Presidential Motorcade in Yokohama City Japan Country. U.S president Obama visited Japan in November. Friday November 12, 2010. オバマ大統領の車列。日本の横浜へ。2010年11月12日。...
wn.com/Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation 2010 Japan.(Apec) Motorcade
Presidential Motorcade in Yokohama City Japan Country. U.S president Obama visited Japan in November. Friday November 12, 2010. オバマ大統領の車列。日本の横浜へ。2010年11月12日。...
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 2010 Japan.(APEC)/Motorcade
Presidential Motorcade in Yokohama City Japan Country. Russi's president Medvedev visited Japan in November. Friday November 12, 2010. メドベージェフ大統領の車列。日本の横浜へ。2......
Presidential Motorcade in Yokohama City Japan Country. Russi's president Medvedev visited Japan in November. Friday November 12, 2010. メドベージェフ大統領の車列。日本の横浜へ。2...
wn.com/Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation 2010 Japan.(Apec) Motorcade
Presidential Motorcade in Yokohama City Japan Country. Russi's president Medvedev visited Japan in November. Friday November 12, 2010. メドベージェフ大統領の車列。日本の横浜へ。2...
Fukui Pref. Press Tour: The host of "2010 Japan APEC Energy Ministerial Meeting"
4-5 March, 2010 【Fukui Pref. Press Tour: The host of "2010 Japan APEC Energy Ministerial Meeting"】 This June, Fukui Prefecture will be hosting the "2010 Japa......
4-5 March, 2010 【Fukui Pref. Press Tour: The host of "2010 Japan APEC Energy Ministerial Meeting"】 This June, Fukui Prefecture will be hosting the "2010 Japa...
wn.com/Fukui Pref. Press Tour The Host Of 2010 Japan Apec Energy Ministerial Meeting
4-5 March, 2010 【Fukui Pref. Press Tour: The host of "2010 Japan APEC Energy Ministerial Meeting"】 This June, Fukui Prefecture will be hosting the "2010 Japa...
- published: 27 Jul 2010
- views: 312
author: FPCJapan
Barack Obama, President of the United States, APEC CEO Summit, Yokohama, Japan, November 13, 2010
wn.com/Barack Obama, President Of The United States, Apec Ceo Summit, Yokohama, Japan, November 13, 2010
- published: 13 Nov 2010
- views: 3024
author: apecsec
Hu Jintao, President of China, APEC CEO Summit, Yokohama, Japan, November 13, 2010
wn.com/Hu Jintao, President Of China, Apec Ceo Summit, Yokohama, Japan, November 13, 2010
- published: 13 Nov 2010
- views: 1726
author: apecsec
Naoto Kan, Prime Minister of Japan, APEC CEO Summit, Yokohama, Japan, November 13, 2010
wn.com/Naoto Kan, Prime Minister Of Japan, Apec Ceo Summit, Yokohama, Japan, November 13, 2010
- published: 13 Nov 2010
- views: 1524
author: apecsec
John Key, Prime Minister of New Zealand, APEC CEO Summit, Yokohama, Japan, November 12, 2010
wn.com/John Key, Prime Minister Of New Zealand, Apec Ceo Summit, Yokohama, Japan, November 12, 2010
- published: 13 Nov 2010
- views: 308
author: apecsec
"Major outcomes on APEC 2010" Briefing by Mr. Kenji Hiramatsu, Deputy Director-General, MOFA
FPCJapan Foreign Press Center Japan http://fpcj.jp/ Press Briefing: APEC JAPAN 2010 (October 26, 2010) APEC JAPAN 2010 will be held in Yokohama from November......
FPCJapan Foreign Press Center Japan http://fpcj.jp/ Press Briefing: APEC JAPAN 2010 (October 26, 2010) APEC JAPAN 2010 will be held in Yokohama from November...
wn.com/Major Outcomes On Apec 2010 Briefing By Mr. Kenji Hiramatsu, Deputy Director General, Mofa
FPCJapan Foreign Press Center Japan http://fpcj.jp/ Press Briefing: APEC JAPAN 2010 (October 26, 2010) APEC JAPAN 2010 will be held in Yokohama from November...
- published: 29 Oct 2010
- views: 400
author: FPCJapan
Felipe Calderon, President of Mexico, APEC CEO Summit, Yokohama, Japan, November 13, 2010
wn.com/Felipe Calderon, President Of Mexico, Apec Ceo Summit, Yokohama, Japan, November 13, 2010
- published: 18 Nov 2010
- views: 335
author: apecsec
Benigno Aquino, President of the Philippines, APEC CEO Summit, Yokohama, Japan, November 12, 2010
wn.com/Benigno Aquino, President Of The Philippines, Apec Ceo Summit, Yokohama, Japan, November 12, 2010
- published: 13 Nov 2010
- views: 906
author: apecsec
Julia Gillard, Prime Minister of Australia, APEC CEO Summit, Yokohama, Japan, November 13, 2010
wn.com/Julia Gillard, Prime Minister Of Australia, Apec Ceo Summit, Yokohama, Japan, November 13, 2010
- published: 18 Nov 2010
- views: 657
author: apecsec
2010年11月6日「APEC JAPAN 2010」が開催される横浜で行われた日本ウイグル協会主催「黙殺される真実をAPECに問う平和集会」の動画です。登壇者は日本ウイグル協会会長 イリハム・マハムティ、神奈川県議会議員 松田良昭、神奈川県議会議員 小島健一、横浜桐蔭大学教授 ペマ・ギャルポ、ジャーナリスト 西村幸祐...
2010年11月6日「APEC JAPAN 2010」が開催される横浜で行われた日本ウイグル協会主催「黙殺される真実をAPECに問う平和集会」の動画です。登壇者は日本ウイグル協会会長 イリハム・マハムティ、神奈川県議会議員 松田良昭、神奈川県議会議員 小島健一、横浜桐蔭大学教授 ペマ・ギャルポ、ジャーナリスト 西村幸祐、評論家 石平、ノンフィクション作家 関岡英之、東京都議会議員 吉田康一郎、ジャーナリスト 山際澄夫。中国の核実験を告発した「シルクロードの死神 Death on the silk road」と流出した尖閣衝突映像の上映。決議文の朗読など。
2010年11月6日「APEC JAPAN 2010」が開催される横浜で行われた日本ウイグル協会主催「黙殺される真実をAPECに問う平和集会」の動画です。登壇者は日本ウイグル協会会長 イリハム・マハムティ、神奈川県議会議員 松田良昭、神奈川県議会議員 小島健一、横浜桐蔭大学教授 ペマ・ギャルポ、ジャーナリスト 西村幸祐、評論家 石平、ノンフィクション作家 関岡英之、東京都議会議員 吉田康一郎、ジャーナリスト 山際澄夫。中国の核実験を告発した「シルクロードの死神 Death on the silk road」と流出した尖閣衝突映像の上映。決議文の朗読など。
- published: 12 Nov 2010
- views: 793
Japan Travel Guide: 10 Things you need to know Before Coming to JAPAN
Travel Japan Guide: 10 Thing you need to know before coming to Japan : http://youtu.be/CC07YPg9yAM
Please share this video if it's useful to your friend or the person you know!!!
Here are the details: http://expja.com/ (will launch soon…)
Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA.
I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to know about Japan and plan to travel or trip to Japa
Japan Vacation Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
Tokyo, a city of 30 million, is a place where traditions and modern inventions live together. From the Tokyo Tower one can see only skyscrapers, palaces made of concrete and glass, multi-level highway junctions and monorail expresses. But under the neon lights there are still rickshaw runners pulling their carts and geishas walking in their wooden shoes. The ornamented pagodas, the Japanese garden
25 Things To Do in Tokyo, Japan (Watch This Before You Go)
Get info about things to do, where to stay, and the best food to eat on your visit to Tokyo, Japan. Here's the guide: http://wp.me/psd9b-4EA
Tokyo (東京), Japan, is one of the world's greatest cities, and there's so much to do and see when you visit. From temples and shrines, to gardens and museums, you'll never run out of attractions. Out of all the things you could do, I've chosen a top 25 list f
Tokyo Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Welcome to Tokyo, the capital of Japan and the epitome of the word “megacity.”
In this vast metropolis, ancient traditions blend with futuristic buildings, and your Tokyo sightseeing will take you to representations of each. Pay your respects at temples set in forested hillsides, then flex your credit card in one of the shopping districts, before sitting down to a five-star meal…all in one day.
What to Eat and Do in Tokyo Japan (Watch This Before You Go!)
Ryan and Sylvia went to Tokyo for a week and many of you requested for us to shoot a video in Japan; so here it is!
Stay tune for next week's episode! Do you want us to do more travelogues?
Leave a comment!
Japan Travel Guide - Japan Rail Pass and Budget Tips
http://www.streetsmarttraveler.com/toolbox - In this video, Marcus has created a video Japan Travel Guide, with information on the JR Japan Rail Pass for the bullet train (shinkansen). He also shares more budget tips.
Full links mentioned in video:
http://www.marcusgoesglobal.com/2010/04/your-personal-tokyo.html - Marcus' personal travel blog
http://www.jnto.go.jp/eng/yourguide/ - Your Guide to
Japan travel guide - tips and tricks
Japan travel guide. A few practical tips for first-time backpackers in Japan. What to see, when to visit, how to get around, what to eat and drink, where to stay and what you shouldn't miss in Japan: Tokyo, Temples, Akuhabara, Shibuya, Kyoto, Sushi, Sake, Umeshu, Karaoke, Shinkansen.
Get inspired:
See all our tours in Japan: http://travels.kilroy.net/destinations/asia/japan/adventure
Don't miss
✈Tokyo, Japan ►Vacation Travel Guide
✈Tokyo, Japan ►Vacation Travel Guide
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travel channel ghost adventures full episodes
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Japan Tourism & Vacations 2015
Japan Tourism & Vacations 2015, Japan Trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Japan, known as Nihon or Nippon (日本) in Japanese, is a nation of islands in East Asia
See in Japan
When most Westerners think of castles, they naturally think of their own in places like England and France however, Ja
11 Things to Do in Sapporo | Japan Travel Guide
Sapporo city offers everything to travelers: bountiful nature, fascinating culture, and delicious cuisine. Today, Japanesquest presents you with 11 places to visit in Sapporo!
Please give us feedback on this video: http://japanesquest.com/video-feedback
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Tokyo, Japan Travel Guide -- "Go or No?" Review
The Ins and Outs of traveling to Tokyo, Japan with Andrea Feczko and Rachel Rudwall
Watch more @How2Travelers videos!
Capital of Japan, and home to sushi, anime, temples, and crazy fashion, Tokyo is a giant city with a lot to see. But, is it worth the trip?
- Japanese meals: sushi, sake, ramen, shabu shabu, and more
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Kyoto, Japan Travel Guide 2015
Kyoto, Japan Travel Guide 2015 - Tourism & Vacations in Kyoto, Japan - Kyoto, Japan Trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Kyōto (京都) was the capital of Japan for over a millennium, and carries a reputation as its most beautiful city. However, visitors may be surprised by how much work they will have to do to see Kyoto's beaut
Top 5 Things to Do in Tokyo® Japan Travel Guide Harajuku-Shibuya Tour BETA
HERE IS THE MAP! (on google maps)
So now you are in Tokyo and you don't want to spend the day going from a place to another in a dark subway, right?
So here there is my recommendation, an awesome tour of 5 of the best places in Tokyo, all at a walking distance!
Obviously there are more than 5 things to do in Tokyo and
Top 10 Travel Attractions, Kyoto (Japan) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Top 10 Travel Attractions of Kyoto, Japan - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi. I would like to give you a tour of the top ten attractions of Kyoto, Japan.
Number ten, Gion District. A wonderful traditional neighborhood in the city of Kyoto, during your time here you are likely to see geishas in their traditional atti
Nikko Japan Travel Guide
A travel guide for visiting the temples and shrines of Nikko in Japan.
Check out the "Cool Japan" playlist for more Japan videos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL14F9F774CE8798C3
Visit my channel for additional fun travel guides: http://www.youtube.com/user/yellowwproductions
Subscribe to receive my latest travel guides in your feed: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=y
Hakone Japan Travel Guide
A helpful travel guide for anyone planning on visiting Hakone Japan. Tips on taking the train, Hakone Ropeway, cable car, and sights to see. Check out the "C...
What happens if you make a travel show with no planning?
FIRST TIME HERE follows travelers Josh and Emily as they explore new places for the first time. See more at http://firsttimeheretravel.com/.
Shot in Japan over 4 days in April 2012, episode 1 of FIRST TIME HERE takes Josh and Emily to Kyoto and Tokyo.
FIRST TIME HERE: JAPAN was created as a pilot. The teaser for the South Africa episode a
Japan Travel Cost: Accommodation in JAPAN #3: Japan Travel Guide
Japan Travel Cost: Accommodations in Japan #3: Japan Travel Guide http://youtu.be/d4YrT8UceUU
Accommodations in Japan #3!
I talk about 3 more unique type of accommodation in Japan in this video!
Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA.
I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to know about Japan and plan to travel or trip to Japan!
Well, in this video, I talk about 3 uni
Kyoto City Video Guide | Expedia
Kyoto lies in Western Honshu, Japan’s main island. The imperial capital for over 1,000 years, Kyoto is widely considered Japan’s most beautiful city.
Emerging from ultra-modern Kyoto Station, the city’s busy downtown area can come as a shock. Yet old Kyoto is never far away.
Just to the east is Gion, where you’ll catch
5 Days in Japan: Tokyo, Harajuku, Shibuya, Fuji & Hakkone
Join me on my 5 day travel across Japan! We'll gaze at Mount Fuji, soak in onsens, have sashimi boats, scream from world record holdin' rollercoasters and lose ourselves watching the scramble of the Shibuya crossing.
Find me on Twitter:
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Japanese BEER: Things you should try in Japan: Japan Travel Guide
Japanese Beer: Things you should try in Japan: Japan Travel Guide
I talk about Japanese Beer.
Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA.
I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to know about Japan and plan to travel or trip to Japan!
I explain “Japanese Beer”.
In this video, I explain about Japanese Beer. There are 3 types of beers in Japan. N
Sapporo Japan Travel Guide
A travel guide for Sapporo Japan - the capital of Japan's northern island state of Hokkaido. Highlights include the Clock Tower, Odori Park, Sapporo TV Tower...
Japan Travel Guide: 10 Things you need to know Before Coming to JAPAN
Travel Japan Guide: 10 Thing you need to know before coming to Japan : http://youtu.be/CC07YPg9yAM
Please share this video if it's useful to your friend or the ...
Travel Japan Guide: 10 Thing you need to know before coming to Japan : http://youtu.be/CC07YPg9yAM
Please share this video if it's useful to your friend or the person you know!!!
Here are the details: http://expja.com/ (will launch soon…)
Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA.
I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to know about Japan and plan to travel or trip to Japan!
I’ll share with you things you need to know before coming to Japan.
0:21 –1. Get Wi-Fi Connection Information
1:50 – 2. Iratsyaimase いらっしゃいませ。
2:14 – 3. Many Japanese cannot speak English
3:23 – 4. We take off shoes.
3:55 – 5. Go to the post office, if you need cash.
4:10 – 6. SIZE matters
4:32 – 7. Vegetarians
4:54 – 8. Could you wrap up my food, please?
5:38 – 9. Rush Hour Train
6:28 – 10. You pay at the cashier and No Tips
I’m offering the info about traveling to Japan and working as a guide.
If you’re interested in, Please send me an e-mail!!!
Music: Thank You to Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Thank you so much for watching travel video by Experience JAPAN with YUKA.
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/expjpw
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/yuka_expjapan
My Blog: http://expja.com/ (coming up soon!)
Japan Travel Guide: 10 Things you need to know Before Coming to JAPAN
Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss my next exploration. You can subscribe right here: http://www.youtube.com/user/expjpw
Check Other Videos!!!
★Travel Japan Guide: Onsen 温泉 Do I need to try Onsen? Why??? :http://youtu.be/qiNFQM8H2Ek
★ONSEN in JAPAN 温泉: How to enjoy ONSEN & RYOKAN #2 : Japan Travel Guide :http://youtu.be/BOcgDJprN74
★ ONSEN in JAPAN 温泉: TATTOOS at Onsens in JAPAN #3 : Japan Travel Guide : http://youtu.be/5dxiVol7sow
★Travel Japan Guide: 5 Things you shouldn’t do at restaurants in Japan : http://youtu.be/sqrCzAkY_dE
★Japan Travel Guide: Survival Japanese for Japan Trip
Japan travel, travel japan, Travel to Japan, japan tourism, Japanese girl, Japanese woman, Japan guide, Osaka japan guide, Travel japan guide, Travel japan tips, Travel japan blog, Japan travel bureau, Japan travel agency, Japan travel blog, Japan travel centre, Japan travel info,Travel Japanese, Japanese travel, Japan tourism, Japanese cuisine, Japanese food, learn Japanese, japan trip
Japan Travel Guide: 10 Things you need to know Before Coming to JAPAN
wn.com/Japan Travel Guide 10 Things You Need To Know Before Coming To Japan
Travel Japan Guide: 10 Thing you need to know before coming to Japan : http://youtu.be/CC07YPg9yAM
Please share this video if it's useful to your friend or the person you know!!!
Here are the details: http://expja.com/ (will launch soon…)
Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA.
I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to know about Japan and plan to travel or trip to Japan!
I’ll share with you things you need to know before coming to Japan.
0:21 –1. Get Wi-Fi Connection Information
1:50 – 2. Iratsyaimase いらっしゃいませ。
2:14 – 3. Many Japanese cannot speak English
3:23 – 4. We take off shoes.
3:55 – 5. Go to the post office, if you need cash.
4:10 – 6. SIZE matters
4:32 – 7. Vegetarians
4:54 – 8. Could you wrap up my food, please?
5:38 – 9. Rush Hour Train
6:28 – 10. You pay at the cashier and No Tips
I’m offering the info about traveling to Japan and working as a guide.
If you’re interested in, Please send me an e-mail!!!
Music: Thank You to Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Thank you so much for watching travel video by Experience JAPAN with YUKA.
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/expjpw
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/yuka_expjapan
My Blog: http://expja.com/ (coming up soon!)
Japan Travel Guide: 10 Things you need to know Before Coming to JAPAN
Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss my next exploration. You can subscribe right here: http://www.youtube.com/user/expjpw
Check Other Videos!!!
★Travel Japan Guide: Onsen 温泉 Do I need to try Onsen? Why??? :http://youtu.be/qiNFQM8H2Ek
★ONSEN in JAPAN 温泉: How to enjoy ONSEN & RYOKAN #2 : Japan Travel Guide :http://youtu.be/BOcgDJprN74
★ ONSEN in JAPAN 温泉: TATTOOS at Onsens in JAPAN #3 : Japan Travel Guide : http://youtu.be/5dxiVol7sow
★Travel Japan Guide: 5 Things you shouldn’t do at restaurants in Japan : http://youtu.be/sqrCzAkY_dE
★Japan Travel Guide: Survival Japanese for Japan Trip
Japan travel, travel japan, Travel to Japan, japan tourism, Japanese girl, Japanese woman, Japan guide, Osaka japan guide, Travel japan guide, Travel japan tips, Travel japan blog, Japan travel bureau, Japan travel agency, Japan travel blog, Japan travel centre, Japan travel info,Travel Japanese, Japanese travel, Japan tourism, Japanese cuisine, Japanese food, learn Japanese, japan trip
Japan Travel Guide: 10 Things you need to know Before Coming to JAPAN
- published: 16 Aug 2014
- views: 330273
Japan Vacation Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
Tokyo, a city of 30 million, is a place where traditions and modern inventions live together. From the Tokyo Tower one can see only skyscrapers, palaces made of...
Tokyo, a city of 30 million, is a place where traditions and modern inventions live together. From the Tokyo Tower one can see only skyscrapers, palaces made of concrete and glass, multi-level highway junctions and monorail expresses. But under the neon lights there are still rickshaw runners pulling their carts and geishas walking in their wooden shoes. The ornamented pagodas, the Japanese gardens, the calm Shintoist sanctuaries tell us about the age of shoguns and ninjas. The digital cameras and the swords of the samurais can be found at the same store. In the restaurants one can have sushi, sukiyaki and tempura sitting on a tatami, using chopsticks. We can take a look at the masterpieces of ikebana and origami and the pictures painted on rice paper. The travelers can take a trip to the ancient city of Kyoto, to the giant Buddha of Kamakura, to the warm springs and to the Sacred Mountain, Fujiyama, where the cherry trees are blossoming at the foot of the hills.
wn.com/Japan Vacation Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
Tokyo, a city of 30 million, is a place where traditions and modern inventions live together. From the Tokyo Tower one can see only skyscrapers, palaces made of concrete and glass, multi-level highway junctions and monorail expresses. But under the neon lights there are still rickshaw runners pulling their carts and geishas walking in their wooden shoes. The ornamented pagodas, the Japanese gardens, the calm Shintoist sanctuaries tell us about the age of shoguns and ninjas. The digital cameras and the swords of the samurais can be found at the same store. In the restaurants one can have sushi, sukiyaki and tempura sitting on a tatami, using chopsticks. We can take a look at the masterpieces of ikebana and origami and the pictures painted on rice paper. The travelers can take a trip to the ancient city of Kyoto, to the giant Buddha of Kamakura, to the warm springs and to the Sacred Mountain, Fujiyama, where the cherry trees are blossoming at the foot of the hills.
- published: 13 Apr 2015
- views: 13702
25 Things To Do in Tokyo, Japan (Watch This Before You Go)
Get info about things to do, where to stay, and the best food to eat on your visit to Tokyo, Japan. Here's the guide: http://wp.me/psd9b-4EA
Tokyo (東京), Japan,...
Get info about things to do, where to stay, and the best food to eat on your visit to Tokyo, Japan. Here's the guide: http://wp.me/psd9b-4EA
Tokyo (東京), Japan, is one of the world's greatest cities, and there's so much to do and see when you visit. From temples and shrines, to gardens and museums, you'll never run out of attractions. Out of all the things you could do, I've chosen a top 25 list for this awesome city (and just so you know food is my first choice in Tokyo)!
1. Ameya-Yokochō (アメヤ横丁) - A giant open air market that offers clothes, cosmetics, food, and restaurants and bars.
2. Meiji Shrine (明治神宮) - This Shinto shrine, surrounded by beautiful forest, is extremely significant.
3. Ryogoku Kokugikan (両国国技館) - Even if it's not fight season, you can go to the free sumo museum and eat sumo chankonabe.
4. Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden (新宿御苑) - The garden is a beautiful attraction in Tokyo, with French gardens, Japanese gardens, and a green house.
5. Ginza (銀座) / Yurakucho (有楽町) - Ginza is a great area of town for upscale shopping and dining, while Yurakucho is famous for Izakaya bars and restaurants under the railroad track.
6. Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building (東京都庁舎) - There are a lot of things to do in Tokyo where you have to pay, but here, you can go to the 45th floor for free.
7. Tsukiji Market (築地市場) - One of the most famous attractions in all of Tokyo is the Tsukiji Market (築地市場), the biggest seafood market in the world.
8. Shibuya (渋谷区) - With the busiest intersection in the world, Shibuya (渋谷区) is also home to shopping and restaurant.
9. Sumida River (隅田川) - At Tokyo's Sumida River, you can either just walk around the park and enjoy the riverside views, or you can take the Tokyo Cruise in a boat.
10. Tokyo Imperial Palace (皇居) - This is the home of the emperor of Japan. To enter the grounds, you have to make a tour booking on the official website
11. Ueno Park (上野公園), Tokyo National Museum (東京国立博物館) - Ueno Park is a huge public park in Tokyo with shrines, gardens and a number of museums.
12. Tokyo Skytree (東京スカイツリー) - They call it Tokyo's biggest attractions. It's a huge communications tower with various viewing decks and galleries.
13. Harajuku (原宿), Takeshita Street (竹下通り) - Famous for its street market and cosplay that takes place, this is a place in the city to see and be seen.
14. Senso-ji (金龍山浅草寺) - Visiting this temple is one of the top things to do in Tokyo, frequented by both tourists and religious pilgrims. It's the oldest temple in Tokyo.
15. Edo-Tokyo Museum (江戸東京博物館) - It looks a little like a UFO, but it's one of Tokyo's main museums, that aims to preserve the history of the city.
16. Fine Dining - Let's just face it, Tokyo is one of the best cities in the world for high class dining - atmosphere, presentation, food, it's all just stunning!
17. Akihabara Electric Town (秋葉原電気街) - If you love electronics and gaming, you're going to love the area of Akihabara. You'll also find those infamous maid cafes here.
18. Tokyo Stock Exchange (東京証券取引所) - Another free attraction in Tokyo is to be a guest at the stock exchange where you can see the Japanese Nikkei being traded.
19. Roppongi (六本木) - Home to the Mori Art Museum and a hotspot for nightlife in the city, Roppongi is an exciting area of town.
20. Odaiba (お台場) - This area of Tokyo is full of things to do like Legoland, and Palette Town, an indoor amusement park. It's also known as Tokyo's entertainment island.
21. Yoyogi Park (代々木公園) - Located next to Meiji Shrine, and just a short distance from Harajuku and Shinjuku, this park is popular for exercise and dance.
22. Nezu (根津), Yanaka (谷中 (台東区) - Tokyo is a truly modern city, but there are a couple places like Nezu and Yanaka that have held strong to their traditional and cultural roots.
23. Onsen (温泉) - You've got to strip down naked before you can enter a Japanese public bath.
24. Mount Takao (高尾山) - Just 50 km from central Tokyo, this mountain is popular for climbing and is a sacred religious mountains. Makes a good day trip from Tokyo.
25. Food - Finally, food is the reason I visited Japan, and I think eating is by all means one of the best things to do in Tokyo. Food is everywhere, and not only does it taste amazing, but the care that goes into Japanese cuisine is incredible.
Thank you very much for watching this video that includes some of the best things to do in Tokyo. I hope it will give you inspiration to visit and eat through this amazing city.
Tokyo travel guide for food lovers: http://wp.me/psd9b-4EA
Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=migrationology
All music in this video courtesy of AudioNetwork.com
Support my videos: http://migrationology.com/donate/
wn.com/25 Things To Do In Tokyo, Japan (Watch This Before You Go)
Get info about things to do, where to stay, and the best food to eat on your visit to Tokyo, Japan. Here's the guide: http://wp.me/psd9b-4EA
Tokyo (東京), Japan, is one of the world's greatest cities, and there's so much to do and see when you visit. From temples and shrines, to gardens and museums, you'll never run out of attractions. Out of all the things you could do, I've chosen a top 25 list for this awesome city (and just so you know food is my first choice in Tokyo)!
1. Ameya-Yokochō (アメヤ横丁) - A giant open air market that offers clothes, cosmetics, food, and restaurants and bars.
2. Meiji Shrine (明治神宮) - This Shinto shrine, surrounded by beautiful forest, is extremely significant.
3. Ryogoku Kokugikan (両国国技館) - Even if it's not fight season, you can go to the free sumo museum and eat sumo chankonabe.
4. Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden (新宿御苑) - The garden is a beautiful attraction in Tokyo, with French gardens, Japanese gardens, and a green house.
5. Ginza (銀座) / Yurakucho (有楽町) - Ginza is a great area of town for upscale shopping and dining, while Yurakucho is famous for Izakaya bars and restaurants under the railroad track.
6. Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building (東京都庁舎) - There are a lot of things to do in Tokyo where you have to pay, but here, you can go to the 45th floor for free.
7. Tsukiji Market (築地市場) - One of the most famous attractions in all of Tokyo is the Tsukiji Market (築地市場), the biggest seafood market in the world.
8. Shibuya (渋谷区) - With the busiest intersection in the world, Shibuya (渋谷区) is also home to shopping and restaurant.
9. Sumida River (隅田川) - At Tokyo's Sumida River, you can either just walk around the park and enjoy the riverside views, or you can take the Tokyo Cruise in a boat.
10. Tokyo Imperial Palace (皇居) - This is the home of the emperor of Japan. To enter the grounds, you have to make a tour booking on the official website
11. Ueno Park (上野公園), Tokyo National Museum (東京国立博物館) - Ueno Park is a huge public park in Tokyo with shrines, gardens and a number of museums.
12. Tokyo Skytree (東京スカイツリー) - They call it Tokyo's biggest attractions. It's a huge communications tower with various viewing decks and galleries.
13. Harajuku (原宿), Takeshita Street (竹下通り) - Famous for its street market and cosplay that takes place, this is a place in the city to see and be seen.
14. Senso-ji (金龍山浅草寺) - Visiting this temple is one of the top things to do in Tokyo, frequented by both tourists and religious pilgrims. It's the oldest temple in Tokyo.
15. Edo-Tokyo Museum (江戸東京博物館) - It looks a little like a UFO, but it's one of Tokyo's main museums, that aims to preserve the history of the city.
16. Fine Dining - Let's just face it, Tokyo is one of the best cities in the world for high class dining - atmosphere, presentation, food, it's all just stunning!
17. Akihabara Electric Town (秋葉原電気街) - If you love electronics and gaming, you're going to love the area of Akihabara. You'll also find those infamous maid cafes here.
18. Tokyo Stock Exchange (東京証券取引所) - Another free attraction in Tokyo is to be a guest at the stock exchange where you can see the Japanese Nikkei being traded.
19. Roppongi (六本木) - Home to the Mori Art Museum and a hotspot for nightlife in the city, Roppongi is an exciting area of town.
20. Odaiba (お台場) - This area of Tokyo is full of things to do like Legoland, and Palette Town, an indoor amusement park. It's also known as Tokyo's entertainment island.
21. Yoyogi Park (代々木公園) - Located next to Meiji Shrine, and just a short distance from Harajuku and Shinjuku, this park is popular for exercise and dance.
22. Nezu (根津), Yanaka (谷中 (台東区) - Tokyo is a truly modern city, but there are a couple places like Nezu and Yanaka that have held strong to their traditional and cultural roots.
23. Onsen (温泉) - You've got to strip down naked before you can enter a Japanese public bath.
24. Mount Takao (高尾山) - Just 50 km from central Tokyo, this mountain is popular for climbing and is a sacred religious mountains. Makes a good day trip from Tokyo.
25. Food - Finally, food is the reason I visited Japan, and I think eating is by all means one of the best things to do in Tokyo. Food is everywhere, and not only does it taste amazing, but the care that goes into Japanese cuisine is incredible.
Thank you very much for watching this video that includes some of the best things to do in Tokyo. I hope it will give you inspiration to visit and eat through this amazing city.
Tokyo travel guide for food lovers: http://wp.me/psd9b-4EA
Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=migrationology
All music in this video courtesy of AudioNetwork.com
Support my videos: http://migrationology.com/donate/
- published: 30 Mar 2014
- views: 1726350
Tokyo Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Welcome to Tokyo, the capital of Japan and the epitome of the word “megacity.”
In this vast metropolis, ancient traditions blend with futuristic buildings, and...
Welcome to Tokyo, the capital of Japan and the epitome of the word “megacity.”
In this vast metropolis, ancient traditions blend with futuristic buildings, and your Tokyo sightseeing will take you to representations of each. Pay your respects at temples set in forested hillsides, then flex your credit card in one of the shopping districts, before sitting down to a five-star meal…all in one day.
Your Tokyo tour begins with the subway and train system, which will take you all over this sprawling city. Tokyo is home to some 35 million people, many of which you’ll meet as its public transit carries you throughout its many neighborhoods. Make a stop in Asakusa, a temple district nestled in leafy trees with skyscrapers towering in the background. There you’ll visit Nakamisi Dori, a street loaded with food vendors and religious charms. Get to know the city a little better in the Harajuku district, home to cutting-edge fashion, a thriving, youth-centered culture, and the famous Yoyogi Park. The park stands out in stern contrast to the rest of the neighborhood; this sprawling, 134-acre green space is where locals slow down after a frenzied week of work and play.
As night falls, make your way to Shinjuku. Many of Tokyo’s premier restaurants and pubs span Shinjuku’s streets, and you can indulge in succulent 5-star meals or sample with fast food from local vendors. Watch a movie, do some karaoke, and linger with fellow travelers and friendly locals alike.
What was your favorite part of Tokyo?
Visit our Tokyo travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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wn.com/Tokyo Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Welcome to Tokyo, the capital of Japan and the epitome of the word “megacity.”
In this vast metropolis, ancient traditions blend with futuristic buildings, and your Tokyo sightseeing will take you to representations of each. Pay your respects at temples set in forested hillsides, then flex your credit card in one of the shopping districts, before sitting down to a five-star meal…all in one day.
Your Tokyo tour begins with the subway and train system, which will take you all over this sprawling city. Tokyo is home to some 35 million people, many of which you’ll meet as its public transit carries you throughout its many neighborhoods. Make a stop in Asakusa, a temple district nestled in leafy trees with skyscrapers towering in the background. There you’ll visit Nakamisi Dori, a street loaded with food vendors and religious charms. Get to know the city a little better in the Harajuku district, home to cutting-edge fashion, a thriving, youth-centered culture, and the famous Yoyogi Park. The park stands out in stern contrast to the rest of the neighborhood; this sprawling, 134-acre green space is where locals slow down after a frenzied week of work and play.
As night falls, make your way to Shinjuku. Many of Tokyo’s premier restaurants and pubs span Shinjuku’s streets, and you can indulge in succulent 5-star meals or sample with fast food from local vendors. Watch a movie, do some karaoke, and linger with fellow travelers and friendly locals alike.
What was your favorite part of Tokyo?
Visit our Tokyo travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
Follow us on social media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Expedia
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Follow us on our travel blog, Viewfinder:
- published: 02 Oct 2014
- views: 330258
What to Eat and Do in Tokyo Japan (Watch This Before You Go!)
Ryan and Sylvia went to Tokyo for a week and many of you requested for us to shoot a video in Japan; so here it is!
Stay tune for next week's episode! Do you wa...
Ryan and Sylvia went to Tokyo for a week and many of you requested for us to shoot a video in Japan; so here it is!
Stay tune for next week's episode! Do you want us to do more travelogues?
Leave a comment!
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Darren Ashley - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJZq4bADmW0
wn.com/What To Eat And Do In Tokyo Japan (Watch This Before You Go )
Ryan and Sylvia went to Tokyo for a week and many of you requested for us to shoot a video in Japan; so here it is!
Stay tune for next week's episode! Do you want us to do more travelogues?
Leave a comment!
For business/talent enquiries, email us directly at ryan@noc.com.sg
MyRepublic - https://secure.myrepublic.com.sg/
Cathay Photo - http://www.cathayphoto.com.sg/
CCM Costumes - http://number1costumecostume.com.sg/
Shunji Matsuo - https://www.facebook.com/shunjimatsuohairstudio
http://instagram.com/shunjimatsuo http://twitter.com/ShunjiMatsuoSG
Flesh Imp - http://shop.fleshimp.com
IMBA - https://www.facebook.com/IMBAinteractive?fref=ts
Darren Ashley - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJZq4bADmW0
- published: 07 Dec 2014
- views: 272414
Japan Travel Guide - Japan Rail Pass and Budget Tips
http://www.streetsmarttraveler.com/toolbox - In this video, Marcus has created a video Japan Travel Guide, with information on the JR Japan Rail Pass for the bu...
http://www.streetsmarttraveler.com/toolbox - In this video, Marcus has created a video Japan Travel Guide, with information on the JR Japan Rail Pass for the bullet train (shinkansen). He also shares more budget tips.
Full links mentioned in video:
http://www.marcusgoesglobal.com/2010/04/your-personal-tokyo.html - Marcus' personal travel blog
http://www.jnto.go.jp/eng/yourguide/ - Your Guide to Japan
http://www.jnto.go.jp/eng/location/rtg/index.html - Practical Travel Guides
https://www.keisei.co.jp/keisei/tetudou/skyliner/us/nrt_access/tokkyu.html - Keisei Limited Express (tokkyu) train from Narita Airport to Tokyo.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Japan - Public holidays in Japan
http://www.japanrailpass.net - Japan Rail Pass website
http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2362.html - Seishun 18 Kippu "Youthful 18 Ticket" cheap Japan rail pass
http://kshouse.jp - K's House hostels Japan
http://www.superhoteljapan.com - Super Hotel
http://www.toyoko-inn.com - Toyoko Inn
http://rentafonejapan.com - Rentafone Japan, rent mobile phones
http://www.globaladvancedcomm.com/ - Rent iPhones in Japan.
http://www.japantoday.com - English news website for Japan
http://metropolis.co.jp - English magazine for expats and foreigners in Japan
wn.com/Japan Travel Guide Japan Rail Pass And Budget Tips
http://www.streetsmarttraveler.com/toolbox - In this video, Marcus has created a video Japan Travel Guide, with information on the JR Japan Rail Pass for the bullet train (shinkansen). He also shares more budget tips.
Full links mentioned in video:
http://www.marcusgoesglobal.com/2010/04/your-personal-tokyo.html - Marcus' personal travel blog
http://www.jnto.go.jp/eng/yourguide/ - Your Guide to Japan
http://www.jnto.go.jp/eng/location/rtg/index.html - Practical Travel Guides
https://www.keisei.co.jp/keisei/tetudou/skyliner/us/nrt_access/tokkyu.html - Keisei Limited Express (tokkyu) train from Narita Airport to Tokyo.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Japan - Public holidays in Japan
http://www.japanrailpass.net - Japan Rail Pass website
http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2362.html - Seishun 18 Kippu "Youthful 18 Ticket" cheap Japan rail pass
http://kshouse.jp - K's House hostels Japan
http://www.superhoteljapan.com - Super Hotel
http://www.toyoko-inn.com - Toyoko Inn
http://rentafonejapan.com - Rentafone Japan, rent mobile phones
http://www.globaladvancedcomm.com/ - Rent iPhones in Japan.
http://www.japantoday.com - English news website for Japan
http://metropolis.co.jp - English magazine for expats and foreigners in Japan
- published: 27 Jan 2013
- views: 42320
Japan travel guide - tips and tricks
Japan travel guide. A few practical tips for first-time backpackers in Japan. What to see, when to visit, how to get around, what to eat and drink, where to sta...
Japan travel guide. A few practical tips for first-time backpackers in Japan. What to see, when to visit, how to get around, what to eat and drink, where to stay and what you shouldn't miss in Japan: Tokyo, Temples, Akuhabara, Shibuya, Kyoto, Sushi, Sake, Umeshu, Karaoke, Shinkansen.
Get inspired:
See all our tours in Japan: http://travels.kilroy.net/destinations/asia/japan/adventure
Don't miss out on sightseeing and other things to do http://www.partner.viator.com/en/9092/Japan/d16-ttd?activities=all
wn.com/Japan Travel Guide Tips And Tricks
Japan travel guide. A few practical tips for first-time backpackers in Japan. What to see, when to visit, how to get around, what to eat and drink, where to stay and what you shouldn't miss in Japan: Tokyo, Temples, Akuhabara, Shibuya, Kyoto, Sushi, Sake, Umeshu, Karaoke, Shinkansen.
Get inspired:
See all our tours in Japan: http://travels.kilroy.net/destinations/asia/japan/adventure
Don't miss out on sightseeing and other things to do http://www.partner.viator.com/en/9092/Japan/d16-ttd?activities=all
- published: 19 Jul 2013
- views: 65773
✈Tokyo, Japan ►Vacation Travel Guide
✈Tokyo, Japan ►Vacation Travel Guide...
✈Tokyo, Japan ►Vacation Travel Guide
wn.com/✈Tokyo, Japan ►Vacation Travel Guide
✈Tokyo, Japan ►Vacation Travel Guide
- published: 13 Dec 2013
- views: 28227
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Japan Vacation Travel Guide
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Japan Vacation Travel Guide travel channel full episodes
travel channel documentary 2015
travel channel food paradise
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Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Japan Vacation Travel Guide travel channel full episodes
travel channel documentary 2015
travel channel food paradise
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wn.com/Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Japan Vacation Travel Guide
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Japan Vacation Travel Guide travel channel full episodes
travel channel documentary 2015
travel channel food paradise
travel channel haunted houses
travel channel shows
travel channel ghost adventures full episodes
travel channel full
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travel channel commercial
travel channel documentary
travel channel water parks
travel channel walt disney world
travel channel weird travels
travel channel world's best
travel channel wine
- published: 09 Jun 2015
- views: 4
Japan Tourism & Vacations 2015
Japan Tourism & Vacations 2015, Japan Trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Japan, know...
Japan Tourism & Vacations 2015, Japan Trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Japan, known as Nihon or Nippon (日本) in Japanese, is a nation of islands in East Asia
See in Japan
When most Westerners think of castles, they naturally think of their own in places like England and France however, Japan, too, was a nation of castle-builders. In its feudal days, you could find multiple castles in nearly every prefecture.
Original Castles
Because of bombings in WWII, fires, edicts to tear down castles, etc. only twelve of Japan's castles are considered to be originals, which have donjons that date back to the days when they were still used. Four of them are located on the island of Shikoku, two just north in the Chugoku region, two in Kansai, three in the Chubu region, and one in the northern Tohoku region. There are no original castles in Kyushu, Kanto, Hokkaido, or Okinawa.
Japan is famous for its gardens, known for its unique aesthestics both in landscape gardens and Zen rock/sand gardens. The nation has designated an official "Top Three Gardens", based on their beauty, size, authenticity (gardens that have not been drastically altered), and historical significance. Those gardens are Kairakuen in Mito, Kenrokuen in Kanazawa, and Korakuen in Okayama. The largest garden, and the favorite of many travellers, is actually Ritsurin Park in Takamatsu.
Rock and sand gardens can typically be found in temples, specifically those of Zen Buddhism. The most famous of these is Ryoanji Temple in Kyoto, but such temples can be found throughout Japan. Moss gardens are also popular in Japan and Koke-dera, also in Kyoto, has one of the nation's best. Reservations are required to visit just so that they can ensure the moss is always flourishing and not trampled.
Spiritual Sites
Regardless of your travel interests, it's difficult to visit Japan without at least seeing a few shrines and temples. Buddhist and Shinto sites are the most common, although there are some noteworthy spiritual sites of other religions, as well.
Buddhism has had a profound impact on Japan ever since it was introduced in the 6th century. Like shrines, temples can be found in every city, and many different sects exist.
Horyuji Temple in Horyuji, just south of Nara, is the world's oldest wooden structure. The beautiful Phoenix Hall in Uji is seen by most visitors to Japan on the back of the ten yen coin, if not in real-life.
Shintoism is the "native" religion of Japan, so those looking to experience things that are "wholly Japanese" should particularly enjoy them as they truly embody the Japanese aesthetic. The holiest Shinto Shrine is the Grand Ise Shrine, while the second holiest is Izumo Shrine, where the gods gather annually for a meeting. Other famous holy shrines include Itsukushima Shrine' in Miyajima, Toshogu Shrine in Nikko, the Kumano Sanzan, and the Dewa Sanzan. Kyoto also has many important historic shrines, such as Shimogamo Shrine, Kamigamo Shrine, and Fushimi Inari Shrine.
Do in Japan
Japan's Top 100 Cherry Blossoms Spots
Climb the 3776 meter Mount Fuji, an icon of Japan.
Take a walk amidst thousands of cherry blossoms in Yoshino
Ascend Mount Aso to see one of the world's largest calderas
Visit the snowy peaks of the country's largest national park, Daisetsuzan.
Climb the 2446 stone stops of the holy Haguro mountain through an amazing primeval forest.
Soak in the hot springs of Japan's Onsen Capital, Beppu.
Go River rafting in some of the last wild rivers in Japan in the Iya Valley
Ski the world famous powder of Hokkaido or in the Japan Alps.
Overnight in one of the holy temples of Mount Koya.
wn.com/Japan Tourism Vacations 2015
Japan Tourism & Vacations 2015, Japan Trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Japan, known as Nihon or Nippon (日本) in Japanese, is a nation of islands in East Asia
See in Japan
When most Westerners think of castles, they naturally think of their own in places like England and France however, Japan, too, was a nation of castle-builders. In its feudal days, you could find multiple castles in nearly every prefecture.
Original Castles
Because of bombings in WWII, fires, edicts to tear down castles, etc. only twelve of Japan's castles are considered to be originals, which have donjons that date back to the days when they were still used. Four of them are located on the island of Shikoku, two just north in the Chugoku region, two in Kansai, three in the Chubu region, and one in the northern Tohoku region. There are no original castles in Kyushu, Kanto, Hokkaido, or Okinawa.
Japan is famous for its gardens, known for its unique aesthestics both in landscape gardens and Zen rock/sand gardens. The nation has designated an official "Top Three Gardens", based on their beauty, size, authenticity (gardens that have not been drastically altered), and historical significance. Those gardens are Kairakuen in Mito, Kenrokuen in Kanazawa, and Korakuen in Okayama. The largest garden, and the favorite of many travellers, is actually Ritsurin Park in Takamatsu.
Rock and sand gardens can typically be found in temples, specifically those of Zen Buddhism. The most famous of these is Ryoanji Temple in Kyoto, but such temples can be found throughout Japan. Moss gardens are also popular in Japan and Koke-dera, also in Kyoto, has one of the nation's best. Reservations are required to visit just so that they can ensure the moss is always flourishing and not trampled.
Spiritual Sites
Regardless of your travel interests, it's difficult to visit Japan without at least seeing a few shrines and temples. Buddhist and Shinto sites are the most common, although there are some noteworthy spiritual sites of other religions, as well.
Buddhism has had a profound impact on Japan ever since it was introduced in the 6th century. Like shrines, temples can be found in every city, and many different sects exist.
Horyuji Temple in Horyuji, just south of Nara, is the world's oldest wooden structure. The beautiful Phoenix Hall in Uji is seen by most visitors to Japan on the back of the ten yen coin, if not in real-life.
Shintoism is the "native" religion of Japan, so those looking to experience things that are "wholly Japanese" should particularly enjoy them as they truly embody the Japanese aesthetic. The holiest Shinto Shrine is the Grand Ise Shrine, while the second holiest is Izumo Shrine, where the gods gather annually for a meeting. Other famous holy shrines include Itsukushima Shrine' in Miyajima, Toshogu Shrine in Nikko, the Kumano Sanzan, and the Dewa Sanzan. Kyoto also has many important historic shrines, such as Shimogamo Shrine, Kamigamo Shrine, and Fushimi Inari Shrine.
Do in Japan
Japan's Top 100 Cherry Blossoms Spots
Climb the 3776 meter Mount Fuji, an icon of Japan.
Take a walk amidst thousands of cherry blossoms in Yoshino
Ascend Mount Aso to see one of the world's largest calderas
Visit the snowy peaks of the country's largest national park, Daisetsuzan.
Climb the 2446 stone stops of the holy Haguro mountain through an amazing primeval forest.
Soak in the hot springs of Japan's Onsen Capital, Beppu.
Go River rafting in some of the last wild rivers in Japan in the Iya Valley
Ski the world famous powder of Hokkaido or in the Japan Alps.
Overnight in one of the holy temples of Mount Koya.
- published: 13 Jan 2015
- views: 68947
11 Things to Do in Sapporo | Japan Travel Guide
Sapporo city offers everything to travelers: bountiful nature, fascinating culture, and delicious cuisine. Today, Japanesquest presents you with 11 places to vi...
Sapporo city offers everything to travelers: bountiful nature, fascinating culture, and delicious cuisine. Today, Japanesquest presents you with 11 places to visit in Sapporo!
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No.1 Curb Market
No.2 Odori Park
No.3 Hokkaido University
No.4 Maruyama Park
No.5 Sapporo Station
No.6 Ramen Republic
No.7 Historical Village of Hokkaido
No.8 Shiroi Koibito Park
No. 9 Moerenuma Park
No.10 Susukino District
No.11 Mt. Moiwa
Help us caption & translate this video!
wn.com/11 Things To Do In Sapporo | Japan Travel Guide
Sapporo city offers everything to travelers: bountiful nature, fascinating culture, and delicious cuisine. Today, Japanesquest presents you with 11 places to visit in Sapporo!
Please give us feedback on this video: http://japanesquest.com/video-feedback
Website: http://japanesquest.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/japanesquest
Twitter: https://twitter.com/japanesquest
Instagram: http://instagram.com/japanesquest
Vine: https://vine.co/japanesquest
No.1 Curb Market
No.2 Odori Park
No.3 Hokkaido University
No.4 Maruyama Park
No.5 Sapporo Station
No.6 Ramen Republic
No.7 Historical Village of Hokkaido
No.8 Shiroi Koibito Park
No. 9 Moerenuma Park
No.10 Susukino District
No.11 Mt. Moiwa
Help us caption & translate this video!
- published: 20 Sep 2015
- views: 6
Tokyo, Japan Travel Guide -- "Go or No?" Review
The Ins and Outs of traveling to Tokyo, Japan with Andrea Feczko and Rachel Rudwall
Watch more @How2Travelers videos!
The Ins and Outs of traveling to Tokyo, Japan with Andrea Feczko and Rachel Rudwall
Watch more @How2Travelers videos!
Capital of Japan, and home to sushi, anime, temples, and crazy fashion, Tokyo is a giant city with a lot to see. But, is it worth the trip?
- Japanese meals: sushi, sake, ramen, shabu shabu, and more
- Tsukiji Fish Market & tuna auction
- Shibuya Crossing, Meiji Shrine, Sensoji Temple, Harajuku
- Metropolitan Government Building aerial view
- Photo booths
- Hotels
- Daiwa Sushi, Kisoji, Marunouchi
- Ginza, Asakusa
- Shopping & Japanese fashion: Ginza, Shibuya, Nakamise
Follow How 2 Travelers on Twitter!
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wn.com/Tokyo, Japan Travel Guide Go Or No Review
The Ins and Outs of traveling to Tokyo, Japan with Andrea Feczko and Rachel Rudwall
Watch more @How2Travelers videos!
Capital of Japan, and home to sushi, anime, temples, and crazy fashion, Tokyo is a giant city with a lot to see. But, is it worth the trip?
- Japanese meals: sushi, sake, ramen, shabu shabu, and more
- Tsukiji Fish Market & tuna auction
- Shibuya Crossing, Meiji Shrine, Sensoji Temple, Harajuku
- Metropolitan Government Building aerial view
- Photo booths
- Hotels
- Daiwa Sushi, Kisoji, Marunouchi
- Ginza, Asakusa
- Shopping & Japanese fashion: Ginza, Shibuya, Nakamise
Follow How 2 Travelers on Twitter!
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- published: 25 Nov 2013
- views: 178129
Kyoto, Japan Travel Guide 2015
Kyoto, Japan Travel Guide 2015 - Tourism & Vacations in Kyoto, Japan - Kyoto, Japan Trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subsc...
Kyoto, Japan Travel Guide 2015 - Tourism & Vacations in Kyoto, Japan - Kyoto, Japan Trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Kyōto (京都) was the capital of Japan for over a millennium, and carries a reputation as its most beautiful city. However, visitors may be surprised by how much work they will have to do to see Kyoto's beautiful side. Most first impressions of the city will be of the urban sprawl of central Kyoto, around the ultra-modern glass-and-steel train station, which is itself an example of a city steeped in tradition colliding with the modern world.
Nonetheless, the persistent visitor will soon discover Kyoto's hidden beauty in the temples and parks which ring the city center, and find that the city has much more to offer than immediately meets the eye.
See in Kyoto, Japan
Kyoto offers an incredible number of attractions for tourists, and visitors will probably need to plan an itinerary in advance in order to visit as many as possible.
Japan National Tourist Organization's self-guided "Kyoto Walks" pamphlet is available in a ready to print PDF format here[12]. The guide enables first time visitors to tour the city with ease and with minimum fuss by providing bus numbers, names of bus stops and clearly marked walking routes. There are a variety of self-guided walks in different districts to sample Kyoto's various sites. If you see the browser's dialog box popping up, just click on it till the entire PDF document opens.
World Heritage Sites
In 1994, 17 historic sites were inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List under the group designation Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto. Fourteen of the listed sites are in Kyoto itself, two are in the neighbouring city of Uji and one is in Ōtsu.
Listed by location, the fourteen World Heritage Sites in the city of Kyoto are:
Northern Kyoto: Kinkaku-ji, Ryōan-ji, Ninna-ji, Kōzan-ji, Shimogamo Shrine, Kamigamo Shrine
Central Kyoto: Nijō Castle, Nishi Hongan-ji, Tō-ji
Eastern Kyoto: Kiyomizu-dera, Ginkaku-ji
Western Kyoto: Tenryū-ji, Koke-dera
Southern Kyoto: Daigo-ji
Imperial Palaces and Villas
Stroll through the regal retreats of the Imperial Palace or one of the two Imperial villas with gardens and teahouses managed by the Imperial Household Agency. These are the Imperial Palace (京都御所 Kyōto-gosho) and Sentō Imperial Palace (仙洞御所 Sentō-gosho) in Central Kyoto, Katsura Imperial Villa (桂離宮 Katsura-rikyū) in Western Kyoto, and Shugakuin Imperial Villa (修学院離宮 Shugaku-in-rikyū) in Northern Kyoto. All four of these sites are open to the public by reservation through the Imperial Household Agency. The gardens located within the precints of each palace and villa are at their most scenic during spring cherry blossom season and autumn where a riot of colors enchant visitors. Each property is still used from time to time for official state functions or for private visits by the current royal family members.
The Imperial Household Agency maintains a quota on the number of visitors to each site per tour. Admission is free. English guides are available at the Imperial Palace; however, tours of the Sento Imperial Palace, Katsura Villa, and Shugakuin Villa are conducted in Japanese only (English pamphlets are given at each destination upon entry and books are available for purchase if you'd like to know more). Overseas visitors can apply online to the Imperial Household Agency in English here [13]. On its website are write ups and videos in English for interested visitors to gauge which ones they would like to visit before making an online application. Please note that advanced applications first become available on the first day of the month, three months in advance of the applicant's preferred touring month. For example, if your preferred date of visit falls in the month of April, you can begin applying on January 1. As these visits are over subscribed by the Japanese and overseas visitors, the Imperial Household Agency has to draw lots to pick the successful applicants. All applicants are notified on the status of their applications whether they are successful or otherwise within a week after closing date. Most applicants to the Imperial Palace are accepted, and early reservation is not usually necessary; however, those planning to visit the Sentō Imperial Palace, or either of the Imperial Villas should apply on the first available day of application as they are highly competitive and entire months of tours often become full within the first few days. Winter tours are typically much less competitive, but be aware that the gardens will not be as beautiful as other times of the year.
wn.com/Kyoto, Japan Travel Guide 2015
Kyoto, Japan Travel Guide 2015 - Tourism & Vacations in Kyoto, Japan - Kyoto, Japan Trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Kyōto (京都) was the capital of Japan for over a millennium, and carries a reputation as its most beautiful city. However, visitors may be surprised by how much work they will have to do to see Kyoto's beautiful side. Most first impressions of the city will be of the urban sprawl of central Kyoto, around the ultra-modern glass-and-steel train station, which is itself an example of a city steeped in tradition colliding with the modern world.
Nonetheless, the persistent visitor will soon discover Kyoto's hidden beauty in the temples and parks which ring the city center, and find that the city has much more to offer than immediately meets the eye.
See in Kyoto, Japan
Kyoto offers an incredible number of attractions for tourists, and visitors will probably need to plan an itinerary in advance in order to visit as many as possible.
Japan National Tourist Organization's self-guided "Kyoto Walks" pamphlet is available in a ready to print PDF format here[12]. The guide enables first time visitors to tour the city with ease and with minimum fuss by providing bus numbers, names of bus stops and clearly marked walking routes. There are a variety of self-guided walks in different districts to sample Kyoto's various sites. If you see the browser's dialog box popping up, just click on it till the entire PDF document opens.
World Heritage Sites
In 1994, 17 historic sites were inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List under the group designation Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto. Fourteen of the listed sites are in Kyoto itself, two are in the neighbouring city of Uji and one is in Ōtsu.
Listed by location, the fourteen World Heritage Sites in the city of Kyoto are:
Northern Kyoto: Kinkaku-ji, Ryōan-ji, Ninna-ji, Kōzan-ji, Shimogamo Shrine, Kamigamo Shrine
Central Kyoto: Nijō Castle, Nishi Hongan-ji, Tō-ji
Eastern Kyoto: Kiyomizu-dera, Ginkaku-ji
Western Kyoto: Tenryū-ji, Koke-dera
Southern Kyoto: Daigo-ji
Imperial Palaces and Villas
Stroll through the regal retreats of the Imperial Palace or one of the two Imperial villas with gardens and teahouses managed by the Imperial Household Agency. These are the Imperial Palace (京都御所 Kyōto-gosho) and Sentō Imperial Palace (仙洞御所 Sentō-gosho) in Central Kyoto, Katsura Imperial Villa (桂離宮 Katsura-rikyū) in Western Kyoto, and Shugakuin Imperial Villa (修学院離宮 Shugaku-in-rikyū) in Northern Kyoto. All four of these sites are open to the public by reservation through the Imperial Household Agency. The gardens located within the precints of each palace and villa are at their most scenic during spring cherry blossom season and autumn where a riot of colors enchant visitors. Each property is still used from time to time for official state functions or for private visits by the current royal family members.
The Imperial Household Agency maintains a quota on the number of visitors to each site per tour. Admission is free. English guides are available at the Imperial Palace; however, tours of the Sento Imperial Palace, Katsura Villa, and Shugakuin Villa are conducted in Japanese only (English pamphlets are given at each destination upon entry and books are available for purchase if you'd like to know more). Overseas visitors can apply online to the Imperial Household Agency in English here [13]. On its website are write ups and videos in English for interested visitors to gauge which ones they would like to visit before making an online application. Please note that advanced applications first become available on the first day of the month, three months in advance of the applicant's preferred touring month. For example, if your preferred date of visit falls in the month of April, you can begin applying on January 1. As these visits are over subscribed by the Japanese and overseas visitors, the Imperial Household Agency has to draw lots to pick the successful applicants. All applicants are notified on the status of their applications whether they are successful or otherwise within a week after closing date. Most applicants to the Imperial Palace are accepted, and early reservation is not usually necessary; however, those planning to visit the Sentō Imperial Palace, or either of the Imperial Villas should apply on the first available day of application as they are highly competitive and entire months of tours often become full within the first few days. Winter tours are typically much less competitive, but be aware that the gardens will not be as beautiful as other times of the year.
- published: 16 Jan 2015
- views: 18010
Top 5 Things to Do in Tokyo® Japan Travel Guide Harajuku-Shibuya Tour BETA
HERE IS THE MAP! (on google maps)
So now you are in Tokyo and you don't want to s...
HERE IS THE MAP! (on google maps)
So now you are in Tokyo and you don't want to spend the day going from a place to another in a dark subway, right?
So here there is my recommendation, an awesome tour of 5 of the best places in Tokyo, all at a walking distance!
Obviously there are more than 5 things to do in Tokyo and each person has their own favorite places to visit. That being said, if you are a first timer in Japan, I recommend you spend half a day to do this tour. SERIOUSLY. Do this and you'll save a lot of time. Unless you want to see Sumo or the fish market, but if you are around my age, you will love this tour. You see the beautiful Japanese Meiji Shrine, see the crazy young Takeshitadori, the cool&hip; Harajuku Cat Street, get lost in Shibuya crossing, walk through the insane Center Street in Shibuya, and check out a really cool shop in Shibuya called LOFT for some shopping. Not to mention one of the best beers/ales in Tokyo and tons of shops on the way.
1) Meiji Jingu - https://www.google.com/maps/preview?q=meiji+jingu&ie;=UTF-8&ei;=clUSVJ2wDNbh8AWho4HgBA&ved;=0CAcQ_AUoAg
2) Takeshita Street - https://www.google.com/maps/place/Takeshita+Street/@35.6709203,139.7032242,18z/data=!4m5!1m2!2m1!1stakeshita+street+omotesando!3m1!1s0x0:0x1ea96e04223979bd
3) Harajuku Gyoza (Dumpling) - https://www.google.com/maps/search/gyoza+omotesando/@35.6675326,139.7060823,21z
4) Cat Street/Smokehouse - https://www.google.com/maps/place/SMOKEHOUSE+%E3%82%B9%E3%83%A2%E3%83%BC%E3%82%AF%E3%83%8F%E3%82%A6%E3%82%B9/@35.665532,139.704817,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x60188ca69a302d09:0x22f2979e65ea0099
5) Shibuya Crossing/Loft - https://www.google.com/maps/place/Loft/@35.661078,139.699496,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x60188ca85add52bf:0xc942f69271e3b8b4
When you are done with the tour you can easily walk to Yoyogi Koen and check out the park.
★My new site with all my videos and Japan travel tips and guides.
★ 日本語の動画プレイリストだよ /Playlist of my Japanese Videos
★ RAW TOKYO STRET VLOG /俺のRAWな東京ストリートTVチャンネル
★ INSTAGRAM/インスタグラム/
★ TWITTER/ ツイッター
wn.com/Top 5 Things To Do In Tokyo® Japan Travel Guide Harajuku Shibuya Tour Beta
HERE IS THE MAP! (on google maps)
So now you are in Tokyo and you don't want to spend the day going from a place to another in a dark subway, right?
So here there is my recommendation, an awesome tour of 5 of the best places in Tokyo, all at a walking distance!
Obviously there are more than 5 things to do in Tokyo and each person has their own favorite places to visit. That being said, if you are a first timer in Japan, I recommend you spend half a day to do this tour. SERIOUSLY. Do this and you'll save a lot of time. Unless you want to see Sumo or the fish market, but if you are around my age, you will love this tour. You see the beautiful Japanese Meiji Shrine, see the crazy young Takeshitadori, the cool&hip; Harajuku Cat Street, get lost in Shibuya crossing, walk through the insane Center Street in Shibuya, and check out a really cool shop in Shibuya called LOFT for some shopping. Not to mention one of the best beers/ales in Tokyo and tons of shops on the way.
1) Meiji Jingu - https://www.google.com/maps/preview?q=meiji+jingu&ie;=UTF-8&ei;=clUSVJ2wDNbh8AWho4HgBA&ved;=0CAcQ_AUoAg
2) Takeshita Street - https://www.google.com/maps/place/Takeshita+Street/@35.6709203,139.7032242,18z/data=!4m5!1m2!2m1!1stakeshita+street+omotesando!3m1!1s0x0:0x1ea96e04223979bd
3) Harajuku Gyoza (Dumpling) - https://www.google.com/maps/search/gyoza+omotesando/@35.6675326,139.7060823,21z
4) Cat Street/Smokehouse - https://www.google.com/maps/place/SMOKEHOUSE+%E3%82%B9%E3%83%A2%E3%83%BC%E3%82%AF%E3%83%8F%E3%82%A6%E3%82%B9/@35.665532,139.704817,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x60188ca69a302d09:0x22f2979e65ea0099
5) Shibuya Crossing/Loft - https://www.google.com/maps/place/Loft/@35.661078,139.699496,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x60188ca85add52bf:0xc942f69271e3b8b4
When you are done with the tour you can easily walk to Yoyogi Koen and check out the park.
★My new site with all my videos and Japan travel tips and guides.
★ 日本語の動画プレイリストだよ /Playlist of my Japanese Videos
★ RAW TOKYO STRET VLOG /俺のRAWな東京ストリートTVチャンネル
★ INSTAGRAM/インスタグラム/
★ TWITTER/ ツイッター
- published: 12 Sep 2014
- views: 35760
Top 10 Travel Attractions, Kyoto (Japan) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Top 10 Travel Attractions of Kyoto, Japan - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi. I...
Take a tour of Top 10 Travel Attractions of Kyoto, Japan - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi. I would like to give you a tour of the top ten attractions of Kyoto, Japan.
Number ten, Gion District. A wonderful traditional neighborhood in the city of Kyoto, during your time here you are likely to see geishas in their traditional attire.
Number nine, Bamboo Grove. Unlike any other place you are going to see. Walking through the bamboo grove, you are in a different world, surrounded by the tall bamboo trees.
Number eight, Heian Shrine. This Shinto shrine was constructed in 1895 and commemorates Kyoto's past emperors. These days, it's a site for many local festivals.
Number seven, Kinkaku-ji. Kyoto has numerous cultural sites. Kinkaku-ji, the Buddhist temple of the golden pavilion, is among Kyoto's 17 World Cultural Heritage sites.
Number six, Kiyomizu. Another famous temple of Kyoto built all the way back in the 8th century. Locals enjoy the surrounding natural landscape that changes throughout the year.
Number five, Fushimi Inari Shrine. Walking through the striking shrine gates, you are transported into another world. Many tradespeople come here to pray for prosperity of their businesses.
Number four, local culture. In Japan, even the simple day to day things are fascinating. You'll find the local way of life is spiritual as well as one that's harmonious with nature.
Number three, Ginkaku-ji, the temple was constructed in the 15th century. Japanese architecture melds nature with buildings beautifully, and you clearly see that in this temple's gardens.
Number two, Nijo Castle. A large complex built in the early 17th century. You can take the inside tour and witness its fortress-like features, along with its emphasis on harmony with nature.
And number one, cherry blossom. Kyoto is one of the world's most beautiful cities. A perfect time to visit this city is during the cherry blossoms, when its great cultural attractions look even more stunning.
Keep watching our travel series. Ciao.
wn.com/Top 10 Travel Attractions, Kyoto (Japan) Travel Guide
Take a tour of Top 10 Travel Attractions of Kyoto, Japan - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi. I would like to give you a tour of the top ten attractions of Kyoto, Japan.
Number ten, Gion District. A wonderful traditional neighborhood in the city of Kyoto, during your time here you are likely to see geishas in their traditional attire.
Number nine, Bamboo Grove. Unlike any other place you are going to see. Walking through the bamboo grove, you are in a different world, surrounded by the tall bamboo trees.
Number eight, Heian Shrine. This Shinto shrine was constructed in 1895 and commemorates Kyoto's past emperors. These days, it's a site for many local festivals.
Number seven, Kinkaku-ji. Kyoto has numerous cultural sites. Kinkaku-ji, the Buddhist temple of the golden pavilion, is among Kyoto's 17 World Cultural Heritage sites.
Number six, Kiyomizu. Another famous temple of Kyoto built all the way back in the 8th century. Locals enjoy the surrounding natural landscape that changes throughout the year.
Number five, Fushimi Inari Shrine. Walking through the striking shrine gates, you are transported into another world. Many tradespeople come here to pray for prosperity of their businesses.
Number four, local culture. In Japan, even the simple day to day things are fascinating. You'll find the local way of life is spiritual as well as one that's harmonious with nature.
Number three, Ginkaku-ji, the temple was constructed in the 15th century. Japanese architecture melds nature with buildings beautifully, and you clearly see that in this temple's gardens.
Number two, Nijo Castle. A large complex built in the early 17th century. You can take the inside tour and witness its fortress-like features, along with its emphasis on harmony with nature.
And number one, cherry blossom. Kyoto is one of the world's most beautiful cities. A perfect time to visit this city is during the cherry blossoms, when its great cultural attractions look even more stunning.
Keep watching our travel series. Ciao.
- published: 04 Aug 2010
- views: 183591
Nikko Japan Travel Guide
A travel guide for visiting the temples and shrines of Nikko in Japan.
Check out the "Cool Japan" playlist for more Japan videos: http://www.youtube.com/playli...
A travel guide for visiting the temples and shrines of Nikko in Japan.
Check out the "Cool Japan" playlist for more Japan videos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL14F9F774CE8798C3
Visit my channel for additional fun travel guides: http://www.youtube.com/user/yellowwproductions
Subscribe to receive my latest travel guides in your feed: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=yellowwproductions
wn.com/Nikko Japan Travel Guide
A travel guide for visiting the temples and shrines of Nikko in Japan.
Check out the "Cool Japan" playlist for more Japan videos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL14F9F774CE8798C3
Visit my channel for additional fun travel guides: http://www.youtube.com/user/yellowwproductions
Subscribe to receive my latest travel guides in your feed: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=yellowwproductions
- published: 23 Sep 2011
- views: 18667
Hakone Japan Travel Guide
A helpful travel guide for anyone planning on visiting Hakone Japan. Tips on taking the train, Hakone Ropeway, cable car, and sights to see. Check out the "C......
A helpful travel guide for anyone planning on visiting Hakone Japan. Tips on taking the train, Hakone Ropeway, cable car, and sights to see. Check out the "C...
wn.com/Hakone Japan Travel Guide
A helpful travel guide for anyone planning on visiting Hakone Japan. Tips on taking the train, Hakone Ropeway, cable car, and sights to see. Check out the "C...
What happens if you make a travel show with no planning?
FIRST TIME HERE follows travelers Josh and Emily as they explore new places for the first time. See mor...
What happens if you make a travel show with no planning?
FIRST TIME HERE follows travelers Josh and Emily as they explore new places for the first time. See more at http://firsttimeheretravel.com/.
Shot in Japan over 4 days in April 2012, episode 1 of FIRST TIME HERE takes Josh and Emily to Kyoto and Tokyo.
FIRST TIME HERE: JAPAN was created as a pilot. The teaser for the South Africa episode at the end is there to make the pilot feel like a full episode of the show we hope to continue making. The footage in South Africa was actually shot as a screen test for Emily, who had never been on camera before.
FIRST TIME HERE: JAPAN was filmed during the Spring 2012 voyage of Semester at Sea. For more information about the Semester At Sea visit http://www.semesteratsea.org.
Shot, Directed, and Edited by: Adam J Bianchi
Starring: Josh Best and Emily Volkmann
wn.com/First Time Here Japan Full Episode Hd
What happens if you make a travel show with no planning?
FIRST TIME HERE follows travelers Josh and Emily as they explore new places for the first time. See more at http://firsttimeheretravel.com/.
Shot in Japan over 4 days in April 2012, episode 1 of FIRST TIME HERE takes Josh and Emily to Kyoto and Tokyo.
FIRST TIME HERE: JAPAN was created as a pilot. The teaser for the South Africa episode at the end is there to make the pilot feel like a full episode of the show we hope to continue making. The footage in South Africa was actually shot as a screen test for Emily, who had never been on camera before.
FIRST TIME HERE: JAPAN was filmed during the Spring 2012 voyage of Semester at Sea. For more information about the Semester At Sea visit http://www.semesteratsea.org.
Shot, Directed, and Edited by: Adam J Bianchi
Starring: Josh Best and Emily Volkmann
- published: 04 Feb 2013
- views: 931772
Japan Travel Cost: Accommodation in JAPAN #3: Japan Travel Guide
Japan Travel Cost: Accommodations in Japan #3: Japan Travel Guide http://youtu.be/d4YrT8UceUU
Accommodations in Japan #3!
I talk about 3 more unique type of ac...
Japan Travel Cost: Accommodations in Japan #3: Japan Travel Guide http://youtu.be/d4YrT8UceUU
Accommodations in Japan #3!
I talk about 3 more unique type of accommodation in Japan in this video!
Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA.
I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to know about Japan and plan to travel or trip to Japan!
Well, in this video, I talk about 3 unique types of accommodation in Japan
1. 24 Hour Baths -1:10
Oedo Onsen Monogatari at Odaiba, Tokyo
The link of the plan I mentioned in the videso:
But they don’t have English site for it.
So, if you are interested in the plan please contact me.
LaQua at Tokyo Dome City, Tokyo
Spa World at Ebisu higashi, Osaka
2. Love Hotel – 2:26
3. Camping in Japan – 4:29
★Watch the Series of Accommodation in JAPAN!
Japan travel cost: Accommodation in JAPAN #1: Japan Travel Guide
Japan travel cost: Accommodation in JAPAN #2 Japan Travel Guide
Japan travel cost: Accommodation in JAPAN #4 Japan Travel Guide
Japan travel cost: Accommodation in JAPAN #5 Japan Travel Guide
I’m offering the info about traveling to Japan and working as a guide.
If you’re interested in, Please send me an e-mail!!!
Thank you so much for watching travel video by Experience JAPAN with YUKA.
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Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss my next exploration.
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Japan Travel Cost: Accommodations in Japan #3: Japan Travel Guide http://youtu.be/d4YrT8UceUU
Japan travel cost, cost of traveling japan, accommodation in japan, 24 hour baths in japan, love hotel in japan, camping in japan, urban camping in japan, hotel in japan, Japanese style inn Japanese culture, Japanese holiday, Japanese holidays, Japan travel, travel japan, japan travel guide, Japan tourism, japan trip, trip to Japan, facts in japan, things to do in japan, Japanese girl, Japan guide, Travel japan guide, Travel japan tips, Travel japan blog, Japan travel blog, Japan travel info, Experience JAPAN with YUKA, YUKA
Japan Travel Cost: Accommodations in Japan #3: Japan Travel Guide http://youtu.be/d4YrT8UceUU
wn.com/Japan Travel Cost Accommodation In Japan 3 Japan Travel Guide
Japan Travel Cost: Accommodations in Japan #3: Japan Travel Guide http://youtu.be/d4YrT8UceUU
Accommodations in Japan #3!
I talk about 3 more unique type of accommodation in Japan in this video!
Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA.
I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to know about Japan and plan to travel or trip to Japan!
Well, in this video, I talk about 3 unique types of accommodation in Japan
1. 24 Hour Baths -1:10
Oedo Onsen Monogatari at Odaiba, Tokyo
The link of the plan I mentioned in the videso:
But they don’t have English site for it.
So, if you are interested in the plan please contact me.
LaQua at Tokyo Dome City, Tokyo
Spa World at Ebisu higashi, Osaka
2. Love Hotel – 2:26
3. Camping in Japan – 4:29
★Watch the Series of Accommodation in JAPAN!
Japan travel cost: Accommodation in JAPAN #1: Japan Travel Guide
Japan travel cost: Accommodation in JAPAN #2 Japan Travel Guide
Japan travel cost: Accommodation in JAPAN #4 Japan Travel Guide
Japan travel cost: Accommodation in JAPAN #5 Japan Travel Guide
I’m offering the info about traveling to Japan and working as a guide.
If you’re interested in, Please send me an e-mail!!!
Thank you so much for watching travel video by Experience JAPAN with YUKA.
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/expjpw
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/yuka_expjapan
My Blog: http://expja.com/ (coming up soon!)
Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss my next exploration.
You can subscribe right here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=expjpw
Japan Travel Cost: Accommodations in Japan #3: Japan Travel Guide http://youtu.be/d4YrT8UceUU
Japan travel cost, cost of traveling japan, accommodation in japan, 24 hour baths in japan, love hotel in japan, camping in japan, urban camping in japan, hotel in japan, Japanese style inn Japanese culture, Japanese holiday, Japanese holidays, Japan travel, travel japan, japan travel guide, Japan tourism, japan trip, trip to Japan, facts in japan, things to do in japan, Japanese girl, Japan guide, Travel japan guide, Travel japan tips, Travel japan blog, Japan travel blog, Japan travel info, Experience JAPAN with YUKA, YUKA
Japan Travel Cost: Accommodations in Japan #3: Japan Travel Guide http://youtu.be/d4YrT8UceUU
- published: 18 Feb 2015
- views: 5673
Kyoto City Video Guide | Expedia
Kyoto lies in Western Honshu, Japan’s main island. The imperial capital for over 1...
Kyoto lies in Western Honshu, Japan’s main island. The imperial capital for over 1,000 years, Kyoto is widely considered Japan’s most beautiful city.
Emerging from ultra-modern Kyoto Station, the city’s busy downtown area can come as a shock. Yet old Kyoto is never far away.
Just to the east is Gion, where you’ll catch glimpses of the geisha, the very embodiment of old Kyoto. Further east, amid narrow alleyways like Ishibe Koji, you’ll find traditional Kyoto-style houses and some of the city’s finest Ryokan.
Just a rickshaw ride away, are the traffic-free streets of Sannen-zaka and Ninen-zaka, where teahouses line the routes to nearby hilltop temples.
Kyoto is known as “the city of 10,000 shrines”. There are places of spacious austerity, such as the Heian Shrine, and intimate places, such as the Shorenin Temple. There are temples dominated by stone, such as the Kiyomizadera, and others, such as Tofukuji, which are crafted from ancient timbers.
Kodai Temple features a raked gravel garden, which represents the infinite ocean, while Nanzenji, sits within the shade of a 19th- century aqueduct. Nothing quite compares to Fushimi Inari-taisha, which spans an entire mountainside and features a path lined with 10,000 tori gates.
You’ll find old Kyoto in the palace grounds of Nijo Castle, and in the fleeting cherry blossom season. It resides in the ethereal light of the Bamboo Forest of Arashiyama and in the Zen-like calm of the city’s monkeys. And it can certainly be found as evening falls and the city lights up like a living lantern.
wn.com/Kyoto City Video Guide | Expedia
Kyoto lies in Western Honshu, Japan’s main island. The imperial capital for over 1,000 years, Kyoto is widely considered Japan’s most beautiful city.
Emerging from ultra-modern Kyoto Station, the city’s busy downtown area can come as a shock. Yet old Kyoto is never far away.
Just to the east is Gion, where you’ll catch glimpses of the geisha, the very embodiment of old Kyoto. Further east, amid narrow alleyways like Ishibe Koji, you’ll find traditional Kyoto-style houses and some of the city’s finest Ryokan.
Just a rickshaw ride away, are the traffic-free streets of Sannen-zaka and Ninen-zaka, where teahouses line the routes to nearby hilltop temples.
Kyoto is known as “the city of 10,000 shrines”. There are places of spacious austerity, such as the Heian Shrine, and intimate places, such as the Shorenin Temple. There are temples dominated by stone, such as the Kiyomizadera, and others, such as Tofukuji, which are crafted from ancient timbers.
Kodai Temple features a raked gravel garden, which represents the infinite ocean, while Nanzenji, sits within the shade of a 19th- century aqueduct. Nothing quite compares to Fushimi Inari-taisha, which spans an entire mountainside and features a path lined with 10,000 tori gates.
You’ll find old Kyoto in the palace grounds of Nijo Castle, and in the fleeting cherry blossom season. It resides in the ethereal light of the Bamboo Forest of Arashiyama and in the Zen-like calm of the city’s monkeys. And it can certainly be found as evening falls and the city lights up like a living lantern.
- published: 30 Jan 2015
- views: 739
5 Days in Japan: Tokyo, Harajuku, Shibuya, Fuji & Hakkone
Join me on my 5 day travel across Japan! We'll gaze at Mount Fuji, soak in onsens, have sashimi boats, scream from world record holdin' rollercoasters and lose ...
Join me on my 5 day travel across Japan! We'll gaze at Mount Fuji, soak in onsens, have sashimi boats, scream from world record holdin' rollercoasters and lose ourselves watching the scramble of the Shibuya crossing.
Find me on Twitter:
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I also blog:
... and vlog!
...and talk about food!
wn.com/5 Days In Japan Tokyo, Harajuku, Shibuya, Fuji Hakkone
Join me on my 5 day travel across Japan! We'll gaze at Mount Fuji, soak in onsens, have sashimi boats, scream from world record holdin' rollercoasters and lose ourselves watching the scramble of the Shibuya crossing.
Find me on Twitter:
Find me on Facebook:
I love Instagram:
I also blog:
... and vlog!
...and talk about food!
- published: 04 Aug 2015
- views: 31
Japanese BEER: Things you should try in Japan: Japan Travel Guide
Japanese Beer: Things you should try in Japan: Japan Travel Guide
I talk about Japanese Beer.
Welcome to Experience Japan with YU...
Japanese Beer: Things you should try in Japan: Japan Travel Guide
I talk about Japanese Beer.
Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA.
I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to know about Japan and plan to travel or trip to Japan!
I explain “Japanese Beer”.
In this video, I explain about Japanese Beer. There are 3 types of beers in Japan. Normal beer, Happoshu and the third beer.
Normal beers must use malt as much as 2/3 or more and happoshu use less than that. Because of that, selling price is set low compare to normal beers.
The third beer is the name of a new kind of alcoholic beverage. It tastes like beer, but is brewed fromingredients other than malt. The third-category beer uses various ingredients such as peas, soybeans, corn and so on, instead of malt.
And of course, the third beers are cheaper than Haposhu.
In Japan, alcohol tax for beer is based the percentage of malt used, and not the percentage of alcohol. So the less malt is used, the less tax is imposed.
So, normal beers, which use malt to brew, their price is high and haposhu is less than that and the third beers are cheapest.
Also, we have functional beers.
We have zero calories, restricted carbohydrate or no carbohydrate. Plus beers contain no purine. So, you can enjoy beers even though you’re on diet!
★ Normal Beers : 189 yen - 215 yen
★ Happoshu : 135 yen - 141 yen
★ The third Beer : 103 yen - 122 yen
Price changes depending on stores. BTW I got them at the supermarket in my neighborhood.
Thank you so much for watching travel video by Experience JAPAN with YUKA.
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/expjpw
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/yuka_expjapan
My Blog: http://expja.com/ (coming up soon!)
Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss my next exploration.
You can subscribe right here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=expjpw
Japanese Beer: Things you should try in Japan: Japan Travel Guide
Japanese beer, sapporo beer, asahi beer, Japanese culture, Japan travel, travel japan, japan travel guide, Japan tourism, japan trip, things to do in japan, Japanese girl, Japan guide, Travel japan guide, Travel japan tips, Travel japan blog, Japan travel blog, Japan travel info, Travel Japanese, Japanese travel, learn Japanese, Experience JAPAN with YUKA, YUKA
Japanese Beer: Things you should try in Japan: Japan Travel Guide
wn.com/Japanese Beer Things You Should Try In Japan Japan Travel Guide
Japanese Beer: Things you should try in Japan: Japan Travel Guide
I talk about Japanese Beer.
Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA.
I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to know about Japan and plan to travel or trip to Japan!
I explain “Japanese Beer”.
In this video, I explain about Japanese Beer. There are 3 types of beers in Japan. Normal beer, Happoshu and the third beer.
Normal beers must use malt as much as 2/3 or more and happoshu use less than that. Because of that, selling price is set low compare to normal beers.
The third beer is the name of a new kind of alcoholic beverage. It tastes like beer, but is brewed fromingredients other than malt. The third-category beer uses various ingredients such as peas, soybeans, corn and so on, instead of malt.
And of course, the third beers are cheaper than Haposhu.
In Japan, alcohol tax for beer is based the percentage of malt used, and not the percentage of alcohol. So the less malt is used, the less tax is imposed.
So, normal beers, which use malt to brew, their price is high and haposhu is less than that and the third beers are cheapest.
Also, we have functional beers.
We have zero calories, restricted carbohydrate or no carbohydrate. Plus beers contain no purine. So, you can enjoy beers even though you’re on diet!
★ Normal Beers : 189 yen - 215 yen
★ Happoshu : 135 yen - 141 yen
★ The third Beer : 103 yen - 122 yen
Price changes depending on stores. BTW I got them at the supermarket in my neighborhood.
Thank you so much for watching travel video by Experience JAPAN with YUKA.
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/expjpw
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/yuka_expjapan
My Blog: http://expja.com/ (coming up soon!)
Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss my next exploration.
You can subscribe right here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=expjpw
Japanese Beer: Things you should try in Japan: Japan Travel Guide
Japanese beer, sapporo beer, asahi beer, Japanese culture, Japan travel, travel japan, japan travel guide, Japan tourism, japan trip, things to do in japan, Japanese girl, Japan guide, Travel japan guide, Travel japan tips, Travel japan blog, Japan travel blog, Japan travel info, Travel Japanese, Japanese travel, learn Japanese, Experience JAPAN with YUKA, YUKA
Japanese Beer: Things you should try in Japan: Japan Travel Guide
- published: 12 Nov 2014
- views: 30
Sapporo Japan Travel Guide
A travel guide for Sapporo Japan - the capital of Japan's northern island state of Hokkaido. Highlights include the Clock Tower, Odori Park, Sapporo TV Tower......
A travel guide for Sapporo Japan - the capital of Japan's northern island state of Hokkaido. Highlights include the Clock Tower, Odori Park, Sapporo TV Tower...
wn.com/Sapporo Japan Travel Guide
A travel guide for Sapporo Japan - the capital of Japan's northern island state of Hokkaido. Highlights include the Clock Tower, Odori Park, Sapporo TV Tower...
APEC business summit, Tsang sots, arrivals
AP Television News
1. Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang walking onto stage
2. Wide shot of conference hall
3. Close shot of sign reading (English) "APEC JAPAN 2010"
4. SOUNDBITE (English): Donald Tsang, Chief Executive of Hong Kong:
"Please don't think that I am overly optimistic about the recovery. On the contrary, I'm pretty much concerned about impact of the US second round of qua
Yokohama APEC 2010 (Prof. Yorizumi Watanabe, Keio University)
TITLE: Yokohama APEC 2010 Copyright NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) All rights reserved. THIS VIDEO IS USED FOR RESEARCH AND EDUCATION.
httprtvm gov ph APEC Leaders Photo
http://rtvm.gov.ph Yokohama Conference Center Yokohama, Japan 13 November 2010 The APEC Heads of State posed for their official photograph during the 18th AP...
APEC Panel.wmv
Panel: Bridging from APEC 2010 Japan to APEC 2011 USA in Hawaii. Hawaii Symposium: The Road Ahead for U.S.-Japan Collaboration in the Asia Pacific Region hel...
Women Leaders Speak at APEC Women's Entrepreneurship Summit 2010
October 1, 2010 (Gifu, Japan) Nine women leaders speak about the importance of female entrepreneurship and women's participation in the economy at the APEC W...
Pacita Juan Interview APEC Women's Entrepreneurship Summit 2010
Pacita Juan, President of Women's Business Council of the Philippines, talks about women entrepreneurs at APEC Women's Entrepreneurship Summit in Gifu, Japan...
Elizabeth Vazquez Interview APEC Women's Entrepreneurship Summit 2010
Elizabeth Vazquez, CEO and Co-Founder of WeConnect International, talks about women entrepreneurs at APEC Women's Entrepreneurship Summit in Gifu, Japan. Oct...
Asako Hoshino Interview APEC Women's Entrepreneurship Summit 2010
Asako Hoshino, Corporate Vice President of Nissan Motor Co., talks about women entrepreneurs at APEC Women's Entrepreneurship Summit in Gifu, Japan. October ...
Beth Brooke Interview APEC Women's Entrepreneurship Summit 2010
Beth Brooke, Global Vice Chair of Public Policy, Sustainability and Stakeholder Engagement of Ernst & Young, talks about women entrepreneurs at APEC Women's ...
JUNK APEC Yokohama Japan 13 Nov 2010
APEC Japan-P-Noy Speech in Yokohama,Japan
President Noynoy Aquino speech In Yokohama Futaba highschool during APEC Japan.
2010年APEC横浜・警備・白バイ隊員(Japanese Policebike)・交差点で交通整理・・・朝の風景
赤レンガ倉庫から 2010・11・14
APEC business summit, Tsang sots, arrivals
AP Television News
1. Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang walking onto stage
2. Wide shot of conference hall
3. Close shot of sign reading (English) "A...
AP Television News
1. Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang walking onto stage
2. Wide shot of conference hall
3. Close shot of sign reading (English) "APEC JAPAN 2010"
4. SOUNDBITE (English): Donald Tsang, Chief Executive of Hong Kong:
"Please don't think that I am overly optimistic about the recovery. On the contrary, I'm pretty much concerned about impact of the US second round of quantitative easing on Asian economies. We may be out of the eye of the storm, but we certainly still remain in a danger zone. The global financial crisis has exposed some raw nerves - of globalisation, and the vulnerability of our system in the 21st century."
5. Wide cutaway of audience
6. Tsang walking back to seat
7. Pan of delegates on stage
8. SOUNDBITE (English): Donald Tsang, Chief Executive of Hong Kong:
"So the greatest challenge I can see now is, while the recovery is taking place in America, and that will be a long slow grind if I may say so, you can see rapidly emerging bubbles in different pockets of Asia. And if any one of these bubbles burst, in whatever countries we have in here, whether it is in the securities market, or whether it is in the property market, it will be highly infectious. And the end result is, you can see a second wave, representing a different style in Asia, similar to the one we had in 1997-1998. When there was a over exuberance in our market - and that is exactly the case now."
9. Pull focus from audience to video monitor on camera
10. SOUNDBITE (English): Donald Tsang, Chief Executive of Hong Kong
"Banks I think are out of the woods now because of the regulations that we have now imposed on banks throughout Asia by all countries. That seems to be all right. But a major institution suffering a shock either through currency trade - either through currency volatilities, or because of raw materials, or even the loss of a major order, they've got into trouble, and then it will reflect in the stock values, and suddenly you can see a tsunami starting."
11. Audience taking photos
12. Wide shot of conference hall
13. Wide of plane
14. Chilean President Sebastian Pinera and First Lady Cecilia Morel getting out of plane and walking down steps
15. Wide of delegation welcoming Pinera at airport
16. Pinera shaking hands with delegates
17. Wide of crowd
18. Wide of Pinera getting into car
19. Wide of convoy leaving airport
AP Television News
20. Wide exterior of venue of APEC meetings with security perimeter
21. Wide of police checkpoint
22. Police vans patrolling street
23. Wide of police directing traffic
24. Wide of police barricades
25. Mid of policewoman
26. Close-up of policeman with face mask
27. Wide of street police barricade
28. Close-up of APEC sign
29. Wide of car being checked, as policeman closes accordion fence
As APEC Leaders arrived in Yokohama amongst high security, attention was being focused on whether they would be able to resolve any of the disagreements over economic policy that appear not to have been overcome at the G20 meet in South Korea.
Before the leaders summit on the weekend, some delegates were explaining their concerns at the CEO summit held on the fringes of APEC in Yokohama.
The Chief Executive of the Asian financial hub of Hong Kong had some words of warning for those who think that the dangers of the financial crisis are receding into the past, saying that the possibility of an economic "tsunami" was a real danger - and a challenge to avert.
Mr Tsang joined those who see a new threat to stability in the recent decision by the United States Federal Reserve to buy 600 (b) billion dollars in US Treasuries by June. China, Brazil, Germany and South Africa also voiced their strong objection.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/e379bf259c5735ff36d8d68bfeb2ed47
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/Apec Business Summit, Tsang Sots, Arrivals
AP Television News
1. Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang walking onto stage
2. Wide shot of conference hall
3. Close shot of sign reading (English) "APEC JAPAN 2010"
4. SOUNDBITE (English): Donald Tsang, Chief Executive of Hong Kong:
"Please don't think that I am overly optimistic about the recovery. On the contrary, I'm pretty much concerned about impact of the US second round of quantitative easing on Asian economies. We may be out of the eye of the storm, but we certainly still remain in a danger zone. The global financial crisis has exposed some raw nerves - of globalisation, and the vulnerability of our system in the 21st century."
5. Wide cutaway of audience
6. Tsang walking back to seat
7. Pan of delegates on stage
8. SOUNDBITE (English): Donald Tsang, Chief Executive of Hong Kong:
"So the greatest challenge I can see now is, while the recovery is taking place in America, and that will be a long slow grind if I may say so, you can see rapidly emerging bubbles in different pockets of Asia. And if any one of these bubbles burst, in whatever countries we have in here, whether it is in the securities market, or whether it is in the property market, it will be highly infectious. And the end result is, you can see a second wave, representing a different style in Asia, similar to the one we had in 1997-1998. When there was a over exuberance in our market - and that is exactly the case now."
9. Pull focus from audience to video monitor on camera
10. SOUNDBITE (English): Donald Tsang, Chief Executive of Hong Kong
"Banks I think are out of the woods now because of the regulations that we have now imposed on banks throughout Asia by all countries. That seems to be all right. But a major institution suffering a shock either through currency trade - either through currency volatilities, or because of raw materials, or even the loss of a major order, they've got into trouble, and then it will reflect in the stock values, and suddenly you can see a tsunami starting."
11. Audience taking photos
12. Wide shot of conference hall
13. Wide of plane
14. Chilean President Sebastian Pinera and First Lady Cecilia Morel getting out of plane and walking down steps
15. Wide of delegation welcoming Pinera at airport
16. Pinera shaking hands with delegates
17. Wide of crowd
18. Wide of Pinera getting into car
19. Wide of convoy leaving airport
AP Television News
20. Wide exterior of venue of APEC meetings with security perimeter
21. Wide of police checkpoint
22. Police vans patrolling street
23. Wide of police directing traffic
24. Wide of police barricades
25. Mid of policewoman
26. Close-up of policeman with face mask
27. Wide of street police barricade
28. Close-up of APEC sign
29. Wide of car being checked, as policeman closes accordion fence
As APEC Leaders arrived in Yokohama amongst high security, attention was being focused on whether they would be able to resolve any of the disagreements over economic policy that appear not to have been overcome at the G20 meet in South Korea.
Before the leaders summit on the weekend, some delegates were explaining their concerns at the CEO summit held on the fringes of APEC in Yokohama.
The Chief Executive of the Asian financial hub of Hong Kong had some words of warning for those who think that the dangers of the financial crisis are receding into the past, saying that the possibility of an economic "tsunami" was a real danger - and a challenge to avert.
Mr Tsang joined those who see a new threat to stability in the recent decision by the United States Federal Reserve to buy 600 (b) billion dollars in US Treasuries by June. China, Brazil, Germany and South Africa also voiced their strong objection.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/e379bf259c5735ff36d8d68bfeb2ed47
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- published: 30 Jul 2015
- views: 0
Yokohama APEC 2010 (Prof. Yorizumi Watanabe, Keio University)
TITLE: Yokohama APEC 2010 Copyright NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) All rights reserved. THIS VIDEO IS USED FOR RESEARCH AND EDUCATION....
TITLE: Yokohama APEC 2010 Copyright NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) All rights reserved. THIS VIDEO IS USED FOR RESEARCH AND EDUCATION.
wn.com/Yokohama Apec 2010 (Prof. Yorizumi Watanabe, Keio University)
TITLE: Yokohama APEC 2010 Copyright NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) All rights reserved. THIS VIDEO IS USED FOR RESEARCH AND EDUCATION.
httprtvm gov ph APEC Leaders Photo
http://rtvm.gov.ph Yokohama Conference Center Yokohama, Japan 13 November 2010 The APEC Heads of State posed for their official photograph during the 18th AP......
http://rtvm.gov.ph Yokohama Conference Center Yokohama, Japan 13 November 2010 The APEC Heads of State posed for their official photograph during the 18th AP...
wn.com/Httprtvm Gov Ph Apec Leaders Photo
http://rtvm.gov.ph Yokohama Conference Center Yokohama, Japan 13 November 2010 The APEC Heads of State posed for their official photograph during the 18th AP...
APEC Panel.wmv
Panel: Bridging from APEC 2010 Japan to APEC 2011 USA in Hawaii. Hawaii Symposium: The Road Ahead for U.S.-Japan Collaboration in the Asia Pacific Region hel......
Panel: Bridging from APEC 2010 Japan to APEC 2011 USA in Hawaii. Hawaii Symposium: The Road Ahead for U.S.-Japan Collaboration in the Asia Pacific Region hel...
wn.com/Apec Panel.Wmv
Panel: Bridging from APEC 2010 Japan to APEC 2011 USA in Hawaii. Hawaii Symposium: The Road Ahead for U.S.-Japan Collaboration in the Asia Pacific Region hel...
Women Leaders Speak at APEC Women's Entrepreneurship Summit 2010
October 1, 2010 (Gifu, Japan) Nine women leaders speak about the importance of female entrepreneurship and women's participation in the economy at the APEC W......
October 1, 2010 (Gifu, Japan) Nine women leaders speak about the importance of female entrepreneurship and women's participation in the economy at the APEC W...
wn.com/Women Leaders Speak At Apec Women's Entrepreneurship Summit 2010
October 1, 2010 (Gifu, Japan) Nine women leaders speak about the importance of female entrepreneurship and women's participation in the economy at the APEC W...
Pacita Juan Interview APEC Women's Entrepreneurship Summit 2010
Pacita Juan, President of Women's Business Council of the Philippines, talks about women entrepreneurs at APEC Women's Entrepreneurship Summit in Gifu, Japan......
Pacita Juan, President of Women's Business Council of the Philippines, talks about women entrepreneurs at APEC Women's Entrepreneurship Summit in Gifu, Japan...
wn.com/Pacita Juan Interview Apec Women's Entrepreneurship Summit 2010
Pacita Juan, President of Women's Business Council of the Philippines, talks about women entrepreneurs at APEC Women's Entrepreneurship Summit in Gifu, Japan...
Elizabeth Vazquez Interview APEC Women's Entrepreneurship Summit 2010
Elizabeth Vazquez, CEO and Co-Founder of WeConnect International, talks about women entrepreneurs at APEC Women's Entrepreneurship Summit in Gifu, Japan. Oct......
Elizabeth Vazquez, CEO and Co-Founder of WeConnect International, talks about women entrepreneurs at APEC Women's Entrepreneurship Summit in Gifu, Japan. Oct...
wn.com/Elizabeth Vazquez Interview Apec Women's Entrepreneurship Summit 2010
Elizabeth Vazquez, CEO and Co-Founder of WeConnect International, talks about women entrepreneurs at APEC Women's Entrepreneurship Summit in Gifu, Japan. Oct...
Asako Hoshino Interview APEC Women's Entrepreneurship Summit 2010
Asako Hoshino, Corporate Vice President of Nissan Motor Co., talks about women entrepreneurs at APEC Women's Entrepreneurship Summit in Gifu, Japan. October ......
Asako Hoshino, Corporate Vice President of Nissan Motor Co., talks about women entrepreneurs at APEC Women's Entrepreneurship Summit in Gifu, Japan. October ...
wn.com/Asako Hoshino Interview Apec Women's Entrepreneurship Summit 2010
Asako Hoshino, Corporate Vice President of Nissan Motor Co., talks about women entrepreneurs at APEC Women's Entrepreneurship Summit in Gifu, Japan. October ...
Beth Brooke Interview APEC Women's Entrepreneurship Summit 2010
Beth Brooke, Global Vice Chair of Public Policy, Sustainability and Stakeholder Engagement of Ernst & Young, talks about women entrepreneurs at APEC Women's ......
Beth Brooke, Global Vice Chair of Public Policy, Sustainability and Stakeholder Engagement of Ernst & Young, talks about women entrepreneurs at APEC Women's ...
wn.com/Beth Brooke Interview Apec Women's Entrepreneurship Summit 2010
Beth Brooke, Global Vice Chair of Public Policy, Sustainability and Stakeholder Engagement of Ernst & Young, talks about women entrepreneurs at APEC Women's ...
APEC Japan-P-Noy Speech in Yokohama,Japan
President Noynoy Aquino speech In Yokohama Futaba highschool during APEC Japan....
President Noynoy Aquino speech In Yokohama Futaba highschool during APEC Japan.
wn.com/Apec Japan P Noy Speech In Yokohama,Japan
President Noynoy Aquino speech In Yokohama Futaba highschool during APEC Japan.
2010年APEC横浜・警備・白バイ隊員(Japanese Policebike)・交差点で交通整理・・・朝の風景
赤レンガ倉庫から 2010・11・14...
2010年APEC横浜・警備・白バイ隊員(Japanese Policebike)・交差点で交通整理・・・朝の風景
赤レンガ倉庫から 2010・11・14
2010年APEC横浜・警備・白バイ隊員(Japanese Policebike)・交差点で交通整理・・・朝の風景
赤レンガ倉庫から 2010・11・14
- published: 14 Nov 2010
- views: 2490
143 【ライブ】APEC横浜 閣僚会議が開幕 2010/11/10 放送
ゲスト:荒川 雄一 IFA JAPAN/国際フィナンシャルコンサルタント テーマ:「世界中の優良ファンドを知る!」
APEC, CEO 2010: Conferencia de prensa sobre Cumbre - Presidente Calderón
Yokohama, Japón, 14 de noviembre del 2010.- El Presidente Felipe Calderón Hinojosa concedió una Conferencia a medios de comunicación, después de su participa...
2014 APEC Micromouse Contest Cam#2, Full Length.
Entries Order: 1. PicOne Turbo, UK 2. MiniTaur, University of Portland, USA 3. MM-7A, Japan 4. Tsubasa, Taiwan 5. MITEE13, MIT, USA 6. Turtle 32U, Taiwan 7. ...
2010 Middle East Institute - Regionalising a Region - A new (APEC) Model as a solution to the ,,,
SPEAKER : Dr Malik Dahlan SYNOPSIS : Regionalising a Region - A new (APEC) Model as a solution to the problems of the Middle East? DATE : 15 October 2010 TIM...
Tianjin 2010- America In the Asian Century
http://www.weforum.org/ September 14, 2010 America in the Asian Century Its tenuous recovery from the Great Recession as well as uncertainty in Iraq and Afgh...
2014 APEC(28th) Micromouse Contest Final, USA
The 28th APEC Micromouse Contest took place at Fort Worth Convention Center, Fort Worth, Taxes, USA on March 17th, 2014.
Development and Transition: Lessons from China
The 2010 N. T. Wang Annual Lecture featured Justin Lin, chief economist of the World Bank, speaking on "Development and Transition: Lessons from China." This...
CrossTalk: APEC Century
Will world leaders gathering in Vladivostok come up with an energy roadmap by the end of this week? Will they make any significant decisions or announcements...
APEC Panel II: Beyond Trade: APEC's Role in Regional Cooperation
Moderator Norman Mineta and panel participants Gary Hufbauer, Kazumasa Iwata, Peter Petri, and Kurt Tong discuss APEC's role in regional cooperation on clima...
Overview of U.S.-Japan Innovations.wmv
U.S.-Japan Innovations Panel at the Hawaii Symposium: The Road Ahead to U.S.-Japan Collaboration in the Asia Pacific Region held on December 3rd, 2010 at the...
Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at 2011 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton delivers remarks to open the first Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) of the 2011 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperatio...
APEC Re Union 2014
Adhipara Sakthi Engineering College Batch 94 Reunion
Open Source technologies for Ocean, Space, and Climate Change
What are the similarities and differences between ocean and space? Which is more important? What is open source technologies? What is citizen science? These are relatively new concepts to us in Hong Kong but these are t
HANDs! Project in Indonesia by The Japan Foundation Asia Center ft. Riri Riza - ARENA123 TVRI (1/2)
HANDs! or Hope and Dreams Project is a biannual youth exchange program, initiated by The Japan Foundation Asia Center. The HANDs! Project is connecting youths (university students and young professionals), from Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and India. These youths, is learning about disaster education in Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand. They also will have a
茂木守 全国農業協同組合中央会 会長2010.11.26
MOTEKI Mamoru , Japan Agricultural Co-operatives JA-ZENCHU 全国農業協同組合中央会 茂木守会長が、農業の今後の展望や政府の進める環太平洋パートナーシップ協定(TPP)について、全中の基本的な考えを語り、質疑応答では同席した冨士重夫専務理事も質問に答えた。 ...
El Presidente Felipe Calderón durante la Cumbre de APEC CEO Summit 2012
Vladivostok, Rusia, 7 de septiembre de 2012. Cumbre de APEC CEO Summit 2012, con el tema: De Los Cabos a Vladivostok: El impacto del G20 en el crecimiento de...
Senior Official Wang Delivers a Readout of the APEC Senior Officials Meeting
U.S. Senior Official for APEC Robert S. Wang delivers a readout of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Senior Officials Meeting in Ningbo, China at ...
APEC CEO Summit 2013 - Session 3
APEC CEO Summit 2013 - Session 3 "The Outlook for Global Growth: Evaluating Future Prospects" President Sebastián Piñera of Chile in dialogue with: M. Chatib...
APEC CEO Summit 2013 - Session 6
APEC CEO Summit 2013 - Session 6 "The Business of Innovation: Why does It Matter?" Summit Keynote Address by President Park Geun-hye of the Republic of Korea...
APEC: Cerrando Brechas, Integrando Mercados.
Foro organizado por COMEXPERU en el Hotel Los Delfines el día 7 de diciembre de 2011. Tema tratado: "APEC: Su importancia para Abrir Mercados y Hacer Negocio...
NAPA 78: APEC para cooperar
NAPA 78: APEC para cooperar
143 【ライブ】APEC横浜 閣僚会議が開幕 2010/11/10 放送
ゲスト:荒川 雄一 IFA JAPAN/国際フィナンシャルコンサルタント テーマ:「世界中の優良ファンドを知る!」...
ゲスト:荒川 雄一 IFA JAPAN/国際フィナンシャルコンサルタント テーマ:「世界中の優良ファンドを知る!」
wn.com/143 【ライブ】Apec横浜 閣僚会議が開幕 2010 11 10 放送
ゲスト:荒川 雄一 IFA JAPAN/国際フィナンシャルコンサルタント テーマ:「世界中の優良ファンドを知る!」
APEC, CEO 2010: Conferencia de prensa sobre Cumbre - Presidente Calderón
Yokohama, Japón, 14 de noviembre del 2010.- El Presidente Felipe Calderón Hinojosa concedió una Conferencia a medios de comunicación, después de su participa......
Yokohama, Japón, 14 de noviembre del 2010.- El Presidente Felipe Calderón Hinojosa concedió una Conferencia a medios de comunicación, después de su participa...
wn.com/Apec, Ceo 2010 Conferencia De Prensa Sobre Cumbre Presidente Calderón
Yokohama, Japón, 14 de noviembre del 2010.- El Presidente Felipe Calderón Hinojosa concedió una Conferencia a medios de comunicación, después de su participa...
2014 APEC Micromouse Contest Cam#2, Full Length.
Entries Order: 1. PicOne Turbo, UK 2. MiniTaur, University of Portland, USA 3. MM-7A, Japan 4. Tsubasa, Taiwan 5. MITEE13, MIT, USA 6. Turtle 32U, Taiwan 7. ......
Entries Order: 1. PicOne Turbo, UK 2. MiniTaur, University of Portland, USA 3. MM-7A, Japan 4. Tsubasa, Taiwan 5. MITEE13, MIT, USA 6. Turtle 32U, Taiwan 7. ...
wn.com/2014 Apec Micromouse Contest Cam 2, Full Length.
Entries Order: 1. PicOne Turbo, UK 2. MiniTaur, University of Portland, USA 3. MM-7A, Japan 4. Tsubasa, Taiwan 5. MITEE13, MIT, USA 6. Turtle 32U, Taiwan 7. ...
- published: 18 Mar 2014
- views: 1280
author: Green ye
2010 Middle East Institute - Regionalising a Region - A new (APEC) Model as a solution to the ,,,
SPEAKER : Dr Malik Dahlan SYNOPSIS : Regionalising a Region - A new (APEC) Model as a solution to the problems of the Middle East? DATE : 15 October 2010 TIM......
SPEAKER : Dr Malik Dahlan SYNOPSIS : Regionalising a Region - A new (APEC) Model as a solution to the problems of the Middle East? DATE : 15 October 2010 TIM...
wn.com/2010 Middle East Institute Regionalising A Region A New (Apec) Model As A Solution To The ,,,
SPEAKER : Dr Malik Dahlan SYNOPSIS : Regionalising a Region - A new (APEC) Model as a solution to the problems of the Middle East? DATE : 15 October 2010 TIM...
- published: 29 Apr 2011
- views: 48
author: NUScast
Tianjin 2010- America In the Asian Century
http://www.weforum.org/ September 14, 2010 America in the Asian Century Its tenuous recovery from the Great Recession as well as uncertainty in Iraq and Afgh......
http://www.weforum.org/ September 14, 2010 America in the Asian Century Its tenuous recovery from the Great Recession as well as uncertainty in Iraq and Afgh...
wn.com/Tianjin 2010 America In The Asian Century
http://www.weforum.org/ September 14, 2010 America in the Asian Century Its tenuous recovery from the Great Recession as well as uncertainty in Iraq and Afgh...
2014 APEC(28th) Micromouse Contest Final, USA
The 28th APEC Micromouse Contest took place at Fort Worth Convention Center, Fort Worth, Taxes, USA on March 17th, 2014....
The 28th APEC Micromouse Contest took place at Fort Worth Convention Center, Fort Worth, Taxes, USA on March 17th, 2014.
wn.com/2014 Apec(28Th) Micromouse Contest Final, USA
The 28th APEC Micromouse Contest took place at Fort Worth Convention Center, Fort Worth, Taxes, USA on March 17th, 2014.
- published: 22 Mar 2014
- views: 176
Development and Transition: Lessons from China
The 2010 N. T. Wang Annual Lecture featured Justin Lin, chief economist of the World Bank, speaking on "Development and Transition: Lessons from China." This......
The 2010 N. T. Wang Annual Lecture featured Justin Lin, chief economist of the World Bank, speaking on "Development and Transition: Lessons from China." This...
wn.com/Development And Transition Lessons From China
The 2010 N. T. Wang Annual Lecture featured Justin Lin, chief economist of the World Bank, speaking on "Development and Transition: Lessons from China." This...
CrossTalk: APEC Century
Will world leaders gathering in Vladivostok come up with an energy roadmap by the end of this week? Will they make any significant decisions or announcements......
Will world leaders gathering in Vladivostok come up with an energy roadmap by the end of this week? Will they make any significant decisions or announcements...
wn.com/Crosstalk Apec Century
Will world leaders gathering in Vladivostok come up with an energy roadmap by the end of this week? Will they make any significant decisions or announcements...
- published: 03 Sep 2012
- views: 5241
author: RT
APEC Panel II: Beyond Trade: APEC's Role in Regional Cooperation
Moderator Norman Mineta and panel participants Gary Hufbauer, Kazumasa Iwata, Peter Petri, and Kurt Tong discuss APEC's role in regional cooperation on clima......
Moderator Norman Mineta and panel participants Gary Hufbauer, Kazumasa Iwata, Peter Petri, and Kurt Tong discuss APEC's role in regional cooperation on clima...
wn.com/Apec Panel Ii Beyond Trade Apec's Role In Regional Cooperation
Moderator Norman Mineta and panel participants Gary Hufbauer, Kazumasa Iwata, Peter Petri, and Kurt Tong discuss APEC's role in regional cooperation on clima...
- published: 13 Nov 2010
- views: 943
Overview of U.S.-Japan Innovations.wmv
U.S.-Japan Innovations Panel at the Hawaii Symposium: The Road Ahead to U.S.-Japan Collaboration in the Asia Pacific Region held on December 3rd, 2010 at the......
U.S.-Japan Innovations Panel at the Hawaii Symposium: The Road Ahead to U.S.-Japan Collaboration in the Asia Pacific Region held on December 3rd, 2010 at the...
wn.com/Overview Of U.S. Japan Innovations.Wmv
U.S.-Japan Innovations Panel at the Hawaii Symposium: The Road Ahead to U.S.-Japan Collaboration in the Asia Pacific Region held on December 3rd, 2010 at the...
Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at 2011 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton delivers remarks to open the first Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) of the 2011 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperatio......
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton delivers remarks to open the first Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) of the 2011 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperatio...
wn.com/Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks At 2011 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec)
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton delivers remarks to open the first Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) of the 2011 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperatio...
APEC Re Union 2014
Adhipara Sakthi Engineering College Batch 94 Reunion...
Adhipara Sakthi Engineering College Batch 94 Reunion
wn.com/Apec Re Union 2014
Adhipara Sakthi Engineering College Batch 94 Reunion
- published: 17 Aug 2014
- views: 309
Open Source technologies for Ocean, Space, and Climate Change
What are the similarities and differences between ocean and space? Which is more important? What is open source technologies? What is citizen science? These are relatively new concepts to us in Hong Kong but these are the trends that the world is moving towards to.
“The ocean is a responsive environment: the elixir of life, the amulet of space. We interact with space in an age of liquid realities populated by celestial bodies, interactive technologies, ecologies and embodied individuals seeking transcendence. Orbital perspectives, and space technologies, bring us back down to Earth. They highlight our fragility in the cosmos, and the importance of oceans for planetary health. We too are a body of water, and citizens of space. We must become one with the ocean, to understand how to survive as a species of a living, respiring planet in the Solar System. Space looks after itself.”
— Dr Sarah Jane Pell
3 short presentations, followed by a discussion with the audience :
1.Jordan Mc Rae (30 minutes) about his innovative research in ocean and space technologies.
2. Dr Sarah Jane Pell (15 minutes) about her extreme environment performances, expeditions and art works.
3. Cesar Jung-Harada (7 minutes) about citizen science, open technologies for the oceans in the context of Hong Kong education.
4. Questions and discussion (45 minutes)
== Jordan McRae ==
MakerBay's first Maker-in-residence. Founder and President of OCTO 23 Technologies, an invention firm focused on the development Space, Ocean, and Climate Change technologies. Jordan began his engineering career with Lockheed Martin Space Systems as an Algorithms Engineer on a distributed space robotics platform. In 2008, Jordan moved to Hong Kong to establish an R&D; facility for Humdinger Wind Energy and the research and design of the Windcell Panel, a modular non-turbine wind energy generator. In 2010 he co-founded B-Squares Electrics and led the development of B-Squares, a modular electronic systems, which went on to be one of Kickstarter's top 10 funded projects that year.
Inspired by inventors such as Jacques Cousteau, Leonardo De Vinci, Nicolas Tesla, etc. Jordan is continuously intrigued by the convergence of invention, engineering, art, and philosophy. OCTO23 is currently focused on the development of the Ultrascope, an Open Source Automated Robotic Observatory (ARO), and OCTOtalk a smart diving mask for underwater communications and ocean conservation.
Jordan received his B.S. at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and his M.S. at Stanford University, both in the field of Aeroanutical/Astronautical Engineering with a focus in Robotics. More about Jordan in an interview.
== Dr Sarah Jane Pell==
Artist exploring themes of human-aquatic adaptation to other worlds. Research Fellow, RMIT University. Artist-Astronaut, Polar Suborbital Space Upper Mesosphere [PoSSUM]. Bending Horizons, Mt. Everest Expedition. Former Visiting Fellow, Exertion Games Lab. Co-Chair, European Space Agency Topical Team Art Science [ETTAS]. Commercial Diver. Principal, Aquabatics Research Team initiative [ARTi]. TED Fellow.
www.sarahjanepell.com @sarahjanepell
www.artistastronaut.com @aquabatics
www.bendinghorizons.com @bendinghorizons
== Cesar Jung-Harada ==
Director of Makerbay. Teacher of citizen science and invention, passionate about open source technologies for the environment. Cesar will talk about his experience with the Hong Kong Harbour School students on oil spill pollution in Bangladesh, plastic pollution in the ocean in Hong Kong and radioactivity around Fukushima, Japan. Inventor of Protei, the shape-shifting sailing robots, TED Senior Fellow, former MIT Project leader, Ars Electronica Golden Nica (Austria), APEC Maker Award (Beijing), GOOD100 2015. Cesar (France-Japan) studied at the Royal College of Arts in London (UK).
Get your ticket here: https://goo.gl/Z7LPEX
wn.com/Open Source Technologies For Ocean, Space, And Climate Change
What are the similarities and differences between ocean and space? Which is more important? What is open source technologies? What is citizen science? These are relatively new concepts to us in Hong Kong but these are the trends that the world is moving towards to.
“The ocean is a responsive environment: the elixir of life, the amulet of space. We interact with space in an age of liquid realities populated by celestial bodies, interactive technologies, ecologies and embodied individuals seeking transcendence. Orbital perspectives, and space technologies, bring us back down to Earth. They highlight our fragility in the cosmos, and the importance of oceans for planetary health. We too are a body of water, and citizens of space. We must become one with the ocean, to understand how to survive as a species of a living, respiring planet in the Solar System. Space looks after itself.”
— Dr Sarah Jane Pell
3 short presentations, followed by a discussion with the audience :
1.Jordan Mc Rae (30 minutes) about his innovative research in ocean and space technologies.
2. Dr Sarah Jane Pell (15 minutes) about her extreme environment performances, expeditions and art works.
3. Cesar Jung-Harada (7 minutes) about citizen science, open technologies for the oceans in the context of Hong Kong education.
4. Questions and discussion (45 minutes)
== Jordan McRae ==
MakerBay's first Maker-in-residence. Founder and President of OCTO 23 Technologies, an invention firm focused on the development Space, Ocean, and Climate Change technologies. Jordan began his engineering career with Lockheed Martin Space Systems as an Algorithms Engineer on a distributed space robotics platform. In 2008, Jordan moved to Hong Kong to establish an R&D; facility for Humdinger Wind Energy and the research and design of the Windcell Panel, a modular non-turbine wind energy generator. In 2010 he co-founded B-Squares Electrics and led the development of B-Squares, a modular electronic systems, which went on to be one of Kickstarter's top 10 funded projects that year.
Inspired by inventors such as Jacques Cousteau, Leonardo De Vinci, Nicolas Tesla, etc. Jordan is continuously intrigued by the convergence of invention, engineering, art, and philosophy. OCTO23 is currently focused on the development of the Ultrascope, an Open Source Automated Robotic Observatory (ARO), and OCTOtalk a smart diving mask for underwater communications and ocean conservation.
Jordan received his B.S. at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and his M.S. at Stanford University, both in the field of Aeroanutical/Astronautical Engineering with a focus in Robotics. More about Jordan in an interview.
== Dr Sarah Jane Pell==
Artist exploring themes of human-aquatic adaptation to other worlds. Research Fellow, RMIT University. Artist-Astronaut, Polar Suborbital Space Upper Mesosphere [PoSSUM]. Bending Horizons, Mt. Everest Expedition. Former Visiting Fellow, Exertion Games Lab. Co-Chair, European Space Agency Topical Team Art Science [ETTAS]. Commercial Diver. Principal, Aquabatics Research Team initiative [ARTi]. TED Fellow.
www.sarahjanepell.com @sarahjanepell
www.artistastronaut.com @aquabatics
www.bendinghorizons.com @bendinghorizons
== Cesar Jung-Harada ==
Director of Makerbay. Teacher of citizen science and invention, passionate about open source technologies for the environment. Cesar will talk about his experience with the Hong Kong Harbour School students on oil spill pollution in Bangladesh, plastic pollution in the ocean in Hong Kong and radioactivity around Fukushima, Japan. Inventor of Protei, the shape-shifting sailing robots, TED Senior Fellow, former MIT Project leader, Ars Electronica Golden Nica (Austria), APEC Maker Award (Beijing), GOOD100 2015. Cesar (France-Japan) studied at the Royal College of Arts in London (UK).
Get your ticket here: https://goo.gl/Z7LPEX
- published: 25 Oct 2015
- views: 0
HANDs! Project in Indonesia by The Japan Foundation Asia Center ft. Riri Riza - ARENA123 TVRI (1/2)
HANDs! or Hope and Dreams Project is a biannual youth exchange program, initiated by The Japan Foundation Asia Center. The HANDs! Project is connecting youths (...
HANDs! or Hope and Dreams Project is a biannual youth exchange program, initiated by The Japan Foundation Asia Center. The HANDs! Project is connecting youths (university students and young professionals), from Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and India. These youths, is learning about disaster education in Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand. They also will have a chance for collaboration to create a project for the community.
In September 25 - 30, 2014, 24 participants from 6 countries visited Indonesia. They visited Jakarta and Yogyakarta, and met Indonesian film director Riri Riza and local NGOs to learn about disaster education in Indonesia.
wn.com/Hands Project In Indonesia By The Japan Foundation Asia Center Ft. Riri Riza Arena123 Tvri (1 2)
HANDs! or Hope and Dreams Project is a biannual youth exchange program, initiated by The Japan Foundation Asia Center. The HANDs! Project is connecting youths (university students and young professionals), from Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and India. These youths, is learning about disaster education in Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand. They also will have a chance for collaboration to create a project for the community.
In September 25 - 30, 2014, 24 participants from 6 countries visited Indonesia. They visited Jakarta and Yogyakarta, and met Indonesian film director Riri Riza and local NGOs to learn about disaster education in Indonesia.
- published: 06 Feb 2015
- views: 14
茂木守 全国農業協同組合中央会 会長2010.11.26
MOTEKI Mamoru , Japan Agricultural Co-operatives JA-ZENCHU 全国農業協同組合中央会 茂木守会長が、農業の今後の展望や政府の進める環太平洋パートナーシップ協定(TPP)について、全中の基本的な考えを語り、質疑応答では同席した冨士重夫専務理事も質問に答えた。 ......
MOTEKI Mamoru , Japan Agricultural Co-operatives JA-ZENCHU 全国農業協同組合中央会 茂木守会長が、農業の今後の展望や政府の進める環太平洋パートナーシップ協定(TPP)について、全中の基本的な考えを語り、質疑応答では同席した冨士重夫専務理事も質問に答えた。 ...
wn.com/茂木守 全国農業協同組合中央会 会長2010.11.26
MOTEKI Mamoru , Japan Agricultural Co-operatives JA-ZENCHU 全国農業協同組合中央会 茂木守会長が、農業の今後の展望や政府の進める環太平洋パートナーシップ協定(TPP)について、全中の基本的な考えを語り、質疑応答では同席した冨士重夫専務理事も質問に答えた。 ...
- published: 29 Nov 2010
- views: 1175
author: jnpc
El Presidente Felipe Calderón durante la Cumbre de APEC CEO Summit 2012
Vladivostok, Rusia, 7 de septiembre de 2012. Cumbre de APEC CEO Summit 2012, con el tema: De Los Cabos a Vladivostok: El impacto del G20 en el crecimiento de......
Vladivostok, Rusia, 7 de septiembre de 2012. Cumbre de APEC CEO Summit 2012, con el tema: De Los Cabos a Vladivostok: El impacto del G20 en el crecimiento de...
wn.com/El Presidente Felipe Calderón Durante La Cumbre De Apec Ceo Summit 2012
Vladivostok, Rusia, 7 de septiembre de 2012. Cumbre de APEC CEO Summit 2012, con el tema: De Los Cabos a Vladivostok: El impacto del G20 en el crecimiento de...
Senior Official Wang Delivers a Readout of the APEC Senior Officials Meeting
U.S. Senior Official for APEC Robert S. Wang delivers a readout of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Senior Officials Meeting in Ningbo, China at ......
U.S. Senior Official for APEC Robert S. Wang delivers a readout of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Senior Officials Meeting in Ningbo, China at ...
wn.com/Senior Official Wang Delivers A Readout Of The Apec Senior Officials Meeting
U.S. Senior Official for APEC Robert S. Wang delivers a readout of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Senior Officials Meeting in Ningbo, China at ...
APEC CEO Summit 2013 - Session 3
APEC CEO Summit 2013 - Session 3 "The Outlook for Global Growth: Evaluating Future Prospects" President Sebastián Piñera of Chile in dialogue with: M. Chatib......
APEC CEO Summit 2013 - Session 3 "The Outlook for Global Growth: Evaluating Future Prospects" President Sebastián Piñera of Chile in dialogue with: M. Chatib...
wn.com/Apec Ceo Summit 2013 Session 3
APEC CEO Summit 2013 - Session 3 "The Outlook for Global Growth: Evaluating Future Prospects" President Sebastián Piñera of Chile in dialogue with: M. Chatib...
APEC CEO Summit 2013 - Session 6
APEC CEO Summit 2013 - Session 6 "The Business of Innovation: Why does It Matter?" Summit Keynote Address by President Park Geun-hye of the Republic of Korea......
APEC CEO Summit 2013 - Session 6 "The Business of Innovation: Why does It Matter?" Summit Keynote Address by President Park Geun-hye of the Republic of Korea...
wn.com/Apec Ceo Summit 2013 Session 6
APEC CEO Summit 2013 - Session 6 "The Business of Innovation: Why does It Matter?" Summit Keynote Address by President Park Geun-hye of the Republic of Korea...
APEC: Cerrando Brechas, Integrando Mercados.
Foro organizado por COMEXPERU en el Hotel Los Delfines el día 7 de diciembre de 2011. Tema tratado: "APEC: Su importancia para Abrir Mercados y Hacer Negocio......
Foro organizado por COMEXPERU en el Hotel Los Delfines el día 7 de diciembre de 2011. Tema tratado: "APEC: Su importancia para Abrir Mercados y Hacer Negocio...
wn.com/Apec Cerrando Brechas, Integrando Mercados.
Foro organizado por COMEXPERU en el Hotel Los Delfines el día 7 de diciembre de 2011. Tema tratado: "APEC: Su importancia para Abrir Mercados y Hacer Negocio...
NAPA 78: APEC para cooperar
NAPA 78: APEC para cooperar...
NAPA 78: APEC para cooperar
wn.com/Napa 78 Apec Para Cooperar
NAPA 78: APEC para cooperar
- published: 21 Nov 2008
- views: 757